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Home Explore Causes and Symptoms of lower back pain

Causes and Symptoms of lower back pain

Published by 733back, 2016-04-07 02:01:57

Description: Lower back pain is a very common problem these days. With the busy life, low nutrition and irregular sleep we all tend to develop weak muscles that lead to backaches. The most common cause of acute lower back pain is the damage of muscles and ligaments in the lower back. While a muscle strain doesn’t sound like a serious injury, the resulting pain can be severe and is the reason of many chiropractic clinic visits each year.

Keywords: Barrie Orthotics, Chiropractic Clinic Barrie, Chiropractor Barrie Ontario, Chiropractor For Back Pain, Chiropractors In Barrie


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Causes and Symptoms of lower back pain BY

Lower back pain is a very common problem these days. With the busy life, low nutrition andirregular sleep we all tend to develop weak muscles that lead to backaches. The mostcommon cause of acute lower back pain is the damage of muscles and ligaments in the lowerback. While a muscle strain doesn’t sound like a serious injury, the resulting pain can besevere and is the reason of many chiropractic clinic visits each year.

Commonly there are two types of lower back strains:1. A muscle strain – It happens when the muscle is overstretched or torn, resulting in damage tothe muscle fibers. People commonly refer to it as a muscle pull.2 .A lumbar sprain – It happens when ligaments are stretched too far or torn. Ligaments arevery tough, fibrous, connective tissues that connect bones together.Generally it doesn’t matter if it’s a muscle strain or a ligament sprain since the basic treatmentand prognosis for both are the same.Common Causes of a Pulled Back MuscleLower back pain due to muscle strain or ligament sprain is caused by:1. Movement that puts undue stress on the lower back like lifting a heavy object, lifting whiletwisting, or a sudden jerk or fall.2. Sports or dance injuries also cause pulled back muscles, especially with sports and dancemovements that involve twisting, or any other type of sudden impact or motion.When the muscles or ligaments in the low back are strained or torn, the area around themuscles become inflamed. The inflammation leads to back spasm which causes both severelower back pain and difficulty moving depending on its severity. Dancers and sportspersonsneed to take special care of their movements.

Pulled Back Muscle SymptomsTypical symptoms of a lower back pulled muscle include the following:1. The pain is usually just in the lower back and doesn’t spreads to legs or shoulders.2. The patient feels better while resting, and may find it difficult to stand or walk.3. The severe back pain resolves quickly, but a little pain may continue for a few weeks and mayagain flare up if the patient stresses.4. The lower back may feel sore on pressing the affected area.5. Pain usually comes on suddenly.Initial Treatments for Pulled Back MusclesFirst hand treatments include some combinations that you can try yourself:1. Pain medication to interrupt transmission of pain signals to the brain.2. Anti-inflammatory medication to reduce the inflammation causing pain.3. Massage is also a good option as it helps promote blood flow in the lower back, loosens tightmuscles, and release endorphins – the body’s natural painkiller.4. Heat therapy is great for muscular pain. Application of heat to the lower back is helpful instimulating blood flow and healing the injured area.5. Ice or ice packs for injuries. Application of cold packs can help reduce inflammation caused byinjuries. It’s best to use cold packs immediately after the injury.

If these treatments are not effective you may take muscle relaxants and do the specialexercises for your back as prescribed by a chiropractor for back pain to relieve the pain.Fortunately, back muscle strains usually heal with time, with most of them healingwithin a few days and almost all resolving within 3 to 4 weeks. Still if the back pain issevere, the patient is advised to take rest and visit a chiropractic clinic soon.Call us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ron.

Author Bio:Dr. Ronald T. Linzner B.Sc., D.C. has been a chiropractor for Back Pain in Barrie, Ontario since hisgraduation in 1996. He has an interest in the feet and gait and their effect on the spine and isexperienced in diagnosing and correcting problems with your gait. He designs custom orthoticsand orthopedic shoes. If you are not sure if it is a chiropractic problem ask. He will be happy tolet you know.

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