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Home Explore STREETSCAPES_clone


Published by Mikaellah Munlawin, 2023-06-10 16:06:09

Description: In this journey through streetscapes, let us embrace our flaws and imperfections. For it is in these vulnerabilities that we truly find ourselves at home.

As I turn these pages, I invite you to join me in savoring the bittersweet taste of nostalgia while keeping our hearts open to the uncharted paths that lie ahead.


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["how the Mangyans and Badjaos would find pleasure in the simplest things, like a beautiful sunset or a cool breeze on a hot day. They had a deep appreciation for life and its small joys, and it was something that I found inspiring. But at the same time, it was heartbreaking to see the struggles and hardships that they faced every day. I saw how they had to deal with hunger, sickness, and violence on a daily basis, and it was a stark reminder of how unfair life can be. STREETSCAPES | 140","Captured by: Mikaellah Munlawin","Streets Of Purpose Mikaellah Munlawin I began what was to become a long-term venture exploring the lives of nuns in the Oblate Sisters of Saint Joseph convent in Padre Garcia, Batangas. I was intrigued by stories of people who live non-traditional lifestyles \u2013 individuals who opt for ways of living that differ from the usual societal norms, and whose choices have significant consequences on their overall existence. For as long as I can remember, I\u2019ve been drawn to nuns. Growing up Catholic, I already have a comprehensive understanding of the teachings of the nuns. Every morning, as I walked through the bustling streets of the city, dressed in traditional habit, I couldn\u2019t help but feel a sense of calm amidst the chaos. As an aspiring nun, I had taken a vow of poverty, chastity, and obedience, dedicating my life to serving God and those in need. And even though I had walked these streets many times before, each time felt like a new adventure. The sounds of traffic and chatter filled my ears as I made my way towards the parish, where I would be servings for the day. As I walked, I noticed the people around me; STREETSCAPES | 142","some were rushing to work, while others were loitering on the street corner. I saw families walking hand in hand, couples holding each other close, and homeless people huddled in doorways, seeking refuge from the cold. I felt a pang of sadness in my heart as I saw the suffering around me, but I also felt a sense of purpose. Every day, I did what I could to help those in need, to offer a kind word or a simple gesture of compassion. I knew that I couldn\u2019t change the world on my own, but I also knew that every small act of kindness could make a difference. As I assisted the parish director, I saw a line of people waiting outside, hoping to be blessed with holy water and a kind word. I smiled at them, feeling grateful for the opportunity to serve them. And as I entered the sacristy, I felt a sense of warmth and familiarity, as if I had been there many times before. I placed the chalice, paten, and other liturgical items in their proper place, my mind focused on the task at hand. But I couldn\u2019t help but overhear the conversations around me. Some people were talking about their struggles with addiction, while others were discussing their financial troubles. And yet, despite the challenges they faced, there was a sense of resilience and hope that shone through. As the day went on, I assisted in the distribution of communion, each time offering a smile and a kind word. And even though I was tired, my heart felt full. It was moments like these that reminded me why I want to become a nun in the first place \u2013 to serve others and to 143 | STREETSCAPES","offer them a glimmer of hope in the midst of their struggles. As the sun began to set, I made my way back to the convent, my heart filled with gratitude and purpose. As I walked through the quiet streets, the rosary beads clinking against each other and the sounds of the city slowly fading away, I felt a sense of peace. The day had been long, but it had also been rewarding. As I continue to walked again, I knew that I was doing God\u2019s work. I was making a difference, one person at a time and that was all that mattered. And as I looked up at the stars above, I knew that I was exactly where I was meant to be \u2013 walking the streets as a humble servant of God, offering hope and compassion to all those in need. Now, I have been away from the convent for three years after spending a year there. I had to leave because I was diagnosed with heart disease, and my parents insisted that I return home. Although I have undergone significant changes, I still carry all the teachings I acquired during my time in the convent. I still walk down the same street to our parish, but now, instead of being a nun, I serve the church as an altar server, and I plan to continue doing so. It doesn\u2019t matter where life throws me but the convent will be my first and last love. It gave me the most amazing teachers in life who took care of me. It gave me the ethics and knowledge which were the stepping stones to my success and most importantly it gave me the most unexpected and the best family which ultimately became my life. STREETSCAPES | 144","The Rose Gold Autumn Ashlij Junairah Quintana I am running in the midst of the street, late in my class, and of course I will probably get scolded by my teacher in the first subject again. It is cold, and I am shivering in the cool breeze on the windy street. I forgot to bring a jacket, a terrible mistake I cannot forgive. It's so cold that I felt it in my soul. While I am running in the middle of the street, close to my school, the cool wind blows, and the leaves start falling in the trees in colors of orange and yellow. It's a beautiful sight with a warm-cold feeling. It's like what I see in the TV shows about other countries. But it's time to go, and I am late. So I run through to the school, and I am already 20 minutes late. The teacher scolded me as I just stared at her and sat on my own chair in the middle of the class. Okay, so the teacher continued to teach her lesson, and I cannot seem to focus on it. I wandered my eyes outside the window, and I loved the sight I saw. The wind blows through the trees, which makes leaves fall from the trees. It is lovely, and it looks heart-pleasing wandering close to those trees I see. While I 145 | STREETSCAPES","enjoyed the view of the art of God, the teacher called my name as I had to answer her question. Of all the people, why me? I hate you, ma'am. I stood up, and she questioned me about how Emilio Aguinaldo became president. I answered her that he won through a vote. Which made her irrelevantly angry. So he called another student to answer and told me to stay standing. Okay, now I can have more vision from the outside. I continued my exploration of my mind outside and mesmerized myself with the streets, breeze, and leaves. I will definitely go there after class. So the class is finished, and I've gone to the next class. And there I also looked out the window, from a different perspective. After the first half of my day, I went to lunch. I have gone to the cafeteria and bought a spicy adobo, which is one of my personal favorites here at school. I am enchanted by the view I have seen lately in the class, so I tried to look for a seat in the park of the school with the leaves falling and the wind blowing. I am having a hard time, and it upsets me that there are many students sitting on these seats in the park, which are normally always available and are underrated. Just what the heck? I saw someone stand up from their seat, and I ran to that and made myself the official owner now of this seat. While eating, I felt the cool wind on my skin, and it was chilling. I forgot to bring a jacket, so I am having a hard time. The wind really packs a punch\u2014cold punches. but anything for the view, scenery, and aesthetics of the fall. I enjoyed my food, even when I was chilled by the cool breeze. But it STREETSCAPES | 146","felt so good. I ate every bite of my food with pleasure as I let the wind cross my skin. So warm yet cold. I ate, took my last bite, and sat for a moment. I looked at the trees again. It was waving, and I felt the heartwarming view of nature. The clouds with the pale blue skies, the trees waving with each other, the cool breeze blowing in, and the yellow and orange leaves falling on the trees This could be my favorite view of nature. Well, the next class is about to start, so I stood up and got my trash and utensils and put them in their respective places. I also bought an iced coffee. Which is also a mistake aside from not bringing a jacket. While in class, the teacher is speaking in a mild and monotone voice. There is nothing that makes a student sleepier than a monotone voice. Well, I am at least enjoying my coffee, which is iced, and it is cold. Yeah, I am getting a cold. While I was in my seat, I looked outside again and saw the street. I saw children playing on it in the cool breeze. I hate kids, but I found it cool seeing the kids play outside rather than on phones, tablets, and gadgets. I still hear the monotone voice of my teacher, and I'm starting to feel so sleepy. \\\"Ashlij wake up, the class is finished!\\\", my classmate told me. What the heck, I fell asleep. No one even bothered to wake me up during class. Well, at least I got a good nap. I then started packing up my bag and have gone out of the cage. I mean school. It's already 4:30 p.m., and the sunset is 147 | STREETSCAPES","already on. I ran through the street full of waving trees, a wind with a cool breeze, and falling leaves in colors of yellow and orange. I got there and found myself ecstatically pleasing and joyfully walking towards it. I love this, and I never want to go anywhere else. I leaned in and got one leaf in the ground. I felt the breeze in my skin, and the feeling was blissful. I stood beside a tree and looked at the falling leaves. I love this and always will. The sky is orange, the trees wave, the clouds are fluffy, the leaves are falling, and the wind blows cool and warm. This street deserves love, so I call this the \\\"Rose Gold Autumn\\\". STREETSCAPES | 148","WGraalflfsiti Kayn Twixy Punzalan","","Echoes Of History Mikaellah Munlawin Excitement bubbled within me as I stepped foot on the streets of Intramuros, the historic heart of Manila. My friend, Ramon, my sister Althea, and my cousin John Lloyd had accompanied me all the way from Batangas to experience the charm of this renowned walled city. As we began our journey, the vibrant energy of the streets enveloped us. Intramuros, with its colonial architecture, felt like a gateway to the past. I could hardly contain my enthusiasm, especially since I had always imagined this place through the pages of a Wattpad story titled \\\"I Love You Since 1892.\\\" Now, it was time to see Fort Santiago, the centerpiece of my imagination, in person. Our first stop was a cozy restaurant nestled along one of the streets. We savored delicious dishes that paid homage to traditional Filipino cuisine. The flavors danced on our tongues, reminiscent of family gatherings back home in Batangas. Over the meal, we shared laughter, stories, and dreams, immersing ourselves in the spirit of the streets we were about to walk. 151 | STREETSCAPES","As we walked, I caught sight of a mural painted on the side of a building. It depicted a colorful tableau of Filipino culture and heritage, capturing the essence of the streets we traversed. The vibrant strokes of the artist's brush seemed to bring the history of Intramuros to life, bridging the gap between the past and the present. The walls whispered tales of a bygone era, each corner revealing a piece of history. The streets themselves seemed to come alive, embracing us in their timeless embrace. On our way to Fort Santiago, we were captivated by a charming Starbucks caf\u00e9 adorned with an aesthetically pleasing decor. We sought refuge from the midday sun, stepping into the air-conditioned haven. The scent of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the whispers of conversations, creating an ambiance of comfort and familiarity. With steaming cups in hand, we sat by the window, gazing out at the streets that led to the fort. Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of a kalesa, a traditional horse-drawn carriage, gracefully trotting along the cobblestones. The sight mesmerized me, evoking a sense of nostalgia for simpler times. I imagined myself in a different era, gliding through the streets with the rhythmic clip-clop of hooves as my soundtrack. While we were in line to enter Fort Santiago, the fragrance of freshly cooked taho wafted through the air, drawing our attention to a vendor nearby. We couldn't resist the allure of this beloved Filipino treat and eagerly bought cups of strawberry and ube flavored taho. The velvety texture and sweet flavors delighted our taste buds, STREETSCAPES | 152","an unexpected culinary adventure within the charming streets of Intramuros. My camera clicked away, capturing the essence of the streets inside Fort Santiago, preserving the memories we were creating. Every street corner, every architectural detail, every mural painted a vivid picture of our unforgettable journey through Intramuros. Before bidding farewell to Intramuros, I ventured into a quaint souvenir shop, my heart set on finding the perfect memento. A kalesa-shaped keychain caught my eye, a tangible reminder of the enchanting carriage that had captured my imagination. I also purchased a gray-colored bracelet, a symbol of the streets we had traversed together. These tokens would serve as cherished reminders of our adventure in Intramuros. As we travelled back to Batangas, we shared stories of our favorite moments, laughter mingling with fond memories. Intramuros had become more than just a destination\u2014it had become a cherished chapter in our personal stories. Our shared experiences had brought us closer, strengthening the bonds of friendship and family. We were now connected by the memories we had etched onto the streets, forever woven into the tapestry of our lives. In the days and months that followed, the streets of Intramuros remained a beacon of inspiration. They reminded us to embrace the richness of our cultural heritage, to seek beauty in every corner, and to find joy in 153 | STREETSCAPES","the simple moments shared with loved ones. The streets of Intramuros had become a symbol of exploration, unity, and the profound impact of stepping outside our comfort zones. Whenever I glanced at the kalesa keychain or wore the charm bracelet, I was transported back to the streets that had captured my heart. They served as constant reminders of the adventurous spirit that resided within me and the treasures that awaited beyond my doorstep. So, as I continue my journey through life, I carry the lessons learned from the streets of Intramuros within me. They have become a part of who I am\u2014an explorer, a seeker of stories, and a guardian of the memories we create along the way. The streets of Intramuros will forever hold a special place in my heart, a testament to the transformative power of stepping onto unfamiliar ground and embracing the adventure that lies in every street we tread. STREETSCAPES | 154","After-School Streets Kenneth Cabarles Did you know that school isn't all about academics, competence, and activities? School is a lot of fun, a mixed of stress, and full of competence. An emotional rollercoaster wherein you learn, fail, and move on to the things. Friends helps one another and cares as we try to pass the semesters. But after school is the best. We venture in streets, buy street foods, argue about it, talk about schools, and part ways to go home. 11th-Grade is a time, where I got a lot of joyous and competitive moments in my life. I have met incredibly intelligent people, highly socialized and civilized classmates, and good-hearted people. I befriended with them and took many interests and have known many things. I have battled and took fun to group activities. There's a lot of events like the foundation day, where I brought my cousin and introduced him to my circle of friends. There, we all ate together of the piece of chicken we of course paid the school for. After school, we walk to the outside of the school and venture the streets of Tanauan. We can see street vendors who sells street foods, where many story has been built 155 | STREETSCAPES","and felt. As some of my friends takes a fishball out of the cup of my other friend, and we call it stealing. I am always the observer and the one who laugh. I find it fun seeing fun chaos towards my circle as they fight over a food, and hiding it also, to feeling betrayed when not given a little food. It all happens after school, some friend goes out of the circle because of a girl, also came back because the girl returned to her ex-boyfriend, so sad. Then he came back to us. And then another friend also fell in love with a girl, and also goes out of the group, which they didn't last long, and also came back to our little circle. We built bond and recognized each role, as we walk down the street, fighting over the few stocks of lumpia, which is so delicious that it drains my wallet. Me and my friends will fight over that one lumpia that the last stock the vendor got. And the one who bought it will only get a portion because me and my friends wants a share. Some of the times we go to our friend\u2019s house and have a sleepover, it is inside a street in San Miguel, Sto. Tomas. We all walk to it, buy street foods again, have fun, have talk, and fight over little things again and again. Other times we just run to the streets and chase one another just for fun. We also tried restaurants that cannot be easily found, a weird one. But their grill is delicious that made my wallet depressed. I found it fun to walk with them in streets, and it is always sad whenever we said our goodbyes to one another. It is always the fun and sad part. Walking down streets and STREETSCAPES | 156","having fun, while also having in mind that we all have to go separate ways to go home. As for the homes, we all live in different places. Some lives in Sto. Tomas, others are still in Tanauan, there's living in Malvar like me, and there are few that lives far away like in Calamba and Lipa. But all wake up in the morning, updating each other as to what agenda we will have and do, what bond will we make fun of this time and how late we are into going to school. That kind of bond makes me feel comfortable in the whole room wherein I can go anywhere in the room to chill, something I haven't experienced before. I have gotten used to the feeling of farewells, until the Pandemic happens. A news about the spread of a virus in the country, and an international lockdown occurs. We are saddened by it, as we all missed each other. We missed the streets of Tanauan and of the arguments over simple things and laughing out of it. We missed the bonds we used to feel, after class, down the streets. And we all missed the circle where the emotions have built, the cries of the problems, the shoulders we have shared, and the family we built. But altogether, we still bonded even online. My friend and I played games online, talked in discord, and still get some fun. On 12th grade, the students of classes are arranged to the same fields as classes. Means we are all moved to the class we belong. My friends have gone to medical fields class, others to the IT and Computer Science class. I, on the other hand, has been moved to engineering student\u2019s class. That year made the circle be busy to each other classes as we have different perspective now and 157 | STREETSCAPES","new environment because of the online class learning system to prevent students and teachers to get the on- going virus. I have met new friends and groups, but not as fun as the last year. Times pass, and we all have different business we take. Our friendship meets lack of bond. We face the reality of falling out of love of the circle, a reality that still pains me. It all faded as we all graduated and have gone to college. We now have so different paths, different friends, and different feelings. I can feel we all now got busy and have lost in transition. We have gone to pursue our careers and be serious in life. As I study in school and on my own, all I can do is mesmerize and appreciate the fun times we have, most likely the times of the circle in the streets. The streets that gave me goosebumps, the streets that made me smile. The after-school streets. STREETSCAPES | 158","WNoatnAdlelr WArheo Lost Faith Jewell Concepcion Listening to the 1975 song \u201cI Always Wanna Die,\u201d going home, resting my head back at the Jeep\u2019s window, I tried to escape the crowd\u2019s noise. Feel the stranger\u2019s skin against mine as I fill up this jeep with passengers. I don\u2019t know where it ends. I also don\u2019t know where it starts; it just happens at this momentum. I feel like I choke up with this kind of experience. It feels like I need to do this, which is to say that I experienced it too. Observing strangers in this jeep feels awkward and cringeworthy at the same time. You notice that everyone tries to not lock in your gaze and is escaping looking through their phones, and on the other hand, some friends are talking and gossiping like they own the jeep, and there\u2019s someone observing the one who observes people, and it feels like there\u2019s something missing and still looking. And there\u2019s always a coincidence where someone you don\u2019t want to see is looking at you for some reason, and you want to avoid it and act like you don\u2019t see them because they\u2019re dead in your own little world. As long as you observe happenings in your surroundings, you will notice how people change in any setting. 159 | STREETSCAPES","Appearances tell different paths and experiences; colors reflect in lights; sweat comes from the long run until they make it; and eyes look for somewhere else without losing track of the path they are going down. \u201cYou build it high to say goodbye because you\u2019re not the same as them\u201d, I feel the song I play. It\u2019s been an exhausting and tiring day, and I want to end it. It happens repeatedly, but I\u2019m still thinking of the people who wait for me to come home. The stranger driving me home safely, the stranger who didn\u2019t shackle me when I accidentally laid my head on their shoulder, the elderly people who take care of young kids when they\u2019re crying, and the people I used to love and care for are turning into strangers, like a friend I used to have but who can\u2019t look me in the eye. What\u2019s wrong? Why do people always come and go? It feels like we\u2019re just passing by and not meant to stay. In this generation, being transparent makes you vulnerable and sensitive; being honest and straightforward makes you impolite and insensitive; and being distant and nonchalant makes you a narcissist. \u201cGoodbye\u201d is not a word, not a clarification intention; \u201cgoodbyes turn distant, intentionally avoiding you in the crowd. Then I can\u2019t help but ask myself, \u201cAm I the problem? and in this way of treating me, I can feel myself slowly dying, and now I have to leave. I know you can save me, but STREETSCAPES | 160","I don\u2019t think I am worth saving. This street sees how much I love being around you all. Strangers seem to see how happy and in tears I am when I am with you, and this street sees how it changes. How feelings fade and how I wish to be heard, please don\u2019t leave me. I can\u2019t say I need someone to help me in this crowd; I want someone to look at me, watch me, guide me, and tell me what it feels like. But no one helps me; no one sees me, hears me, or finds me. Trying to escape reality and the memories of you in these streets, the playlist I make for you makes me sick every time I hear about it. I never thought I would do these crazy things for a person who wasn\u2019t sure if he really loved me. I ignore and avoid someone who wants my attention to make sure I care about your feelings, and now seeing you with someone else who is slowly killing me, I think you never liked me, like I feel being stabbed, thinking you never liked me first, you never loved me, and you were just a stranger. Sometimes we just have to look around and be aware of what is happening. See what is wrong, and learn to see what is good in it. There are too many shortcomings in this world, and we do not have the capacity to go through them all just so we can pick a good lesson from them. We can be good without receiving any punishment. Sometimes these agonies are not brought on by fate, 161 | STREETSCAPES","nor are they self-inflicted; at times they are just forced on you by some jerks you meet in one street or another\u2014and those folks who intentionally cast harm on you. We do not have to experience them all the time. People say we need these incidents when, in fact, they just want others to endure the same sufferings they have been through\u2014really selfish. STREETSCAPES | 162","Captured by: Mikaellah Munlawin","Flores de Maria Mikaellah Munlawin The streets of Flores de Maria buzzed with anticipation. The annual sagala was about to begin, an extravagant procession that showcased the beauty and culture of our town. This year, my sister, Althea, had been chosen as one of the reina\u2014a queen in the Flores de Maria sagala. It was an honor that filled our hearts with pride. Althea, radiant in her intricately designed gown, embodied the role of \\\"dulugan ng makasalanan\\\"\u2014the bearer of the burden of sin. It was a unique role that symbolized the struggles we face on the streets of our town. As her sibling and confidant, I was entrusted with assisting her throughout this memorable event. The sagala was a grand affair, taking place on the longest street. This street, lined with vibrant houses and bustling stores, had witnessed the growth and history of our town. It was the perfect stage to portray the beauty and challenges of our lives. As the procession began, Althea and I stepped onto the streets where the sound of trumpets and drums filled the air, adding a touch of regality to the spectacle. The first leg of the sagala led us through the streets that teemed with life. Vendors lined the sidewalks, their colorful wares on STREETSCAPES | 164","display, tempting passersby. The sweet scent of freshly cooked street food wafted through the air, tempting our senses. Children played and laughed, their innocence a stark contrast to the underlying struggles that existed in the streets we walked. Althea's role was to remind us of the challenges faced by those who wandered the streets lost and alone, burdened by their sins. Her gown, adorned with intricately crafted chains, symbolized the weight of guilt that some carried. As her companion, my task was to support her and help her bring this symbolism to life. As we walked further along the streets, we encountered homeless individuals seeking shelter in the shadows, their faces etched with weariness and despair. The final stretch of the sagala led us to the heart of the town\u2014a square surrounded by majestic cathedrals and historical landmarks. Here, Althea's role reached its pinnacle. With the support of the community, she released the chains from her gown, symbolizing liberation from the burdens of sin. It was a powerful moment that united the crowd in a shared understanding of the strength and resilience that emerged from the streets. As the sagala came to a close, I looked at Althea, a vision of grace and strength. Her journey through the streets of Flores de Maria had left an indelible mark on our hearts. We understood that the streets were more than just physical paths\u2014they were a reflection of our shared experiences, joys, and struggles. 165 | STREETSCAPES","Through Althea's portrayal had taught us that the streets were a stage where life's dramas unfolded. They reminded us of the beauty and significance found within the ordinary moments and the extraordinary resilience that flowed through our community. After the sagala, Althea and I walked the streets of Flores de Maria once more, but this time without the fanfare and procession, we are just heading to a fast-food chain to eat dinner. We observed the familiar sights and sounds with a newfound appreciation. The streets became a tapestry woven with the stories of its inhabitants, a testament to the human spirit that persevered despite the challenges. We ventured into the quieter side streets, where the rhythm of daily life unfolded. Families gathered on their doorsteps, sharing meals and laughter. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as neighbors exchanged stories and advice. It was in these humble scenes that the true essence of our town came to life. We encountered street vendors, whose stalls lined the alleys, showcasing their crafts and produce. Their weathered faces bore witness to the hardships they had endured to sustain their livelihoods. As the sun began to set, we strolled along the dimly lit streets, where flickering streetlights cast a warm glow on the cobblestones beneath our feet. Our journey through the streets of Flores de Maria culminated at a small park, nestled amidst the bustling urban landscape. We sat on a bench outside the fast-food chain, gazing at the stars that twinkled above us, like STREETSCAPES | 166","Normally, street children are shown in terms of the tragedy in their lives - which is true - but there is also another dimension: their wisdom, dignity, and enormous capacity for survival. -Henning Mankell","","P OpoS sTtfFaAceC E","Life, much like the bustling streetscapes depicted within these pages, is a diverse stories, dreams, and emotions. As the streets of a city pound with energy, so does our existence as we navigate the winding roads of joy, sorrow and everything in between. In \\\"STREETSCAPES\\\" we witness the power of literature to bring sleeping dreams to life. We would like to thank the authors of these cityscapes and thank you dear readers for entering this section. In these pages, an ordinary and extraordinary fellow travelers whispered their hopes, fears and aspirations. Thisliterary folio reflected the symphony of our own heart, a reminder that our dreams are like a thread that binds us all together. As you close the pages of STREETSCAPES, carry with you the echoes of these lives and dreams. Let them guide you as you navigate the streets of your own existence, weaving your story into the rich fabric of humanity. - Mikmik","Quills & Print EDITORIAL BOARD A.Y. 2022-2023 EDITOR IN CHIEF Mikaellah Munlawin ASSOCIATE EDITOR John Cedrick Cabrillas MANAGING EDITOR Clariz Dematera LITERARY EDITOR Mariz Eiffel Almedilla CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER Kayn Twixy Punzalan CHIEF ARTIST Emmar Christian Perez LAYOUT ARTIST Mikaellah Munlawin WRITERS Mariz Eiffel Almedilla, Raven PHOTOGRAPHERS Anniversario, Kenneth Cabarles, Faith Jewell Concepcion, Gwyneth De la ARTISTS Cruz, Clariz Dematera, Victor Lopez Jr., Angela Jersey Manago, Darryl Shann Mendoza, Daniel Angelo Merhan, Mikaellah Munlawin, Charlie Reyes, Jeriel Sandoval, Ashlij Junairah Quintana, Marvincent Angello Tabora John Cedrick Cabrillas, Dhaione Mhico Mariquita, Mikaellah Munlawin, Kayn Twixy Punzalan, John Harold Ebona Clariz Dematera, Emmar Christian Perez","Q u&i l l s Print","STREETSCAPES: QUILLS & PRINT LITERARY FOLIO A.Y. 2022-2023 Any similarities to real or fictional individuals, living or dead, places, events, icons, or institutions found in the literary works of this collection are either coincidental products of our imagination or were used as sources of inspiration, solely aiming to achieve creative excellence. Only the non-fiction stories hold true authenticity. These captivating tales are grounded in the personal experiences of our talented writers, providing a genuine glimpse into the raw essence of life. Unauthorized reproduction or transmission of any part of this literary collection, in any form or by any means, is strictly prohibited without written permission from the editorial board. We gratefully acknowledge the divine for all the glory.","",""]

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