Body Systems Flipbook By: Mattie Senn
1 Table of Contents Slide 14) Respiratory System Prt 2 Slide 15) Digestive System Slide 3) Integumentary System Slide 16) Digestive System Prt 2 Slide 4) Integumentary System Prt 2 Slide 17) Urinary System Slide 5) Musculoskeletal System Slide 18) Urinary System Prt 2 Slide 6) Musculoskeletal System Prt 2 Slide 19) Reproductive System Slide 7) Nervous System Slide 20) Reproductive System prt 2 Slide 8) Nervous System Prt 2 Slide 9) Special Senses Slide 10) Special Senses Prt 2 Slide 11) Cardiovascular System Slide 12) Cardiovascular System Prt 2 Slide 13) Respiratory System
2 Integumentary System Vocabulary: Function: comprises the skin and its Key Terms: ● Skin: the body's outer covering, which protects against appendages acting to protect the body from ● dermat/o, derm/o: skin heat and light, injury, and infection. various kinds of damage, such as loss of water ● kerat/o: cornea; horny tissue and or damages from outside. ● Hair: a keratinized, threadlike outgrowth from the skin of cells - The integumentary system includes ● xer/o: dry, dryness mammals. hair, scales, feathers, hooves, and ● xanth/o: yellow, yellowish nails. ● erythr/o: red ● Nails: composed largely of keratin, a hardened protein ● pediculo: fingernail, toenail Diseases: ● onych/o: nails (that is also in skin and hair). ● myc/o: fungus - Eczema ● pil/o: hair ● Keratin: any of various sulfur-containing, fibrous, acidic - Melanoma ● lip/o: fatty, lipid - Rosacea ● rhytid/o: sebum which secretes oil or basic proteins chiefly of epithelial cells and tissues that - Hives ● albin/o: white, deficient are relatively insoluble and resistant to degradation, form filaments which assemble into bundles to provide structural Healthcare Careers: pigmentation support, and are the primary component of hair, nails. - Dermatologist ● Dermis: the lower or inner layer of the two main layers - Dermapathologist of cells that make up the skin. ● Epidermis: the outer layer of the two main layers of the skin. ● Sweat Glands: small tubular structures of the skin that produce sweat ● Subcutaneous Layer: known as the hypodermis, is the innermost layer of skin. It's made up of fat and connective tissues that house larger blood vessels and nerves, and it acts as an insulator to help regulate body temperature. ● Eczema: an inflammatory condition of the skin characterized by redness, itching, and oozing vesicular lesions which become scaly, crusted, or hardened ● Acne: a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells.
3 Integumentary System Prt 2
Vocabulary: ● Flexion: decreasing the angle 4 Musculoskeletal System between two bones; bending a limb ● Foramen magnum: the opening of the occipital bone Function: provides form, support, Key Terms: through which the spinal cord passes stability, and movement to the body. ● my/o: muscle It is made up of the bones of the ● myel/o: spinal cord, bone ● Haversian canals: minute skeleton, muscles, cartilage, spaces filled with blood vessels; found in compact bone tendons, ligaments, joints, and other marrow ● Manubrium: upper portion connective tissue that supports and ● oste/o: bone of the sternum; articulates with binds tissues and organs together. ● cost/o: rib the medial aspect of the clavicle ● crani/o: skull Diseases: ● -pexy: surgical fixation ● Mastoid process: round ● chrondr/o: cartilage - Tendinitis ● anthr/o: joint projection on the temporal bone ● -plegia: paralysis behind the ear - Osteoarthritis ● kinesi/o: movement - Fibromyalgia ● Medullary cavity: central, - Carpal tunnel syndrome hollowed-out area in the shaft of a Healthcare Careers: long bone ● Meniscus; a thin fibrous cartilage between the surfaces of some joints - Chiropractor ● Osseous tissue: bone - Orthopedist tissue ● Ossification: process of bone formation ● Phosphorus: mineral substance found in bones in combination with calcium
6 Musculoskeletal System Prt 2
Vocabulary: 7 Nervous System ● Sensory/Afferent: consists of nerve fibers that convey impulses to the central nervous system from sensory receptors located throughout the body Function: a complex collection of Key Terms: ● Motor/Efferent: In the PNS; transmits impulses from the CNS to effector organs, which are the muscles and glands nerves and specialized cells known ● neur/o: nerve ● Sympathetic: In the thoracic and lumbar parts of the as neurons that transmit signals ● encephal/o: brain between different parts of the ● myel/o: spinal cord, spinal cord, mobilizes body systems during activity body. It is essentially the body's electrical wiring. bone marrow ● Neuroglia: Neurons associated closely with much smaller ● ambul/o: walk Diseases: ● -esthesia: cells; Non- conducting cells of neural tissue that support, protect, and insulate the neurons ● Axon: Impulse generating and conducting region; neuron process that carries impulses away from the nerve cell body; efferent process; the conducting portion of a nerve cell - Epilepsy sensation ● Neuron: the structural units of the nervous system, highly ● mening/o: - Neurofibromatosis specialized cells that conduct messages in the form of nerve - Cerebral palsy meninges impulses from one part of the body to another. ● Dendrites: are short, tampering, diffusely branching - Alzheimer's disease ● psych/o: mind extensions; receptive regions. Recieves information from other ● concuss/o: shaken nerve cells and transports it to the soma Healthcare Careers: together ● Myelin Sheath: Fatty insulating sheath that surrounds all - Neuroscience Nurse - Neuroscientist but the smallest nerve fibers ● Synaps: a junction that mediates information transfer from one neuron to the next or from a neuron to an effector cell ● Acetylcholine: the first neurotransmitter identified
8 Nervous System Prt 2
Vocabulary: 9 Special Senses ● Pupil: opening in the center of the iris that lets light through Function: to detect environmental Key terms: ● Cornea: clear outer layer that helps stimuli and transduce their energy into ● irid/o: iris focus light onto the retina electrical impulses. These are then ● -cusis: hearing conveyed along sensory neurons to the ● -opia: sight, vision ● Sclera: the white part of the eye central nervous system, where they are ● ot/o: ear integrated and processed, and a response ● tympan/o: eardrum, (covers the whole eye, except for the is produced. cornea) tympanic membrane - the special senses are the senses ● Retina: third layer of the eye; triggers that have specialized organs nerve impulses that pass via the optic nerve to the brain, which allows a visual image to be formed ● Tympanic membrane: eardrum devoted to them: vision (the eye) ● opthalm/o: eye ● Ceruminous glands: modified hearing and balance (the ear, ● -metry: measurement which includes the auditory sweat glands, located in external ear system and vestibular system) canal, secretes cerumen (earwax) smell (the nose) taste (the tongue) ● Malleus: hammer; a small bone in the middle ear that transmits vibrations of the eardrum to the incus. Diseases: Healthcare Careers: ● Auditory ossicles: three small bones linked together that connect the - Cataracts - Ophthalmologist eardrum to the inner ear - Deafness - Glaucoma - Otolaryngologist ● Incus: a small anvil-shaped bone in the middle ear, transmitting vibrations between the malleus and stapes - Microphthalmia ● Stapes: \"stirrup\"; inner of the 3 ossicles of the middle ear
10 Special Senses Prt 2
Vocabulary: ● Aorta: the largest artery in the 11 Cardiovascular System body ● Arteriole: small artery ● Artery: largest type of blood Function: maintain blood flow Key Terms: vessel; Carries blood away from the heart to all parts of the body to all parts of the body, to allow it ● cardi/o: heart ● to survive. Veins deliver used Atrium: one of two upper blood from the body back to the ● angi/o: blood or lymph ● heart. vessel chambers of the heart ● hemo/o, hemat/o: blood ● Atria: (singular: atrium) One of teo ● brady: slow upper chambers of the heart Capillary: Smallest blood vessel. Materials pass to and from the Diseases: ● tachy: fast bloodstream through the thin ● thromb/o: clot capillary walls - Congenital heart disease ● -emia: blood condition - Coronary artery disease ● leuk/o: white ● Carbon Dioxide: (CO2) Gas - Deep vein thrombosis and ● erythr/o: red ● arterio/o: artery (waste) released by body cells, pulmonary embolism transported via veins to the heart, - Arrhythmia and then to the lungs for exhalation Healthcare Careers: ● CO2: (Carbon Dioxide) Gas (waste) released by body cells, transported via veins to the heart, and then to - Interventional the lungs for exhalation. Cardiologist ● Coronary Arteries: Blood vessels - Electrophysiologist Cardiologist that branch from the aorta and carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle. ● Deoxygenated Blood: Blood that is oxygen-poor.
12 Cardiovascular System Prt 2
Vocabulary: Key Terms: ● Alveoli: tiny air sacs in the lungs ● Bronchiole: small tube that 13 Respiratory System ● bronch/o: bronchus branches from the bronchi within the ● cyan/o: blue lungs Function: the network of organs ● laryng/o: larynx ● Epiglottis: flap of tissues that covers and tissues that help you breathe. It ● oxia: oxygen the trachea - includes your airways, ● oxy: oxygen ● Expiration: process in which air is lungs, and blood vessels. ● pleur/o: pleura The muscles that power ● pneum/o: lung forced out of the lungs your lungs are also part of ● pulmon/o: lung the respiratory system. ● thorac/o: ● External respiration: exchange of These parts work together ● trache/o: to move oxygen throughout gases between the atmosphere and the blood ● Internal respiration: exchange of gases between the blood and the body cells the body and clean out ● Inspiration: process of taking air waste gases like carbon Healthcare Careers: into the lungs dioxide. - Chronic Bronchitis ● Larynx: voice box that houses the Diseases: - Emphysema vocal chords - Asthma - Cystic Fibrosis/Bronchiectasis ● Trachea: tube that connects the pharynx to the lungs - Lung Cancer - Pneumonia ● Nasal cavity: where air enters the - Chronic Bronchitis body through the nostrils or mouth - Emphysema
14 Respiratory System Prt 2
Vocabulary: ● Stomach: The major organ of the 15 Digestive System Key Terms: digestive system where the breaking down of food happens. ● Esophagus: A muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. ● Small intestine: Long hollow tube where Function: responsible for taking ● cholecyst/o: gallbladder most absorption of nutrients occurs. ● enter/o: small intestine ● whole foods and turning them into Large intestine: Absorbs water and forms energy and nutrients to allow the ● col/o. colon/o: colon ● body to function, grow, and repair ● hepat/o: liver feces. itself. ● gastr/o: stomach ● Chemical digestion: Breaking food into - Ingestion of food ● or/o: mouth - Secretion of fluids and smaller pieces using molecules called ● Pepsia: digestion enzymes/chemicals. digestive enzymes - Mixing and movement of food ● chol/e: bile, gall ● Mechanical digestion: Part of digestion and wastes through the body ● proct/o: anus and rectum that uses movement and muscles to break - Digestion of food into smaller down food. Healthcare Careers: ● pieces ● Absorption: Part of digestion where the - Absorption of nutrients - Gastroenterologist - Excretion of waste nutrients and water are given to the body to - Proctologist use for energy. Diseases: - Irritable Bowel Syndrome ● Gastroenterologist: A physician who - Hemorrhoids - Inflammatory Bowel Disease studies and treats diseases of the stomach, - Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac intestines, and the digestive system. Disease Rectum: A short tube at the end of the large intestine where waste material is compressed into a solid form before being eliminated. Salivary glands: A group of glands found under and behind the tongue and beneath the jaw that releases saliva continually as well as in response to the thought, sight, smell, or presence of food.
16 Digestive System Prt 2
Vocabulary: 17 Urinary System Key Terms: ● Renal capsule: a smooth transparent membrane ● -cele: hernia the adheres tightly to the external aspect of the ● Lysis: destruction kidney, outside layer; connective tissue keeping Function: to filter blood and create ● cyst/o: bladder substances inside. ● nephr/o: kidney urine as a waste by-product. The organs ● ren/o: kidney ● Adipose capsule: fatty mass that cushions the of the urinary system include the ● -uria: urine kidneys, renal pelvis, ureters, bladder kidney and helps attach it to the body wall and urethra. ● Renal cortex: the cortex of the kidney containing the glomeruli and the convoluted tubules ● -pexy: surgical fixation● Renal medulla: Inner tissue layer of the kidney, - The body takes nutrients from ● -ectasis: dialation, contains loops of Henle and collecting tubules; food and converts them to energy. ● expansion ● contains pyramids pyel/o: renal pelvis Diseases: Medullary pyramids: striped, or striated, appearance of triangular pyramid of segments of the medulla - Kidney Stones Healthcare Careers: ● Apex: the highest point, tip - Gynecologists ● Renal columns : areas of tissue which segregate - Interstitial Cystitis and dip inward between the pyramids, columns - Urinary Incontinence between renal pyramids - Overactive Bladder - Nephrologists ● Renal pelvis: a structure shaped like a funnel in the outlet of the kidney into which urine is discharged before passing into the ureter ● Calyx: cup-shaped part of the renal pelvis through which urine passes from the renal tubules ● Renal vein: veins that accompany renal arteries
18 Urinary System Prt 2
Vocabulary: 19 Reproductive System Key Terms: ● Amenorrhea: absence or suppression of normal menstrual flow ● cervic/o: cervix ● Areola: small circular area such as that around the human nipple Function: functions to produce ● salping/o: tube ● Artifical insemination: process of ● ov/o: egg, ovum placing semen into opening of cervix human offspring, with the male ● orchid/o: testes using either husband or donor sperm providing sperm and the female ● oophor/o: ovary ● Bartholin's glands: Glands located on providing the ovum. either side of the vaginal opening that - To produce egg and sperm ● men/o: menstration cells. To transport and secrete mucus for vaginal lubrication. sustain these cells. To nurture ● mamm/o: breast ● Breast: either of two soft fleshy the developing offspring. ● gynec/o: woman, female milk-secreting glandular organs on the ● chest of a woman colp/o: vagina Diseases: ● prostat/o: prostate gland ● Cervix: the opening to the uterus - Endometriosis ● Chlamydia: a sexually transmitted - Uterine Fibroids Healthcare Careers: infection caused by bacteria of the - Gynecologic Cancer genus Chlamydia - HIV/AIDS - Urologist ● Circumcision: surgical removal of the - Andrologist foreskin of the penis - Reproductive Health ● Clitoris: organ of sensitive erectile Counselor tissue anterior to the opening of the female urethra
20 Reproductive System Prt 2
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