DMME NEWSLETTER ISSUE 2, VOL. 4 • JULY 2018 DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL & MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING CONTENTS From HOD's Desk-Prof. Boppana Chowdary • P. 1 News and Events of the Department • P. 3 Staff's News and Accomplishments • P. 11 Students' News and Accomplishment• P. 12 Frame of Birthday Stars for February- July 2018• P. 15 The MME's Words• P. 16 Kit Fai Pun, The MME Newsletter Sub-Committee31st July 2018
Editor’s Note: On behalf of the Department, we sincerely wish you a wonderful summer of 2018 and welcome you to our latest issue of the MME Newsletter! This July issue serves as a “what’s on” venue for the Department covering a period from February to July 2018. You will be abreast of some recent news of the Department and people. Attachments: Annex-1: Article #1 - Engineering the Future: Mechanical and manufacturing engineers show off undergraduate projects at annual exhibition Annex-2: Article #2 - Engineering: “If you can dream it, you can achieve it” Annex-3: A Brief Report of The PS2 STEM Seminar, 9th June 2018 Annex-4: The IEM4-2018 Conference, UWI, 7th-8th December 2018 – Second Call for Papers
A) FROM THE HOD'S DESK BY PROFESSOR BOPPANA V. CHOWDARY HEAD OF DEPARTMENT As the 2017/2018 academic year draws to a close, I wish to extend my warmest wishes to all in this July edition of the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (MME) newsletter. The end of a school year could be invigorating, exhausting, and sometimes filled with anxiety. Despite continued campus’ financial constraints, the Department has demonstrated an unwavering passion for the development and transmission of knowledge, innovation and research. I would like to take this opportunity to wholeheartedly thank you all for your continued support. In the second semester of the 2017/2018 academic year, we have hosted a plethora of activities in the MME. During the month of March, workshops were conducted to the general public and were facilitated by specially invited international subject matter experts such as Professor Andrew Jardine from the University of Toronto, Canada and Professor Rickey Dubay from the University of New Brunswick, Canada and. These workshops exposed participants to the principles and theories of maintenance and artificial intelligence, paving the way for innovative thinking. During the month of March, the Department invited Professor Emeritus John EL Simmons from the UK as External Examiner. He played a pivotal role in the Department’s way forward for world-class status by meeting the Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes 3 (AHEP3) standard. We look forward to providing a teaching and research space that will be both stimulating and inspirational. Moreover, the Department is pleased to relay that our Annual Conference and Exhibition was a roaring success! The event took place on Wednesday 23rd May, 2018 under the theme - Engineering the Future. A prize system was introduced for our speciallyselected final-year project students. We are pleased to announce the winners of the Conference and Exhibition Prize Award, Mr. Dillon Chong being the first place with his design and build of a 3D printer. Mr. Joshua Deonarinesingh won the second place with his design and build of a cadet class electric go-kart, and Miss Lynessa Leonard, the third place with her modified vibratory soil compactor. Special thanks also go to our industry partner, Mr. Michael Reece from Concepts and Services, without whose donations, the prize award endeavour could not be possible. I want to take this opportunity to remind our students of the numerous opportunities to participate in student organisations and emphasise the importance of creating network links as you begin your professional career. The American Society of Mechanical Engeering (ASME), the Society of 1|Page MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
Manufacturing Engineers (SME), and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) student chapters have been among the most active in the campus during the past few years. Whether you are a current or former student, a potential student, or a visitor, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] with your questions and inquiries. I look forward to corresponding with you. I also want to encourage you to visit webpage,, to keep abreast of the various activities of the Department. Visit our webpage 2|Page MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
B) NEWS AND EVENTS OF THE DEPARTMENT 1. Postgraduate Lunchtime Seminar Series, February-May 2018 Five (5) postgraduate students presented quick start up time. His aim is to effectively their respective research in the capture energy from turbulent wind with fast Postgraduate Lunchtime Seminar Series changing speed and direction. during Semester 2 of the Academic Year (AY) 2017/2018. Four presenters are at 4) Mr. Abdu Yearwood delved into the area of the beginning of their research image processing. In particular, he pointed out programme. The seminar series was the important factors in image de-blurring and therefore an opportunity to get feedback discussed the development of an effective from their colleagues to help shape their computer programme for retaining the research programme. characteristic features of an image. Highlights of these postgraduate seminars 5) Ms. Donna Ramkissoon discussed Human are: Factors in Major Accident Prevention. She noted that many major accidents occur from a 1) Mr. Shivan Ramnarace outlined his combination of both technical factors and proposed research project of designing a human and organisational factors. She nonlinear vibration absorber (NVA) proposes a framework for developing a major capable of reducing vibrations of a accident prevention protocol for specific mechanical system over a broadband of industries which includes designing equipment frequencies. He highlighted the gaps and processes to minimise susceptibility to identified by his literature review and human error. discussed how this would inform his approach towards development of a The postgraduate seminar series continues to novel NVA. be a vehicle for the DMME community to learn about the areas of research being conducted 2) Mr. Ravi Babooram reviewed several by their colleagues and the important questions models of the engineering design they try to address through their projects. We process. He outlined the main features of encourage staff to show their support for our each model and highlighted their research students by attending the series. commonalities. This information is to be used in a short-term project investigating how the design process which is implemented in industry compares to the theoretical models. 3) Mr. Amad Martin discussed his research project to develop a variable radius Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with a 3|Page MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
2. External Examiner’s Visit and Seminar – Professor Emeritus John EL Simmons in March 2018 Being an integral part of the University’s and Faculty’s Quality Assurance Policy and Practices, visits of External Examiners would be arranged to review the design and delivery of programmes and research activities in Departments. During the period from 24th to 29th March, 2018, Professor Emeritus John E.L. Simmons at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, visited the MME Department as an external examiner. He had rich experience, being past chair of the accreditation committee of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK, and a nonexecutive member of the Board of the Scottish Qualifications Authority and the Chair of the Board’s accreditation committee. During his visit, Professor Simmons met with faculty members, students and auditing of programmes/examination documents, and laboratory visits. He also met with Programme Coordinators and hared advice on various aspects of programme accreditation on Saturday 24 March 2018. Another highlight of the visit was a special lecture, focusing on “Education, Accreditation and Stakeholder Satisfaction” on Monday 26th March 2018. (From left) External Examiner, Professor Emeritus John EL Simmons and the HoD, Professor Chowdary and other faculty members at the Programme Coordinators meeting At the lecture, Professor Simmons explored various needs of a number of stakeholders (including students, potential employers and governments), and discussed the role that external professional accreditation might play in balancing the inevitable tensions that arise. See Photo link: IKnlMgHaOFpXLNuF12fHjUaSTZ4kzh7zzsApkw?key=SzE0Rn o4SDlCakVxWnZFR1hKaktMNnc3SXhWSm9B. 4|Page MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
3. The DMME-EAM Seminars and Guest Presentations, March-June 2018 The DMME’s MSc Engineering Asset Management (EAM) Group and the Engineering Institute had offered industry-aligned short courses and guests presentations with successful cases, in the second semester of the AY 2017/2018. These included: • Mr. Doc Palmer presented the strategy which could be used to progress a company from a position of non-compliance to being fully compliant in Planning and Scheduling systems. • Professor Rickey Dubay presented in the areas of Instrument Controls and the latest technology being utilised in the 1st quartile companies internationally. • Professor Andrew Jardine expounded material in the areas of Maintenance Analysis and Optimisation in particular, the topic of Maintenance Optimisation and Turnarounds. Other presentations made including 1) Mr. Sat Singh on heaters, boilers and heat exchangers; 2) Mr. Clyne La Borde on Electrical equipment; 3) Mr. Basdeo Singh on rotating equipment; and Mr. Dumore Dan Jordan on gaskets; 4) Mr. Roy Lloyd on Strategic Planning; 5) Mr. St. Clair Natta on Condition Monitoring and Failure Analysis; 6) Mr. Sydney Andrew McIntosh on The International Arena; and 7) Mr. Cole Porther on Turnarounds/Planning and Scheduling. In addition, a series of company’s visit (including the Petroleum Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (Petrotrin)) was arranged during the semester Feedback elicited from industry delegates/participants and students proved positive as many enjoyed the real-life scenarios and grounded practice of many of the theories taught in classes. A group of MSc students led by Mr. Kishore Jhagroo (second from right, standing) visited Petrotrin facility in June 2018 5|Page MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
4. The 2018 DMME’s Annual Conference and Exhibition held on 23rd May, 2018 As the needs of the national and regional economy are evolving, The University of the West Indies (UWI) endeavors to enhance the preparation of young engineers. The MME Department hosted its 2018 Conference and Exhibition, and demonstrated how the students’ work aligns with the national economic development needs. The theme “Engineering the Future\" was in line with the University’s ‘Triple A’ strategic plan. ● Date: Thursday 23rd May 2018 ● Time: Conference from 9.00am to 11.30am and the Exhibition from 9.00am to 5.00pm ● Place: The University of the West Indies (UWI), St. Augustine Campus Lecture Theatre #1, Max Richards Building (Engineering Block 13) (Conference) and JFK Auditorium (Exhibition). This showcase event displayed the Unlimited), and a list of professional bodies Department’s BSc Capstone Projects and (including American Society of Quality, selected MSc and MPhil/PhD research Trinidad and Tobago (ASQ-LMCtt), The projects and presentations. These included: Society of Caribbean Industrial Engineers (SCIE), The Institution of Engineering and 1) A display of over 30 BSc Capstone Technology, Trinidad and Tobago Local Projects in their areas of study, including Network (IET-LN), IEEE Trinidad and the design and build of a 3D printer, a Tobago Section (IEEEtt), and The American cadet class electric gokart and modified Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)). vibratory soil compactor, among others. It was an exciting experience for both our 2) Exemplified presentations of project students and staff, and the event was Postgraduate Research studies/projects well received industry stakeholders, by Dr. Cavelle Brigette Motilal (Topic: partners, professionals, graduates, parents Determinants of the Open Innovation and prospective students. Annexes 1 and 2 Model) and Mr. Fahraz Ali (Topic: Rapid are two articles reproduced and published in Prototyping and Fused Deposition June’s UWI TODAY and also came out in Modeling), and MSc industry-sponsored Sunday Guardian of 3rd June 2018. projects by Ms. Satira Maharaj (Topic: Improving Turnaround Effectiveness via One (1) video for the DMME Conference and Scheduling Practices). Exhibition 2018 is also available on The UWI St. Augustine UWI TODAY YouTube channel: 3) Keynote addresses made by Ms. Marie Hinds of the Ministry of Planning, v=jC0T5a0UoVQ&t=19s. and Mr. Dennis Latiff, General Manager Besides, three (3) photo albums were made of Tiger Tanks Trinidad Unlimited, at the as follows: Conference. 1) Pre-Conference (22nd May 2018) The event was supported by The 2 Engineering Institute, industry partners 2) The Conference (23rd May 2018) (including Concepts and Services, The Power Generation Company of Trinidad 3 and Tobago Limited, The Petroleum 3) The Exhibition (23rd May 2018) Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited, VEMCO Limited, and Tiger Tanks Trinidad 2 6|Page MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
(From Left) Mr Kishore Jhagroo introduced one contestant and his project to the Judging Panel comprising Mr. Dennis Latiff, Mr. Navneet Boodhai, Mr. Vijay Birsingh and Professor Edwin Ekwue among other visitors at the JFK Auditorium, the Exhibition venue of the event. 5. Report of The PS2 STEM Seminar on 9th June 2018 The UWI-DMME (via the Industrial The theme of this Seminar/Workshop was Engineering Office) co-organised the PS02- “Educating students in an interdisciplinary 2018 STEM Seminar/workshop, in and applied approach with four academic collaboration with the Education Society disciplines of ‘Science, Technology, (EdS) Chapter of the IEEE Trinidad and Engineering and Mathematics’”. The event Tobago Section. The event was supported was comprised of a Seminar presentation by the IEEE-Technology and Management and a hand-on workshop followed by an Society (TEMS) Chapter, the Society of open forum/ discussion session. Caribbean Industrial Engineers (SCIE), and The American Society for Quality Local Two (2) guest speakers were invited. Member Committee (ASQ-LMC), Trinidad Professor Emeritus Winston A. Mellowes, and Tobago. The seminar was held at The President, The Caribbean Academy of CETL Technology Space, the UWI-Teaching Science, was the first speaker who explored and Learning Complex on Saturday 9th the background to Inquiry Based Science June 2018. Education (IBSE) and the basis for its adoption. He talked about the scientific The PS02-2018 STEM event was facilitated approach to knowledge acquisition and by Dr. Ruel L.A. Ellis, Chair of the shared experiences and philosophy of the Education Society (EdS) Chapter. Professor workshops based approach to teacher Kit Fai Pun, of the Industrial Engineering education under the auspices of the Office gave a welcoming address to Caribbean Academy of Sciences over the participants. last ten (10) years. 7|Page MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
Followed by Mr. Justin Zephyrine, eLearning Support Specialist of The UWI - Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), then shed insights on the use of Moodle for collaborative learning through an orchestrated online process of negotiating the representation of a model, document, plan, or inquiry, and sharing and discussing ideas. Sixteen (16) participants including invited guest speakers, practicing teachers, academics, graduate students, Ministry representatives and others attended the Seminar/Workshop. Annex-3 shows a brief report of the event (see also Photo link: iAQx5v9t8). Professor Emeritus Winston Mellowes receiving a Commemorative Plaque from Professor Kit Fai Pun for serving as an invited guest speaker of the Seminar/Workshop 6. The Present Around the World (PATW) ‘Local Finals’ on 26th May 2018 The Present Around the World (PATW) local finals - The Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET) Trinidad and Tobago Local Network that was supported by the Industrial Engineering Office and the MME Department on 26th May 2018. The event aimed to engage engineering students and graduates into the world of the IET and its benefits through International Competitions and Research. (From Right third and Fourth front line) Miss Lynessa Leonard and Mr. Joshua Deonarinesingh pictured with the judges, IET LN representatives, and other delegates and participants of the event 8|Page MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
Two (2) MME graduates entered this year local finals. Mr. Joshua Deonarinesingh’s cadet class electric go-kart won the first place, whereas another capstone project presented by Miss Lynessa Leonard (on vibratory soil compactor) obtained the second place, at the Competition (see e-album: BNQehvaUCspkil2iApbniabUJVGJ9LqzQJw? key=V1RWM2VZeFF1TTZsY1VUMi1ORzZLWWJTaHRGZnJB). On behalf of the MME Department, we are pleased to support the IET TT LN PATW Competition (Local Finals), and continue building relationships with the Engineering community. 7. Update of the IMechE Re-Accreditation Exercise, 2018 The Department had been undergoing a committed process over the past couple years. A decision letter was received from the Academic Standards Committee (ASC) of the UK Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) on 9th March 2017. An excerpt of main suggestions from the letter is as follows: “…. (the) Committee considered the evidence submitted by the University to demonstrate that Conditions 3 to 8 of the Action Plan had been met, together with the University's request to implement a new MSc Level Module for the MSc Engineering Management, MSc Production Management and MSc Production Engineering and Management programmes. The Committee is satisfied that all of the Conditions have been met sufficiently and has therefore awarded accreditation as follows: The following Bachelors degrees be accredited as meeting the exemplifying academic requirements, in part, for Chartered Engineer registration for the 2017-2020 cohort intakes: • BSc (Hons) Industrial Engineering (Full Time - 3 years; CEng ref: 3387) • BSc (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (Full Time - 3 years; CEng ref: 3385) • BSc (Hons) Mechanical Engineering with a Minor in Biosystems Engineering (Full Time - 3 years; CEng ref: 6107) 9|Page MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
The following Masters degrees be accredited as meeting the further learning requirement for Chartered Engineer registration for the 2017-2020 cohort intakes: • MSc Engineering Asset Management (Full Time - 1 year; Part Time - 2 years; CEng ref: 11861) • MSc Manufacturing Engineering and Management (Full Time - 1 year; Part Time - 2 years; CEng ref: 8266)” The Department would be aware of which courses and what areas would continuously be updated in order to meet AHEP3 standard and by extension IMechE requirement. 10 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
C) STAFF'S NEWS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Dr. Jacqueline Bridge Appointed as the First Female Head of the Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering. The Campus Principal, on behalf of the Campus Appointments Committee, appointed Dr. Jacqueline Bridge as the Head of the MME Department, Faculty of Engineering of the St. Augustine Campus of The University of the West Indies (UWI) Trinidad and Tobago, for the period 1st August 2018 to 31st July 2021. She will be the first female Head of the Department in its history. 2. Professor Edwin I. Ekwue Appointed as the forthcoming Dean, Faculty of Engineering. Professor Edwin Ekwue has been appointed as the forthcoming Dean, Faculty of Engineering of the St. Augustine Campus of The University of the West Indies (UWI) Trinidad and Tobago, for four years, starting from 1st August 2018. 3. Professor Boppana V. Chowdary Appointed as the Forthcoming Deputy Dean (Graduate Studies & Research), Faculty of Engineering. Professor Boppana Chowdary would step down from the Headship of the Department, and then take up the position of Deputy Dean (Graduate Studies and Research) of the Faculty of Engineering, with effect from 1st August 2018. His leadership and stewardship for the last three years was recognised. 4. Professor Kit Fai Pun served as the Facilitator of the IET On Campus Student Community Group at UWI Professor Kit Fai Pun has since March 2018 been appointed as the On Campus Facilitator by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), the UK. He has been facilitating the establishment of the IET On Campus Student Community Group (see Section D1). 11 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
D) STUDENT'S NEWS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Establishment of IET On Campus Student Community Group Affiliated to the MME Department – in March 2018 The IET On Campus Student Community Group was established in affiliation with the MME Department, and its Kick-off meeting was held at The UWI-Faculty of Engineering, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, on Thursday 22nd March 2018 (see photo album: 1J8LTFZPMPdlDSGV35Mw5IYnWspoGAstLgdXYzJz0mlzoDuw? key=a19Gb0hoRDBSeU 93eUZxdDBHMXZvV0pCaEE1NklB) Three (3) Mechanical Engineering students were appointed and endorsed by the IET (UK). These are: 1) Mr. Edward Bethel, Chairman (Year-1 BSc Student; from Grenada) 2) Mr. Tahj M. Atwell, Treasurer (Year-1 BSc Student; from Barbados) 3) Miss Elisse Ramsubir, Secretary (Year-3 BSc Student; from Trinidad and Tobago) Other group members included Mr. Damon Boucher, Mr. Joash Best, Mr. Jeshua King, Miss Nicola Lewis, Mr. Justin Harrilal, and Miss Nishanie Mohammed. The Group had its first official meeting on 18th May 2018, and planning for the forthcoming activities on campus is on progress. Moreover, Miss Elisse Ramsubir (The Secretary) had been nominated as a young professional and student member from The America's Region to join the Second IET Young Professionals Community Volunteer Conference (YP CVC) 2018 that is to be held in Singapore in August 2018. 12 | P a g e A group photo taken at the Kick-off meeting of the IET On Campus Student Community Group on 22 March 2018 (with Miss Elisse Ramsubir (The Secretary; middle standing) and the IET on Campus, Facilitator, Professor Kit Fai Pun (from right) MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
2. Students Receiving Recognitions from the Project Competition at the Department’s Annual Conference and Exhibition on 23rd May 2018 The project work and accomplishments of BSc final year students were recognised. A total of 21 contestants were shortlisted for participating the Final-year Project Competition that was an integral part of the DMME’s Annual Conference and Exhibition on 23rd May 2018. Three project winners were awarded based on the judging criteria and comments. They were: 1) Mr. Dillon Chong – First Place (Project: To design and build a 3D printer) 2) Mr. Joshua Deonarinesingh – Second Place (Project: To design and build a cadet class electric go-kart) 3) Miss Lynessa Leonard – Third Place (Project: To design and build a modified vibratory soil compactor). 3. Two Students Receiving Awards at the IET PATW 2017-2018 Competition on 26th May 2018 (From Left) The Contestants, Miss Lynessa The three Department’s project winners (as Leonard and Mr. Joshua Deonarinesingh reported in Section D1) were nominated to the pictured with the IET On Campus Facilitator, local finals of the IET PATW 2017-2018 Professor Kit Fai Pun, at the local finals of the Competition on Saturday 26th May 2018. Two of IET PATW 2017-2018 Competition on 26th May them attended the competition, and their project 2018. work and accomplishments were again recognised by the judging panel at the competition. These two students were: 1) Mr. Joshua Deonarinesingh – Winner 2) Miss Lynessa Leonard – First Runner-up Being the winner of the IET PATW Competition, Mr. Deonarinesingh would attend the semi-final that is to be held in Canada this August 2018 and if won, then the London final in November 2018. 13 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
E) FORTHCOMING IMPORTANT EVENTS 2018 1. The CAS-2018 Conference to be held on 27th–30th November, 2018 The 21st General Meeting and Conference of Extended timeline for paper abstract The Caribbean Academy Sciences (CAS) and submission and presentations is 31st the Caribbean Academy Sciences Jamaica August 2018. Professor Kit Fai Pun of the (CASJ) is being organised in collaboration MME Department serves as the Chair of with The University of the West Indies, Mona, the Scientific Committee for the CAS-2018 during the period 27th-30th November, as Conference. For enquiries and part of The University of the West Indies submissions, please contact/send to: (UWI)’s 70th anniversary and CAS’ 30th [email protected] (Attn.: Professor anniversary celebrations. K.F. Pun) and cc copy to [email protected]. The theme of the conference is “Science, Technology and Innovation – Vehicles for a Knowledge Based Economy”. This conference would serve as a premiere forum to foster cross-pollination amongst different research fields, and to expose and discuss innovative theories, which would be of use in enhancing the quality of human life and contribute effectively to sustainable economic development. 2. The IEM4-2018 Conference to be held on 7th–8th December, 2018 The Fourth Industrial Engineering and Traditional IEM areas and 2) Quality Management Conference 2018 (IEM4-2018) Management (QM) Focus. Original abstracts will be held at the Faculty of Engineering of and papers relevant to the Conference theme The University of the West Indies (UWI), St are invited. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) on 7th-8th December, 2018. The theme of the Information about important dates and the 2018 Conference is “Striving for business/engineering performance excellence ‘Second Call for papers’ could be referred to with quality management and IEM practices”. Annex- 4. For enquiries, contact: Professor IEM4-2018 Conference invites papers for presentation, and suggested topics of Kit Fai Pun and Dr. Cilla T. Benjamin, c/o interests which fall into two groups, 1) MME Department, UWI, St Augustine, T&T; e- 14 | P a g e mails: [email protected]; and [email protected] MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
F. Frame of Birthday Stars On behalf of the MME Department and the Newsletter Sub-Committee, we wish 5 members in the following list have a Happy Birthday from February to July 2018, with numerous best returns. THE FEBRUARY-JULY STARS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ALL........ 1. Navin Narine – February 2. Sherry Mungal– May 1. Na3v. iPnaNual rFineerg–usFoenbr-uMarayy 4. Ant2h.oSnhyeLraryCMrouixn–gaJlu–nMe ay 3. Paul Ferguson - May5. Kit Fai Pun- July4. Anthony LaCroix– June 5. Kit Fai Pun- July 15 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
G) THE MME WORDS The Newsletter Sub-Committee compiled some enlightening words for sharing among faculty members and administrative/support staff and other readers of MME Newsletter. Please take leisure reading on them. Accept those you think appropriate, and reject those you consider inappropriate. Good for Thought Today: 1. “Determination is an inside job, but inspiration comes from the outside.” - Barbara Aberc 2. “Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.” - Norman Vincent Peale 3. “I aspire to inspire before I expire.” - Pravinee Hurbungs 4. “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” - Albert Einstein 5. “Life is more meaningful when you are always looking to grow and working toward a goal.” - Les Brown 6. “Quitters never win. Winners never quit!” - Dr. Irene C. Kassorla 7. “The most important thing about getting somewhere is starting right where we are.” - Bruce Barton 8. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking.” - Steve Jobs 9. “There's a positive side to any situation, even if you don't see it right away.” - Nealey Stapleton 10. “You can do what you have to do, and sometimes you can do it even better than you think you can.”- Jimmy Carter Adopted from different sources 16 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
Photo Album/Video Links: Link-1: External Examiner’s Visit and Seminar – Professor Emeritus John EL Simmons – March 2018 IKnlMgHaOFpXLNuF12fHjUaSTZ4kzh7zzsApkw? key=SzE0Rno4SDlCakVxWnZFR1hKaktMNnc3SXhWSm9B Link-2: The 2018 DMME’s Annual Conference and Exhibition held on 23rd May, 2018 1) Pre-Conference: 2) The Conference: 3) The Exhibition: 4) Video: Link-3: The PS2 STEM Seminar on 9th June 2018 Link-4: The Kick-off Meeting for Establishing the IET On Campus Student Community Group - March 2018 nWspoGAstLgdXYzJz0mlzoDuw?key=a19Gb0hoRDBSeU93eUZxdDBHMXZvV0pCaEE1NklB Link-5: The Present Around the World (PATW) local finals – 26th May 2018 spkil2iApbniabUJVGJ9LqzQJw?key=V1RWM2VZeFF1TTZsY1VUMi1ORzZLWWJTaHRGZnJB The MME Newsletter Sub-Committee: 6) Mr. Chris Maharaj (Member) 1) Professor Kit Fai Pun (Editor) 7) Ms. Ayanna-Rene De Noon (Member) 2) Dr. Graham King (Member) 8) Mr. Steve Ramoutar (Member) 3) Mr. Sennen Matabadal (Member) 9) Mrs. Anita Khoon Khoon-Ali (Member) 4) Dr. Renique Murray(Member) 10) Ms. Christy Walters (Member) 5) Mr. Robert Birch (Member) MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2 17 | P a g e
Annex 1: Article #1- Engineering the Future Annex-1: Engineering the Future Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineers show off undergraduate projects at annual exhibition PHOTOS: ANEEL KARIM Lynessa Leonard modified and tested this vibratory soil compactor. Ispahari Hosein demonstrates his bamboo portable kayak 18 | P a g e Dillon Chong stands beside his model of a 3D printer MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
Annex 1: Article #1- Engineering the Future Joshua Deonarinesingh developed this electric go-cart. Oranges anyone? Visitors check out the mechanized orange peeler. A 3D printed skull at the recent Engineering Exhibition 19 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
Annex 1: Article #1- Engineering the Future From a vertical wind turbine to a miniature controlled atmosphere greenhouse, there was lots of applied technology on display at the recent annual exhibition held by the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. The exhibition, held on Wednesday May 23 at the JFK Auditorium, showcased undergraduate final year projects in a wide range of categories, and was the companion outreach event to the Faculty’s conference event held earlier that morning. Among the exhibits was an electric Cadet-class racing go-cart for the Caribbean region by Joshua Deonarinesingh, who is completing a BSC degree in Mechanical Engineering – Applied Mechanics. His go-cart was an eye-catching cheerful bright yellow, and uses increased electrical drive systems for a greener, more ecofriendly go-cart. “The Cadet class is an introductory class of go-cart racing types used for leisure or competitive purposes,” explained Deonarinesingh. “Currently there are no electric models in T&T, but there are equivalent Cadet class gas go-carts. I wanted to eliminate fossil fuel burning and gas emissions while achieving comparable performance with the gas go-carts. I completed the project, but there are several initiatives that could be implemented for a better project.” Another interesting display was a range of hard plastic objects all generated by 3D printers, an innovative solution to parts requiring custom-made design or parts no longer being manufactured and readily available. These display objects included a model toy car, a component for an older model of motorcycle, and a very lifelike human skull. The technical term for this manufacturing process is Additive Manufacturing: it allows users to make three- dimensional objects from computer-generated 3D models. The UWI acquired a high-end Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) machine some years ago. The 3D printer, a Fortus 400mc manufactured by Stratasys, cost approximately TT$1.25 million and is a rapid prototyping (RP) technology, meaning that it can create 3D objects primarily for prototyping purposes. Several students in the Manufacturing Engineering department showed projects related to 3D printing, including Dillon Chong who was testing a model of a 3D printer. Meanwhile Arshad Mohammed, a PhD student in Manufacturing, wants to research aspects of traditional machining and 3D printing, saying: “There are advantages and drawbacks to both; I want to look at ways to combine them, to build on the strengths of both of them.” Some projects at the exhibition used easily available local raw materials to create unique, fun local products, such as the portable bamboo-framed kayak designed by student Ispahari Hosein. The exterior casing could be zipped over the bamboo frame and it looked extremely light and portable. 20 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
Annex 1: Article #1- Engineering the Future Undergraduate student Lynessa Leonard decided to modify and test an existing vibratory soil compactor designed by Anika Taylor in 2015, to test the maximum density of soils. There were several projects like this which took useful ideas from past years and improved on them or meticulously tested an aspect of them, demonstrating the necessary ongoing experimental research involved in developing or improving manufactured products. Other interesting projects included: Modeling of vibration transmission in offshore platforms using statistical energy analysis; a solar-powered water purification system; waste heat recovery in combustion engines; a cocoa-picking rod; a miniature controlled atmosphere greenhouse; and a cryogenic freezer for food products. (SAA) Copyright The University of the West Indies 2018 21 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
Annex 2: Article #2- Engineering: If You Can Dream It, You Can Achieve It Annex-2: On a regular Friday afternoon, the Marketing and Communications Office posted a video of the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing’s 2018 Exhibition themed Engineering for the Future on its UWI St Augustine Facebook page. In less than two days, the video earned over 5,000 views and 100 shares by people praising the work of final year students who exhibited, including the top three students who won prizes for the Final-Year Capstone Project Contest. Students’ work was judged according to four main areas: Poster and Methodology; Exhibits or Prototype; Presentation and Interview and Overall Accomplishments and Commercial Viability. When this social media correspondent interviewed First Prize winner Dillon Chong, he was overwhelmed by the sudden attention, saying: “I didn’t expect all this.” Nonetheless upon subtle prompting, he explained that he built his prize-winning 3D printer to educate Trinidadians about its endless possibilities: “Anything you can think about making, you can print a plastic 3D model for.” His advice for aspiring engineers was to “Try to challenge yourselves, do something outside the box so you could actually become better by doing something you didn’t think you could do.” Creating a Cadet class electric go-cart was a no-brainer for second place winner Joshua Deonarinesingh who spoke about his love for racing, cars and anything to do with motor sports in general. Deonarinesingh knew by creating a cadet class of go-cart, he would enter his creation into a popular class of vehicles used by professionals and motorsport enthusiasts alike. Similarly, Ispahani Hosein alongside one of his supervising technicians, Marlon Dolloway, Senior Laboratory Assistant, exhibited a bamboo canoe because of his love of kayaking. Hosein did not compete in the contest, but was one of the main attractions because of his canoe’s sleek bamboo frame and outer waterproof polyvinyl canvas. Hosein came up with this idea as a cheaper, more lightweight alternative to the existing plastic kayak design. “The bamboo canoe is 47 lbs. and can hold up to 250 lbs. I tested it myself in the deep waters of Chaguaramas.” The third place winner was Lynessa Leonard. Her modifications to an existing design put her invention, a rotating soil compactor, in a class of its own. Literally. The initial model was done by another student, Anika Taylor, three years ago and Leonard's updated design includes a 22 | P a g e MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
rotating and balance effect to induce vibration resulting in the first ever soil compactor to do this on an international scale. The machine is used to measure the density of soil by means of measuring the soil compaction in order to determine the maximum density and load that can be applied to the soil. The ramifications of this are integral to the construction and agricultural industries. Leonard was quick to add that “We had a lot of help, from the department and supervisors to the chief technicians. If it wasn’t for them, we would never be able to finish these projects.” When asked what she would tell other women interested in creating solution-based machines, she humbly stated, “If you can dream it, you can achieve it. Just try hard with whatever you do.” The video featuring all of these students is available at The UWI St. Augustine YouTube channel: Jeanette G. Awai is a freelance writer and a Marketing and Communications Assistant at The UWI St. Augustine Marketing and Communications Office 23| P a g e MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
DECEMBER 2020 | ISSUE 12 Annex 3: The PS02-2018 STEM Seminar/Workshop Annex-3: The IEEE-EdS Co-Organised a Public Seminar/Workshop on ‘The Use of e-Learning as a Support Tool in the Delivery of STEM Curriculum in Schools’ on 9th June 2018 Professor Emeritus Winston Mellowes receiving a Commemorative Plaque from Professor Kit Fai Pun (Left Photo), and Mr. Justin Zephyrine receiving a Commemorative Plaque from Dr. Ruel Ellis (Right Photo), for serving as invited guest speakers of the Seminar/Workshop. Guest Speaker The Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering (via the Office of Prof. Emeritus A. Wilson Mellowes Industrial Engineering (IE)), The University of the West Indies (UWI) co-organised the Seminar/workshop, in collaboration with the Education Society (EdS) Chapter of the IEEE Trinidad and Tobago Section. The event was supported by the IEEE-Technology and Management Society (TEMS) Chapter, the Society of Caribbean Industrial Engineers (SCIE), and the American Society for Quality 24| P a g e MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
Annex 3: The PS02-2018 STEM Seminar/Workshop Local Member Committee (ASQ-LMC), Trinidad and Tobago. The seminar was held at The CETL Technology Space, the UWI-Teaching and Learning Complex from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon on Saturday 9th June 2018. The PS02-2018 STEM event was facilitated by Dr. Ruel L.A. Ellis, Chair of the Education Society (EdS) Chapter. Professor Kit Fai Pun, of the Industrial Engineering Office gave a welcoming address to participants. The theme of this Seminar/Workshop was “Educating students in an interdisciplinary and applied approach with STEM”. STEM is a term used to group together four academic disciplines of ‘Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics’. Rather than teaching the four disciplines as separate subjects, STEM integrates them into a cohesive learning paradigm. Using this paradigm, we teach students logical thinking, creative thinking and computational thinking and focus on the real world applications of problem solving. The event was comprised of a Seminar presentation and a hand-on workshop followed by an open forum/discussion session. Individual presentations are highlighted as follows: • “A Review of the Inquiry Based Science Education (ISBS) in the Caribbean” - Professor Emeritus Winston A. Mellowes, President, The Caribbean Academy of Science. Professor Mellowes explored the background to Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE) and the basis for its adoption. He talked about the scientific approach to knowledge acquisition and shared experiences and philosophy of the workshops based approach to teacher education under the auspices of the Caribbean Academy of Sciences over the last ten (10) years. A brief discussion on Lessons Learnt regarding the usage of IBSE/STEM in classrooms was incorporated into his presentation. • “Use of Moodle (e-Learning) in the delivery of the STEM Curriculum” - Mr. Justin Zephyrine, eLearning Support Specialist, The Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), UWI. Mr. Zephyrine’s presentation shed insights on the use of Moodle for collaborative learning through an orchestrated online process of negotiating the representation of a model, document, plan, or inquiry, and sharing and discussing ideas. Moodle is the acronym for modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment. He demonstrated ways in which Moodle can provide additional learning opportunities via digital games that have the potential to support and guide independent practice in problem-solving and high-level thinking in STEM education. 25| P a g e MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
Annex 3: The PS02-2018 STEM Seminar/Workshop Sixteen participants including invited guest speakers, practicing teachers, academics, graduate students, Ministry representatives and others attended the Seminar/Workshop (see Photo link: A total of 12 completed evaluation forms were received. Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly good. All returned evaluations rated the Seminar either ‘Very Good’ (7 responses; 58.3%; rated ‘5’) or ‘Good’ (5 responses; 41.7%; rated ‘4’). Many participants commented that the presenters were very knowledgeable about their areas of expertise and the presentations were interactive and informative. Some participants shared that they would like to have a longer hand-on workshop session to explore the moodle platform and requested for a follow-up course/seminar. Prepared by: Professor Kit Fai Pun for the Organising Committee of the PS02-2018 STEM Seminar/Workshop Dated: 14th June 2018 Photos taken with participants at the PS02-2018 STEM Seminar/Workshop on Saturday 9th June 2018 26| P a g e MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
Annex 3: The PS02-2018 STEM Seminar/Workshop Our Guest Speaker, Professor Emeritus Winston Mellowes shared experiences and lessons learnt from the Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE) in line with STEM philosophy(Above Photo), and Mr. Justin Zephyrine demonstrated how Moodle could be used in the delivery of the STEM curriculum (Bottom Photo), in respective sessions 27| P a g e MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
Annex 4: The Fourth Industrial Engineering and Management Conference 2018 (IEM4-2018) – Second Call for Papers Annex-4: The Fourth Industrial Engineering and Management Conference 2018 (IEM4-2018), UWI, 7th-8th December 2018 Second Call for Papers In today’s dynamic world, a comprehensive and fundamental rule or belief for leading and operating an organisation is thriving for continuous performance improvement over the long term and focusing on customers while addressing the needs of all stakeholders. The bottom line of continuous performance improvement is results: increased productivity, efficiency, customer satisfaction, and performance. Such rule, belief and the bottom line constitute the cores of Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) that can bring strengths and opportunities to business/engineering organisations of diverse nature. The Fourth Industrial Engineering and Management Conference 2018 (IEM4-2018) will be held at the Faculty of Engineering of The University of the West Indies (UWI), St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago on 7th-8th December, 2018. Following the past three IEM Conferences held in 2006, 2010 and 2014, the theme of the 2018 Conference is “Striving for business/engineering performance excellence with quality management and IEM practices”. It aims to advance the theory and practice of both quality management and industrial engineering practices, and to identify recent developments and major challenges in meeting the diverse needs of the Caribbean region. There are six (6) Sub-theme/Sub-groups based on the major industry sectors such as 1) Energy Industry, 2) Construction Industry; 3) Manufacturing Industry; 4) Utility Industry; 5) Government and Public Sectors, and 6) Service Industry Sectors (including engineering services, educational services and consultancy). IEM4-2018 Conference invites papers for presentation, and suggested topics of interests which fall into two groups, 1) Traditional IEM areas and 2) Quality Management (QM) Focus. These include but are not limited to: 28| P a g e MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
Annex 4: The Fourth Industrial Engineering and Management Conference 2018 (IEM4-2018) – Second Call for Papers 1) Traditional IEM Areas: • Industrial Marketing and Practices • Logistics and Supply Chain Management • Agile and Lean Manufacturing • Operations Research • Automation and Intelligent Systems • Optimisation Analysis and Applications • Behavioural Science • Performance tools and Balance • Business Collaboration and Strategy • Business Process Re-engineering and Scorecard • Plant Layout and Materials Handling Mapping • Production/Operations Planning and • e-Operations and e-Manufacturing • IEM Education and Training Control • Emerging Technologies in IEM • Quality Control and Reliability Engineering • Engineering Economics, Accounting and • Risk Analysis and Management • Robotics and Human-Machine Interaction Financial Management • Safety, Health and Hygiene Management • Engineering Maintenance (e.g., CM, PM, • Simulation of Industrial/Business PdM, TPM, RCM, CMMS) and Asset Processes Management • Six Sigma and Applications • Engineering Management • Service Engineering, Systems Engineering • Industrial Database Systems and Design • Industrial Instrumentation and Control and Engineering Systems Systems Technology • Work Study and Ergonomics 2) Areas of Quality Management (QM) Focus: • Applications of Total Quality Tools and • Managing Quality in SMEs vs Large Techniques Organisations • Challenges of Quality Management • Quality Management Decision Making and Practices in Developing Countries Creativity • Continuous Improvement, Re-engineering • Quality Culture and Leadership and Benchmarking • Quality Management Projects Involving • Employee Empowerment and Team Industry Interaction/Collaboration Building • Quality Management Systems and • Ethics for the Quality Managers and Approaches • Risk Management and Quality Practitioners • Six Sigma Quality, Taguchi and Lean • Hoshin Planning and Quality Function • Statistical Process Control • Team Dynamic, Conflicts and Deployment Communication • Integrating Quality Management with • Value Analysis, Engineering and Management Knowledge Management • International Standards and Quality Management Practices 29| P a g e MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
Annex 4: The Fourth Industrial Engineering and Management Conference 2018 (IEM4-2018) – Second Call for Papers The conference provides a forum for academics, researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, to facilitate a regionwide awareness of QM practices and IEM competence and use of various QM/IEM concepts, models and tools that support and foster organisational performance improvements in the emerging CARICOM context. Important Dates: 31st August 2018 (Abstracts) 29th October 2018 (Papers) • Submission of Abstracts/Papers (Extended) August - October 2018 August - October 2018 • Begin Review and Revision Process: 5th November 2018 • Notification/Acceptance of Abstracts/Papers: 19th November 2018 • Submission of Full/Revised Papers: 7th-8th December 2018 • Final Decision/Notification: • Dates of the Conference Original abstracts and papers relevant to the Conference theme are invited. Extended abstracts (not more than 300 words) and full papers in English should be sent via e-mail <[email protected]> or fax (868) 662 4414 (Attn: Prof. K.F. Pun). Each submission will be reviewed for technical merit and content. Papers accepted for presentation will appear in the Conference Proceedings provided that at least one author registers for the conference. Proposals for special sessions, tutorials or workshops are also welcome. Maximum length for each accepted paper in the Proceedings is of 8 single-spaced pages. Strong papers would be recommended for a fast track publication subject to review in The West Indian Journal of Engineering (ISSN 0511-5728) and The Journal of Professional Engineers of Trinidad and Tobago (ISSN 1000 7924) Registration Fees: • Authors*/Participants: US$ 100 per person • Student Authors*/Participants: US$ 50 per person * - Presenting Author’s registration fees might be waived subject to condition. * - Participants and presenters could grant 5 PDUs and 10 PDUs respectively subject to the approval from the Joint APETT/BOETT CPD Committee. Conference Web Site: For latest and additional information, visit (in preparation) For Conference Enquiries and Registration: Prof. Kit Fai Pun and Dr. Cilla T. Benjamin, c/o Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UWI, St Augustine Campus, T&T Fax: (868) 662 4414; E-mails: [email protected]; [email protected] 30| P a g e MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
“A globally competitive engineering academic department rooted in the Caribbean”. DMME Environmental Engineering ENGINEERING MECHANICS Strength of Materials MME Newsletter July 2018, Vol.4 Issue 2
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