DMME NEWSLETTER ISSUES 1 & 2, VOL. 7 • JULY 2021 DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL & MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING CONTENTS From HOD's Desk-Dr. Jacqueline Bridge • P. 1 News and Events of the Department • P. 3 Staff's News and Accomplishments • P. 9 Students' News and Accomplishment• P. 11 Staff's Publication Corner, 2019 - 2020• P. 14 Frame of Birthday Stars for August 2020 - July 2021• P. 15 The MME's Words• P. 16 Kit Fai Pun, The MME Newsletter Sub-Committee 31st July 2021
Editor's Note: This latest volume of the MME Newsletter comprises issues 1 and 2, and serves as a “what’s on” venue for the Department covering a period from August 2020 to May 2021. As things around the world are still nowhere near normal due to COVID-19 and the Department remains grateful for all the support from faculty members, staff and students through these challenging times. On behalf of the MME Newsletter Sub-Committee and extending to the Department, we appreciate your invaluable support to date and we ask for your continued patience for a late release of this newsletter. Hope that you will be abreast of some recent news of the Department and people from this issue. We sincerely wish you all safe, well and healthy. Attachment: Annex-1: A Brief Report of the Virtual Faculty Foresighting Workshop, December 2020 Annex-2: The 2021 MME-EAM Virtual Short Courses, February – April 2021 Annex-3: A brief report of the 2021 IE Office / CAS-TT e-seminar series, March – May 2021 Annex-4: A List of Staff’s Selected Publications, 2019-2020 MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
A) FROM THE HOD'S DESK BY DR. JACQUELINE BRIDGE HEAD OF DEPARTMENT I hope this message finds you safe. Last year was an extraordinary year, a year in which our faculty, staff and students of the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering showed remarkable resilience in the face of the challenging circumstances resulting from the COVID 19 pandemic. We learnt how to operate in a virtual environment for teaching, academic advising, meetings, quality assurance, accreditation and student assessment. As Head of Department, I wish to publicly thank them for their commitment. The academic staff efficiently adapted course materials and assessments to ensure that the learning outcomes could be achieved via remote teaching and learning. Ably assisted by the technical staff, they also developed new approaches for the safe operation of some of our undergraduate practical exercises (most significantly, the engineering workshop experiences). Our faculty also did an impressive job in developing an appropriate suite of final year projects. Instead of significant dependence on the fabrication of physical prototypes, as was typical in previous years, last year our projects emphasised the use of virtual tools in the design and analysis of engineering systems. The administrative team, the undergraduate level coordinators (Drs Adeyanju, Bachoo, Birch, Ellis and Pemberton) and the postgraduate level coordinators (Drs. Lalla, Maharaj and Ojha and Mr. Jhagroo) developed effective online academic advising programmes. This team also acted swiftly to address any concerns raised at the Student-Staff Liaison Committee meetings. All this was accomplished at the same time that we prepared ourselves for a Quality Assurance Review Team visit in September 2020 and an Institute of Mechanical Engineers accreditation team visit in April 2021. 1|Page MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
Our academic and administrative staff put together volumes of information on our academic programmes and resources. Additionally, during the visits, the Administrative Assistant responded efficiently to requests for additional information from the respective teams. The efforts of each staff member on behalf of the Department are well-appreciated. This newsletter highlights some of the successes of the Department over this year. I invite you to peruse the articles and learn about the activities with which our staff and students have been involved. The common themes in these events are a desire to broaden our horizons and our dedication to improving the research, teaching and learning experience within the Department. But the work is not over. As a Department, we are still in the process of defining our “new normal”. We invite you to partner with us as we strive to achieve our mission: To provide quality education, advance technology and deliver solutions for regional and global development thereby improving the quality of life in the region. \"To provide quality education, advance technology and deliver solutions for regional and global development thereby improving the quality of life in the region\" 2|Page MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
B) NEWS AND EVENTS OF THE DEPARTMENT 1 Update of the IMechE Academic Accreditation Virtual Visit, 20th – 22nd April, 2021 cum the Department’s Post-Visit Meeting on 2nd June 2021 and a IMechE Outputs Matrices Workshop on 12th June 2021 The Department had received a Virtual Visit of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) - Academic Accreditation led by the Chair, Professor John Allport CEng FIMechE and his team comprising an Academic Panellist – Dr Peter Martin CEng FIMechE, an Industrial Panellist – Mrs. Tammy Lillie CEng FIMechE, and the Secretariat – Eur Ing Mike Rogers CEng FICE, on 20th – 22nd April, 2021. The visit went well and the IMechE team outlined in the exit interview that there are 8 conditions. Their overall recommendation is summarised below. 1) The panel had noted two significant conditions that must be resolved as a matter of urgency: • Condition 4 - Undertake a robust review of the process of external examination. • Condition 5 - Demonstrate how the external examination process is suitably focused at the course level in addition to the exam level. 2) Providing that these matters are addressed as a matter of urgency and subject to a satisfactory action plan, the visiting panel recommends that the Academic Standards Committee (ASC) accredits for an initial two years: The following Bachelors’ degrees meet the academic requirement, in part, for Chartered Engineer registration from the 2021 cohort intake up to, and including, the 2022 intake. • BSc(Eng)(Hons) in Mechanical Engineering (Full Time - 3 years). • BSc(Eng)(Hons) in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Biosystems (Full Time - 3 years). • BSc(Eng)(Hons) in Industrial Engineering (Full Time - 3 years). The following Masters’ degrees meet the further learning requirement for Chartered Engineer registration from the 2021 cohort intake up to, and including, the 2022 intake. • MSc in Engineering Management (Full Time - 1 year; Part Time – 2 years). • MSc in Engineering Asset Management (Full Time - 1 year; Part Time – 2 years). • MSc in Manufacturing Engineering and Management (Full Time - 1 year; Part Time –2 years). The ASC has requested a report from The University be submitted in September 2022 and would review how effective the implementation of all the Conditions and Recommendations has been before giving further consideration to recommending onward accreditation for the three years of intakes from 2023 to 2025. The Department held a post-accreditation visit meeting to discuss the ASC’s recommendations and respond other concerns as stated in the IMechE’s draft report on 2nd June 2021, and hosted an IMechE Outputs Matrices Workshop on 12th June 2021, via Zoom. We thank for the HoD’s leadership and all colleagues who have contributed to the preparation work and engagements before, during and after the Virtual Visit of IMechE Academic Accreditation, and particularly, their valuable inputs and sharing views and suggestions inn responding the IMechE ASC’s recommendations and concerns. 3|Page MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
2 Report of the UWI’s Quality Assurance Review, 14th – 18th September, 2020 The Department of Mechanical and • The department should complete the open Manufacturing Engineering (DMME) received recommendations from the last review that are still the UWI’s Quality Assurance Review that was relevant. organised via the Quality Assurance Unit by Dr. • After talking with the staff, we got the impression Dianne Thurab-Nkhosi, Senior Programme that they feel overworked. This feeling creates a Officer, and Mrs. Alysha Deonanan- Wilson, necessity for showing appreciation through awards Senior Administrative Assistant. The review and tokens of appreciation, which we recommend Team was led by Professor Alan Bowling be given once each year. (Team Leader) of the University of Texas at • The majority of students feel that the three-year Arlington, Dr Earle Wilson (Regional structure of the program is too compact and does Professional), University of Technology, not provide enough time to absorb the content of Jamaica, and Mr Haresh Ramrattan (National courses fully. Professional), The Association of Professional • Students would prefer that more assessments, Engineers of Trinidad and Tobago (APETT). exams in particular, were given and weighted more evenly, as opposed to the heavily weighted final Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Team examinations. Leader and Regional Academic participated via • Administrators would like the engineering Zoom while the national professional programme to incorporate into their curriculum of participated physically on site with the proper the foundational courses. protocols being observed. Meetings with all • The mechanical engineering alumni emphatically stakeholders were held via Zoom. suggested that the department should seriously revisit the cooperative education programme. The main points summarised from the review report are: • The department has excellent undergraduate programmes in mechanical, industrial and Biosystems engineering, in terms of both research and education. 3 Dr. Graham King Facilitated the Faculty’s Foresighting Workshop on 3rd December 2020 A virtual Faculty Foresighting Workshop was The Committee does not, itself, provide the support hosted by the Faculty Entrepreneurship services to staff and students, but is a linkage Committee (FEC) on 3rd December 2020. An between the Faculty and the emerging innovation open invitation to all Faculty staff members saw ecosystem of the wider University. Here are some about 20 participate. Dr. Graham King serves as accomplishments for the past few months: the facilitator of the workshop. 1) Created and launched the Energy Chamber of The Faculty Entrepreneurship Committee (FEC) Trinidad and Tobago Local Content Management is mandated to encourage innovation and System, entrepreneurship in the Faculty, and in particular 2) Presented at a Webinar on Sustainability in facilitate the translation of ideas and Transportation (23rd November 2020), technologies that emerge from the work of staff 3) Participated in and facilitated a Session at the 8th and students into commercial products. Energy Chamber Local Content Forum, 4|Page MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
4) Successfully completed WIPO Online Course on IP Commercialisation and Technology Transfer, and 5) Presented at Energy Efficiency and Renewables Conference 2021: Leading in the Energy Transition on the Energy and Economics of e- Mobility in Trinidad and Tobago. For more information about the FEC and the workshop, a brief report of the workshop is given in Annex-1. 4 Report of the Engineering Asset Management (EAM) Activities 2020/2021 - cum Short Courses and Company Tours The Department’s Engineering Asset Management 6) Mr. Neil Derrick – (Retired) Vice President (EAM) programme aims at making students Human Resources – “The impact of Industrial \"Industry Ready\" in the area of maintenance and relations on the Reliability Engineer”, reliability. In 2020-2021, eight Case Study 7) Dr. Frank Byron, Engineering Consultant – presentations had been made by industry experts to “Corrosion and the impact on Maintenance and the EAM class. This brought students up-to-date on Reliability”, and the present functioning of the industries and 8) Mr. Basdeo Singh, (Retired) Senior Technician – allowed them to explore the innovation and critical “Rotating equipment - Pumps, compressors thinking aspects in respective industry cases as turbines” well as a better look at the implementation of the concepts learnt, especially in unfamiliar situations. Besides, the EAM Group has been offering industryaligned short courses in the second Eight invited experts and respective presentation semester of the 2020/2021 academic year, with the topics are: support from the Faculty’s Engineering Institute. These courses would allow Engineers who are not 1) Mr. Clyne La Borde, Maintenance Manager - “an able at this time to read for the EAM-MSc Electrical Engineering SME-Electrical systems”, programme and the non-Engineers who do not 2) Mr. Satnarine Singh, (Retired) Senior qualify to read for this MSc course to get an Superintendent Maintenance – “Static Equipment opportunity to experience and learn about the such as Boilers, Heaters, heat Exchangers”, optimisation of maintenance and reliability systems in the industry. For an information flyer of The 2021 3) Mr. Roy Lloyd, (Retired) Senior Manager – “The MME-EAM Virtual Short Courses, see Annex-2. role of the Reliability Engineer in the Industries”, 4) Mr. Alex Dumore, Co-Director at Durmore Moreover, the EAM Group had arranged company Interprisesc – “Bolts and gaskets including torquing tours for introducing Department’s MSc Engineering and tensioning”, Asset Management programme and short courses. 5) Mr. Deepak Lall, Managing Director QUALITECH Ltd – “Specialised Mechanical Workshop Facilities- High pressure water cutting of steel”, 2|Page 5|Page MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
These tours aimed to work with the EAM students a to implement the EAM material and set out a b strategy for a better footing with respect to their Maintenance and Reliability systems in respective organisations. These tours and presentations for instance included: • Coca Cola Caribbean Bottlers Trinidad & Tobago Limited (CBTT) on 19th November 2020 • Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) on 9th April 2021. The visit was facilitated by Mr. Sherland Sheppard who is the Director Operations and an EAM student. Photos Taken at Company Tours – (a) CBTT and (b) WASA 5 The UofT-UWI InVEST Collaboration Project Update The UWI Manufacturing Clusters Team was formed in 2019 A cover page of the UofT-UWI InVEST report with the Team Lead, Professor Kit Fai Pun together with two core members, Dr. Cilla Pemberton, and Ms. Ambika Koonj Beharry. The Team completed the first two phases of a collaboration InVEST project with the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, University of Toronto (UofT), Canada. This project entitled, “Development of an innovation process map for manufacturing firms in the Caribbean”, aims to bring a perspective from a developed country on international best practices as it relates to innovation in the manufacturing sector and the development and management of globally competitive cluster networks. The Phase-1 of project (from November 2019 to April 2020) focused on identifying the determinants and factors affecting innovative practices in the manufacturing and associated sectors, whereas the Phase-2 (from May 2020 to October 2020) strived to develop draft cluster maps and determined the impact of selected clusters in the Caribbean, as compared to that in Canada, and vice versa. The team wishes to thank the InVEST Project Team for making this collaboration possible and for their committed support and expertise throughout the duration of the project – Professor Rahim Rezaie, Professor Elham Marzi, Mr. Oluwatobi Edun and Ms. Anuli Ndubuisi of UofT. 6|Page MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
6 The 2021 Industrial Engineering Office / CAS-TT e-Seminar Series, March-May 2021 This e-Seminar series was co-hosted by the and exchanged their views and suggestions in DMMEIndustrial Engineering Office of The the experience-sharing forum session of both University of the West Indies (UWI), in seminars. They commented that the presenters collaboration with the Caribbean Academy of were very knowledgeable about their areas of Sciences Trinidad and Tobago Chapter (CAS- expertise and the presentations were interactive TT). The series was also supported by the IEEE and informative. A brief report of the e-seminar Trinidad and Tobago Section (via its TEMS and series is given in Annex-3. EdS Chapters) and the Society of Caribbean Industrial Engineers (SCIE). Photo caption of Speaker, Mr. Robert Geofroy, at Seminar 2 The First Seminar of the series entitled, “Breaking Barriers: Understanding the Obstacles Faced by African Women in STEM in Trinidad and Tobago”, was presented on 27th March 2021, by guest speaker, Dr. Roshnie Doon, currently a Research Fellow of Columbia University, New York, the United States. The Second Seminar entitled, “COVID-19 in Trinidad and Tobago: A Simple Model” was made on 1st May 2021, and guest speaker was Mr. Robert Geofroy of the Academic Programming and Delivery Division, The UWI, Open Campus. A total of 63 participants including invited guest speakers, professionals, academics, and delegates from industry attended the series. Many participants were actively engaged in the discussion, 7 Department Presence at the Faculty’s Virtual Open Day May 2021 A devastating second wave of COVID-19 has been sweeping across the Globe. As a result of the pandemic, The UWI – St Augustine Campus has launched its 2021 series of Virtual Open Days. The Faculty of Engineering was the first faculty clicking off the series on 4th May 2021 (06:00 PM in La Paz). Among other Departments and units, the MME Department has been supporting the Faculty’s virtual open day. Dr. Ruel Ellis, Lecturer, has served as the A Flyer of 2021 Series of Virtual Open Days at UWI – St Augustine reporter lead (MC) for the event. At the Department’s sessions, Dr. Jacqueline Bridge, HOD, provided a brief introduction of programmes (both undergraduate and post graduate), along with career guidance, 7|Page MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
recruitment and admissions matters. The event has attracted more than 200 participants as recorded. 8 Department Held the Industry Liaison Committee Meeting on 20th May 2021 The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted many structured engineering training, and reform of people and activities over the past year. programme syllabus, etc. The Department look Planned/scheduled meetings of The DMME- forward to building strong liaison partnership and Industry Liaison Committee (ILC) in 2020 have having frequent and closer collaboration with been postponed. On 20th May 2021, The ILC industry partners for 2021 and beyond. meeting was resumed and convened via Zoom (virtual). Dr. Jacqueline Bridge, HOD, chaired and extended a warm welcome to 27 participants comprising industry representatives, student representatives, and faculty members and staff. Professor Edwin Ekwue also thanked the industry representatives for taking the time to attend the meeting. This meeting allowed the Department to update the Photo caption of Professor Edwin Ekwue, at the Meeting current developments and report the progress and accomplishments of planned and completed work since October 2020, with discussion along with the IMechE Academic Accreditation Virtual Visit that was undertaken on 20th – 22nd April, 2021. The meeting also provided a venue for the participants, particularly the industry representatives on various issues like engineering skills/knowledge set of students/graduate, 8|Page MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
C) STAFF'S NEWS AND ACCOMPLISHMENT 1. Staff’s Appointments and Promotion Congratulations go to Dr. Chris Maharaj who received the UWI - Vice Chancellor’s Award for • Professor Kit Fai Pun has been appointed as Excellence in Teaching in 2020. the Chair, Campus Committee on Examinations, commencing from September 2020. Dr. Maharaj receiving the award via the online ceremony in the presence of his family • Dr. Graham King has received his tenure status from The University of the West Indies in 2020. • Dr. Robert Birch has been appointed as a Lecturer in the Department in April 2021. • Dr. Robert Birch and Dr. Ruel Ellis being appointed as the Chair and a member of the Faculty’s Continuing Education Committee, with effect from April 2021. 2. Professor Edwin I. Ekwue Elected as 4. Faculty Members Serving the APETT’s Fellow of the Institution of Agricultural Engineers – December 2020 Council in 2020/2021 Congratulations go to Professor Edwin Ekwue Congratulations go to Eng. Jainarine Bansee, who received a ‘Fellow’ grade membership from Development Engineer, being elected as the The Institution of Agricultural Engineers President and Dr. Chris Maharaj, Senior Lecturer, (FIAgrE). His Fellow Election has been ratified as the President – Elect, of the Association of the by the Executive Committee of the Institution in Professional Engineers of Trinidad and Tobago December 2019, on recognition of his (APETT) in 2020/2021. The Appointments were advancement of knowledge and professional confirmed at the APETT’s 61st Annual General commitments to Agricultural Engineering. Meeting held on 12th September 2020. 3. Dr. Chris Maharaj Received the UWI’s MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2 Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence 9|Page
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D) STUDENT'S NEWS AND ACCOMPLISHMENT 01 Ms Amrika Ramjewan, a BEng IE Graduate, received the Gold Award for first place in the inaugural IISE At the 2020 Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) Annual Conference and Expo on 1st November 2020, Industrial Engineering Alumni, Ms. Amrika Ramjewan, received the Gold Award for first place in the inaugural IISE Cup competition for her presentation titled “Creative Collaboration for Rapid Transformation: Innovative Approaches for Reducing Hospital Readmissions”. The IISE Cup recognises organisations for innovative and effective implementation of industrial and systems engineering principles and practices that deliver exemplary business performance improvement. It is one of IISE’s most prestigious awards given to a team and their industry. Ms. Ramjewan, a Senior Health Systems Engineer at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida highlighted the importance of industrial and systems engineering, multidisciplinary collaboration and evidence-based research in achieving sustainable transformation. Through her team's efforts, cost savings of over $1 million USD were achieved, in addition to improvements in patient and staff satisfaction. 02 MME Students in the Dean’s Honour Roll 2020 The Faculty of Engineering hosted its virtual Annual Prizes and Award Ceremony in January 2021 for this AY2020. Twelve (12) MME graduands were listed in the Dean’s Honour Roll. They are: 1) Danielle Nelson, BSc (Eng) Industrial Engineering 2) Raechard Bernard, BSc (Eng) Mechanical Engineering 3) Garcelle Edward, BSc (Eng) Mechanical Engineering 4) Anna-Lee McLean, BSc (Eng) Mechanical Engineering 5) Kenrick Mohammed, BSc (Eng) Mechanical Engineering 6) Raveena Persad, BSc (Eng) Industrial Engineering 7) Joshua Raghoo, BSc (Eng) Mechanical Engineering 8) Jovan Rajman, BSc (Eng) Industrial Engineering 9) Xian Ramdass, BSc (Eng) Mechanical Engineering 10) Tyler Rampersadsingh, BSc (Eng) Mechanical Engineering 11) Kamau Romano, BSc (Eng) Mechanical Engineering 12) Shannon Woodroffe, BSc (Eng) Mechanical Engineering 11 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
03 Students and Graduates Receiving Awards and Prizes in 2020 Fifteen (15) prizes had been awarded to students and graduands from MME Department at the Faculty’s Annual Prizes and Award Ceremony 2020. These recipients and the respective prizes are: 1) Professor Edwin Ekwue Prize ($1,000) for the 9) ASME Trinidad and Tobago Group Prize student with the best Mechanical with Biosystems; ($2,000) for the student producing the best Recipient: Shamaii Shanice Jenallee Gaspard Mechanical Engineering Special Project; 2) Professor Winston Lewis Prize ($1,000) for the Recipient: Joshua Cullen Raghoo best student in Level 1 Mechanical Engineering; 10) Association of Professional Engineers of Recipient: Darien Nathanael Marshall Trinidad and Tobago (APETT) Prize (TT$1,000) 3) Society of Caribbean Industrial Engineers (SCIE) for the student graduating with the best academic Prize ($1,000) for the best student in Level 1 performance in the Mechanical Engineering with a Industrial Engineering: Recipient: Jordan Prevatt Minor in Biosystems programme; Recipient: 4) Mr. Steve Ramoutar Prize ($1,000) for the best Akash Ravi Maharaj student in Level 2 Mechanical Engineering with a 11) Damus Ltd Prize ($1,000) for the student Minor in Biosystems; Recipient: Brad Shanklin graduating with the best academic performance in 5) Schlumberger Prize (US$500) for the best the Mechanical Engineering programme; student in Level 2 Mechanical Engineering; Recipient: Joshua Cullen Raghoo Recipient: Keron Dennis 12) Damus Ltd Prize ($1,000) for the student graduating with the best academic performance in 6) ASME Trinidad and Tobago Group Prize (APETT) the Industrial Engineering programme; Recipient: Prize ($2,000) for the best student in Level 2 Danielle Nelson Industrial Engineering; Recipients: Katherine Lue 13) The Power Generation Company of Trinidad & Attin Tobago Limited (PowerGen) Prize ($2,000) for the 7) The Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing student obtaining the highest mark in the course Engineering Prize ($1,000) for the student with the Power Plant Engineering; Recipient: Joshua best Mechanical Engineering with a Minor in Cullen Raghoo Biosystems Special Project; Recipient: Krishna 14) The Power Generation Company of Trinidad & Maharaj Tobago Limited (PowerGen) Prize ($2,000) for the 8) ASME Trinidad and Tobago Group Prize ($1,000) student obtaining the highest mark in the course for the student producing the best Industrial Energy Engineering; Recipient(s): Tyler Engineering Special Project; Recipient: Danielle Rampersadsingh and Kenrick Mohammed Nelson 15) Nutrien Prize ($5,000) for the best student in Level 2 who is a National of Trinidad & Tobago; Recipient: Keron Shane Dennis 16) Nutrien Prize ($2,500) for the most outstanding Level 2 student in the Faculty; Recipient: Keron Shane Dennis 17) UWI Faculty of Engineering Prize ($2,500) for the most outstanding graduating student in the Faculty; Recipient: Joshua Cullen Raghoo 12 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
04 MPhil and PhD Graduands 2020 One (1) Doctoral graduand and two (2) Master of Philosophy graduands received their awards at the Presentation of Graduates 2020 Ceremony in a virtual mode that was held at the St Augustine Campus on Monday 11th January 2021. These included: 1) Gerard Anthony Pounder, PhD in Industrial Engineering; (Supervisor: Dr. Ruel Ellis), 2) Ambika Koonj Beharry, MPhil Industrial Engineering; (Supervisor: Professor Kit Fai Pun), and 3) Oswald Lawrence, MPhil in Industrial Engineering; (Supervisor: Professor Winston G. Lewis). Congratulations to our MPhils and PhD, and kudos to their supervisors. 05 MSc Graduands 2020 The MME Department had 28 MSc graduands who (III) MSc Manufacturing Engineering and successfully completed their studies in respective Management taught Master’s programmes in 2020. On behalf of the Department, the Newsletter Sub-committee 14) Nikolal Alekssandro Beharry congratulates all graduands on their successful 15) Kyle Christopher Delzin completion of studies (* - with distinction). The MSc 16) Stefan Marcus Harrison graduands of respective programmes are: 17) Kathryn Maria Maharaj 18) Nicholas Martin Wyatt (I) MSc Engineering Asset Management 1) Anthony Martinez (IV) MSc Production Engineering and 2) Shivam Richard Narine Management 3) Shane Keegan Ragoobar 4) Derron Ganesh Ramlogan 19) Stefan Shastri Boodoo 5) Nakini Roopnarine 20) Ryann Ogeerali 6) Niala Singh 21) Satesh Ramoutar 7) Jerome Nicholas Watson 22) Nicholas Kirk Young Hoo (II) MSc Engineering Management (V) MSc Production Management 23) Christopher Stephen Fernandez* 8) Shireen Sherliza Deen 24) Russ Ansonnn Ganes 9) Laurielyse Simone Girod-Williams* 25) Salid Rahamatullah Khan 10) Jonathan Christopher Gopaulsingh 26) Sebastian Rene Look Fong 11) Nicole Ragoonath 27) Maryse Telice Maison 12) Anuka Reshma Seenath 28) Jean-Claude Alain Prospere 13) Joshua Arriel Singh 13 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
E) STAFF'S PUBLICATION CORNER, 2019-2020 This issue excerpts some 70 publications, comprising 40 journal articles and 30 conference proceedings papers from staff members in 2019 and 2021 (see Annex 4). This signifies a wide range of research interests and accomplishments. Well done and keep up with good work. 14 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
F. Frame of Birthday Stars On behalf of the MME Department and the Newsletter Sub-Committee, we wish the members in the following list have a Happy Birthday from August of 2020 to July 2021, with numerous best returns. THE AUGUST-SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER STARS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ALL........ 1. Lionel Hanumansingh – August 2. Hassan Bain– August 3. Marlon Dollaway – August 4. Justin Joseph – August 5. Barry Maraj - September 6. Jonathan Desaine- August 7. Steven Toolsie - September 8. Rawle Augustine - September 9. Oswald Lawrence - October THE NOVEMBER-DECEMBER-JANUARY-FEBRUARY- JULY STARS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ALL........ 10. Marlene Fletcher-Cockburn – November 11. Kishore Jhagroo– December 12. Krishpersad Manohar – December 13. Steve Ramoutar – January 14. Navin Narine- February 15. Paul Ferguson - May 16. Sherry Mungal - May 17. Anthony La Croix - June 18. Kit Fai Pun - July 15 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
G) THE MME'S WORDS The Newsletter Sub-Committee compiled some enlightening words for sharing among faculty members and administrative/support staff and other readers of MME Newsletter. Words of wisdom are helpful to anyone looking to get inspired through words that are as powerful as they are meaningful. Please take leisure reading on them. Accept those you think appropriate, and reject those you consider inappropriate. Good for Thought Today: 1. “Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.” - Bill Bradley 2. “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” – John F. Kennedy 3. “No one can give you your goals. No one can dig for you. This is your journey.” - Warren Philip Gates 4. “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” – Thomas A. Edison 5. “Strive not to be a success but rather to be of value.” – Albert Einstein 6. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” – Lao Tzu 7. “There's no such thing as lack of time, only lack of focus. We can all do the things we really want to do.” - Robyn Pearce 8. “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill Adopted from different sources The MME Newsletter Sub-Committee: 5) Mr. Sennen Matabadal (Member) 1) Professor Kit Fai Pun (Editor) 6) Mr. Steve Ramoutar (Member) 2) Dr. Graham King (Member) 7) Ms. Nikesha James (Member) 3) Dr. Renique Murray (Member) 8) Ms. Nimba Wahtuse (Member) 4) Dr. Robert A. Birch (Member) MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2 16 | P a g e
Annex 1: Report on Faculty Foresighting Workshop Annex-1: Report on Faculty Foresighting Workshop, 3rd December2020 A virtual Faculty Foresighting Workshop was hosted by the Faculty Entrepreneurship Committee on the 3rd December 2020. An open invitation to all Faculty staff members saw about 20 participate. The Faculty Entrepreneurship Committee (FEC) is mandated to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship in the Faculty, and in particular facilitate the translation of ideas and technologies that emerge from the work of staff and students into commercial products. The Committee does not, itself, provide the support services to staff and students, but is a linkage between the Faculty and the emerging innovation ecosystem of the wider University. In its deliberations, the FEC became conscious of the need for two things: greater levels of collaborative, multi-disciplinary projects in the Faculty since most effective innovation integrates technologies drawn from various fields; and greater explicit connection between the work of staff and students in the Faculty and regional development needs. Both of these do exist to an extent, and pushing forward an innovation and entrepreneurship agenda requires that we become stronger in both areas. This provides the backdrop for the first of what might be a series of Foresighting initiatives facilitated by the FEC in the Faculty. The overarching objective of this first Foresighting Workshop was to identify regional \"Grand Challenges\" that could become attractor cores around which applied research activity and student projects in the Faculty could be focused. The hope is that ideas for projects to target the Grand Challenges will be catalysed. Perhaps existing disparate activities within the Faculty can be synchronised, with research groups being brought together such that the effectiveness and reach of all can be extended. Maybe the outputs from research and student projects can then be more effectively fed into the University Innovation & Entrepreneurship Pipeline. \"Foresight uses a range of methodologies, such as scanning the horizon for emerging changes, analysing megatrends and developing multiple scenarios, to reveal and discuss useful ideas about the future.\" In the Faculty Foresighting Workshop, a preliminary presentation sought to scan the horizon on a macro level and start to stimulate participants in their thinking about the future. Technologies such as nanotechnology, blockchain, artificial intelligence, clean energy and e-mobility are shaping our future. Will we be passive observers as these changes take hold of our society, or will we be actively participating in the shaping process? Can these technologies help tackle the global Grand Challenges being faced today, such as (obviously!) global pandemics; climate change; populist politics; and population growth? In the intersect between the emergent technologies and the Grand Challenges lies great opportunity for our active engagement through targeted, collaborative, applied research activity that leads to commercial products and services. Results from a questionnaire, administered to participants in the days before the Workshop, showed that over 70% of respondents considered that delivering research results to industry to help improve competitiveness to be an important objective of research conducted in the Faculty of Engineering. Even more, 80%, thought that informing government policy is an important objective. Only 20% thought that their research would probably lead to the formation of a company, but 80% thought that maybe it would lead to commercialisation of technology in some form. Greater confidence was expressed by participants in the expectation that their research would lead to some kind of contribution to alleviating regional social ills (60%). Shockingly, when asked about collaboration, respondents reported that there is more active, productive collaboration with other Universities, Industry and 17 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
Annex 1: Report on Faculty Foresighting Workshop Government than there is with others in different Departments of the Faculty! In fact, only one person indicated productive inter-Department collaboration in the Faculty. This is clearly an area for growth and potential! Rich discussion flowed around the responses to the questionnaire. Although not statistically significant, it did prove to be a useful discussion-starter. Asked about their perspectives on the imperatives for the future of the Caribbean, participants put a strong emphasis on diversification of our economy and generating a \"Caribbean Mittelstand\", reducing crime, skills training and disaster resilience. How can the Faculty of Engineering contribute? Of the many areas of potential contribution, a few were identified in which the Faculty can make a critical, definitive contribution: facilitating digital transformation; improved systems of technical training and certification; creating accessible, sustainable transport networks; and improving the productivity and competitiveness of the manufacturing sector. Other major areas in which it is expected that the Faculty can make a very important contribution are: embracing and effectively using data analytics; reducing susceptibility to natural disasters; and building economic competitiveness based on low carbon energy. In the second half of the Workshop, an exercise was conducted in break-out groups to determine interdependencies between Regional Grand Challenges. Groups were asked to identify the strength of links between, for instance, Facilitating Digital Transformation and Diversification. In that instance, all groups assessed Diversification as being strongly facilitated by Digital Transformation. Catalysing a Caribbean Mittelstand is very important in reducing economic inequality, by way of another example. Although time did not allow the exercise to be completed in its entirety, it did highlight areas where those linkages are strong; areas in which research focus can be applied for maximum impact. The afternoon wrapped up with a structured brainstorming exercise. Individually, participants applied their minds to a key question: How can Engineering Solutions address the Development Imperatives that have emerged in this session? (With particular focus on areas where there are synergies between different Grand Challenges). Although this Workshop was just a start, and it being online did make the interactive dynamic a little more challenging, the FEC is pleased that we could start this discussion and trigger focus in the Faculty on multidisciplinary projects that focus on genuine regional needs. Some key outcomes from the Foresighting exercise: • Greater collaboration across Departments focused on research activities that meet the developmental challenges of the region would be of great value • Certain cross-cutting development imperatives are key to meeting wider developmental challenges • Digital Transformation and Data Analytics hold keys to addressing multiple other regional imperatives, such as disaster resilience; tackling crime; carbon reduction and management; improved technical training; etc. • Economic diversification through the establishment of a Caribbean Mitttelstand can be fuelled by the creation of start-ups that are focused on addressing regional developmental challenges and, in particular, providing Digital Transformation and Data services Intuitively, we can see how the University and our Faculty in particular has a more important role than ever to play in regional development. Collaboration in our research efforts, to give them disciplinary breadth and critical mass, is vital to success for the present and future. The next state in the Foresighting exercise is to: (i) map existing projects in the Faculty against the regional developmental challenges so we can get a more complete picture of what is already underway; and (ii) identify opportunities to synergise existing projects and create new multi- disciplinary ones focused on. 18 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
Annex 1: Report on Faculty Foresighting Workshop Do you agree with the thoughts emerging in this Foresighting exercise? Do you disagree? Make your opinion felt by participating in future rounds of this exercise. Most importantly - do explore options to collaborate across Departments in the Faculty on research projects! Dr. Graham King Dept. of Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering University of the West Indies St. Augustine, Trinidad phone: +1-868-662-2002 x83187 email: [email protected] 19 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
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Upon completion of the course each participant will receive a Certificate of Participation For registration, payment and other information contact: 662-6267 or [email protected] 22 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
Annex 3: Brief Report of the 2021 e-Seminar Series, March-May 2021 Annex-3: Brief Report of the 2021 Industrial Engineering Office /CAS-TT e-Seminar Series, March-May 2021 This e-Seminar series was co-hosted by the DMME-Industrial Engineering Office of the University of the West Indies (UWI), in collaboration with the Caribbean Academy of Sciences Trinidad and Tobago Chapter (CAS-TT). It aimed to facilitate a nation-wide awareness of recent issues and best practice approaches that would foster benefits of information and knowledge sharing and promote understanding, betterment and quality of life in Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) and in a wider regional context. The series was also supported by the IEEE Trinidad and Tobago Section (via its TEMS and EdS Chapters) and the Society of Caribbean Industrial Engineers (SCIE). The First Seminar of the series was presented on 27th March 2021, and guest speaker, Dr. Roshnie Doon, currently a Research Fellow of Columbia University, New York, the United States. The Second Seminar was made on 1st May 2021, and guest speaker was Mr. Robert Geofroy of the Academic Programming and Delivery Division, The UWI, Open Campus. The e-series was facilitated by Professor Kit Fai Pun, of The UWI-Industrial Engineering Office, who delivered a welcoming address to participants in both webinars. In respective webinar, both guest speakers were asked to sharpen/streamline their respective presentations in 25-30 minutes. Highlights of both two e-seminars are given below: For the First e-Seminar: “Breaking Barriers: Understanding the Obstacles Faced by African Women in STEM in Trinidad and Tobago”, Dr. Doon of Columbia University examined the wage returns and wage gap of African women, trained and employed in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) within Trinidad and Tobago’s public and private sectors. The Continuous Sample Survey of Population (CSSP) data for the period 1991-2015 was used to estimate a Mincerian Earnings Function via the quantile regression methodology, while the Unconditional effects were studied using the Re-centred Influence Functions. By implementing these techniques, it was found that the composition of overeducated African women in STEM has been higher than that of undereducated women. These overeducated women have significant working experience, and would tend to have higher earnings if considered to be either in the Middle or Working Class. The returns of African women in STEM would tend to have largely declined across the income distribution. The impact of the returns appears to be positive across the income distribution. Besides, the greatest shift in returns is positive amongst low-paid workers but would favour older women in STEM who are either married or single, are highly skilled, of an uppermiddle/ middle class, and negative if holding university qualifications in STEM fields. For the Second e-Seminar: “COVID-19 in Trinidad and Tobago: A Simple Model”, Mr. Geofroy of The UWI - Open Campus discussed the developments in the first three months of the corona virus attack in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (see Figure 2). The epidemiological modelling of the spread of the virus has been made using a ‘Susceptibles-Infectives-Recovered’ (SIR) model. Modelling the spread of the virus allows for clarification of terms used in the public domain. This throws light on the possible future behaviour of the spread so can be used for planning purposes. The use of actual data collected during the initial stages of the lockdown in Trinidad shows the effect of various factors which influenced the characteristics of the curve of infections including the rescue mission for persons trapped on a cruise liner in Guadeloupe, as well as the general elections in August 2020, a super spreader event of national magnitude. Otherwise, the model is based on a stochastic process. 23 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
Annex 3: Brief Report of the 2021 e-Seminar Series, March-May 2021 The model is based on three first-order differential equations relating the rates of change of susceptibles, infectives, and recovered. The model is solved using the Wolfram language in the Wolfram Cloud environment which is extremely powerful in providing a platform for model simulation. The environment allows for the adjustment of parameters in the model and graphical output of the solutions over time. Adjusting the parameters also allows for some level of prediction and forecasting. A total of 63 participants including invited guest speakers, professionals, academics, and delegates from industry attended the series (comprising 25 and 38 participants for Seminar #1 and #2, respectively). Many participants were actively engaged in the discussion and exchanged their views and suggestions in the experience-sharing open forum session of both seminars. Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly good, for instance, • The topic chosen for the E-Seminar series was very relevant. • Although there was some degree of technicality in the presentation, it was important in delivering the message. • Presenter was able to answer all questions posed by the audiences. • The level of interaction was good. • The e-Seminar was very well coordinated. • Virtual seminars of this nature should be at minimum an hour for presentation, exclusive of opening and closing remarks/formalities. Many participants commented that the presenters were very knowledgeable about their areas of expertise and the presentations were interactive and informative. On behalf of the Organising Committee, Professor Pun thank both guest speakers for their enlightening speeches and presented e-certificates to them at the end of each webinar session. Prepared by: Professor Kit Fai Pun for the Organising Committee of the 2021 e-Seminar Series Dated: 4th May 2021 24 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
Annex 4: A List of Staff's Selected Publications, 2019-2020 Annex-4: A List of Staff's Selected Publications, 2019-2020* * - Based on the information that has been prepared for the IMechE Re-accreditation Visit held in April 2021 I. Journal Articles 1. Adeyanju, A.A., and Manohar, K. (2020). \"Design and analysis of a thermoelectric air-conditioning system\", Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, Vol., pp.1-11. 2. Adeyanju, A.A., and Manohar, K. (2019), “Theoretical and experimental analysis of waste heat recovery effectiveness of a diesel engine”, Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Vol., pp.1-17. 3. Adeyanju, A.A., Manohar, K., and Poonwassie. S. (2019), \"Development of the performance characteristics of a vertical axis wind turbine\", Global Journal of Research in Engineering, Vol., pp. 4. Adeyanju, A.A. (2020), \"Theoretical and experimental analysis of a thermoelectric air-conditioning system\", Low-temperature Technologies. IntechOpen, Vol.,pp. 5. Bachoo, R., and Bridge, J. (2020), \"Random vibration analysis and modal energy characteristics of fiberreinforced composite beams.\" Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 1464420720958746. 6. Chowdary, B.V., and Fullerton, C. (2019), “Improvement of steel melting operations at a Caribbean company: a lean manufacturing approach”, International Journal of Advanced Operations Management, Vol.11, No.1- 2, pp.102-125. 7. Chowdary, B.V., Richards, M.A., and Gokool, T. (2019), “An integrated approach for sustainable product design: concurrent application of DFMA, DFE and CAD/CAE principles and tools”, Latin American Journal of Management for Sustainable Development, Vol.4, No.4, pp. 259-275. 8. Chowdary, B.V., Richards, M., and Gokool, T. (2019), “Redesign of a furniture industry component: A sustainable design approach”, West Indian Journal of Engineering, Vol.41, No.2, pp.77-83 9. Chowdary, B.V., Jahoor, R., Ali, F., and Gokool, T. (2019), \"Optimisation of surface roughness when CNC turning of Al-6061: Application of Taguchi design of experiments and genetic algorithm\", Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol.16, No.2, pp.77-91. 10. Ekwue, E.I., Abasali, A., Bharat, C., and Birch, R.A. (2020), \"Density-moisture relations of two Trinidad soils obtained with a soil vibratory compactor\", West Indian Journal of Engineering, Vol.43, No.1, pp.4-10 11. Ellis, R.L.A., and Gordon, K.D. (2019), “Employee perception of the impact of occupational health and safety management on organisational commitment: A case study of an energy sector organisation in Trinidad and Tobago”, West Indian Journal of Engineering, Vol.41, No.2, pp.62-69. 25 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
Annex 4: A List of Staff's Selected Publications, 2019-2020 12. Harnarinesingh, R.E.S., and Syan, C.S. (2019), “Investigation of the mirrored-word reading paradigm for BCI implementation”, Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik, Vol.64, No.3, pp.325-337. 13. Hassanali. K.N., and Pun, K.F. (2019), “Modelling productivity dynamics of manufacturing capital investment projects in Trinidad and Tobago: A study agenda”, The Journal of the Association of Professional Engineers of Trinidad and Tobago, Vol.47, No.2, pp.20-28 14. Ibrahim, Y., Davies, C. M., Maharaj, C., Li, Z., Dear, J. P., and Hooper, P. A. (2020), “Post-yield performance of additive manufactured cellular lattice structures”, Progress in Additive Manufacturing, pp.1-10. 15. Jodhan, M., and Bridge, J. (2019), “Characterisation of induction motors based on vibration signal analysis using machine learning techniques”, The Journal of the Association of Professional Engineers of Trinidad and Tobago, Vol.47, No.2, pp.29-38 16. King, G.S., Rameshwar, J.R., and Syan, C.S. (2020), \"Industry 4.0 in a small commodity-based economy: A vehicle for stimulating innovation”, Journal of Industrial Integration and Management, Vol., pp.365-391 17. Koonj Beharry, A. and Pun, K.F. (2020), “Contextual analysis of innovation process models toward the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, West Indian Journal of Engineering, Vo.43, No.1, pp.43-54 18. Lalla, T.R.M., and Sangster, N. (2020), \"Differences between technicians and engineers: An analysis based on UK-SPEC\", West Indian Journal of Engineering Vol.43, No.1, pp.36-42 19. Lemessy, K.G., Manohar, K., and Adeyanju, A.A. (2020), \"Reducing the barriers to wave energy harvesting\", Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, Vol., pp.107-116. 20. Leonard, L., Ekwue, E.I., Taylor, A., and Birch, R.A. (2019), “Evaluation of a machine to determine maximum bulk density of soils using the vibratory method. Biosystems engineering”, Vol.178, pp.109- 117. 21. Maharaj, C., Marquez, A., and Khan, R. (2019), “Failure analysis of incoloy 800HT and HP-modified alloy materials in a reformer”, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, Vol.19, No.2, pp.291-300. 22. Maharaj, C., Ragoo, K., Sirjoosingh, V., Sahadeo, S., Lall, D., and Chowdary, B.V. (2019), “Design and performance evaluation of 3D printed writing and typing assistive devices: A pragmatic single participant study”, Technology and Disability, Vol.31, No.1-2, pp.51-61. 23. Maharaj, C., Sirjoosingh, V., Ali, A., Primus, S.J., and Arjoon, S. (2019), “Help me else I might fail! Solutions for academically challenged engineering students”, Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice, p.1521025119865747. 24. Maharaj, R., Maharaj, C., and Mahase, M. (2019), “The performance and durability of polyethylene terephthalate and crumb rubber–modified road pavement surfaces”, Progress in Rubber, Plastics and Recycling Technology, Vol.35, No.1, pp3-22. 25. Manohar, K., Adeyanju, A., and Vialva, K. (2019), “Performance characteristics of a small water- hammer head pump”, Drinking Water Engineering and Science Vol.12, No.2, pp.59-64. 26 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
Annex 4: A List of Staff's Selected Publications, 2019-2020 26. Manohar, K., Adeyanju, A., and Vialva, K. (2019), “Predicting the output of a hydraulic ram pump”, Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Vol., pp.1-7. 27. Mohamed, S., Ekwue, E.I., Bharat, C., and Birch, R.A. (2020), “A compact urban aquaponic irrigation system for the Caribbean region”, The Journal of the Association of Professional Engineers of Trinidad and Tobago, Vol.48, No.1, pp.31-38 28. Murray, R.J., and D'Arbasie, A. (2019), “Automated identification of vehicular accidents from acoustic signals using artificial neural networks”, West Indian Journal of Engineering, Vol.41, No.2, pp.55-61. 29. Murray, R.J., King, G.S., and Wyse-Mason, R. (2019), “Micro-emulsification vs. transesterification: an investigation of the efficacy of methanol use in improving vegetable oil engine performance”, Biofuels, Vol., pp.1-10. 30. Murray, R.J., and Bridge, J. (2019), “Assessing combustion performance of a diesel reciprocating engine under various fuel blends using a calculus-statistical time-series vibration based approach”, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol.141, No.7), pp.071018. 31. Raeburn-Marcano, P. and Pun, K.F. (2020), “Assessing small enterprises’ maturity levels of knowledge, attitudes and practices towards emergency preparedness in Trinidad: A pilot study”, The Journal of the Association of Professional Engineers of Trinidad and Tobago, Vol.48, No.2, pp.67-74 32. Ragoo, K., Sirjoosingh, V., Sahadeo, S., Chowdary, B.V., and Maharaj, C. (2019), “Design and development of a pool and billiards assistive device for the physically challenged”, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, Vol.14, No.6, pp.628-634. 33. Ramkissoon, D. and Pun, K.F. (2020), “Assessing human factors at the design stage of upstream oil and gas projects: A risk assessment methodology”, The Journal of the Association of Professional Engineers of Trinidad and Tobago, Vol.48, No.2, pp.60-66. 34. Rampat, K., and Maharaj, C. (2019), “Creep embrittlement in aged HP-Mod alloy reformer tubes”, Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol.100, pp.147-165. 35. Ramrose, M. and Pun, K.F. (2020), “DIALux capabilities with planning of LED lighting solutions: Some findings in Trinidad and Tobago”, The Journal of the Association of Professional Engineers of Trinidad and Tobago, Vol.48, No.1, pp.39-48 36. Ramrattan, H., Markeset, T., and Syan, C.S. (2019), “Sustaining asset integrity in the Trinidad and Tobago's energy sector: An assessment”, West Indian Journal of Engineering, Vol.42, No.1. pp.12-21 37. Syan, C.S., and Ramsoobag, G., (2019), “Maintenance applications of multi-criteria optimization: A review”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, pp.106520. 38. Syan, C.S., Ramsoobag, G., Mahabir, K., and Rajnauth, V. (2020), “A case study for improving maintenance planning of centrifugal pumps using condition-based maintenance”, West Indian Journal of Engineering, Vol.42, No.2, pp.17-24 39. Tyagi, R., Vishwakarma, S., Singh, K.K., and Syan, C.S. (2020), “Low-cost energy conservation measures and behavioral change for sustainable energy goal”, Affordable and Clean Energy. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Springer, Cham. https://doi. org/10.1007/978-3-319-71057-0_155-1. 27 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
Annex 4: A List of Staff's Selected Publications, 2019-2020 40. Wilson, S., Maharaj, C. S., and Maharaj, R. (2020), “Formalising the national innovation system in a developing country”, West Indian Journal of Engineering, Vol.42, No.2, pp.4-16. II. Conference Papers 1. Adeyanju, A.A. (2020), Theoretical and experimental analysis of atmospheric water harvesting device, Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress 2020, CSME Congress 2020, Charlottetown, PE, Canada, June 21-24 2. Aleong, T., and Pun, K.F. (2020), RFID tags used in preventive maintenance programme for motors and generators. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 3. Ali, F., and Chowdary, B.V. (2019), “Natural frequency prediction of FDM manufactured parts using ANN approach”, IFAC-PapersOnLine 52.13, pp.403-408. 4. Bachoo, R. and Bridge, J. (2019), “Analysis of the power flow and modal energy distribution in fiber reinforced composite beams”, Proceedings of the 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Montreal, Canada, July7-11. 5. Bachoo, R., Balliram, S., and Bridge, J. (2020), “Experimental and numerical vibration analysis of printed circuit boards”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1–5. 6. Beharry, N., and Chowdary, B.V. (2020), “Investigating the effects of process parameters on the flexural strength of 3D printed plastics”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 7. Chong, P. P., and Lalla, T.R.M. (2020), “A review of bias in decision-making models”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 8. Chong, P.P., and Lalla, T.R.M. (2020), \"Applying fuzzy Qfd Mcdm to evaluate musical instruments”, The International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 9. Davis, G., Ekwue, E.I., and Cooper, V. (2020), “Comparison of four fabrics for filtering turbid water in a two stage cross-flow filter”, The International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 10. Ekwue, E.I. (2020), “Quality assurance and accreditation of engineering programmes at the Faculty of Engineering at The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 11. Ellis, R.L.A. (2020), “Stimulating regional economic development: A case for informal science education”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech- 2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 28 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
Annex 4: A List of Staff's Selected Publications, 2019-2020 12. Ellis, R.L.A., Fernandez-Lopez, G., and Pounder, G. (2020), “Validation of a simulated environment developed for validating CFS autonomy”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 13. Fernandez-Lopez, G., Ellis, R.L.A., and Pounder, G. (2020), “Description of a simulated environment developed for validating CFS autonomy”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 14. George, N., and Chowdary, B.V. (2020), “Design complexity as a driver for additive manufacturing process improvement”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 15. Gokool, T., and Chowdary, B. V. (2020), “Manufacturing engineering education in Trinidad and Tobago: Review and future research agenda”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 16. Gokool, T., and Chowdary, B.V. (2020), “Survey of current trends in manufacturing engineering postgraduate programmes in the UK”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 17. Harrison, S., Bansee, J., Chowdary, B.V., Seepersad, R., and Frederick, D. (2020), “Exploring an optimisation strategy at the maintenance department of an oil company”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 18. Maharaj, B.S., and King, G.S. (2020), “A real-world energy and cost comparison between an electric vehicle and a petrol vehicle in the Trinidad and Tobago context”,, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 19. Mallian, S.N., and Chowdary, B.V. (2020), “Multi-optimisation of empirical models for the material extrusion process”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 20. Mohammed, A., and Chowdary, B.V. (2020), “Analysis of the cause and effects of part defects in Abs samples made using additive manufacturing”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 21. Pun, K.F., and Lashley, C.S. (2020), “Exploring quality of service and its challenges at The MOE Port of Spain Office”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 22. Rameshwar, J.R., and King, G.S. (2020), “Case studies in engineering and technology innovation in the Caribbean: A focus on Educolcom and Bevcom”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 29 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
Annex 4: A List of Staff's Selected Publications, 2019-2020 23. Ramnarace, S. and Bridge, J. “Analysis of a shape memory alloy spring system under harmonic excitation” Proceedings of the International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference in New TrendNs AinMNEo: nlinear Dynamics (NODYCON 2019), February, 17-20. 24. Ramnarace, S. and Bridge, J. (2019), “Periodic solutions of a shape memory alloy spring systemDAuTnEd:er harmonic excitation by an iterative method”, Recent Advances in Nonlinear Mechanics 2019, Lodz, Poland, May 7-10 25. Rayside, A., Chowdary, B.V., and Dey, P. (2020), “Circular economy adoption within 3D printing industry: The state of the art, major issues and challenges”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 26. Rooplal, S., and Chowdary, B.V. (2020), “A feasibility study for implementation of a smart parking system in Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 27. Singh, D. and Bridge, J. (2019), “Nonlinear response of an elastic spherical cap to a descending rigid plate”, Recent Advances in Nonlinear Mechanics 2019, Lodz, Poland, May 7- 10 28. Thomas-Martin, A.O., and Ellis, R.L.A. (2020), “Transforming the delivery of curriculum in the Caribbean SIDS through mobile learning”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 29. Tiu, J., and Bachoo, R. (2020), “Wave analysis of a L-beam structure with a blocking mass”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 30. Yorke, E., Chowdary, B. V., and Bansee, J. (2020), “A study on the improvement of a local bottle manufacturing operation: Deployment of lean principles and discrete event simulation”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (IConETech-2020), Faculty of Engineering, The UWI, St. Augustine, June 1-5. 30 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2021, Vol.7 Issues 1 & 2
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