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Home Explore Eragon Book 3 - Brisingr _ Christopher Paolini

Eragon Book 3 - Brisingr _ Christopher Paolini

Published by almeirasetiadi, 2022-08-16 05:45:59

Description: Eragon Book 3 - Brisingr _ Christopher Paolini

Keywords: Christopher Paolini,Eragon,Brisingr


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["ON THEORIGIN OFNAMES: To the casual observer, the various names an intrepid traveler will encounter throughout Alaga\u00ebsia might seem but a random collection of labels with no inherent integrity, culture, or history. However, as with any land that different cultures\u2014and in this case, different species\u2014have repeatedly colonized, Alaga\u00ebsia acquired names from a wide array of unique sources, among them the languages of the dwarves, elves, humans, and even Urgals. Thus, we can have Palancar Valley (a human name), the Anora River and Ristvak\u2019baen (elven names), and Utgard Mountain (a dwarf name) all within a few square miles of each other. While this is of great historical interest, practically it often leads to confusion as to the correct pronunciation. Unfortunately, there are no set rules for the neophyte. You must learn each name upon its own terms, unless you can immediately place its language of origin. The matter grows even more confusing when you realize that in many places the resident population altered the spelling and pronunciation of foreign words to conform to their own language. The Anora River is a prime example. Originallyanora was spelled\u00e4enora, which meansbroad in the ancient language. In their writings, the humans simplified the word toanora, and this, combined with a vowel shift wherein\u00e4e (ay-eh) was said as the easiera (uh), created the name as it appears in Eragon\u2019s time. To spare readers as much difficulty as possible, I have compiled the following list, with the understanding that these are only rough guidelines to the actual pronunciation. The enthusiast is encouraged to study the source languages in order to master their true intricacies.","PRONUNCIATION: Ajihad\u2014AH-zhi-hod Alaga\u00ebsia\u2014al-uh-GAY-zee-uh Arya\u2014AR-ee-uh Bl\u00f6dhgarm\u2014BLAWD-garm Brisingr\u2014BRISS-ing-gur Carvahall\u2014CAR-vuh-hall Dras-Leona\u2014DRAHS-lee-OH-nuh Du Weldenvarden\u2014doo WELL-den-VAR-den Ellesm\u00e9ra\u2014el-uhs-MEER-uh Eragon\u2014EHR-uh-gahn Farthen D\u00fbr\u2014FAR-then DURE (durerhymes withlure ) Galbatorix\u2014gal-buh-TOR-icks Gil\u2019ead\u2014GILL-ee-id Glaedr\u2014GLAY-dur Hrothgar\u2014HROTH-gar Islanzad\u00ed\u2014iss-lan-ZAH-dee Jeod\u2014JODE (rhymes withload ) Murtagh\u2014MUR-tag (murrhymes withpurr ) Nasuada\u2014nah-soo-AH-dah Nolfavrell\u2014NOLL-fah-vrel (nollrhymes withtoll ) Oromis\u2014OR-uh-miss Ra\u2019zac\u2014RAA-zack Saphira\u2014suh-FEAR-uh Shruikan\u2014SHREW-kin S\u00edlthrim\u2014SEAL-thrim (s\u00edlis a hard sound to transcribe; it\u2019s made by flicking the tip of the tongue off the","roof of the mouth) Skgahgrezh\u2014skuh-GAH-grezh Teirm\u2014TEERM Trianna\u2014TREE-ah-nuh Tronjheim\u2014TRONJ-heem Ur\u00fb\u2019baen\u2014OO-roo-bane Vrael\u2014VRAIL Yazuac\u2014YAA-zoo-ack Zar\u2019roc\u2014ZAR-rock THEANCIENTLANGUAGE: Adurna r\u00efsa.\u2014Water, rise. Agaet\u00ed Bl\u00f6dhren\u2014Blood-oath Celebration (held once a century to honor the original pact between elves and dragons) \u00e4lfa-kona\u2014elf woman \u00c4thalvard\u2014an organization of elves dedicated to the preservation of their songs and poems Atra du evar\u00ednya ono varda, D\u00e4thedr-vodhr.\u2014May the stars watch over you, honored D\u00e4thedr. Atra estern\u00ed ono thelduin, Eragon Shur\u2019tugal.\u2014May good fortune rule over you, Eragon Dragon Rider. Atra guli\u00e4 un ilian tauthr ono un atra ono wa\u00edse sk\u00f6liro fra rauthr.\u2014May luck and happiness follow you and may you be shielded from misfortune. audr\u2014up Bjartskular\u2014Brightscales Bl\u00f6dhgarm\u2014Bloodwolf brisingr\u2014fire Brisingr, iet tauthr.\u2014Fire, follow me. Brisingr raudhr!\u2014Red fire! deyja\u2014die draumr k\u00f3pa\u2014dream stare","dr\u00f6ttningu\u2014princess Du deloi lunaea.\u2014Smooth the earth\/dirt. Du Namar Aurboda\u2014The Banishing of the Names Du Vrangr Gata\u2014The Wandering Path edur\u2014a tor or prominence Eka eddyr a\u00ed Shur\u2019tugal . . . Shur\u2019tugal . . . Argetlam.\u2014I am a Dragon Rider . . . Dragon Rider . . . Silver Hand. Eka elrun ono.\u2014I thank you. elda\u2014a gender-neutral honorific suffix of great praise, attached with a hyphen Eldhrimner O Loivissa nuanen, dautr abr deloi\/Eldhrimner nen ono weohnata\u00ed medh solus un thringa\/Eldhrimner un fortha onr f\u00ebon vara\/Wiol allr sjon.\u2014Grow, O beautiful Loivissa, daughter of the earth\/Grow as you would with sun and rain\/Grow and put forth your flower of spring\/For all to see. Eldunar\u00ed\u2014the heart of hearts Erisdar\u2014the flameless lanterns both the elves and the dwarves use (named after the elf who invented them) faelnirv\u2014elven liqueur fairth\u2014a picture taken by magical means on a shingle of slate fell\u2014mountain finiarel\u2014an honorific suffix for a young man of great promise, attached with a hyphen flauga\u2014fly fram\u2014forward Fricai onr eka eddyr.\u2014I am your friend. g\u00e1nga\u2014go Garjzla, letta!\u2014Light, stop! gedw\u00eby ignasia\u2014shining palm Helgrind\u2014The Gates of Death Indlvarn\u2014a certain type of pairing between a Rider and dragon jierda\u2014break; hit k\u00f6nungr\u2014king","Kuldr, r\u00efsa lam iet un malthinae unin b\u00f6llr.\u2014Gold, rise to my hand and bind into an orb. kveykva\u2014lightning l\u00e1marae\u2014a fabric made by cross-weaving wool and nettle threads (similar in construction to linsey-woolsey, but of higher quality) letta\u2014stop Liduen Kvaedh\u00ed\u2014Poetic Script loivissa\u2014a blue, deep-throated lily that grows in the Empire maela\u2014quiet naina\u2014make bright nalgask\u2014a mixture of beeswax and hazelnut oil used to moisten the skin Nen ono weohnata, Arya Dr\u00f6ttningu.\u2014As you will, Princess Arya. seithr\u2014witch Shur\u2019tugal\u2014Dragon Rider slytha\u2014sleep Stenr r\u00efsa!\u2014Stone, rise! svit-kona\u2014a formal honorific for an elf woman of great wisdom talos\u2014a cactus found near Helgrind thaefathan\u2014thicken Thorta du ilum\u00ebo!\u2014Speak the truth! vakna\u2014awaken vodhr\u2014a male honorific suffix of middling praise, attached with a hyphen Wa\u00edse heill!\u2014Be healed! yaw\u00eb\u2014a bond of trust THEDWARFLANGUAGE: Asc\u00fbdgamln\u2014fists of steel Az Knurldr\u00e2thn\u2014The Trees of Stone","Az Ragni\u2014The River Az Sartosvrenht rak Balmung, Grimstnzborith rak Kvisag\u00fbr\u2014The Saga of King Balmung of Kvisag\u00fbr Az Sindriznarrvel\u2014The Gem of Sindri barz\u00fbl\u2014curse someone with ill fate delva\u2014a term of endearment among the dwarves; also a form of gold nodule indigenous to the Beor Mountains that the dwarves greatly prize d\u00fbr\u2014our d\u00fbrgrimst\u2014clan (literally, \u201cour hall,\u201d or \u201cour home\u201d) d\u00fbrgrimstvren\u2014clan war eta\u2014no Eta! Narho \u00fbdim etal os is\u00fb vond! Narho \u00fbdim etal os formvn mend\u00fbnost brakn, az Varden, hrestvog d\u00fbr grimstnzhadn! Az Jurgenvren qathrid n\u00e9 d\u00f4mar oen etal\u2014No! I will not let that happen! I will not let these beardless fools, the Varden, destroy our country. The Dragon War left us weak and not\u2014 Fanghur\u2014dragon-like creatures that are smaller and less intelligent than their cousins (native to the Beor Mountains) Farthen D\u00fbr\u2014Our Father Feld\u00fbnost\u2014frostbeard (a species of goat native to the Beor Mountains) G\u00e1ldhiem\u2014Bright\/shining head Ghastgar\u2014spear-throwing contest akin to jousting and fought on the backs of Feld\u00fbnost grimstborith\u2014clan chief (literally, \u201chall chief \u201d; plural isgrimstborithn ) grimstcarvlorss\u2014arranger of the house grimstnzborith\u2014ruler of the dwarves, whether king or queen (literally, \u201challs\u2019 chief \u201d) h\u00fbthv\u00edr\u2014double-bladed staff weapon used by D\u00fbrgrimst Quan Hwatum il skilfz gerd\u00fbmn!\u2014Listen to mine words! Ingeitum\u2014fire workers; smiths Isidar Mithrim\u2014Star Rose (the star sapphire) knurla\u2014dwarf (literally, \u201cone of stone\u201d; plural isknurlan )","knurlaf\u2014woman\/she\/her knurlag\u2014man\/he\/him knurlagn\u2014men Knurlcarathn\u2014stoneworkers; masons Knurlnien\u2014Stone Heart Ledwonn\u00fb\u2014K\u00edlf\u2019s necklace; also used as a general term fornecklace menknurlan\u2014unstone ones\/those who are not, or are without, stone (the worst insult in Dwarvish; cannot be directly translated into English) m\u00e9rna\u2014lake\/pool Nagra\u2014giant boar, native to the Beor Mountains Nal, Grimstnzborith Orik!\u2014Hail, King Orik! ornthrond\u2014eagle eye Ragni Darmn\u2014River of Small Red Fish Ragni Hefthyn\u2014River Guard Shrrg\u2014giant wolf, native to the Beor Mountains Skilfz Delva\u2014Mine Delva (seedelva for translation) thriknzdal\u2014the temper line on the blade of a differentially tempered weapon Tronjheim\u2014Helm of Giants \u00dbn qroth G\u00fbntera!\u2014Thus spoke G\u00fbntera! Urzhad\u2014giant cave bear, native to the Beor Mountains Vargrimst\u2014clanless\/banished Vrenshrrgn\u2014War Wolves werg\u2014the dwarves\u2019 equivalent ofugh (used humorously in the place name Werghadn;Werghadn translates as either \u201cthe land of ugh\u201d or, more liberally, \u201cthe ugly land\u201d) THENOMADLANGUAGE: no\u2014an honorific suffix attached with a hyphen to the main name of someone you respect THEURGALLANGUAGE:","Herndall\u2014Urgal dams who rule their tribes namna\u2014woven strips containing Urgal family narratives that are placed by the entrances to their huts nar\u2014a title of great respect Urgralgra\u2014Urgals\u2019 name for themselves (literally, \u201cthose with horns\u201d) Synopsis ofEragon andEldest Eragon\u2014a fifteen-year-old farm boy\u2014is shocked when a polished blue stone appears before him in the range of mountains known as the Spine. Eragon takes the stone to the farm where he lives with his uncle, Garrow, and his cousin, Roran, outside the small village of Carvahall. Garrow and his late wife, Marian, have raised Eragon. Nothing is known of Eragon\u2019s father; his mother, Selena, was Garrow\u2019s sister and has not been seen since Eragon\u2019s birth. Later, the stone cracks open and a baby dragon emerges. When Eragon touches her, a silvery mark appears on his palm, and an irrevocable bond is forged between their minds, making Eragon one of the legendary Dragon Riders. He names the dragon Saphira, after a dragon mentioned by the village storyteller, Brom. The Dragon Riders were created thousands of years earlier in the aftermath of the devastating war between the elves and the dragons, in order to prevent their two races from ever again fighting each other. The Riders became peacekeepers, educators, healers, natural philosophers, and the greatest of all magicians\u2014since being joined with a dragon makes one a spellcaster. Under their guidance and protection, the land enjoyed a golden age. When humans arrived in Alaga\u00ebsia, they too were added to this elite order. After many years of peace, the warlike Urgals killed the dragon of a young human Rider named Galbatorix. The loss drove him mad, and when his elders refused to provide him with another dragon, Galbatorix set out to topple the Riders. He stole another dragon\u2014whom he named Shruikan and forced to serve him through certain black spells\u2014and gathered around himself a group of thirteen traitors: the Forsworn. With the help of those cruel disciples, Galbatorix threw down the Riders; killed their leader, Vrael; and declared himself king over Alaga\u00ebsia. His actions forced the elves to retreat deep within their pinewood forest and the dwarves to hide in their tunnels and caves, and neither race now ventures forth from its secret places. The stalemate between Galbatorix and the other races has endured for over a hundred years, during which all of the Forsworn have died from various causes. It is into this tense political situation that Eragon finds himself thrust. Several months after Saphira hatches, two menacing, beetle-like strangers called the Ra\u2019zac arrive in Carvahall, searching for the stone that was Saphira\u2019s egg. Eragon and Saphira manage to evade them, but they destroy Eragon\u2019s home and murder Garrow. Eragon vows to track down and kill the Ra\u2019zac. As he leaves Carvahall, the storyteller Brom, who","knows of Saphira\u2019s existence, accosts Eragon and asks to accompany him. Brom gives Eragon a red Dragon Rider\u2019s sword, Zar\u2019roc, though he refuses to say how he acquired it. Eragon learns much from Brom during their travels, including how to fight with swords and use magic. When they lose the Ra\u2019zac\u2019s trail, they go to the port town of Teirm and visit Brom\u2019s old friend Jeod, who Brom thinks may be able to help them locate the Ra\u2019zac\u2019s lair. In Teirm, they learn that the Ra\u2019zac live somewhere close to the city of Dras-Leona. Eragon also has his fortune told by the herbalist Angela and receives two strange pieces of advice from her companion, the werecat Solembum. On the way to Dras-Leona, Brom reveals that he is an agent of the Varden\u2014a rebel group dedicated to overthrowing Galbatorix\u2014and that he had been hiding in Carvahall, waiting for a new Dragon Rider to appear. Twenty years ago, Brom was involved in stealing Saphira\u2019s egg from Galbatorix and, in the process, killed Morzan, first and last of the Forsworn. Only two other dragon eggs still exist, both of which remain in Galbatorix\u2019s possession. In and near Dras-Leona, they encounter the Ra\u2019zac, who mortally wound Brom while he is protecting Eragon. A mysterious young man named Murtagh drives the Ra\u2019zac away. With his dying breath, Brom confesses that he too was once a Rider and that his slain dragon was also named Saphira. Eragon and Saphira then decide to join the Varden, but Eragon is captured at the city of Gil\u2019ead and brought before Durza, an evil and powerful Shade who serves Galbatorix. With Murtagh\u2019s help, Eragon escapes from prison, bringing along with him the elf Arya, another captive of Durza\u2019s and an ambassador to the Varden. Arya has been poisoned and requires the Varden\u2019s medical help. Pursued by a contingent of Urgals, the four of them flee across the land to the Varden\u2019s headquarters in the giant Beor Mountains, which stand over ten miles high. Circumstances force Murtagh\u2014who does not want to go to the Varden\u2014to reveal that he is the son of Morzan. Murtagh, however, has denounced his dead father\u2019s villainy and fled Galbatorix\u2019s court to seek his own destiny. And he tells Eragon that the sword Zar\u2019roc once belonged to Murtagh\u2019s father. Just before they are overwhelmed by the Urgals, Eragon and his friends are rescued by the Varden, who live in Farthen D\u00fbr, a hollow mountain that is also home to the dwarves\u2019 capital, Tronjheim. Once inside, Eragon is taken to Ajihad, leader of the Varden, while Murtagh is imprisoned because of his relation to Morzan. Eragon meets with the dwarf king, Hrothgar, and Ajihad\u2019s daughter, Nasuada, and is tested by the Twins, two rather nasty magicians who serve Ajihad. Eragon and Saphira also bless one of the Varden\u2019s orphan babies while the Varden heal Arya of her poisoning. Eragon\u2019s stay is disrupted by news of an Urgal army approaching underground, through the dwarves\u2019 tunnels. In the battle that follows, Eragon is separated from Saphira and forced to fight Durza alone. Far stronger than any human, Durza easily defeats Eragon, slashing open his back from shoulder to hip. At that moment, Saphira and Arya break the roof of a chamber\u2014a sixty-foot-wide star sapphire\u2014distracting Durza long enough for Eragon to stab him through the heart. Freed from Durza\u2019s spells, which were controlling them, the Urgals are driven back. While Eragon lies unconscious after the battle, he is telepathically contacted by a being who identifies himself as Togira Ikonoka\u2014the Cripple Who Is Whole. He urges Eragon to seek him for instruction in Ellesm\u00e9ra, the elves\u2019 capital. When Eragon wakes, he has a huge scar across his back. Dismayed, he also realizes he only slew Durza","through sheer luck and that he desperately needs more training. And at the end of Book One, he decides that, yes, he will find this Togira Ikonoka and learn from him. Eldestbegins three days after Eragon slays Durza. The Varden are recovering from the Battle of Farthen D\u00fbr, and Ajihad, Murtagh, and the Twins have been hunting down the Urgals who escaped into the tunnels underneath Farthen D\u00fbr after the battle. When a group of Urgals takes them by surprise, Ajihad is killed and Murtagh and the Twins disappear in the fray. The Varden\u2019s Council of Elders appoints Nasuada to succeed her father as new leader of the Varden, and Eragon swears fealty to her as her vassal. Eragon and Saphira decide they must leave for Ellesm\u00e9ra to begin their training with the Cripple Who Is Whole. Before they go, the dwarf king, Hrothgar, offers to adopt Eragon into his clan, the D\u00fbrgrimst Ingeitum, and Eragon accepts, which gives him full legal rights as a dwarf and entitles him to participate in dwarvish councils. Both Arya and Orik, Hrothgar\u2019s foster son, accompany Eragon and Saphira on their journey to the land of the elves. En route, they stop in Tarnag, a dwarf city. Some of the dwarves are friendly, but Eragon learns that one clan in particular does not welcome him and Saphira\u2014the Az Sweldn rak Anh\u00fbin, who hate Riders and dragons because the Forsworn slaughtered so many of their clan. The party finally arrives in Du Weldenvarden, the forest of the elves. At Ellesm\u00e9ra, Eragon and Saphira meet Islanzad\u00ed, queen of the elves, who, they learn, is Arya\u2019s mother. They also meet with the Cripple Who Is Whole: an ancient elf named Oromis. He too is a Rider. Oromis and his dragon, Glaedr, have kept their existence hidden from Galbatorix for the past hundred years while they searched for a way to overthrow the king. Both Oromis and Glaedr are afflicted with old wounds that prevent them from fighting\u2014Glaedr is missing a leg and Oromis, who was captured and broken by the Forsworn, is unable to control large amounts of magic and is prone to debilitating seizures. Eragon and Saphira begin their training, both together and separately. Eragon learns more about the history of Alaga\u00ebsia\u2019s races, swordsmanship, and the ancient language, which all magicians use. In his studies of the ancient language, he discovers he made a terrible mistake when he and Saphira blessed the orphaned baby in Farthen D\u00fbr: he intended to say \u201cMay you be shielded from misfortune,\u201d but what he actually said was \u201cMay you bea shield from misfortune.\u201d He has cursed the baby to shield others from any and all pain and misfortune. Saphira makes quick progress learning from Glaedr, but the scar Eragon bears as a result of his battle with Durza slows his training. Not only is the mark on his back disfiguring, but at unexpected times it incapacitates him with painful spasms. He does not know how he will improve as a magician and swordsman if his convulsions continue. Eragon begins to realize he has feelings for Arya. He confesses them to her, but she rebuffs him and soon leaves to return to the Varden. Then the elves hold a ritual known as the Agaet\u00ed Bl\u00f6dhren, or the Blood-oath Celebration, during which Eragon goes through a magical transformation: he is turned into an elf-human hybrid\u2014not quite one, not quite the other. As a result, his scar is healed and he now has the same superhuman strength the elves have. His features are also altered, so he appears slightly elvish.","At this point, Eragon learns that the Varden are on the brink of battle with the Empire and are in dire need of him and Saphira. While Eragon has been away, Nasuada has moved the Varden from Farthen D\u00fbr to Surda, a country south of the Empire that still maintains its independence from Galbatorix. Eragon and Saphira leave Ellesm\u00e9ra, along with Orik, after promising Oromis and Glaedr that they will return to complete their training as soon as they can. Meanwhile, Eragon\u2019s cousin, Roran, has been having his own adventures. Galbatorix has sent the Ra\u2019zac and a legion of imperial soldiers to Carvahall, looking to capture Roran, so as to use him against Eragon. Roran manages to escape into the nearby mountains. He and the other villagers attempt to drive the soldiers away. Numerous villagers die in the process. When Sloan, the village butcher\u2014who hates Roran and opposes Roran\u2019s engagement to his daughter, Katrina\u2014betrays Roran to the Ra\u2019zac, the beetle-like creatures find and attack Roran in the middle of the night in his bedroom. Roran fights his way free, but the Ra\u2019zac capture Katrina. Roran convinces the people of Carvahall to leave their village and seek refuge with the Varden in Surda. They set out westward for the coast, in the hope that they can sail from there to Surda. Roran proves himself as a leader, bringing them safely through the Spine to the coast. In the port town of Teirm, they meet Jeod, who tells Roran that Eragon is a Rider and explains what the Ra\u2019zac were looking for in Carvahall in the first place\u2014Saphira. Jeod offers to help Roran and the villagers reach Surda, pointing out that once Roran and the villagers are safely with the Varden, Roran can enlist Eragon\u2019s help in rescuing Katrina. Jeod and the villagers pirate a ship and sail toward Surda. Eragon and Saphira reach the Varden, who are readying for battle. Eragon learns what has become of the baby upon whom he bestowed the ill-phrased blessing: her name is Elva, and though, chronologically, she is still a baby, she has the appearance of a four-year-old child and the voice and demeanor of a world-weary adult. Eragon\u2019s spell forces her to sense the pain of all the people she sees, and compels her to protect them; if she resists this urge, she herself suffers. Eragon, Saphira, and the Varden ride out to meet the Empire\u2019s troops on the Burning Plains, a large swath of land that smokes and smolders from underground peat fires. They are astonished when another Rider appears astride a red dragon. The new Rider slays Hrothgar, the dwarf king, and then begins to fight with Eragon and Saphira. When Eragon manages to wrench the Rider\u2019s helm off, he is shocked to see Murtagh. Murtagh did not die in the Urgal ambush under Farthen D\u00fbr. The Twins arranged it all; they are traitors who planned the ambush so Ajihad would be killed and they could capture Murtagh and take him to Galbatorix. The king forced Murtagh to swear loyalty to him in the ancient language. Now Murtagh and his newly hatched dragon, Thorn, are Galbatorix\u2019s slaves, and Murtagh asserts that his oaths will never allow him to disobey the king, though Eragon pleads with him to abandon Galbatorix and join the Varden. Murtagh is able to overwhelm Eragon and Saphira with an inexplicable display of strength. However, he decides to free them because of their previous friendship. Before Murtagh leaves, he takes Zar\u2019roc from Eragon, claiming it is his inheritance as Morzan\u2019s elder son. Then he reveals that he is not Morzan\u2019s only son\u2014Eragon and Murtagh are brothers, both sons of Selena, Morzan\u2019s consort. The Twins discovered the truth when they examined Eragon\u2019s memories the day he arrived at Farthen D\u00fbr. Still reeling from Murtagh\u2019s revelation about their parentage, Eragon retreats with Saphira, and he is finally reunited with Roran and the villagers of Carvahall, who have arrived at the Burning Plains just in time to aid the Varden in the battle. Roran fought heroically and succeeded in killing the Twins.","Eragon and Roran make peace over Eragon\u2019s role in Garrow\u2019s death, and Eragon vows to help Roran rescue Katrina from the Ra\u2019zac. BRISINGR is also available in an unabridged audio edition from Listening Library CD ISBN 978-0-739-36804-6 $60.00 U.S. \/ $69.00 CAN. Audiobook download ISBN 978-0-739-36805-3 $30.00 U.S. \/ $34.00 CAN. CONTENTS Title Page Dedication Maps Synopsis of Eragon and Eldest The Gates of Death Around the Campfire Assault on Helgrind Divergence Rider and Ra\u2019zac To Walk the Land Alone The Trial of the Long Knives Winged Tidings","Escape and Evasion A Delicate Matter Bloodwolf Mercy, Dragon Rider Shadows of the Past Amid the Restless Crowd To Answer a King A Feast with Friends Intersecting Sagas Making Amends Gifts of Gold I Need a Sword! Unexpected Guests Fire in the Sky Man and Wife Whispers in the Night Orders Footprints of Shadow Over Hill and Mountain For My Love A Forest of Stone The Laughing Dead Blood on the Rocks A Matter of Perspective Kiss Me Sweet Gl\u00fbmra","Clanmeet Insubordination Message in a Mirror Four Strokes upon the Drum Reunion Ascension Words of Wisdom The Whipping Post Among the Clouds Butting Heads Genealogy Two Lovers Doomed Inheritance Souls of Stone Hands of a Warrior The Tree of Life Mind over Metal A Rider in Full Greaves and Bracers Leave-taking Flight Brisingr! Shadow of Doom Sunrise Pronunciation Guide and Glossary","Acknowledgments Copyright"]

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