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Published by rameshjanaki87, 2017-01-30 06:29:15

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Play 30/-Volume 1 | Issue 1 | Inaugural Edition | Pages 28 PICTURE WORK C SWAN EDULABS 2016Sensory Motor Activity 1 Fill one-third of a huge tub with thermocolFind and circle the hidden pictures. balls and hide some plastic balls in it. Blindfold a group of children and put them in the tub. Ask them to find as many plastic balls as possible untilRadio Kite Camera Flask Flower Cheese their hands are full.

Editor Note How to use the magazine We are what we eatThere’s an old saying in India – “More was prepared than was served. Twfltsoevhchbiuraaretercherlauhnfamaioeanticnaisasvsu,sggttithsoatuksyesrzodkn,mominneiolniaeldwansttis,gil’fiscesfeatdsoarndcegephadexenbcpost,feattirlusiganloavanansrdaifn.tteeeceiicdacthedeysss,,, More was served than was eaten. Tacterrhhoaeeelascoticoultoylrhlnpefaeuccrneeltedplpsqdetituecsnhitrocteosekfrsdclaiytaacu.nladsdeeitexnynmpltelicacsaisaonn Tcaqttoosfhhutomeeeilcvrpsketrtuoeqrwdphueeieoaaecnnsrdstksstiieitninooosignnssudsn.geadipveterhtsnsokttpaiahflnionlecsdrd,1More was eaten than was necessary.” The saying incorporates all our woes related to food – be it wastage of extracooking or wrong eating. However, there is no denying the fact that there isno spectacle on earth more appealing than that of a family cooking food forsomeone they love and sitting together to share the meal. When I look at children slurping instant and ready-made foodstuffs everyday,I wonder if our traditional cooking will only remain an ancient theory. Indianfood is a blend of cross-cultural cuisines wherein every state has its own2016traditional dishes, but most children are consuming the same instant noodles,pastas, pizzas, burgers or sandwiches at least once a day, thanks to the massive2influence of international food joints that have robbed off the enthusiasmLABStowards our traditional tastes and flavours. Would you believe that pizzarobberies are commonly done by children and adolescents in Noida? Most casesare not even reported because witnesses say, “Pizza hi to hai.” Pathetic! Parents too find such fast foods quick and inexpensive. However, in pursuitEDUof good health, parents must try to be innovative to make their daily foodnutritionally more interesting and appealing. They should not only try cookingANnew dishes at home but also involve children in the kitchen to make them3understand what ‘real’ food is made of.SWAs parents and elders, we need to educate our children as they will never beaware of the long-term health effects due to the presence of sodium, salt, sugar,Coil, artificial sweeteners, added monosodium glutamate, China grass, refinedwheat flour, trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, caffeine, phosphoric acid, lead,ash, pesticides and many other ingredients in very high quantities in most of thefoods and beverages sold outside. Adding to this, studies in Hyderabad reported 4 Sorptaklenoeriaoladlivprmilnilniddasipgenyetrev-dgownae.vnliaonefdyopgrb,mwymertsneihfptotteiehlnlaooigkdcdwiehaniairnglsoedg,fthat even our favourite roadside pani puris and fruit juices are dangerous too,as they are contaminated with candida fungus and bacteria such as E. coli,salmonella, klebsiella, pseudomonas, staphylococci and enterrococci. Now keeping the nutrition aside, do you know that food can affect a child’srelationship with the mother? If you recollect the sambar advertisement thatreminds a man of his mother, you will notice that a person’s memories with hismother are linked to the food she had cooked during his childhood. Along withall her love, pain and sacrifices, her food is permanently recorded in her child’smind. 5 Tdsciaghtanpausryinarodsrattubeeyhnpneneatatiurnscisennddtooideivrtvtesgihhtitirideariveteaeutaescdkaonphlenfreoneeosrfrserosapeq.rctewnuhtrcieiivtterdnhhitatcyeyoyeaf So it is our earnest intention that parents and children minimize theirdependence on outside food and utilize their free time to try out new dishes athome. After all, food is mankind’s first necessity. With a healthy body, a stablemind and your valuable presence, is there something your child cannot achieve?Welcome to the first issue of Student Mag. – EditorEditor : Editor Contact us for Subscription:Publisher : Publisher Phone: Copy rights 040-2355 3031 The logo of Student Mag and all the related images, content and elements are the trade +91 00000 00000 mark and copyright of PUBLISHER on behalf of Swan Edulabs Pvt Ltd. All rights are Address: reserved. No part of this publication (including logo, text, illustrations, graphics, features, feature Swan Edulabs Pvt Ltd, headings and pagination models may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted Plot No.43, Alaknanda, Prashasan Nagar, by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior Road No.72, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad–500033, Telangana, India. permission of the copyright holder. Reproduction in any manner is prohibited.

Parent - Teacher CornerTeaching themes first weekOne of the common mistakepreschool teachers make isreading the kids that are notprobably suited for that age2016group of kids. The teachersneed to understand that pre-LABSschoolers have an attentionspan which is really less andlong strong book would notEDUkeep their attention for long. Asa teacher you need to makeANsure that the books are small,SWcatchy and more relatable tothe little kids that are sitting inCfront you. You can even makeup a story which you think is suit- One of the most common mistake done by parents is that they in the presence of their child at home or in public places, they will use bad or foul language, which leaves a bad impression on the kids in their growing up years. Children will not know what they mean, but they will inevitably pick it up and that is not a good thing. Also, exhibiting temper or getting angry easily on kids or others at home will also set a bad example for your little kid. Therefore, the parents need to make sure that they keep these in mind and be more conscious in whatable if that is what you think will they are displaying in front of the well for the kids. “We will make sure that put forward‘‘We will make sure to not read good behavior for any book, just for the sake of the child to follow”reading’’

Tooth fairyC SWAN EDULABS 2016Once upon a time there was a little Activity 30 girl named Kamala, her tooth be- came loose one day and fell out. Kamala was very unhappy, then hermother told her the story of tooth fairy, thatif kamala kept her tooth under her pillowtonight,the tooth fairy will visit her. Kamala did as her mother told, next daymorning kamala woke up and saw that hertooth was gone and she found hundredsof gold coins under her pillow and felt veryhappy. She then went to look in the mirror andfound a new tooth growing in the samespot!

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