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Home Explore Institutional Health and Safety Plan 2020

Institutional Health and Safety Plan 2020

Published by vladimir laquindanum, 2020-09-21 20:04:10

Description: Institutional Health and Safety Plan 2020


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TA B L E OF CONTENTS Vision LPU-L and LPU-SC Policy on Workplace and Control of Covid-19 Mission Workplace and safety health Core Values Du�es of Employers and Employees Quality Policy Most at Risk Employees and Vulnerable Groups Message of the Chancellor LPU-L and LPU-St. Cabrini Occupa�onal Safety Social Distancing Guidelines at Work and Health Commi�ee Emergency Response Team Preven�ng the Spread of COVID-19 Emergency Preparedness Instruc�on What to do is a worker or member of the public What to do in case of fire believe they have been exposed to COVID-19? What to do in case of volcanic erup�on What to do in case of bomb threat What to do if a suspected carrier has What to do in case of earthquake recently been in your workplace? •Earthquake Drill Prepara�ons What to do when individuals in the workplace •Earthquake Drill Conduct have had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.? Accident Report Procedure Emergency Hotlines LPU-LAGUNA

LPU-L Vision, Mission, Core Values and Quality Policy VISION A leading, industry driven educa�onal ins�tu�on in the Philippines by 2024. MISSION Espousing the ideals of Jose P. Laurel (Truth and For�tude, For God and Country), LPU Laguna is commi�ed to provide a quality and industry-driven environment to develop integral individuals, leaders, and life-long learners who are globally compe��ve, imbued with God-Centeredness and a na�onalis�c spirit. QUALITY POLICY The Lyceum of the Philippines – Laguna (LPU-Laguna) is commi�ed to provide quality educa�on to its students in accordance with our mission of providing a quality and industry-driven environment for instruc�on, research, and social responsibility to develop integral individuals, leaders, and life-long learners who are work-ready and globally compe��ve, imbued with God-centeredness and na�onalis�c spirit. All our ac�vi�es comply with statutory and regulatory requirements of the government and accredi�ng agencies. All our teaching and learning processes, researches, innova�ons, community rela�ons, and professional exposures will be marked with excellence. Our academic and support services through effec�ve management and efficient governance are commi�ed to provide total stakeholder’s sa�sfac�on and learner’s value. LPU-Laguna further commits itself to the accomplishment of its strategic and quality objec�ves and the con�nual improvement of its processes and systems by establishing, implemen�ng and maintaining a docu- mented Quality Mangement System in compliance with ISO 9001:2015 requirements. CORE VALUES G – God Centeredness L – Leadership I – Integrity I – Innova�ve N – Na�onalism S – Service Orienta�on

Message of the Chancellor The Management wish to express its profound warmth in welcoming you back to LPU this academic year. As the new normal requires schools to allow education delivery more exible, let’s have a mindset that creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. Such a mindset will serve you well in the future, far beyond the timeline of a pandemic. This academic year will not be easy for us. There will be challenges, issues and concerns along the way. However, there will be more innovations in the new landscape of education. We are here to patiently support you throughout these challenging times. We are going to do our best to provide a learning environment to keep your minds moving forward. There have been changes to the policies and processes you are used to, so it is important that you familiarize yourself with these changes to ensure the successful completion of your studies. You must realize that in today’s unpredictable, complex, and ambiguous learning environment, perseverance and hard work is not enough. We hope that this Institutional Health and Safety Plan will serve as a resource to valuable information about our enhanced health and safety guidelines. It is extremely important that you read and become familiar with this information. DR. RAYMUNDO P. ARCEGA, CESE

LPU-Laguna Occupational Safety and Health Committee (OSH) The Safety and Health Committee is the planning and policy making The committee shall be composed of the following: group pertaining to Safety and Health. The principal duties of the (A) Chairman / Co Chairman committee are: - He / she is the over all in charge of the safety committee. • Plans and develops accident prevention programs for the (B) Safety O cer establishment. - Serves as the Secretary of the committee. • Directs the accident prevention e orts of the establishment in - Arrange the meeting of the committee. accordance with the safety programs safety performance and - Prepares minutes of meeting. government regulations in order to prevent accidents from - Update the committee about the status of safety in the company. occurring in the workplace. (C) Department Heads - Serves as an Adviser • Conducts safety meetings at least once a month. - Helps the committee / give suggestion for improvement of Safety • Reviews reports of inspection, accident investigations and program. implementation of program. (E) Committee Members / Representatives • Submits reports to the President or EVP on its meetings and - Coordinates with his/her Department/O ce the issue regarding activities. safety and health of the school. - In charge in the safety concerns of their respective Department / • Provides necessary assistance to government inspecting authorities in the proper conduct of their activities such as the O ce. enforcement of the provisions of this OSH Standards. - Relays to the Safety O cer any issues regarding safety. - Attend to safety issues especially during emergency situation. • Initiates and supervises safety training for employees. (F) Health Personnel (OH nurse, OH physician, OH dentist, Certi ed - Members shall be School Authorities, Employee Representative/s from each Department and Health First Aider) Personnel/s of the school. - In charge in the implementation of OH programs and policies. - Attend to medical and health related issues during emergency situations.

Emergency Response Team • Emergency Response Team shall be responsible to act if there is • Fire Brigade Team - deals with re and other related emergencies. an emergency. These emergencies are the following but not limit- Headed by ERT chairman and Assistant ERT chairman which act as ed to: Fire Marshall and Assistant Fire Marshall, respectively. a) In case of an Earthquake The team should be familiar with the di erent locations of the re hose b) In case of Fire cabinets. Lay out re hoses toward the re and is ready for possible • Being Headed by the ERT Chairman and Assistant Chairman. water extinguishment. Extinguish re by means of water if needed. • ERT Chairman Use of portable re extinguisher if it is possible and re is still in an early stage. Fire extinguisher should be located in strategic places. - In charge in the development and implementation of Emergen- After the capabilities of re extinguisher have been exhausted and re cy Response Team. is not yet controlled then use of water as extinguisher should be done ensuring electrical power supply has been shut o before spraying. - Leads the ERT team in the event of emergency. - Acts as Fire Marshall in the event of Fire. • Evacuation Team - responsible in guiding and leading their assigned • ERT Assistant Chairman group to designated evacuation area upon hearing the siren/alarm or Will give assistance to the ERT Chairman and to the team as a if there is an imminent danger. Responsible for head count to deter- whole. mine if there is a missing personnel or student who might be trapped Will act as a Chairman in his absence. inside the building. Anyone missing should immediately reported to Acts as Assistant Fire Marshall in the event of re. Search and Rescue Team by the Zone Captain. See to it the evacuation process is successfully completed and all personnel and students are in • ERT is divided into the following group: their designated area. • Fire Brigade Team • Evacuation Team • Search and Rescue Team • First Aid Team • Security and Communication Team • Salvage Team

• Search and Rescue Team - search the entire school facility, enter- Directs the tra c ow away from the disastrous scene. Advise ing only after they have checked the outside for signs of structural school Head on security matters. To call for outside assistance such damage and determined that it is safe to enter. as Fire Department, Police Department, additional medical assis- tance if needed. Prevent entry of unauthorized personnel. Search and Rescue team are responsible for ensuring all students and sta are evacuated from the building. • Salvage Team – are selected personnel whose main responsibilities (Or, if it is unsafe to move the persons, that their locations are are to save properties such as important documents and the likes. documented so that professional responders can locate them Should report to management the result of their retrieving activity. easily. Obtaining injury and missing student reports from respective Zone Captain of each building. • First Aid Team – provides immediate treatment and rst aid services. Sets up rst aid area for sta and students. Makes summa- ry of injury report if any. All casualties if any, must be given medical attention and if needed the stand by vehicle and driver must bring them to the nearest hospital. First Aider must be trained and certi ed by Philippine Red Cross. • Security and Communication – At the sound of the alarm/siren, notify the concerned parties who are involved in emergency situations thru whatever means available. Responsible for securing and conducting perimeter control.

E M E RG E N CY P R E PA R E D N E S S I N ST R U CT I O N S : What to do in case of re: What to do in case of Volcanic eruption: • Activate the building re alarm BEFORE: • In the absence of an alarm, alert teacher, school authorities or • Be aware of the distance of your location to an active volcano. security personnel. • Keep updated on the status of the impending volcanic eruption through • Stay calm and do not panic. reliable source. Ex: School Authorities, radio, TV, Local Authorities. • Once alarm is activated or heard, get out of the room and pro- • Prepare dust mask or clean cloth and goggles. ceed to the nearest emergency exit. • If possible, try to bring with you personal rst aid kit and medication • A member of Evacuation Team on each oor will guide students • Consider that you could be stuck in your vehicle, store emergency supplies and personnel towards the evacuation exit or to the emergency exits. in your vehicle. • Evacuate as directed and proceed to your DESIGNATED EVACU- • Be aware of location of evacuation areas. ATION AREA. • Walk do not run. DURING: • Never use an elevator during a re. • Stay Calm. Stay indoor. • If the re is in the early stage and can be put out by a re extin- • Cover your nose and mouth with damp clean cloth or face mask. guisher, you may do so with caution and apply the PASS method. • Close all windows and doors of the building. P – pull the pin • Listen to radio or watch news for updates regarding the development of A - Aim the nozzle eruption. S – squeeze the lever • Stay inside the campus and wait for further instructions from School S – sweep side to side Authorities. • Once evacuated from the building, proceed to designated • If you are driving a vehicle, pull to the side of the road and STOP if there is a Evacuation Area and wait for instructions. heavy ash fall which causes poor visibility. • If outside, look for a shelter and use facemask.

AFTER: Why was the bomb placed? Know the demand/s of the person who placed the bomb. • Seek School Authorities’ instructions on when it is safe to go outside or • Secure the site. No one is allowed to go back to the area until the bomb return to your home. squad or authorities has determined that the facility is safe. • Alert your family about your status via text or phone. •Avoid making phone calls unless necessary as telecommunication What to do in case of an Earthquake: are very busy during and after the disaster to give way to emergency calls. During an Earthquake: • If possible, stay away from the location of the eruption. • Drop to the oor. •Keep update from your local authorities if there is a need for evacuation • Protect yourself from falling debris by bracing yourself under table or desk. • Stay away from windows or objects which may fall. What to do in case of Bomb Threat: • Remain inside until directed. • Do not excite the caller, be polite and professional. After an Earthquake or Shaking: • While talking to the caller, have someone to call for school authorities. • Evacuation may be initiated and instructed by the assigned Evacuation • Take all threats seriously. Team personnel on each oor per building. In the absence of the assigned • Secure Operations and evacuate facility calmly and immediately. personnel, school authorities or teachers on that oor may do so and guide the students and personnel. • Stay calm and collect all the information you can, such as: • When directed to evacuate the building proceed to designated evacuation Name of the caller area. Date and time received • Never use an elevator. How was the threat reported? • If you are outside, stay in an open area and do not re-enter any building Location being threatened and wait for instructions. Exact words used to make threat. When is the bomb going to explode? Where is the bomb located? What does it look like?

• Designated Evacuation Area: • Determine the ow of tra c from each room along the corridors using For PHL building, evacuation is at the Football Field. the information on actual number of occupants per room and their For JPL building, evacuation area is at the back of the building. designated evacuation area. (parking and roadway) • Prepare the nal evacuation route and orient all the teachers and For SHL building, evacuation area is at the back of the building school sta about this. (parking and roadway) and the open eld besides the building. For Olive and Gym, proceed in front of Olive building. Stage 3- Orientation/Information prior to conduct of drill. • Prepare the students a week before the scheduled earthquake drill. For Earthquake Drill Preparations each class, instruct the homeroom adviser to do the following: STAGES of Earthquake Drill Preparation. - Allot a speci c time for lecture on earthquakes- what it is, when and why they occur, what to do before during and after an earthquake. Stage 1- Planning / Organizing the earthquake drill - Introduce to the students the suggested evacuation route • Form ERT (Emergency Response Team) composed of several - Introduce to the students the assigned open area where they will teams with speci c tasks (e.g. Fire brigade, Evacuation, Search and evacuate after an earthquake. Rescue, First Aid, Security and Communication, Salvage) • Give speci c instructions on what to do during an earthquake. - Introduce duck, cover and hold. Stage 2- Develop Evacuation Plan. • Give speci c instructions about what to do as soon as the shaking • to utilize available open spaces nearest the building that are stops: evaluated as safe from falling debris and other materials that may - Be alert. cause injuries to student. - Listen to teacher’s instructions. • Determine if there is su cient open space for all. Areas to be - Walk out of the classroom in an orderly manner and proceed to the occupied should be computed assuming 4 to 5 students would designated evacuation area. occupy a 1 sq m area. • For the teacher, make sure all students are accounted for once in the • Consider the number of students in each building (morning and designated evacuation area. afternoon session)

Stage 4- Actual Conduct of Drill PHASE 2- Response • While the siren/bell is ongoing, everyone should move away from windows, • Prior to the scheduled drill, inform the neighborhood regarding the glass or light xtures. In this phase, everyone should perform “duck, cover conduct of the drill. and hold” under desks, tables or chairs. Remain in this position until the • Identify and assign observers for each exit points of the building and “shaking” stops. Utilize available open spaces nearest the building that are evacuation areas. They will give their comments and observations evaluated as safe from falling debris and other materials that may cause during the evaluation of the drill. injuries to student. • Assumptions for the conduct of drill: PHASE 3- Evacuation • Once the “shaking” stops, teachers and students should evacuate the school - 1-minute strong shaking signi ed by 1-minute siren or bell building and proceed using pre-determined routes to go to identi ed evacuation areas. - Person cannot stand PHASE 4- Assembly - Buildings may have been damaged but no collapse • At the designated evacuation area, students and employees must be grouped together according to the following: - Possible falling objects including glass windows - Designated Building • Once the siren is heard, do the proper and expected actions. - Designated Floor - Designated O ce or Class • Participants during this 1-minute siren should perform the duck, PHASE 5- Headcount cover and hold • Teachers should check and make sure all students are accounted for and report headcount to Evacuation Team Leader • After the 1-minute siren, students quietly go out of room and PHASE 6- Evaluation proceed to previously designated open space. • An evaluation of the drill must be conducted to identify problems encoun- tered during the drill and how this can be corrected in future drill. • Teacher should make head count while in the ground • While the drill is ongoing, observers should take note of how teach- ers and students performed. • To be e ective, earthquake drills must be done regularly. Earthquake Drill Conduct PHASES on the Conduct of Earthquake Drill. PHASE 1- Alarm • A pre-arranged signal such as siren/bell should be known to all. During the drill, the siren/bell indicates earthquake/shaking. Students and teachers will be alerted by this signal.

LPU-L POLICY ON WORKPLACE PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF COVID-19 Background Therefore, the Employers in the workplace shall adopt business Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was rst reported on continuity plan to prevent the spread of COVID-19. December 2019 and on March 8, 2020, President Rodrigo R. Duter- te, recognizing that COVID-19 constitutes a threat to national Under IATF Resolution No. 40, Series of 2020 (released last March security and prompting a whole-of-government approach in 27, 2020), Region IV-A including Laguna has been placed under addressing the outbreak, declared a State of Public Health emer- General Community Quarantine (GCQ) until June 15, 2020. gency throughout the entire Philippines through Proclamation Under CHED COVID Advisory No. 7, 24 May 2020: Guidelines for No. 922. the Prevention, Control and Mitigation of the Spread of Coronavi- On March 16, 2020, to prevent the sharp rise of COVID-19 cases in rus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Higher Education Institutions the country, the President placed the entire Luzon under (HEIs), in areas under GCQ, HEIs are advised to observe the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) until April 14, 2020. following guidelines: HEIs are authorized to operate with a skeleton workforce exclusive On April 7, 2020, upon the recommendation of the Inter-Agency for the following purposes: Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID), the Presi- dent extended the implementation of the ECQ until April 30, i. To accept submission of requirements for the 2nd semester, AY 2020. 2019-2020, issue credentials to graduating students, and On April 23, 2020, the IATF recommended that guidelines be prepare for the opening of classes using exible learning modes. issued by the di erent government agencies to provide policy ii. To provide essential services to its clients. directions for the public and stakeholders in complying with the Government regulations following the modi cation of ECQ. Objective With the Enhanced Community Quarantine coming to an end, the LPU-L is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for Department of Health shall implement these interim guidelines all our employees and stakeholders. Likewise, we are seeking the aimed to prevent, control and diminish infection in the workplace. full cooperation of all our employees to comply with all the estab- lished policies and guidelines in order to maintain their safety in the workplace.

Workplace Safety and Health b. Equipment or vehicle entering the campus must go through a disinfection A. Increase physical and mental resilience process and should park only on the designated parking area; 1. Emphasize to all employees the everyday actions to stay c. If there will be long queue outside the o ce or waiting areas, roving o cers healthy such as: should instill physical distancing of one meter. a. Eat nutritious and well-cooked food; b. Drink plenty of uids and avoid alcoholic beverages; c. Increase the body’s resistance by having adequate rest and at least eight (8) hours of sleep; and d. Exercise regularly. B. Reducing transmission of COVID-19 1. Prior to entrance in buildings or workplaces a. All employers and employees shall: i. Wear face masks at all times and remove the same only when eating/drinking; ii. Accomplish daily health symptoms questionnaire (Health Checklist) and submit to the guard or designated safety o cer prior to entry; iii. Have temperature checked and recorded in the health symptoms questionnaire (please refer to Protocol for Screening and Visitors)

2. Inside the workplace C. Minimize contact rate a. All work areas and frequently handled objects such as door 1. Prolonged face-to-face interaction between employees and knobs and handles, shall be cleaned and disinfected regularly, with customers are discouraged and masks shall be worn at all at least once every two (2) hours; times and not removed; b. Employees are encouraged to wash their hands frequently and 2. Meetings needing physical presence shall be kept to a avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth; minimum number of participants and with short duration. c. Sanitizers shall be made available in corridors, conference areas, Videoconferencing shall be utilized for lengthy discussions elevators, stairways and areas where employees pass; among employees. d. Employees, whether in o ce workstations or in operations 3. Work from Home of some employees. area, shall always practice physical distancing meaning at the 4. Directional movement along walkways and hallways. minimum one (1) meter radius space (side, back and front) 5. To maintain physical distance, number of people inside an between employees; o ce shall be limited. e. Eating is communal area is discouraged. It is best to eat in indi- 6. Limiting the number of person inside an elevator, observing vidual work area and all wastes shall be disposed properly. distance inside. If eating in individual work areas is not possible, the employer shall ensure that physical distancing is maintained in dining area - for PHL, JPL and SHL, maximum of 2 person. with one employee per table and 1-meter distance per employee. - for Olive Hotel, maximum of 3 person. It is discouraged that employees engage in conversation with 7. Roving o cers, together with the Safety O cer, shall always masks o during meal times. Tables and chairs shall be cleaned or ensure physical distancing and observance of health protocols. disinfected after every use of the area, and before as well as at the end of the work day; and f. Canteens and kitchens should be cleaned and disinfected regu- larly.

D. On Reducing the Risk of Infection from COVID-19 2. In the event that a employee is sick or has fever but is not 1. In the event that an employee is suspected as having COVID-19; suspected to have COVID-19 (ex. urinary infection, wound infec- tion or any diseases not related to lungs or respiratory tract) the a. The employee shall immediately proceed to the isolation area employer must advise the employee to take prudent measures to designated in the workplace and never remove his/her mask; limit the spread of communicable diseases, as follows: b. Clinic personnel attending to the employees should wear i. Stay at home and keep away from work or crowds; appropriate PPEs and if needed should require the transport of ii. Take adequate rest and take plenty of uids; the a ected employees to the nearest hospital. Company iii. Practice personal hygiene to prevent spread of disease; and protocols for transport for suspect COVID-19 cases and for PCR iv. Seek appropriate medical care if there is persistent fever, when testing, should be in place including providing for ambulance di culty of breathing has started, or when he/she becomes weak. conduction. Duties of Employers and Employees c. Decontamination of workplace i. Workplace shall be decontaminated with appropriate Employers shall: 1. Provide the necessary company policies for the prevention disinfectant; and control of COVID-19 in consultation with employees. ii. After decontamination of the work area, work can resume after 2. Provide resources and materials needed to keep the 24 hours; and employee healthy and the workplace safe, e.g., masks, soap, sani- tizer, disinfectant, PPEs, including COVID-19 testing kits, etc; iii. Employees present in the work area with the suspect COVID-19 employee shall go on 14 days home quarantine with speci c instructions from the clinic sta on monitoring of symp- toms and possible next steps. If COVID-19 employee has negative result, co-employees may be allowed to report back to work.

3. Designate the safety o cer to monitor COVID-19 prevention Most at Risk Employees and Vulnerable Groups and control measures such as physical distancing, wearing of masks, regular disinfection, compliance to thermal scanning and • Employers shall develop a work arrangement that will reduce the accomplishing health symptoms questionnaire; number of people in the workplace and also reduce the need to 4. Enhance health insurance provision for employees; travel, including work from home arrangements to those whose 5. Where feasible, provide shuttle services and/or decent accom- tasks can be done at home and among employees at high risk. modation on near-site location to lessen travel and people move- ment; and • This includes employees under 21 years old or above 60 years of 6. Put up a COVID-19 Hotline and Call Center for employees to age, or of any age with co-morbidities, or pre-existing illness such report if symptomatic, and daily monitoring scheme of our “sus- as hypertension, diabetes, cancer or immunocompromised health pect” employee condition. status or with high-risk pregnancy. Employees shall: 1. Comply with all workplace measures in place for the prevention and control of COVID-19, such as frequent hand washing, wearing of masks, observe physical distancing always, etc; 2. Observe proper respiratory etiquette; 3. Coughing and sneezing into tissue or into shirt sleeve if tissue is not available; 4. Disposing used tissues properly; and 5. Disinfecting hands immediately through proper washing with soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizer immediately after a cough or sneeze.

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