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Home Explore Redlands Learning Platform

Redlands Learning Platform

Published by epreece, 2020-11-03 05:00:57

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Redlands Learning Platform

From the Head of Teaching and Learning The Redlands Learning Platform is the educational philosophy and framework that underpins all teaching and learning at Redlands. It provides a common language and core foundation of what both excellent teaching and learning look like in action. The Redlands Learning Platform is Two questions were key in a bespoke model, designed for the this pursuit: Redlands context, based on world- recognised learning frameworks and 1. W ho might our children be, what research. It was first designed in 2007, might they need to know and be in response to the emerging changes capable of doing when they complete in the modern world and the resultant schooling; and implications for schooling and learning. Redlands recognised at the time 2. H ow can we ensure that our teaching that there needed to be a shift from and learning empowers and assists our traditional schooling methods to more children for these possibilities? contemporary approaches to learning and teaching, in order to best prepare Drawing upon current international students for future life success. These research, the School built on strong changes have impacted upon how foundations and actively deepened our classrooms operate, how teachers understanding and practice of what teach and the role students play in effective teaching and high quality their own learning. learning requires of teachers and learners. The outcome of this process is the A decade later, the School has renewed Redlands Learning Platform. undertaken a collaborative process of reviewing the Redlands Learning The renewed Redlands Learning Platform Platform. This process reflects Redlands captures a learning journey that begins deep commitment to continuous with who we are as a learning community improvement, to ensure the provision and ends with our aspiration for Redlands of meaningful and challenging learning students to achieve life-readiness and for all students, in order to give them contribute to the world with compassion an exceptional advantage for life in a and confidence. It is our pleasure to re- rapidly changing world. launch and share the renewed Redlands Learning Platform with you. -1-

Redlands Learning Platform 2. Our Why We aim to give our students an exceptional advantage for life in a rapidly changing world, where both the ability and desire to think and learn are critical attributes. 7. Our Place 3. Our Beliefs in the World Actively engaged learning and deep Through our nurturing of the learning understanding lie at the heart of all that we and of the learner attributes found do at Redlands. We believe that students within the Three Pillars of Aspiration, experience learning success when they are Redlands students will have the provided with excellent futures-focused opportunity to equip themselves learning opportunities within a vibrant with dispositions that will help them culture of thinking and learning. find their place in the world, support future life success and promote 6. Our Learner Attributes active contribution to society. Students at Redlands are inspired to recognise and develop their unique potential whilst also acquiring distinctive learner attributes, dispositions and habits of mind, as embodied within the Three Pillars of Aspiration for Redlands Students (see page 11). -2-

The Redlands Learning Platform is the educational foundation for all teaching and learning practices at Redlands. It captures a learning journey that begins with who we are as a learning community and ends with our aspiration for Redlands students to be happy and confident young adults, poised to embrace their future and ready to make an active contribution to society. 1. Our Identity Redlands is the leading contemporary coeducational school in Sydney, providing an international experience within a supportive community, where every student is known and individually nurtured. High quality teaching based upon a modern approach to thinking and learning enables students to make the most of a rich diversity of academic and co-curricular opportunities, achieve life readiness and let their light shine. 4. Our Planning for Teaching We teach for deep understanding, where students are encouraged to make connections, to transfer their knowledge to new situations and to apply their knowledge in meaningful ways. Our Planning for Teaching, based on Harvard research, emphasises in-depth learning and provides Redlands teachers with a common language, and a structure as they collaboratively plan and reflect on curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. 5. Our Learning Environment Our dynamic learning environment promotes thinking and collaboration. Active, meaningful and challenging learning is cultivated through the use of high quality teaching strategies such as knowledge of students, engagement, differentiation, visible thinking tools and helpful feedback and feedforward for students. -3-

1. Our Identity Redlands is the leading contemporary coeducational school in Sydney, providing an international experience within a supportive community, where every student is known and individually nurtured. High quality teaching based upon a modern approach to thinking and learning enables students to make the most of a rich diversity of academic and co- curricular opportunities, achieve life readiness and let their light shine. Vision Values To inspire girls and boys to achieve Our ethics, standards and practices life-readiness and to let their light are based upon these established shine, through the provision of a world- Christian values. recognised, contemporary education. Honesty – Being truthful and Mission trustworthy Respect – Feeling confident in our We aim to provide a diverse, co-educational own worth and abilities and valuing environment based on innovative, flexible our good character; treating others and research-based teaching practice. In with courtesy, consideration and this context, staff and parents will work understanding together to instil sound values in the young Responsibility – Accepting that each people in our care and to inspire them of us is answerable for our actions and to recognise and develop their unique being dependable potential, and to use their knowledge and Compassion – Recognising the abilities for the good of others. misfortunes of others and responding with empathy and purpose Motto Fairness – Treating others justly and impartially, according to their individual The School’s motto: ‘Let your light shine, needs and the wider circumstances so that others will see the good that Moral Courage – Facing ethical you do and praise your Father in heaven’ challenges firmly and confidently, (Matthew 5:16) provides the foundation regardless of personal cost for our mission and values. -4-

2. Our Why Our purpose is to give our students a real advantage for life in a rapidly changing world, where both the ability and desire to think and learn are critical attributes; this is why we do what we do. To us, life-readiness is about developing These characteristics and the character, knowledge, skills, dispositions include, but are dispositions and habits of mind required not limited to: for future life success. An ability to think creatively, deeply In order to thrive in the modern world, and critically students need to develop new and A passion for life-long and life-wide effective ways to think, interact, learning work and live. Beyond developing A capacity to communicate, particular knowledge, skillsets or collaborate and engage effectively capacities, students will require with others certain enduring characteristics or An aptitude and willingness to dispositions. A disposition is where problem solve and innovate an individual possesses the skill to do The desire to contribute ethically and something, is inclined to use that skill sustainably to society as a global and or capability and is able to assess which responsible citizen skillset or capacity might best apply to the situation. Teachers at Redlands support student learning in ways that propel the student beyond learning a particular skillset or a capacity, to the development of dispositions that will serve to motivate and equip students for life beyond Redlands. -5-

3. Our Beliefs Actively engaged learning and deep understanding lie at the heart of all that we do at Redlands. Students experience learning success when they are provided with excellent, futures focused learning opportunities within a vibrant culture of thinking and learning. We value thinking and believe that all learning is a consequence of effective thinking. At Redlands we believe we We believe effective learning is best should be: achieved by creating a culture where individual and collective thinking Supporting students’ capacity to is valued, made visible and actively think, as all learning is a consequence promoted. Fundamental to Redlands of thinking culture of thinking and learning are core Focused on student learning rather cultural forces of expectations, language, than simply ‘doing work’ time, modelling, environment, routines, Teaching for understanding rather opportunities and expectations. Each than stopping short at instilling cultural force, in turn, shapes and defines content in the heads of learners the learning that happens at Redlands. Developing a growth mindset in students, whereby, students believe in their ongoing capacity to develop and improve, viewing failure as an opportunity for growth, and having the desire and resilience to adapt and learn through personal determination Providing a holistic approach to education, where all school learning provides opportunities to prepare for life-readiness -6-

OpportunitiesProviding purposeful Time activities that require students to engage in Allocating time for thinking and the thinking by providing development of time for exploring understanding as part topics more in depth of their ongoing as well as time to experience of the formulate thoughtful classroom. responses. Expectations Language ModelingSetting an agenda8 CulturalModeling of who Routinesfor understandingForces that we are as thinkers and conveying clear and learners so that expectations. Focusing the process of our on the value for thinking is thinking and learning discussed, shared, as outcomes as and made visible. opposed to mere completion of “work.” Scaffolding Define our Using a language of students’ thinking in Classrooms thinking that the moment as well provides students as providing tools with the vocabulary and patterns of for describing and thinking that can be reflecting on used independently. thinking. Showing a respect Making thinking visible for and valuing of by displaying the one another’s process of thinking and contributions of development of ideas. ideas and thinking in Arranging the space to a spirit of ongoing facilitate thoughtful interactions. Intercaocllatboiroatnivesinquiry. Environment Worldwide Cultures of Thinking Project, 2015 Ron Ritchhart, Project Zero at Harvard University. -7-

4. Our Planning for Teaching Our Planning for Teaching, based on Harvard research, emphasises in-depth learning and provides Redlands teachers with a common language and a structure as they collaboratively plan and reflect on curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. Teachers at Redlands: We teach for deep understanding, where students are encouraged to make Help students master required connections, to transfer their knowledge course content, and to new situations and to apply their take them beyond that immediate level knowledge in meaningful ways. Deep of information and knowledge, leading understanding is an active process and them to deeper understanding of what requires learners to do something with they are learning; their knowledge. teaching them the processes involved Carefully planned teaching units, in complex reasoning, so that they can utilising the Steps for Planning, are apply their learning in meaningful ways designed to assist students to reflect (e.g. to problem solve, make reasoned upon their work, providing students decisions, structure experiments, with clear direction, structured conduct investigations and be guidance and support, and helpful, inventive), while timely feedback in their learning experiences. developing certain dispositions relevant to being effective learners. -8-

Our Planning for Teaching: Steps for Planning Key Questions to Ask 1. Generative topic What is most important for our students to understand about this topic? 2. O verarching understanding What big understanding goals do we want students to reach? goals What learning outcomes expressed in subject syllabuses will be relevant to this unit? 3. Key understandings for units of planning What understandings will students take with them from this particular unit of work? 4. T hinking that requires What essential questions and lines of inquiry will underpin these learning and generates understandings? understanding What thinking moves and dispositions (see page 10) will help 5. C ross curricular priorities students’ understanding? and general capabilities What cultural forces (see page 7) might we need to take into consideration to promote their thinking? 6. A ssessment and feedback for performances of What cross-curricular priorities (NESA) will be identified in this understanding learning? • Diagnostic Which general capabilities (NESA) are required to support this • Ongoing understanding? • Culminating What are the criteria that support the learning outcomes to help 7. T eaching and learning our students express what they understand? experiences What prior understanding and questions do students bring to the topic (diagnostic)? 8. Resources How will we gain feedback and give feedforward about students’ growing understanding during their learning about the topic (ongoing)? How will students show what they have learnt and understand about the topic (culminating)? How will students engage with their learning? What learning experiences will support thinking, learning and deep understanding? What thinking routines and opportunities will help us facilitate student understanding? How can we make student thinking visible to inform next steps and move learning forward? How are we differentiating the learning experiences to cater appropriately for the individual needs of our students? What resources will we need? -9-

5. Our Learning Environment Our dynamic learning environment promotes thinking and collaboration, which fosters deep understanding. Active, meaningful and challenging learning is cultivated through the use of high quality teaching strategies such as knowledge of students, engagement, differentiation, visible thinking tools and helpful feedback and feedforward for students. These strategies are supported by Such pedagogy sets high and explicit contemporary learning spaces where expectations and develops positive students and teachers work productively relationships between teachers and in a safe and supportive environment students and among students. which is focused on learning. 8 Thinking Moves and Dispositions to Help Understanding Reason with evidence Why do you think so? Consider different Make viewpoints connections What’s another angle How does this fit what on this? you already know? Wondering The Uncovering Understanding complexity What are you curious about here? Map What lies beneath the surface of this? Describe Build explanations Capture the what’s there heart & form What’s really going on here? conclusions What do you see and notice? What’s at the core or centre of this? Worldwide Cultures of Thinking Project, 2014. Ron Ritchhart, Project Zero at Harvard University. Graphic created by St. Philip’s Christian College, Newcastle, NSW -10-

6. Our Learner Attributes Students at Redlands are inspired to recognise and develop their unique potential whilst also acquiring distinctive learner attributes, dispositions and habits of mind, as embodied within the Three Pillars of Aspiration for Redlands Students. Three Pillars of Aspiration for Redlands Students 21st Century 21st Century 21st Century Thinkers & Learners Attitudes Participants • Collaborative • Curious • Living their faith • Independent • Inquisitive and values • Actively engaged • Reflective • Critical • Persevering • Community minded • Creative • Open-minded • Active, compassionate • Inventive • Responsible risk-taking • Flexible • Empathetic & responsible citizens • Agile • Confident • Locally & globally • Innovative • Growth Mindset • Truly understanding • Welcoming challenge focused • Applying knowledge • Resilient • Leading & supporting & skills others • Problem-solver/finder • Relationally capable • Good communicator • Environmentally responsible • Honest & respectful • Morally courageous • Wholesome & healthy humans -11-

7. O ur Place in the World Through our nurturing of the learning and of the learner attributes found within the Three Pillars of Aspiration, Redlands students will have the opportunity to equip themselves with dispositions that will help them find their place in the world, support future life success and promote active contribution to society. “After the final test has been taken, when the students have long since left our doorways and the chalkboard has been erased for the last time, what will stay with our students isn’t the laundry list of names, dates, computations and procedures we have covered. What endures are the dispositions and habits of character we have been able to nurture. What stays with us, what sticks from our education, are the patterns of behaviour and thinking that have been engrained and encultured over time. These are the residuals of education”. – Ron Ritchhart -12-

Redlands, Sydney Church of England Coeducational Grammar School A: 272 Military Road, Cremorne NSW Australia 2090 P: +61 2 9909 3133 F: +61 2 9909 3228 W: Operated by SCECGS Redlands Ltd ABN 96 001 336 269 CRICOS Provider Code – 00713M

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