Branding Guidelines
Logo Dimensions and colours
x4 This is our standard logo and x1 should be used in most cases. 90o x4 x4 Minimum print size x2 2.5cm x1 x4 x1 x3 x4 x1 Occasionally it may be more x4 suitable for a publication to use this version of the logo. x4 x4 x1 x3 x4 x4
Working with others B x12 If you are working in partnership with another organisation or are commissioning a service from an external contractor, please always contact the Communications team to discuss appropriate branding. x12 x4 A A x1 x4 B
Partnerships The Communications team will be able to advise you of appropriate branding depending on the nature of the partnership. It will depend on whether the County Council is the main partner or is one of many equal partners. It will also depend on whether the service being delivered should be perceived by its target audience as a full County Council service. When partners take the lead or wish to create a new identity, this has to be discussed with the Communications team in advance and supported with evidence regarding of the needs of the audience group. Commissioning services We are accountable for our services and have a duty to explain to taxpayers how their money is spent. Any company or organisation delivering services on behalf of the Council should use Somerset County Council branding on vehicles, stationery, uniforms etc. This includes email sign off, answering telephone calls as well as signage and printed materials (including web pages). This ensures a consistent customer experience, and the public continue to recognise a Somerset County Council delivered service. All public relations or marketing activity delivered by an external supplier involving or quoting Somerset County Council should also be cleared in advance with the Communications team. When arranging contracts with external suppliers, contractors should be advised at the tender/contract negotiation stage that they should follow our branding protocols. It should be written into contracts and tender documents as follows: “All services provided by any organisation on behalf of Somerset County Council must follow the council’s branding and corporate identity protocols. “Somerset County Council’s Communications team will need to approve all templates for any marketing materials and designs including vehicle livery, publications, website pages, telephone scripts and uniforms, required to deliver the contract. This ensures Somerset County Council’s identity is represented consistently and appropriately.” The contractor’s logo may only be used in exceptional circumstances and with the express permission of Som- erset County Council’s Head of Communications.
LOGO Sub title x1 x1 x4 x4 In some circumstances the communications team may x4 agree that a service needs its own sub logo. Usually this is Volunteers x1 x3 where a service has a business need to have their own sub x4 logo on social media sites. x4 If you feel that your service needs a sub logo, please speak to the Communications Team for guidance. Improving Lives The phrase ‘Improving Lives’ should be included in all of our publications. Improving is always shown in Roboto bold and Lives is always shown in Roboto light.
Brand Primary Colours PANTONE 2452 CP 100% Please use these exact codes for producing documents in the C5 R 197 following formats: M 89 G 58 Y 15 B 113 Online and digital: Hex K7 Printed materials: CMYK Hex Microsoft documents C53A71 (including Word, PowerPoint and Publisher): RGB PANTONE Cool Gray 10 C 90% C 57 R 114 M 47 G 111 Y 44 B 113 K 12 Hex 727478 PANTONE PANTONE 320 C 100% WHITE 100% C 82 R0 C0 R 255 M 18 G 156 M0 G 255 Y 34 B 166 Y0 B 255 K1 K0 Hex Hex 009CA6 FFFFFF
LOGO Colour Combinations The logo should always be reproduced from high resolution digital artwork, in the correct corporate colour or white and should not be scanned. The logo is available for download at: This logo is available in set templates only. If you wish to use it in other ways, please contact the Communications team.
Fonts and web logo Regular Microsoft NEW TAI LUE Bold Microsoft NEW TAI LUE Microsoft New Tai Lue is our corporate font and should be 18pt Improving Lives set as your default. Roboto can be used for websites 14pt Improving Lives and digital projects. 12pt Improving Lives Web Logo Regular Roboto Digital projects, for example Black Roboto new websites, must conform to digital brand guidelines. 18pt Improving Lives For details, please go to Improving Lives Improving Lives
Brand Identity
SCC A4 Letterhead Somerset County Council County Hall, Taunton Somerset, TA1 4DY
Poster A4 size All posters must comply with our Publication Protocols, which can be viewed at If you are printing 50 posters or more, you must contact the Publication Panel to discuss your project. We strongly recommend that you use a professional designer for your poster. A set of templates which designers can adapt is available from the Publications Panel. Head Line Head Line Head Line Head Line Sub header Sub header Sub header Sub header Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum consectetuer adipiscing elit. dolor sit amet Iaculis tempor at ve augue orci consectetuer adipiscing elit. For more information Iaculis tempor at visit ve augue orci contact [email protected] aptent penatibus sociosqu Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit. Iaculis tempor at ve augue orci aptent penatibus sociosqu consectetuer. Ligula ipsum est risus risus platea aptent porta For more information, visit contact [email protected] You do not need to contact the Publication Panel if you are printing fewer than 50 copies. An MS Word template is available for you to adapt at /communications/ useful-information-and-tools/
SCC Trifold leaflet
Examples of social media posts 1200px x 628px Title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam eratt. Improving Title LIVES Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam eratt.
Title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adisdiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh dod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna quam erat If placing text over an image, always ensure there is a strong contrast and make sure the text is on a plain background within the photograph.
SCC Facebook Title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam eratt.
SCC PowerPoint Head Line Sub header Always use high quality images and make sure you have permission to use them. Improving LIVES Head Line Sub header Text should always be clear and easy to read from the back of the room. Use short bullet point prompts rather than paragraphs. Improving LIVES
SCC Compliment Slip Somerset County Council County Hall, Taunton Somerset, TA1 4DY with compliments Improving LIVES Vehicle livery The branding used will vary depending on the type of vehicle, but all vehicles should be white. New vehicle liveries offer campaigning opportunities as well. Please discuss vehicle livery designs, with a Comms Team representative before ordering.
Signage examples ? Reception Improving Please LIVES queue here This is a temporary reception during building works at County Hall Our online services Visitor 24hrs waiting area
ID badges Improving Improving LIVES LIVES Pat Flaherty Temporary Chief Executive Improving LIVES Improving LIVES Contractor Temporary
Useful links and contacts Brand guidelines Publications Panel protocol and form, and branded templates useful-information-and-tools/ Communications team [email protected]
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