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Home Explore Spinning Top Programming Guide

Spinning Top Programming Guide

Published by chongwanleng_1991, 2015-11-24 04:52:30

Description: Spinning Top Programming Guide


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Exercise 1: Movements• Create 2 programs in the Scratch software to allow the Spinning Top to operate. – To start the Spinning Top. – To stop the Spinning Top. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.

Exercise 2: Distance Sensor• Create a program to make use of the distance sensor attached to it.• Insert a “wait until” block and a “distance sensor value” block to define the distance required to be detected.• The program above allows the Spinning Top to stop spinning when the launcher is lifted off the surface. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.

Exercise 3: Timer• Create a program to act as a timer to keep track of the Spinning Top’s spinning time.• Create a variable “time” to hold the spinning time. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.

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