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Home Explore Adobe After Effect CS6 Tutorial

Adobe After Effect CS6 Tutorial

Published by Praewpan Klankham, 2021-05-20 02:11:04

Description: Adobe After Effect CS6 Tutorial


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Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 84 after effect F keyframe F4 1 Linear 2 Auto Bezier 3 Bezier (Easy Ease) 4 Hold Keyframe F FF F F incoming outcoming Roving Keyframes keyframes F ˈ FF F F F F F F keyframe F F F F keyframe F F F F F Roving Keyframes 1. keyframe F parameter Position 2. Edit selected keyframes F Rove Across Time

Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 85 3. F Easy Ease F keyframe F FF 6 Keyframe Assistance F animation F shortcut F after effect F animation F F keyframe F - Null object - Motion Sketch - Smoother - Auto-Orient - Wiggler - Time-Reverse Keyframes - Exponential Scale

Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 86 1. keyframe F keyframe F F selection tool F F F shift F FF 2. keyframe layer property ˈ keyframe 3. keyframe composition F shortcut Ctrl + Alt + a

Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 87 4. F keyframes F property F (stopwatch) 5. keyframe F F time indicator F shift F keyframe time indicator 6. keyframe F F alt F F F FF F 10 F alt + shift F F Copy and Paste Keyframes copy keyframe property property F property F F x,y F F F F ˊʾ keyframe position F scale F anchor point F F F x,y FF F error scale F F ˈ F F

Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 88 Scaling Motion Path with Null object F F keyframe F F motion path F FF F F keyframe F F F layer F Null Object F 1. ʽ composition F F Layer New Null Object

Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 89 2. timeline panel F F parent F layer F Parent F ˈ Null 1 3. F Null ˁ end FFF Null Scale Motion Sketch FF F Motion after effect F F mouse FF Sketch keyframe F F 1. layer Window Motion Sketch

Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 90 2. F Capture Speed 100 % capture F F F 100 ˈ speed ˈ slow capture F F smooth F F FF capture F F F F 100 smooth keyframe F F F 3. F ˁ start capture F F F F FF ˈF keyframe ˈ 4. F dummy layer F solid layer F copy F F F F effect F Lens Flare Smoother

Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 91 F F Motion Sketch FF F FF F smooth ˆ F Motion Sketch F F Smoother F F F 1. layer F Motion Sketch F F Window Smoother 2. F Smoother F Apply to F ˈ Position ˈ Spatial Path F F ˈ property F opacity ˈ Temporal Graph F Tolerance F apply FF F undo F F Tolerance F Auto-Orient Rotation

Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 92 ˈ FF F FF F Fˈ F FF F 1. layer F F FF 2. Position property Timeline F Layer Transform Auto-Orient 3. Orient Along Path

Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 93 4. F F F rotation 90 5. F Spatial Path and Temporal Graph

Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 94 ˆF animation F F parameter F F ˈ spatial path temporal graph F spatial F XYZ F Position, Anchor point Effect point F FF F F F Properties F F Temporal F F F ˈ F The Wiggler F keyframe F F keyframe F ˈ ˆF random Layer F F keyframes F F 2 keyframes F F Wiggler 1. Window - Wiggler 2. F F Wiggler F F - Apply To ˈ Spatial Temporal Position F All the same - Noise Type F FF - Dimension F F F F All Independently Scale keyframe F - Frequency parameter random - Magnitude F

Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 95 3. F Wiggler F property F position F F F 2 apply keyframe

Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 96 Time-Reverse Keyframes FF FF F 1. keyframe F reverse F Keyframe Assistant Time-Reverse Keyframes

Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 97 2. F F reverse keyframes F property F Position ˈ keyframes F Toolbar Animation Keyframes Assistant Time-Reverse Keyframes Exponential Scale F exponential scale F scale F F Fˈ F 0% 1000% F F F F F FF

Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 98 FF F keyframe 1. F keyframe 0% ˈ 2% 2. Scale keyframes F Animation Keyframe Assistant Exponential Scale

Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 99 3. keyframes ˈ exponential 7 Layer Layer F F F shortcut key F F ˈF F Marker Snapshot

Smile Pro Video : Videographer, After Effect and Sony Vegas Trainer 100 Selecting layers Layers ˈ F Layers Layer F Layer Shift + Click Ctrl + Click Layer F F F Ctrl + A Layer F F F Ctrl + Shift + A Ctrl + ˁ FF Moving Layers in Time Layer F F (Time Indicator) shortcut F Shift F ˈ F Layer F F cursor [ F F F F cursor ] F F F F cursor Alt + Home F F Layer F F Alt + End F F Layer F F Alt + Page down F F Layer F F 1 Alt + Page up F F Layer 1

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