Strategic Plan 1 2021– 2025 2021-2025 Strategic Plan
Introduction As we have developed our Strategic Plan we have asked ourselves what skills and attributes will our young people need to acquire to enable them to thrive in an increasingly uncertain and complex world. At the heart of our Strategic Plan is a continued commitment to the development of strong literacy and numeracy skills which form the basis for our students to acquire knowledge and pursue academic excellence. Real learning and deep understanding are nurtured within a culture that encourages critical thinking, problem solving, creativity and collaboration. Since 1884, Redlands has always been willing to press forward to embrace the future. This culture continues today and is reflected in our Strategic Plan which aims to enrich the learning experience for our students through five strategic drivers: a Culture of Innovation, Personal Excellence, Quality Staff, a Culture of Wellbeing and Sustainable Facility Development. These drivers will guide us in nurturing every student to achieve their potential and support our aspiration for Redlands as a leading contemporary and innovative school inspiring students to adapt, create and thrive in our complex global community. Our Strategic Plan is underpinned by our Vision, Mission and Values and reflects our focus on providing best practice education founded on worldwide research, highlighting our growing leadership within the global education community and our inherent commitment to innovation and forward thinking. While the five year time frame gives us the opportunity to achieve important milestones, we acknowledge and will adapt to the significant influence of the rapid rate of change in our increasingly globalised world and ongoing feedback from the Redlands community. We are excited about the journey our School will take in the next five years and look forward to working with all members of the Redlands community in implementing this Strategic Plan. Yours sincerely Glenda McLoughlin Stephen Webber Chair Principal 22002211--22002255 SSttrraatteeggiicc PPllaann 21
Strategic Plan 2021–2025 Vision To inspire girls and boys to achieve life-readiness and to let their light shine, through the provision of a world recognised, contemporary education. Mission We aim to provide a diverse and inclusive coeducational environment based on innovative, flexible and research-based teaching practice. In this context, staff and parents all work together to instil sound values in the young people in our care and to inspire them to recognise and develop their unique potential, and to use their knowledge and abilities for the good of others. Values Motto Honesty Luceat Lux Vestra Respect (Let Your Light Shine) Responsibility Compassion Fairness Moral Courage 2021-2025 Strategic Plan Aspiration Redlands is a leading contemporary and innovative school inspiring students to adapt, create and thrive in our complex global community. 2
Key Strategic Drivers Culture of Personal Quality Culture of Sustainable Innovation Excellence Staff Wellbeing Facility Development Sustain and Support individual Continue to attract Further develop deepen a Culture students to quality staff, the positive and Provide sustainable of Innovation in achieve personal enhance required supportive Culture facility development our school excellence skill sets and manage of Wellbeing for all which delivers on our through programs performance members of our aspiration and pathways effectively community 2021-2025 Strategic Plan 3
2021-2025 Strategic Plan 1. Culture of Innovation Sustain and deepen a Culture of Innovation in our School • An Entrepreneurial and Innovative Thinking Program is implemented across the School • A global network of schools is in place with regular connection for staff and students • Key partnerships are in place that support innovation in the School (community, corporate, tertiary) • Redlands staff are known for being at the forefront of innovative practice in student wellbeing, student agency and curriculum development • Redlands is globally recognised as a leading contemporary and innovative school 45
2. Personal Excellence 5 Support individual students to achieve personal excellence through programs and pathways • Learning Enhancement Programs meet individual student need across the School • Real time data on the full range of student achievement and progress is utilised across the School to enhance learning outcomes • A curriculum review is completed to assess additional IB and pathway program opportunities 2021-2025 Strategic Plan
2021-2025 Strategic Plan 3. Quality Staff Continue to attract quality staff, enhance required skillsets and manage performance effectively • Redlands Professional Learning Institute implemented and recognised as a centre of excellence • Exceptional staff are being attracted by the Redlands Employee Value Proposition • High quality staff in all areas of the School, promoting international thought leadership in educational practice 6
4. Culture of Wellbeing 7 Further develop the positive and supportive Culture of Wellbeing for all members of our community • Enrich the P-12 Student Wellbeing Program • Staff Wellbeing Program enhanced • Redlands recognised as a school that values wellbeing for all in the community • Purpose built spaces utilised for wellbeing activities 2021-2025 Strategic Plan
2021-2025 Strategic Plan 5. Sustainable Facility Development Provide sustainable facility development which delivers on our Aspiration • Master Plans adopted for Junior Campus, Senior Campus and High Country Campus • Opportunities for shared use of sporting facilities advanced and secured • Sustainability considerations factored in to all decisions on the built environment of the School 8
Reflection and Guidance 10 The Strategic Plan 2021-2025 supports our Vision, Mission and Values to set a visionary direction and plan for the future of Redlands. It will be reviewed each year in alignment with our aspiration to be a leading contemporary and innovative school inspiring students to adapt, create and thrive in our complex global community. Our thanks to the Redlands community for your contribution to the development of this Strategic Plan. Redlands, Sydney Church of England Coeducational Grammar School 272 Military Road, Cremorne, NSW 2090 P: 02 9909 3133 W: Operated by SCECGS Redlands Limited ABN 96 001 336 269 CRICOS Provider Code: 00713M 2021-2025 Strategic Plan
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