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Student Mag-7th class

Published by rameshjanaki87, 2017-06-07 05:20:48

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Brain gainVolume 1 Issue 1 Inaugural Edition Pages 28 7th Class 60/-Stephen Hawking has a warning for all of us Stephen hawking Stephen hawking has a warning for has a warning for all of us all of us Stephen hawking Stephen hawking has a warning for has a warning for all of us all of us Stephen hawking has a warning for all of us

Editor’s Desk How to use the magazineWe are what we eatThere’s an old saying in India – 1 Twfltsoevhchbiuraaretercherlauhnfamaioeanticnaisasvsu,sggttithsoatuksyesrzodkn,mominneiolniaeldwansttis,gil’fiscesfeatdsoarndcegephadexenbcpost,feattirlusiganloavanansrdaifn.tteeeceiicdacthedeysss,,, 2 Tacterrhhoaeeelascoticoultoylrhlnpefaeuccrneeltedplpsqdetituecsnhitrocteosekfrsdclaiytaacu.nladsdeeitexnynmpltelicacsaisaonn “More was prepared than was served. 3 Tcaqttoosfhhutomeeeilcvrpsketrtuoeqrwdphueeieoaaecnnsrdstksstiieitninooosignnssudsn.geadipveterhtsnsokttpaiahflnionlecsdrd, More was served than was eaten. 4 Sorptakenoriaoldlivpmililniddaspgeyetrev-downaevnliaonefdyopgrb,mwymertsneihfptotteiehlnlaooigkdcdwiehaniairnglsoedg,f More was eaten than was necessary.” learning. The saying incorporates all our woes related to food – be it wastage of extracooking or wrong eating. However, there is no denying the fact that there is no 5 Tdsciaghtanpausryinarodsrattubeeyhnpneneatatiurnscisennddtooideivrtvtesgihhtitirideariveteaeutaescdkaonphlenfreoneeosrfrserosapeq.rctewnuhtrcieiivtterdnhhitatcyeyoyeafspectacle on earth more appealing than that of a family cooking food for someonethey love and sitting together to share the meal. When I look at children slurping instant and ready-made foodstuffs everyday, Iwonder if our traditional cooking will only remain an ancient theory. Indian food isa blend of cross-cultural cuisines wherein every state has its own traditional dishes,but most children are consuming the same instant noodles, pastas, pizzas, burgersor sandwiches at least once a day, thanks to the massive influence of internationalfood joints that have robbed off the enthusiasm towards our traditional tastes andflavours. Would you believe that pizza robberies are commonly done by childrenand adolescents in Noida? Most cases are not even reported because witnesses say,“Pizza hi to hai.” Pathetic! Parents too find such fast foods quick and inexpensive. However, in pursuit ofgood health, parents must try to be innovative to make their daily food nutritionallymore interesting and appealing. They should not only try cooking new dishes athome but also involve children in the kitchen to make them understand what ‘real’food is made of. As parents and elders, we need to educate our children as they will never beaware of the long-term health effects due to the presence of sodium, salt, sugar,oil, artificial sweeteners, added monosodium glutamate, China grass, refinedwheat flour, trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, caffeine, phosphoric acid, lead,ash, pesticides and many other ingredients in very high quantities in most of thefoods and beverages sold outside. Adding to this, studies in Hyderabad reportedthat even our favourite roadside pani puris and fruit juices are dangerous too, asthey are contaminated with candida fungus and bacteria such as E. coli, salmonella,klebsiella, pseudomonas, staphylococci and enterrococci. Now keeping the nutrition aside, do you know that food can affect a child’srelationship with the mother? If you recollect the sambar advertisement thatreminds a man of his mother, you will notice that a person’s memories with hismother are linked to the food she had cooked during his childhood. Along with allher love, pain and sacrifices, her food is permanently recorded in her child’s mind. So it is our earnest intention that parents and children minimize their dependenceon outside food and utilize their free time to try out new dishes at home. Afterall, food is mankind’s first necessity. With a healthy body, a stable mind and yourvaluable presence, is there something your child cannot achieve?Welcome to the first issue of Student Mag. – Editor How to Subscribe For subscription, contact:Swan Edulabs Pvt. Ltd, Plot No. 43, Alaknanda, Prashasan Nagar, Road No. 72, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500033 Ph: (+91) 99515 27076 , (040) 2355 3031 Email: [email protected]

EVENTS OF THE MONTHKabir Das was a mystic poet and a KABIR DAS JAYANTI saint. There is no clue about whohis parents were. But according to onestory, he was born to a Brahmin motherwho had abandoned him. A Muslimweaver called Neeru and his wifefound him floating on a lotus leaf andraised him. Kabir’s father forced himto take up a weaver’s job. But ‘bhakti’dominated over the ‘craftsmanship’ inhim. Kabir had an inborn passion forreligion and saw Ramananda as histeacher. But he was unsure whethera Hindu guru would accept a Muslimdisciple. Kabir got his spiritual trainingfrom him and became his disciple.Muslims believe that the famous SufiPir, Takki of Jhansi, as Kabir’s master. There is a beautiful legend that after Kabir’s death, both Muslim and Hindu disciples foughtover possession of Kabir’s body. As they argued and lifted the cover, they were astonished. Inplace of corpse, a heap of rose flowers was seen! Half of which was then buried by the Muslimsand the other half was burnt by the Hindus to the holy city of Varanasi.June 9 - Kabirdas Jayanthi June 25 - Jagannath Rath Yatra June 26 - Ramzan World World Ocean Day Environment DayActivity 1 Activity 2Always use two dustbins, JUNE JUNE What things should be kept on a beachone to dispose dry litter and the and what should be removed? Make aother for wet litter. This will help 5 8 useful list to keep our oceans free fromto recycle and reuse them for junk.specific purposes.Father’s Day JUNE JUNE Yoga Day 18 21 Activity 4Activity 3 Do you know that there are animal poses in yoga that canPaste photos of your memorable improve your body and mind?moments with your father and gift Practice doing the poses ofhim a memory scrap book. crane, tortoise and cat. 3

GENERAL SCIENCE NUTRITION IN PLANTSEvery living organism requires food for its Parasitic Plants: These do not possess survival. chlorophyll and extract their food from other organisms. The organisms on which the Animals are called ‘ heterotrophs’ as they depend parasites depend are called hosts.on plants or other animals for their food. Eg.: Cuscuta Plants are called ‘autotrophs’ as they form their Insectivorous Plants: These trap insects orfood from carbon dioxide and water in the presence rarely small animals to obtain supplementaryof sunlight. This process is called ‘Photosynthesis.’ minerals. The leaves have glandular hair that excrete digestive enzymes to attract insects. The process of ‘Photosynthesis’ can be shown in Eg.: Pitcher plantthe form of a equation below. Saprophyte Plants: They have no chlorophyl Sunlight and get their nutrients from decaying organic matter. These types of plants are actuallyCarbon dioxide + Water => Carbohydrates parasites that obtain their food by growing on(food) + Oxygen living fungi. Eg.: MushroomPlants have a green colored pigmentcalled ‘chlorophyll’ which is necessary forPhotosynthesis.Oxygen, which is released duringPhotosynthesis, is taken in by animals. QuWicokrk Classification 1. Explain the process of Photosynthesis Activity 5using a diagram. Make a collage with leaves of 2. Name the different types of plants based different colours and name theon their form of nutrition. plants. Do all plants make their own food? Note down your findings and observations. 4

SOCIAL SCIENCETRACING CHANGESTHROUGHA THOUSANDYEARSPersian chronicler Minhaj-i-siraj referred to Hindustan as areas ofPunjab, Haryana and lands betweenYamuna and Ganga.Many important changes took placein India between 700 CE and 1750CE.v Many technologies like Persian wheel in irrigation, spinning wheel in weaving and fire arms came into use.v New food and beverages like QuWicokrk 1. Name any two inventions that took place potatoes, chillies, tea and coffee were found in India. between 700 CE and 1750 CE. 2. Give examples of forts built during thisv The warrior class of Rajputs emerged and gained importance. period.v Forest lands were turned into agricultural fields.v People formed groups called jatis based on their occupations.v This period also saw many Historical Research changes in religious traditions.v Kings started to build temples Activity 6 and Brahmins and priests became more dominant group in the Do a research on a historical Indian society. figure between 700 CE and 1750 and present it in class. This helpsv New religions like Islam arrived in tracing and appreciating history. into this country. 5

ENGLISH HEY RIDDLE RIDDLEVocabulary Enrichment I have a body that is full of thorns,Activity 7 Yet I’m fresh and strong all the time. I’m neither a rose nor a fence, Open a dictionary and place Nor am I a prickly porcupine.your finger on any page. Guess If you can guess my name,the meaning of the word without Your garden won’t look the same.peeping into the dictionary. Checkif you are improving each day. I’m a huge ball that glows in the dark, And I always attract your eye. I’m not a pearl that you can find in water, So just look for me in the sky. If you can find my name, Then step on me for fame. QuWicokrk I am always a liquid, But I’m stored in a jar. I am made by a flying friend, And I’m as sweet as you are. If you can call out my name, You will use me as a nickname. Enjoy the poem and answer the questions below: 1. Name the three things the poem is talking about. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. 2. What do the following lines mean? Explain in your own words. “Your garden won’t look the same” ................................................................................................................ ....................................................................... “Then step on me for fame” ................................................................................................................ ....................................................................... “You will use me as a nickname” ................................................................................................................ ....................................................................... 3. Describe your favourite colour in the form of a poetic riddle. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 6

INTEGERS MATHEMATICSv Integers are collection of whole product is negative. numbers and their negatives. v Multiplication is commutative for integers,v Addition and Subtraction are closed that is in integers. This means when two in- a x b = b x a. tegers are added or subtracted their v Associative Property is applicable for multi- results are also integers. plication of integers.v Addition is commutative for (a x b) x c = a x (b x c). integers. It means v It means the grouping does not have any effect a + b = b + a. on the product. v Distributive property holds good for multipli-v Subtraction is not commutative for integers. It means cation in integers. (a + b) x c = a x b + b x c (a – b) x c = a x c – b x c a - b is not equal to b – a. v When we divide a positive integer by negativev Addition is associative in integers. It means integer or vice versa we get a negative integer v When we divide two negative integers we get a+(b+c) = (a+b)+c. a positive integer.v Zero is an additive identity for integers. It means when zero is added to an integer it gives Applied Knowledge the same number. Activity 8v Multiplication of a positive integer and negative Deal a pack of Uno cards. Consider integer is a negative integer. We multiply these every red card a negative integer. Now numbers as whole numbers and put a negative perform various operations on these sign to the product. numbers with your partner. This activity helps you gain confidence with integers.v Multiplication of two negative integers gives positive integer.v If the number of negative integers in a equa- tion is even then the product is positive integer, if the number of negative integers is odd theQuWicokrk Match the mathematical prop- erties with their equations.Commutative 2 × (3 × 4) = (2 × 3) × 4Associative 2 × 1/ 2 = 1Distributive 2×1=2Identity 2 × 3 = 3 × 2Inverse 2 × (3 + 4) = (2 × 3) + (2 × 4) 7

TECHNOLOGY GEAR WATCHGear Watches are nothing but the watch version of a smart phone, and have been trending all across the globe in the recent times. Big companies such as Samsung andApple have come up with their own Gear Watches, whichgot the entire watch industry rolling around them. These arecomputerized watches, whose functions go just beyond thegeneral time keeping. It uses the technology similar to that ofyour smart phone. The Hamilton Watch Company and Electro/Data, Inc. jointlydeveloped the first digital watch ‘Pulsar’ in 1972. Seikothen took over and started the production of these watches,followed by other watch companies. It was Samsung thatcame up with the first watch phone in the year 1999. The earlier models, which came into the market,could do simple calculations, play games and translations.Whereas, the new ones can run various complicatedapplications on them effectively. The software of thesewatches include GPS system, maps, schedulers, etc. The watchhas an LED touch screen and a rechargeable battery.They are also able to communicate Believe It!with various external devices suchas sensors, wireless headsets and You can also give these smartwatchesBluetooth devices. You can book flight verbal commands to get your work, send emails, find directions, You do not always need to touch yourplay games, amd everything at just screen and do things. Cool eh?a touch of your finger on your smartwatch. Data Hunting Activity 9 However, these watches are notwaterproof. The need for always Can you imagine the cost of thecharging it and the usability barriers most expensive watch in the world?involved make it inconvenient at times. Find out what it takes to tag such a heavy price on a mere watch. According to the global smartwatchmarket trends in 2016, India accountedfor 1% of the global market in thesecond quarter. India’s Titan came upwith the JUXT Pro smartwatch, andeven other major retailers are enteringthe market. successfully. 8

COVER STORY Stephen Hawking, one of the world’s most 8th CLASS popular physicists, has a warning to give STEPHEN HAWKING to the entire world. He raised his voicewarned us not to allow against allowing any other alien species or outer world beings to know our presence, alien species to know even if they are more technologically our presence.. advanced than us. According to him, if they are more advanced than us, they might not even consider our presence important. We might not be anything more than just bacteria to them in the bigger picture. In his new online film, he has mentioned that we can see it similar to when Christopher Columbus encountered with the native Americans and things did not turn out to be that well. This is probably not the first time Stephen Hawking has warned people about hostile aliens, he has even done this earlier. He also raises his conviction that, he believes, we are definitely not alone, based on his years of experience and knowledge. He is, therefore, trying to find other beings around the cosmos by leading a new global effort to do so, after nearly a lifetime of wondering. In the film, he showed his five favourite places in the cosmos. He has also launched the Breakthrough Listen project, which purpose is to scan the nearest and closest million stars which are around in order to identify any signs of life. He also stated that those who might be reading our messages from civilized developments, could actually be even a billion years ahead of us. In future, there might be chances that we might hear from planets such as Gliese 832 c (potential habitable exoplanet), which is about 16 light years away from us, but we should be cautious of sending back any response to them. Spatial Learning Activity 10 Compare the geography of our eight planets. Is there any similarity between their atmospheres and cores?9

ADVENTURE COMICRaghu was a student of class One hour! Let me TO CATCH A THIEF 9. He had injured his foot explore the market and could not be part of around our school. He walked around the marketsports day practice. He was and saw some interesting shops. free in the last period. Wow! These shops have such lovely things.I love these watches! And I love these sparkling gems too! Am I in a dream world! CatCacathth!ciHhe!fe! is QCauticchk!! Raghu quickly tripped the man with his crutch. 10

Unbelievable! The owner of the shop Thank you dearI have actually was introduced to Raghu. friend, you have prevented a robbery helped themcatch a thief! in my shop.Please come, I want Owner takes him to the shop. Auditory Memoryto give you a reward. Please select anything Activity 11 from my shop as a gift for you. Read a story and repeat each sentence loudly, beginning from backward. This facilitates memorization and helps you form a sentence correctly. I must quickly go (smiling) I am Language LearningRaghu was very happy. home and tell my sure my friends Activity 12 mother about this will envy me. incident. She will be See a picture and create The End adjectives that best describe proud of me. the picture. Now rewrite the story with the new adjectives. 11

RECIPE CREATIONS HISTORY OF MUSHROOMMushrooms have probably Mushrooms also have a lot of health been around since benefits. They have anti-bacterial, our existence, and anti-inflammatory and antioxidantour ancestors were always properties, making its intakeanalyzing mushrooms which extremely useful.are found in the forests and in thefarms. There are some species of mushrooms which are poisonous Until the 17th and not edible. The history of howcentury, it was people came up with the ediblemostly the wild ones is interesting. China appearsmushrooms which to be the largest producer of ediblewere eaten. That mushrooms, which is about half ofis how they gained the the entire mushroom cultivation ofreputation of being a the world.friend and a foe. According tohistory, around4500 yearsago, Egyptians called mushrooms the ‘plant ofimmortality.’ The delicious flavor of the mushroom got themso intrigued that the royals declared that they were only forroyal consumption and commoners should not be able toget it. Mushroom rituals are performed in places like Russia,Greece and Mexico as they believed that mushroom had theability to give humans superpowers. France appears to bethe leader in early cultivation of the mushrooms, and laterit spread to most parts of the world gradually.Technically mushrooms are made up of 90% water and areknown to be the meat of vegetarians across the globe.Believe It! Visual Memory‘Mycophagist’ is the name Activity 13which has been given tothe person who collects Using pictures and arrows, create amushrooms from the wild. food web that includes the sun, greenThe whole process of plants, herbivores, omnivores andhunting for mushrooms is carnivores. Don’t forget to includeknown as ‘Mushrooming.’ mushrooms in it. Understand how the energy flows down a food chain. 12

MUSHROOM RECIPEPepper MushroomIngredients: mushrooms, onions, greenchillies, capsicum, pepper corns, garlic, oil,tomatoes, cumin and salt.How to make it: Take oil in a pan andadd cumin and garlic. Add onions, chilliesand tomatoes to it. After frying a minute,add capsicum and salt and let it cook.The put mushrooms and sauté it for fewminutes. Add crushed pepper corns in theend. Serve it hot with roti or rice.Health Benefits: This contains highantioxidants and minerals which are generally notfound otherwise.Little tip: You can also add baby corn in order to make itmore deliciousMushroom OmeletteIngredients: egg, mushrooms, oil, salt, pepper, bell peppers, onions and tomatoes.How to make it: Beat the egg with salt and pepper and keep it aside. In a pan, add oil and sauté themushrooms, bell peppers, onions and tomatoes for few minutes. Then, pour the egg mixture on thetop and let it cook. Turn it around when done on one side, and let it completely cook. You can also addcheese to make it more tasty.Health Benefits: It is a good source of protein with anti bacterial properties. Little tip: You can add in spinach in order to increase the nutrition value. Naturalistic Learning Activity 14 Do you know what Mushroom Spawn is? Find out ways to grow mushrooms at home or school and understand what it takes to create life. 13

GENERAL KNOWLEDGE COULD THE SUN CAUSE HOUSE FIRES? It may sound bizarre, but it has been seen that with focused sun rays, fires can occur. There have been instances when jam jars, fish tanks and even glass knobs were set ablaze due to sun rays. Generally, the sun rays are distributed among every square meter in the form of thermal energy which tends to be quite dilute. However, when the rays are focused at one point, they tend to become more intense and concentrated, crossing the combustion threshold. An example of this is the magnifying glass.DO YOU KNOW THEWORLD’S SMALLESTDIGITAL CAMERA?Measuring over one inch and weighing half an ounce, it looks like a spy device used during Cold War era. Features includeautomatic focus, 2 mega pixel image sensor, 1600 x1200 resolution, USB port and 2 GB microSD card. Itcan be connected to a computer running Windows7, XP, or Vista. It comes with rechargeable batterythat provides 30 minutes of operation. Observation Experiential Learning Activity 15 Activity 16 What are the different sources Blow a balloon and hold it against yourof knowledge today? Is our ear. Your friend presses his/her lips againstfastest source of information the balloon and speaks. Can you hear andactually reliable? feel the vibrations through the balloon? 14

THE TRICK TO WALKON A SLIPPERYSURFACEAn interesting trick here is to walk like a penguin. It works pretty logically, since penguins do not slip on the ice. We usuallytend to focus all your gravity on one foot, but insteadif you sway from side to side, the gravity remains onone foot or the other, helping you balance. We havesomething known as ROR neurons which passessensory information to the brain and helps to fix itin an appropriate manner.Kinesthetic Learning DOES YOUR WET MOBILE REALLY DRYActivity 17 WHEN PUT IN RICE? Interlock two books by overlapping You would have heard people advise you this,the pages. In pairs, each person when you accidently drop your phone intoshould hold the book by its cover. water. It does tend to work and even morePull firmly to separate the books. effectively when put in a closed plastic bag. TheAre you able to separate the books? functioning of the phone however is not guaranteed,This introduces you the concept of but it does dry out the phone aptly. If the water hasfriction. already seeped into the circuits and caused damage to the system it might not be of much use. Tip: You can try placing in your phone in alcohol, as it might be a better bet, but this needs to be done with utmost care. Cause and Effect Activity 18 Take a magnifying glass and try burning a piece of paper in bright sunlight. Try this under adult supervision. 15

LIFE SKILLS A POCKETFUL OF CONFIDENCEIn a big city, there lived a businessman who was neck deep in debts. Disheartened, he sat in a he worked harder, gave a new lease of life to his park wondering how to save himself from his business and soon was out of debt, making profits. A year passed and as promised the businessmandebtors and the state of bankruptcy. went back to the park to return the uncashedJust then an old man came and sat next to him. cheque to the old man. The old man too came. AsAfter hearing his woes, the old man offered help. he was about to return the cheque, an attendantHe gave him a cheque of $500,000 on returnable rushed to grab the old man.basis. The businessman was ashamed to accept The attendant exclaimed, “He is a patient whohis kindness. But the old man soon disappeared always escapes and jests to be John D. Rockefeller,”promising to meet him after a year at the same and the attendant was gone! The astonishedplace. businessman was speechless. The entire The businessman was shocked when he Moral: year he was convinced that he had halfsaw that the cheque was signed by John D. a million dollars to save him in case of aRockefeller, one of the richest men in the Always be failure in! yourself and He realized that it wasn’t the money The cheque gave the businessman have faith in which brought a change in his life. It wasself-assurance. Instead of encashing the yourself. the renewed self confidence that helpedcheque, he decided to find a solution to him achieve so much in a his business. With revived positivity, Self-awareness Activity 19 Ask your friend to list out few tasks which he/she thinks that you cannot achieve. Now write down atleast one reason stating how you can achieve each of the tasks, and what has been stopping you from achieving them. 16

Real Story BRINGINGYOURSELF BACK UPSandeep Singh Binder, the QuWicokrk Believe It! former hockey captain, always made sure that the sport made 1. When did For his excellence in the sport,headlines in news. He was a great Sandeep Sing Binder receivedleader and motivated not just himself, Sandeep Singh the prestigious Arjuna Awardbut the entire team to work together, from the Indian Government.making Indian people proud of their Binder becomenational sport. He was regarded as Inquisitive Learningas one of the world’s most dangerous the captain ofdrag-flickers of the game. However, Activity 20Singh was accidently shot in the train Indian Hockeywhile on his way to join the national What do sportsmen do afterteam for the 2006 World Cup in Team? their retirement? Do all retiredGermany, He was not only injured but sportsmen have another careerwas nearly paralyzed and had to be on 2. His older or do they have to idle outthe wheel chair for two years of his life. their life? Find out instancesHe overcame the adversity in his life. brother too was of some sportsmen.He not only recovered from the injurybut also made a mark for himself in the a hockey again. He became captain in theyear 2009. Trusting yourself and your Find out hisabilities can make you a come back inyour life. name and which team did he play hockey for? 17

FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS JUNE Morgan Freeman Alan Mathison Turing Anil Ambani One of the English computer sci- An Indian business most well entist and mathema- magnate and one of recognized tician the world has the pioneers who and respected seen in the early 20th are responsible for Hollywood century. the development of actors. We probably the nation. would not have com- Aruna Roy Mani Ratnam puters, if A great example for Indian film Director, it wasn’t the Indian woman. She Screenwriter and for his is a political and anti- Producer, who is achieve- corruption activist, one of the most ments in and the co-founder of sought after movie his fields of Mazdoor Kisan Shakti makers in Tamil study Sangathan (MKSS). cinema. Alexander Bain Salman Rushdie A Scottish philos- Well known British- opher in the Indian novelist and 19th century essayist, whose book who also “Midnight’s Children” is excelled in one of the bestsellers. the field of logic, Lionel Messi Thomas Hardy – Was an psychology, The best English author and a poet. linguistics Argentine He was mainly known for and moral football player his contributions to the philosophy. with amazing naturalist movement. The book “The playing Senses And The In- capabilities. tellect” is one of his He is the only greatest contributions. player to win five FIFA Ballon Adam Smith d’Or awards. He was a famous Scottish Spoken Skills philosopher and Activity 21 economist. He was Perform a dramatic monologue the one of any great person you admire. who pioneered the ideas of modern economics in the era of the 18th century. 18

SPEAK OUT! This column is specially QUESTION published to highlight Hi Student Mag, the REAL ISSUES OF REAL CHILDREN. What is in Were red ants used as food colouring in the your mind? Speak out. olden times? Is it still continued anywhere? I INCIDENT - Rohan Tayal have an elder brother who is really fond of me. We spend a lot of time playing and Yes, there are some bugs that are used for food having fun together. Every time he goes out colouring. These are the Cochineal insects and not the to market, he always brings something for me, a red ants. The cochineal or the carmine dye was used chocolate, a pen or any other thing which I liked. in the 15th century for colouring the fabric. Today, One day, just as he was about to leave the house for market, I saw him in our parent’s room. I it is primarily used for food colouring. Cochineal quietly went there and to my horror, I saw my insects can be found on prickly pear cacti in the brother stealing money from my mom’s wallet! I North American deserts. To make the red colour, really love my brother, so I did not want him to cochineals are dried and ground into scolded by my mother. I decided to speak to him and insisted that This powder then turns bright red whenhe should apologize to our parents about this. So, we went together mixed with my mother. Instead of getting upset, she very calmly made it clearto him that taking something without asking is wrong. She also told OPINIONhim that stealing is wrong because of two reasons: firstly, it puts us atrisk of becoming a thief and secondly, it is hurts someone when you In my opinion all schools should give free remedialtake something which does not belong to you. Realising his mistake, classes to weak students without charging extramy brother immediately returned the money. Even though he had to fees. Though it is an extra effort for the teacher,help my mother with her household work for the next one week, he but at the end of the year all students acquire thepromised to never repeat this mistake again. same knowledge. To ensure this balance, if some students need extra help, it should be without a price tag. Also, As per Section 24(1)(d) of the Right of the Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, it is the teacher’s responsibility to “assess the learning ability of each child and accordingly supplement additional instructions, if any, as required.”PROBLEM - G. MadhavanHi Student Mag,All my friends have a facebook account Send us your thoughts and queries on info@but my parents never allow me to use it. Itoo want my personal account on facebook. and we willIs it wrong to have it, why? publish the best ones! Call us on 040-23553031 for - Mallika Shom counselling.There are many reasons why even some adults don’t Imaginative Thinkingjoin facebook. Safety is prime concern for all parents.Try talking to them and ask if you can have your account Activity 22with them monitoring it for you. If your parents have anaccount, add them so that they can see everything that you Introduce one of your friends to yourare doing and what pictures you are posting or receiving. family members. Create a fictional life of your friend while introducing. ThisSee if they will agree with this alternative. You are still at is fun as it makes you cook up ana very young age to have a personal account. Show them unrealistic story spontaneously.your maturity in studies and other activities that theyapprove of. 19

PUZZLE CORNER B MAKE A STAR A W Cut the pentagons and arrange them to form a star.ORN IWHEEL OF COLOURS How many words of four or more letters canyou make using the letters from this wheel? Eachword should have the letter at the centre and noletter can be used more than once. Plurals, foreignwords and proper nouns are not allowed. Alsofind a special word that contains all the letters. Aclue to this special word is in the title!1. ___________________ LIGHT IN THE DARK2. ___________________3. ___________________ You are left in a dark room and you have a matchbox4. ___________________ with only one matchstick left. You find a candle, a5. ___________________ newspaper and a lantern in the room. What is the6. ___________________ first object you will light?7. ___________________8. ___________________ Visual Representation9. ___________________10. ___________________ Activity 2311. ___________________12. ___________________ Divide the class into groups. The13. ___________________ teacher gives a word to one student14. ___________________ from a group, who has to draw it on15. ___________________ the blackboard. The remaining group members must guess the word. TheHow many words could you make? group that scores the most wins.Upto 6 - Can improveUpto 12 – GoodUpto 15 – Awesome 20

PROBLEM SOLVING ASSESSMENT ANALOGYThe word ‘analogy’ refers to similarity or correspondence. To solve questions related to analogy,you need to identify the similarity or relationship between the given alternatives and apply the same rule to find the answer. EX 1) GPS : IQU :: MON : ? E. 2 : 12 :: 30 : ? a. MQS b. OPQ c. OPP d. NRT a. 56 b. 66 c. 76 d. 86 EX 2) 3 : 12 :: 6 : ? WORD ANALOGY a. 28 b. 32 c. 38 d. 42 1. Ceiling : Floor :: Sky : ? EX 3) Ruler : Length :: Thermometer : ? a. Land b. Star c. Cloud d. Mountain a. Mercury b. Fever c. Celsius d. Temperature 2. Bird : Chirp :: Horse : ? a. Run b. Jump c. Trot d. NeighLETTER ANALOGY 3. Snail : Crawl :: Snake : ? a. Hiss b. Swim c. Slither d. Coil 1. LNP : MOQ :: CFJ : ? 4. Rabbit : Burrow :: Hen : ? a. DGK b. DGL c. BGK d. DLK a. Coop b. Pen c. Stable d. Cart 2. DGH : HGD :: KMN : ? 5. Exam : Failure :: War : ? a. MLP b. NMK c. MKN d. KGH a. Victory b. Defeat c. Fight d. Plot 3. IJ : MN :: NO : ? a. KL b. RL c. RS d. TS 4. PRTV : USQO :: BDFH : ? a. GCEA b. GECA c. ECAG d. ECGA 5. XJW : YYZ :: VHC : ? a. WWW b. WHO c. WWE d. WWFNUMBER ANALOGY Listening Skills A. 6 : 28 :: 4 : ? Activity 24 a. 36 b. 24 c. 42 d. 20 B. 49 : 64 :: 121 : ? One student must start telling a. 625 b. 144 c. 68 d. 169 a story. the next student must C. 25 : 4 :: 36 : ? continue the story. The goal is to a. 12 b. 19 c. 5 d. 14 make the story sensible. This helps D. 2 : 9 :: 3 : ? students to develop listening skills a. 16 b. 18 c. 20 d. 22 and to be creative. 21

FUN FACTS Indiav India is the world’s largest A democracy with 1.2 billion people. shrimp’sv 100 million people attend India’s heart Kumbh Mela Festival, the world’s is in its biggest gathering of humans. head.v India’s Hindu calendar has 6 seasons: spring, summer, monsoon, autumn, winter and Prevernal.v The world’s biggest family lives together in India: a man with 39 wives and 94 Children.v India has more mobile phones than toilets.v 70% of all the world’s spices come from India.v The Golden Temple in India feeds a vegetarian meal to over 100,000 people a day regardless of race, religion and class.v 13 of the 20 most polluted cities in world are in India.v India has more mosques (300,000 mosques) than any other nation in the world. A shark is the only known fish that can blink with both eyes.Like fingerprints, Ifyou sneeze too hard, Learn from Mapeveryone’s tongue you could fracture a rib. Activity 25print is different. Rubber bands last Find maps of a shopping mall, longer when amusement park, train station refrigerated. or any other place. See if the map is easy to use. Now make 22 your own map of the area.

Mom: What did you do LAUGH ALOUD!at school today? Teacher: What areManish: We did a guessing some products of the Westgame. Indies? Student: I don’t know.Mom: But I thought you Teacher: Of course, you do.were having a math exam. Where do you get sugar from?Manish: That’s right! Student: We borrow it from our neighbour...Sunil was out cycling with his friend Bittoo. Two students wereThey came across a sign board, ‘No entry for chatting:slow moving vehicles.’ First: Do you know what is a snake’s favourite subject?Sunil went zipping Bittoo screamed... Stop, Sunil. Second: No, you tell.past Bittoo. I cannot ride so fast! First: Hisssstory!!! Teacher: Tina, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor? Tina: You told me to do it without using tables.Why are you in such a Because the road sign said, ‘No entry Funny Imagehurry? for slow moving vehicles.’ Huh?! Activity 26 The End Draw a funny image and exchange it that of your friend. Pretend that it relates to your life and speak why that image is important and the story behind this image. 23

ART APPRECIATIONMELTED CRAYON ARTThis is a fun and exciting activity for all those art the art piece. You can also make use of birthday lovers who are always looking for something candles or scented candles as they melt quicker new and adventurous to try when it comes to compared to crayons. Showcase your masterpiecetheir artistic feelings. It is pretty simple, but most to your friends and family. Hang the fun piece of artof the times the results are extremely stunning. It on a wall.delivers a lot of graphical impact and looks visuallyappealing. Innovative Thinking Activity 27Things required: Pour thick drops of colourful paint on anCrayons, hot glue, canvas and a hair dryer old T-shirt and instantly blow it with a hair dryer to change it into a funky colourHow to do: A s a precaution, first put paper splashed T-shirt.sheets near the place of your work so that you donot spoil the floor when things splatter. First, sortthe crayons depending on what you are going to do.Then, glue the crayons to the top of the canvas. Now,slant the canvas so that the crayons can drip downwhen melted. Use the hair dryer on crayons to meltdown the canvas, creating an art. It is the best tohold the hair dryer downwards towards the floor,so that it is easy for the crayons to melt. Let the waxfrom the crayons drip in whichever form to make 24

CREATIVE CRAFTORIGAMI BUTTERFLYOrigami butterflies are a totally cool and a crafty Little Tip: way to decorate the walls of your house. You can make use of newspaper which is lying You can use different ways to decorate different around the house to make the butterflies,areas of the house, depending on the theme or pur- and use it to decorate the walls of your roompose of the area. They look extremely pretty and in a quirky and artistic manner.will make your walls look more colorful. It is easyto do and one can do it on their own. Use the butterflies over a dry tree branch anddecorate it with colorful butterflies (whichever col-ors you prefer) for a nature loving look. Create a butterfly feel in your room, by arrang-ing the origami butterflies in the form of an actualbutterfly. It will make your room appear like a fairytale. Be creative and stick the butterflies to the roof ofyour room. When you look up, you will always seebeautiful butterflies fluttering in the sky. 25

HEALTHY HABITS Rules of SleepingWhy should you avoid Why should you sleep facing either Southsleeping in the evening? or East?Science says: This would ruin Science says: According to science, we are magneticthe proper sleeping cycle, making just like the earth, where our head is regarded as theit harder for you to fall asleep at North Pole. Sleeping towards the North would repelnight, which is not apt for your that. Hence, we must sleep facing the South. Sun’sbody system. magnetic field enters through the East, so sleeping towards the East ensures we take it in through headTradition says: This is the time and release it through legs.when the Lord enters the house.One should not be sleeping, and Tradition says: Correct sleeping positions bring inmust instead be ready to welcome the right kind of energy into our life.the Lord. Healthy LivingWhy should you sleep early? Activity 28Science says: The later you sleep, Have you ever watched the beautythe harder it is to fall asleep and you of mother nature before sunrise? Trywill be more prone to eating late, sleeping by 9pm and wake up at 5am,which is not good for your health. and you will fall in love with the coolSleeping early will give you a better breeze and the chirpy birds.productive morning.Tradition says: Sleeping time is determined whenthe sun sets, as the sun was the clock during the oldendays. This is why people in the past had healthiersleeping patterns.Why should you sleep for eight hours?Science says: This is necessary because any lessthan eight hours or any more can be harmful to yourhealth. There is an increased risk of conditions suchas diabetes and heart problems if you do not getproper sleep, which can also lead to death eventually.Tradition says: Our ancestors believed in eight hoursof sleep, but they did not continuously do so, Instead,they would break it up according to their tasks - thefirst sleep and the second sleep.Why should you sleep on your left?Science says: It is said that sleeping on your leftincreases the optimal blood flow through the body.The problem with sleeping on the right is that, itincreases the chances of heartburn.Tradition says: Sleeping on the left side would keepthe body healthier.26

QUIZAcademic Quiz a) Missile b) Tank1. When we add 0 to a whole number, we get c) Submarine d) Ship__________whole number. 6. Which of the following companies manufacture a) smaller b) bigger Blackberry smart phones? c) same d) none of these a)Samsung b) Motorola c) Nokia d) None of These2. Product of a positive integer and a negativeinteger is always a ____________ integer. Current Affairs a) negative b) positive 1) Who is the new chairman of Central Board of c) 0 d) 1 Direct Taxes (CBDT) ?3. What is the mode of nutrition in which the a) KV Malhotra b) BR Joshi organisms take in nutrients in solution form c) Veerendra Nayak d) Sushil Sharma from dead and decaying matter called? 2) Who is the newly elected prime minister of a) autotrophic b) saprotrophic Spain? c) hetrotrophic d) symbiotic relationship a) Alfredo Perez b)Mariano Rajoy4. How does Amoeba ingest its food? c) Maria Dolores d) Javier Arenas a) gall bladder b) rumen c) buccal cavity d) pseudopodia 3) Which state has the highest life expectancy ? a) Tami Nadu b) Andhra Pradesh5. Who is the author of ‘Three Questions’? c) Maharashtra d) Jammu and Kashmir a) Leo Tolstoy b) Mark Twain 4) This committee was set up by union government to monitor the Bird flu situation in our country c) Charles Dickens d) Roald Dahl a) Somappa Committee b)ChakrabortyGK Quiz Committee1. What is part of a database that holds only one c) Munialappa Committee d) Guhanathan Committeetype of information? a) Report b) Field 5) When is National Ayurveda Day celebrated ? c) Record d) File a) October 28th b) November 16th2. Which motor should not be used as a DC machine? c) July 25th d) August 6th a)Permanent magnet motor b)Series motor 6) Which country won the Women’s World Carrom c) Squirrel cage motor d) Synchronous motor Championship this year ?3. In which decade was the American Institute of a) India b)China c) Australia d)SrilankaElectrical Engineers (AIEE) founded? a) 1850s b) 1880s c) 1930s d) 1950s Knowledge Building4. What s the name of the 3rd anti-submarine warfare Activity(ASW) corvette which was launched in Kolkata? Who is derek O Brien? what are hist greatest achivements? a) Sudarshani b) Kiltan c) Chetak d) Vaibhav5. What exactly is Rajratan?

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