Approved POS Supplier by
The Kia Promise Car Windscreen StickersPOS Items Suitable for internal & external use. Available on re-usable easy apply vinyl, or standard self adhesive vinyl. We can produce stickers at any size or shape on request. Ask for details. Standard sizes; Standard Circular - 300mm diameter (Multiples of 10) Minimum order of 10 £2.00 each 7 more reasons to join our Kia familyCar Topper Over 50 £1.50 each YEAR WARRANTY EXCESS RETURN ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE CLICK & COLLECTlightweight, low-cost system, printed on QUALITY REDEFINEDwhite correx and designed for indoor use only.Size 200mm x 580mm Over 100 £1.50 each SERVICEx1: £15 x10: £13 each x20: £9 each ONLINE BOOKING FA M I LY - L I K E C A R E ACCIDENT AFTERCARE Option to upgrade to re-useable material available Fully unlock these key benefits when you register at MyKia Search ‘MyKia’ For full terms, conditions and exclusions please visit Standard Circular - 300mm diameterYEAR WARRANTY SERVICEQUALITY REDEFINED EXCESS RETURN ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE CLICK & COLLECT ONLINE BOOKING FA M I LY - L I K E C A R E ACCIDENT AFTERCARE7 more reasons to join our Kia familyFully unlock these key benefits when you register at MyKia Search ‘MyKia’ For full terms, conditions and exclusions please visit Mirror Hangers 7 more reasons to join Printed Magnets our Kia familyPrinted full colour to both Printed full coloursides of 350gsm Silk. YEAR WARRANTY on 300mic display 7 more reasons to join our Kia familyDie Cut to shape. QUALITY REDEFINED grade magnet.(Minimum order of 250) EXCESS RETURN ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE CLICK & COLLECT Standard sizes available -x250 - £125 SERVICE 7 more Kreiaasfoanmsiltyo 400mm x 300mm £20x500 - £195 our 495mm x 495mm £25x1000 - £245 ONLINE BOOKING FA M I LY - L I K E C A R E ACCIDENT AFTERCARE YEAR WARRANTY join YEAR WARRANTYx2000 - £395 QUALITY REDEFINED Fully unlock these key benefits when you register at EXCESS RETURN ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE CLICK & COLLECT MyKia QUALITY REDEFINED Search ‘MyKia’ EXCESS RETURN SERVICE ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE CLICK & COLLECT SERVICE ONLINE BOOKING unlock these SearcMhy‘MKiyaKia’Fully FA M I LY - L I K E C A R E key benefits ACCIDENT AFTERCARE ONLINE BOOKING FA M I LY - L I K E C A R E ACCIDENT AFTERCARE when you register at Fully unlock these key benefits when you register at MyKia Search ‘MyKia’ For full terms, conditions and exclusions please visit For full terms, conditions and exclusions please visit For full terms, conditions and exclusions please visit SERVICE YEAR WARRANTY CLICK & COLLECT ONLINE BOOKING FA M I LY - L I K E C A R E ACCIDENT AFTERCARE EXCESS RETURN ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE 7 more reasons to join our KiaMyfKaiamilyFully unlock these key benefits when you register atQUALITY REDEFINED Search ‘MyKia’ exFcolursfiounll steprlemass,ecovinsdititkioian.scoamnd/ukAll images shown are not to scale and are for illustration purposes only. Decals AUTOMOTIVE MARKETING SPECIALISTS Full colour car decals - 1 set = 2 x sides £50
POS Items Hanging Boards 7 more reasons to join our Kia family Boards come complete with self adhesive hanging system. YEAR WARRANTY EXCESS RETURN ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE CLICK & COLLECT QUALITY REDEFINED Pack of 3 Double Sided SERVICE Size - 595mm sq ONLINE BOOKING FA M I LY - L I K E C A R E ACCIDENT AFTERCARE £75 Fully unlock these key benefits when you register at MyKia Search ‘MyKia’ For full terms, conditions and exclusions please visit Posters 7 more reasons Poster Paper PVC Poster to join our Kia family A3 - £5 A3 - £8Satin Poster A2 - £8 A2 - £12 Paper or A1 - £12 A1 - £15 A0 - £20 A0 - £25PVC Poster. 30” x 20” - £18 30” x 20” - £23 60” x 40” - £30 60” x 40” - £38 YEAR WARRANTY EXCESS RETURN ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE QUALITY REDEFINED CLICK & COLLECT SERVICE FA M I LY - L I K E C A R E ONLINE BOOKING ACCIDENT AFTERCARE Fully unlock these key benefits when you register at MyKia Search ‘MyKia’ Anytown Kia For full terms, conditions and exclusions please visit Showroom Floor Graphics Printed full colour on anti-slip self adhesive vinyl. Size - up to 1m sq £55 eachDesk Topper Roller BannersSize 297mm x 140mm Complete unit with the base,x10 - £2 graphic and carry bag.x25 - £1.50 £69 eachAll images shown are not to scale and are for illustration purposes only.All prices exclude delivery and VAT.See the back page of this brochure for our price list, and how to order.
Scrappage POS Trade in your old car and get £2,000 Trade in your old car and get £2,000 off a brand new Kia Picanto, off a brand new Kia Picanto,ShowroomWindow Stickers Stonic or cee’d.That’s seven years Stonic or cee’d.That’s seven years of worry free driving with our of worry free driving with ourFOR EXTERNAL FITTING. 7 year warranty. 7 year warranty.Printed on easy applyresidue free removable vinyl. YEAR WARRANTY Anytown Kia YEAR WARRANTY Anytown Kia QUALITY REDEFINED QUALITY REDEFINEDStandard sizes -625mm sq £18 Fuel consumption in mpg (l/100km) for the models shown: Urban 29.1(9.7)-47.9 (5.9), Extra Urban 47.9(5.9)-74.3 (3.8), Combined 38.2 (7.4)-61.4 (4.6), CO2 emissions 170-106g/km. Fuel consumption in mpg (l/100km) for the models shown: Urban 29.1(9.7)-47.9 (5.9), Extra Urban 47.9(5.9)-74.3 (3.8), Combined 38.2 (7.4)-61.4 (4.6), CO2 emissions 170-106g/km.1250mm sq £30 MPG figures are official EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results. Models shown: Picanto ‘GT-line S’ 1.25 83bhp 5-speed manual at £14,250 including optional chargeable Clear White paint at £250, All-New Stonic ‘First Edition’ 1.0 T-GDi 118bhp 6-speed manual ISG at £20,245 including MPG figures are official EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results. Models shown: Picanto ‘GT-line S’ 1.25 83bhp 5-speed manual at £14,250 including optional chargeable Clear White paint at £250, All-New Stonic ‘First Edition’ 1.0 T-GDi 118bhp 6-speed manual ISG at £20,245 includingAvailable any size to suit windows - premium chargeable Blaze Red with Black roof paint at £545 and cee’d ‘GT’ 1.6 T-GDi 201bhp 6-speed manual at £24,025 with standard Track Red paint. Specification varies across the range and is subject to change without notice. *£2,000 (inc. VAT) scrappage saving available to private customers excluding Personal Contract premium chargeable Blaze Red with Black roof paint at £545 and cee’d ‘GT’ 1.6 T-GDi 201bhp 6-speed manual at £24,025 with standard Track Red paint. Specification varies across the range and is subject to change without notice. *£2,000 (inc. VAT) scrappage saving available to private customers excluding Personal ContractCan be cut to any shape. Hire when registering a Picanto, All-New Stonic or cee’d between 01.04.2018-30.06.2018 in the United Kingdom, Isle of Man or Channel Islands. This offer is conditional on the scrappage of a vehicle, of any make, originally registered on or before 30.06.2011 and owned by the customer for at least three months prior to the new Hire when registering a Picanto, All-New Stonic or cee’d between 01.04.2018-30.06.2018 in the United Kingdom, Isle of Man or Channel Islands. This offer is conditional on the scrappage of a vehicle, of any make, originally registered on or before 30.06.2011 and owned by the customer for at least three months prior to the new vehicle’s registration date. The scrappage saving is in lieu of all other offers. Only one scrappage payment can be claimed for each vehicle scrapped. 7 year / 100,000 mile manufacturer’s warranty. vehicle’s registration date. The scrappage saving is in lieu of all other offers. Only one scrappage payment can be claimed for each vehicle scrapped. 7 year / 100,000 mile manufacturer’s warranty.PVC Banners All images shown are not to scale and Printed full colour on outdoor PVC - are for illustration Hemmed & Eyeletted. purposes only. Standard sizes - 800mm x 2000mm - £39 800mm x 3000mm - £49 Bespoke sizes availableStandard OutdoorBanner Frame • Portable lightweight banner frame • Push fit fixings for simple assembly • Supplied with carry bag, ground pegs & bungee cords. Standard sizes - 2m wide (to fit graphic 800mm x 2000mm) - £99 3m wide (to fit graphic 800mm x 3000mm) - £109Heavy Duty Outdoor Banner Frame • Extra strong heavy duty poles & bracket system • Supplied in kit form ready to assemble • Supplied with ground pegs & bungee cords Standard sizes - 2m wide (to fit graphic 800mm x 2000mm) - £180 3m wide (to fit graphic 800mm x 3000mm) - £190 Choice of colours available on poles and brackets.AUTOMOTIVE MARKETING SPECIALISTS
Forecourt Flag & Pole Auto Wing Flag & PoleIncludes single sided mirror Includes single sided mirror image flag,image flag, pole & car wheel base. pole & car wheel base. Sizes: Pole - 3.1mSizes: Pole - 5m Flag - 2000mm x 560mmFlag - 2000mm x 800mm £30 Flag£30 Flag Only Only £125 Flag, Pole and Drive£95 Flag, Pole and Drive on Wheel Base on Wheel Base Ultimate Wing Flag & Pole Includes single sided mirror image flag, pole & car wheel base. Sizes: Pole - 5.2m Flag - 3800mm x 850mm £75 Flag Only £180 Flag, Pole and Drive on Wheel Base YEAR WARRANTY AVAILABLE QUALITY REDEFINED ON THIS CAR. Trade in your old car and get £2,000* off a brand-new Kia Picanto, All-New Kia Stonic or Kia cee’d. That’s seven years of worry-free driving with our 7 year warranty.YEAR WARRANTY AVAILABLE ON THIS CAR.QUALITY REDEFINED Trade in your old car and get £2,000* off a brand-new Kia Picanto, All-New Kia Stonic or Kia cee’d. That’s seven years of worry-free driving with our 7 year warranty.DecalsFull colour car decals - 1 set = 2 x sides £50All images shown are not to scale and are for illustration purposes only.All prices exclude delivery and VAT.See the last pages of this brochure for full price list, and how to order.
Scrappage Standard sizes;Outdoor POS Standard Sashes - 128mm x 570mm (Multiples of 10)Car Windscreen Stickers Minimum order of 10 £2.00 each Over 50 £1.50 eachSuitable for internal & external use. Over 100 £1.00 eachAvailable on re-usable easy apply vinyl, or standard self adhesivevinyl. We can produce stickers at any size or shape on request. Option to upgrade to re-useable material availableAsk for details. Standard Circular - 300mm diameter (Multiples of 10) Minimum order of 10 £2.00 each Over 50 £1.50 each Over 100 £1.50 each Option to upgrade to re-useable material available Large Sticker - 300mm x 900mm (Multiples of 5) Minimum order of 5 £6 each Option to upgrade to re-useable material available AVAILABLE ON YEAR WARRANTY PICANTO, STONIC QUALITY REDEFINED OR CEE’D *£2,000 (inc. VAT) scrappage saving available to private customers excluding Personal Contract Hire when registering a Picanto, All-New Stonic or cee’d between 01.04.2018-30.06.2018 in the United Kingdom, Isle of Man or Channel Islands. This offer is conditional on the scrappage of a vehicle, of any make, originally registered on or before 30.06.2011 and owned by the customer for at least three months prior to the new vehicle’s registration date. The scrappage saving is in lieu of all other offers. Only one scrappage payment can be claimed for each vehicle scrapped. 7 year / 100,000 mile manufacturer’s warranty. Standard Circular - 300mm diameter in your old carand get £2,000 offa brand new KiaPicanto, Stonic or cee’d.That’s seven yearsof worry free drivingwith our 7 yearwarranty.YEAR WARRANTY Anytown Kia Tel: 01234 567890 or visit REDEFINED Fuel consumption in mpg (l/100km) for the models shown: Urban 29.1(9.7)-47.9 (5.9), Extra Urban 47.9(5.9)-74.3 (3.8), Combined 38.2 (7.4)-61.4 (4.6), CO2 emissions 170-106g/km. MPG figures are official EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results. Models shown: Picanto ‘GT-line S’ 1.25 83bhp 5-speed manual at £14,250 including optional chargeable Clear White paint at £250, All-New Stonic ‘First Edition’ 1.0 T-GDi 118bhp 6-speed manual ISG at £20,245 including premium chargeable Blaze Red with Black roof paint at £545 and cee’d ‘GT’ 1.6 T-GDi 201bhp 6-speed manual at £24,025 with standard Track Red paint. Specification varies across the range and is subject to change without notice. *£2,000 (inc. VAT) scrappage saving available to private customers excluding Personal Contract Hire when registering a Picanto, All-New Stonic or cee’d between 01.04.2018-30.06.2018 in the United Kingdom, Isle of Man or Channel Islands. This offer is conditional on the scrappage of a vehicle, of any make, originally registered on or before 30.06.2011 and owned by the customer for at least three months prior to the new vehicle’s registration date. The scrappage saving is in lieu of all other offers. Only one scrappage payment can be claimed for each vehicle scrapped. 7 year / 100,000 mile manufacturer’s warranty. Large Sticker - 300mm x 900mm Decals Full colour car decals - 1 set = 2 x sides £50Kia Scrappage Windscreen Sash AVAILABLE ON PICANTO, STONIC OR CEE’D YEAR WARRANTY *£2,000 (inc. VAT) scrappage saving available to private customers excluding Personal Contract Hire when registering a Picanto, All-New Stonic or cee’d between 01.04.2018-30.06.2018 in the United Kingdom, Isle of Man or Channel Islands. This offer is conditional on the scrappage of a vehicle, of any make, originally registered on or before 30.06.2011 and owned by the QUALITY REDEFINED customer for at least three months prior to the new vehicle’s registration date. The scrappage saving is in lieu of all other offers. Only one scrappage payment can be claimed for each vehicle scrapped. 7 year / 100,000 mile manufacturer’s warranty. Standard Windscreen Sash AVAILABLE ON PICANTO, STONIC OR CEE’D All images shown are not to scale and are for illustration YEAR WARRANTY purposes only. QUALITY REDEFINED *£2,000 (inc. VAT) scrappage saving available to private customers excluding Personal Contract Hire when registering a Picanto, All-New Stonic or cee’d between 01.04.2018-30.06.2018 in the United Kingdom, Isle of Man or Channel Islands. This offer is conditional on the scrappage of a vehicle, of any make, originally registered on or before 30.06.2011 and owned by the customer for at least three months prior to the new vehicle’s registration date. The scrappage saving is in lieu of all other offers. Only one scrappage payment can be claimed for each vehicle scrapped. 7 year / 100,000 mile manufacturer’s warranty.Printed MagnetsPrinted full colour on 300mic display grade magnet.Standard sizes available - 400mm x 300mm £20 495mm x 495mm £25AUTOMOTIVE MARKETING SPECIALISTS POS Trade in your old car and get £2,000 Posters off a brand new Satin Poster Kia Picanto, Paper or Stonic or cee’d. PVC Poster. That’s seven years of worry free driving with our 7 year warranty. Ask a member of staff for details YEAR WARRANTY Anytown Kia QUALITY REDEFINED Fuel consumption in mpg (l/100km) for the models shown: Urban 29.1(9.7)-47.9 (5.9), Extra Urban 47.9(5.9)-74.3 (3.8), Combined 38.2 (7.4)-61.4 (4.6), CO2 emissions 170-106g/km. MPG figures are official EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results. Models shown: Picanto ‘GT-line S’ 1.25 83bhp 5-speed manual at £14,250 including optional chargeable Clear White paint at £250, All-New Stonic ‘First Edition’ 1.0 T-GDi 118bhp 6-speed manual ISG at £20,245 including premium chargeable Blaze Red with Black roof paint at £545 and cee’d ‘GT’ 1.6 T-GDi 201bhp 6-speed manual at £24,025 with standard Track Red paint. Specification varies across the range and is subject to change without notice. *£2,000 (inc. VAT) scrappage saving available to private customers excluding Personal Contract Hire when registering a Picanto, All-New Stonic or cee’d between 01.04.2018-30.06.2018 in the United Kingdom, Isle of Man or Channel Islands. This offer is conditional on the scrappage of a vehicle, of any make, originally registered on or before 30.06.2011 and owned by the customer for at least three months prior to the new vehicle’s registration date. The scrappage saving is in lieu of all other offers. Only one scrappage payment can be claimed for each vehicle scrapped. 7 year / 100,000 mile manufacturer’s warranty. Poster Paper PVC Poster A3 - £5 A3 - £8 A2 - £8 A2 - £12 A1 - £12 A1 - £15 A0 - £20 A0 - £25 30” x 20” - £18 30” x 20” - £23 60” x 40” - £30 60” x 40” - £38 NEW LED Fabric Freestanding Double Sided Lightbox Finished in silver aluminium creating the perfect look for a showroom environment. Frames are supplied flat packed, each unit is powered by edgelit LED plug and play lights. Size - 2m High x 1m Wide Bundle price - complete with printed graphics to both sides £465 - Saving £130 Graphic only price £89 per side All images shown are not to scale and are for illustration purposes only.Showroom Floor Graphics Roller BannersPrinted full colour on anti-slip self Complete unit with the base,adhesive vinyl. graphic and carry bag.Size - up to 1m sq £69 each£55 eachAll prices exclude delivery and VAT.See the back page of this brochure for our price list, and how to order.
Hybrid Challenge THE THE TO SURPRISE TO SURPRISEOutdoor POS TAKE THE CHALLENGE TAKE THE CHALLENGEShowroom AND SAVE AND SAVEWindow Stickers YEAR WARRANTY Anytown Kia YEAR WARRANTY Anytown KiaFOR EXTERNAL FITTING. QUALITY REDEFINED QUALITY REDEFINEDPrinted on easy applyresidue free removable vinyl. Fuel consumption in mpg (l/100km) for the models shown are Niro: Urban 74.3 (3.8)-64.2 (4.4), Extra Urban 72.4 (3.9)-62.8 (4.5), Combined 74.3 (3.8)-64.2 (4.4), CO2 emissions 88-101 g/km. Kia Soul EV: CO2 whilst driving: 0, Fuel consumption in mpg (l/100km) for the models shown are Niro: Urban 74.3 (3.8)-64.2 (4.4), Extra Urban 72.4 (3.9)-62.8 (4.5), Combined 74.3 (3.8)-64.2 (4.4), CO2 emissions 88-101 g/km. Kia Soul EV: CO2 whilst driving: 0, mpg: n/a. Niro PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 67.3 (4.2), Weighted, Combined 217.3 (1.3), CO2 emissions 29g/km. Optima Saloon PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, mpg: n/a. Niro PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 67.3 (4.2), Weighted, Combined 217.3 (1.3), CO2 emissions 29g/km. Optima Saloon PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine,Standard sizes - minimum battery charge 53.3 (5.3), Weighted, Combined 176.6 (1.6), CO2 emissions 37g/km. Optima Sportswagon PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 54.3 (5.2), Weighted, Combined minimum battery charge 53.3 (5.3), Weighted, Combined 176.6 (1.6), CO2 emissions 37g/km. Optima Sportswagon PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 54.3 (5.2), Weighted, Combined625mm sq £18 201.8 (1.4), CO2 emissions 33g/km. MPG figures are official EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results. 7 Year / 100,000 mile manufacturer’s warranty. T&C’s apply. For full terms and 201.8 (1.4), CO2 emissions 33g/km. MPG figures are official EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results. 7 Year / 100,000 mile manufacturer’s warranty. T&C’s apply. For full terms and1250mm sq £30 exclusions visit emissions comparative to the rest of the Kia range. For information on emissions visit exclusions visit emissions comparative to the rest of the Kia range. For information on emissions visit any size to suit windows -Can be cut to any shape.PVC Banners All images shown are not to scale and Printed full colour on outdoor PVC - are for illustration Hemmed & Eyeletted. purposes only. Standard sizes - 800mm x 2000mm - £39 800mm x 3000mm - £49 Bespoke sizes availableStandard OutdoorBanner Frame • Portable lightweight banner frame • Push fit fixings for simple assembly • Supplied with carry bag, ground pegs & bungee cords. Standard sizes - 2m wide (to fit graphic 800mm x 2000mm) - £99 3m wide (to fit graphic 800mm x 3000mm) - £109Heavy Duty Outdoor Banner Frame • Extra strong heavy duty poles & bracket system • Supplied in kit form ready to assemble • Supplied with ground pegs & bungee cords Standard sizes - 2m wide (to fit graphic 800mm x 2000mm) - £180 3m wide (to fit graphic 800mm x 3000mm) - £190 Choice of colours available on poles and brackets.AUTOMOTIVE MARKETING SPECIALISTS
Forecourt Flag & Pole Auto Wing Flag & PoleIncludes single sided mirror Includes single sided mirror image flag,image flag, pole & car wheel base. pole & car wheel base.Sizes: Pole - 5m Sizes: Pole - 3.1mFlag - 2000mm x 800mm Flag - 2000mm x 560mm£30 Flag £30 Flag Only Only£95 Flag, Pole and Drive £125 Flag, Pole and Drive on Wheel Base on Wheel Base T&C’s apply. For full terms and exclusions visit Ultimate Wing Flag & Pole Includes single sided mirror image flag, pole & car wheel base. Sizes: Pole - 5.2m Flag - 3800mm x 850mm £75 Flag Only £180 Flag, Pole and Drive on Wheel Base T&C’s apply. For full terms and exclusions visit colour car decals - 1 set = 2 x sides £50All images shown are not to scale and are for illustration purposes only.All prices exclude delivery and VAT.See the last pages of this brochure for full price list, and how to order.
Hybrid Challenge Standard sizes;Outdoor POS Standard Sashes - 128mm x 570mm (Multiples of 10)Car Windscreen Stickers Minimum order of 10 £2.00 each Over 50 £1.50 eachSuitable for internal & external use. Over 100 £1.00 eachAvailable on re-usable easy apply vinyl, or standard self adhesivevinyl. We can produce stickers at any size or shape on request. Option to upgrade to re-useable material availableAsk for details. Standard Circular - 300mm diameter (Multiples of 10) Minimum order of 10 £2.00 each Over 50 £1.50 each Over 100 £1.50 each Option to upgrade to re-useable material available Large Sticker - 300mm x 900mm (Multiples of 5) Minimum order of 5 £6 each Option to upgrade to re-useable material available T&C’s apply. For full terms and exclusions visit Standard Circular - 300mm diameter THE TO SURPRISE TAKE THE CHALLENGE AND SAVEYEAR WARRANTY Anytown Kia Tel: 01234 567890 or visit REDEFINED Fuel consumption in mpg (l/100km) for the models shown are Niro: Urban 74.3 (3.8)-64.2 (4.4), Extra Urban 72.4 (3.9)-62.8 (4.5), Combined 74.3 (3.8)-64.2 (4.4), CO2 emissions 88-101 g/km. Kia Soul EV: CO2 whilst driving: 0, mpg: n/a. Niro PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 67.3 (4.2), Weighted, Combined 217.3 (1.3), CO2 emissions 29g/km. Optima Saloon PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 53.3 (5.3), Weighted, Combined 176.6 (1.6), CO2 emissions 37g/km. Optima Sportswagon PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 54.3 (5.2), Weighted, Combined 201.8 (1.4), CO2 emissions 33g/km. MPG figures are official EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results. 7 Year / 100,000 mile manufacturer’s warranty. T&C’s apply. For full terms and exclusions visit emissions comparative to the rest of the Kia range. For information on emissions visit Large Sticker - 300mm x 900mm Decals Full colour car decals - 1 set = 2 x sides £50Kia Hybrid Windscreen Sash T&C’s apply. For full terms and exclusions visit T&C’s apply. For full terms and exclusions visit Standard Windscreen Sash T&C’s apply. For full terms and exclusions visit All images shown are not to scale and are for illustrationPrinted Magnets purposes only.Printed full colour on 300mic display grade magnet.Standard sizes available - 400mm x 300mm £20 495mm x 495mm £25AUTOMOTIVE MARKETING SPECIALISTS
Indoor POS THE TO SURPRISE Posters TAKE THE CHALLENGE Satin Poster AND SAVE Paper or PVC Poster. Ask a member of staff for details YEAR WARRANTY Anytown Kia QUALITY REDEFINED Fuel consumption in mpg (l/100km) for the models shown are Niro: Urban 74.3 (3.8)-64.2 (4.4), Extra Urban 72.4 (3.9)-62.8 (4.5), Combined 74.3 (3.8)-64.2 (4.4), CO2 emissions 88-101 g/km. Kia Soul EV: CO2 whilst driving: 0, mpg: n/a. Niro PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 67.3 (4.2), Weighted, Combined 217.3 (1.3), CO2 emissions 29g/km. Optima Saloon PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 53.3 (5.3), Weighted, Combined 176.6 (1.6), CO2 emissions 37g/km. Optima Sportswagon PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 54.3 (5.2), Weighted, Combined 201.8 (1.4), CO2 emissions 33g/km. MPG figures are official EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results. 7 Year / 100,000 mile manufacturer’s warranty. T&C’s apply. For full terms and exclusions visit uk.Less emissions comparative to the rest of the Kia range. For information on emissions visit Poster Paper PVC Poster A3 - £5 A3 - £8 A2 - £8 A2 - £12 A1 - £12 A1 - £15 A0 - £20 A0 - £25 30” x 20” - £18 30” x 20” - £23 60” x 40” - £30 60” x 40” - £38 NEW LED Fabric Freestanding Double Sided Lightbox Finished in silver aluminium creating the perfect look for a showroom environment. Frames are supplied flat packed, each unit is powered by edgelit LED plug and play lights. Size - 2m High x 1m Wide Bundle price - complete with printed graphics to both sides £465 - Saving £130 Graphic only price £89 per side All images shown are not to scale and are for illustration purposes only.Showroom Floor Graphics Roller BannersPrinted full colour on anti-slip self Complete unit with the base,adhesive vinyl. graphic and carry bag.Size - up to 1m sq £69 each£55 eachAll prices exclude delivery and VAT.See the back page of this brochure for our price list, and how to order.
Hybrid Event YEAR WARRANTY YEAR WARRANTYOutdoor POS QUALITY REDEFINED QUALITY REDEFINEDShowroom Fuel consumption in mpg (l/100km) for the models shown are Niro: Urban 74.3 (3.8)-64.2 (4.4), Extra Urban 72.4 (3.9)-62.8 (4.5), Combined 74.3 (3.8)-64.2 (4.4), CO2 emissions 88-101 g/km. Niro PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 67.3 (4.2), Weighted, Combined 217.3 (1.3), CO2 emissions 29g/ Fuel consumption in mpg (l/100km) for the models shown are Niro: Urban 74.3 (3.8)-64.2 (4.4), Extra Urban 72.4 (3.9)-62.8 (4.5), Combined 74.3 (3.8)-64.2 (4.4), CO2 emissions 88-101 g/km. Niro PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 67.3 (4.2), Weighted, Combined 217.3 (1.3), CO2 emissions 29g/Window Stickers km. Optima Saloon PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 53.3 (5.3), Weighted, Combined 176.6 (1.6), CO2 emissions 37g/km. Optima Sportswagon PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 54.3 (5.2), Weighted, Combined 201.8 (1.4), CO2 emissions 33g/km. MPG km. Optima Saloon PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 53.3 (5.3), Weighted, Combined 176.6 (1.6), CO2 emissions 37g/km. Optima Sportswagon PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 54.3 (5.2), Weighted, Combined 201.8 (1.4), CO2 emissions 33g/km. MPG figures are official EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results. Models shown: Niro ‘3’ 1.6 GDi 8.9kWh lithium-ion 139bhp 6-speed auto DCTat £27,955, including optional Premium Pearl White paint at £565, Niro PHEV ‘’3’ 1.6 GDi 8.9kWh lithium-ion 139bhp 6-speed auto DCT at £31,060, including optional figures are official EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results. Models shown: Niro ‘3’ 1.6 GDi 8.9kWh lithium-ion 139bhp 6-speed auto DCTat £27,955, including optional Premium Pearl White paint at £565, Niro PHEV ‘’3’ 1.6 GDi 8.9kWh lithium-ion 139bhp 6-speed auto DCT at £31,060, including optionalFOR EXTERNAL FITTING. Premium Pearl White paint at £565, Optima PHEV 2.0 GDi at £33,910, including optional Premium Pearl White paint at £565, and Optima Sportswagon PHEV 2.0 GDi at £35,060, including optional Premium Pearl White paint at £565. £1,000 inc. VAT Hybrid Challenge saving on purchase of a new Niro, Optima PHEV or Optima Sportswagon Premium Pearl White paint at £565, Optima PHEV 2.0 GDi at £33,910, including optional Premium Pearl White paint at £565, and Optima Sportswagon PHEV 2.0 GDi at £35,060, including optional Premium Pearl White paint at £565. £1,000 inc. VAT Hybrid Challenge saving on purchase of a new Niro, Optima PHEV or Optima SportswagonPrinted on easy apply PHEV subject to test drive. Offer available in the United Kingdom between 01.04.2018 and 30.06.2018. Private customers only, excluding Personal Contract Hire. Please visit or contact your Kia Dealer for full details and exclusions. T&Cs apply. Finance subject to status. 18s or over. Guarantee may be required. Kia Finance RH2 PHEV subject to test drive. Offer available in the United Kingdom between 01.04.2018 and 30.06.2018. Private customers only, excluding Personal Contract Hire. Please visit or contact your Kia Dealer for full details and exclusions. T&Cs apply. Finance subject to status. 18s or over. Guarantee may be required. Kia Finance RH2residue free removable vinyl. 9AQ. 7 Year / 100,000 mile manufacturer’s warranty. Less emissions comparative to the rest of the Kia range. For information on emissions visit 9AQ. 7 Year / 100,000 mile manufacturer’s warranty. Less emissions comparative to the rest of the Kia range. For information on emissions visit sizes -625mm sq £181250mm sq £30Available any size to suit windows -Can be cut to any shape.PVC Banners All images shown are not to scale and Printed full colour on outdoor PVC - are for illustration Hemmed & Eyeletted. purposes only. Standard sizes - 800mm x 2000mm - £39 800mm x 3000mm - £49 Bespoke sizes availableStandard OutdoorBanner Frame • Portable lightweight banner frame • Push fit fixings for simple assembly • Supplied with carry bag, ground pegs & bungee cords. Standard sizes - 2m wide (to fit graphic 800mm x 2000mm) - £99 3m wide (to fit graphic 800mm x 3000mm) - £109Heavy Duty Outdoor Banner Frame • Extra strong heavy duty poles & bracket system • Supplied in kit form ready to assemble • Supplied with ground pegs & bungee cords Standard sizes - 2m wide (to fit graphic 800mm x 2000mm) - £180 3m wide (to fit graphic 800mm x 3000mm) - £190 Choice of colours available on poles and brackets.AUTOMOTIVE MARKETING SPECIALISTS
Forecourt Flag & Pole Auto Wing Flag & PoleIncludes single sided mirror Includes single sided mirror image flag,image flag, pole & car wheel base. pole & car wheel base.Sizes: Pole - 5m Sizes: Pole - 3.1mFlag - 2000mm x 800mm Flag - 2000mm x 560mm£30 Flag £30 Flag Only Only£95 Flag, Pole and Drive £125 Flag, Pole and Drive on Wheel Base on Wheel Base T&C’s apply. For full terms and exclusions visit Ultimate Wing Flag & Pole Includes single sided mirror image flag, pole & car wheel base. Sizes: Pole - 5.2m Flag - 3800mm x 850mm £75 Flag Only £180 Flag, Pole and Drive on Wheel Base SAVE EVENT PLUS YOUR ENHANCED OFFER T&C’s apply. For full terms and exclusions visit’s apply. For full terms and exclusions visit SAVE EVENT PLUS YOUR ENHANCED OFFERDecalsFull colour car decals - 1 set = 2 x sides £50All images shown are not to scale and are for illustration purposes only.All prices exclude delivery and VAT.See the last pages of this brochure for full price list, and how to order.
Hybrid Event Standard sizes;Outdoor POS Standard Sashes - 128mm x 570mm (Multiples of 10)Car Windscreen Stickers Minimum order of 10 £2.00 each Over 50 £1.50 eachSuitable for internal & external use. Over 100 £1.00 eachAvailable on re-usable easy apply vinyl, or standard self adhesivevinyl. We can produce stickers at any size or shape on request. Option to upgrade to re-useable material availableAsk for details. Standard Circular - 300mm diameter (Multiples of 10) Minimum order of 10 £2.00 each Over 50 £1.50 each Over 100 £1.50 each Option to upgrade to re-useable material available Large Sticker - 300mm x 900mm (Multiples of 5) Minimum order of 5 £6 each Option to upgrade to re-useable material available T&C’s apply. For full terms and exclusions visit Standard Circular - 300mm diameterYEAR WARRANTY Fuel consumption in mpg (l/100km) for the models shown are Niro: Urban 74.3 (3.8)-64.2 (4.4), Extra Urban 72.4 (3.9)-62.8 (4.5), Combined 74.3 (3.8)-64.2 (4.4), CO2 emissions 88-101 g/km. Niro PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 67.3 (4.2), Weighted, Combined 217.3 (1.3), CO2 emissions 29g/km. Optima Saloon PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 53.3 (5.3), Weighted, Combined 176.6 (1.6), CO2 emissions 37g/km. OptimaQUALITY REDEFINED Sportswagon PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 54.3 (5.2), Weighted, Combined 201.8 (1.4), CO2 emissions 33g/km. MPG figures are official EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results. Models shown: Niro ‘3’ 1.6 GDi 8.9kWh lithium-ion 139bhp 6-speed auto DCTat £27,955, including optional Premium Pearl White paint at £565, Niro PHEV ‘’3’ 1.6 GDi 8.9kWh lithium-ion 139bhp 6-speed auto DCT at £31,060, including optional Premium Pearl White paint at £565, Optima PHEV 2.0 GDi at £33,910, including optional Premium Pearl White paint at £565, and Optima Sportswagon PHEV 2.0 GDi at £35,060, including optional Premium Pearl White paint at £565. £1,000 inc. VAT Hybrid Challenge saving on purchase of a new Niro, Optima PHEV or Optima Sportswagon PHEV subject to test drive. Offer available in the United Kingdom between 01.04.2018 and 30.06.2018. Private customers only, excluding Personal Contract Hire. Please visit or contact your Kia Dealer for full details and exclusions. T&Cs apply. Finance subject to status. 18s or over. Guarantee may be required. Kia Finance RH2 9AQ. 7 Year / 100,000 mile manufacturer’s warranty. Less emissions comparative to the rest of the Kia range. For information on emissions visit Large Sticker - 300mm x 900mm Decals Full colour car decals - 1 set = 2 x sides £50Kia Hybrid EVENT Windscreen Sash T&C’s apply. For full terms and exclusions visit T&C’s apply. For full terms and exclusions visit Standard Windscreen Sash T&C’s apply. For full terms and exclusions visit All images shown are not to scale and are for illustrationPrinted Magnets purposes only.Printed full colour on 300mic display grade magnet.Standard sizes available - 400mm x 300mm £20 495mm x 495mm £25AUTOMOTIVE MARKETING SPECIALISTS
Indoor POS Posters Satin Poster Paper or PVC Poster. Ask a member of staff for details YEAR WARRANTY Anytown Kia QUALITY REDEFINED Fuel consumption in mpg (l/100km) for the models shown are Niro: Urban 74.3 (3.8)-64.2 (4.4), Extra Urban 72.4 (3.9)-62.8 (4.5), Combined 74.3 (3.8)-64.2 (4.4), CO2 emissions 88-101 g/km. Niro PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 67.3 (4.2), Weighted, Combined 217.3 (1.3), CO2 emissions 29g/km. Optima Saloon PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 53.3 (5.3), Weighted, Combined 176.6 (1.6), CO2 emissions 37g/km. Optima Sportswagon PHEV: Electric Mode Only 0 (0), Combustion Engine, minimum battery charge 54.3 (5.2), Weighted, Combined 201.8 (1.4), CO2 emissions 33g/km. MPG figures are official EU test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results. Models shown: Niro ‘3’ 1.6 GDi 8.9kWh lithium-ion 139bhp 6-speed auto DCTat £27,955, including optional Premium Pearl White paint at £565, Niro PHEV ‘’3’ 1.6 GDi 8.9kWh lithium-ion 139bhp 6-speed auto DCT at £31,060, including optional Premium Pearl White paint at £565, Optima PHEV 2.0 GDi at £33,910, including optional Premium Pearl White paint at £565, and Optima Sportswagon PHEV 2.0 GDi at £35,060, including optional Premium Pearl White paint at £565. £1,000 inc. VAT Hybrid Challenge saving on purchase of a new Niro, Optima PHEV or Optima Sportswagon PHEV subject to test drive. Offer available in the United Kingdom between 01.04.2018 and 30.06.2018. Private customers only, excluding Personal Contract Hire. Please visit or contact your Kia Dealer for full details and exclusions. T&Cs apply. Finance subject to status. 18s or over. Guarantee may be required. Kia Finance RH2 9AQ. 7 Year / 100,000 mile manufacturer’s warranty. Less emissions comparative to the rest of the Kia range. For information on emissions visit Poster Paper PVC Poster A3 - £5 A3 - £8 A2 - £8 A2 - £12 A1 - £12 A1 - £15 A0 - £20 A0 - £25 30” x 20” - £18 30” x 20” - £23 60” x 40” - £30 60” x 40” - £38 NEW LED Fabric Freestanding Double Sided Lightbox Finished in silver aluminium creating the perfect look for a showroom environment. Frames are supplied flat packed, each unit is powered by edgelit LED plug and play lights. Size - 2m High x 1m Wide Bundle price - complete with printed graphics to both sides £465 - Saving £130 Graphic only price £89 per side All images shown are not to scale and are for illustration purposes only.Showroom Floor Graphics Roller BannersPrinted full colour on anti-slip self Complete unit with the base,adhesive vinyl. graphic and carry bag.Size - up to 1m sq £69 each£55 eachAll prices exclude delivery and VAT.See the back page of this brochure for our price list, and how to order.
Hybrid EventDirect CommunicationsA5 Postcards POST CARDDpmlqsihevrbVmuocecaimialeametouAicohtgnsraaarnmsinicanlanooiuecsieMetsmtqggsbsca.senmi,luqbuuenurqiNataagntsufuaqe.a,muSageerueselDmuniausmnomvucnaeasaeovls,mesagcciddaibtcqipene.htdinmlvaeuiehleCliutitpaipaecuttreri,carucasslcuioodlinaflrutprsuuulml,reipiuutuaastceumalrtenihssibnutoitsteqnsad.otaicas,lemute.umeoErr.,ltduslV.euesleriteqlpteioraIqoticitnaaulvomlitiorueteeaimanrieraduasrue,sicpmtmsemupnftutseeeussmeihoctuoleplersesieiltrasnlis,up.tmmoslmitprifi.fsecodvreaeareAiarerptntecqinud,alsusrlclcituuidanqagasctcuodiliucuepuailesvmniamaeenmc.lialeiu,bteqsrs.Psmilbeurb,atuiuPaetrniilbtsiislebeaarnsrlle,aiaqeoouieebffsquonfmueois,nseenorurgole,aednniicndcenussqalnuiddoriia.tgeqsuuvethmurrlCiiaueiceu,lpaocslmllactsaeaspoe,neopsot.tsneapracluario.riDsbldudmet,uletgEre.oulirisagteipmitasInbtn,lpntuiituienltatsemieeetetmiemehccmrsecsoneeosiranunr.tlpiaqtpi.nciutaggsNneututEtimdutruotsseenteaalsliiauraolrtacuadamtnimtmtu,tiemt See reverse for more details We look forward to seeing you at the event YEAR WARRANTY QUALITY REDEFINEDFYPQ(aLE5UuHArAe.eRLe3EsITlW)sYoVc,ARfo:ReWEfRDEnmiAEeclsFNeIiiiTuNsagcEYmslhDtiErtopieUcntdsiMto,ecCnosoodtimnmefpmiObgaiunpnrrlgaeyetd(s0ilv/1f1e(7o00t6r)0o,.c6kCotmoh(m1me).p6frba)oe,urrsCsattOtthioi2ovefneemtmpEhouneisdrgKpseiniiolaosesnr,sesamhsn3oaign7wnegimdn./Fkmaumormare.yiObNnnafpiroottotrti:memrUreaayrfbtSlcieaophcnnoatrr7ortg4ense.aw3e6lma(d73gr.i3.sio8vsn()ii4n-oPg.6n2H4sr),Ee.v2WVsisu(:e4ilEtti.gls4keh.)ic,at7tEe.rcYdxioce,tmarCMaro/oum/Udk1rebb0iOan0nen,0dl7y022001.4m7(0.(3i3)l,e.(9C1m).o3-ma)6,n2bCu.uO8fs2a(tc4ieot.m5un)ri,EesCnsro’igsominnwbseai,2nrmr9eagdinn/7itkm4ym..u3.TmO(&3pCb.t8’asi)mt-at6aep4rpSy.la2ycl.o(hF4oao.n4rrg)P,feuHC5lOEl42tVe.:3erEmm(l5eis.sc2sat)ir,noiWcdnMseeix8ogc8dhlu-et1esO0ido1n,nlCygso/v0mkims(b0it.i)n,KkeCiiaado.mcS2oo0bmu1u.l/8sEut(kVi1o.:.n4C)OE, n2CgOwi2nheeil,smmtisdinsriiimovinnusgm3: 03b,gam/tktpmegr.y: Mnc/PhaaG. rNfgiiergou5r3e.s3Printed full colour on Need Prospect Data?350gsm Silk. Personalisedwith customers data. Have a certain demographic,Prices Excludes Postage location, profession or car driver in mind? We can sourceQuantity Cost the data for you to target. Prices upon request100 £39.00250 £59.00500 £75.001000 £125.002000 £195.00All prices exclude postage and VAT.AUTOMOTIVE MARKETING SPECIALISTS Contact Caters for details
SMS Campaign 8p Per Send Plus £25 Set-up FeeEmailCampaign£149Plus 1p sends Includes: • Login to view your campaign stats • Breakdown of opens & clicks • Hot leads, perfect for following upAll prices exclude VAT.
Ordering your POS from us is easy. 1. Either Email, Call or Fill out the form on the next page with your requirements and send it to us. 2. You will get a dedicated account handler to look after you through the whole process. 3. Your artwork proof will come back to you within 1 working day. 4. Once you have approved the order, your items will be printed and despatched within the timescales supplied by your account handler. 5. We don’t stop there. We know deliveries can sometimes get lost so we send you the POD to check you have received everything. Remember… the items in this brochure can be amended in anyway you would like. Please contact us to discuss your requirements. e: [email protected] t: 0113 257 5757 w:caters.netAll delivery charges will be confirmed at time of ordering and apply to UK Mainland only. For delivery to Isle of Man, Channel Islands, Ireland and ScottishHighlands & Islands please ask for a price prior to ordering. We use trackable next day couriers & Royal Mail to ensure you get the best value and securedelivery service. Personalisation with dealership base details is included in the price. Any minor artwork amend is included up to half hour studio time.Additional/major amends are excluded and chargeable, cost advised at point of order. All prices exclude VAT. All goods remain the property of Michael Cater& Associates Ltd (t/a as Caters) until payment is received in full. We reserve the right to surcharge late accounts. Credit terms are indicated on sales invoice.All goods must be checked immediately on receipt. If the packaging appears to be damaged please sign the delivery note with ‘damaged goods’. If you areunable to check the goods on delivery, please sign the delivery note ‘goods unchecked’. Any damage, faults, shortages or discrepancies must be advised inwriting within 72 hours of receipt of goods. Failure to adhere to this may result in us being unable to resolve any discrepancy and payment for the goodswill be due in full. All goods are made to specific customer instructions and therefore cannot be returned for refund. AUTOMOTIVE MARKETING SPECIALISTS
Kia Approved POS order form Email, call or scan the order form to place your order.Dealer name:Contact name:Email address:Telephone number: KIA HYBRID HYBRID PROMISE SCRAPPAGE CHALLENGE EVENTPRODUCT NARoller Banner £69 NALED Fabric Freestanding Double Sided Lightbox Bundle (Please Specify Graphic choice x2) £465 NA NALED Fabric Graphic only £89 Per Side NA NAA1 Satin Poster Paper (Available any size to suit requirements. Ask for a quote) £12 NA NAA1 PVC Poster (Available any size to suit requirements. Ask for a quote) £15 NA NAShowroom Floor Graphics up to 1m sq £55 NA NAPVC Banner 800mm x 2000mm (Custom sizes available. Ask for a quote) £39 NAPVC Banner 800mm x 3000mm (Custom sizes available. Ask for a quote) £49 NA NABanner Frame - 2m wide (to fit graphic 800mm x 2000mm) £99 NA NABanner Frame - 3m wide (to fit graphic 800mm x 3000mm) £109 NAHeavy Duty Banner Frame - 2m wide (to fit graphic 800mm x 2000mm) £180 Heavy Duty Banner Frame - 3m wide (to fit graphic 800mm x 3000mm) £190 Showroom Window Stickers - 625mm sq £18 Showroom Window Stickers - 1250mm sq £30Windscreen Sashes - 128mm x 570mm (Multiples of 10) From £1.00 each Large Sticker - 300mm x 900mm (Multiples of 9) From £6.00 each Circular Sticker - 300mm Diameter (Multiples of 10) From £1.50 each Printed Magnetics - 400mm x 300mm £20 Printed Magnetics - 495mm x 495mm £25 Full Colour Car Decals Per Set - 2 Sides £50Hanging Boards Pack of 3 - £75 NA NA NACar Toppers From £9 each (On orders of 20) NA NA NAMirror Hangers From £125 NA NA NAForecourt Flag Only - 2000mm x 800mm £30 Minimum Minimum Minimum order of 2 order of 2 order of 2Forecourt Flag, Pole & Base - 5m £95 Minimum Minimum Minimum order of 2 order of 2 order of 2Auto Wing Flag Only - 2000mm x 550mm £30 Minimum Minimum Minimum order of 2 order of 2 order of 2Auto Wing Flag, Pole & Base - 3.1m £120 Minimum Minimum Minimum order of 2 order of 2 order of 2Ultimate Wing Flag Only - 3800mm x 850mm £75 Minimum Minimum Minimum order of 2 order of 2 order of 2Ultimate Wing Flag, Pole & Base - 5.2m £180 Minimum Minimum Minimum order of 2 order of 2 order of 2Custom requirements:Standard Delivery Pre 12pm - £15If banner frames ordered - £20If flag pole & base ordered - £20 (£5 for every additional pole added)
Marketing Materials e: [email protected] t: 0113 257 5757 w: Caters, The Old Mill, Sunfield Place, Leeds LS28 6DR.AUTOMOTIVE MARKETING SPECIALISTS
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