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Home Explore Gemma Powell - NEW Cycle 1 - 25211942020

Gemma Powell - NEW Cycle 1 - 25211942020

Published by sean.fleetwood, 2020-07-03 11:48:24

Description: Gemma Powell - NEW Cycle 1 - 25211942020


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Gemma Powell

Let's get you started Hi Gemma, Welcome to the brand new and improved 90 Day Plan and thanks again for joining me. I’m so excited to take you on this journey and see what you can achieve. You don’t need to feel nervous or scared about starting this. It’s going to be a challenge forming new habits and exercising regularly but we are going to have fun doing this together and I will motivate you through the whole journey. I believe in this plan so much because I’ve seen it transform people from all different walks of life with different jobs, fitness levels and lifestyles. You can and will succeed on this plan if you believe you can and if you remove the barriers holding you back. You’ve invested in this plan because you are ready to make some positive changes in your life. Now all you need to do is commit to it for the 30 days of Cycle One. You are going to feel so many benefits, both physically and mentally. Most importantly of all, from the healthy home-cooked food and exercise, you are going to have MORE ENERGY and feel HAPPIER after every single workout you complete. 2

On the days you feel like quitting or skipping a workout to lay on the sofa (and trust me you will have these days), just remind yourself that you will always feel better after a workout. And for every day you follow this plan you will be making progress no matter how slow you feel it’s happening. The success of this plan really comes down to consistency. The harder you work the greater the physical and emotional transformation will be for you, so set the intention now and say this out loud: “I am going to absolutely smash this plan. I am going to get stronger. I am going to get healthier and I am going to get leaner. I am ready to work on myself to feel energised and happy because I can and I want to”. Ok right let’s do it! You are ready to win. This is the year you achieve your goals. 3

What's next? Each month you will receive a new set of tasty recipes and new workouts which you can follow along with at home. You only have to choose the recipes you enjoy from the menu and you can exercise at whatever time of day suits you. The meal plan has been created based on the information gathered in your questionnaire to ensure that you burn more energy than you consume on a weekly basis. This is essential for fat loss but it doesn’t mean you will be eating small amounts of food. The portion sizes are great and have been tailored for you, in line with the energy demands of the workouts included. The new and updated workouts are designed to be short, so they can fit into your life easily and are proven to be very effective at building lean muscle and burning stored body fat. The key to success on the meal plan will be organisation. I call it \"prepping like a boss\", where you prep some of your meals in advance. This is how you set yourself up for success each day and avoid going off track with convenience food on the go. 4

For you this could mean just making your lunch for work the night before or doing a full-on week of batch cooking on a weekend. Just see what works for you and remember fat loss success comes from the combination of the food plan and the workouts. This journey is going to be challenging, with highs and lows. Some days you will be super motivated and other days you will have no desire to exercise at all. It’s on these days you need to dig even deeper to make yourself take action. No matter how you are feeling, all you need to do is put your workout gear on and just press PLAY on the workout. If you can do that, I will coach you through the workouts and motivate you to keep going. I will get the best out of you because the workouts are filmed in real time and I’m working out with you and working hard too. It’s unedited and I’ll be feeling the burn just as you are. 5

Motivation Remember motivation doesn’t always come naturally when you wake up, but at the end of a workout your motivation will be waiting for you. You will never regret a workout and you will always feel better afterwards. Keep telling yourself this. It’s an important motivator. There may be times when you want to quit, but remember, you’re not alone. Everyone struggles making lifestyle changes to begin with, but it does get easier. Forming new habits takes time and patience, which is why I created the 90 Day Plan. Always remember, if you don’t manage to complete five workouts in a week or you have a day where you don’t follow your meal plan or you have a blowout, don't worry. Just accept it, move on and be more prepared the next day. This plan is designed to set you up with a long-term healthy lifestyle, but not every day will be perfect. One motto I live by is: “Don’t let a bad day of eating become a bad week of eating”. I’ve aimed to keep this plan as simple and easy to follow as possible, but if at any time you require more information, please click here to log in and use our live chat service. My team of Support Heroes are here to guide you and also motivate you throughout your 90 day journey. All of us at the Body Coach HQ really 6

want you to succeed so don’t be shy. We won’t actively contact you during each cycle but we are here waiting and ready to help when you reach out to us. This plan has been designed for mobile use and will be best viewed on your phone. So, save it to iBooks or your favourite e-book app for the best viewing experience. This way you can bookmark your favourite recipes for easy access. Finally, if you haven’t already, click here to join our official Facebook community page. It’s a really incredible group where you can connect with other people on the 90 Day Plan and share tips and see some amazing and inspiring testimonials. It really is a place designed to help you stay motivated on your plan so I highly recommend checking it out. So finally, good luck from me and one more time let’s say it together “I AM GOING TO SMASH THIS PLAN”. Let’s get started! Joe Wicks The Body Coach 7

Contents 9 Training 10 What will I be doing? 11 The workouts 12 Workout 1 13 Workout 2 14 Workout 3 15 Workout 4 16 Workout 5 17 Bonus ab workouts 18 Create your own HIIT workout 19 What exercises can you use? 20 Top training tips for Cycle 1 21 Food & nutrition 22 How will I be eating? 23 Training days and rest days 24 Prep like a boss 26 Ingredient swaps 27 Hydration 28 Additional drinks 29 Understanding macros 31 Protein powder 32 Carbohydrate refuel meals 83 Reduced carbohydrate meals 152 Create your own 160 Snacks 166 Supplements 167 Optional supplements 168 Which products? 8

Training Let’s sguept eyrofuit

What will I be doing? The aim of the training in Cycle 1 is to build your fitness levels and get your body burning fat. To do this you will be completing 25-minute HIIT sessions. What is HIIT? High intensity interval training involves short bursts of intense exercise, followed by short rest periods. These exercises can be anything that challenges your body. I have put together five exclusive workouts that offer lots of variety and are suitable for all levels. Why HIIT? HIIT is a highly effective way of training for fat loss. Minimal time, maximum results. Remember, HIIT is relative to you and your body, so just aim to push yourself as hard as you can during each session. How often will I be training? You will aim to do 4–5 HIIT workouts per week (25 minutes per session). You can use any of the workouts included in this plan or create your own workout at home or in the gym. 10

The workouts I filmed the full workouts for Cycle 1 at home so that we can train together. These are exclusive to the 90 Day Plan and have been hosted privately on YouTube so only clients of my plan can view them. You will have the option to train with me in real time, or if you prefer to do it alone you can watch the exercise demo video and go for it solo. If at any point you come across a move you can’t carry out, simply swap it for one you can. For example, replacing burpees for running on the spot is totally fine. The workouts will get progressively more challenging as I introduce new exercises and also change the work-to-rest ratios. This keeps the workouts fun, challenging and varied. Do I have to do all 5 workouts? My suggestion is to give all 5 workouts a go during week one. This will give you a feel for the types of exercises and routines you enjoy. If you find there is one you really love then you could always repeat it more than once a week and just drop one of the others. 11

Workout 1 This workout will introduce you to 8 common moves used throughout cycle one. I demonstrate good technique and form to ensure you carry out each exercise effectively. 8 moves, 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest, complete 3 times. Finish with a 30 second plank. 1 Run on the spot 2 Squat 3 Reverse lunge 4 Sumo squat 5 Press ups 6 Climb the rope 7 Mountain climbers 8 Slo Mo burpees Train with Joe Exercise demo 12

Workout 2 This workout introduces some new moves to challenge your core and improve your strength. 10 moves, 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest, complete 2 times. 1 Squat & high knee 2 Squat & reverse lunges 3 Running with punches 4 Plank shoulder taps 5 Plank walk in & out 6 Curtsey lunges 7 Bicycle crunches 8 Truffle shuffle 9 Squat hold (static) 10 Slo mo burpee & 2 high knees 5 minute cardio finisher 1 Climb the rope 2 Star jumps 3 Mountain climbers 4 Elbow plank (static) 5 Fast sprint Train with Joe Exercise demo 13

Workout 3 This workout steps up the intensity by increasing the work period and reducing the rest period. Each exercise is repeated 5 times so the volume of repetitions increases which really challenges your muscles. 5 moves, 35 seconds work, 25 seconds rest, complete 5 times 1 Run on the spot 2 Press ups 3 Squats 4 Mountain climbers 5 Slo mo burpee with up/down plank Train with Joe Exercise demo 14

Workout 4 A new and fun challenge. 25 different moves in 25 minutes. Introducing some new moves such as single leg exercises and new abs moves to really get your heart rate up. 25 moves, 35 seconds work, 25 seconds rest, one round 1 Climb the rope 14 Power squats 2 Up down plank 15 Left glute bridge 3 Squats 16 Right glute bridge 4 Mountain climbers 17 Squat thrusts in and out 5 Left leg static lunge 18 Sumo squat pulse 6 Right leg static lunge 19 Wide to narrow push ups 7 Push ups 20 Crab toe touches 8 Squat hold 21 Reverse crunches 9 Running with punches 22 Slo mo burpees 10 Bicycle crunches 23 6 mountain climbers 2 thrusts 11 Reverse lunges 24 Squat jumps 12 Elbow plank (static) 25 Fast burpees 13 Spider climbers Train with Joe Exercise demo 15

Workout 5 This workout steps it up even more with more reps, more effort, harder work and great results. We have 10 moves to do and will rest for one minute before repeating the circuit again. After two rounds we finish with an abs finisher. 10 exercises, 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest 1 Squats 2 Bear crawls 3 High knees 4 Lunge jumps 5 Hand release push ups 6 Burpee with lateral shuffle 7 Single leg reverse lunge hops (20s on each leg) 8 2 push ups 8 mountain climbers 9 20 seconds squat hold into 20 seconds squat jumps 10 Reverse lunge reverse lunge chest to floor burpee Rest 1 minute, repeat one more round, rest 1 minute 4 exercises, complete each exercise twice, 20 seconds on 10 seconds off 1 Bicycle crunches 2 Slow mountain climbers 3 Raised toe touches 4 Up down plank Train with Joe Exercise demo 16

Bonus ab workouts These bonus workouts are included in all three cycles of your plan and can be done after you've finished your main workout, or even on a rest day. They aren't going to burn a lot of calories but they will help strengthen your core. A strong core will improve your posture and help with your stability when performing other exercises such as squats and lunges. Abs Finisher 1 Abs Finisher 2 Abs Finisher 3 17

Create your own HIIT workout If you ever want a change from the workouts that I have provided, then here are some guidelines on how to structure your own HIIT workouts. Duration: 25 minutes This is how long you should aim for your workouts to last. Don't forget to warm up before you start and to properly cool down and stretch once you have finished. Working set: 30–45 seconds This is where you will perform your chosen exercise to your maximum effort. When starting out you should aim for 30 seconds, but feel free to increase or decrease this depending on your fitness levels. Resting set: 15–60 seconds This is where you will slow down or come to a complete stop after your working set. This is an important time to let your heart rate decrease and get some air into your lungs before really pushing again on the next working set. You would then repeat your working sets and resting sets until you have completed the full 25 minutes. 18

What exercises can you use? The best part of HIIT is that it can be done anywhere with any type of cardio exercise. You could create your own home session using bodyweight exercises such as the ones in my videos or you could use any cardio equipment such as the treadmill, exercise bike, rower, cross trainer, boxing bag, skipping rope, etc… Check out my YouTube channel for more inspiration. Alternatively, if you do enjoy classes such as cross fit, spin, body pump and others then feel free to do these in place of one of my HIIT workouts. One workout per day is enough to get results, so don’t feel you need to do two workouts in a day. Ultimately, consistency with your exercise is key to success, so I really want you to enjoy your workouts. This plan is flexible in that way, so one day you could do a real-time workout with me, another day you could do a spin class with a friend and another you could just go outside your house and do hill sprints. Providing you follow your meal plan and just smash one decent workout 4–5 days per week, you will see fat loss results. As always, please get in touch with my team of Support Heroes if you are not sure about something or have any more questions. 19

Top tips to winning on Cycle 1 1. Schedule your workouts into your calendar for the week ahead. Treat them like an important business meeting. Get there, turn up and boss it. 2. Always warm up before every workout. It is important to prepare the body and mind for the workout ahead and also to reduce the risk of injury. Click here for our Cycle 1 warm up video. 3. Likewise, be sure to cool down after each workout. HIIT is designed to be taxing, so looking after your body is important and this will help with recovery. 4. Stay off the sad step (the bathroom scales) until the end of Cycle 1. I want you to focus on the important things like your improved fitness, energy levels and sleep. 5. Remember, my Support Heroes are here for you whenever you need them. If you have any questions about Cycle 1 training, or would like to adapt these workouts for the gym, please get in touch via your client login area. 6. If you experience any pain or discomfort throughout your time on the plan, please get in touch with one of our Support Heroes or seek medical advice. Although the workouts should be challenging, we don’t want you to work through pain or cause any unnecessary injury. 20

Food & nutrition Let’s eat

How will I be eating? We’ve got the training sorted, now it's time to start fuelling your body correctly. Your nutrition is going to really determine how much your body transforms over the next 90 days. Remember, you can't out-train a bad diet. During Cycle 1 you will be consuming most of your carbohydrates after your workouts on training days. Check out the video below for a quick introduction into how you will be eating in Cycle 1. How you will be eating in Cycle 1 22

Training days and rest days Included in your plan are two different types of recipes and also a selection of snacks. The recipes that you choose to eat will depend on whether it is a training day or a rest day. On training days, you will be having: - One refuel meal, 1-2 hours after your exercise - Two general meals, at any time of the day - Two snacks, at any time of the day On rest days, you will be having: - Three general meals, at any time of the day - Two snacks, at any time of the day You should always aim to eat THREE meals and TWO snacks per day. Please note: Skipping meals and snacks will likely slow down your progress. Your daily calories have been tailored to give you the best chance to burn body fat, and so missing some out may negatively impact results. I recommend finding a meal pattern that works for you and your lifestyle as this will really help to make these positive changes stick. 23

Carbohydrate refuel meals After you have finished a HIIT workout it is important to refuel your body and start the recovery process. These meals are rich in carbohydrates to replenish energy levels lost during exercise, with a good portion of protein to aid muscle growth and recovery. They are also generally lower in fats. Reduced carbohydrate meals These meals are rich in healthy fats to provide a stable source of energy and lower in carbohydrates, with a good portion of protein to aid recovery. Snacks In addition to your three daily meals, we recommend eating two snacks from the list included in your plan. They are there to help you maintain steady energy levels throughout the day. 24

Prep like a boss I have always said that good organisation and preparation is key to getting the body you want. With this plan I have tried to make it as easy as possible for you by including recipes that are quick and easy to prepare. Most of the recipes in your plan can also be cooked in bulk and then stored in the fridge or freezer. Meals will last up to 3-4 days in the fridge and up to 1 month in the freezer. I would recommend that you write out a weekly meal plan and stick it on your fridge as a reminder. Try to pick an evening each week to batch prepare a load of meals and stock up those Tupperware boxes. This will really help you to stay on track throughout the week. Portions Your meal plan has been tailored to provide your body with the ideal calories to fuel your workouts and burn fat. Stick to the recipes as closely as you can to achieve the best possible results. Please note: Unless specified otherwise, the amount of each ingredient detailed in your plan refers to the uncooked/raw weight. This is the most accurate way for us to calculate the calories and macronutrients that you will be consuming. 25

Ingredient swaps I believe that sustainability and flexibility go hand in hand. What that means is that if you are following a meal plan that is flexible, then it is far easier to stick to. That’s what the 90 Day Plan is all about. With this in mind, please click here to access our online food swap tool. You can enter in an ingredient that you wish to swap (with the weight/amount from your specific recipe) and choose from a list of alternative options. If you have any issues with this tool, my team of Support Heroes will be happy to help. Allergies and intolerances Don't worry if there are any ingredients included in this plan that you are unable to eat. For the most common allergies, we have provided alternative ingredient advice within each recipe. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with my team of Support Heroes. Meal variety One thing you will notice about the 90 Day Plan is the wide range of recipes provided. This is to encourage you to have a varied diet, as this will help you to get all the vitamins and minerals you need as well as keeping it exciting and fresh. 26

Hydration There are numerous benefits to staying well hydrated and drinking plenty of water is vital for the body to burn fat effectively. Drinking the right amount of water will promote healthier skin, improve digestion and even reduce fatigue. This is why it is so important that from the moment you wake up in the morning you hydrate your body and continue to do so throughout the day, including during your workouts. Aim to consume 3 litres of water per day. Make this easier by keeping a water bottle with you throughout the day. Please note: The recommended amount of water is in addition to things like coffee, green tea, protein shakes, etc. At first you may feel a little bloated from the increase in water. However, it won’t last long and, believe me, your body needs it. 27

Additional drinks If you drink tea or coffee, try to limit this to 1–2 cup(s) per day to avoid your body becoming reliant on caffeine. During your time on this plan you will learn that proper diet and nutrition will give your body all the energy it needs, with no need for extra caffeine boosts. Feel free to drink herbal tea throughout the day. With any of these hot beverages, please avoid adding sugar. It may seem obvious, but please avoid all sugary drinks such as soft drinks whilst following the plan. They are no good for you and even the sugar-free versions are full of chemicals and artificial flavours. You won’t like to hear it, but alcohol could be the one thing holding you back from achieving the body you want. Unlike macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats, alcohol is full of empty calories: calories without nutritional value. This will slow down your progress as your body needs to burn through the alcohol before it starts burning any fat. Please try your best to cut out alcohol as much as possible while on the plan. However, life is for living and it’s important to enjoy social occasions, so if you do decide to have a drink or two, do not panic. Get back on track the next day and smash a workout. 28

Understanding macronutrients I don’t like to talk too much about calories or macronutrients because I want to keep things simple. However, over the next couple of pages, I will provide a little insight into the roles that macronutrients will play in your journey. Nutrients are needed for our bodies to grow and function correctly. We need a whole range of nutrients, for a wide variety of reasons and in many different quantities. The ones that we need in large amounts are called macronutrients. The three macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Carbohydrates On the days that you exercise, your body’s stored carbohydrates are used during intense HIIT and need to be topped up ready for the next session. Replenishing your body’s stores of carbohydrates with a carbohydrate refuel meal will aid recovery and ensure that you have the energy ready for your next workout. 29

Fats As a stable source of energy, fats will fuel your body for all of the low-intensity activities that you do during the day, such as walking, sitting at your desk and sleeping. This makes them perfectly suited to your rest days. Fats also help to regulate your hormones and without them your body would not be able to properly absorb many vitamins. Proteins Protein has a number of important roles in the body. All of your meals will contain a good portion of protein to help with the growth and repair of your muscles, but also with the production of hormones that help keep you feeling fuller for longer. 30

Protein powder You will notice that some of the meals and snacks in your plan contain protein powder. We recommend the Impact Whey protein powder from Myprotein; more details on this and other Myprotein products can be found in the Supplements section of your plan. It’s no problem if you prefer to use an alternative brand, but please stick as closely as you can to the nutritional limits below to ensure the protein powder fits in with your meal plan. Nutritional information (per 100g): Calories: 360-440 kcal Protein: 70-90g Carbohydrates: <13g Fats: <12g 31

Carb refuel meals Post workout

Quick and easy Totally tropical smoothie Serves 1 60g fresh pineapple, peeled and chopped 60g mango, peeled, stoned and chopped 100ml skimmed milk 100g yoghurt, such as Greek, natural, soya 30g vanilla protein powder 30g rolled oats 15g ground flaxseed Juice of 1 lime Handful of ice Carb refuel meal - post workout 33

Method Combine everything in a liquidiser and blend until smooth. Alternative ingredients To make this dairy free, swap the skimmed milk for the same amount of a plant based milk (e.g. almond, soya). Tip You can buy bags of frozen, prepared tropical fruit in the supermarket, which makes this even quicker and easier. Carb refuel meal - post workout 34

Good on the go Apple bircher muesli Serves 1 35g rolled oats 25g vanilla protein powder 15g dried cranberries or raisins Pinch of ground cinnamon 85ml fresh apple juice 1 apple, such as Cox or Braeburn, cored and grated 1 tsp ground flaxseed 1 tbsp yoghurt, such as Greek, natural, soya 10g chopped almonds Carb refuel meal - post workout 35

Method Combine the oats, protein powder, dried cranberries or raisins and cinnamon in a bowl. Stir in the apple juice, cover and chill overnight. The next morning, stir through the grated apple, ground flaxseed and yoghurt. Scatter over the nuts and serve. Alternative ingredients To make this nut free, swap the almonds for the same grams of seeds (e.g. pumpkin, sunflower) or you could use extra ground flaxseed. Tip Make a batch of the oats, protein powder, dried cranberries or raisins, cinnamon and apple juice to keep in the fridge for up to 3 days. Then add the remaining ingredients on the day that you eat the museli. Carb refuel meal - post workout 36

Good on the go Cookies and cream muffins Makes 4 portions 210g plain flour 50g cocoa powder 11/2 tsp baking powder 11/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda Pinch salt 105g chocolate protein powder 50g smooth peanut butter 375g yoghurt, such as Greek, natural, soya 2 medium bananas (210g peeled weight) 105ml skimmed milk 2 large eggs 2 egg whites 80g low-fat cream cheese 2 tsp vanilla extract Carb refuel meal - post workout 37

Method Preheat the oven to 160ºC. Sift the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda and salt into a large bowl and make a well in the middle. Put the remaining ingredients, except the cream cheese and vanilla into a liquidiser and blend until smooth. Pour into the dry ingredients and fold together until smooth. Divide the mixture between a 12-hole deep muffin tin lined with paper cases then bake for 30 minutes until risen, then remove from the oven and leave to cool. Meanwhile combine the cream cheese and vanilla in a small bowl. When the muffins are completely cool, take a small serrated knife and trim the tops. Spread the vanilla cream cheese over the top of the muffins then crumble the muffin trimmings over the top. This recipe makes 12 muffins. Aim to eat 3 muffins as one meal. Tips If you plan on freezing the muffins, do so before adding the icing. Remove the paper cases then wrap individually in clingfilm before freezing. This is a great way of using up old, brown bananas as the muffins will be even sweeter and full of flavour. This recipe might make more or less than 12 muffins depending on your portions and size of your muffin tin. To calculate one serving, divide the total amount by 4. Carb refuel meal - post workout 38

Quick and easy Full English frittata Serves 1 110g chicken sausages (roughly 3 sausages) 1 tsp olive oil 1/2 slice bread, torn into chunks 165g cooked new potatoes, sliced 155g mushrooms, thickly sliced 105g cherry tomatoes, halved 1 large egg 3 egg whites Small bunch chives, finely chopped Salt and pepper Carb refuel meal - post workout 39

Method Preheat the grill to high. Remove the sausage meat from the skins and roll into small meatballs. Heat the olive oil over a high heat in a medium-sized, non-stick frying pan. Add the meatballs and fry for 5-6 minutes until golden and cooked through. Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon and transfer to a plate. Add the bread and potatoes to the pan and fry for 3-4 minutes until golden. Add the tomatoes and mushrooms, cook for a couple of minutes then return the sausage meatballs to the pan. Give the pan a shake to get everything into an even layer. Beat the egg, egg whites and chives together and season with salt and pepper. Pour the eggs into the pan then gently shake the pan and pull the eggs into the middle as they start to set. Slide the pan under the hot grill then cook for around 3 minutes until the top of the frittata is golden brown and the eggs are just set. Slide onto a board, cut into wedges and serve. Tip To save time, cook the potatoes the night before. Boil them in a pan of salted water for 10-12 minutes until tender, then drain. Leave to cool completely before slicing. This recipe doesn’t freeze well, but it’ll keep in the fridge for up to three days. Carb refuel meal - post workout 40

Quick and easy Huevos rancheros 41 Serves 1 1 tsp olive oil ½ red onion, peeled and finely chopped ½ red pepper, deseeded and finely diced 1 clove of garlic, peeled and crushed 140g tinned chopped tomatoes ½ tsp smoked paprika 2 medium eggs 2 small corn tortillas 105g tinned black beans, drained 20g feta, crumbled Small bunch of coriander, roughly chopped Carb refuel meal - post workout

Method Preheat the grill to high then heat half of the oil in a frying pan. Add the onion, pepper and garlic and fry gently for 5 minutes until soft. Add the tomatoes and smoked paprika, bring to a simmer then cook for 5 minutes until thickened and reduced. Season to taste and set aside. Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a separate frying pan over a medium-high heat. Crack the eggs into the pan and fry for a couple of minutes until the whites are set. Whilst the eggs are frying, warm the tortillas under the grill until crisp and heat the beans in the microwave for a couple of minutes. Spoon the tomato sauce over the tortillas then top with the beans and eggs. Finish with the feta and coriander then serve. Tip Batch cook several portions of the tomato sauce. This will store in the fridge for up to 3 days or can be frozen for up to 1 month. Defrost overnight in the fridge and reheat in the microwave. Alternative ingredients To make this recipe dairy free you can swap the feta cheese for 50g of extra black beans or an extra egg. Carb refuel meal - post workout 42

Quick and easy Quinoa protein pancakes with spiced berries Serves 1 155g cooked quinoa (50g uncooked weight) 1 medium egg 2 medium egg whites 25g vanilla protein powder 1 tsp honey ½ tsp ground cinnamon 2 tsp coconut oil 80g mixed berries ½ tsp mixed spice Carb refuel meal - post workout 43

Method Whizz up the quinoa, egg, egg whites, protein powder, honey and cinnamon in a liquidiser until smooth. Melt the coconut oil in a frying pan over a medium-high heat and fry large spoonfuls of the batter for 1 minute, then flip and cook for a further 30 seconds. Repeat with the remaining batter. Roughly mash the berries with a fork then stir through the mixed spice. Stack up the pancakes and spoon the berries over the top to serve. Tips Cook the quinoa the night before to save time in the morning. Enjoy these pancakes with the whole family by making a second batch alongside your own. For children, leave out the protein powder. Carb refuel meal - post workout 44

Quick and easy Blueberry protein pancakes Serves 1 60g blueberries 20g maple syrup 50g self-raising flour 20g vanilla protein powder 1/4 tsp baking powder Pinch salt 2 medium eggs, beaten 1 egg white 50ml skimmed milk 1/2 tsp coconut oil Carb refuel meal - post workout 45

Method Put the blueberries into a small saucepan with the maple syrup, bring to a simmer and cook for 5 minutes until jammy. Remove from the heat and leave to cool. Combine the flour, protein powder, baking powder and salt in a large bowl and make a well in the centre. Add the eggs, egg white and milk and whisk until smooth. Melt the oil in a non-stick frying pan then pour in large spoonfuls of the batter. Quickly spoon some of the blueberry mixture onto each pancake whilst the batter is still wet. Cook for another minute then carefully flip and cook for 2 minutes. Transfer to a plate and serve with the remaining blueberry mixture. Carb refuel meal - post workout 46

Quick and easy Smoked salmon and scrambled egg bagel Serves 1 ½ tsp olive oil 2 medium eggs, beaten 2 egg whites, beaten ½ large tomato, diced Salt and pepper 1 big handful of baby leaf spinach 1 plain bagel, split and toasted 45g smoked salmon Squeeze of lemon juice Carb refuel meal - post workout 47

Method Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan and add the beaten eggs and egg whites. Cook gently, stirring constantly until they start to set. Remove from the heat, fold in the tomato and season to taste. Put the spinach into a bowl with a spoonful of water, cover and microwave for 1–2 minutes until wilted. Tip the spinach out onto a few sheets of kitchen roll and squeeze out the excess moisture. Sit the bottom half of the bagel on a plate, top with the spinach then spoon the eggs over. Lay the smoked salmon on top, squeeze over a little lemon juice then top with the remaining bagel half. Tip If there is a lot of filling you might find it easier to spread everything over both halves of the bagel and think of it more as salmon and eggs on toast. Carb refuel meal - post workout 48

Good for batch cooking Cowboy beans with 49 poached egg Serves 1 1 tsp olive oil 105g chicken sausages, roughly 3 155g tinned chopped tomatoes 1 tsp tomato puree 1½ tsp Worcestershire sauce 1 tsp smoked paprika 1 tsp honey 1 tsp Dijon mustard 210g tinned cannellini beans, drained Salt and pepper 1 medium egg Carb refuel meal - post workout

Method Heat the oil in a saucepan over a medium heat, add the sausages and fry for 5 minutes until browned all over. Remove from the pan and set aside. Pour the tomatoes into the pan then stir in the tomato puree, Worcestershire sauce, smoked paprika, honey and mustard. Add a splash of water, bring to the boil then simmer for 5 minutes. Chop the sausages into bite-sized pieces, stir into the tomato sauce then add in the beans. Bring back to a simmer then cook gently for 5 minutes. Season to taste. Meanwhile, crack the egg into a small pan of simmering water and poach gently for roughly 3 minutes until the white is set and the yolk is still runny. Spoon the beans into a bowl, top with the poached egg and serve. Tips Batch cook several portions of the recipe (without the poached egg) then divide into portions and freeze some for later use. This will keep in the fridge for up to 3 days or can be frozen for up to 1 month. Defrost overnight in the fridge and reheat in the microwave before serving with the poached egg. Carb refuel meal - post workout 50

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