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Student Mag-9th class

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Brain gain 9th ClassVolume 1 Issue 1 Inaugural Edition Pages 28 60/-EScaoudni Aorambiay’s

Editor’s Desk How to use the magazineWe are what we eat 1 Twfltsoevhchbiuraaretercherlauhnfamaioeanticnaisasvsu,sggttithsoatuksyesrzodkn,mominneiolniaeldwansttis,gil’fiscesfeatdsoarndcegephadexenbcpost,feattirlusiganloavanansrdaifn.tteeeceiicdacthedeysss,,,There’s an old saying in India – 2 Tacterrhhoaeeelascoticoultoylrhlnpefaeuccrneeltedplpsqdetituecsnhitrocteosekfrsdclaiytaacu.nladsdeeitexnynmpltelicacsaisaonn 3 Tcaqttoosfhhutomeeeilcvrpsketrtuoeqrwdphueeieoaaecnnsrdstksstiieitninooosignnssudsn.geadipveterhtsnsokttpaiahflnionlecsdrd, “More was prepared than was served. 4 Sorptakenoriaoldlivpmililniddaspgeyetrev-downaevnliaonefdyopgrb,mwymertsneihfptotteiehlnlaooigkdcdwiehaniairnglsoedg,f More was served than was eaten. More was eaten than was necessary.” learning. The saying incorporates all our woes related to food – be it wastage of extracooking or wrong eating. However, there is no denying the fact that there is no 5 Tdsciaghtanpausryinarodsrattubeeyhnpneneatatiurnscisennddtooideivrtvtesgihhtitirideariveteaeutaescdkaonphlenfreoneeosrfrserosapeq.rctewnuhtrcieiivtterdnhhitatcyeyoyeafspectacle on earth more appealing than that of a family cooking food for someonethey love and sitting together to share the meal. When I look at children slurping instant and ready-made foodstuffs everyday, Iwonder if our traditional cooking will only remain an ancient theory. Indian food isa blend of cross-cultural cuisines wherein every state has its own traditional dishes,but most children are consuming the same instant noodles, pastas, pizzas, burgersor sandwiches at least once a day, thanks to the massive influence of internationalfood joints that have robbed off the enthusiasm towards our traditional tastes andflavours. Would you believe that pizza robberies are commonly done by childrenand adolescents in Noida? Most cases are not even reported because witnessessay, “Pizza hi to hai.” Pathetic! Parents too find such fast foods quick and inexpensive. However, in pursuit ofgood health, parents must try to be innovative to make their daily food nutritionallymore interesting and appealing. They should not only try cooking new dishes athome but also involve children in the kitchen to make them understand what ‘real’food is made of. As parents and elders, we need to educate our children as they will never beaware of the long-term health effects due to the presence of sodium, salt, sugar, oil,artificial sweeteners, added monosodium glutamate, China grass, refined wheatflour, trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, caffeine, phosphoric acid, lead, ash,pesticides and many other ingredients in very high quantities in most of the foodsand beverages sold outside. Adding to this, studies in Hyderabad reported thateven our favourite roadside pani puris and fruit juices are dangerous too, as theyare contaminated with candida fungus and bacteria such as E. coli, salmonella,klebsiella, pseudomonas, staphylococci and enterrococci. Now keeping the nutrition aside, do you know that food can affect a child’srelationship with the mother? If you recollect the sambar advertisement thatreminds a man of his mother, you will notice that a person’s memories with hismother are linked to the food she had cooked during his childhood. Along with allher love, pain and sacrifices, her food is permanently recorded in her child’s mind. So it is our earnest intention that parents and children minimize their dependenceon outside food and utilize their free time to try out new dishes at home. Afterall, food is mankind’s first necessity. With a healthy body, a stable mind and yourvaluable presence, is there something your child cannot achieve?Welcome to the first issue of Student Mag. – Editor How to Subscribe For subscription, contact:Swan Edulabs Pvt. Ltd, Plot No. 43, Alaknanda, Prashasan Nagar, Road No. 72, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500033 Ph: (+91) 99515 27076 , (040) 2355 3031 Email: [email protected]

EVENTS OF THE MONTH THE LEGEND OF LORD JAGANNATH The most famous festival voice proclaimed, “Now we related to Jagannath is will change from present the Ratha yatra. form to Daru form and According to a legend, be worshipped by Raja Indrayumna, the king Indradyumna”. of Malava in Sata Yuga, was a great devotee of GodtoldRajaIndradyumna, Vishnu. Once he dreamt of “I will be floating in the Nilamadhava Vishnu. He sea in the form of a log of sent his emissaries in four wood”. King saw a big tree, directions to find this. radiant with light floating Brahmin Vidyapati was in the sea. Narada told the sent to the east. He came king, “Make three idols out to Savara village in Utkala of it and place them in a and stayed with the Savara pavilion”. Indradyumna got King Visvavasu. He married Visvakarma, the architect of king’s daughter Lalita to Gods, to build a spectacular get information about temple for these idols. God Nilamadhava. Vishnu appeared to make After much convincing, the idols. Vidyapati was taken to Nilakandara to see The three idols represent Nilamadhava. A divine the god Jagannath, his elder brother, Balabhadra and their sister, Subhadra.June 9 - Kabirdas Jayanthi June 25 - Jagannath Rath Yatra June 26 - Ramzan5JUNE World JUNE Environment Day 8World Ocean Day Activity 1 Activity 2 In an environment awareness rally, kids from various schools get Organize an interschool art competition together and show the importance on a high school level to promote the of saving our planet. ocean protection awareness in a creative manner.18JUNE Father’s Day Yoga Day JUNEActivity 3 Activity 4 21Each of you must dip your palm Practice the yoga posesin paint and print it on a sheet Sukhasana, Tadasana andof paper. Once all handprints Paschimottasana for enhanceddry up, jumble them. Then ask memory power.your father to pick up yourhandprint correctly! 3

GENERAL SCIENCEMatter in our SurroundingsMatter in nature exists in The amount of heat required Quick Workthree forms or states - solids, to change 1 kg of solidliquids and gases. into liquid at atmospheric 1. What is the common pressure, at its melting point, property of solid, liquidThe force of attraction is called ‘Latent Heat of and gas?between the particles is high Fusion.’ A. They are all living things in solids, less in liquids and B. They have definite shapeleast in gases. Change in pressure causes C. They have the same mass change in state. Increase inSpaces between the particles pressure of gases converts .2. State true or false:are very less in solids, them into liquids and further A change in size or shapemedium in liquids and large into solids. is a physical gases. .________________ Some solids such as camphor Formation of new Particles show a little become gases without goingmovement in solids, move through the liquid state when substance with new a little more in liquids, and heated and vice-versa whenmove very freely in gases. cooled down. This process is properties is ‘chemical called ‘Sublimation.’Matter can be changed from change.’one form to another by ‘Evaporation’ is the process ofvarying temperatures and a liquid changing into gaseous Scientific Analysispressures. state at any temperature Activity 5 below its boiling point. ForWhen solids are heated, instance, the water in wet How are syntheticthey melt into liquids. The clothes starts to evaporate at diamonds made? Submit atemperature at which a solid normal temperature. PowerPoint presentationtransforms into a liquid is and see if you can makecalled ‘Melting Point.’ ‘Evaporation’ is a surface one in your science lab. phenomenon and itThe process of melting is also causes cooling. The rate ofcalled ‘Fusion.’ evaporation increases with increase in surface area ofWhen the solid substance the liquid and decreases withstarts to melt due to heating, increase in humidity.the temperature does notincrease until the entire ‘Boiling Point’ is thesubstance melts down. temperature at which liquid turns into gaseous state.This phenomenon, whereinthe temperature does not ‘Latent Heat of Vaporization’rise despite heating, is called is the amount of heat required‘Latent Heat.’ to convert 1 kg of liquid into gas. 4

SOCIAL STUDIESINDIA - SIZE AND LOCATION India’s neighbouring countries are: Pakistan and India is Istelciavsoriweuntgnhneottetshrhrtledy. It lies between Afghanistan in the located Latitudes 8º4’N North-West; China, completely in Nepal and Bhutan in the northern and 37º6’N the North; Myanmar hemisphere. and Longitudes and Bangladesh in the East; and SriTime along the 68º7’E and Lanka and MaldivesStandard Meridian 97º25’E. in the South.oStatfkaInennddIWbEaniearaaeddtssswi(tTa8ttaie2hmAlneºeisee3dn.is0Ian’tTE.hdh)rieoaiu‘nsTgirhnottpaosh‘IiRrqcnetteIwoiaudnoSctamsoofaiyodaouCrsttaei’rhentaafsyqeante3auikcrmncdrna.yoie2sell’pavrpdo8aha’’aeiomsanrvarmrrulintdovsdetisndnefiitlrsalnsoi‘elo‘aNt.ngiPfreuonutsairtntch.nameieresce1yhnwtr5Ioatwano,t2tlodaroi0Dmltinrda0hket7eehrkbscs,ara5mie.lm’s1iccksao5aaapenu.ull6radnsenketaadmrdocibe.ofosaustnlidnaeryofof QUICK WORK ItLtAIhfannBrretWoadaeiSmrtbineuaroigsoandu2atwnet2lOahsoStncNodeneddwoaiaotvrBnhawitoadrheinndyniEnsttoagohfset. 1. Identify the state which is not landlocked a. Tripura B. Maharashtra C. Chhattisgarh 2. Name two islands of Indian mainland.India is surrounded by‘Young Fold Mountains’or ‘The Himalayas’ in Data Findingthe North, North-East Activity 6and North-West. Find photos of seasonal celebrations around India. Find where celebrations take place, and how they express the unique characteristics of that particular season. 5

ENGLISH Transition in Learning Quick Work 1) What are ‘Gurukuls?’ 2) Name two mythological characters who were students of a ‘Gurukul.’ 3) What is ‘e–learning?’ 4) Which system do you like, ‘Gurukul’ or ‘e-Learning’, and why?Ancient India housed numerous residential gurukuls, 5) Write two synonyms to the followingWhere pupils were refined for intellectual skills, words:Princes and paupers, trained under a sagacious guru,Quenched their thirst, till they eventually bade adieu. Transition - Intellectual -Mathematics, Shlokas, Archery and History, Eventually -They mastered shrewdly, as was customary. Adieu -The guru honed their naïve inner personality, Honed -And cleansed them in the wee hours, for sanctity. Convulsed -Then the bug ‘science’ monster leapt in a stride, 6) Name few tools used in a digital classroom.Ans sishyas got altered into students, in all pride.Learning became cramming and gathering information, 7) Why does the poet use the phrase ‘the soWherein gurukuls replaced classrooms, the transition! called’ in the line below? “Language labs and tabs, the so called digital classroom!” 8) The poet has used satire in some places. Identify the lines/line and pen them down.White boards, computers and laptops, the boom!Language labs and tabs, the so called digital classroom.E-learning has helped in creation and recreation.Google – the robotic maestro, has convulsed the nation.Vocabulary BuildingActivity 7 How about a game ofdumb charades? Formgroups and enact verbsand adjectives. 6

NUMBER SYSTEMS MATHEMATICSA number is called a number when the Quick Work‘Rational Number’ if it rational number is notcan be written in the zero. 1. Which of the followingform of p / q where both statements is true?p and q are integers and For positive real a. Every whole number is aq is not equal to zero. numbers the following rational number A number is called an properties hold: b. Every integer is a rational‘Irrational Number’ if it numbercannot be written in √ab = √a x √b c. 0 is a whole number but it is notthe form of p / q where √a/b = √a / √b a rational numberboth p and q are integers (√a + √b) (√a - √b) = a 2. Is the number π−1and q is not 0. –b rational or irrational?The decimal (√a + √b)² = a + b +representation of rational 2√abnumbers is eitherterminating or non- To rationalise theterminating recurring. denominator of 1/√aWhereas, for irrational + b we multiply thisnumbers it is non- number by √a – bterminating and non- /√a – b, where arecurring. and b are integers.The collection of allrational and irrational When a > 0 be anumbers form real real number and pnumbers. and q are rationalThe sum and difference numbers, thenof a rational numberand irrational number = ap+qis always an irrational ap / aq = ap-qnumber. (ap)q = apqThe product and quotient ap.bp = (ab)pof rational and irrationalnumbers is an irrationalProblem SolvingActivity 8The teacher gives the same mathematicalproblem to students in each row. Each studentin the row must complete one step and pass iton to the next teammate. The row that solvesmaximum problems in the quickest time wins! 7

TECHNOLOGY SELF-DRIVING CARThough we might think that the self- people to use it. The testers have mostly driving cars started with Google or been from Google themselves and not Tesla, it may not be actually correct. many outsiders have been given a chanceSelf-driven cars can be dated back to as to drive it. This car has been built byfar as 1920s with many examples along Google from the scratch and is poweredthe way, in the automobile history. by a motor and various sensors to aid in its functioning. The GPS is used to pin Google has been a prime example in point the location, just like many otherbringing forward driverless car, with recent inventions.its prototype 2 years ago, which wasoperated in and around the areas of However, the testing of self-driven carsCalifornia. It can accommodate two needs to be standardized further for safetypeople at a time and make use of smart and any other ambiguities in order to seephones. It does not have a steering wheel its effectiveness in our day-to-day lives.or any kind of manual control involved. We all know that technology has come aAll it has are two main buttons, the start long way. We can possess self-driving carsbutton and an emergency stop button, in the future, and can probably expectmaking it extremely comfortable for the separate lanes with rules of road. Believe It! Group Discussion Activity 9 Though we are still waiting for the self-driving cars to come out Discuss why eco-friendly on roads, an AUDI SQ5 SUV has vehicles are not popularly already driven itself 3500 miles used by the common across America, using Delphi’s people despite the urge for software and hardware. environment conservation. 8

EScauodni Aorabmia’sy COVER STORYIt seems like a bad time for is going too fast Saudi Arabia’s economy has with their Spoken Skills been in the recent times, reforming Activity 10as it is in a dire situation and plans and theis struggling to come up. Even general public How has thesomething as basic as milk of the country demonetisation of Indianseems to be dependent on oil is finding it currency affected thein this nation, making things hard to adjust to what has Middle East countries?worse. This is because even big been happening. Some of the Speak out your views bycompanies such as Almarai, businessmen feel that the quoting a few case studies.which appears to have no direct business as well as life will not goconnection to the petroleum on as normal as it used to be. Theor oil dependency, tend to rely prices of goods are going up andon the cheap energy that is the construction projects haveprovided by the kingdom. been abruptly cut off without any notice by the government. The low oil prices and even The Prince is even trying to freethe war in Yemen proved to up the money by selling a part ofbe an expensive affair which the economic crown, the Saudihas created a hole in the Aramco.Saudi Arabia’s budget. Thegovernment is trying to holdback huge subsidies for fuel,water and electricity. Moreover,it has cut public spending to alarge extent and has reducedmore take home pay for thegovernment employees as well. The reform plan which hasbeen written down by thePrince of the country has senttremors across the country, asthe people are used to a certainkind of lifestyle which has beenunderwritten by the state.There is a gap when it comesto adjusting, as the government 9

FUN COMIC TONGUE TIED!Once an Indian who was brought up in a foreign Men wearing a piece of Quick Workcountry visited a village for the first time. cloth dangling at the back? He! He! Tick the most What a strange suitable option place it is! for each question below. Hey, what do you call 1. What did the these weird pants you foreigner consider himself first? people wear here? (a) Literate (b) Gentleman (c) HandsomeWe call them !! Alright. But why is a 2. What did the ‘dhotis,’ sir. piece of cloth hanging at villager teach the Well then, we wear the back? Isn’t it funny? foreigner? Please tell me why you our ties at our back! have a piece of cloth Whaaa?? (a) Humilityhanging in the front, sir. (b) Acceptance But this is a tie. (c) RespectJudgemental Skills 3. What does the Activity 11 story portray? “Indian clothing is a blend of hidden beauty a) Traditional and comfort unknown to us.” Debate it! clothing 10 (b) Inquisitiveness The End (c) Cultural differences (d) Effective communication

ANCIENT WISDOMOne of the greatest figures of Parent wisdom and knowledge inthe Indian history was Chanakya. 1. Every parent shouldHe lived approximately during spread love and350 - 283 B.C. He was the Advisor pamper their childrenand Prime Minister of Emperor till they are 5 yearsChandragupta. Chanakya was old. When the childa professor at the University of is 10 years old, hisTaxila (located in the present day misbehaviour shouldPakistan) and was an expert in not be ignored andcommerce, warfare, economics, an appropriateetc. His famous works include punishment must beChanakya Neeti, Arthashastra and given. This saves hisNeetishastra. future mistakes. And, Chanakya was also known at 16, parents should beby the name of Kautilya and his/her friends.Vishnugupta. Arthashastra isa classic example of statecraft 2. According toand politics. It consists of the Chanakya, one shouldCHANAKYAprinciples of politics and how the find out the character of a 2. Education is the best friend. Anstate works. person like his nature and educated person is respected whether he talks properly or everywhere. Education beats Chanakya Neeti (morals) is with arrogance. A person’s the beauty and the youth.all about understanding human behaviour talks about hisnature and its weaknesses. With nature also. Human Valueshis neeti sastras, Chanakya madea simple boy Chandragupta into Teacher 1. When others praise a person,a king, the famous Chandragupta despite him being not capable,Maurya. 1. Chanakya advises not to he is worshipoed. On the other overindulge with your child, hand, an incapable person who Chanakya became a never pupil and students. It spoils praises himself insults gods.ending phenomenon. He truly them.guided many generations with his 2. If one has a good disposition,wisdom. In modern times too, his 2. Before you start some work, what other virtue is needed? If aneeti sastras are quite useful and always ask yourself three man has fame, what is the valueanswers various problems of all questions – Why am I doing of another ornamentation?age groups. it?, What the results might be? and Will I be successful? Only Habitual Reading Student when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers, go Activity 121. An intelligent child is one ahead. who remains patient in every Paste a tree trunk cut difficult situation and finds School out from paper on your solution to his problems bulletin board. Paste a calmly. 1. Paropkar (charity) is a man’s new paper leaf each time best virtue. Otherwise, there you finish reading a book,2. Books are as useful to a stupid is no difference between him mentioning the name of person as a mirror is useful to and a wall hanging. the book and the author. a blind person. 11

FOODSTUFFS THE HISTORY OF CORN People first began to grow corn or maize around 7500 BC near Mexico. climates. It is the widely grown grain Dent corn, flint corn, pod corn, popcorn, crop in North and South America. flour corn and sweet corn are the six Nearly 332 million metric tons of types of corns. Corn means maize in the maize is grown annually in the USA alone. It is also widely cultivated in United States of America, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, China, Ukraine, India, Australia and New Zealand. It Indonesia, France and South Africa. was Spanish settlers who Health-supportive antioxidant benefits introduced this crop are more from all varieties of corn, to other countries. including white, yellow, blue, purple Maize can grow and red corn. Variety of recipes can be in diverse made with corn such as grilled corn and corn salad. Indians love to have grilled or roasted corn, during rainy season, laced with lime and sprinkled with pepper. Believe It! Corn is more like a seed,There are corn gods and similar to rice and wheatgoddesses which exist, where most than hard food. Corn grew from aof the deities are female, which are type of wild grass in Mexico, known asassociated with fertility. Different the teosinte. It is nutritious and containscountries have different myths and Vitamins B and C, along with carbohydratesnames for them. and proteins. The protein content of corn is not as high as wheat and barley though. On an average, Organised Living an ear of the corn has about 800 kernels in 16 rows. Activity 13 12 Maintain a diary of all the food you eat for five days, including drinks. After a week, compare your diet with the correct guidelines of what you should eat.

CORN RECIPES GRILLED CORN SALAD Ingredients: sweet corn, onion, tomato, chillies, coriander leaves, lemon juice, chilli powder, black salt and chaat masala. Procedure: First boil the corn and keep aside. Then chop the rest of the vegetables and put them in a bowl. Mix corn and the rest of the ingredients as well. Toss them all together with hands or big spatula. Check if the seasoning or chaat masala is according to your taste. The tasty, tangy and yummy corn chaat is ready.CORN CHAT Health Benefits: This has absolutely no oil, is nutrition rich and has high content of fiber as well.Ingredients: Boneless chicken, baby spinach, lemonjuice, garlic, olive oil, corn, parsley, parmesan cheese,salt and pepper.Procedure: Mix up lemon juice, olive oil, parsley, saltand pepper in a bowl for dressing. Coat the corn andchicken with the dressing and get them ready to grillfor about 8 to 10 minutes at 170 degrees. Once thencoat the remaining dressing with spinach and tossthe chicken and corn. Check for seasoning and gratesome cheese on to finish it. Vegetarians can use grilledpaneer (cottage cheese) instead of grilled chicken.Health Benefits: High in fiber and proteins, it is a Tip: Add some fried vermicelli (sev) onwholesome meal making it apt for diet consciouspeople. top to enhance the taste. Tip: Add extra herbs Presentation Skills Activity 14 such as rosemary and thyme to make it more authentic. Can also include other preferred vegetables. What technology has been adopted in growing colourful pods in a single corn cob? Throw light with a PowerPoint Presentation. 13

GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Is the effect of gravity different Experiential Learning across the Activity 15 planet? Fill in the bottom of a bottle with warm water and Though there is add a packet of yeast and little sugar to it. Place a difference in the neck of a balloon over the bottle for 20 minutes. gravity across the What happens next? Note down your observations. planet, it is at such less Analytical Thinking degree that one would Activity 16 not even be able to tell the difference. It Take ¾ glass of water and add 5 drops of food has been known that the colour. Pour little vegetable oil in it. Sprinkle a spoon places which occur near the Earth’s of salt over it. Blobs of substance move up and down equator have less gravity compared in the cup. What is the reason? to the regions near the Poles. This is due to the way our Earth rotates and the lump which is detected at the Equator. Peruvian mountains have the lowest gravity point on Earth. How are sea levels measured? This might be one of the biggest concerns which the world is facing right now, as a result of global warming. The gauges which are used to measure the sea levels, however, might be susceptible to errors, and so the satellite instruments which are now used. Therefore, the need for more accurate measurements are the need of the day. The rise of 2.8 meters may not seem to be significant right now, but will be disastrous in the coming centuries. This is more alarming with reagrd to the lives of more than 100 million people living along the coastline.14

What is the result of agun fire in space?It is believed that if you are floating without any hassles in space, the gun should worksimilarly to how it works on Earth. With theadvances, in the modern physics, the gunsbeing produced do not require oxygen towork and therefore it will fire in the spacewhen triggered. However, in the space thebullet will tend to travel across the emptyplace until it comes in contact with anotherobject.What is the accuracy of fitness Observation Skills Activity 17trackers? Blow a balloon and rub it againstFitness trackers help one to keep a track of their your head to build up a static fitness levels by showing the amount of calories charge. Turn a tap on to a slowthey have burnt per day. Although, it is extremely stream of water. Bring the balloonbeneficial, according to studies carried out, there is close to the water. What happens?a 20-30% margin of errors which have been found. Writing Skills Therefore, if calculated Activity 18 over the week, this might actually add Snip a flower stem and put it in up to a day’s worth coloured water. Slowly, the colours of workout. Most emerge in its petals and leaves. of the trackers Now write down the entire process. work through the accelerometers worn on the wrist or shoe to calculate your level of activity for the day. 15

LIFE SKILLSPOINTING OTHERS’ MISTAKESOn a winter morning, a teacher disobeyed our teacher.” Moral walked into a noisy class. Shesaw that, out of all, four students The fourth student continued We need to imbibewere creating a lot of noise. reading his lesson. After an hour self-criticism insteadShe called them separately and when the teacher came back, of always trying to finddecided to talk to them instead the first three students spokeof scolding or yelling. She gave in tandem, “Teacher, these two fault in others.them a task. She asked them to students spoke in your absence!”complete the lesson by the time The teacher realized that all the Personality Analysisshe returned after an hour, and three had spoken in her absence.then it will be discussed. She Only the fourth student had kept Activity 19reminded them that they should quiet and obeyed her.not speak until she came back. Ask your friend to think She said, “The one who followed of an imaginary island.Students quietly started learning my instructions properly is the Then ask, “Is it receptivetheir lesson. Suddenly the power only one who will be a better or hostile? Should youwent off. First student exclaimed, person in future. He is the one who build a bridge to reach“It is too dark to study!” realized his mistake of making the it or a wall to protect class noisy. You all disobeyed me it?” Now analyse yourListening to him, the second and complained about each other. friend’s personality basedstudent remarked, “Why did you Instead, you should have realized on his/her Our teacher had instructed your own mistake.”us to keep quiet until she cameback.” The three students felt very ashamed and asked their teacherThe third student also spoke. for her forgiveness. They promisedHe said, “Oh! Both of you have to never repeat this mistake. 16

DO NOT GET HELDDOWN BY LIFE’SSITUATIONSChris Gardner, as a child, was very troubled and grew up in an abusive foster home. From the age of 8 until his growing years, he had a very hard time. He had a bad job and a bad life situation. He was homeless. Later he came up with his own brokerage firm in the year 1987, which then took off like a rocket. His life story was even made into a film ‘The Pursuit of Happyness’ which was largely appreciated by people across the globe. Analyzing where you are going wrong and coming up from situations which are hard, is what makes you what you are. Not giving up in any situation and talking to yourself by self-motivating in situations can make you as great as the famed people you see around.Quick Work Believe It! Body Language1. Why did Chris Gardner When Chris Gardner had Activity 20receive the Father of the Year lost his home and foundAward? no shelter outside, Meet three he slept a whole night people. Find out2. Write down some of your with his son in a subway and share threestrengths in each area: bathroom! things that areClass new and interestingFamily about the otherSports person – butSchool without speaking. 17

LITTLE RASCAL ADOLF HITLER Later in the days, he had committed a lot of crimes, which were never formally charged. He was known to start a conspiracy to seize power, had ordered to commit brutality against the civilian population of Europe, initiated war on many nations by breaking international laws and various crimes against humanity.Adolf Hitler is one of the world’s most global to which he became what he was figures, for his extreme measures and when he was an adult. He was aleadership qualities. There are people that hate him bright kid from the beginningand those that swear by him. He was born in Austria but decided not to continuein the year 1889 and was the fourth one from the studying after the age of 16.six siblings. Hitler was not on very good terms with Moreover, he experienced ahis father in his earlier years and had many clashes lot of grief as a child, where hewith him in his growing up years. His father was lost most of his siblings in hisobnoxious and would often beat up the kids due to childhood itself.his bad temper. It was probably because of the way He had seen his share of povertyhis childhood and his growing up years shaped, due in his years and also did watercolor paintings in order to make a living in Vienna. After the World War I, he had developed an anti-semetic ideology. He was mainly influenced by Ferdinand Schonerer and Karl Lueger, who was then the mayor of Vienna. Hitler drew his ideology in large part from Schonerer, and his strategy and tactics from Lueger.Believe It! My Personality Activity 21Hitler loved art, but did youknow that he was rejected from Enact telling what your personality isthe art schools he had applied until other partner guesses the more than once, which hit Hey! You can enact out a situation likehim hard? shopping, reading, etc. 18

SPEAK OUT! This column is specially published to highlight the REALISSUES OF REAL CHILDREN. What is in your mind? Speak out.INCIDENT PROBLEM Hi Student Mag,I have always been a thin, tall girl.I always did well in yoga classes My father has a transferable job. We move every two years to a newas my body was very flexible. This place. In my new school, I don’t know many students. The girls of myprompted me to join the gymnastics class maintain groups. What should I do?club of our school some years back.We were a great team of seven - C. Ushagirls and stayed back after schoolfor these classes. We were being Well, it is very natural to find it difficult to adjust to a new schoolprepared for the upcoming inter environment. Keep in touch with your old friends but do not compare yourschool competitions. In one of the new friends with them. Be yourself and walk with your head up. Introducepractice sessions, while doing a yourself confidently and take part in the class activities. Give time to yourcart wheel, I slipped and fell on my new friends; find common things to talk about with them and you willhand. Initially, it seemed to be just soon be part of your new school environment.a twist. But by the time I reachedhome, the pain was unbearable. My QUESTIONmother immediately took me to adoctor and, to my dismay, an X-ray Hi Student Mag,revealed a bone dislocation in myhand. This was the worst news as I Influenced by the movie stars, most of my friends have started going to a gym.had to withdraw my name from the I am a little confused about when to start it, what is the right age to start aschool team. World seemed to be gym?closing on me.My parents gave their love and - Sohan Paulcomfort to me, and slowly I startedrecovering from the injury. By the It is important to stay fit at all ages. Children need exercise just as much as adultsend of the year, I was back in my need. There is no specific age to start going to a gym. The type of exercise yougymnastics club and represented choose at the gym depends a lot on your physical maturity. So under guidancemy school for the next competition. of a proper coach, you can start going to a gym at any age. Weightlifting andIt was a very proud moment for me other strenuous exercises should be avoided under 14 years of age as your bodyas our team gave the school its first is not ready physically. In general, going to gym can get a bit lonely for a child.medal in this sport that year. Opting for group activities like football, swimming, cycling will help in making more friends. - Name undisclosed OPINION The death of J. Jayalalithaa on Monday, December 5, 2016, brings to an end the life of an extraordinary Indian politician. If the AIADMK gradually weakens, The DMK will almost certainly go into the next elections under M.K. Stalin’s leadership and win, after the death of their most fearsome political opponent. Overall, Tamil Nadu politics has become a little stagnant, which will finally see some fresh blood. The state is very progressive, has very good infrastructure, education and safety and I hope it continues the same way in future too. - Suresh MahajanSend us your thoughts and queries on What Interests [email protected]/speak_out.html Activity 22and we will publish the best ones! Call uson 040-23553031 for counselling. Pick one article from a newspaper each week and write why you chose it. 19

PUZZLE CORNER Draw a path joining letters A to Z by Fill in the empty circles with numbers from 0 passing through all the balls on the way. to 17 (except 9) such that the sum of the three numbers on any straight line is 25.8Bird Day Party Money mattersYash boasted to his cousin Match the broken words at the left with their parts Josh at a bird day party, “Look! I have a majestic at the right to form words which are different namespeacock that laid one egg onday 1 and two eggs on day 2. of ‘money’ used in different contexts. Then write theLogically speaking, can you tellme exactly how many eggs it laid words at the center based on the given clues.on day 3?” Josh did guess thecorrect number. How about you? ALI 1. ___________________ (school) WRY OFFE 2. ___________________ (retired) NE FE 3. ___________________ (divorce) BT RAN 4. ___________________ (owing) TIONCause and Effect LO 5. ___________________ (labourer) PRelation BRI Activity 23 FI 6. ___________________ (wedding) GE DO Prepare assorted cards PENS 7. ___________________ (court) AXwith different causes DE and effects written WA 8. ___________________ (worship) BEon them. Students SAL must form the correct T 9. ___________________ (government) SOMpairs, e.g.: cause: rain DONA and sunshine; effect: 10. ___________________(service) AN rainbow. 11. ___________________(kidnap) RING 12. ___________________(charity) MONY 13. ___________________(illegal) E 14. ___________________(borrowing) ARY TI 15. ___________________(employee) ION 20

PROBLEM SOLVING ASSESSMENT Direction Sense TestThe questions consist of a sort of direction puzzle. These help to judge the sense of direction amongst students. Direction is the information contained in the relative position of one point with respect toanother point without the distance information. To solve the direction sense test first you need to make asketch of the data provided.Example: Siva starting from his house goes 5 km inthe East and then he turns to his left and goes 4 km.Finally he turns to his left and goes 5 km. Now howfar is he from his house and in what direction?Solution: From third position it is clear he is 4 kmfrom his house and is in West direction.EXERCISE (A) 10 km, East (B) 9 km, North (C) 8 km, West (D) 3 km, South1. One morning after sunrise, Suresh was standingfacing a pole. The shadow of the pole fell exactly 6. A boy rode his bicycle northward, then turned leftto his right. To which direction was he facing? and rode 1 km and again turned left and rode 2 (A) East (B) West km. He found himself 1 km west of his starting (C) South (D) Data not enough point. How far did he ride northward initially?2. A man walks 5 km toward south and then turns (A) 1 km (B) 2 kmto the right. After walking 3 km he turns to the (C) 3 km (D) 5 kmleft and walks 5 km. Now in which direction is he 7. Sunaina walks 5 km towards East and then turnsfrom the starting place? left and walks 6 km. Again she turns right and (A) West (B) South walks 9 km. Finally she turns to her right and (C) North-East (D) South-West walks 6 km. How far is she from the starting3. One day, Rahul left home and cycled 20 km point?southwards, turned right and cycled 10 km, again (A) 26 km (B) 21 kmturned right and cycled 20 km and turned left and (C) 14 km (D) 9 kmcycled 20 km. How many kilometers will he have 8. Sachin walks 20 km towards North. He turns leftto cycle to reach his home straight? and walks 40 km. He again turns left and walks (A) 50 km (B) 30 km 20 km. Finally, he moves 20 km after turning to (C) 40 km (D) 60 km left. How far is he from his starting position?4. A girl was going west, she turned left and then (A) 20 km (B) 30 kmshe turned 90 degrees in clockwise direction. In (C) 50 km (D) 60 kmwhich direction was she going now? (A) East (B) West Find Your Birthday Coordinates Activity 24 (C) North (D) None of these Plot your birthday coordinates, use5. A taxi goes 10 km towards East and turns to the month for Latitude and day for right and goes 3 km. Then, it goes towards West Longitude. For example, if your birthday (turning to its right) 3 km. Then it turns left and is September 20, your coordinates could goes 2 km. Finally, the taxi turns to its right and be 9°N, 20°E. travels 7 km. How far is the taxi from its starting point and in which direction would it be? 21

FUN FACTS The sound of thunder is produced by rapidly heated air surrounding lightning which SOUN D expands faster than the speed ofsound. Sound can’t travel through a vacuum (an area empty ofmatter) Dogs Our Sound can hear ears vibrate is used bysound at a higher in a similar way many animals frequency than to the original source to detect danger,humans, allowing of vibration, allowing warning them of them to hear us to hear many possible attacks noises that we different sounds. before they happen. can’t.When traveling through water, The speed of sound is around 767 miles The scientific study sound moves four times faster per hour (1,230 kilometers per hour). of sound waves isthan when it travels through air. known as acoustics.Be a Journalist Albert EinsteinActivity 25 never learned to Find some interesting drive a car.facts about your school. The Statue of Liberty weighs Trace its history and up to 225 tons. This weight write an article or your equals nearly 23 buses if each bus has an average weight of opinion for the class about 10 tons. board. 22

RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES Jews: FUNERAL Sikhs: When a Jew They begin with dies, Dayan HaEmet, reciting of ‘Waheguru’ a prayer is recited by the close family and friends, which and the family conducts therecognizes the Gods will as thetrue judge of anything. A funeral RITES reading of entire Guru Granthhome is then contacted and the Sahib. The whole mourning body is interred process takes about 10 days. They as soon as possible. are cremated with the 5 K’s, the powerful symbols of the Sikh faith. Parsis: They do not Hindus: Family Tree cremate or bury the Theybody, they just leave it cremate the Activity 26in the Dakhma, where body. A pundit actsthe body is allowed to as a guide during the How far can youdecompose by the sun. entire process. The body trace your ancestors? is washed and the head is placed facing With the help of your towards the South. They burn the body parents, make a family of the deceased and collect the ash, which is then released into the holy waters of the Ganga. They believe that this would help them attain Nirvana. They wear white as a sign of mourning. tree including as many Christians: generations as possible. They place the Believe It! body in a coffin, which is then buried in the In olden Chinese dynasties, the coffins of ground. It takes place in a those who are dead are hung on the rocks of chapel or a church, where the cliffs at great heights. They believe that the funeral director takes over the ceremony. The body in this way, their loved is embalmed so that it is Buddhists: ones are close to preserved until burial. Similar to the heaven. They wear black as a sign Hindus, even here theMuslims: of mourning. body of the deceased is washed and dressed for the final rites toThe body is be performed. Generally, the body is cremated where monks areburied with their face present and they perform chants. The cremated ashestowards the direction of are either kept with the family or released into theMecca. Any signs of grief are sea, as preferred by thediscouraged as they believe family members. The mourners wear white,they should adhere to Allah’s instead of black.wishes without murmur.Unlike in other faiths,cremation is forbiddenin Islam. 23

ART APPRECIATIONMANDALA ARTMandala is thought to be a sacred circle which has been around since the beginning of thetimes, Eastern origin to be specific. The word looselymeans circle or center and comes from a Sanskritword of that meaning. It is a form of a scared art inHinduism and Buddhism. It has no beginning orend to be specific, but is a simple geometric shape.Each shape and size of the drawing represents acertain meaning. It can be defined in two differentways, where on the outside it is known to representthe universe and internally it acts as a guidance forseveral psychophysical practices which seem to playan important role in many Asian traditions such asmeditation. The center point exhibits the fact thateverything is possible from the center, a point fromwhich there are infinite possibilities. It is a pathwaythrough which a person is aiming for their wellnessand a desired state of being. Benefits These are known to have the powers to heal us, through relaxation and meditation. It focuses on the positive energies and state of mind for your well being on the whole. It effectively appears to balance your body’s energies, along with your mind and spirit as well. It helps you make a spiritual connection that you may have been looking for. It is a way to expand your self-awareness and self-expression, and also expands your creativity. Mandala coloring pages are a way to experience the healing power of this art for kids as well as adults. There is no age bar when it comes to finding your pathway to wellness.Believe It! Design your MathIn many places, these drawings are Activity 27shared with families and friends to tellthem know your inner realities in the Using Post-it hits,most open and honest way, encouraging make an array withothers to do so as well. different colours on a graph paper. For 24 different colours find area, perimeter, fractions, etc.

CREATIVE CRAFTMANDALA STONE ARTThis is the latest trend, where some brushes (with tough bristles, the colorful dotted patterns not the ones made from animalare a real eye catcher. The whole hair). You will be requiring stones,world has admired the beauty of smooth ones preferably which youit and the patterns are not very get by the beaches and rivers. Paintdifficult to recreate yourself. You the base with a neutral color likewill be needing paints (should black. Then draw into patternsbe little diluted with water) and using other colors and brushes.25

HEALTH CHECK HOW DO YOUEFFECTIVELY DEAL WITH EYE INJURIES?You cannot always understand a situation or more area than around the eyes, you might want to cause of certain injury completely, as there start taking oral medication to deal with it. These might be so many things which might go wrong, are necessary because if proper care and treatmentespecially when it comes to something as sensitive as is not done, it could lead to blindness.the eyes. There may be specialized tests which need tobe run through, and extra care that need to be taken l There are some injuries which you cannot do much aboutin order to avoid any other complications or to ensure with the expert help, such as loss of vision or extremeproper healing process. There are certain factors you pain, that have not been caused due to the scratch orcan keep in mind when dealing with an injury, if there an infection. The reason needs to be identified with theis no medical or expert help available. help of few tests.l Check the area around your eye, if it is red, you might l Flushing (for about fifteen minutes or even about thirty want to try applying some heat around the area to depending on what you think is necessary) out the soothe it down. Also, you need to start antibiotic specks with clean water generally works, unless the drops if it is available to you, as they would get rid wound is deeper or is punctured into the cornea. In of any bacteria which might have gotten into the any case, make sure that you remove your lenses if you eyes. If there is swelling and redness which covers use them and only use them back again, once your eyes are completely healed.Believe It! Are your eyes tired? Activity 28Scientists in Maryland,USA have used stem cells Collect data from all students of yourand created an eye tissue class who have spent time more than 4in a petri dish by following hours watching TV, finishing homework,the process of eye sleeping, etc. Make a graph for the same.development in a womb. 26

QUIZAcademic Quiz 5. The concept of ‘Environmental Impact1. What is dry ice? b) Solid CO2 Assessment’ came from which country? a) Solid O2 d) Solid NO c) Solid NO2 a) Switzerland b) USA c) Japan d) Germany2. The space between particles is lowest in: a) Solids b) Liquids 6. What is carbon footprint?c) Gases d) Inert gases a) Emission of carbon dioxide from daily human activities.3. Which of the following is an irrational number? b) Emission of carbon monoxide because ofa) 3/2 b) √4 vehicles.c) π d) 3.27 c) Acid rain d)Soil degradation4. What is the length of the Indian coastline?a) 7,516.6 km b) 6,880.4 kmc) 3,200 km d) 9,200.7 km Current Affairs 1) The city which hosted the 2016 BRICS summit.5. Tools, machines and buildings come under: a) Benaulim,Goa b) Beijing c) St Peters berg d) Rio-de-janerioa) Working capital b) Fixed capitalc) Non-human capital d) Renewable capital 2) Who is the new Prime Minister of South Korea ?6. In which year did the Russian Revolution take a) Choi Soon-Sil b) Kim- Byong-Joon c) Jung Youn-kuk d) Yim Jong-yongplace? b) 1878 a) 1917 3) 2016 Nobel Prize for Literature has been won byc) 1776 d) 1912 whom? a) William Faulkner b) Bob Dylan c) Jon Steinbeck d) Patrick ModianoGK Quiz 4) Name the theme of 2016 World Mental Health day.1. Which of the following summit created the a) Dignity in mental health b) Psychological first aidconcept of c) Depression: A global crisisd d) Health : Mental will prevailKyoto protocol? a) Kyoto protocol c) Montreal protocolc) Basel convention d)Ramsar convention2. Cartagena protocol is related to which of the 5) The Indian Air-force Day is observed on this date. a) October 9th b) October 7thfollowing. c) October 8th d) October 10tha) Bio-safety b)Trans-boundary movement of hazardous 6) Name the Indian sports person who is appointed aswastes. d)Ozone depletion the member of IOC’S Athlete’s commission.c)Climate change a) Sania Mirza b) Saina Nehwal3. Which of the following is not matched correctly? c) Abhinav Bindra d) PV Sindhu a) Ponzan summit: 2008 b)Bali summit: 2002 c)Earth Summit: 1992 d)Montreal Protocol: Mix and Match Headlines 1987 Activity 294. The Sustainable Development concept was Cut up articles, headlines and photosemerged after? into three separate piles and mix them up. Challenge students in groups to see a) Basel convention on hazardous wastes, 1989 who can correctly match them in the b) Bali summit: 2002 shortest amount of time. c) Earth Summit: 1992 d) Montreal Protocol: 1987

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