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Home Explore EN Aug 2017

EN Aug 2017

Published by rahulraj.holi, 2017-08-16 02:02:35

Description: EN Aug 2017


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From Mega watts to Giga watts Envisioning a Greener Tomorrow with Renewable EnergyENCOURAGING GREEN-POWER TODAY ENERGISING INDIA’S TOMORROW Energy for Ever Loan Sanctions (Rs. Crores) (2012 - 2017) Loan Sanctions Gol’s target of 5x increase 4th largest wind 12000 7,806 10,199in renewable energy capacity installations in the 10000 2015-16 2016-17 to 175,000 MW by 2022 world 8000 6000 4000 3,747 3,818 4,540 2000 2012-13 One of the largest CO2 2013-14 2014-15solar programs in the world 0 All IREDA funded projects with planned capacity of are helping in avoiding Funded more than 2,382 renewable energy projects 100 GW by 2022 CO2 emissions Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd. (A Govt. of India Enterprise) A Mini Ratna PSU under Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Corporate Office: 3rd Floor, August Kranti Bhawan, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi 110 066, Tel: +91 11 26717400 - 26717412Registered Office: India Habitat Centre, East Court, Core-4A, 1st Floor, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003, Tel: +91 11 24682206 - 24682219

IN THIS ISSUE18 Electric Vehicles – 21 The future of transportation Cover COVER India has begun to take the emergence of EVs seriously with the Govt. policies like National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020 World is betting on EVs 22 All countries across the world are strengthening their EV portfolios. IN-CONVERSATION A sneak peek into the global development of e-vehicles India to emerge as an important EV hub 25 The growth in the sales of electric vehicles will be INTERVIEW driven by government initiatives for encouraging adoption of EVs for public/shared mobility and Volvo poised to get fleet applications. into acceleration mode 27 Volvo Cars POLICY plans to introduce EV adoption poised its first fully on a sunny ground electric car in India in 2020, The Government’s aggressive push for moving a year after its towards electric vehicles (EVs) and favourable global launch. policy environment to create charging infrastructure will act as enablers for adoption of 30 EV technology. SOLAR EVs 29 Running EVs on COLUMN renewable sources EVs throw up new market for RE Solar Power and Electric Vehicles is the key to significantly reducing our Electrification of the transport sector is increasing, dependence on fossil fuels and are expanding the potential for greater integration of the natural evolution of our energy renewable energy in trains, trams, and four-wheeled infrastructure. electric vehicles.4 | Energy Next | August 2017

38 VOLUME 7 | ISSUE 10 | August 2017 CORPORATE 42Aiming at sufficient infrastructureto electrify transportation BIOFUELParking lots are one of the best places to provide e-vehicle Brazil’s transport sector’scharging facility tryst with biofuels45 Recent developments in non-traditional markets show that biofuels have a promising PRODUCT INNOVATION future ahead.Technology 63advancement takesto global mould MNRE NEWSGreen initiatives have Major developersdefied boundaries as all the sign PPAs in firstdevelopments today are wind power auctionshappening keeping in mind the schemeglobal perspective. The PPAs for the supply of 550 Mw65 power to states were signed in the presence of Power Minister Piyush IREDA CORNER Goyal.IREDA organizes August 2017 | Energy Next | 5a RajbhashaConferenceAn Official LanguageConference was heldat India Habitat Center,where speakers dwelton the promotion andprogress of Hindi languagein the country.

FROM the editorBrightening the future withthe sun and windT he first-ever wind power potential of wind energy in India. An effort is being made towards reverse auctions witnessed Recently, the Power Purchase lowering the cost of renewable the winning bid price of Agreements (PPAs) were signed energy by introducing all possible INR 3.46/kWh. It is a for purchase of 1050 MW of wind mechanisms including riskpositive development as this brings power, wherein Uttar Pradesh, sharing framework, and investingcompetition and transparency in the Bihar, Jharkhand, Delhi, Assam, on forecasting for increasingsector. The government is proposing Odisha would reportedly receive 450 predictability of RE undertake auctions of wind power MW, 200 MW, 200 MW, 100 MW, The cost of generation fromprojects on regular interval for swift 50 MW and 50 MW respectively, for thermal, solar and wind projectsaward of projects. Due to policy meeting their Non-Solar Renewable has almost come at par which hasof transparent bidding process Purchase Obligation (RPO). These made solar and wind financiallypursued by the present Government wind power projects are likely to be equally attractive as conventionalfor allocation of resources and commissioned by September 2018. power, except some additionalthe perseverance and guidance of cost required on balancing andhonourable Minister in this regard, The objective of government the last couple of years, India is to encourage competitivenesshas not only seen record low tariffs through scaling up of project size Renewable energies, energyfor solar power but wind power and introduction of transparent storage and e-mobility shall playtoo has seen a significant drop in e-bidding process. MNRE is a central role in reducing ourtariffs. The solar power tariffs have working to bring robust guidelines carbon footprint. Efficient andalso hit a record low of Rs 2.44 for the wind energy bidding and is environmentally friendly mobilityper kilowatt hour (kWh). India in discussions with regulators for solutions (supplied with renewableadded a record 5,400 megawatts better forecasting and scheduling of energy), electric vehicles shall(MW) of wind power in 2016-17, renewable energy in the grid. make significant contributionexceeding its 4,000MW target. The towards energy transition make ourtotal wind power installed capacity KS Popli development more the country, as on June 30, was Chairman & Managing Director, IREDAover 32.5 GW, which amounts toonly about 10 percent of the total August 2017 | Energy Next | 7

letters to the editorExcellent Issue I have gone through your Enabling Investment Environment ‘Winds of change’ issue. Reading this magazine, I Editor-in-Chief K S Popli found that the articles were Publications Director Anupam Daftuar excellent, especially the write-ups on new future Associate Editor Fozia Yasin technologies. Associate Editor Anurima Mondal Sr. Correspondent Sagarika Ranjan ll Ankur Gupta, Principal Secretary to Design Flying Tusker Media Government Haryana, Marketing Manager Abhinav Dutta Renewable Energy Department Marketing Manager Aditya Daftuar Subscription & Dispatch Anil PatwalBalanced Content & Relations, Grundfos Asia being shared by these people Pacific Region who play important role in For the latest Renewable Energy news.Energy Next bridges the shaping the economy. It helped log on to www.energynext.inlast-mile connectivity issue Wind coverage us, the readers, understand thebetween its target group in GST impact better. Thanks and Energy Next is printed by R Ramprasad and publishedB2B and B2C segment. Energy I have been reading Energy keep up the good work. by R Ramprasad on behalf ofNext also convincingly strikes Next for quite some time ll Anjali Kanwar,an admirable balance between now and it is a great read. Chandigarh Focal Point Media Services Pvt Ltdin-depth articles and short I would like congratulate #407, Fifth Floor,news pieces, which are highly you for the wind sector New Hydro policyrelevant and current. coverage in your July issue. Pavani Plaza, Khairatabad,ll Mahathi Parashuram, It was a well researched The new hydro policy is Hyderabad - 500 004, Telangana, India. work. Really, it was amazing something on which I am CIN No.: U74999AP2010PTC070645Regional Head - Public work covering all possible requesting Energy Next Focal Point Media Services Pvt. Ltd. is a joint perspectives. to write a piece on. Your venture of Gateway Media Pvt. Ltd, and InvisionAffairs, Communications ll Arun Kumar, magazine is like my research Communications & Research Pvt. Ltd, and printed at Engineer, Delhi journal and it helps in my research. Looking forward to M/s. Kala Jyothi Process Pvt. Ltd. GST Opinions an insightful take on how this 1-1-60/5, RTC Cross Roads, Musheerabad, new policy will impact the Hyderabad - 500 020, and Published at Focal Point I was impressed by the hydro energy sector. Cheers opinions of the important and keep up the good work! Media Services Pvt. Ltd. people on GST that Energy ll Ankita Naik, #407, Fifth Floor Pavani Plaza Khairatabad, Next carried. It was very Keonjhar insightful to see mixed feelings Hyderabad - 500 004, Telangana, India. Tel: +91 40 233 000 61, 233 006 26 Feedback: Please send your feedback and comments to +91 40 233 006 65 [email protected] Editor-in-Chief: K S Popliadvisory board Subscribe: Tel: +91 11 2642 4071/72 e-mail : [email protected] Write to: Focal Point Media Services Pvt. Ltd. #409, Mansarovar Building, 90 Nehru Place, New Delhi-110 019, INDIA Tel: +91 11-26424071/73 Fax : + 91 11-46507580Prof Rangan Banerjee Arun Gupta Dr Praveen Saxena K P Sukumaran S Chandra Sekhar Yogesh Mehra Please note: Views expressed in the articles are those IIT-Mumbai Managing Director Former Advisor Former Advisor Managing Director Managing Director of the Authors and may not be shared by the editor or Him Urja Pvt Ltd MNRE MNRE Wind World (India) Ltd members of the editorial board. Unsolicited material Bhoruka Power Corpn Ltd will not be returned.Advertise Contact Write to Copyright: No material published here should with us Aditya Daftuar Focal Point Media Services Pvt. Ltd. be reproduced in any form without prior written Marketing Manager 409, Manasarover Building permission from Focal Point Media. +91 8860636021 / +91 98-71-048271 90, Nehru Place [email protected] New Delhi - 110 0198 | Energy Next | August 2017

NATIONAL | NEWSIndian Railways launches first solar-powered train in a day which is enough to light up the coaches. Currently, the panels areIndian Railways recently launched installed only on the non-AC coaches. its first solar-powered diesel The train has a power back-up and canelectrical multiple unit (DEMU) run on battery for at least 72 hours.train. The train will run from SaraiRohilla in Delhi to Farukh Nagar in The railways are planning toHaryana. Manufactured under ‘Make introduce around 50 such coaches inin India’ initiative, six coaches of the near future. Priced at Rs 54 lakh,the train will have a total of 16 solar the solar panels have been able to savepanels each producing 300 Wp. an estimated 1.2 lakh kilo litre of diesel every year. The solar power will also help This is reportedly the first time in reducing 2.7 lakh tonnes of carbonwhen solar panels are used as grid dioxide emission per railways. The solar panels are ableto generate about 17 units of powerSolar manufacturers seek ‘Safeguard Duty’ Govt’s second wind auction attracts bidsLocal solar cells and module dumping duty on solar imports. They now plan worth 2,898 MW manufacturers have approached the to petition the Director General of Safeguardsgovernment seeking to impose a ‘safeguard to impose a duty of 10 US cents (RS6.50) per After the massive response toduty’ on imported equipment. watt on imported cells and modules the country’s first-ever wind energy auction, the second auction Last month, they had petitioned the Ministry Solar manufacturers have been marginalised for alloting 1,000 MW of wind powerof Trade and Commerce seeking an anti- in the ambitious solar energy programme of capacity has attracted bids worth India. Although 5,525 MW of solar projects 2,898 MW. were installed in financial year 2016-17, around 90 percent of the used solar cells and modules The first auction which concluded were imported from countries like China, on February 25 was also for 1,000 Malaysia and Taiwan. Total domestic module MW, following which, the wind manufacturing capacity is 8,113 MW of which energy companies agreed to sell wind 5,286 MW are operational. energy for as low as ₹3.46 a kWhr.India to meet WTO deadline on sourcing norms The auction changed the wayIndia expects to adhere to the World tariffs are discovered and became a Trade Organisation’s year-end All projects are expected to meet WTO milestone in the renewable energy deadline. history as it prompted Indian states todeadline for eliminating the compulsory “The Ministry of New and Renewable switch from feed-in tariff mechanismsdomestic-sourcing clause in its national Energy is in regular touch with all to competitive energy generation programme. power producers under the programme, and is confident that all ongoing projects will be implemented by December,” an official told media. The US had decided to 14 months to India for implementing the WTO’s verdict. As the trade organisation’s Dispute Settlement Body’s decision, confirming that the local sourcing requirement in the JNNSM flouted WTO norms, was adopted last year on October 14, India has time till December 14, 2017, to implement it.10 | Energy Next | August 2017

NATIONAL | NEWSSolar, wind power firms plan to raise $2.5 billion in offshore bondsCaution among domestic renewable power capacity is lenders, banking sources has grabbing the eyeballs of foreignresulted in four Indian renewable investors. According to the analystspower producers planning to raise and bankers, around $150 billionup to $2.5 billion via dollar bonds might be invested to meet its 2022offshore. targets. Azure Power Global Ltd, which has projects Rajasthan and Apart from four solar and wind Punjab, planned to raise $500power firms, Adani Group has million via a dollar issuance.raised $250 million via a loan but Continuum Energy that has projectshas yet to publicly announce the in Tamil Nadu and Gujarat, plannedborrowing. to raise $400 million. India’s commitment to expandWind power tariffs to hit new low of Rs 3.30 per unit Iunpdsioa,laSrriuLnaitnskoaotno setWind power tariffs are expected to low of Rs 3.46 per kilowatt hour (kWh) in India and Sri Lanka will soon start fall to a record of around Rs 3.30 February during a 1GW tender by SECI the process of installing a solarper unit in a 1 gigawatt (GW) tender by following the footsteps of solar power power plant in eastern port townSolar Energy Corp. of India (SECI). The tariffs which dropped to Rs 2.44 per unit Trincomalee which is partnering thecompany has received bids for three times at the auction of 500 megawatts (MW) government in the initiative.the grid-linked capacity on offer. of capacity at the Bhadla solar park in Rajasthan in May. “The next step would be to Wind power tariffs in India hit a record undertake a feasibility study and do “We have received a phenomenal the groundwork,” said a spokesman of response for the 1,000MW ISTS (inter- the Ministry of Power and Renewable state transmission system) wind tender. Energy Sulakshana Jayawardena. Once we resolve a few issues with CERC (Central Electricity Regulatory Earlier this year, Sri Lanka and Commission) for better risk mitigation, India signed a Memorandum of we will conduct the auction. This will help Understandin, for cooperation in in discovery of a competitive tariff. The a host of development projects response has been better than last time,” including the setting up of a solar said an official from SECI. power plant in Sampur, Trincomalee.Cabinet to make changes in hydro power policy “We have the required land to setThe Union Cabinet might take up up the 50 MW solar plant envisaged approval on the hydro-power policy approval by the Cabinet,” a source said. in the MoU. We have to now work out If all goes as anticipated, the distinction the process of executing the project,which aims to provide Rs 16,709 crore between large and small hydro plants in consultation with India,” addedsupport for stalled 40 hydel projects, would be eliminated, which would enable Jayawardena.entailing 11,639 MW capacity, and to India to achieve clean power capacity ofclassify all such ventures as renewable 225 GW by Currently, a hydro power project of“Power Ministry had finalised the up to 25 MW is classified as renewablepolicy last month and sent to the Finance energy but projects beyond this capacityMinistry for vetting before placing it for are not included in this category andthe Cabinet approval. The policy may be hence not entitled to the incentiveslisted this month for deliberation and provided by the government.12 | Energy Next | August 2017

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StateVijayawada adopts electric waste disposal systemWaste management is an important requirement for ecologically become the first state in India to adopt smart collection methods and logistical processessustainable development. Andhra Pradesh has and electric waste disposal vehicles in the which lack efficient data-driven solutions. city of Vijayawada. The state’s Chief Minister, Nara Chandra Babu Naidu inaugurated the “The city’s waste management system can deployment of pollution free electric auto- now be monitored from a single location rickshaws with advanced hydraulic disposal by officials at Vijayawada Municipal system on July 11 at AP Secretariat. Corporation (VMC). This initiative transforms public space waste management The vehicles have been supplied to with mobile and cloud-connected system. the government by an electric vehicle Our fleet of electric vehicles communicates manufacturing start-up, Gayam Motor real-time status to software systems. Works. Although these waste management Communities benefit from optimized & services exist in nearly every community, streamlined operations, beautified public the current operating standards have proven spaces and reduced carbon footprint.” said inefficient and highly resource-intensive. This Mr J Nivas, Commissioner of Vijayawada inefficiency is largely due to outdated manual Municipal Corporation.Kerala’s solar boat – A huge success Bhubaneswar gets aKerala had launched its first solar- solar operated traffic powered boat around six months (CUSAT), K Sivaprasad adds that it signal systemago and tourists could not be more “saves fuel and leaves zero carbonthankful. Witnessing the success of solar footprints without compromising on Odisha Chief Minister Naveenboats, the officials confirmed that ten speed”. Patnaik recently inaugurated amore such boats would be seen soon. solar-operated adaptive traffic signal “Its average speed is 5.5 knots, which system. The new signal stands proudly “The operational cost of the boat, is the maximum a boat can attain in at Sachibalaya Marg to bring solutionsAditya, is Rs 163 per day against a Alappuzha’s Kuttanadu backwaters. for city’s traffic and commuters.diesel boat’s Rs 7,000. Our estimate is Aditya’s operational speed is 7 knots. The minister also laid foundationthe annual operational cost would run Considering the requirement of speed, stone of four Smart City projects ininto just Rs 60,000, while a diesel boat’s Aditya’s 40KW energy capacity is no Bhubaneswar.cost for the same period would be Rs lesser than that of a similar diesel boat24.5 lakh,” says Shaji Nair, director of with a maximum of 75KW. A diesel The projects include Smart JanpathKerala’s water transport department. boat can achieve a speed of 10 knots from Vani Vihar Square to Sishu but then, no passenger boat can cross 7 Bhavan Square, designed car parking A faculty member of the ship knots in Kerala’s inland waterways, with slots at Saheed Nagar and Unit-Twotechnology department of Cochin hundreds of catamarans and smaller market and a co-ordinated ‘Jana SevaUniversity of Science and Technology boats plying,” he confirms. Kendra’ at Saheed Nagar.Noamundi iron ore mine gets powered by solar The traffic signal system will helpTata Steel’s Noamundi mine in Jharkhand the capital city roads to transform has become the first iron-ore mine to into ‘complete streets’ as it is designedhave solar plant. The project, executed by Tata in a manner which will enable thePower Solar will reduce carbon emission by pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists toabout 3,000 tonnes per annum. “With due have safe access. “The main objective ofconsideration towards Tata Steel’s initiatives the Smart City projects is to transformtowards reducing carbon footprint, a three MW Janpath into complete streets, createsolar photovoltaic(PV) power plant has been at opportunities to exploit renewable energy utility corridors and activity space forcommissioned at Noamundi and this is the first sources. This is yet another milestone in our people to walk and gather. The newsolar power plant in any iron-ore mine in the quest to become a sustainability driven company, adaptive traffic signals will changecountry,” said a company statement. Talking committed to exploring clean energy solutions. pattern according to the traffic load.about the project, Tata Steel managing director T Renewable energy is the best way of mitigating Apart from this, multi-storey carV Narendran said, “We have constantly looked the impact of climate change.” parking slots are designed under the project,” said Ananta Jena.14 | Energy Next | August 2017

NEWSWtE plants to come up in Andhra Pradesh Schools in Chhattisgarh powered by solar energyTAround 10 major cities of Andhra been scouting for an alternative land in Pradesh are all set to get waste- Tirupati as there are some reservations Around 649 governmentto-energy plants. While land has with the earlier allocated land pocket schools, against the target ofalready been set aside for the plants in in the outskirts of Tirupati. Besides 1,561 schools, have been electrifiedVisakhapatnam, Guntur, Kadapa and being eco-friendly, these plants are through solar energy in remote areasAnantapur, other plants are awaiting economically viable due to good tariff for of Chhattisgarh. “Electrification ofallocation. the produced power, high calorific value government schools in remote areas of fresh garbage and regular supply of of the state through solar energy, Set to be commissioned by 2018, the garbage from the urban local bodies.” being done by Chhattisgarh Stateplants will process about 4,400 metric Renewable Energy Developmenttonnes of solid waste a day and cover Agency (CREDA), is going onaround 63 urban local bodies. The at a good pace,” said an energyproposed capacity of all these plants is department official.63MW The state has renewable energy Talking about the plants, Chief potential of 4,500 MW includingoperating officer of Swaccha Andhra solar, wind, biomass and smallCorporation, P Prabhakar said, ‘We have hydro. While an amount of Rs 67.01 crore has been sanctioned for solarManunmuablapi otewmerplbeilulsses solar energy; reduces city cells and renewable energySheth Motisha Jain Temple will now rely on projects, around Rs. 24.16 crore solar energy for an eco-friendly future. The has been released under Solar City190-year-old Jain temple at Byculla has installed Programme.a 37.5 kilo-watt (KW) power rooftop solarsystem with 115 panels. The system will generate Chhattisgarh is expected to acquireelectricity for lights, fans, kitchen, storerooms additional power from renewableand guest accommodation, which will apparently exploit any exhaustible resources. So we decided energy sources to the tune ofsave Rs8 lakh on electricity bills annually. to rely on solar energy to produce electricity.” approximately 700 MW by FY 2018.“With soaring temperatures, electricity Talking about the system, Managing Trusteeconsumption has increased. This electricity is Jagdishchandra Chandulalji Mehta said, “Thegenerated at plants that use coal, gas or oil to present installation is the first phase of thegenerate electricity. The process releases harmful project. Our aim is to convert the entire campuschemicals into the air and adds to the pollution,” into solar power zone. We are happy to givesaid Kiranrajji Mangalilalji Shah, chairperson, something back to the society and achieve ourSheth Motisha Jain Religious and Charitable goal of maintaining an environmental balance.”Trust, adding, “Each system has advantages and Around 20 religious institutions have alreadydisadvantages, but renewable resources do not switched to solar power in the city.Haryana to install solar panels in all government schoolsHaryana is all set to install schemes. He not only highlighted solar panels on the rooftops the need to increase the state’s ownof all government schools across revenue but also instructed to createthe state. The solar energy a committee under the chief secretaryproduced by these panels will and consisting of finance departmentreportedly be used to run officials to find ways to curtailcomputers in these schools. wasteful expenditure. The committeeThe decision was taken in was also instructed to submit list ofthe meeting chaired by chief those schemes for which funds hadminister Manohar Lal Khattar not been received from the Centre forto review the Centre-sponsored the last two years. August 2017 | Energy Next | 15

INTERNATIONAL Saudi Arabia bets big on wind energyIndia to setup solar project in Egypt ambitionsIndia has launched a solar project Ambassador to Egypt Sanjay Bhattacharyya Saudi Arabia is all set to launch its first with state-of-the-art technology to and Major General Alla Fathi Abou Zeid, large-scale wind farm, totalling 400electrify a remote village in Egypt. The Governor of Matrouh. megawatts (MW). If the reports are toSolar Electrification Project is located at be believed, there are plans for furtherAgaween village in the Western Desert in “The project harnesses the sun and tenders to begin this year as part of aMatrouh Governorate, close to the Libyan enriches the life of the villagers. The project US$50 billion spending program onborder. is a demonstration of India’s technical renewables within six years. capabilities, especially in renewable energy, All the solar panels and sub-systems, and can be replicated at other locations in A request for qualifications for themachinery, equipment, technical support Egypt,” said. Bhattacharyya. wind project in the Al Jouf region inand training for technicians were provided the north of the country was recentlyby India. With the output of 8.8 kilowatt, the released, marking the first step in a project would be to electrify the entire competitive bidding process. The project was inaugurated by India’s village. The first round of Saudi Arabia’sRural Hong Kong using solar to help power homes National Renewable Energy Programme (NREP) included plans for projects thatAfishing village named Tai O, located to regulate how much households should would generate 700MW of solar and on Lantau Island in Hong Kong, be paid for contributions to the grid, CLP wind power.has been fitted with 25 solar panels that Power gets the electricity for free.are wired up to an inverter in the small Although the request for qualificationswooden hut. The inverter converts the The initiative was a pilot project to launch comes five months after thedirect current into electricity which measure how much electricity could original target launch date of Februaryis further converted to 220 volts and be generated and test out the process a 20, energy minister Al Falih, insisted thedirected to the fuse box. homeowner must undergo to sell excess country’s renewable energy ambitions electricity to CLP, which supplies power remain on target. The fusebox not only distributes the to Kowloon and the New Territories.electricity in the houses but also releases “As we enter the second half ofit to the grid if the appliances are turned Currently, Hong Kongb gets around the year, we remain committed tooff. As there are no payment guidelines 25 per cent from an unspecified mix of ensuring our ambitious programme nuclear and renewable energy. remains on-track to deliver the value and opportunities targeted by the programme,” said Mr Al Falih. After companies have been vetted to meet minimum standards, a request for proposals will be issued, currently slated for the end of August. Al Falih said the timeline “ensures that we remain on course to tender 700MW in round one this year”.16 | Energy Next | August 2017

NEWSTwo solar power plants launched in France China builds solar powerVoltalia has announced the start of array that looks like panda construction works at the French Voltalia has chosen to equip thesesolar power plants of Canadel and sites with SunPower high performance A Chinese solar firm, Panda Green Energy,Castellet II located in the southern- E-Series solar panels which are among the has recently installed a 100MW solarFrance region of Var. most efficient on the market. SunPower, power plant in the shape of a panda bear. The a majority-owned subsidiary of Total SA, first half of the plant, was connected to the Located in the sunniest region of will produce the majority of the solar electricity grid in Datong, China, with 50MW ofFrance, these projects were awarded panels in its French facilities. installed capacity.during the CRE III tender in December2015. While the Canadel plant will be The company has made the use of alocated in Brignoles, Castellet II will be combination of darker monocrystalline siliconadjacent to the first plant of the same (the light-absorbing material in most solar cells)name commissioned by Voltalia in July and lighter-coloured thin film solar cells to2013, following the CRE I call for tender. design the panda-shaped solar farm. The plant is a significant addition to China’s solar fleet. Both the plants will benefit from a According to the company, the new plant will20-year power sale agreement and get avert the need to burn 1 million tons of coal overcommissioned by the end of the year, in the next 25 years.accordance with the terms of the call fortender. The new Panda Power Plant is an example of China’s commitment to scaling up solar andFloating solar pilot projects in the Netherlands set sail other forms of renewable energy. The countryAconsortium of government agencies, also plans to exceed its Paris carbon reduction R&D facilities and solar firms have projects overseen by the National Consortium commitments. The latest Global Status Report Zon op Water (Floating Solar) that has ECN from Renewable Energy Policy Networkinnaugurated two of four pilot floating solar and TNO working together in the Solar Energy for the 21st Century (REN21) shows thatprojects on the Slufter on the Maasvlakte in Application Center and aims to demonstrate China continues to lead in renewable energythe Netherlands. Both the areas are reportedly the feasibility of floating solar in rough water investment, capacity, and generation.used for contaminated harbour dredging conditions.sludge. Two systems were recently launched on the Scotland gets world’sThe four different floating solar pilot Slufter from Texel4Trading and Wattco, which first floating wind farm has joined hands with France-based floating solar company, Ciel et Terre, making use of The world’s first full-scale floating offshore ‘Hydrelio’ system. wind farm has come up in the north-east The two other pilot systems from coast of Scotland. Five wind turbines have been Sunprojects and Sunfloat are expected to be installed across the ocean, where they have launched in the same stretch of water soon. started working off the coast. According to Plans could include 100MW of floating solar Statoil, the Norwegian state energy company systems on the Slufter. behind the project, the technology enables wind power to be harvested in waters too deepSolar wall to come up across the US-Mexico borderolar panels would soon be put across for the current conventional bottom-standing turbines. Known as Hywind, the PeterheadSthe US-Mexico border wall to add to its wind farm will generate power for 20,000 was explored in a Wall Street Journal op-ed in homes. “This is a tech development project to March. Vasilis Fthenakis, director of the Center ensure it’s working in open sea conditions. It’s aaesthetic appeal. “We’re thinking about building for Life Cycle Analysis at Columbia University, game-changer for floating wind power and wethe wall as a solar wall so it creates energy and Ken Zweibel, former director of the Solar are sure it will help bring costs down,” said Leifand pays for itself,” said US President Donald Institute at George Washington University, Delp, project director for Hywind.Trump at a rally held in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. concluded it was “not only technically andEarlier, the President had floated the solar economically feasible, it might even be morepanel idea during a closed-door meeting with practical than a traditional wall.”Republican members of Congress. However, A 2,000-mile solar wall could cost less thanthis time he revealed his plans publicly. The $1 billion while a traditional wall would costidea of setting up solar panels to the border wall tens of billions. August 2017 | Energy Next | 17

CoverElectric Vehicles – Thefuture of transportationJBM Solaris recently unveiled India’s first 100 percent electric bus, M&M isworking towards transforming the taxi segment to electric while Tata and AshokLeyland have also introducedTelectric buses in the recent past, writes Nishant Aryahe world is in transit – more and more countries are consciously making efforts to contribute to a greener earth. India has already put its plans into action with an aim to reduce dependence on environment-unfriendly technologies. The power production curve is gradually For the first time, close to 200 countries moving toward renewable sources and signed the United Nations’ Framework wherever fossil fuels are being used to Convention on Climate Change and 150 generate electricity, the country is using of them have ratified it, committing to efficient technologies to generate more reduce carbon emissions voluntarily. Each power per unit of fossil fuel burnt. country is developing a plan to this effect, But the most significant decision is of giving greener technology a bigger play. encouraging people to ride only electric by18 | Energy Next | August 2017

E- Vehicle India along with the rest of the world has started believing that Electric vehicles (EVs) are a viable alternate transport solution to the problems of pollution and dependency on fossil fuels for which there is a huge outgo of foreign currencyyear 2030 and is moving ahead in mission petroleum products and reduce pollution required investment of 3 billion USD.mode to achieve the target. The industry in cities by as much as 90% by converting In order to promote the sale of electricis supporting the government by bringing its vehicles to run on new technology to manufacture electric vehicles in the Indian market, the Govt.vehicles at progressively lower cost. The Indian auto industry, that launched the FAME Scheme (Faster contributes 25% of manufacturing GDP, Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid However, this journey is full of is one of the best case examples of ‘Make and Electric Vehicles) in India as a partchallenges or so it seems if we look in India’. It has been fundamental in of National Electric Mobility Missionat the current penetration of electric establishing a strong manufacturing Plan 2020, under which, the govt. wouldtechnology in private vehicle segment. base in India with the exports of nearly provide incentives to lower the purchasingMore than 3 million passenger vehicles 800000 cars in 2016-17 and nearly cost of electric vehicles. The scheme has 4were sold in 2016-17. Electric vehicle did 90% localization. Projected to be the focus areas of Technology Development,not constitute even 1% of these sales. In 3rd largest car market in the world by Demand Creation, Pilot Projects, andcomparison, 40% of all vehicles sold in 2020, India currently has component Charging Infrastructure where the Govt.Norway last year were electric vehicles. localization of above 85%, with the is expected to spend around 14,000 crores.Norway, which had started the transition majority of the value addition in India.toward electric vehicles in the 1990s, There is an urgent need of a stronghas the highest per capita number of all India has begun to take the emergence policy framework to promote Indianelectric vehicles in the world. of EVs seriously of late with the Govt. manufacturing to make Indian policies like National Electric Mobility stakeholders move towards EV gradually. Whatever are the challenges, India is Mission Plan 2020 (NEMMP 2020) which The Govt. has already taken up a leadcommitted to achieving the target. Official targets to deploy 5-7 million electric in promoting the Power PSUs to takegovernment estimates suggest India can vehicles in the country by 2020; and a lead in setting up the EV Chargingsave fossil fuels worth about $100 billion 400,000 passenger battery electric cars infrastructure in the country which wouldannually, cut dependence on imported (BEVs) avoiding 120 million barrels of need a serious investment along with the oil and 4 million tonnes of CO2 with a need to help the auto ancillaries to move August 2017 | Energy Next | 19

Cover | E- Vehicletowards making EV components in India. the taxi segment to electric while Tata leading automotive company JBM Auto Most of the players in auto sector were and Ashok Leyland have also introduced Ltd. and Europe’s mobility major Solaris electric buses in the recent past. Each Bus & Coach S.A. – is a breakthrough inplanning to shift to the hybrids first electric bus will save around 1150 this direction as it is India’s first completeand then plan for the EV in the distant equivalent tonnes of carbon dioxide or electric bus. JBM Solaris is present in thefuture. The sudden push for EVs without 420,000 liters of diesel over 10 years of space at the right time and is in positionmentioning Hybrids and the launch of operation. As a unified effort, the country to service the emerging opportunities inGST with 43% on Hybrids has sent a clear is marching towards achieving the vision the space. The JV company has announcedsignal that India will move directly to 2030 with the experience of seasoned investment of Rs 300 crore (42 millionEVs and skip Hybrids in its EV journey. OEMs like Tata, M&M and Ashok euros) in the first phase. The companyThis also very categorically points Leyland on one hand and new entrants will increase the investments with thetowards the Indian Government’s focus like JBM Solaris that have bought in opening up of the Indian market further.towards mass adoption of EV’s rather than global technology and know-how of bestconcentrating only on private vehicles. practices in the EV domain. Our government is aggressively looking at 100% self-sustainable public transport Major OEMs in India like JBM Solaris, A significant portion of the carbon solutions i.e. using renewable sources likeMahindra & Mahindra, Tata, Ashok emission reduction will happen solar power for running electric vehicles.Leyland etc. have already outlined their through the ongoing upgrade of public This vision is just the tip of the icebergplans and strategies to align with the transportation system. Development of projecting the massive revolution that theGovernment’s vision. JBM Solaris recently 100% electric bus ECO-LIFE by JBM country will witness with the adoption ofunveiled India’s first 100% electric bus, Solaris – a joint venture between India’s more electric vehicles in the system.M&M is working towards transforming Looking at the buoyancy and the marketThe sudden push for EVs without opportunity, other automotive playersmentioning Hybrids and the launch of are in the process of introducing green-GST with 43 percent on Hybrids has sent tech vehicles in India. Given the intenta clear signal that India will move directly and availability of resources with theto EVs and skip Hybrids in its EV journey government and the industry, the thrust is only going to gain force going forward! The author is Executive Director, JBM Group (Views expressed by the author are personal)20 | Energy Next | August 2017

France to ban petrol, China going electric TPDDL plans 1000diesel cars by 2040 real fast charging stations across DelhiEcology Minister of France recently China has recently announcedannounced that France will ban their ambitious project to set up Tata Power Delhi Distributionall petrol and diesel cars by 2040. charging stations on its longest Ltd (TPDDL), a private powerThe announcement was made as sea bridge that connects Hong distributor, has planned to seta part of commitment to the Paris Kong with Zhuhai to Macau. A up 1,000 EV charging stationsclimate deal. France has a target to sum of around $13 million has in next five years across Delhi.become carbon neutral by 2050. been earmarked for this project. The investment for this projectReports state that hybrid vehicles In addition to this media reports has been estimated to be aroundaccount for 3.5 per cent of the state that the Guangdong branch Rs 100 crore. The company hasFrench market while pure electric of China Southern Power Grid already set up five stations atvehicles account for just 1.2 per officials have shared that they plan various locations on a pilot basis.cent. As per a report by the BBC, to set up 550 charging stations To take up this 1000 stationsthe government is also planning by the end of 2017. EV adoption is project TPDDL is in talks withto give financial assistance to the faster in China than in European Municipal Corporation of Delhipoor households to help them countries at a rise of 53 per cent in (MCD) and Delhi Metro Rail‘replace their more polluting sales in 2016. Corporation (DMRC) for space tovehicles with the cleaner ones’. set up these charging stations.World is Volvo to go all electricbetting on EVs by 2019 As per the plan to place electric at the heart of its operations, Volvo has announced that all its cars, produced from 2019, will have electric motor. Talking to the media, President and Chief Executive of Volvo Cars, Hakan Samuelsson, said that as the people are demanding more electric vehicles, Volvo is working to respond to the consumers’ demand. It will launch five fully electric car models between 2019 and 2021, three of which will be Volvo branded models and two of which will be from its performance car arm, Polestar, stated reports.Wireless charging roads Sion, the solar Britain sets electricfor EVs powered car car targetFrance has been testing roads that German startup Sono Motors Giving a boost to the e-vehiclecharge vehicles as they runs on has just unveiled Sion, the solar- growth world over, Britain hasit. A stretch of 100m track with powered car. Sion is equipped joined France in pledging tounderlying wireless charging with 330 integrated solar cells end the sale of new gas andtechnology was tested and it that can recharge the battery diesel cars by 2040. So far 10is claimed that it can supply a through the power of the sun. The countries have announced theircharge of up to 20kW for vehicles solar cells can produce enough targets for e-vehicle adoption.travelling up to and in excess of energy to cover 30 kilometers While speaking to the media,100km/h. Taking a cue, Israeli per day, and are covered with Environment Minister Michaelstartup company Electroad has polycarbonate to get protection Gove said that ‘Britain will bansecured a US$120,000 ($160,000) from harmful environmental the sale of new gasoline andgrant from the Israeli government, influences. It is shatterproof and diesel-powered cars in theand permission to build a test weather resistant. The car born beginning of 2040 as part of ainstallation on about a kilometre of of a $650,000 crowdfunding plan to get them off the roadspublic road in Tel Aviv. This stretch campaign last year, is now ready altogether 10 years later’.of road is due to open in 2018. for test drive. August 2017 | Energy Next | 21

Cover‘India will emerge as animportant EV hub very soon’Globally, the EV industry has shown tremendous growth in the past twoyears. The electric car industry is expected to grow five times in the nextfive years from 0.5 million to 2.5 million by 2023, says Mahesh Babu, CEO,Mahindra Electric Mobility Ltd. in conversation with Sagarika RanjanQIn next 5 to 10 years how electric vehicles (EVs) were sold in India alone. the stringent emission norms expected to come do you see the future of This includes electric two-wheelers, three- by 2020 and reducing costs, electric vehicles wheelers, cars, etc. should gain a considerable market share of all the e-vehicles in India? vehicles sold in India in the next 10 years.This financial year, approximately 2.87 lakh The growth in the sales of electric vehicles in India for the immediate future will be mainly We also expect that the industry will support driven by government initiatives for encouraging this trend and roll out EVs in different segments adoption of EVs for public/shared mobility and affordable price points. I would say that and fleet applications. Government targets to in the next five years’ electric mobility as an have 5 to 6 million electric vehicles on road by industry in India, will hit the steep end of the 2020. It wants to particularly advocate usage of hockey stick growth curve. Propelled by mass electric four-wheelers, buses and three-wheelers mobility vehicles, fleet solutions and shared for public mobility to begin with. This large mobility; electric vehicles will be common place adoption of electric vehicles in the public/ on Indian roads. shared mobility space will create the necessary infrastructure in the next few years which will How do you see the global market then fuel larger adoption of electric vehicles for for EVs in the coming years? personal usage in the second phase. Aided by Globally, the EV industry has shown22 | Energy Next | August 2017

In Conversation We believe that ‘Made in India’ EVs are more relevant to the Indian market since they are made to suit all Indian conditions of environment and terrain as well as consumer expectations share for electric vehicles in 2016. Having We strive towards investing in next generation said that, the global market is more evolved technology and solutions to drive adoption and the EVs produced there suit those kind of electric vehicles; by consistently investing of requirements. We believe that ‘Made in in building capabilities – both intellectual India’ EVs are more relevant to the Indian and for manufacturing. We are innovating market since they are made to suit all Indian and developing technologies which help us conditions of environment and terrain as well make EVs accessible to mass markets. We are as consumer expectations. The good news is collaborating with experts worldwide to get the that we have started making this shift towards best minds together towards improving electric the future of mobility. There is a positive push mobility. I am sure with such expertise being from the government, the industry as well built, India will emerge as a global player in the as the consumers. Add to this, the growing EV space very soon. volumes of sales and you have a scenario where India will emerge as an important EV It has been said that charging hub very soon. infrastructure is the basis of e-vehicles, where does India standtremendous growth in the last two years. The How is Mahindra playing a role in in this regard?electric car industry is expected to grow five The charging infrastructure of any country playstimes in the next five years from 0.5 million the evolution? a very important role in determining the reachto 2.5 million by 2023. The major growth Innovation is in the DNA of Mahindra & of EVs in the market. This infrastructure doesn’tdriver has been China which has surpassed Mahindra. We believe in staying ahead of times just need to be extensive but also very reliable,America as the largest market for EVs. This and are always focussed on the future. With boosting confidence in the market to own EVs.has mainly happened because of strong respect to mobility, we are confident that the Consumers need the assurance of not just thepush from Chinese government through future lies in sustainability – in electric! technology that is backing the car or the plethoraincentives on EVs and penalising the sales of Guided by this belief we entered the EV market of benefits it offers, but also the commitment ofconventional vehicles. and have since, pioneered the sustainable the government in terms of infrastructure. mobility cause in India and have been The stringent emission regulations in committed to it for almost a decade. Our focus As an initiative towards setting up anEurope and the improving infrastructure goes beyond just developing electric vehicles. extensive and reliable infrastructure in India,with many OEMs investing in public fastcharging infrastructure will also lead to highergrowths in the adoption of EVs in Europe incoming years. Already countries like Norwayhave crossed more than 25 per cent market August 2017 | Energy Next | 23

Cover | In ConversationKey features of Mahindra Electric Vehicles invested not just in producing electric vehicles, but also in developing completeHassle free drive electric mobility solutions. In line with• Regenerative Braking – This revolutionary technology (first in India) charges the this, we recently renamed the company tobattery of the EV every time its brakes are applied, helping it literally recover the energy Mahindra Electric Mobility Limited. Thisit dispenses. name change is going to help us establish• Instant Torque - In the absence of a heavy engine or moving parts lagging the power a stronger brand recall along while beingoutput, EVs provide instant torque to zoom with maximum momentum from the very a true and complete representation of ourminute its engines are cranked. business line.• REVive® - REVive® is a first in the world feature by Mahindra Electric. On the rareoccasion that the EV runs low on energy, REVive® can be activated to gain a few extra What have been the challenges inkms of range, to help the user reach home or the nearest charging station.• Easy Home Charging – Mahindra Electric EVs can be easily charged through any the journey so far?normal 16 Amp plug point, making it highly convenient and easy.Low expenses The electric car market in India has• Low running costs – EVs do not need fossil fuels and are therefore, safe from the high been growing by almost 60 per cent perprices and volatility of prices. year. While the absolute number still• Direct Drive Transmission – EVs operates without a conventional gear box - which remains low, this is a very positive signmeans no clutch. This translates to reduced mechanical losses resulting in maximum for the industry overall. Adoption of newefficiency. technology is invariably a challenge – and• Low maintenance – Fewer moving parts in EVs accompanied by real time monitoring always takes some time to gain Mahindra experts ensure glitch free driving and low maintenance. Consumers need the assurance of not just• Government incentives – Government offers tax exemptions, subsidies and the technology that is backing the car orincentives to ensure low purchasing cost for electric vehicles. the plethora of benefits it offers, but alsoEnvironmentally friendly the commitment of the government in• Zero tail-pipe emissions terms of infrastructure. In this regard,• Low carbon footprint the government is showing increasingStrong Connectivity interest in working with varies bodies to• Remote Diagnostics – Mahindra Electric EVs have on-board computers that track establish a reliable and extensive chargingperformance and health related parameters of the vehicle, to ensure that any possible ecosystem. It has also recently set up thesnag is fixed as soon as it crops up. low voltage charging standards for India,• Telematics: Telematics helps capture vehicle performance parameters which enables which is going to be a crucial step towardsremote monitoring and diagnostics. Customers receive monthly statistics on Charging the development of this infrastructure.Patterns, Distance Travelled, Co2 saved, ECO points earned, fuel saved, etc. The FAME incentive scheme is another• Intelligent Energy Management System: The IEMS in EVs calculate SOC (Status ofCharge) and Distance to Empty, ensures optimum range, monitors battery voltage,current temperature and communicates with the Telematics gateway to create anexternal interface.we have been working with the government e-vehicles, especially among the good push that the government is giving toto establish charging standards. With the improve adoption of EVs.intention of attracting more and more masses? Apart from the government, we haveelectric vehicle manufacturers to India, these To make adoption easier for all of kinds various organisations, especially new agestandards were frozen in Jan 2016; for 90V and of users, we have a full-fledged portfolio, start-ups which are recognizing and buildingbelow vehicles. This includes two wheelers, consisting of personal mobility vehicle, business models around mobility solutionsthree wheelers and most vehicles that we executive transportation vehicle and cargo/ which are based on electric vehicles. We areproduce currently. Further discussion on high passenger movement vehicle. These vehicles already working with the likes of Lithiumvoltage charging standards are also underway. are at the forefront of the movement which and Zoomcar to bring electric mobilityThis has prompted interest in not just the is going to make EVs the next big revolution into the shared transportation space. Wegovernment but also other non-governmental in mobility. also supplement these solutions withstakeholders to explore opportunities/ways to interventions of educational nature fromdevelop infrastructure further. Just last year we launched the e2oPlus our own side. We connect with customers (a hatch), the eVerito (a sedan) and the via electric drives and customer meets. Last While these activities are gaining momentum, eSupro (goods and passenger carriers) year, we carried our India’s first ever electricwe have made sure that all our vehicles are easily with the view that people from all walks expedition from Kashmir to Kanyakumari,charged through a regular 16amp socket, the of life should be able to embrace electric all aimed at increasing the awareness levelskind used for refrigerators or air conditioners. mobility. In addition to this, we have also regarding EVs in India.Our intention behind this is simple, to make worked with different strategic partners In my opinion, this is just the beginning of manyadoption of EVs as easy as possible. to bring electric mobility to the shared more initiatives from all stakeholders involved, transportations space. The idea is to be and this is what will define the future of theWhat is Mahindra’s road map able to make green mobility available to a electric vehicle market in India. for propelling wider usage of larger populace of people. At Mahindra Electric, our energies are24 | Energy Next | August 2017

Cover | In Conversation‘Volvo poised to get intoacceleration mode’The company aims to introduce electric versions of all its products in India, says TomVon Bonsdorff, MD, Volvo Auto India, in a conversation with Anurima MondalQHow do you see the post 2030. In order to achieve this ambitious at least five electric cars between 2019 and India’s e-vehicle market target, the government is working on 2021. Going forward, the company also some incentives such as providing electric aims to introduce electric versions of all its emerging in India over cars on zero down payments. Besides, the products in India. Indian government has also announced tonext 10 years? bear up to 60 per cent of the research and With Volvo announcing the shiftThe Indian government has already made a development (R&D) cost for developing the to hybrids and electrics by 2019,bold resolution to sell only electric vehicles indigenous low-cost electric technology. what will be your strategy for These steps would definitely promote the India? growth of electric cars market in India over The strategy and commitment is the same the next 10 years. for global and Indian market. We have made a commitment that we will be putting in How is Volvo playing a role in electric motors in each and every car that this evolution? gets rolled out of our manufacturing units We have already introduced XC90 T8 across all the markets post 2019. The car Excellence which is India’s first luxury could be either fully electric or a hybrid SUV plug in hybrid. Volvo Cars plans to version but every car will have an electric introduce its first fully electric car in India motor. Volvo cars plans to sell a total of one in 2020, a year after its global launch. The million electrified cars by 2025. Swedish company has committed to bring August 2017 | Energy Next | 25

Cover | In ConversationWhat is Volvo’s road map forpropelling wider usage ofe-vehicles, especially amongthe masses? Does Volvo planto contribute to any ancillarysegments like batteries andcharging stations?One of the things we foresee developing bigtime in future is the concept of app-basedshared vehicles. This is one area where wecan consider opportunities in future as itwill cater to masses. We already have XC90T8 Excellence which is India’s first luxuryplug-in hybrid. Currently, we providetwo charging points with the car. Onecharging point can be installed at homewhile the other can be placed in office. Thisarrangement is sufficient and works wellfor the customer. We don’t feel the need forinvestment in any ancillary segment as ofnow. However, if need be, we may considerit as a possibility in future. drives of V90 Cross Country, curatedVolvo recently announced that it especially for customers, in Coorg The company plans to launch ais targeting at 10 per cent market (Karnataka) and Pune. Over 100 customers series of plug-in hybrids. Throw turned up for the experiential drives and some light on what can theshare in the luxury car segment, market expect from this new launch and by when can wewhat is your roadmap and made it a great success. We, at Volvo Cars, expect it? Volvo Cars will introduce a portfolio ofdeadline for achieving this target? strongly believe that customer-centric electrified cars across its model range,We have around five per cent share of the marketing activities go a long way in embracing fully electric cars and plug insegment as of now and we intend to double achieving the targets. hybrids. It will launch a range of fully electricit by 2020. The roadmap is to bring in cars between 2019 and 2021. Full details ofexciting products to the market, increased How is GST going to impact these models will be announced at a latercustomer engagement and an expansion date. In the coming years, we will be the only Volvo’s plans? car maker in the world that can offer plug-in hybrid options across the product range.of our dealership network for a bigger and The overall impact of GST is negligible.better reach. The XC90, the first made- We are going through a transitional phase What have been the challengesin-India car from Volvo’s stable, will hit post the GST implementation. We need to in the journey so far?the Indian roads in the last quarter of the give it a few months to see the real effects. It was a bit tough initially but we havecalendar year. We also plan to introduce two We are hopeful that it will prove to be a overcome the complexities of market inmore exciting products – all new XC60 and good move for the car industry, making India now. Our main focus so far wasentry-level SUV XC40 – to the India market it easier to do business in India. That said to create awareness, brand equity, andin the next one year. we need support from the government consumer engagement for a discerningVolvo Cars is also expanding its network for hybrid cars. The existing GST levied experience. Now, we are poised to getpresence aggressively. We opened our 19th on hybrid cars is not favourable. In order into the acceleration mode. In the pastdealership in Delhi recently and intend to to incentivize and promote the growth two years, we have grown by 32 per cent;close the year with 25 dealerships. of hybrid cars, it is imperative that the introduced an array of new products;Also, we recently concluded our government revises the existing rates. We received about 23 awards for ourdistinguished marketing initiative – test are hopeful that government will take it SUV XC90 and luxury sedan S90; and into consideration. announced recently our plan to locallyWe have around five per cent share of produce cars, giving push to make-in-the segment as of now and we intend India double it by 2020. The roadmap is tobring in exciting products to the market26 | Energy Next | August 2017

Milestones‘EV adoption ispoised on a sunnyground’Electric vehicles will not only lower this dependency but also reduce crudeoil consumption by 360 million barrels annually, which is about 15% of thetotal, by 2030. This indicates an annual saving of $7 billion or 450 billionrupees if we take $40, the price of one barrel of crude oil, says, RahulMishra, CEO, Rays future PEnergy India Pvt. Ltd.ower Minister Piyush Goyal said that India is looking at having an of popularity and recall. They are greener all-electric car fleet by 2030. The idea and efficient and now with the Government is that not a single petrol or diesel car catapulting the sector in multiple ways, it is but natural for the industry to snowball in theshould be sold in the country. Now that NO coming times. The Government has kept asidePERMITS are required for commercial electric Rs 122 crore for the FAME (Faster Adoptionvehicles (EVs) and state-owned power utilities and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electricto set up fast-charging stations, EV adoption Vehicles in India) scheme in 2016-17. Of thisis poised on a sunny ground. EVs will also amount, Rs 45 crore has already been utilized.lower India’s fuel import bill and running cost The Government plans to promote EVs in theof vehicles. Initially the Government plans to taxi and public transport segments as theseguide the electric vehicle industry for two to sectors will push electric mobility in India, thethree years in order to help it stabilize. fastest.As we all know, although quite nascent in A group of OEMs along with industryIndia, EVs are immensely gaining in terms bodies have founded a consortium called xEV August 2017 | Energy Next | 27

CoverOne to further add momentum to the EV given a special industry category with lower deficit by at least half. The power demandindustry in India. Members include Mahindra per unit tariff, it would encourage mass from EVs can also smoothen India’s transition& Mahindra, Mahindra Reva, Maruti Suzuki adoption of the EV technology as the per towards renewable energy as the countryIndia, Ford India, Tata Motors, SIAM and kilo meter (km) cost of the vehicle will come targets to achieve 100 gigawatts of solar and 60ARAI. As a part of the FAME scheme, the down further. gigawatts of wind by 2022.Government is assisting the xEV marketdevelopment and its manufacturing eco-system There are other ways too, to increase It must be noted that a renewable energyso that it can achieve self-sustenance by the adoption, such as having dedicated charging powered grid will work towards reducingyear 2020. The scheme will focus on technology spots for EVs, discounted or free parking. The electric vehicle emissions. On the other hand,development, demand creation, pilot projects long term goal is also to lower personal driving electric vehicles will help the grid absorb all thatand charging infrastructure with an allocation which roughly translates into infusing more renewable energy. EVs will also reduce per mileof Rs 795 crore over two years. shared car services, better and faster public carbon dioxide emissions by half or more, even transport, etc. Innovation is also happening in on a coal heavy grid. As EVs are more likely to Challenges remain in terms of availability these areas. be adopted by the urban population where costof adequate charging infrastructure and of electricity is already quite high, it proves tohigher cost of EVs which turn customers As per the Berkeley Lab report, “Techno- be an attractive customer base and source ofaway. However, a strong R&D ecosystem and Economic Assessment of Deep Electrification revenue to utilities.indigenization will help in reducing costs, of Passenger Vehicles in India”, India’s electricthereby making it affordable to Indian car car sales is projected to reach 10 million a year The indispensability of EVs can be gaugedbuyers. The Government is working towards in 2030 if all cars sold in that year are electric. by the fact that India currently imports 80this through policies such as NEMMP, The total fleet is projected to be around 144 per cent of its crude oil supply from foreignadvancement of BS VI norms, and restricting million including two-wheelers. The research shores. Electric vehicles will not only lowerthe age of vehicles running on Indian roads. also found that powering those vehicles won’t this dependency but also reduce crude oilThe policy is also pushing for new investments have much impact on the electricity demands. consumption by 360 million barrels annually,in xEV through the smart cities and urban The additional electricity demand can get which is about 15% of the total, by 2030. Thisrenewal missions. India’s financially deprived power utilities $11 indicates an annual saving of $7 billion or 450 billion a year (700 billion rupees) in revenue. billion rupees if we take $40, the price of one The Government’s aggressive push for This is enough to reduce the sector’s financial barrel of crude oil.moving towards electric vehicles (EVs) andfavorable policy environment to create charging Smart charging or allocating the charginginfrastructure will act as enablers for adoption load at specific times of the day, depending onof EV technology. Bringing EV products and demand, will make EVs a perfect accessory tocreating charging infrastructure would need to renewables. If charging happens mostly duringhappen simultaneously. the day, then drivers can take advantage of solar energy, especially when it is at its peak. While many players are moving towardsbuilding the eco-system, government The good news is also that India’s ambitioussupport through capital subsidies and third electrification plan is achievable, consideringparty financing/multilateral financing will that the price of lithium ion batteries arebe a key to the growth of the sector until continually dropping.the banking system picks up lending to thissun rise sector. Further India is very cost The author is CEO, Rays Future Energy India Pvt. Ltd.sensitive market and if the consumption of (Views expressed by the author are personal)electricity at the charging stations could be28 | Energy Next | August 2017

ColumnEVs throw up newmarket for REFor energising the road transport segment, renewable energysources have three options to make it sustainably environmentfriendly, says Praveen Saxena, CEO of Skill Council of Green JobsThere are three main entry points for renewables in grid power increases, so customer-sited electric energy storage. renewable energy in the transport does the share of renewables in electrified By the end of 2016, the global market leader sector: the 100 per cent liquid transport. Some EV service providers in UK biofuels or biofuels blended with and the Netherlands have begun provisioning among passenger EV manufacturers wasconventional fuels; natural gas vehicles and renewables powered charging facilities. On China-based BYD, which sold 100,000 vehiclesinfrastructure that can be fuelled with gaseous a very limited scale, companies in several during the year and achieved 13 per cent sharebiofuels; and electrification of transport, which countries are developing prototypes that use of global market. Renault-Nissan (France-can use batteries or hydrogen produced by solar PV directly. Japan) sold about 86,000 EVs in 2016. This wasrenewable electricity. followed by Tesla (United States) with around Barriers to electrification in the transport 76,000 EVs and BMW (Germany) with 62,000 Biofuels represent the vast majority of the sector include relatively high EV purchase units sold.renewable share of global energy demand costs, perceived limits to range and battery life,for transport. The United States is the largest and a lack of charging infrastructure. In most Several long-established vehicleproducer of biofuels, with the use of these fuels developing countries, additional barriers relate manufacturers have realigned their strategies,supported by agricultural policy and by the to the lack of a robust electricity supply, which with plans to increase the share of EVs infederal renewable fuel standard. reduces the attractiveness of using electricity their future sales. In 2016, Volkswagen Group for transport. (Germany), announced plans to bring more The technology for producing, purifying than 30 pure-electric models to market andand upgrading biogas for use in transport Following the Paris agreement in December to sell 2-3 million EVs annually by 2025,is relatively mature, and vehicles and 2015, the international community is focussing equivalent to 20-25 per cent of its totalinfrastructure based on natural gas are on decarbonisation of transport sector, projected sales. As part of this strategy, theincreasing slowly. Europe is home to four of although only 22 of the NDCs submitted company plans to develop battery technologythe world’s five largest producers of biogas refer specifically to renewable energy in the as a new core competency and expressesfor fuelling vehicles: Germany, Sweden, transport sector, and only two (Niue and New interest in building its own battery factory.Switzerland and the United Kingdom which Zealand) link EVs to renewable energy.are followed by the USA. Both China and India Emergence of electric drives as anhave an established natural gas infrastructure During 2016, some governments began alternative to internal combustion enginesinto which biogas could be incorporated. looking at strategies to decarbonise the sector. has opened opportunities for new entrants toMovement in this direction over last year For example, Germany’s climate action plan, automotive market. Driving range continuesincluded start of operation of India’s first bio- developed in 2016, aims to reduce 40-42 per to be perceived as a relative handicap formethane-fuelled bus, with more stations, buses cent emissions by 2030. However, much focus EVs, but manufacturers continue to advanceand routes planned. of international decarbonisation discussions battery technologies to increase range, now was on electrification of transport, with around 300 kms. The EV industry is assuming Electrification of the transport sector is very little attention on ensuring a renewable an active role in addressing shortage ofincreasing every year, expanding the potential electricity supply. charging facilities. Reducing battery costs is anfor greater integration of renewable energy important driver for EV market the form of electricity for electric vehicles Beyond offering prospect to reduce fossil EV competitiveness in general, is the trend(EVs). Further, electrification of transport fuel use in transport sector, EVs can create a towards longer battery lifetimes and highersector has the potential to create a new market new market for renewable electricity. They can energy storage densities. Internationally, workfor renewables and to ease the integration of help integrate growing quantities of variable continues on development of EVs for publicvariable renewable energy using the possibility renewable energy by using ‘smart’ EV charging transit and freight transport.of storage offered by EVs. strategies. The author is Former Advisor, MNRE and CEO Although direct links between renewables EVs have the potential to send electricity (design) Skill Council for Green Jobsand EVs remain limited, as the share of back to the grid during periods of high (Views expressed by the author are personal) demand and substitute for stand-alone August 2017 | Energy Next | 29

CoverIt’s crucial to run EVs onrenewable sourcesIndia’s shift to solar power generation and electric vehicles makes a lot of sense asa scalable green initiative as it will help reduce pollution and fuel imports, writesHarsha Bavirisetty, CEO, GOayam Motor Works, Limitless Electric Bikesf the 50 urban areas with the worst ambient air pollution across the globe, 22 are in India. India’s capital, and will likely shape a new mobility policy. The think-tank has recommended lowering taxes and interest rates for loans on electric vehicles, while capping sales New Delhi, has been ranked as the most of conventional vehicles, signaling a polluted mega-city in the world. Transport dramatic shift in the policy of one of the sector is the largest user of oil – nearly world’s fastest growing auto markets. half of the total consumption, and is Although EVs don’t produce any poised to make India’s oil security even emissions, the power plant that generates more precarious. the electricity used to charge the vehicles The blueprint report draft by Niti probably does. Low emissions, much less Aayog, the planning body headed by zero emissions, are only true in certain places Prime Minister Narendra Modi, aims at where most of the electricity comes from a electrifying all vehicles in India by 2032 mix of low-carbon sources. So, it’s crucial that30 | Energy Next | August 2017

Solar E- VehiclesEVs will be powered by renewable sources Solar power tariffs have beensuch as wind and solar energies. falling in the last two years due to government’s thrust on raising India’s India is expected to become the world’s green energy footprint and reduce oilthird biggest solar market by end of 2017, imports by 10% by 2030after China and the US. The cumulativesolar capacity, including rooftop and off- for electricity supplied by state-run of public transport in India. There aregrid segments, has crossed 10,000 MW. generation utility NTPC from its coal- many organizations incountries like US,With an average capacity addition of 8 to 10 fired plant. offering solar-powered electric vehicleGW per annum, the total installed capacity charging stations in a small expected to reach around 18 GW by end Solar Power and Electric Vehicles is theof 2017. As the Indian market ramps up, it key to significantly reducing our dependence Given the efficiency of existing solarwill become a key pillar for demand growth on fossil fuels and are the natural evolution of panels and the relatively limited size of anywhen demand in other leading countries our energy infrastructure.Solar energy could electric vehicle’s roof, the amount of energyincluding China, Japan and even possibly halt worldwide growth in demand for oil and that can be produced by putting solar cellsthe USA is expected to slow down. coal. The country plans to generate 175GW on the vehicle’s roof isn’t going to help of renewable energy capacity by 2022 out of much.However, extensive research is being Solar power has the potential of lowering which 100GW should be from solar power done globally to develop more efficient andthe expenditure on energy through peak projects. Storage is going to be the next smaller solar cells, which could make itshaving, strengthening energy security, and frontier for India’s clean energy push, and the possible to attach small cells to any electricreducing reliance on unsustainable fossil batteries in EVs offer a potential solution. vehicle that gets chargedon the go.fuels. It reduces the burden on existingtransmission and distribution system. The running cost of our Li-Ion battery With both electric vehicles andHence, less expenditure will be required on powered Smart Auto by leveraging residential/commercial solar powertheir maintenance. traditional power supply systems is systems becoming more efficient and Rs.0.60 per km. With the declining solar affordable, the potential for commuting Solar power tariffs have been falling power tariffs, the running cost of our green going mainstream is the last two years due to government’s Smart Auto can be brought down to as lowthrust on raising India’s green energy as Rs.0.30 per km, which could potentially The author is CEO, Gayam Motor Works, Limitlessfootprint and reduce oil imports by make it the cleanest and cheapest means Electric Bikes10% by 2030. Recently, there has been (Views expressed by the author are personal)news about solar power tariffs in Indiafinding a new floor at Rs.2.97 per unit,sinking below the average cost of Rs.3 August 2017 | Energy Next | 31

CoverEVsmantra forSustainableMobilityBS IV guideline for fuel emission is an opportunity for EV industry as all vehiclesare already BS IV compliant. Thus, when BS IV kicks off, the inventory lyingunsold, viz, 7.5 lakh two wheelers, 20,000 passenger cars, 45,000 three wheelers,70,000 commercial vehicles, could be leveraged optimally, says Sohinder Gill,Director-Corporate Affairs, Society of Manufacturers of Electric Vehicles (SMEV)Q India needs faster and solutions, for the drive has the potential approximately 1 to 1.5 units per full efficient transportation to decongest the roads as well as reduce charge which gives 60 – 70 kms of driving pollution levels. India’s EV industry range. These scooters are usually to de-congest roads stands firm and is working towards the charged at night therefore; do not create desired growth, however, the inflection any extra burden on the electric grid.and reduce pollution. What is point for the growth can only take place if one million vehicles hit the roads Electric vehicles are a viable alternateSMEV’s vision regarding this? by end of this year, to spark the mass transport solution to our problems ofSMEV is always convinced that green adoption by consumers. pollution and dependency on fossil fuels.mobility powered by the electric vehicles An electric bike reduces more than onecan provide sustainable mobility Government has been supporting and ton of CO2 and other greenhouse gases efforts are ongoing to consolidate the (compared to a petrol two-wheeler) in its policy and bring uniformity across various lifetime. As an economy factor, an electric ministries. vehicle saves equal to the cost of an e-bike in just two years (compared to petrol and Battery operated electric vehicles maintenance cost of a petrol two-wheeler). provide a very cost effective and comfortable means of transport to the With all this in backdrop, SMEV’s rural and semi urban commuters. For vision is transformation of and attitudinal example, if we take electric scooters, shift in the mindset of people, to not only they can be easily charged through the save the environment but also to commute household electric power, consuming comfortably.34 | Energy Next | August 2017

InterviewHow are e-vehicles the next What role is SMEV playing in this dangerous levels in the recent past.big thing in India (investors’ big shift to e-vehicles? What are Multiple initiatives have seen light inperspective)? your initiatives in this regard?EVs are the best option for quieter and Society of Manufacturers of Electric India to help the EV industry but in acleaner future of India. Gradually, the Vehicles (SMEV), being the largest fragmented way. Different law enforcingautomobile buyers are showing a tilt association in Electric vehicle sector, agencies and Ministries like Ministryto electric vehicles. Despite the initial maintains coordination between the of Heavy Industry, Ministry of Urbandisadvantages of lead battery and low cost players within the EV industry in India. Development, Ministry of New andvehicles being rolled out for optimizing SMEV also acts as the bridge between Renewable Energy (MNRE), Neeti Ayog,the economy of scale, industry players the EV industry and the Govt. SMEV Supreme Court, National Green Tribunal,are working to overcome limited driving makes sure all the needs and the messages etc, have been supporting the cause inrange by bringing lithium powered robust of the EV industry are smoothly and their individual capacities. The industryvehicles. Therefore, in time to come, EVs transparently conveyed to the Govt. requires a consolidated approach to touchcan successfully replace the bulk of personal the inflection point.two wheelers and cars on roads, which run of For years, we have been consistentlyfossil fuels. Also a BS IV guideline for the fuel appealing to the govt. for its support Prevention and prohibition of fossilemission from April 1, 2017 is an opportunity in giving a push to the EV industry. As based fuels vehicles are like treating thefor the EV industry as all electric vehicles a result of which we have seen various symptoms; only a mass replacement ofare already BS IV compliant. Thus, when BS positive steps being taken up by the Govt. these vehicles can treat the disease. TheIV kicks off, the inventory lying unsold, viz, beginning can be done by replacing at least7.5 lakh two wheelers, 20,000 passenger cars, And now, when the industry is growing 25 per cent of vehicles in the e-commerce45,000 three wheelers, 70,000 commercial at a much faster rate than ever, the and delivery business through a strictvehicles, could be leveraged optimally. responsibility of SMEV has become more mandate. Business cannot pollute; there crucial than ever. are estimated 60,000 two-wheelers engaged Various ministries of the government commercially in Delhi, most of which areof India are, now, working to evolve What are the concerns related second hand bikes, contributing massivelystandards and specifications for EVs. to mass adoption of e-vehicle to pollution because of excessive runningUndoubtedly, India’s dream of becoming in India? and older second hand all-electric -vehicle fleet by 2030, is Electric Vehicle (EV) industry has gonegaining momentum. through many crests and troughs, in the Last but not the least, people still carry past five years. It is somehow sustaining this notion that EVs are not powerfulA number of big players have its nascent stage tag, with support from and durable as their petrol and dieselcome forward and are willing the stakeholders and subsidies by the counterparts. This attitudinal shift will beto invest in the EV sector, Government under the NEMMP and brought in when more and more vehicles arehow is this going to boost the FAME mission. Our Government and the seen plying on roads supported by ‘lead bye-vehicle growth? law enforcing agencies are concerned about example’ campaigns by the government, as itThere has definitely been an increase in the implementing various green missions, did with the usage of LEDs bulbs in India.number of big players, like Bosch, Minda, for they are worried about the loomingAshok Leyland, investing in the EV industry. crisis of air pollution, which has touched How favorable are the policiesEven Indian players have also increased, governing the EV market.which is evident the strength SMEVmembers, which has doubled in past oneyear, counting up to 22 members now. In addition to the huge capital andinfrastructure that big players will bring inbest of the technology and their investmentwill solve the infrastructure related constraintsfor the EV industry. Huge man power is alsoone of the major factors contributing hugelyto the cause of boosting the e-vehicle growth.Therefore the stepping of big players in theindustry is timely as the industry is poised forgrowth. Also more and more players will makethe industry competitive and consumer willget host of choice. August 2017 | Energy Next | 35

CoverWhat changes do you think entrepreneurs/volunteers wanting to install Second, relates to the cost of EVs.are needed in the policy the charging points for EVs, will prove very Initially, we were using lead batteries forand governance for a better beneficial for the segment growth. the two wheelers as the lithium ion batterysuccess ratio? costs more. Industry is working to produceLooking at the recent developments, it is evident The Government should however ensure lithium ion batteries at a lower cost,that the govt. has been doing a lot in the EV that the players installing charging stations creating powerful vehicles with durabilitysector. NITI Ayog’s plan towards developing get easy loans, direct upfront cash incentives, and improved quality. The sole idea ischarging infrastructure seems promising. SMEV if possible. Also, for installing a charging to match to the petrol vehicles so thatalso welcomes12 per cent GST for Electric station there are permits for land acquisition consumers are tempted to shift to EVs.Vehicles, as it has brought about uniformity in and power supply. This is where the role ofthe tax applicable to EVs all states. Ministry of Power and Urban Development Third challenge is the attitudinal shift, comes in. Equal involvement and coordination as people still carry the impression that However, as FAME-2 will come to of both these ministries is needed to support EVs are inferior to petrol or diesel end on September 30, there is still a setting up of charging infrastructure for EVs. Transformation of people’s mindset isdoubt of whether there would be a new paramount for mass absorption of EVs.or a continued scheme to cater to the EV What has been the response ofindustry. We believe that whatever steps the the government as well as the Any other issue related to thegovt. takes or whichever scheme it devises, authorities concerned? sector, that you would wish tothe current subsidy being given on EVs We have been continuously appealing to share.shouldn’t be reduced, the continuity of the the Govt. for its support the EV sector. The Lack of charging infrastructure and the hikedFAME scheme should be maintained so that government seems to be quite responsive with price of the electric vehicles are the mainthere is no gap created as the manufacturing showing huge interest in the industry. There issues that the industry is facing. Also, asindustry does a long terms planning. had been effort to collate and bring convergence there is no concrete time line defined policy in terms of policies. However we believe. To by the Government towards the EV industry,Recently the government develop and encourage local OEMs in the EV like there is no clarity regarding the roll outannounced that no permits will sector, Department of Heavy Industry (DHI) of FAME- 2, the industry is unsure of whenbe needed to set up a charging should remain to be a nodal Ministry as they and for how many days a scheme catering tostation, how is this going to have been handling it since long. the concerns of Electric vehicles be roles out.impact the segment’s growth. This uncertainty may also impact the foreignWhat more measures are What are the challenges SMEV is investments and hit growth.required to propel this growth? facing?The recent announcement made by the The major challenges are basically three- Another, big issue is transformationGovt. regarding granting of no permits fold. First, there are not enough charging of lead batteries to lithium- ion. Leadwill be needed to set up a charging station, points available to enable infrastructure batteries have so far been used andis highly welcomed by SMEV. Lack of for supporting the green mobility drive. they with their own technology is stillcharging infrastructure is the biggest We are asking government to create a driving majority of two wheelers in India.bottleneck that the Indian EV industry viable infrastructure wherein industry will However, for faster, better technology andis facing. Therefore govt.’s support to help in contribution. reliability industry is all geared to serve the buyers lithium- ion battery too.36 | Energy Next | August 2017

TECHNOLOGY | Innovations Product watch LIMITLESS eSupro Electric Bike The eSupro is a commercial electric vehicle by Mahindra The electric bicycles have been Electric. It comes in the cargo and passenger variants. On designed for easy, effortless riding. a full charge, the eSupro can go Our unique combination of smart upto 115 kms (cargo van) pedal assist system, high-performance and can achieve a top battery and a throttle makes it speed of 60kmph. The incredibly easy to start riding from charging time with regular charging for a complete stop. Kick in the an eSupro is 8 hours throttle and get a snappy 30min. power surge to get going. The bike can be fully Ather S340 charged within 2.5 hours, gives a range of 60 kms/ The Ather S340 has a touchscreen dashboard connected to charge and goes from the cloud, host of smart features and offers a top speed of 0-25 kmph in 5 secs. The 72 kmph. The S340 is powered by a Lithium-Ion battery pack, running cost of our electric and features a digital touchscreen dashboard, a lightweight bike is as low as INR 0.07/ aluminum chassis, and can reach km. Never worry about speeds of 72 kmph. The vehicle running out of your battery, charges up to 80% in less than an hour on fast charging. Its you can pedal your bike on the dashboard contains a Vehicle way back home. Control Unit that constantly monitors the scooter’sOGMW SmartAutosne of most advanced electric 3-wheeler auto rickshaw powered by vitals and records Li-Ion battery technology in India. Its high capacity power motor customers’ patterns. Thecan take the vehicle up to a maximum speed of 55 kmph and can take a first electric scooterload of up to 450 kgs. The vehicle’s running cost is as low as INR 0.50/ whose design andkm and gives a great mileage of up to 110 kms per charge. India lacks components arecharging infrastructure/network required for electric vehicles to run on built completelyroads. The running cost of our SmartAuto is INR 0.50/km. So, we have from scratch, andbuilt a battery swapping system, enabling drivers to swap the batteries if best caters to Indianrequired in a minute. driving conditions.e2oPlus The e2oPlus is an all-electric hatchback by Mahindra Electric launched in Oct 2016. On a full charge, the Mahindra e2oPlus (P8) can travel for upto 140 kms and can achieve a top speed of 85 kmph. The top variant, P8 comes with a 72 V battery and the P4 and P6 have a 48 V battery. The charging time with regular charging through a 16amp socket is approx. 9 hours for the P8 and 4 hours for P4/P6. August 2017 | Energy Next | 37

CoverAiming at sufficient infrato electrify transportationWe are planning to install nearly 1000 charging stations by 2021-22 to supportgrowth of e-vehicles in the National Capital, Delhi. We are in talks with keystakeholders including commercial complex owners, Office Complexes,DMRC and NDMC for providing parking Spaces for putting up e- vehiclecharging infrastructure, sayEs Praveer Sinha, CEO & MD, Tata Power-DDL.lectricVehiclesarethekeytoa sustainable future. Shifting to electric vehicles will solve problems like air pollution, reduction of oil import, on upgrading the network to meet the enhanced load of electric vehicles. Our focus is to provide sufficient infrastructure towards electrified transportation. reduction of carbon footprint, Grid Management As the numbers will increase, we anticipate etc. and at the same time will be economical. making distribution network upgrades and With the Government of India and NITI capacity additions to handle large charging Aayog working on a policy for promotion of loads at peak hours. In preparation, we are e-vehicles, there are going to be huge initiatives working closely with all stakeholders like to encourage and promote e- mobility in the automobile companies, battery manufactures, future. We are focusing both on creating the regulators, government, municipal necessary charging infrastructure as well as also corporations and also consumers to develop38 | Energy Next | August 2017

corporate With the Govt of India working on a policy for promoting e-vehicles, there are going to be huge initiatives to encourage and promote e-mobilitythe ecosystem for the same. more and more consumers will opt for e-vehicles will be cost effective for consumers. EVs and the grid can have enormous once the government incentivizes them in the Considering the increasing numbers of form of financial and non-financial incentives.synergy. Not only can EVs charge whenever We had also provided free pick and drop service e-rickshaws in Delhi, we intend to providethere is “surplus” power, they have a battery from metro stations during the second phase of legalized connections to e-rickshaws byuseful for absorbing variable energy, both Odd-Even rule in the Delhi. incentivizing them through unique businessconventional and renewable. They can even proposition. Apart from this, we are alsooffer backup power for the grid during We are planning to install nearly 1000 evaluating to collaborate with fleet operators.emergencies. This is one reason we should charging stations by 2021-22 to support We definitely see a huge potential in demandcreate a new electricity consumer category for growth of e-vehicles in the National Capital, growth from distribution utility’s perspective.EVs, one that includes aggressive time-of-day Delhi. We are in talks with key stakeholders We are also undertaking a study to develop apricing (cheap charging when power is surplus including commercial complex owners, Office network planning model to mitigate the Gridespecially during night time and off peak time). Complexes, DMRC and NDMC for providing related challenges. parking Spaces for putting up e- vehicle chargingll Initiatives infrastructure. ll Advocating for policiesWe have installed five charging stations in our Tata Power-DDL is at the forefront of advocatingarea, which are set up on a pilot basis to see what Parking lots are one of the best places to policies and regulations to promote and expandkinds of vehicles come and what kind of charging provide e-vehicle charging facility. The revenue EV Market. In line with the National Electricload is required. To demonstrate our leadership model for setting up facilities on their land is not Mobility Mission plan 2020, Department ofin e- vehicle usage, we propose to replace yet decided, but we are ready to experiment with Heavy Industry (DHI) and Department ofour operation’s fleet with e-vehicles. We have any kind of arrangement such as partnership, Science and Technology (DST) have set upalready deployed e-vehicles in our maintenance franchisee system, etc. an Inter-Ministerial Technology Advisoryfleet which comprise of 60 e-scooters and 8 Group (IM – TAG) which has been subdividede-rickshaws. The aim of the project is to analyze Tata Power-DDL is also developing end-to- into different groups. Tata Power – DDL isthe demand to better prepare the infrastructure end solutions for encouraging consumer to opt heading the group on the development of lowfor e-vehicles. Today, the consumers are skeptical for e-vehicles. Apart from providing charging voltage charging Infrastructure, which underabout the viability of e-vehicles due to lack of infrastructure, we shall be providing 24X7 its broad scope contains Device and Hardwaresupport or charging infrastructure. We believe quality power supply with Time of Day (ToD) Development for the charging station, Software tariff structure to incentivize off-peak charging Development and Communication Protocol along with web based mobile applications. The and Grid Development. We are now in talks mobile applications shall have multiple services with Central and Delhi Electricity Regulatory such locating charging stations, booking a slot, Commission (CERC/DERC) and the Central making payment, customer support, billing and Delhi governments that they should come data and analytics, etc. One of the major cost up with a special tariff for charging of electric components is battery, and to tackle that we are vehicles so that it becomes reasonable to the also examining battery leasing model which consumers. Unless the tariffs are economical for charging of e-vehicles, they won’t come to the charging station. Indian market has a strong need of incentivizing through various financial and non- financial means including lower tariffs, separate lanes for driving, subsidized or free parking spaces to encourage people to go for e-vehicles. We expect extensive action to strengthen electric vehicles in the country and make a huge difference to public and private mobility. The author is CEO & MD, Tata Power-DDL (Views expressed by the author are personal) August 2017 | Energy Next | 39

CoverEV market ecosystem needscomprehensive support planA recent report from the NITI Aayog on Transformative Mobility Solutionsfor India is a welcome initiative. SIAM is fully committed to work withNITI Aayog, DHI and other stakeholders in this endeavor and will providenecessary inputs for implementation of the plan, says Vishnu Mathur, DirectorGeneral of Society of Indian Automobile ManufacturersQHow are e-vehicles own. There has to be a comprehensive plan an in-depth study on the potential of electric going to be the next big to support creation of market ecosystem for mobility in India. As a result the Government electric vehicles. This should include a long had evolved a new National Mission on Electric thing in India (investors’ term policy support and phased electrification and Hybrid Mobility (NMEM) which was roadmap wherein all forms of electrification released by the then Hon’ble Prime Minister ofperspective)? technologies including hybrids should be India. The FAME Scheme was a direct outcomeElectric vehicles are going to be the future and supported. From the perspective of investors, of the NMEM and was launched in 2015 withas such industry today is gearing up for product this will open up a host of new business Government budgetary support. After twodevelopment and technology upgradation opportunities which include manufacture of years, the FAME Scheme is now being revisedto offer such products to consumers at the electric vehicle components, batteries and their under the leadership of the Niti Aayog withright time and the right price point. However, management systems, drive motors, controllers which we expect a more sustained and vigorouswith current price level, electric vehicles etc. EVs will also require setting up of a large thrust to electric mobility in the coming years.cannot replace conventional vehicle on its public charging infrastructure which will have SIAM looks forward to working even closer to be manufactured locally. Opportunities with Government in this area to ensure wider in innovative charging practices like battery acceptance of electric mobility solutions by the swapping will also present new and exciting Indian masses. business models for entrepreneurs. India needs faster and efficient What role is SIAM playing in this transportation to de-congest big shift to e-vehicles? roads and reduce pollution. What SIAM with its members has been deeply is SIAM’s vision regarding this? involved in bringing in E-mobility in the country. With the rapidly improving road infrastructure In 2011, SIAM, and the Ministry of Heavy including highways and expressways, the Industries had jointly collaborated to conduct benefits to the nation of making such huge40 | Energy Next | August 2017

In conversationinvestments will only accrue if there is a A well designed integrated and inter-commensurate improvement in the overall modal public transport system is theefficiency of transport. The time taken for only way to ease and decongest thetravel has to come down which will reduce fuel traffic in the citiesconsumption, pollution as well vastly improvedefficiency of overall transport logistics. plan that will be drawn. vehicles attractive to the consumers. Globally,Moreover, the vehicles being manufactured such infrastructure is set up by Governmenttoday also deploy much higher level of safety How is GST going to impact the as well as by Private sector. We need to evolvefeatures that what were used a decade ago and e-vehicle sector? policies which enable private industry to setcan safely permit faster travel. Furthermore, While GST has maintained equality with excise up charging stations and develop attractivesome of the latest emission control technologies regime at a broad level, hybrid cars which revenue models. While reselling of electricitythat the industry employs today operate much were earlier having lower Excise duties have may not be permitted we could develop othermore efficiently at higher speeds. Furthermore, been brought at the highest level of GST Rate revenue models based on time-based parkingsome of the latest emission control technologies + Cess. Although pure Electric vehicles attract fees by private operators. Building bylaws couldthat the industry employs today operate preferential duty of 12% under GST, which is a be amended to direct all buildings to have somemuch more efficiently at higher speeds. With very positive move, this benefit may not make reserve quota for chargers in the buildings/the combination of better roads, safer and any significant difference to penetration of EVs apartments etc. A large number of users of EVscleaner vehicles, there is a need to review the in the short term due to the unviable economics may prefer charging vehicles at their homes forspeed limits for various categories of vehicles. and lack of charging infrastructure. The short convenience and comfort.Decongestion is more a matter of urban term solutions are hybrid vehicles where thetransport and traffic management as well as importance of charging infrastructure is very low What are the challenges SIAM isenforcement of traffic rules. In cities, a lot of and the customers also do not have any anxieties facing in this regard, if any?congestion takes place due to encroachment on account of the driving range and performance Making e-mobility successful will be a longon the road and lack of enforcement of driving of the vehicles. If we can build adequate scales term initiative. One of the challenges will bediscipline. Only very a few cities in the country in the hybrid range, industry will find it more to evolve a policy that could remain consistenthave an organized public transport system, viable to localize the component base, which over a longer period of time. Industry as well aswhich encourages private vehicles which will further reduce the cost and make EVs more Government will have a role to play in ensuringare used inefficiently leading to congestion. affordable, leading to a virtuous cycle of growth this. Secondly, technology is evolving veryA well designed integrated and inter-modal and development of EV technology. This will rapidly in the area of alternative drivetrains.public transport system is the only way to ease also promote Make-in-India in its true spirit. Keeping abreast of technology changes andand decongest the traffic in the cities. Shared ensuring a certain level of dynamism in thepublic transport will also be able to reduce How is the recent announcement policy environment while maintaining thethe large number of private vehicles to reduce of no permits needed to set up consistency will be a key challenge in future.congestion. A recent report from the NITI charging stations going to impactAayog on Transformative Mobility Solutions the growth of e-vehicle market? What are the concerns related tofor India is a welcome initiative. SIAM is fully Easy availability of charging infrastructure will e-vehicle penetration in India?committed to work with NiTI aayog, DHI and play a very important role in making electric India is a very large market and another stakeholders in this endeavor and will increasing share of the automotive market isprovide necessary inputs for implementation today coming from the non-urban and rural areas. We therefore have to design solutions not only for the urban consumers but also for the non-urban and rural mobility. That will enable larger penetration of e-mobility in the country and provide the industry with viable scales and enable competitive manufacturing. Government support for e-mobility can at best be a short term measure. The industry will have to make e-mobility affordable and self-sustaining in the medium to long term. A higher level of penetration of e-mobility is the only way to ensure this. August 2017 | Energy Next | 41

BrazilThe country’stransport sector’stryst with biofuelsThe successful track record that biofuels experienced in Brazil – and in someother countries such as the US and Argentina – can be replicated globally. Inspite of accounting for just 4 per cent of the total road transport fuel consumedin the world, biofuel production nearly tripled in the past ten years, reaching 135billion litres in 2016, write Tovar da Silva Nunes and Pedro Ivo Ferraz da SilvaTovar da Silva Nunes Pedro Ivo Ferraz da Silva When visitors in the Brazilian aerospace cluster of São José dos Campos (southeast of Brazil, 80km from the city of São Paulo, home to airplane producer EMBRAER) walk around and marvel at the diversity of aircrafts, launch vehicles and fight jets exhibited at the Brazilian Aerospace Memorial, they may be puzzled with the presence of an elderly, square-shaped and urban- made four-wheeler. ‘How does this vintage car relate to the history of the Brazilian aerospace sector?’ one may ask. A closer look at the42 | Energy Next | August 2017

Bio-fuel In the aftermath of the 1973 oil crisis, Brazil decided to launch the “Proálcool” (Pro-alcohol) programme in order to foster development of an indigenous ethanol-based transport industry “Proálcool” (Pro-alcohol) program in order petrol with a blend of 27 per cent of anhydrous to foster the development of an indigenous ethanol. So, no matter if opting for petrol or ethanol-based transport industry that would ethanol at the fuel pump, drivers in Brazil will mitigate the country’s dependence on fossil always have the latter – in total or in part - fuels. Relying both on Brazil’s long-established propelling their vehicles. To meet this demand, (dating back to early colonial times) sugarcane Brazil produces 27 billion litres of ethanol a year agricultural sector and a burgeoning automotive (2016), being the second largest producer in the industry, the Government put together an world, after the United States. attractive combination of fiscal and public incentives that gave rise to a new business. In paralel to the production of traditional Departing from a yearly production of 600 sugarcane-based ethanol, Brazil has broadened million litres of sugarcane ethanol in 1975, the its biofuel portfolio and started structuring Brazilian market evolved rapidly and reached its biodiesel market. A national plan for the the impressive milestone of 12.6 billion litres production and use of biodiesel was adopted in 1986. By 1991, almost 60 per cent of the in 2004 and four years later B2 blending (2 Brazilian car fleet was ethanol-powered. per cent biodiesel, 98 per cent fossil diesel) became mandatory. Since September 2014, Despite an interim downturn in the 1990s B7 is the blending norm for all diesel sold in - especially due to descending oil prices - the the country, with B10 expected to be reached ethanol sector regained momentum years later, by 2019. In 2016, Brazil produced 3.9 billion spurred by the technological novelty of the litres of biodiesel, mainly from soya, castor flex engine, which allows for the same vehicle beans, sunflower, and babassu, among others. to be powered by petrol or ethanol or any mix Some 4.5 billion are expected to be delivered by of the two. The first flex vehicle was sold in biorefineries this year. Brazil in 2003. In 2016, 88 per cent of all new manufactured cars were fitted with dual-fuel More recently, in 2014, after a long period engines. Another reason for the re-emergence of of intense R&D activity, lignocellulosic ethanol the Brazilian ethanol sector was the incremental (2nd generation ethanol – E2G) started to be regulation of blending. As of today, stations produced commercially in Brazil. Following throughout the country are mandated to sell an ascending growth curve, E2G production has the potential to improve the efficiency ofintriguing piece – an indigo blue 4-seater DodgePolara - will reveal that it was the offspringof a CTA (“Centro Técnico Aeroespacial” -Aerospace Technical Center) and Chryslercooperation, formed in the mid-1970s to designand build the first ever prototype of an ethanolpropelled vehicle. Given both organizations’technological leadership at that time, thispublic-private-partnership was given the taskto spearhead one of Brazil’s most innovativeindustrial endeavours of the 20th century. In the aftermath of the 1973 oil crisis, theBrazilian Government decided to launch the August 2017 | Energy Next | 43

Brazil | bio-fuelsugarcane plantation acreage from 40 up to 250 modern sustainable low carbon alternatives to reduce carbon emissions in the transport sectorper cent. fossil based solutions in transport, chemicals, is playing and will continue to play a pivotal role. plastics and other sectors”. With Brazil acting According to studies conducted in Brazil, the The successfull track record that biofuels as interim facilitator, the Biofuture Platform widespread use of ethanol as fuel has preventedexperienced in Brazil – and in some other held its first meeting in January 2017, in Abu emissions of 300 million tons of carbon dioxidecountries such as the US and Argentina – can Dhabi, and agreed on the elaboration of a into the atmosphere between 2004 and 2015 (12be replicated globally. In spite of accounting for “Biofuture State of the Advanced Low Carbon years) in the country.just 4 per cent of the total road transport fuel Bioeconomy report”, to be released still thisconsumed in the world, biofuel production year, based on contributions from all members. Biofuel-powered vehicles are “purelynearly tripled in the past ten years, reaching 135 renewable”, as opposed to hybrid or electricbillion litres in 2016. On October 24-25, 2017, the I Biofuture cars, which are dependent on the “climate Platform Conference (ref: figure 1) will take friendliness” of the ultimate source of power. A Recent developments in non-traditional place in São Paulo. The event will host a set car that is powered with electricity generated bymarkets show that biofuels have a promising of keynote panels and debate sessions on a coal thermal plant is as polluting as the onesfuture ahead. In Africa, Nigeria launched its subjects such as policy frameworks, latest running on petrol or diesel. Even if powerednational biofuels strategy and disclosed a plan industrial developments, use of feed stocks by a green source of energy, electric cars willto set up its first biorefinery. South Africa and flexible bio-refining. Also on the agenda generally be able to support the reductionannounced similar ambitions, focusing on is the discussion concerning a “Vision of carbon footprint in light duty transport,ethanol production. In Europe, Finland and Statement”, a text that will convey the members’ while sustainable, non-fossil fuels can beItaly have made major moves in increasing their commitment to bio-economy and low carbon applied in such sectors as heavy duty vehicles,respective cellulosic ethanol output, relying on fuels beyond 2030. Other two events of the air transportation, plastics and chemicals. Itsoftwood sawdust and other forestry residues as Platform are planned in India and in Italy at is therefore essential that both electric andprimary source. the beginning of next year. biofuels based transport systems be considered complementary, non-excluding solutions In the same vein, India has also recently Moreover, other initiatives such as the directed at the common goal of a decarbonizedtaken major concrete steps to expand its internal ‘Mission Innovation’ (a group created in 2015 environment.biofuel market. In paralel to enforcing its E10 comprising 23 countries, including India andblending target, it has opened its first cellulosic Brazil) also work at promoting innovative clean Despite its revolutionary meaning, thefacility in Kashipur, using wood chips, cotton energy solutions in order to improve access and fancy looking 1976 Dodge Polara displayedstalk, cane bagasse, maize stover and bamboo facilitate deployment. India and Brazil, together at the Aerospace Memorial in São José dosas raw materials. In 2016, a plan to deploy five with Canada and China, lead MI’s specific effort Campos merely represents the starting pointother ethanol plants was announced. “to develop ways to produce, at scale, widely of the successful but continuing journey affordable, advanced biofuels for transportation towards a solid biofuel economy. A journey Apart from individual country initiatives, and industrial applications”. that has a promising future, despite theconsiderable multilateral efforts have also challenges to be overcome. A journey thatbeen made to promote the adoption of All these efforts, be they national or Brazil would like to share with the world, asbiofuels on a global scale. In 2016, on the multilateral, intergovernmental or multi- it constitutes one of the several importantsidelines of the COP-22 in Marrakesh, 20 stakeholder, share the goal of bringing biofuels pathways towards a clean, healthy andgovernments, together with intergovernmental to the forefront of the energy sector. In the sustainable future.and private sector organizations, launched the context of individual country’s struggle to‘Biofuture Platform’ initiative. Conceived as implement their Nationally Determined Tovar da Silva Nunesa multi-stakeholder coalition, the Biofuture Contributions (NDCs) in support of the 2015 Ambassador of Brazil to IndiaPlatform aims at fostering policy dialogue Paris climate agreement, it is evident thatand collaboration in order to “promote sustainable, immediately scalable solutions to Pedro Ivo Ferraz da Silvadevelopment and scale up deployment of Embassy of Brazil in New Delhi (Views expressed by the author are personal) I Biofuture Platform Conference When: 24-25 October 2017 Where: São Paulo, Brazil (Hotel Estanplaza) Website: figure 144 | Energy Next | August 2017

WIND | LubricantsTechnologyadvancementtakes to globalmouldGreen initiatives havedefied boundaries asall the developmentstoday are happeningkeeping in mind theglobal perspectiveand so is the case withinnovation, reportsAnupam DaftuarToday India stands tall amidst the area but geographically it is spreading across Fact sheet wind farms across the globe. One many states and the people are taking it very year back with a mark record of seriously as part of their green initiative.” Hassle free drive 5.2 GW of installed power of wind • Mobil SHCTMTM Gear 320 WT’ isenergy, India rose to the fourth position among ll Product Innovations a new product for the wind industrytop leaders in the sector. Talking on the strides in Innovative products, which looks at the various challenges the Industry people explain some path within the wind industry A number of factors have helped India breaking products that will contribute greatly • It provides wind turbine operators toattain this and one very important factor was in enhancing the performance efficiency of utilize minimal LCOEthe area of innovation that has contributed a the Industry. • The Mobil can operate in high andlot and is still continuing to contribute. low temperatures as the properties Affirming his very strong commitment of the product can accommodate to Speaking on this at the Windergy event, held to the ‘wind industry’ Glen Sharkowicz, various factorsrecently, Shankar Karnik, General Manager Industrial Marketing Manager Asia Pacific at Gear 320 WT’ which is next generation gear(Industrial), ExxonMobil Lubricants Pvt Ltd ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd’, said that they lubricant for the wind industry is a new productsaid: “Around the year 2008 the wind industry had developed many products in Europe that for the wind industry which looks at the variousin India had started going down, but we have were specific to the industry and they have been challenges within the wind industry such asseen a clear shift in terms of capacity expansion working with the OEMs for nearly 25 to 30 years. bigger turbines, slower speed, and new designs inand also installations. From a demographic gear boxes and bearings,” explained Sharkowicz,standpoint, it is not localized or specific to any “One such innovation is the ‘Mobil SHC™ adding, “We have worked and coordinated with August 2017 | Energy Next | 45

WINDOEMs to develop such products, the key focus of Explaining the universality of thethis product is about oil life.” product, Shankar exemplified the case of are Mobil SHC 220 that is being Another feather to the hat of innovation used successfully in arctic as well aswas added by Shankar. He spoke on those normal weather conditionsnew generation products that they have beenpitched to the market. He said that these bearings in those conditions and it is the same analysis and tell our customers about oil andproducts “will take the oil life ahead by seven product which operates in the Delhi Metro equipment health. Besides this, we build trendsyears, which is much beyond what the current slide door bearings, and it operates in the for condition monitoring which help them inproducts in the market have to offer”. doors in the international space station which predictive and preventive maintenance, thus orbits the earth,” said Shankar. bringing down overall cost of lubrication.” Elucidating further, he said: “The keyparameter that wind turbine operators and Sharkowicz also talked on another such Talking on the sustainability factor of theowners look at is Levelized Cost of Energy product the Mobil SHC™ Grease 102 WT that product, Shankar said, “By extending the life(LCOE). Mobil SHC Gear 320 WT provides they have recently introduced. “It addresses of the oil for a longer period of time, you’rewind turbine operators to utilize minimal the pitch bearings on the blades. We need to saving that many times already of oil freeLCOE”. control the pitch of the blade to maximize dispose. So that’s a key benefit of that we productivity, hence having the right viscosity bring to the table and exactly what Glen justll Product Bandwidth and formulation is important,” he informed. explained. It not only brings productivityGreen initiatives have defied boundaries as all benefits in operating the equipment, butthe developments today are happening keeping ll Feasibility of end- also more reliably and efficiently. It reducesin mind the global perspective and so is the consumers waste, thereby providing environmentalcase with innovation. As Sharkowicz puts it The market today is a consumer driven market protection. It also reduces safety risk. Theserightly, “The wind turbine designs are quite and therefore all industry production happens are important aspects for sustainability.”global; hence whenever we design the products keeping in mind the perspectives of end-we have a global picture in mind.” consumption and also their benefits. Also, with “Being out in the field with the customers technique advancement, ‘n’ numbers of products and understanding their issues and bringing Talking specifically on Mobil SHC™ Gear have been replaced by one unified product in them back in a holistic view of how we320 WT, he said that the Mobil can operate several cases. Similar is the case here. As Shankar formulate is the way we do it,” adds extreme (high and low) temperatures puts it, “The Technology we offer and theas the properties of the product can range of products we bring help the customer ll Facets of the produceaccommodate various factors. minimize the number of products that are Expressing confidence on their product, Glen needed to be stocked by the person concerned.” explains that owing to the stiff competition in the Explaining the universality of the product, market, it goes beyond product quality. “We areShankar exemplified the case of Mobil SHC™ Explaining the concept pragmatically, very confident to offer extended warranty on oil220 that is being used successfully in the arctic Sharkowicz said that in a typically remote life. We have a very long history of working withas well as normal weather conditions. He location, it is difficult to maintain a range of builders around the world; through them weexplained the weather stations in the Arctic products, with lack of space for storage. “We understand their needs and their business. Thisthat are not manned, are powered by wind offer services, through our Mobil lubricant helps us formulate products for the industry andturbines. “There are about four wind turbines back that up with our services,” added Glen.around each weather station, to help thestation to generate data. The Mobil SHC 220 is Where other aspects like Research &used to run the wind turbines, it lubricates the Development (R&D) and compatibility are concerned, Glen said “We never stop. Twenty per cent downstream business that we create is dedicated to R&D so it is a constant settle. We are moving into offshore looking at low speed winds, different designs, there is direct drive and a lot more.” “It takes a lot to make any product globally compatible. Wind turbines are the toughest equipment to actually operate, because electronically aside, all around the world, the terrains change and it’s difficult to maintain the equipment” said Sharkowicz, adding to that, they46 | Energy Next | August 2017

Lubricantswork with equipment builders in understandingthe metallurgical trends, operational trends andrequirements. They then work on the designaspects of it to develop lubricant technology thatis suitable for use on wind turbines. “Therefore,with the experience we have, our productsdeliver what we commit. Eventually everythingworks towards the cost of operation, it worksthrough the levelised cost of energy,” he added.ll Affordability Factor Taking extra care for quality servicing,Discussing the cost factor of the lubricants, it is made sure that the equipmentit was deduced that lubrication being are tested according to the requiredindispensable to the wind farms, the cost factor standards, physico-chemical propertiesseems a little unfavourable for the people are analysedfunctioning in the industry. “It can be manufacturers for the greases, who and see when it is operating,” added Shankar. As a matter of fact, in most of the countries, have very specific requirements that we need to Regarding the Indian Market, Shankarcost of wind energy is expected to decline and work with and understand and in some casesthat of the oil would remain the same. help develop,” said Glen adding that they try to says that the Indian market is a little different work with them to best meet the requirements in comparison to the other markets. India “The life of a wind turbine is 20 years. at stake, because “we can formulate a product stands at the fourth position when it comesWithin these 20 years, if you were to change that can last forever but if the gears break it to wind Energy and the top three, as Shankaroils in three years you would do that six times. doesn’t matter. So, we need to keep all this in says, operate in a different fashion than theWith the technology that promises to use balance which is really tech wise tricky, and this Indian market.minimum oil, with more retention of seven is where constant researching, development,years, you would have changed oil only twice budget and people and their application He explains that India has the Equipmentduring that period” said Shankar explaining expertise come into play,” said Sharkowicz. Builders or OEMs that not only manufacturethat one cannot go for cheaper options as but operate and maintain the turbines. “Theylubrication is very vital, . Servicing is another factor which is very take decisions about what product to use, what important for the sector. These players pay goes in it and the intervals etc. in consultation “The more the number of hours it runs/ special attention to serviceability. As Shankar with us. So anything related to oils andoperates, the colder it gets. It won’t give you explains, “In terms of reach we have a wide greases, we work with them and make thethe same efficiency as you started off with at network of people around the country and recommendations.”the beginning. So, all the more important for our own experts who are available to addressoperators and wind EBs is to make sure that customers’ requirements. Most of the service In addition to this they also work withthey have the best technology available to lower related queries are handled virtually. We offer gearbox suppliers, brake suppliers and thethe cost of energy. That’s why you need better condition monitoring, in the normal course bearing suppliers. There are SMEs and smalltechnology to deliver the requirement. So of operations of a wind turbine.” wind power functionaries which are notclearly, between now and 20 years, the cost of owned by builders in the country and these areenergy is not going to remain the same, so you Taking extra care for quality servicing, it supported by us, said Shankar. He added, “Weneed to factor that in. You need to be working is made sure that the equipment are tested provide them with service, with technology andalong with better technology products than according to the required standards, physico- their usage, and we bring global experience togoing for cheaper options in order to achieve chemical properties are analysed. Database is them in terms of operating their equipment onthe goals” added Shankar. built for all equipment of customers so that if the grounds of larger productively compared to there is any trouble, they have this data to fall other players. That’s why they find it strategic to Affirming the vitality, Glen says, “They can’t back on. “We also interpret these results for our work with us.”afford not to. If the price people buy energy customers so that they understand what is goingfor, goes down, they need to make sure that the on with the equipment which you cannot open Thus market players have a holistic lookturbine is efficient and effective as possible.” since every aspect from cradle-to-grave is taken care off.ll Serviceability &ApproachAny given sector has a supply chain andevery link is important. Same is the casewith this sector as well. Even though oneis a lubricant manufacturer, one has to beconnected with every link of the system. August 2017 | Energy Next | 47

WindWinds ofChange!Wind is placed in a well-established situation while solar is in the process ofcatching up; however, the combination of wind and solar together will play apivotal role, feels David Rasquinha, MD, Exim BankEnergy and climate are inextricably development. population, accounts for only 6 percent of linked with any change in energy One of the most critical measures of climate global energy use at present, with one in five sector activity seemingly affecting Indians are yet to gain access. The average the latter. The irony is that the energy change mitigation is enhancing the usage of energy consumption per person is one-so used, is neither adequate to satiate the clean and renewable sources for meeting the ever sixth of the global average. The fact remainsdemands of the global populace nor is it helping increasing global energy demand.According that, India’s reliance on coal could not bethe planet to remain healthy and inhabitable to the International Energy Outlook, primary forgone in the distant future, and hence thefor future generations. Although, there is no energy consumption in India is projected to need is to have a fair fusion of conventionalsingle remedy to this issue, a series of measures increase by over 1.5 times by 2030, from 20.3 and renewable energy. India needs to makecould be undertaken by various stakeholders Quadrillion Btu in 2007 to 34.1 Quadrillion Btu a quantum jump in generation of energyin addressing challenges arising out of climate in 2030, thereby growing at an average of 2.6 through renewable energy resources.change and thereby help in sustainable percent per year. Given this level of increase, it is important for India to reduce its dependence on ll RENEWABLE ENERGY CO2 emitting sources (primarily fossil fuels – oil, Given renewed impetus in the last few years, the coal and natural gas) and enhance its production renewable energy sector in India has emerged as of alternative sources of energy which promote a significant player in the grid connected power a greener economy. The only way to do so is generation capacity of the country. India has an to promote production and use of renewable estimated renewable energy potential of about sources of energy such as hydro, wind, solar and 852 GW from commercially exploitable sources biomass. This would not just reduce the India’s viz. Wind – 102 GW (at 80 metre mast height) carbon footprints but would also have an added and 750 GW solar power. The Government has benefit of improving the country’s trade deficit, revised its target of renewable energy capacity as nearly three-fourth of India’s oil demand is to 175 GW by end of 2022 (100 GW for solar, met through imports. 60 GW for wind, amongst others) making it the India, home to a sixth of the world’s48 | Energy Next | August 2017

Financing Renewableslargest expansion in the world and providing position in the overall scheme of things in the ll WIND ENERGY GENERATION:plenty of opportunities for investors. Currently, power sector in India. From a technology that SOME STATISTICSthe total installed capacity in India has reached was regarded as fringe few years back, it has Wind energy has been the predominantto 310 GW with generation mix of thermal moved to centre stage as an option offering contributor to the growth of world renewable(69.4%), renewable (14.8%), hydro (13.9%) near grid parity, which possibly will become. energy. India’s wind capacity has grown fromand nuclear (1.9%) as on Dec 2016. The UN Today, wind is placed in a much better situation nearly 12 GW in 2009-10 to more than 28Environment Program’s (UNEP) ‘Global Trends and is already fairly well established, while GW now, having a share of close to 60 Renewable Energy Investment 2016’ report solar is in the process of catching up. However, Almost 10 GW of this capacity addition hasranks India among the top ten countries in the the combination of wind and solar together is come in the last four years. India is the fourthworld investing in renewable energy. According expected to play a pivotal role. largest wind power producer in the world, afterto EY Renewable Energy Index 2016, India was China, USA and Germany.ranked 3rd after USA and China, but ahead It is estimated that with the current level ofof developing countries like Chile, Mexico, technology, the ‘on-shore’ potential for utilization Against the target of 4000 MW for the yearBrazil, South Africa, and developed countries of wind energy for electricity generation is of 2016-17, a wind power capacity of 1923 MWlike Germany, France and Canada (all these the order of 65,000 MW. At nearly 27 GW of has been added up to December, 2016. Theare amongst top 10). The Government is also installed capacity, India is already the world’s state of Tamil Nadu is the highest contributor tocommitted to Clean Energy and is driving efforts fourth biggest producer of wind-based electricity, the wind power installed capacity at 7694 MW,to achieve 40 percent power installed capacity after China, the United States and Germany. followed by Maharashtra at 4666 MW. On anfrom non-fossil-fuel-based energy resources and Latest outlook from Global Wind Energy average, the installed wind power capacity hasreducing emissions by 33-35 percent of its GDP Council shows that India would have close to 45 increased at 12percent annually from 2012-13by 2030. GW of installed wind energy by the year 2020 to 2015-16. Highest ever wind power capacity even in the most modest of growth scenarios. If addition of 3300 MW in 2015-16. pushed aggressively, it can go up to 67 GW by 2020. That means, India’s target of generating ll WIND ENERGY COMPONENTS: about 60 GW of electricity through wind energy TRADE can be realized two years in advance. In the absence or rather paucity of products (under HS 6-digit level) that can be classified as In 2015, the National Institute of Wind being exclusively serving the renewable energy Energy (NIWE) in Chennai revised the estimate sector (i.e. single use exclusive items), the of wind power potential in the country. It was identification of goods and components used in earlier estimated to be just over 102 GW, if renewable energy supply has been based on a tapped at a height of 80 metres from the ground. study by the International Centre for Trade and In that case, according to NIWE, the potential Sustainable Development (ICTSD). There are for wind energy in India shoots up almost three 53 such products identified at HS 6-digit level of times, reaching 302 GW. What’s remarkable is which 27 are related to wind components. The that more than half of this potential, 153 GW, is global exports for components of renewable located on wastelands. Viewed from this context, energy stood at US$ 306 billion in 2015, with India has currently utilized just around 9 percent exports being US$ 149.3 billion (components of of its wind energy potential.ll WIND ENERGYWind energy today occupies a prominent August 2017 | Energy Next | 49

Wind Wind Power Capacity (MW) State upto 31.12.2016 upto 31.12.2015 upto 31.12.2014 upto 31.12.2013 upto 31.12.2012 upto 31.12.2011 AP 2,092.5 435 213 4,441.57 1,155 913 746 3,093 2,641 Gujarat 3,154.2 2,113 1,852 Karnataka 43.5 3,877 3,581 3,454 35 35 2,288.6 386 330 Kerala 2,872 2,549 2,318 MP 4,666.03 2,976 2,560 35 35 35Maharashtra 4,216.72 2,355 1,830 1,126 567 424 Rajasthan 7,694.33 7,153 6,613 4,638 4,369 4,096Tamil Nadu 98.7 - - 4.3 3,866 3,053 2,785 4 4 Telangana 28,700.44 18,550 16,078 Others 7,515 7,394 7,270 Total -- - 4 4 4 25,088 22,465 21,132solar), US$ 103.8 billion (components of wind) The wind power equipment industry in smaller capacity turbines. Simultaneously,and US$ 52.8 billion (components of biomass). India is largely geared to smaller capacity India can leverage its numerous trade links and wind turbines, typically 250kW to 1.8MW. agreements to supply many of these nations. India has a strong manufacturing base While demand for larger machines is beingof wind power equipment in the country. met by Suzlon, many Indian companies ll SELECT CHALLENGESPresently, there are 20 approved manufacturers focus on finding export markets for smaller The government has proposed to endwith 53 models of wind turbines in the country turbines, such as community wind farms in generation-based incentives (GBI) forup to a capacity of 3.00 MW single turbines. the US that need turbines in the 250kW to independent power producers (IPPs) andWind turbines being manufactured in India are 750kW range. Encouraging more component reduce the accelerated depreciation (AD)of international quality standards and cost-wise manufacturing is one of several critical areas benefits from 80 percent. Lack of consistencyamongst the lowest in the world being exported identified by IWTMA for improvement in the in policy significantly hampers investmentto Europe, USA and other countries. industry. Ramping up domestic component prospects. manufacture would reduce reliance on The Indian exports for components of imports and drive down production costs, According to Indian Wind Turbinerenewable energy stood at US$ 3.3 billion positioning India as a source of competitively Manufacturers Association (IWTMA), the(1.1% of global exports) in 2015, with exports priced generators and supplies. wind manufacturing industry had the capacitybeing US$ 0.97 billion, US$ 1.7 billion and US$ to produce equipment for 10 GW of generation,0.65 billion for components of solar energy, If India is to develop its own capacity, let but domestic demand was only about 3 GW. “Inwind energy and biomass energy, respectively. alone pursue export opportunities, it must the absence of proper atmosphere for export,Hence share of wind energy components from establish an environmental job market that our potential is getting wasted. The governmentIndia stood at 1.7 percent. The top 10 wind is sufficient to keep pace with the growing needs to create the platform to enable thecomponents constitutes around 60 percent (~ wind power industry. India needs more industry to export.US$ 1.1 bn) of total India’s wind component trained engineers to build farms and carry A third problem which may come by way ofexports (US$ 1.72 bn). The key exports being out operations and maintenance, but skilled GST which, when implemented, could possibly- Towers and lattice masts, of iron or steel; production engineers and technicians are also push up costs for both wind and solar projectLiquid dielectric transformers, having a power needed to fortify the supply chain. Over the developers as some tax exemptions may likelyhandling capacity <= 650 Kva; Liquid dielectric next few years, many of India’s wind farms go away. Taken together, these may hurt thetransformers, having a power handling capacity will be liable for repowering — dismantling rate of return for investors and deter new> 10.000 kVA. India ranks 16th in wind older turbines for replacement with larger, investments.component exports, with leaders being China more modern machines. A potential export(15.7%), Germany (13.3%), USA (9.1%), Japan opportunity could be to recondition these older The reduction in tax sops, together with hike(6.6%), and Denmark (5.1%). turbines and supply them to emerging wind in duties and taxes can have an adverse impact power markets, at reduced costs and warranties. on the equipment manufacturers and wind Within India’s wind power industry there Developing economies, may be at the same installations.are handful of domestic firms that own the time be interested in competitively pricedtechnology rights and are, therefore, able to Logistics is another challenge. As comparedexport their machines. These include Kenersys, to the international logistics network, Indiathe former German manufacture RBSconsultbought by Indian industrial conglomerate The top 10 wind components constitutesKalyani Group, RRB Energy, which around 60 % (~ US$ 1.1 bn) of total India’smanufactures turbines from 600kW to 1.8MW, wind component exports (US$ 1.72 bn)engineering firm Shriram EPC, Southern WindFarms, and Pioneer.50 | Energy Next | August 2017

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