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Home Explore Payspan Brochure

Payspan Brochure

Published by blakegadams, 2017-05-30 12:32:45

Description: Corporate Brochure Full Draft 2


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Empowering the Healthcare Economy • Payment Automation • Member Engagement • Quality ManagementSolutions for Payers Discover how the nation’s leading payment automation and reimbursement platform can revolutionize your financial relationships.

EMPOWERING YOUR FINANCIAL RELATIONSHIPSBuilding positive relationships with your members and network of providers is vitalto your long-term growth and success. Each of these relationships centers aroundfinancial interactions - meaning it is important you have a trustworthy, and industryleading, payment expert on your team.Payspan is on the forefront of the evolving healthcare financial landscape as itrelates to payments automation, member engagement, and quality management.In response to this shifting climate, Payspan not only offers solutions for paymentautomation through its core platform- but also harness this platform to enhanceand accelerate member premium payments and quality incentive initiativescommunications.By partnering with the power of Payspan, healthcare’s leading provider of paymentand reimbursement solutions, you will enhance member and provider satisfaction,while also significantly reducing administrative costs.

ABOUT US Who we arePartnering with Payspan means gaining access to Healthcare’s leading solution for the orchestration andmore than 25 years of payments and reimbursements automation of payments and using reimbursement asexpertise. Payspan, Inc. is the leader in innovative strategy for cost savings, member engagement, andhealthcare reimbursement solutions that are Empowering provider relations.the Healthcare Economy® for payers, providers,consumers and banks. Connecting more than 750 How we help payershealth plans, over 1,300,000 provider payees, and107,000,000 members, Payspan securely orchestrates Automating payments and reimbursements along theand automates healthcare payments and new Payspan network can potentially save payers $3 perreimbursement strategies that improve patient experience transaction over paper based payments. Our innovativeand reduce costs. suite of supporting solutions across premium payments and quality communications facilitates additional cost savings,Independent of a bank or health plan we focus all of increased member engagement, and stronger providerour energy on solving your challenges and being your relations.trusted partner in the shifting healthcare economy. Payspan is also an industry leader in customer service, Our Expertise and ensures our customers are at the center of every Payspan understands the deep nuances of the healthcare decision and innovation we make. economy and harnesses them for our customers in innovative products and services. Our team has a depth of knowledge to assist payers in developing unique solutions payment automation and using reimbursement as strategy.WE AREHEALTHCARE’SLEADING SOLUTIONFOR ORCHESTRATINGAND AUTOMATINGHEALTHCARE PAYMENT ANDREIMBURSEMENT STRATEGY.

PAYSPAN CORE PAYER NETWORK Members 107 Million Covered MembersPayers Providers 750+ 1.3 MillionHealth Plans Provider Payees Banks 5000+ Financial EntitiesAT THE INTERSECTION OF THEHEALTHCARE ECONOMYPayspan is strategically positioned at the center of thehealthcare economy; empowering the dynamic andextensive relationships between payers, providers,members, and banks. Healthcare’s Leading Payment Automation and Orchestration Network Payspan’s industry leading Core Payer Network, connecting 1.3 million provider payees with over 750 health plans, enables the processing of electronic payments (EFT/ACH) and remittance information (ERA) for payers. The Core Payer Network also features a multi-payer, fully electronic provider enrollment process, a provider self-service portal, and provider outreach services to drive maximum value and adoption while reducing administrative costs.

With Payspan Core you YOU NEED A TRUSTED ANDwill have: INTEGRATED PARTNER Faster claims The healthcare economy is unique and ever changing, processing and with new and in-depth challenges constantly on the payment cycles horizon. You need a partner who is solely concentrated on the healthcare financial economy to empower your Less provider payments and reimbursement strategies. support phone Payspan, exclusively serving the healthcare economy, calls is the partner you can trust with your unique financial challenges. Our product and service is consistently No lost, missing, or rated at the top of the industry by payers, providers and delayed checks members. Your success is our number one priority and focus. Reduced operating and administrative PAYSPAN CORE FEATURES: costs Enhance clarity of payment information by tying it Simplified account to claims data in a single provider view. reconciliation Improve provider satisfaction with our easy to use Increased provider interface while accelerating payment auto-posting. sanctification Eliminate paper remittances and paper check payments leading to an average of $3 in savings per transaction. Accelerate provider adoption of EFT with an easy four-step, fully electronic, enrollment process. Reduce administrative cost with electronic workflows and email payment notifications. Electronically deliver 835 and remits to providers in PDF form for easy downloads. Give providers real-time access to18-months of payment history online. Enable unprecedented flexibility for payment management from multiple payers for providers. Leverage Payspan’s print output services for providers not yet adopting EFT.

INSIDE PAYSPAN’SPROVIDER PORTAL OF THECORE PAYER NETWORK Payspan’s Provider Payee NetworkINDUSTRY LEADING PROVIDER ADOPTIONEntrusting your payment automation and reimbursement strategy to Payspan gives you access toour extensive network of 1.3 million existing provider payees. For providers not yet connectedto the Payspan platform our industry leading outreach and on-boarding process will quickly andseamlessly integrate a significant percentage - with our typical payers seeing in excess of 90%adoption.82% Payspan averages an 82% provider EFT penetration rate for payers using our leading outreach services and on- boarding processes.

Provider Dashboard Research Payments Payment Numbers: Payment Status: Last Four of Card Number: Card Remaining Balances:Search Payments: Payment Dates: All Card Status: CCExp Dates:Payment Numbers: to Receiving Account: All toTransaction Type: Cross-Account Reporting Payer: All AA Health Plan of Payers: Georgia Account: Select options Account Payer: Search Clear Save AA Health Plan ofEXPORT POSTING REPORT 4010 5010 MAIN VIEW CONFIRM PAYMENTS Georgia Names Per Page: 10 Sort by: Payment Date Account: Displaying items 1-10 of 869Page: 1 of 87 AccountVIEW Payment Number: Payment Amount: Line of Business: Payer:VIEW 707037067 $251.57 NASCO AA Health Plan ofVIEW Transaction Type: Payment Date: Payment Status: GeorgiaVIEW ACH 3/15/2017 New Account: Account Disbursement Status: Payment Amount: Line of Business: Disbursed $1,872.27 NASCO Payer: Payment Date: Payment Status: AA Health Plan of Payment Number: 3/15/2017 New Georgia 707070647 Account: Transaction Type: Payment Amount: Line of Business: Account ACH $1,215.00 NASCO Payment Date: Payment Status: Disbursement Status: 3/15/2017 New Disbursed Payment Amount: Line of Business: Payment Number: $12,407.07 NASCO 707078409 Payment Date: Payment Status: Transaction Type: 3/15/2017 New ACH Disbursement Status: Disbursed Payment Number: 707078410 Transaction Type: ACH Disbursement Status: Disbursed

PREMIUM PAYMENTSAs the number of consumers directly paying premiumsto Health Plans is increasing, there is no better time toensure you are maximizing this new point of contactwith your Members. Simplifying your member premiumpayments process will help you develop strongermember engagement and higher satisfaction.Partnering with health plans that sell individual, group,on and off-exchange options, Payspan is your trustedpartner to integrate healthcare premiums into yourestablished payments automation processes seamlessly.SIMPLIFYING MEMBER PREMIUM PAYMENTSPremium Payments simplifies the payment process formembers by providing an efficient way for them topay their premiums. Payspan partners with Federaland private exchanges, as well as with individualplans, to allow members to make payments quicklyand easily online. Whether they need to pay theirbinder payment or their monthly bills, our PremiumPayments solution provides your members with thefunctionality and simplicity they need. Reinforce member loyalty to payer brand Improve member satisfaction and retention Expedite member premium collection rates Increase electronic communications to members Reduce payer administrative overhead

KEY FEATURES Payment management and online premiums invoicing through self-service portal Ability to efficiently upload and send bill inserts and messages to members Flexible payment options that allow members to easily execute transactions using their credit card or bank account information Members receive multi-device notifications of new invoices, payment reminders, and receipts White label integration with healthcare exchanges and payers’ member websites Track, control and audit premium collections and member notifications

QUALITY INCENTIVECOMMUNICATIONSSYSTEM (QICS)Communication of a payers quality incentive initiatives is cited as one of themost significant barriers hindering provider adoption of value-based contracts.Payspan’s QICS reduces these barriers by harnessing the existing PayspanCore Payer Network, already directly facilitating communication between 750health plans and 1.3 million provider payees, to deliver and exchange qualitycommunications.54% Of all healthcare 77% Of providers cite a financial transactions lack of transparency are predicted to as a leading be associated with reason for delaying quality-based care adoption of quality contracts in 2020. contracts.*ACCELERATE ADOPTION IN-STREAM COMMUNICATIONHarnessing the nations largest Delivering communications in-streamand leading payment network to of payments and reimbursements givescommunicate quality information clear and timely insights into incentivegives payers access to 1.3 million potentials. This information is delivered toproviders - accelerating the the parties most concerned with revenueadoption of value-based care. in a provider’s office.MULTIPLE PAYER INSIGHTSA significant challenge for providers isbeing aware of multiple payers qualitycontracts and incentives. Payspan bundlesand delivers all of these quality insightsthrough a single streamlined platform forgreater provider clarity.

ACTIONABLE INCENTIVESCommunicate attained vs. available incentives with providersin clear and understandable graphical reports in-stream ofreimbursements and payments. Payspan generates theseactionable incentive reports from bundled payer information anddistributes it to providers in a clear and easy to understand report. QUALITY NOTIFICATIONSPayers can deliver quality notifications of existing care gaps for itsmembers in-stream of reimbursements and payments. These notificationswhen coupled with actionable incentives gives providers clear insightsinto care gaps to close for maximizing incentive revenue for each of yourmembers.MEDICAL RECORDSEXCHANGEProviders are able to exchange the needed medical records withpayers to close care gaps for patients. This digital exchange expeditesinformation and alleviates costly manual processing and recordcollection for payers.NG Health Plan Page 1 of 1Smithfield Health Payment ID 3Q423123 Circle Rd.Atlanta, GA 30332March 24, 2017 Pay for Quality Report YTD Paid: $4,200.00Quarterly Performance Annual Attainment Total Incentive Attainable Total Annual Attainable $5,000.00 $20,000.0084% Total Paid 21% Current YTD Paid $4,200.00 $4,200.00 Remaining Incentive Remaining Incentive Available Available $800.00 $15,800PROVIDER SUMMARYProvider Provider Tax ID Total Annual Total Annual Total AnnualName ID Number Incentives Incentives Incentives Attainable Earned RemainingHelm, 37898 12-3456789 $3,000.00 $800.00 $2,200.00WilliamLink, 49876 13-4583749 $6,000.00 $1,500.00 $4,500.00MichaelRodriguez, 73948 26-3459288 $2,500.00 $630.00 $1,870.00RichardShaffer, 93473 42-5748399 $4,500.00 $740.00 $3,760.00JoseQuimbayo, 83747 19-5467489 $4,000.00 $530.00 $3,470.00Jose*

Empowering the Healthcare Economywww.payspan.comEmail: [email protected]: 1-844-400-4043

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