ANNUAL REPORT 2016 Building bright futures
The Telethon Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre is changing lives.Type 1 diabetes is complex and challenging. Launched in 2015, the FamilyCentre is an Australia-first service providing support, advocacy and educationto WA families in type 1 children.Telethon, Lotterywest, the WA State Government, and the generous WesternAustralian community are helping us build bright futures for our kids.Type 1 is tough, but we’re in this together. Find out more
ContentsCEO Report......................................................................................... 4Chairman’s Report............................................................................. 8Board Members................................................................................ 10What we do....................................................................................... 12Parent Advisory Group.................................................................... 12Financials ........................................................................................... 14Highlights .......................................................................................... 16On the horizon................................................................................. 17 We’re in this together
Rebecca Johnson, CEOThe Family Centre was officially opened by the formerMinister for Health, Dr Kim Hames, in July 2015. Our first yearwas both exciting and demanding – we: launched our innovative built awareness of our brand new peer and psychosocial support service developed our strong digital offerings and established a community of over 400 families settled in to our beautiful facility raised over $500,000 in grants and donationsI am delighted to share with you some of this year’shighlights in relation to the four goals of our 2015-2018Strategic Plan:Connecting our CommunityWe are a new service, and so our team prioritised building a communication platform thatgives us the tools for us to reach out, connect and engage with as many families aspossible. A strong online presence is crucial to our business, and our new our OnlineParents’ Community now engages over 350 families and operates 24 hours a day toprovide convenient opportunities for parents to support and learn from each other. Wenow reach over 25% of families with children with type 1 in Western Australia and theoverwhelmingly positive feedback we receive validates this service.We are also committed to engaging families face to face, and have designed andimplemented excellent school holiday programs which are consistently well subscribedand we are proud of our average satisfaction rating of 90%+. This year we took over 150children, adolescents and family members on four fantastic adventure camps in Albanyand Kulin. Our Teen Camp, which we run in partnership with Diabetes WA, supportsadolescents to self-manage their diabetes, make new friends, and build confidence andnew skills, and gives parents a much-needed break from relentless diabetes management.Our Family Camps for families with children under 12, are an active outdoor adventure forthe whole family in the beautiful natural surrounds of Albany, giving participantsopportunities to form crucial peer support networks.Informing and InspiringOver the past year, we held 26 social and educational events with over 1000 attendees. Wehave held fun family events at the Centre, exciting excursions to Scitech, Bounce andWinterland, monthly Teen Cooking workshops, and hosted inspiring speakers from thetype 1 community including our Ambassador, West Coast Eagles player Jamie Cripps,family therapist Joe Solowieczyk RN CDE MSW, low carbohydrate diet advocate Dr TroyStapleton and acclaimed diabetes exercise physiologist Professor Paul Fournier. Our eventsbuild connections between children and families impacted by type 1, break down isolation,and equip and empower families with new knowledge about optimal diabetesmanagement.
Our interactive Solutions Forum community Teen Camp Kulineducation model is unique. This year we held seven July 2015themed Solutions Forums where the type 1 community discussesthe practical aspects of living with type 1. Our themes included navigatingsystems such as Centrelink and insurance, transitioning from primary to sec-ondaryschool, becoming a young adult with type 1, and sport and exercise. Solutions Forums provide avital link to the vast collective knowledge base of the type 1 community, helping people findsolutions to the challenging aspects of life with type 1 diabetes.In response to community needs, we have developed two education programs which aredelivered by our excellent Credentialled Diabetes Educator/Dietitian and are fully subscribed: Babysitters’ Training, a one-on-one workshop tailored individually to each child, and A Carbohydrate Counting Course, an essential component of managing diabetes.Our Babysitters’ Training program is now being rolled out in New South Wales by Diabetes NSW.Our new offerings the 2016-17 year include the Baker IDI ‘Flex IT’ course about flexible insulintherapy, and online Carbohydrate Counting workshop to ensure we reach our regional families.A real demonstration of the success of our family service is the community’s willingness to build achildren’s playground at the Centre. For this, we received support from the Federal Government’sStronger Communities program, Lotterywest, Bunnings, the Stirling Men’s Shed, Nature Play WAand the generous Foti family. The playground is a wonderful addition to the Family Centre andmakes our centre an even more fun destination!(continued over page) 5
Awareness and Advocacy Our goal is to improve the lives of young people with type 1. Our advocacy priorities include changing exam conditions for students so they align with university systems, giving students a fair go in exams. This year, the Family Centre acted upon reports from families that indicated a need for their teenage children to be better supported to set their final exams on a level playing field with their peers. Type 1 diabetes is a constant source of distraction for students; throughout exams students must respond to glucose monitor alarms, test their blood, administer insulin and eat to maintain safe blood glucose levels, which are made considerably more volatile by stressful situations. We worked with the Schools Curriculum and Standards Authority to develop a provision for students with type 1, giving them an extra five minutes of time to use at their discretion during exams, to both recover their focus after frequent breaks in concentration and to undertake diabetes management tasks. With support from the St George Foundation, we launched our Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) Loan Program in March, which allows the Family Centre to lend a monitor for two weeks to children who need careful monitoring for travel, school camps, or sleepovers. The program was quickly taken up by families, who willingly share their experiences with CGM, allowing us to leverage the program to advocate for CGM subsidies at Federal Government level. What a year! Our goals in the next financial year are to scale up our suite of offerings to reach more families. We will particularly focus on supporting newly diagnosed families, developing digital resources for regional families, developing our clinical service, and positioning the Family Centre as thought leaders in diabetes care. I sincerely thank our founding sponsors Telethon, Lotterywest, the WA State Government and Wesfarmers, our major sponsors AHG, Flametree Wines, Ikea, Johnson Winter and Slattery, Leeuwin Estate Wines, The West Australian, and each of the many supporters who have helped us on our journey. Making our vision a reality has needed a team of incredible people. I thank the Family Centre Board and team for their courage, perseverance, creativity and drive, and I look forward to another year of working with them. Rebecca Johnson, CEO
Picture: MaƩhew Poon / The Sunday Times. Picture: MaƩhew Poon / The Sunday Times. 7
AAwwoorrddffrroommoouurrIt is said that while the destination is Without the initial support of the Westimportant, it is also just as important to enjoy Australian Government, Telethon andthe journey. So it is with the Telethon Type 1 Lotterywest this would still only be a dream.Family Centre. Thanks must go to the architects and builders who brought our dream to reality. ThanksThe journey has just started, but as you will must also go to Alan Tribe at Ikea forread in our CEO’s report, we have achieved supplying all our furniture and he hemany significant milestones in such a short continues to do so. Wesfarmers and Bunningstime. This is heartening news, not only for the have been very generous supporters of theBoard and our staff but also for the many Centre and Seven West Media andfamilies who have joined us on our wonderful Community News have provided us withjourney. The Centre has been adopted by much needed publicity. Bendigo Bankmany WA families who have children with has also joined us on our journey.type 1 and it has become almost a secondhome. This is exactly what we wanted to Event fundraising has been made possible byachieve when we opened the building. the generosity of Denis and Trish Horgan and fellow Board member Rob Towner. They areI now have the very pleasant task of thanking soon to be joined by Bronte Howson at AHG.many individuals and corporations who havemade this all possible.
rCChhaairirmmaann These and other supporters are acknowledged on our Wall of Fame at the Centre. Finally would like acknowledge the dedication and hard work by our CEO, Rebecca Johnson and her loyal team. I also thank the Board for their support and dedication. We are small in numbers but big in ideas and hard work. I am sure I speak on behalf of them when I say thank you to all of you wonderful people who have joined us on our journey. The first steps have been taken and the future promise many exciting moments. Jeff Newman OAM 9
The Telethon Type 1 Diabetes Family C Jeff Newman OAM Tony Vallelonga JP Salvatore Vallelonga Chairman Vice Chairman Board SecretaryJeff Newman's career with Tony Vallelonga is a former Salvatore Vallelonga is a DirectorChannel 7 spanned five decades, of Plexus Global Consultants, aand his work garnered him five Mayor and Councillor of the City chartered accounting andLogies. Jeff spent 38 years as the business advisory business,anchor for Telethon, the annual of Stirling, and a registered specialising in providing tailored24-hour fundraising event solutions to its SME clients.broadcast live to raise money for builder and developer. He hasthe sick children of Western Salvatore Vallelonga wasAustralia. His commitment was received a Centenary Medal and previously an employee of Ernst &so unwavering that earned him Young in their Corporate Taxthe title of “Mr Telethon”. the Certificate of Appreciation for Division. Sal was an inaugural committee member of the StJeff is a Telethon Trustee, and his services in Local Government Vincent De Pauls after-schoolwas awarded the Order of program, developed to assistAustralia Medal in 1994 for his and is an Honorary Freeman of under-achieving students fromcontribution to children's health families with financial problems,and the community. the City of Stirling. He sat as Vice to help develop their confidence and academic skills. President of the Ethnic Community Council and served as Chairman of the North Metropolitan Planning Commission. Tony was also awarded the Italian-Australian Friendship Award for his commitment to the community. Tony serves as a Telethon Trustee and with a number of community many organisations including the RSL Osborne Park (of which he is Patron), the W.A Italian Club, the WA Calabrese Association, the Italian Home for the Aged in Marangaroo, St Lawrence Church, and the MYVISTA Aged Care Board (which he Chairs).
Centre BoardRebecca Johnson Rick Malone Rob Towner CEO Director DirectorDiagnosed with type 1 in 2001, Rick practised law for over 35 Following a successful years, and has been both a stockbroking career spanning 20Bec is passionate about making partner and Board Member of years, Rob has founded several national law firms. He is now a companies and is the Managingpositive change in the type 1 consultant with national law firm Director of ASX listed Triangle Johnson Winter & Slattery. Energy (Global) She has He has been a surf lifesaver for Rob has a passion for wine and inundergraduate qualifications in over 40 years, was Foundation 2007 established, with his family, Chairman of the City of Perth Surf the boutique Margaret RiverLaw and Arts (UWA), a Masters in Life Saving Trust as well as the winery, Flametree wines. The Hon Solicitor for his local surf life winery has achieved enormousPublic Health (USyd), and is an saving club for over 20 years. A success with many wine critic keen golfer, Rick was Hon reviews trophies and awards.Adjunct Research Fellow at Curtin Solicitor for Women's Golf WA and assisted with the Rob has always been an activeUniversity. Bec has worked in amalgamation of men's and participant in his community. Not women's golf in WA. He was an only is he a long term member ofboth chronic and communicable inaugural Board member of the several local sporting clubs but amalgamated body, Golf WA. He has served two terms on thedisease in Australia and has served on the Committee of Christ Church Grammar School his local golf club. A former A Old Boys Association as ainternationally, in a variety of roles Grade rugby player for Cottesloe, committee member. Rick’s rugby is now limited toincluding legal advocacy and supporting the Western Force.public health project Rick has had a long history of supporting community sportingmanagement for the Cancer organisations and with eight young grandchildren he has aCouncil, Red Cross, and WHO. passion for children's health.Bec believes that there are nolimits on a life with type 1diabetes, and she has climbedmountains, sailed across theAtlantic, and become a SCUBAdive guide to prove it. She thinksthat people with type 1 should beempowered to choosemanagement strategies that workfor them, that physical activity isfundamental to positive physicaland mental health outcomes, andthat peer support plays a vital rolein sustainable and holisticdiabetes care. 11
The Telethon Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre is a groundbreaking new facility helping children and families to face the challenges of type 1. Being a parent is not easy, especially when your child has type 1 diabetes. Children with type 1 must inject insulin, test their blood sugar levels, and adjust their diet and activity every day to stay alive. Type 1 is stressful and relentless, and children with diabetes need good family support to manage their condition. But families need help too - and that’s where we come in. The Telethon Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre is the first of its kind in Australia; a facility dedicated to supporting the families of children with type 1. The Telethon Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre acknowledges that emotional wellbeing is critical for god diabetes management. Our service offers vital peer and psychosocial support for the whole family. The Family Centre can connect with others, share their experiences and wisdom, and feel encouraged and understood. The Telethon Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre provides quality care, information and support. We help families meet the challenge of type 1 diabetes with confidence.Parent Advisory Group The newly formed Parent Advisory Group is a collaboration of seven connected Mums with children of all ages who live with Type 1. We meet regularly to discuss upcoming events, organise our volunteer roster to support the staff at events including the AHG Golf Day and the Telethon weekend. We have conducted three meetings since theFrom left: Lauren Haddow, Kellie Cercerelli, Rikki-Jane Stocks, groups conception. We are currently inBree Zuchetti, Emily Dowling. Absent: Peta Brown and Michelle Hayes.
the process of planning out the Family support team for the Family Centre’sCentre’s 2017 calendar and we are excited to Halloween and Christmas parties for the organising a quiz night to be held in The Family Centre is a place we can bring ourJanuary and a Bunnings sausage sizzle early families and find support, and it is of suchnext year. We are also currently raising money value to our families we want to give back.for a new Elly the Elephant mascot costume,as Elly is a big hit with the kids. We are also looking forward to our Emily Dowling Parent Advisory Group Secretarye upcoming Swan Valley Mums’ Day Out, which will allow the mums a day away torecharge, as well as being a part of the 13
Telethon Type 1 Diabetes Family CentreFinancial StatementsStatement of Revenue and Expenses and Other Comprehensive IncomeFor the Year ended 30 June 2016Revenue 2016 2015Grants and donations $ $Other income 736,233 1,795,571 7,197 20,042 1,815,613 743,430 (16,667)Expenses - -Consulting expense (23,700)Research and development (68,601) (33,906)Depreciation expense (69,646) (10,749)Event costs (264,807) (161,207)Program delivery (30,263) (3,239)Campaign development (7,530) (3,910)Staff development (80,812) (41,426)Facility and administration expenses (545,359) (271,104)Surplus before income tax 198,071 1,544,509Income tax expense - -Net surplus for the year 198,071 1,544,509Other comprehensive income - -Total comprehensive income for the year 198,071 1,544,509
Statement of Financial Position 30 June 30 JuneAs at 30 June 2016 2016 2015 $ $ASSETSCurrent Assets 669,865 384,069Cash and cash equivalents 1,287 57,274Trade and other receivables 7,000 5,183Other financial asset 446,526Total Current Assets 678,152 3,489,884Non-Current Assets 3,456,119 3,489,884Property, plant and equipment 3,456,119Total Non-current Assets 3,936,410 4,134,271TOTAL ASSETS 31,604 31,814LIABILITIES 31,604 31,814Current Liabilities 31,604 31,814Trade and other payables 4,102,667 3,904,596Total Current Liabilities 4,102,667 3,904,596TOTAL LIABILITIES 4,102,667 3,904596NET ASSETSEQUITYAccumulative surplusTOTAL EQUITY
H ighlights... 14Campers Community 26 Events Facebook 15000+ reach Parents 102 Trained365 engaging babysitters onlineThis year we’ve been supported by: We’re in thistogether
On the horizon... Adventure Playground The Family Centre will open its new Adventure Playground, hich ha been built with support from the Comonwealth Government, Stirling Mens Shed, the Foti Family and Bunnings. Digital Research Knowing that many of our families live regionally, we plan to evolve our face to face education programs into digital offerings, which will be available online from the convenience of home. Bigger and Better We’ll be scaling up our dynamic suite of events and programs to reach more families, with a particular focus on supporting newly diagnosed families as early as we can. 17
11 Limosa Court, Stirling 6021 P:+61 8 9446 6446E:[email protected]
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