Wool CARPET FAR NORTH - PALM COVE - 6 COLOURS AVAILABLEFAR NORTHFor sophisticated design and comfort that goes the distance, head for Far North. Beautifully crafted in incrediblyhardwearing Berber wool, this distinctive collection gives any active family years of low maintenance and luxury living. Invest in a carpet that is designed for longevity. CARPET BAKERS CREEK - DRIFTWOOD - 8 COLOURS AVAILABLEBAKERS CREEKFeel the luxury flow in every step of this beautifully crafted collection. The muted colour palette and rich texture of the100% wool pile creates a feeling of sophistication and warmth in a designer range that stays true to its good looks yearafter year.VISIT WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/CARPET FOR FULL CARPET RANGE
CARPET The Ocean Road collection is made from 100% wool. CARPET OCEAN ROAD - QUEENSCLIFF - 8 COLOURS AVAILABLEOCEAN ROADIdeal for those looking to create a calm and relaxed aesthetic within the home. The Ocean Road collection includes afantastic mix of neutral shades, perfect for complementing a range of interior styles. Sit back and enjoy the spectacularview. This vibrant collection celebrates coastal charm and contemporary cool. Wool CARPET COUNTRY TEXTURE - INDIE - 7 COLOURS AVAILABLECOUNTRY TEXTURERugged 100% wool Berber with a rustic fleck inspired by country colour. Thicker yarns and looped pile make it resistantto pile crushing, making it ideal for areas that experience heavy foot traffic, such as entranceways, stairways and livingspaces. Exclusive to Carpet Court. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL STORE FOR A GREAT DEAL WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/STORES
Elegant, comfortable and beautifully tactile, carpet never goes out of style. CARPET HEAVEN SENT - GALACTICAL - 10 COLOURS AVAILABLEHEAVEN SENTOnce you feel the heavenly soft fibres, you’ll understand why we had to name this carpet Heaven Sent! It’s so softunderfoot and ideal for homes with children who play on the floor or people who luxuriate in going barefoot. CARPET CAPE TOWN - CAPRI VILLAGE - 9 COLOURS AVAILABLECAPE TOWNBring the majesty and wonder of nature’s own colour palette into your home with this beautifully crafted range.Cape Town embodies the perfect balance of luxury and durability with its earthy textures and hardwearingsolution dyed nylon.VISIT WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/CARPET FOR FULL CARPET RANGE
CARPET CARPET LINDEN GROVE - KEW GARDENS - 8 COLOURS AVAILABLELINDEN GROVELinden Grove carpets are crafted from STAINMASTER® Eversoft® SDN that has durability and contemporary style flowingthrough every fibre of this textured loop range. As a synthetic carpet, it is very affordable and a good choice for familieswho are looking for exceptional quality on a budget. Thanks to its twist pile, Glenwillow is built to withstand heavy foot traffic. CARPET GLENWILLOW - GRANT BEIGE - 8 COLOURS AVAILABLE GLENWILLOW Beautiful craftsmanship, softness and durability combine in the understated elegance of Glenwillow. An on-trend muted palette of sophisticated shades offers striking simplicity, while superior stain resistance offers years of low maintenance living. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL STORE FOR A GREAT DEAL WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/STORES
CARPET HAMPTON STYLE - BRIDGEHAMPTON - 9 COLOURS AVAILABLEHAMPTON STYLEThe Hampton Style carpet range is minimalistic and sophisticated. This carpet style is a very popular choice, especiallyif durability and easy maintenance are a priority for you. Available in both twist pile (which is featured in the HamptonStyle range) and plush pile formats, this style of carpet gives your floors a versatile, stylish canvas from which to build allthe other design elements in the room. Warmth and comfort is a big factor in the Classic Soft carpet range. CARPET CLASSIC SOFT - SPANISH CREAM - 7 COLOURS AVAILABLECLASSIC SOFTStyled for modern living, this premier collection incorporates the latest generation fibre which is designed formaximum durability, and the dark colour palette gives any room a warm, cosy feeling. Exclusive to Carpet CourtVISIT WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/CARPET FOR FULL CARPET RANGE
CARPET Softness and warmth of a luxury carpet. CARPET JACARANDA - ORNAMENTAL - 14 COLOURS AVAILABLEJACARANDAElegant twist pile highlights the beauty and softness of the innovative STAINMASTER® EverSoft® SDN carpet.The perfect look for contemporary homes, Jacaranda’s beautiful colour palette reflects the trend towards a moremuted, sophisticated style. CARPET MAPLE GROVE - LINCOLN - 15 COLOURS AVAILABLEMAPLE GROVEWith a subtle palette inspired by the Autumnal colours of nature, Maple Grove creates a relaxed ambience in anyroom. Crafted from innovative STAINMASTER® EverSoft® SDN carpet, this carpet offers supreme softness and luxury. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL STORE FOR A GREAT DEAL WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/STORES
Renowned for its superior noise reducing and insulating qualities. CARPET CHARMING - SILVER CUP - 12 COLOURS AVAILABLECHARMINGCharming by name, luxuriously charming by nature, this elegant collection brings a new level of sophistication to yourperfect contemporary home. If it’s a combination of style and versatility you’re looking for, the Charming collection’scross-section of soft greys are ideal for creating an on-trend base that complements a range of colour palettes. CARPET PREMIER SOFT - FUSION - 12 COLOURS AVAILABLEPREMIER SOFTStyled for modern living, this premier collection incorporates the latest generation fibre which is designed for maximumdurability. A palette of earthy tones, Premier Soft carpets emulate the feeling of the great outdoors, bringing a sense oftranquility into the active modern home. Exclusive to Carpet Court.VISIT WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/CARPET FOR FULL CARPET RANGE
CARPET CARPET TREVENA - SOFT SUEDE - 8 COLOURS AVAILABLETREVENABeautifully soft and durable, Trevena cushions the impact of active family living year after year. Crafted in twist pilenylon to deliver superior stain and fade resistance, the natural stony palette is a complement to modern interiors. TOP TIPS TO TAKE YOUR DESIGNS TO THE NEXT LEVEL BY DARREN PALMER THERE ARE A LOT OF THINGS TO BE LEARNED FROM WATCHING HOW RENOVATORS DO IT ON THE BLOCK: USE COLOUR BOLDLY, CREATE FEATURES, PUT UP ARTWORK, PAY ATTENTION TO SOFT FURNISHINGS. BUT IF YOU REALLY WANT TO ELEVATEArt doesn’t need to be YOUR ROOMS INTO THE REALM OF PROFESSIONAL LEVEL DESIGN, YOU’LL NEED TO KNOW A FEW MORE THINGS.only in the living space Contrasts agrreeatthekfitocuhnendations of aDON’T LIMIT YOUR ART ADDITIONArt is something that most people save for living spaces, but it canbe the thing that really makes a bedroom, or any room, sing. Go HAVE KITCHEN COURAGEfor a statement piece or incorporate it more subtly by blendingyour own personal photographs with actual paintings and prints. The thing that elevates a kitchen most is courage and the kitchen spaces that really impress at a designer level are those that areArtwork itself can be the ideal way to break up a wall and separate bold in both their vision and execution. Using new materials,the room. A long common wall with one prominent piece of sticking to a considered palette and creating interest throughartwork behind the dining table and another in the living room will contrast are the foundations of a great kitchen.give a clear indication that those rooms are separate, both in termsof function and design.ADD ARCHITECTURAL INTEREST RestorfeeaartucrheistecturalArchitectural interest can come in many forms, from vaultedceilings and bulkheads, to niches concealing drapery or changingthe proportions or positions of room openings. It can also come inthe form of creating a substantial central element, like a fireplace,so that you can orient your room around something other than aTV screen.CONTACT YOUR LOCAL STORE FOR A GREAT DEAL WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/STORES
HYBRID VELES - JASPER - 10 COLOURS AVAILABLEVELESVeles is the next evolution of flooring, with TrigonTM Core Technology designed for Australian conditions. Highlydurable and 100% waterproof, Veles combines the best attributes of Timber, Laminate and Vinyl with colour choicesto suit every home. Blends the best of laminate with the best of vinyl. HYBRID AQUA-TUF - BLACKBUTT - 7 COLOURS AVAILABLEAQUA-TUFThe latest innovation in rigid floating floors, Aqua-Tuf blends the best of laminate with the best of vinyl. Quick, easyto install and DIY friendly, Aqua-Tuf is 100% waterproof and can be installed throughout your entire home, includingbathrooms and laundries.VISIT WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/FLOORING FOR FULL FLOORING RANGE
FLOORING 100% waterproof, suitable for your entire home. HYBRID AQUA-TUF LONGBOARDS - HINTERLAND SPOTTED GUM - 9 COLOURS AVAILABLEAQUA-TUF LONGBOARDSBlending the best of laminate with the best of vinyl, Aqua-Tuf Longboards are the latest innovation in floating flooring.Aqua-Tuf Longboards are 100% waterproof and so are suitable for your entire home, including bathrooms and laundries.They’re quick and easy to install making them DIY friendly, or a quick job for professionals. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL STORE FOR A GREAT DEAL WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/STORES
HYBRID SUNPLANK - AVAR OAK - 6 COLOURS AVAILABLESUNPLANKSunplankTM solid-core luxury planks can be selected for any room in the home. They are water proof for the bathroomand kitchen, sun and fadeproof for the living room and exceptionally hardwearing for entry areas and kids’ rooms. A naturally attractive and resilient product. TIMBER BESPOAK - MERINO - 6 COLOURS AVAILABLEBESPOAKRefined urban living meets the character and warmth of nature in the Bespoak collection of timber flooring.Live the look of timeless sophistication and low maintenance luxury in this beautifully crafted, hardwearing range.VISIT WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/FLOORING FOR FULL FLOORING RANGE
FLOORING Easy to install, a timber floor will last a lifetime. TIMBER BALMAIN OAK WIDEBOARD - BRUSHED NATURAL OAK - 6 COLOURS AVAILABLEBALMAIN OAK WIDEBOARDThe Balmain Oak Wideboard product brings a new element to your floors, offering an on-trend solution of wider, longerboards. While perfectly suited to large, open-plan rooms, these boards are also ideal for creating a sense of unclutteredspace and vastness in any room. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL STORE FOR A GREAT DEAL WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/STORES
Timber flooring can strike the right note in any environment. TIMBER NATURALS TIMBER - SPOTTED GUM - 6 COLOURS AVAILABLENATURALS TIMBERFrom the dark red browns of Jarrah to the blonde beauty of Blackbutt, the natural beauty of hardwood adds instantwarmth and character. An understated satin finish gives Naturals its luxurious appeal and designer sophistication. TIMBER STOCKMANS RIDGE - BLACKBUTT - 6 COLOURS AVAILABLESTOCKMANS RIDGEWith its specially designed construction, Stockmans Ridge timber flooring will provide you with years of enjoymentthanks to its extreme durability. The range comprises six unique styles taken from traditional Australian timber speciesand each finish offers a distinct grain and gradient of tone that meshes flawlessly with a variety of colour palettes,bringing instant warmth to any room.VISIT WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/FLOORING FOR FULL FLOORING RANGE
FLOORING You’ll love Latitude 25 for its ability to add character to any room. TIMBER LATITUDE 25 - BLACKBUTT - 2 COLOURS AVAILABLELATITUDE 25Latitude 25 is an Australian species engineered timber floor that showcases the natural features, of knots, gum veinsand worm holes which add a rich texture to this timber. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL STORE FOR A GREAT DEAL WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/STORES
Laminate offers you the look and feel of real wood for a fraction of the price. LAMINATE IMPRESSIVE - SAW CUT OAK BEIGE - 6 COLOURS AVAILABLEIMPRESSIVEStylish and affordable are the hallmarks of this beautiful laminate collection. Added to this is its ease of installationmaking it perfect for a low maintenance lifestyle.VISIT WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/FLOORING FOR FULL FLOORING RANGE
FLOORING The result is a flawless look you’ll love for a lifetime. LAMINATE CLASSIC - HAVANNA OAK DARK - 11 COLOURS AVAILABLECLASSICBring the earthy textures of the outdoors inside with a look that evokes casual, effortless style. Choose the relaxedambience of white teak, or the restrained elegance of oak. LAMINATE ELIGNA - LIGHT GREY VARNISHED OAK - 13 COLOURS AVAILABLEELIGNAWith a wide range of stunning finishes, there’s an Eligna style to suit everyone. From luxuriously rich colours to light andbright, Eligna never fails to impress. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL STORE FOR A GREAT DEAL WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/STORES
LAMINATE BIG COUNTRY - SHALE GREY - 8 COLOURS AVAILABLEBIG COUNTRYBig Country laminate flooring offers you the look and feel of real wood for a fraction of the price. Available in alongboard, which is ideal for open plan living spaces and once installed, will be a look you’ll love for a lifetime. VISIT WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/FLOORING FOR FULL FLOORING RANGE
FLOORING VINYL HOME SWEET HOME - DUNE - 6 COLOURS AVAILABLEHOME SWEET HOMEThis stick vinyl plank range is specifically created for the family home. Fashionable & modern, the high quality timberdesigns suit any room in the house. It is scratch resistant and durable for even the busiest households. Suitable for every décor and includes traditional and modern designs. VINYL VISIONS - HOTHAM - 11 COLOURS AVAILABLE VISIONS Visions Plank perfectly captures the texture and look of a natural wood grain timber. It comes in a colour range for every décor and includes traditional and modern designs which have been skilfully and artistically created. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL STORE FOR A GREAT DEAL WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/STORES
VINYL HARMONY PLANKS - ELEGANT SPOTTED GUM - 12 COLOURS AVAILABLEHARMONY PLANKSIf you are looking for a new floor covering for your home, you will love the advantages of Harmony Vinyl flooring.Vinyl flooring can be used for almost any area in your home, including kitchens and bathrooms, as it is suitableeven for humid environments. Flexible, durable and water-resistant. VINYL LANEWAY PLANKS - NUBUCK - 10 COLOURS AVAILABLELANEWAY PLANKSThe Laneway Collection of vinyl plank floors is the easiest, fastest way to give your flooring a sleek, sophisticated,contemporary look and feel. Designed to withstand years of active family living.VISIT WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/FLOORING FOR FULL FLOORING RANGE
FLOORING Modern flooring that looks like real oak. VINYL MODULAR LIVING PLUS - ELEGANT SPOTTED GUM - 6 COLOURS AVAILABLEMODULAR LIVING PLUSTransform your home with the warmth and sophistication of natural timber for a fraction of the price. Perfect for lowmaintenance family living, Modular Living Plus vinyl flooring is hardwearing, hygienic and easy to clean. HYBRID LAMINATE VINYL TRY OUR STYLE TOOL Style VISUALISERCARPET TIMBERMulitlayer Hybrid - VelesQuartz Tigers Eye Onyx TIMBER TURN YOUR DREAM HOME INTO A VIRTUAL REALITY WITH OUR STYLE VISUALISER. The online Style Visualiser tool allows you to experience how the floor you’ve chosen will actually look installed in a room. Using the latest cutting edge virtual reality technology, it’s never been easier to visualise carpet and flooring in a room before you buy. Follow our style journey on social media Follow our style journey on social mediaCONTACT YOUR LOCAL STORE FOR A GREAT DEAL WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/STORES
RUGSCITY MODERNBEHOLD YELLOW - 14 STYLES AVAILABLE160 x 110 280 x 190220 x 150 320 x 230 SEGMENT YOUR OPEN PLAN SPACEDramatic lighting THE PURPOSE OF THE OPEN PLAN LAYOUT IN SMALLER SPACES IS TO UNITE VARIOUS ROOMS OF THE HOME AND CREATE THE ILLUSION OF A LARGER FLOOR AREA, SOMETHING WHICH CAN BE ACHIEVED BY CONTINUING THE SAME FLOORING FROM ROOM TO ROOM. BUT WITH LARGER OPEN PLAN AREAS, YOU HAVE THE OPPOSITE ISSUE – YOU NEED TO DEMARCATE EACH ZONE. WALL FEATURESRUGS Artwork itself can be the ideal way to break up a wall and separate the room. A long common wall with one prominentA large rug that sits underneath all of your furniture, even the piece of artwork behind the dining table and anotherside tables should if you have the space, will immediately create in the living room will give a clear indication that thosean area that is obviously the living space – even if there are no rooms are separate, both in terms of function and design.other defining features. A wall unit in a living room can be turned into a dramatic centralLikewise, a reading area can be cordoned off from the larger element, housing the fireplace, a bookshelf and the TV, to givespace by positioning a standing lamp adjacent to a reading chair that particular section its own individual sense of character.and sitting everything on a 1.5m or 2m diameter round rug. This Ultimately, getting imaginative with your open plan space iscreates a perfect reading spot, one that both looks and feels what will enable you to make the most of it.separate to the rest of the space.LIGHTING FaillswplhaitsehwoafllcsowloiuthrAnother way to anchor the space is with a centrally locatedpendant. Bigger sizes are often the most dramatic, and so playingwith scale will allow you to make a bold design statement at thesame time as segmenting your space.Similarly, arranging downlights in a pattern around each area notonly creates a visual boundary on the ceiling, but also allowsyou to light each area separately, further emphasising eachdistinct zone.CONTACT YOUR LOCAL STORE FOR A GREAT DEAL WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/STORES
ROLLER BLINDSRoller Blinds are ideal for windows where privacy is required, or where there is a need to control strong sunlight. Widelyused in modern houses, Roller blinds are available in a wide range of fabric styles including blockout, light filtering orsolar screen selections.VENETIAN BLINDSVenetian blinds are a classic window covering that never go out of style. Available in Fauxwood or Slimline Aluminium,venetians lend traditional style to your windows.VISIT WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/BLINDS FOR FULL BLINDS RANGE
BLINDSROMAN BLINDSAvailable in the traditional plantation style, with horizontal, aluminium battens, or the contemporary classic style,with neat and minimal folds, Roman blinds have many options to really make them your own. VERI SHADES With the new unique patented designed Veri Shades, you can have the elegance and versatility of a sheer and the privacy of a curtain. With the turn of a wand you can easily adjust the Veri Shades to control and adjust light levels depending on the position of the sun, or privacy required. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL STORE FOR A GREAT DEAL WWW.CARPETCOURT.COM.AU/STORES
BLINDSPANEL GLIDE BLINDSPanel glides are a versatile and elegant shading option for large windows and sliding doors. Easily opened or drawn bywand control, Panel glides can be stacked past a doorway or large window to allow full access and view of your opening.INDOOR SHUTTERSElegant and stylish our shutters will add value to your home. Shutters are energy efficient and help to keep your housecooler in summer and warmer in winter. CARPETCOURT.COM.AU 1300 CARPET Ranges may vary from store to store. Swatches are only indicative of colour and should be used as a guide only. Please contact your nearest store for more information. Current as of March 2018. Blinds are only available at selected stores.
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