Stewardship and Innovation - 2016 Annual Report
Jesus encourages His A LETTER FROM OUR FOUNDER followers to be faithful stewards of all that hasbeen entrusted to their care.
Dear Friends,Many years ago, when I commenced a long term as a trustee on The Wesleyan School board, I began to more fullygrasp the concept of stewardship. I learned that as a trustee I was given the enormous responsibility of protectingthe school’s important mission which was entrusted to the entire board. Included with the mission came each of theschool’s resources- the families we served, the faculty, the finances, the property, and the programs. Stewardship ofthe mission and every resource was a sacred trust imparted to the protection of the trustees collectively.The concept of stewardship is not a modern one nor a secular idea as both Jesus and Paul in The New Testamentremind Christians that we are merely stewards, not owners, of God’s abundant resources. Paul writes in I Corinthians4:2 “it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy.” Taking this New Testament teaching and the lessonsI learned while serving at Wesleyan, The Good Samaritan Health Center’s board, staff, and I are tasked with theresponsibility of being faithful and trustworthy stewards, protecting every resource entrusted to our care.Those of us in leadership at Good Sam each day consider our important role as stewards of the gifts given to ourcare by generous donors. We consider the stewardship of our time, opportunities, staff, the patients we serve,programs, relationships, and responsibilities. We contemplate how we, as faithful stewards, can utilize each resourceto its maximum potential, for the benefit of all we serve.Having lost my father in January, I was reminded of the incredible value of a wonderful family legacy and thestewardship of that legacy passed from one generation to another. This was not a legacy which I created but ratherone established before my birth for my benefit and now entrusted to my safekeeping. The life lessons of a familylegacy began in my childhood and continued into my adolescence and adult life with more advanced courses. Theheritage of a family legacy including the values of relationships, time, opportunities, and finances are threads woveninto the fabric of Good Sam.Jesus encourages His followers to be faithful stewards of all that has been entrusted to their care. We strive to answerthat call and thus endeavor to be a trustworthy beneficiary of each donor’s gift, our opportunities, our talents, ourtime, and our patient’s well-being.Thank you so very much for your confidence in our work and mission.Dr. Bill WarrenFounder and Pediatrician “In this case, moreover, it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy.” - 1 Corinthians 4:2 3
Good Sam’s vision is toreduce the 13 year lifeexpectancy gap in Atlantathrough our innovative FullCircle of Health Model. In 2015 we were introduced to the troubling statistic that people living in the neighborhoods we serve are expected to live 13 years less than those living in more affluent areas of the city (if you are unfamiliar with this, visit As Good Sam approaches its 20th year of serving Atlanta we are more focused than ever on closing this 13 year gap - as well as developing new and innovative solutions to this problem. The approach our team has designed is our comprehensive Full Circle of Health Model. The idea of providing not only high quality healthcare, but also developing programs and resources for healthier living, was Dr. Warren’s dream from the beginning. However, over the last few years we have seen this dream take shape as we’ve bolstered existing services and expanded intonew areas to complete the Full Circle of Health.Patients have access to not only the best medical and dental care, but also mental health counseling, an on-site farmers market, health education classes, a full nutrition program with cooking classes, specialty care,case management and an on-site fitness center.The purpose of this innovative approach is to provide short-term care to our patients as well as influence thelong-term health of our entire community.
The foundation of care at Good Sam is evidence-basedprimary care. Primary care includes annual wellness exams,curative care for acute illnesses, and management of chronicdiseases. The goal of primary care is to prevent illness, restore health,and prevent health deterioration.Good Sam provides comprehensive dental servicesincluding prevention and education. The dental program is trulycomprehensive including emergency care for relief of pain, infectionand trauma as well as non-emergent exams and x-rays. Treatmentplanning is based on optimal care standards and might includerestorative care, prosthetic care, and specialty care.Mental health counseling is an integral part of the Full Circleof Health. The behavioral health program is the centerpiece ofmany of our services, as we begin to better understand the impactof mental health on overall health. Volunteer psychiatrists andcounselors compliment our staff behavioral health team in providingindividual, couple, child/adolescent and family therapy in areas suchas depression, anxiety, grief/loss, anger management, and traumarecovery.Health education at Good Sam focuses on impactingpatient health-related decision making beyond the wallsof the center. The Good Sam health education curriculum includesfood purchasing, food preparation, and understanding the impact offood on the body. This program is augmented by cooking classes inthe Good Sam teaching kitchen.Another important factor which impacts patient healthoutside of clinical care is access to healthy food options andphysical fitness. Good Sam’s on-site one acre farm, along withour daily Farmer’s Market, allow us to grow and distribute qualityproduce to our patients. Good Sam is also opening a full service on-site fitness center in late 2017. 5
Patients of Good Sam receive high qualitypreventative and restorative care from full timestaff providers, an on-site medical dispensary, aswell as a wide range of volunteer specialists andreferral partners.21,130 Breanna Lathrop - Medical Director Medical Care Interactions in 2016 “Through the Good Sam Institute we are able to share our model and best practices with clinics around the country, replicating our work in other communities.”Scaling Through SharingThe Good Sam Institute LaunchesIn February of 2016 we officially launched The The Good Sam Institute website includes a videoGood Sam Institute. The purpose of the Institute is to and one-page overview of the Full Circle of Healthconvene healthcare professionals, publish cutting- as well as a professional publication describingedge research and best practices, and educate the the Full Circle of Health approach and the researchnext generation of providers to improve the quality of supporting this for those in need. Our hope is that throughsharing our best practices and lessons learned, we Through the Institute we convene healthcarecan be a part of advancing a culture of health. professionals through our Lunch and Learn events. Our website allows providers, patients, and partnersThe Good Sam Institute specifically illustrates Good to view recordings of topics addressed by ourSam’s Full Circle of Health Model which takes into expert volunteers and register for upcoming events.account what the medical world calls the “social The Institute also houses an archive of Good Samdeterminants of health”. These are the structural publications sharing best practices and outcomeconditions in which people are born, grow, live, data. Finally, the Institute builds on our longstandingwork, and age. Good Sam strives to reach beyond commitment to educating the next generation oftraditional health care services and impact the social health care providers with information about ourfactors that contribute to community health and internship and preceptorship opportunities.longevity. We invite you to explore the Good Sam Institute at and share it with your friends and colleagues! 7
Good Sam’s Dental Department is one ofthe largest dental clinics connected to a medicalcenter in the country with two full time dentists,15operatories and a state of the art dental lab.7,253 Dr. Molly Ruiz - Dental Provider Dental Care Interactions in 2016 “I love that Good Sam can provide patients the high quality dental servicesStarting Strong they need and deserve.”Dr. Molly Ruiz Begins Career at Good Sam 9I started working as a dentist at the Good SamaritanHealth Center last July; however, this is not where myGood Sam story began. In my fourth year of dentalschool I had the opportunity to go on rotation here fortwo weeks. During this time, I was moved by the missionof Good Sam, and I knew I wanted to be a part of thisorganization.There are so many aspects of the Good Samaritan HealthCenter that make it a truly unique place to work. Fromdaily devotions, to free Bibles and a Prayer room, I amconsistently inspired to share God’s grace and love witheach and every patient I see.Beginning my dental career at Good Sam has beensuch a blessing. My amazing mentors, colleagues,and patients are constantly helping me to grow bothprofessionally and spiritually. I love that Good Sam canprovide patients, that otherwise would not have access toquality healthcare, the high level of service they need anddeserve. It has truly been a privilege to provide dentalcare to this underserved community.
A big part of a healthy body is a healthymind. Our behavioral health program is anintegral part of our Full Circle of Health helpingpatients navigate the stresses and challenges oftheir unique situations.1,172 Novell Blain - Counselor “Our Friday Clinic is a great example Behavioral Health Interactions in 2016 of an integrated approach to care for the homeless.”Expolsive Growth 11A Look Inside the Friday Homeless ClinicLaunched in the fall of 2015 our comprehensive FridayHomeless Clinic grew over 1,600% during 2016 whenwe expanded to operating every Friday in addition toopening our dental services for this program.This program is structured as a comprehensive service forsome of the most vulnerable individuals and families inAtlanta. Patients walk through most of the Full Circle ofHealth including mental health counseling, primary care,and dental care.We’ve partnered with several local area organizationsincluding Cause for Hope, Church of the CommonGround, Task Force for the Homeless, IntownCollaborative Ministries, and others to provide this freeservice. In addition to the explosive growth, we’ve alsoseen a treatment follow through rate of over 90%, farexceeding the expectations of our team.Volunteers from countless organizations and churcheshave provided care packages, supplies and breakfastfor our patients - as well as prayed over patients in thewaiting room.
The health decisions patients makeoutside of Good Sam are often moreimportant than the services we can provideinside the center. Our Health Educationprograms provide the resources families need tomaintain their health at home.1,326 Treanda Smith - Medical Coordinator “Our Prenatal Program teaches new Health Education Interactions in 2016 parents how to prepare for their new baby before and after birth.”Precious Care for Precious Lives 13Helping Families Transition to ParenthoodPrenatal care is one of the most important things youcan receive as an expectant mother. From ultrasoundsand checkups to parenting classes and more, being wellprepared is an important part of bringing a new life intothe world.Unfortunately, for many of the expectant mothers in thecommunity Good Sam serves, access to this kind of highquality care is difficult to find, and almost impossibleto afford. The Good Sam Prenatal Program provided asolution to this challenge for dozens of families in 2016.The program offers one educational group visit eachtrimester for expectant parents to improve knowledgeof self-care during pregnancy and infant care afterbirth. Additionally, soon-to-be mothers receive the mostadvanced medical care throughout their pregnancy andalso receive a care package with onesies, socks, suppliesand a brand new car seat.After birth new babies are immediately welcomed intoGood Sam’s Pediatrics Program with lots of hugs andsmiles from our medical staff.
In 2016 our Urban Farm produced over13,000 pounds of fresh produce for ourcommunity. The daily farmer’s market andEat Well Live Well Programs make a significantimpact on the health of our neighborhood.3,117 DeLorean Ruffin - Health Outcomes Manager Healthy Living Interactions in 2016 “Not only is the Eat Well Live Well program providing great cookingEat Well Live Well and nutrition, it’s also creating a real sense of community among those inGiving Families Resources for Healthy Living attendance.”As we expanded our Urban Farm and Farmer’s Market 15in 2016 we identified a real need among our patientsto better understand the impact of food on their health.Therefore, in partnership with local Atlanta nonprofitsOpen Hand and Wholesome Wave, we developed ourEat Well Live Well Program.The Eat Well Live Well Program is a series of classes thatfocus on nutrition education and cooking for a healthierlife. Trained chefs bring cooking to life and each classwalks the participants through an entire recipe that theycan then prepare at home for their families. During theprogram, patients can access free produce from our farmthrough weekly market vouchers. Additionally, patientsreceive kitchen utensils at each class and when theygraduate they receive a crock pot and recipe book.We also launched an Eat Well Live Well Programfor Kids that regularly hosts high school students fromnearby schools, including West End Academy and BestAcademy, during their lunch hour.
2016 Financials EXPENSESINCOME$3,530,857 $3,534,50467% CONTRIBUTIONS 85% PROGRAMSContributions from individuals, businesses, Full Circle of Health programchurches, foundations and special events. implementation, support services, monitoring and evaluation.27% REVENUE 8% FUNDRAISINGMost patients of Good Sam pay anominal fee for services provided to them Good Sam is entirely funded by privateand their family members. donations, and earned income, receiving no government support.6% INVESTMENTS 7% ADMINISTRATIONGood Sam holds a Board DesignatedEndowment Fund. Expenses for Good Sam’s overall operations, management and centralized services. 2014 2015 2016 Veronica Squires Chief Development OfficerTotal Income One of our patients recently said to me,$3,530,857.63 in 2016$3,197,981.00 in 2015 “I praise God for Good Sam. Do you know$2,727,298.66 in 2014 how special this place is? I’ve been to a lot of clinics, and you guys do things differently here. When I come to Good Sam I feel compassion and dignity. I feel loved, and it makes me want to give back!” Thanks to you, Good Sam is giving so much more than quality healthcare to our patients…we’re giving love & dignity – something everyone needs. Thank you for making it possible, we praise God for your generosity! *All numbers are cash basis and have not yet been audited
A LETTER FROM OUR CEODear Good Sam Family,I am often asked, “What exactly does the CEO of a charitable clinic do?” It’shard to put it succinctly because every day I and my team are doing whateverit takes to provide the most excellent services possible. With our Full Circle ofHealth model, one day it could be touring a local faith partner to make surethey know we can be a medical home for their parishioners. The next day itmight be speaking on a panel about Good Sam’s philosophy. Before the weekcloses out there will certainly be meetings with contractors for our capital buildout, processes & procedure updates, or finding a place to cure the poundsand pounds of garlic just harvested from the farm. Somehow in the midst of allthe planning and details a beautiful picture emerges of the power of Christianunity. All of our staff, with their unique gifts, are working together with one goal in mind: to improve the health of ourpatients and surrounding community.At Good Sam, we believe Jesus Christ is the key to human flourishing. I have always been struck reading the gospelsby how much time Jesus spent healing physical infirmities, then declares forgiveness of sins over the individual. Soflourishing starts with having our core spiritual sickness healed by Christ, and spreads to the healing of our bodiesand minds, which extends to the healing of our communities. After all, Jesus said in James 10:10b that he “came sothat we may have life, and have it to the full”. Surely this applies to urban neighborhoods.But how exactly do we get there? The framework behind Good Sam’s Full Circle of Health model is simple. As ateam, we took a large sheet of poster board and drew a typical urban family from our target ZIP codes. Then weconsidered the Biblical concept of shalom, along with human flourishing, and drew symbols around the familyrepresenting various assets they would need to obtain a quality of life similar to my own middle class economicexistence. From here we made two columns, one labeled “Good Sam” and one labeled “Community Partner”. Wemade a clear distinction between what services Good Sam could provide, and what supplementary resources wereneeded but would be most effective provided by a non-profit social services partner.From there we forged strategic partners to form the Full Circle of Health, surrounding families and our localcommunity with the compassionate and healing love of Christ, as well as tangible resources to meet their needs.By starting with Christ-centered, holistic healthcare then moving to supplementary services, I believe we, throughcollective impact, can transform our inner cities from places of languishing to places of human flourishing.This is why we do what we do every day, and we hope that you will come by for a visit or tell a friend. As we seek togive glory to our Lord, we believe the flourishing itself will be the witness.Sincerely,John LuckettChief Executive Officer 17
2016 Donors&PartnersINDIVIDUAL DONORS Ms. Katie Brown Mr. and Mrs. Terrence L. Croft Mr. Timothy Brown Mrs. Anne CulbersonMr. and Mrs. Lawrence Abblitt Mr. and Mrs. Norris A. Broyles, Jr. Ms. Connie CunninghamMr. and Mrs. Jamie Adams Ms. Frances C. Brugh Mr. Bradley Currey, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams Mr. and Mrs. James Bryant Mrs. Reese CurrieMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Adams Mr. Edwin Bryant Mr. and Mrs. G.W. DardenMr. and Mrs. Ed Addison Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. William G.Ms. Kelly Alexander and Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Buckmaster Ms. Kenzie Buckmiller Davidson, Jr. Mr. Jonathan Gellin Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Budd Ms. Varietta DavisMs. Madinah Ali Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bufkin Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett DavisMs. Lulyanne S. Allgood Mr. and Mrs. Brad Buky Mr. Barrett DawsMr. Jonathan Almand Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burke Mrs. Margaret DeBordeMr. R. Cotten Alston Mr. Edmund C. Burnett Dr. and Mrs. Tony M. Deloach,Mr. John Alston Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Busch D.D.S.Mr. Beret Amundson Mr. Paul Byrnes Dr. and Mrs. Andrew DennisonMr. and Mrs. Paul Anderson, Jr. Dr. Victor Caceres Mr. and Mrs. Richard Denny, Jr.Ms. Cyndae Arrendale Dr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Callahan Mr. and Mrs. James DeupreeMr. Jerry Atkinson Mr. Shaun Campbell Ms. Betty DewberryMr. and Mrs. Timothy Ayres Mr. and Mrs. Merle Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Brent DeyMr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Badame Mr. and Mrs. Samuel O. Candler Mr. and Mrs. Charles DickersonMs. Rosalee Baine Mrs. Lilaine H. Capron Mr. and Mrs. Mark DiCristinaMr. and Mrs. Tim Baker Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carroll Ms. Danie DinardoMs. Cara Barfield Mr. and Mrs. Phil Chambless Mr. Ned DouthatMr. and Mrs. William Barnes Ms. Melissa Chambless Mrs. Renee DrexlerMs. Rachel Barnett Mr. Mark Chandler Mr. and Mrs. James L. DrinkardMr. and Mrs. William Barnett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Chapman Mr. and Mrs. John DrymanMs. Maura Barrett Mr. and Mrs. James P. Chapman Mr. and Ms. David M. DuboseMr. and Mrs. Tim Battle Mrs. Charlotte Chapman Mr. Jeremy DuguidMr. and Mrs. Charles M. Becker Mr. Kyle Chapman Mrs. Catherine DukehartMr. and Mrs. James Bell Mr. and Mrs. Camden Ms. Elizabeth W. DykesMs. Lois Berdaus Mr. Michael EganMr. Rick Bernhardt Cherbonnier Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eiseman, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bickerstaff Ms. Contessa Clark Ms. Sally Ann EllertMr. Andrew Billing Mr. and Mrs. Hal Clarke Ms. Jane ElliottMr. and Mrs. Robert E. Binion Mr. Christopher Cochran Ms. Alison EnglishMr. Robert Blad Mr. and Mrs. Madison Cole, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth EvansMrs. Gwynn Blount Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Collinsworth Dr. Medinah FaldonMr. and Mrs. William M. Blume Mr. and Mrs. Michael Collison Mrs. Sherry FarrugiaMs. Cynthia Booke Mrs. Kimberly H. Collison Ms. Flora FillingimMr. Ben Boone Ms. Sybil C. Conlan Mrs. Pat FiolDr. Elizabeth Boswell, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. William C. Conner Mr. and Mrs. Scott FlorenceMr. and Mrs. Joel Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Marcus A. Cook III Mr. Harrison FlorenceMrs. Georgianna Branan Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Cook Amanda FredetteMr. Alex Brann Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cordero Mr. and Mrs. John FulkersonMr. Donald A. Brannen Ms. Suzanne Cox Mrs. Lisa FullerDr. and Mrs. Spencer Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Frank Craft Ms. Cynthia FullerMr. and Mrs. William R. Mr. Terry Creech Ms. Cynthia Fulton Ms. Valerie Croft Mr. Geoffrey Fulton Bridges, Jr. Mrs. Mary V. Croft Mrs. James P. FurnissMs. Cathy Broom
2016 Donors&PartnersMs. Libby Garrett Ms. Esther HwangBo Ms. Monica McCoyDr. Albert Gayle Mr. and Mrs. Joel Iverson Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M.Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Ginden Mrs. Mary Bailey IzardMr. and Mrs. Jack F. Glenn, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William Jarrett II McCutcheonMr. and Mrs. Marion B. Glover Mr. James E. Jewell Dr. Allen McDonaldMr. William L. Glover Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Johns Mrs. Kathryn McGrewMr. and Mrs. Spencer Godfrey Ms. Sharon Johnson Ms. Jocelyn McKenzieMrs. Carol Goodman Dr. and Mrs. Milnor Jones Mr. and Mrs. Ron McNaughtonMs. Antoinette Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones Dr. and Mrs. Chris McNeilMr. and Mrs. William B. Mr. and Mrs. John Jungman Mr. and Mrs. Mal McSwain Mrs. Sucheta Kamath Mr. and Mrs. Peyton McWhirter Gordon III Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Bill McWilliamsMrs. John W. Grant Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kay Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth MenendezMr. William Greene Mr. Tripp Kay Ms. Karen MichaelMr. Robert Griest Ms. Anne Keller Mrs. Ann E. MiddelthonMrs. Laurie Haddow Ms. Jane R. Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Matthew MiddelthonMs. Jacquelyn Hahne Ms. Sarah H. Killgore Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W.Mr. Matthew Hall Mr. and Mrs. S. Douglas KingMr. and Mrs. James H. Hall III Mr. Gary Kirkus Miller, Jr.Ms. Anne M. Haltiwanger Ms. Winifred G. Klein Dr. Maurie MintzMr. John Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koch Dr. Kathleen Miraflores, M.D.Mr. William Hardin Mrs. Ellen Lagrone Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan, Jr.Mr. Michael Willis and Mr. and Mrs. James W. Laney Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Morris Mr. and Mrs. Joel Langsfeld Mr. David Mosby Mrs. Lori Hardin Mr. and Mrs. Matt Lathrop Mr. and Mrs. Josh MuddDr. and Mrs. William M. Hardy IV Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. Lee, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mynatt, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. David Harris Mr. and Mrs. Brad N. Leeper Mrs. Jane D. NaishMr. and Mrs. Henry B. Harris III Ms. Camille Leeshanok Reverend Aleesa NaishDr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison, Jr. Ms. H.H. Lester Mr. Joshua NashMr. and Mrs. James Hatcher Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Levine Mrs. Charlotte S. NeedhamDr. and Mrs. William B. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Tad Linder Mr. and Mrs. Don NelmsMr. and Mrs. W. G. Hays Mr. and Mrs. John H. Luckett Mr. Seng NgMr. and Mrs. Jeffery Heck Mrs. Fran Luke Mr. and Mrs. Ted NobleMr. and Mrs. Charles Heinz Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lummus Ms. Jenny NoonDr. and Mrs. Armand Hendee Mr. T.C. Lupton, Jr. Miss Amy NoonkesterMr. Richard Hendrix Mr. and Mrs. Jim Manley Mr. and Mrs. Larry NorwoodMs. Mary Herrington Mr. Jeff Mann Mrs. Helen T. O’ConnorMr. John Hines Ms. Linda Markwell Mr. and Mrs. Michael OestmannMr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Hodges Ms. Leisa Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Lamar OglesbyMr. and Mrs. Bill Holby Ms. Cathy Martin Mr. and Ms. Frank C. Owens, Jr.Mr. Nicholas Holl Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mast Mr. William A. Parker, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Scott Houser Mrs. Susan Mathis Mr. and Mrs. Richard ParkerMr. and Mrs. Parks Houser Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Mauldin Mr. Akash PatelDr. and Mrs. Steve and Carolyn Mr. and Mrs. Kirk McAlpin Mr. Daniel PaticchioHouseworth Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mr. and Mrs. Michael PaticchioMr. and Mrs. Harry C. Howard Ms. Hardin PatrickMr. and Mrs. William Hoyt McCarty III Ms. Vicki PaulbickMr. George Huber Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Ms. May D. PeachMs. Barbara Hughes Mrs. Wendy PeroMr. Billy Hungeling McClatchey Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Peterson, Jr.Mr. James Hush Mr. and Mrs. Scott McCord Mr. and Mrs. Terry S. Petrukovich 19
2016 Donors&PartnersMr. Thy Phan Mrs. Nancy Shingler Mr. Terry WadeMs. Janet A. Piercy Dr. and Mrs. John Sieweke Mr. Leonard T. WagnerDr. and Mrs. Ronald Pirtle Mrs. K. Hayden Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. WalkerMr. and Mrs. Charles Pittman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Simms Ms. Catherine WarrenMrs. Janet R. Plercy Mr. Frampton Simons Mr. Cole WarrenMr. and Mrs. Thomas Pogue Ms. Amanda Sivewright Mr. Matthew WarrenMr. and Mrs. David Polstra Mr. William Skeean Mr. William C. Warren, IIIMr. Mark C. Pope IV Mr. Jonathan Small Dr. and Mrs. William C. Warren, IVMr. and Mrs. Jim Porter Dr. and Mrs. Carter Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Warren, VMr. and Mrs. Gregory Prangley Ms. Susan Smith Mr. and Mrs. Glenn WarrenMr. and Mrs. Josh Prangley Mr. and Mrs. Terry P. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Warren, Jr.Mr. William Pritchard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Smith III Mr. and Mrs. Eugene WarrenMs. Joan Quillen Ms. Jane Snow Mr. and Mrs. James K. WarrenMs. Laura Quinn Mrs. Laura S. Spearman Mr. and Mrs. Rip WarrenMs. Nidhi Rao Dr. Robert Spector Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. WarrenMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. James Spratt, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. N. Spencer WelchMr. Albert A. Rayle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Squires Dr. and Mrs. James WellmanMr. and Mrs. Al Reddick Mr. and Mrs. Eric Squires Mrs. Beverly B. WestMr. and Mrs. David Reeves Mr. and Mrs. William Stark Mr. and Mrs. Robert WhartonMs. Sarah Rhodes Dr. and Mrs. Alex Stein Mr. and Mrs. Colin WhiteMr. Hugh Richardson Mr. C. Austin Stephens Ms. Ramona WhiteMrs. Sarah Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephens Mr. R. Winston WhitlockMrs. William E. Robinson Ms. Margaret Stickney Mr. and Mrs. HomerMr. and Mrs. Byers Rogan Ms. Elaine StillMs. Pam Rollins Ms. Ellen Stines W. Whitman, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Rollins Mr. and Mrs. Meade Stone, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Doug WilliamsMr. John W. Rooker Mr. and Mrs. Meade Stone, III Ms. Darnese WilliamsMs. Kerryn Roome Mr. and Mrs. Phillip H. Stump Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. WilliamsMr. Mario A. Rosas Mr. and Mrs. Hulett Sumlin Ms. Mary F. WilmerMs. Karen Rose Dr. Ryan Summers Ms. Debbie T. WilsonMs. Katherine Rosenkranz Mr. Carl Swearingen Mr. and Mrs. Matthew WilsonMrs. Jessica Rossi Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tabor Mr. and Mrs. Louie B. WoodMs. Twanesia Rucker Drs. Gordon and Anna Tanner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woodall, Jr.Ms. DeLorean Ruffin Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Taratus Mr. and Mrs. James A. WoodsMs. Laura Russell Ms. Betsy Teplis Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. WoodsMr. and Mrs. Earl Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Thomas Dr. Jonathan Wortham, M.D.Dr. and Mrs. Rein Saral Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas Mr. and Mrs. S. Zachry YoungMr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. William Thomason Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. ZeiglerMs. Rosalind P. Sasser Mr. Michael Thompson Dr. and Mrs. Charles ZimmermanMr. Donald Schoner Ms. Carmen ThunemMs. Anne Schwartz Ms. Megan Trotter BUSINESS PARTNERSMr. Eugene D. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Frank TroutmanMs. Stephanie Searcy Ms. Joy Turner Atlanta Dental Hygienist SocietyMs. Rachel Severson Mr. and Mrs. Warren TurnerMr. and Mrs. James H. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Turnipseed Atlanta Forum Ms. Marcie Tuten Sheffield, Jr. Mr. David E. Tuttle Atlanta Track ClubMr. and Mrs. Tim Shelley Mr. and Mrs. Paul VetterMr. and Mrs. John B. Shepard Ms. Ava Voss Atlantic Capital BankMs. Christina Shiels Bank of America Matching Gifts BrandBank Emory University
2016 Donors&PartnersGE Foundation Matching Gifts CHURCH PARTNERS The Emily Winship ScottGeorgia Charitable Care Foundation Buckhead Church Network ChristChurch Presbyterian Engel FoundationGeorgia Dental Association First Baptist Church of Food Well AllianceHall Booth Smith Frances Wood Wilson FoundationHenry Schein Dental McDonough The Fraser-Parker FoundationHome By Dark Productions Hope Sunday School Class Greater Atlanta Dental FoundationHSI Flowers & Gifts Johnson Ferry Baptist Church Greenwell Family Foundation, Inc.Integrity Janitorial Cleaning Kairos Church Harry Kramer Memorial Fund Mount Vernon Baptist Church Hawkins Foundation, Inc. Services, Inc. North Point Ministries, Inc. Ida Alice Ryan Charitable TrustIvy Garden Club Northside Bible Class It’s The Journey, Inc.J. Smith Lanier & Co., Inc. Northside United Methodist Church J. Marshall and Lucile G. PowellKaiser Permanente Oak Grove United Methodist,King and McCune Orthodontics Charitable TrustLenovo Employees Care Men’s Fellowship James Starr Moore MemorialLocal Independent Charities Oak Grove United Methodist,McWhirter Realty Partners FoundationMike Miller Solutions Inc Women’s Fellowship Jim Cox, Jr. FoundationMimedx Group, Inc. Presbyterian Women of Northwest Joe E. Johnson FoundationMorgan Stanley John & Mary Franklin FoundationNorth Georgia Dental Temps Presbyterian Church JP Morgan Chase FoundationNorthside Hospital Wesley Fellowship Sunday School Kiwanis Foundation of AtlantaPalmetto Warehouse Company The Lloyd and VivianRobertson Loia Roof, P.C. ClassSafe PC Solutions Noble FoundationSherrill & Hutchins Financial FOUNDATIONS MagMutual Foundation Inc. The Martha & Wilton Looney Advisory, Inc The 2492 FundSouth Coast Commercial, LLC Archibald & Elaine Boyce Foundation, Inc.Steffen Thomas Museum & Mary Allen Lindsey Branan Memorial Foundation Archives, Inc. Atlanta Falcons Youth Foundation FoundationSTG Partners Atlanta Foundation Mary and Charlie Yates Family FundSunTrust One Pledge Campaign Barham-Calhoun Foundation The Mary Ryan & Henry G. KuhrtSuzanna’s Kitchen, Inc. Bennett Thrasher Foundation, Inc.The Westminster Schools Bertha & Hix Green Foundation FoundationTravelport Charitable Matching Blessed Assurance Foundation Merrill Lynch & Co. FoundationTruist The Brooks Family Charitable Lead Pattillo Family Foundation, Inc.United Way of Greater Atlanta The Price Gilbert, Jr.United Way Suncoast Annuity TrustWells Fargo Bank Cecil B. Day Foundation, Inc. Charitable FundWells Fargo Community Support CLC Foundation, Inc. R. Howard Dobbs, Jr. Foundation The Coca-Cola Foundation Ronald C. Hart Family Foundation Campaign Community Foundation for Royal Society of RabbitsWholesome Wave Georgia The Shearon & Taylor Glover Greater Atlanta, Inc. David, Helen, and Marian Foundation, Inc. Silicon Valley Community Woodward Fund Dougald W. Hudson Foundation SOMA Foundation Charitable Trust Somerset Foundation, Inc. Edward Colston Foundation, Inc Stuart and Eulene Murray 21
2016 Donors&Partners Foundation Paige Pattillo GOOD SAMSusan G. Komen for the Cure Cathy Rollins BOARD OF DIRECTORS Greer Shinall Greater Atlanta Sharon Simms Mr. Jeffrey P. AdamsThe A.E.M. Family Foundation Ellen Taratus Mr. Edwin BryantThe Benevity Community Peggy Taylor Dr. Daniel F. Callahan Kitty Turner Mr. Madison Cole, Jr. Impact Fund Kristi Voyles Mrs. Lois GivensThe Evelyn & Frank Gordy Jenny Warren Mrs. Stephanie Holby Susan Warren Mr. William D. Hoyt Foundation Lynne Warren Mr. S. Douglas KingThe Mark C. Pope III Foundation Sandy Wellman Mr. Kirk McAlpin, Jr.The Ray & Mary Elizabeth Lee Mr. Peyton McWhirter Mrs. Kathryn B. Miller Foundation Mr. John F. Morgan, Jr.The Sandridge Foundation Mr. David A. PattilloTull Charitable Foundation Mrs. Betsy PolstraVinings Rotary Charity Fund, Inc. Mr. Glenn D. WarrenThe Westerstroms Charitable Trust Dr. William C. Warren, IVThe Wilbur and Hilda Glenn Dr. James Wellman Mr. Doug Williams Family FoundationWilliam Josef Foundation Donors are FamilyWilson Family Foundation “I remember it was December 2015, Susan and I were sittingGOOD SAM around after our annual Christmas party with Joel & AndreaWOMEN’S AUXILIARY Langsfeld enjoying some wonderful holiday fellowship. Out of the blue they announce how impressed they wereLisa Avery with Good Sam and committed a major gift on the spot! ICathy Binion was totally floored and pleased, but not surprised. Joel andNell Black Andrea have such kind, giving hearts and are committedFran Booth to helping those in need. I am so grateful to have them asJoyce Broome friends and donors of Good Sam. We consider our donorsAmy Cofer family!”Sharon ColeAnne Culberson Glenn WarrenKris DeLoach Chair, Board of DirectorsBetty Dewberry Good Samaritan Health CenterLisa FullerMary GibsonAnne HarperMary HerringtonStephanie HolbyAngie HoytAndrea LangsfeldFran LukeLila McAlpinLouise McCahanKathryn MillerStevi Paticchio
2016 Honors&MemorialsIN HONOR OF Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cousins Mr. Robert S. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Howard Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonMr. and Mrs. Greg Alby Mr. and Mrs. Bob Currie Mr. and Mrs. Rencher GutteridgeMr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. Mark Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Bill HolbyMrs. Shellie Arnold Mr. Erik Daniels Mr. Joe GuyMr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonMs. Edythe P. Bird Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Davis Mr. and Mrs. Allen HardinDr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Jesse SasserMr. and Mrs. William Bridges Mr. and Mrs. Richard Denny, Jr. Mrs. Ivy HarperMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Howard Ronald C. Hart Family Foundation, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. L. Ferber Buckley Mrs. Joe Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Hank HarrisMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Don NelmsMr. and Mrs. Norris Broyles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Jim HatcherMr. and Mrs. Harry C. Howard Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Jesse SasserMr. and Mrs. Bland Byrne Mr. Samuel Oliver Drinkard Mrs. William HatcherMr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. James L. Drinkard Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. HowardDr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Callahan Mrs. Catherine Dukehart Mr. Paul M. HawkinsMr. Carl Swearingen Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Howard Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonMr. and Mrs. Ned Case Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Warren Dr. and Mrs. William B. HawkinsMr. and Mrs. Bill Holby Mrs. Don Dutson Mr. David E. TuttleMr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mrs. Barbara HillMr. and Mrs. James Caswell, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth W. Dykes Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. HowardMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Howard Mr. and Mrs. William HolbyMrs. James Caswell Mrs. Hollis Easley Mr. and Mrs. Jesse SasserMr. and Mrs. Harry C. Howard Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holder, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Ron Cofield Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eddins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. HowardMr. and Mrs. Bill Holby Dr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. HowardMr. and Mrs. Madison Cole, Jr. Mrs. Michael Egan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Denny, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. S. Zachry Young Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Howard Mrs. Barrett HowellMr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Faurot Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. HowardMr. and Mrs. Morris Copeland Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. John IrbyMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. David Gambrell Mr. and Mrs. Jesse SasserMr. and Mrs. Rick Crosier Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Howard Mr. and Mrs. C.O. JenkinsMr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. Henry Green Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonMr. and Mrs. Robert Cruikshank Mr. and Mrs. Jesse SasserMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson 23
2016 Honors&MemorialsMr. Ed Jones Mrs. Jane D. Naish Dr. Michael RoachMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Reverend Aleesa Naish Dr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones Mr. Bowie Nunnally Mr. and Mrs. Buddy RamseyMr. and Mrs. James H. Hall, III Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Jesse SasserMs. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. C. Talbott Nunnally Mr. Lou RawlsMrs. Pat Fiol Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonMr. and Mrs. Greg Kerr Mrs. John O. Neill Mr. and Mrs. A.M. ReddMr. and Mrs. Bill Holby Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonMr. Charles Loudermilk Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy O’Shields Mrs. William E. RobinsonMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Prangley Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonMr. and Mrs. Douglas Lybrook Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Oglesby Mr. and Mrs. Steve RoweMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Jesse SasserMr. and Mrs. Bill MacPhail Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Padgett Mr. and Mrs. Jesse SasserMr. and Mrs. Bill Holby Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. McCutcheonMr. and Mrs. John Maddox Mr. and Mrs. William Parker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. S. Zachry YoungDr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Howard Ms. Jane Von SeggernMr. Jefferson Manley Mr. and Mrs. William S. Peebles IV Mr. and Mrs. Jim ManleyMr. and Mrs. Jim Manley Mr. James E. Jewell Mr. and Mrs. Crawford M. SitesMr. Charles T. McAlpin Mrs. Mark Pentecost Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. HowardMr. and Mrs. Don Nelms Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Howard Mrs. Treanda SmithMr. and Mrs. Kirk McAlpin Mrs. Charles H. Peterson Ronald C. Hart Family Foundation, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Don Nelms Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. SorensonMrs. Frank McClain Mr. and Mrs. Marvin G. Pipkin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Denny, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. Michael C. StoneMr. and Mrs. Hugh McCutcheon Mr. and Mrs. Jim Porter Mr. and Mrs. Meade Stone, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. J. StriblingMr. Seth Mellen Mr. and Mrs. Matt Quillen Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonMr. and Mrs. Harry C. Howard Ms. Joan Quillen Mr. and Mrs. Jim SutterfieldMrs. Fran Mitsch Mrs. Langdon C. Quin Mr. and Mrs. Jesse SasserMr. and Mrs. Bill Holby Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Howard Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth TaratusDr. Mark Mohney Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mrs. Helen T. O’ConnorDr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Howard Mr. Clarence Taylor, Jr.Miss Tracy Monk Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Ripley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. RawsonMr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. and Mrs. David Reeves Mr. and Mrs. Don Tomberlin Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson
2016 Honors&MemorialsMr. and Mrs. Richard S. Travis Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woodall, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth W. DykesMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. Mark Chandler Mrs. Carol GoodmanMr. and Mrs. Spike Wahlen Mr. Oran D. Woodall Ms. Jacquelyn HahneMr. and Mrs. Fred Burke Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. HowardMrs. Rebecca WarnerMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Dr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison, Jr. Ms. Leisa MarshallMs. Ansley S. Warren Mr. and Mrs. S. Zachry Young Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mynatt, Jr.Ms. Hardin PatrickMs. Amanda Sivewright Mr. and Ms. Frank C. Owens, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Glenn WarrenMr. Matthew Warren Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sasser Mr. William A. Parker, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Warren Ms. Camille W. Yow Ms. May D. PeachDougald W. Hudson Charitable TrustMr. Mark Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Terry S. PetrukovichMr. and Mrs. Charles R. Smith, III Northside Bible Class Mr. Mark C. Pope IVMr. Howard WarrenMr. and Mrs. Louie B. Wood Mrs. Cathy C. RollinsDr. and Mrs. William C. Warren IV IN MEMORY OF Ms. Pam RollinsMr. Donald A. Brannen Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth TaratusMr. and Mrs. Terrence L. CroftDr. and Mrs. Steve and Carolyn Mrs. Weeta Adams Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Warren Houseworth Ms. Sharon Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Glenn WarrenMr. and Mrs. Terry P. SmithMr. and Mrs. Meade Stone, III Mr. William C. Warren IIIMr. and Mrs. Marcus A. Cook, III Mrs. Sara Adkerson Mr. and Mrs. Homer W. Whitman, Jr.Mr. William C. Warren IIIMr. and Mrs. William R. Bridges, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Zeigler Mr. James M. ClaytonMr. and Mrs. Marcus A. Cook, IIIMrs. John Grant Ms. Sharon Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. BadameMr. and Mrs. Harry C. HowardMr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Miller, Jr. Mrs. Jewell W. Brannen Ms. Sybil C. ConlanMs. Elaine StillMr. and Mrs. George Thomas Mr. Donald A. Brannen Ms. Cynthia FultonMr. and Mrs. Frank TroutmanMr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Warren Ms. Vicki PaulbickMr. and Mrs. John Wilcox Lawrence M. Butler, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert WhartonMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. Phil Chambless Mr. and Mrs. Walter CookMr. Tom WillinghamMr. and Mrs. William C. Rawson Dr. Dan Callahan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Terrence CookDebi and S. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. James H. Sheffield, Jr. Mr. D. Robert Cumming, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Matthew WilsonMr. and Mrs. Stanford G. Wilson Mr. Royce M. Castellow Mrs. Margaret DeBorde Mr. and Ms. Frank C. Owens, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Denny, Jr. Mrs. Michael Egan Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Chapman Mrs. John Grant Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heinz Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Howard Mrs. Charlotte Chapman Mrs. Mary Bailey Izard Mr. Kyle Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds McClatchey Mr. and Ms. Frank C. Owens, Jr. Mr. John B. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parker Mr. William A. Parker, Jr. The Shearon & Taylor Glover Foundation, Ms. Rosalind P. Sasser Inc. Ms. Cynthia Booke Mr. and Mrs. Ed Addison Mrs. Laurie Haddow Mr. John Alston Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lummus Mr. R. Cotten Alston Mr. and Mrs. Bill Drinkard Ms. Cyndae Arrendale Mr. and Mrs. Norris A. Broyles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Drinkard Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Egan Mrs. Reese Currie Mrs. Mary Virginia Davis Mr. and Mrs. Richard Denny, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Denny, Jr. 25
2016 Honors&MemorialsMr. Billy Garrett Mrs. Mary R. Payne Mrs. Dodie StocktonNorthside Bible Class Ms. Frances C. Brugh Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bridges, Jr.Ms. Trudy M. GreeneMr. and Ms. Frank C. Owens, Jr. Vaughn Nixon Player Mr. and Mrs. Harrell StriplingPerrin T. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Tad Linder Mr. and Mrs. Robert JonesMr. and Mrs. Thomas R. WarrenMr. Allen J. Hamilton Mr. Drew Pogue Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.Mr. and Mrs. Josh Mudd Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pogue VanHouten, Jr.Mr. Brett Hamilton Mr. and Ms. Frank C. Owens, Jr.Mr. John Hamilton Mr. Clarke RawsonMs. Dorothy C. Hamilton Mr. William Hardin Anthony VergouvenDr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison, Jr. Mrs. William E. Robinson Ms. Joy TurnerMs. Charlotte Heinz Mr. Terry WadeMrs. Kimberly H. Collison Dr. Albert Rayle, M.D.Mr. William Howell Steffen Thomas Museum & Archives, Inc. Mr. Howard WarrenMr. William C. Warren III Greenwell Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Denny, Jr.Mr. Richard Landis Ms. Lulyanne S. Allgood Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Glenn, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Phil Chambless Mr. and Mrs. Tim Battle Mrs. William HatcherMr. and Mrs. William Thomason Mr. and Mrs. William M. Blume Dr. and Mrs. Armand HendeeMr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Warren Dr. and Mrs. Spencer Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. HodgesMr. and Mrs. John Langsfeld Edge Capital Mrs. Barrett HowellMr. and Mrs. Joel Langsfeld Dr. and Mrs. William C. Conner Mrs. Susan MathisDr. David Lowance Ms. Suzanne Cox Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds McClatcheyDr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison, Jr. Mr. Terry Creech Mrs. Kathryn McGrewMr. Kirk McAlpin, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickerson Mrs. Ann E. MiddelthonThe Sandridge Foundation Ms. Mynel Yates DuBose Mr. William A. Parker, Jr.Mrs. Mary L. McDougall Ms. Sally Ann Ellert Mrs. Wendy PeroMrs. John Grant Ms. Elizabeth Evans Mr. Hugh RichardsonLauren’s Mom Mr. William L. Glover Mr. John W. RookerMs. Katherine Rosenkranz Ms. Antoinette Goodrich Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth TaratusChristine Tarrant P. Newton Mr. Michael Willis and Mrs. Lori Hardin Mr. William C. Warren IIIMs. Cathy Broom Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hays Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woodall, Jr.Dr. Scott Pastor Mr. John HinesMr. and Mrs. Tad Linder Mr. George Huber Mrs. Mary R. Warren Mr. and Mrs. John Jungman Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bridges, Jr. Mr. T.C. Lupton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Reeves Mr. and Mrs. Bill McWilliams Mr. and Mrs. Michael Oestmann Mrs. Ward Wight Ms. Janet A. Piercy Mr. and Mrs. Richard Denny, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Shepard Mr. William Skeean Ms. Susan H. Wilcox Dr. and Mrs. Carter Smith, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison, Jr. Mrs. Beverly B. West Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Taratus Mr. William O. Riley Mrs. Eugenia Jean Wilson Northside Bible Class Mr. and Mrs. Jim Porter Mr. and Mrs. James A. Woods Mr. and Mrs. S. Zachry Young Ms. Elinor Yarbrough Mr. and Mrs. William G. Davidson, Jr. Ms. Frances C. Brugh Ms. Anne M. Haltiwanger Ms. Sarah H. Killgore
Volunteers at Good Sam make the work weare doing possible!My Volunteer Story - Loren FergusonAs I enter to serve as a volunteer in the Friday that can lead oneHomeless Clinic Program it is clear to me that much to experiencingthought and planning has taken place. This is evident Jesus and hopeby the full suite of services offered to the clients in God. How doallowing “no one to slip through the cracks”. From we show peoplethe transportation program that offers a that Jesus is thepick up and drop off service for Homeless patients, to answer in theirthe complete Full Circle of Health care these patients situation? Wereceive, I cannot help but hold a very deep respect show them exactlyfor the vision and mission statement Good Sam what Good Samembodies. offers: a smile, compassion, love and care for hurting, downtrodden and homeless individuals. MySo far my experience volunteering at Good Sam has experience volunteering for Good Sam’s Homelessheightened my philosophy that people need each Clinic is a demonstration of what it looks like to buildother. No man is an island! At the end of broken the Kingdom of God for such a time as this.promises and broken dreams, when life seems dismal,meeting people at their point of need is a vehicle VOLUNTEERSMEDICAL PROVIDERS Dr. Helen McSwain DENTAL PROVIDERS NON-CLINICALDr. Harold Alexander Dr. Leslie Meyers-Joseph Dr. Jennie Austin Ernestine AndersonDr. Elizabeth Boswell Dr. Anu Murthy Dr. Henry Blair Buckhead ChurchDr. Melissa Briggs Dr. Brunilda Nazario Dr. Anthony DeLoach Jim ClaytonDr. Daniel F. Callahan Dr. Monica Parker Dr. William B. Hawkins Loren FergusonDr. John Cantwell Dr. Georgina Peacock Dr. Kenneth Hutchinson Jane JohnsDr. Mark Carmon Betsy Polstra, RN Dr. Joseph Looper Betty KennyDr. Joseph Cavanaugh Dr. Louis Prevosti Dr. Michael McDevitt Joyce HutchisonDr. Tiffany Colarusso Dr. Allison Roensch Renee Pettitt, RDH MagMutualDr. Bob Cucher Dr. Scott Santibanez Dr. Manjeet Singh Linda NeiheiselOlivia Dennison, CCC, SLP Dr. Haley Scouten Dr. Blake Upshaw Bill PritchardDr. Medinah Faldon Dr. Michael Smith Dr. Beau Upshaw Joan QuillenDr. Melissa Gerhart Randy Smith, LPC Dr. Jim Williams Meade StoneDr. Rajni Gunnala Dr. Robert Spector Dr. Hanna You Peggy TaylorDr. Nancy Illgenfritz Barbara Sweeney, NP Lynne WarrenDr. Jeanine Jones Dr. David Taylor PRECEPTORSDr. Janice Johnston Dr. Rekha Thammana Rubi GarciaDr. Shelly Kim Michael Tremmel, PA-C Katy PooleDr. Robert Kistenberg Dr. James Wellman Lisa VargasDr. Iris Kolla Dr. Deborah Wendland Katy PooleDr. Rachel Konrick Dr. Ramona WhiteDr. Stephen Law Dr. Maria Yi 27Annie Maher, NP Dr. Paul YoungDr. Allen McDonald Dr. Jen Zubler
20TH ANNIVERSARY Good Sam’s 20th Anniversary is coming up in 2018 and we invite you to celebrate with us! Consider sponsoring and attending our 2018 Sammy Awards Gala where we will be celebrating the impact of 20 years of work! More information coming soon! Visit CONNECT WITH US ONLINE GIVING VOLUNTEERING Veronica Squires @AtlantaGoodSam 678.553.4903 @GoodSamAtl DeLorean Ruffin [email protected] 678.553.4914 [email protected] Samaritan Health Center p: 404.523.6571 Hours of Operation1015 Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy. f: 404.523.6574 Monday-Thursday ... 7:45am to 4:30pmAtlanta, GA 30318 Friday-Saturday ........ 7:45am to 12:00pm
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