VOLUME 36 FEB 2018-AUG 2018 BULLETIN PUSAT DIALOG PERADABAN CENTER FOR CIVILISATIONAL DIALOGUE Walk for Unity 2018 2ND ANNUAL COMMEMORATION OF TABLE OF DECLARATION OF PEACE AND CONTENTS CESSATION OF WAR HWPL & IWPG Malaysia Peace “Although throughout history, war has been continuous, Forum I believe war is not inevitable. But we cannot forget that Walk for Unity 2018 peace is also not inevitable and requires constant and continuous effort. Prevention is an essential means of ISTAC Lecture Series: Muslim reducing human suffering, building stable and prosperous World and the West societies, and enabling people to reach their full And More! potential”. Colonel Muana Brima Massaquoi, The military adviser of the Permanent Mission of Sierra Leone to the United Nations
BULLETIN EDITORIAL PUBLICATION CENTRE FOR 2015 CIVILISATIONAL EDITORIAL BOARD DIALOGUE Professor Dr Shakila Yacob BULLETIN Associate Professor Dr Rosilawati Zainol Emeritus Professor Dr Shaharir Mohd Zain COVER PHOTO C0NTRIBUTORS The bulletin reports on the Nur Amalina Dayana Abd Aziz activities and events Nurul Farhana Sakan conducted by the Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, PUBLICATION OFFICER University of Malaya UNESCO Club (UMUC) and 201N3ur Amalina Dayana Abd Aziz our collaborators. All articles and photos are LAYOUT AND DESIGN original and belong to the Nur Amalina Dayana Abd Aziz Centre (unless stated Nurul Farhana Sakan otherwise) PE R MI SSION TO R EPRINT O R , Centre for Civilisational Dialogue / SE A NY ARTICLES OR PHOT O S Pusat Dialog Peradaban E AS FOR PL E CONTACT US AT : REU CONTACT Center for Civilisational Dialogue, Level 2 & 6, Research Management and Innovation Complex, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur. Telephone : 03-7967 5697 / 5719 / 5653 / 5522 Email : [email protected] Website : http://dialogue.um.edu.my FEB 2018 - JUL 2018 UMCCD BULLETIN
CONTENT TABLE OF IN THIS CONTENT ISSUE WALK FOR SEMINARS VISITING INTERN UNITY 2018 PROFESSOR 04 10 13 17 HIGHLIGHT DIALOGUE VISITING INTERN SCHOLAR Walk for Unity Women as Agents of Appreciation and Peace and Harmony: Prof Dr Eddy Ng Welcoming 06 11 15 18 FORUM WORKSHOP NETWORKING EDITORIAL HWPL & IWPG 2018 & EXTERNAL BOARD Malaysia Peace Getting Published in EVENTS MEMBERS Forum High Impact Journal ISTAC Lecture Series Jurnal Peradaban 08 12 and KARIEM 2018 and KATHA SEMINAR UNESCO CLUB 24 Declaration of Peace UMUC Annual Grand ANNOUNCEMENT and Cessation of War Meeting 2018 (DPCW) FEB 2018 - JUL 2018 UMCCD BULLETIN
HIGHLIWGHT ALK 2F0O1R8UNITY University of Malaya Walk for Unity 2018 is a continuation from the previous Some of the participants were ready for Walk for Unity which was carried out in 2017. The first Walk warming up session before the event started for Unity was held at University of Malaya with the purpose to encourage intercultural communication between school Participants taking their time finishing their students and university students, and to strengthen the walk while relaxing bonds between young Malaysians while enjoying the beautiful scenery and motivating the student participants to FEB 2018 - JUL 2018 UMCCD BULLETIN succeed in their education. Due to the overwhelmingly positive feedback received from the first Walk for Unity, a continuation of the programme was organized with a bigger target participants and broader objectives was organized in its second year. The main objective of Walk for Unity 2018 is to materialize and promote unity and peace among the citizens of Malaysia. It is also a community networking and outreach effort for the ‘International Day of Sport for Development and Peace’ of UNESCO. The event is open to the general public and is disabled persons friendly as the organizers aim to emphasize the element of inclusion in the programme. The programme began at 7.00 am with gathering of the registered participants and new registration of the walk-in participants. The warm up which started at 7.30 am was led by Ms. Asmarani Hidayah. Participants seemed to enjoy the Zumba workout prior walking. The Walk for Unity started at 8.00 4
HIGHLIGHT VOL. 29 AUGUST 22, 2019 Prof. Dr Shakila Yacob with the winning team am and participants began their 3KM and 5KM walking from the Faculty of Languages and Linguistic, journey for unity. In this Walk for Unity, there are two routes that participants may choose; 3KM, and 5KM. In University of Malaya each route, there will be three checkpoints where participants will have to take part in and collect the In line with our objectives to promote unity stickers to mark the completion of activities at each and peace, participants are encouraged to station. The first station in 3KM route is located in front showcase their own creativity on peace of the Padang C where Piece of Peace activity requires and unity during the walk. The team from the participants to use the stickers given to vote their the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics answer for peace and unity related questions. The portrayal of peace and unity was second station is located near the UM Tree House is prominently displayed resulting in them the Jegi Chagi station. The station’s name takes after winning a voucher worth of RM 1000.00 the Korean traditional game similar to Malaysia’s Sepak from our sponsors. Takraw. At this station, participants will have to play the Jegi Chagi in order to collect the stickers. The event ended with a group photo with the remaining participants around the Walk Participants bonding together creating for Unity banner. On its second year, Walk harmonious environment for Unity successfully garnered another round of positive feedback from the The final station, Post Peace is located at the entrance participants. Overall, Walk for Unity has of the Walk for Unity. Participants are free to write proven to be a success in its consecutive down their peace notes in their own creativity to paste year. it on the huge banner. The posted notes posted will form a huge word of PEACE. Longer distance does not \"Let's embrace mean additional stations. The first station for the 5KM peace. Let's route is at the Ambang Asuhan Jepun where the Peace embrace unity. Rullet activity took place. The following station which Let's be the was located in front of the ROTU Training site. The caring society\" Your Peace, Your Choice activity will test participants memories on questions related to our nation. FEB 2018 - JUL 2018 UMCCD BULLETIN Participants for the 5KM route also had the opportunity to experience the Korea traditional game, Jegi Chagi. Completed collection of stickers will enable the participants to collect goodie bags from the organizer with exciting gifts and coupons for them. Following the walk, the organizer continued with lucky draw session. A number of participants had their luck of being the winner to win exciting prizes sponsored by our sponsors. 5
FORUM MALAYSIA PEACE FORUM HWPL & IWPG 2018 One Malaysia, Asia, One World” aims to improve public awareness on the importance of peace and One Asia, One harmony other than to commemorate the launch of HWPL & IWPG Malaysia branch. World Concurrently, the event also serves as HWPL’s 26th Peace tour in Southeast Asia On 31 January 2018, an international forum with Philippines, Indonesia and Myanmar “2018 HWPL & IWPG Malaysia Peace Forum” being the other countries visited. The was held at Dewan Tunku Canselor, University Chairman of HWPL, Mr. Man Hee Lee of Malaya. The main organizers of the event delivered a speech on the importance of include Heavenly Culture, World Peace, peace, and highlight the roles of religious Restoration of Light (HWPL), International leaders in making the world a better place Women Peace Group (IWPG), and International Peace Youth Group (IPYG). ). Among the VVIPs who attended the event Collaborating with the main organizers are Yayasan Salam and Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, University of Malaya. Malaysia is one of the leading countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and has proven to solve conflicts with neighboring countries peacefully through dialogue. Hence, the international forum with the theme “One Malaysia, One 6 FEB 2018 - JUL 2018 UMCCD BULLETIN
FORUM to live for future generations. He also Deputy Director of UMCCD, Associate encouraged everyone to be a messenger Professor Dr. Rosilawati Zainol (far to the of peace as one way to establish peace left) and Prof. Datuk Dr Rohana Yusof with globally. This was then followed by a congratulatory speech by the Negeri the participants of the event Sembilan Prince, Tunku Zain Al-‘Abidin. Following the officiating ceremony was the press conference held just beside the hall with regards to the events. A number of press was invited including the Bernama, Malay Mail, The Star, Tamil Malar, The Patriots, Life News Agency, R.AGE, Tamil Nesan and Makkal Osai. Consecutively, various seminars and conference were held in the international forum. Some of the seminars include HWPL Peace Education Seminar, DPCW 10 Articles 38 Clauses: Solution for Peace- Building, and a religious conference on World Peace through Fulfillment of Promises. Participants were satisfied that they had contributed something positive towards not just peace in Malaysia, but also global peace. Overall, the event garnered about 300 participants from various backgrounds. Members of security officers who assisted \"IN ORDER TO HANDS In ensuring the smooth flow of the event DOWN PEACEFUL Participants listening to the information featured FUTURE, WE NEED TO ACHIEVE 'LEGISLATION O F I N T E R N A T I O N A L for dpaeyawceanro! t LAW'AND WORLD for A L L I A N C E O F is the R E L I G I O N S \" Todacyhoosing 7 FEB 2018 - JUL 2018 UMCCD BULLETIN
SEMINAR The participants did not miss the opportunity to be photographed together as memories “oliinfgfWbahhtepdhhteceeaeeootsnmhvpheaaleeenttwhsa,nearstithheytslveii.gneo”rhfest 2D ANNUAL COMMEMORATION OF – HWPL DECLARATION OF PEACE AND CESSATION OF WAR (DPCW) The ceremony was well conducted thanks to the The Declaration of World Peace was first proclaimed on May 25, 2013. Since then, there have been many events organized to further promote peace and end speaker of the day war globally. For the year 2018, the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War was organized on March 31, 2018 at the Research Management & Innovation Complex, University of Malaya. The theme was “A Call for Building a World of Peace and Realizing Justice”. The commemoration began with an introduction video on previous activities carried out in relation to DPCW. Consecutively, a video of the Chairman of HWPL, Mr. Man Hee Lee giving an opening speech was played for the audience. The visual shared emphasized on the importance of uniting together for a more peaceful world. A final speech was then presented by Madam Woo Sow Pheng, Chairwoman of the International Women Peace Group (IWPG) Malaysia. The roundtable discussion was organized in relation to the theme set for the commemoration including Peace Education Table, Law Table and Religious Leaders Table. The Peace Discussion Table reviewed on peace education policy with experts in the education field. Meanwhile, the Law Table discussed on the similarities between the DPCW and the Malaysian Federal Constitution and other relevant authorities. An IPYG roundtable discussion was also conducted to share IPYG’s 2018 year plan with the youths, particularly on the IPYG Youth Empowerment Workshop, and their plan to create more collaboration between youth organization and universities. The International Women Peace Group (IWPG) also had a thorough discussion on their future plans for women’s activities. Simultaneously, a Religious Leaders Table was convened with various religious leaders in Malaysia and Korea to discuss on the generalization of Peace and Unity in Malaysia. Overall, participants were satisfied feeling and knowing they have contributed to building and strengthening peace in the society. 8 FEB 2018 - JUL 2018 UMCCD BULLETIN
SEMINAR Why I Do \"Inclusion is a climate.\" Research on Inequality - Prof Eddy Ng A SEMINAR BY PROFESSOR EDDY NG An interesting point that was brought up by Prof. Ng is that experience is a social Professor Eddy Ng is a Professor of construction. He discovered in his Organizational Behaviour and is a research that men have the structural holder of the F.C. Manning Chair in advantage such as being easily promoted Economics and Business at Dalhousie compared to women. Prof. Ng also notes University, Canada. Prof. Ng’s research that among the many different identities focuses on managing diversity for that we hold, eventually we have to organizational competitiveness, the navigate our own identity at the changing nature of work and intersectionality. The presentation ended organizations, and managing the with thoughtful questions thrown by the intergenerational workforce. With his audience. Overall, it was an insightful expertise and experience in research, a seminar on understanding the purpose of seminar on Why I Do Research on doing research from a scholar’s Inequality was organized on May 2, perspective as it allows participants to 2018 at the Research Management and reflect on their journey in research. Innovation Complex, University of Malaya. In this presentation, Prof. Ng Prof. Eddy Ng (center) and the Director of UMCCD, Prof. Dr. shares his background and how it led Shakila Yacob, together with the Deputy Director of UMCCD, him to doing research on inequality. Associate Professor Dr. Rosilawati Zainol taking a commemoration photo with the participants and staff member 9 FEB 2018 - JUL 2018 UMCCD BULLETIN
DIALOGUE WOMEN AS AGENTS OF PEACE AND HARMONY AN INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE “Empowering Women and Engaging Youth in Promoting Peace” An Intercultural Dialogue on Women as respect, mutuality, and compassion in Agents of Peace and Harmony was organized building a peaceful society where people of on March 8, 2018 at the Main Auditorium, different cultures and faiths can co-exist in Faculty of Education, University of Malaya. harmony cannot be overstated in a world rife The event was organized under The with cultural and religious conflicts. A number University Malaya Grand Challenge Research: of activities were carried out including a “Empowering Women and Engaging Youth in forum on “Intercultural Dialogue: Challenges Promoting Peace” and “Building Peace and Solutions”, sharing session of inspiring through Intercultural Education and acts of intercultural, witnessed or experienced Interfaith Dialogue/Ethnics Relations”. The first-hand, movie screening of Open Sky and event is organized in conjunction with World Dialogue with the filmmaker. Dialogue is a Interfaith Harmony Week & International powerful tool to enhance peace amongst Women’s Day 2018 and is in line with the people of various faiths. It transcends the declaration of the Malaysian Government of differences in religion by embracing such 2018 as Women Empowerment Year. The differences. Overall, the commemoration was dialogue aims to promote mutual successful in promoting awareness that as understanding between different religions, to women we can be an agent of change in encourage interreligious dialogue and to promoting a culture of peace, and that there celebrate the role of women from different are many respectful and civilized ways to generations, cultures, and faith in promoting express themselves that through conflicts. At peace. The significance of intercultural the end of the day, despite the differences in dialogue which embraces the values of faith, we all share a common future together. 10 F E B 2 0 1 8 - J U L 2 0 1 8 UMCCD BULLETIN
WORKSHOP GETTING PUBLISHED IN HIGH IMPACT JOURNALS: YOU, THE REVIEWER, AND YOUR PAPER A WORKSHOP BY PROFESSOR EDDY NG The Centre for Civilisational Dialogue welcomed its Similar to what Prof. Nirenberg advised in one of Visiting Professor from Dalhousie University, his dissertation workshop last year, Prof. Ng Canada, Professor Eddy Ng on Wednesday, 2 May emphasized on forming and building a strong social 2018. Prof. Ng has published more than 80 peer- capital. Other than attending conferences with reviewed journal articles and book chapters. His networking purposes, Prof. Ng shared his work has also been featured in popular media experience on how he was able to develop new outlets in Canada and the United States of America networks with his reviewer simply by being including the Globe and Mail, the National Post, the gracious and sending a thank you note to the then Financial Post and CBS News. He is currently the anonymous reviewer. Prof. Ng also encouraged Editor-in-Chief of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion authors who aspire to be a scholar to also be a (2016-Present), and an Associate Editor of reviewer for their own paper. This not only put the Personnel Review (2013-Present). In this authors in the reviewer’s perspectives, but also workshop, Prof. Ng shared his knowledge, enable the authors to develop their research and experiences, and tips and trick in getting published scholarship skills. Prof. Ng encouraged the in high impact journals. He began the workshop participants to always be true, to always report the with some of the key points that any editor will truth as that is what scholars do. He also look for in any manuscript: contribution of new encouraged them to be an activist in their field. All knowledge. It is imperative that authors highlight in all, participants were very pleased with the new and convince the reviewer on the importance of knowledge they obtained from the workshop and their data and findings. Authors are also hope more similar workshops will be done in the encouraged to cite papers from the journals that near future. they aim to submit their papers to. 11 F E B 2 0 1 8 - J U L 2 0 1 8 UMCCD BULLETIN
UNESCO CLUB \"Not neglecting to meet UMUC ANNUAL together, as is the habit of GRAND MEETING some, but encouraging one 2018 another, and all the more Most newspapers are now published online as as you see the Day drawing isasters; health and medicine, science, and technology; sports; and entertainment, society, near.\" food and cooking, clothing and home fashion, and the arts. A wide variety of material has been According to Wikipedia, newsletters are published published in newspapers. Besides the by clubs, churches, societies, associations, and aforementioned news and opinions, they include businesses—especially companies—to provide well as in print. The online versions are called information of interest to members, customers, or online newspapers or news sites. employees. Google's definition of a newsletter is, \"a bulletin issued periodically to the members of a Newspapers are typically published daily or society, business, or organization.\" A newsletter weekly. News magazines are also weekly, but they may be considered \"grey literature\". Newsletters have a magazine format. General-interest delivered electronically via email (e-newsletters) newspapers typically publish news articles and have gained rapid acceptance for the same reasons feature articles on national and international news email in general has gained popularity over printed as well as local news. The news includes political correspondence. events and personalities, business and finance, crime, severe weather, and natural disasters; Newsletters are published by clubs, churches, health and medicine, science, and technology; s societies, associations, and businesses—especially companies—to provide information of interest to members, customers, or employees. Google's definition of a newsletter is, \"a bulletin issued periodically to the members of a society, business, or organization.\" A newsletter may be considered \"grey literature\". Newsletters delivered electronically via email (e-newsletters) have gained rapid acceptance for the same reasons email in general has gained popularity over. Most newspapers are now published online as isasters; health and medicine, science, and technology; sports; and entertainment, society, food and cooking, clothing and home fashion, and the arts. A wide variety of material has been published in newspapers. Besides the 12 F E B 2 0 1 8 - J U L 2 0 1 8 UMCCD BULLETIN
VISITING SCHOLAR PROFESSOR DR Country Perspectives on Diversity and EDDY NG Equal Treatment (2014), and Managing the New Workforce: International Eddy Ng is a Professor of Perspectives on the Millennial Organizational Behaviour and he Generation (2012). holds the F.C. Manning Chair in Economics and Business at His work has been featured in popular Dalhousie University. His research media outlets in Canada and the U.S. focuses on managing diversity for such as the Globe and Mail, the organizational competitiveness, National Post, the Financial Post, the changing nature of work and Canadian Bussiness, Macleans, organizations, and managing an intergenerational workforce. His work has been funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada grants. He has published more than 80 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. His new book, Generational Career Shifts: How Career Expectations, Experiences, Attitudes, and Values Shifted Across the Generations in the Workplace (with S. Lyons and L. Schweitzer) is forthcoming in 2018. He co-edited the Research Handbook of International and Comparative Perspectives on Diversity Management (2016), International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work: Email: [email protected] Mailing Address: Kenneth C. Rowe Management Building Phone: 902-494-8998 6100 University Ave, Room 5082 Fax: 902-494-1107 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4R2 13 FEB 2018 - JUL 2018 UMCCD BULLETIN
VISITING SCHOLAR CBC News, CTV News, Global News, Chapter (2016-2019). and CBS News. His research has also been recognized with the Elwood F. He is Editor-in-Chief of Equality, Horton, III Research Excellence Award, Diversity and Inclusion (2016-Present), several Emerald Literati Outstanding and an Associate Editor of Personnel Paper and Highly Commended awards, Review (2013-Present). In addition, he and multiple Administrative Sciences is on the Editorial Boards of Cross- Association of Canada Best Paper cultural and Strategic Management awards. (Emerald), Gender in Management (Emerald), Employee Relations He is a Past Chair of the Diversity and (Emerald), Management Communication Inclusion Theme Committee of the Quarterly (Sage), Public Personnel Academy of Management (2011-2015), Management (Sage), Zeitschrift für and the Gender and Diversity in Personalforschung (Sage), and Palgrave Diversity Organizations division of the Studies in Leadership and Followership. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (2004-2007). He presently In his spare time, he volunteers on the serves on the Executive Committee of boards of nonprofit organizations. the Gender and Diversity in Organizations division of the Academy of Management (2017-2020), and Treasurer of the Academy of International Business, Canada 14 F E B 2 0 1 8 - J U L 2 0 1 8 UMCCD BULLETIN
NETWORKING & EXTERNAL EVENTS ISTAC ISTAC LECTURE SERIES: MUSLIM WORLD AND THE WEST: CHALLENGES AND FUTURE CIVILISATIONAL RELATIONS International Institute of Islamic The International Institute of Civilisation and Malay World Islamic Civilisation and Malay (ISTAC) at their Main Hall, ISTAC. World (ISTAC) aims to proliferate The lecture was delivered by studies on the Islamic civilisation Professor John L. Esposito, and Malay World. Distinguished Professor from On 24 April 2018, the Director of Georgetown University, United Centre for Civilisational Dialogue States of America. In this lecture, (CCD), Professor Shakila Yacob Prof. Espocito highlighted that together with the Deputy Director pluralism is the challenge of 21st of CCD, Associate Professor Dr century. He emphasized that in Rosilawati Zainol, and Project order to move forward, we have to Officer, Ms. Nur Amalina Dayana be more inclusive and accept attended a lecture on “Muslim diversity to enrich society as World and the West: Challenges society that is reduced in their and Future Civilisational Relations” pluralistic poses a threat to which was organized by the . humanity. 15 F E B 2 0 1 8 - J U L 2 0 1 8 UMCCD BULLETIN
NETWORKING & EXTERNAL EVENTS KARNIVAL IMARAH ECO-MOSQUE (KARIEM 2018) Beautiful and Affordable Secondhand Items for Your Home Preservation of environment awareness through Green Waqaf. She and prevention towards emphasized that the awareness should be wastage continuous and non-stop throughout the centuries. On 15 Mei 2018, a Project Officer of Centre for Civilisational Dialogue (CCD), Ms. Nur Amalina, on Professor Dato Dr Mohd Yakub @ Zulkifli bin behalf of the Director of CCD, Professor Shakila Yacob Mohd Yusoff, Director of Academy of Islamic had attended the launching of Karnival Imarah Eco- Mosque (Kariem 2018) which was organized by Academy Studies delivering a welcoming speech of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya. The invited speaker was Dato’ Seri Ir. Zaini bin Ujang. In his FEB 2018 - JUL 2018 UMCCD BULLETIN officiating speech, he shared his amazing experience of witnessing a mosque that has a display on the amount of carbon emitted in a mosque in Marrakesh. He encouraged his audience to reduce wastage as it is our duty as the khalifah to take care of the earth. Aiming to preserve the environment and encourage prevention towards wastage, several presentations were delivered to raise the environmental awareness among the public on bringing back the glorified role of mosque as the center of community. Among the presenters was Prof. Madya Dr. Fuadah Johari, from Faculty of Economics and Muamalat, who higlighted on the environmental 16
OUR INTERN! Home Profile Intern Appreciation Ms. Sabiella Maris Adiba Ms. Sabiella Maris Adiba was an internship at the Centre of Civilisational Dialogue University Malaya from 8 January until 3 February 2018. She is a student of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Brawijaya University of Malang, Indonesia. As she works on a proposal titled ‘The Role of the Center for Civilisational Dialogue Helps Strengthen Relationships & Increase Understanding Concerning Basic Principles & Practices Differentiating Communities in Malaysia’, she chose UMCCD in order to enhance her knowledge and gaining experiences to ensure the smooth flow of her project. Hereby, we in UMCCD hope that she will gain success and wisdom in the future! Welcoming New Intern Ms. Nurul Farhana Sakan Ms. Nurul Farhana bt Sakan is currently undergoing an internship at the Centre for Civilisational Dialogue (CCD), University Malaya. She is currently a student at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), majoring in History and Civilization. Ms. Farhana’s areas of interest include Asia, Middle East and Europe’s past civilization. Aspires to become an academician at a Malaysian educational institution, she looks forward to gain new knowledges and skills in UMCCD, and experience the cultural exchange between her University Malaya and International Islamic University Malaysia. 17 F E B 2 0 1 8 - J U L 2 0 1 8 UMCCD BULLETIN
ANNOUNCEMENT CALL FOR MANUSCRIPTS! KATHA KATHA JOURNAL The Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, University of Malaya (CCD) is pleased to announce that the publication of the Journal of KATHA (KATHA) is entering its 14th year. KATHA is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal with readership throughout the field of humanities, social and natural sciences. It provides a platform for scholars, experts, researchers, practitioners and students to publish original research, review papers, and other scholarly works. It welcomes manuscript written in English. KATHA is now accepting submissions for Volume 14 to be published in 2018. The journal invites research articles, theoretical papers, as well as book reviews touching upon any aspect of intercivilisations or intercultural discourses on religions, philosophies, languages and knowledge or sciences. The journal considers manuscripts not previously published or currently under consideration by other publications. By submitting their manuscripts, the authors agree that the copyright of their articles are transferred to the publisher when the papers are accepted for publication. For further information on the guidelines of submission, please do not hesitate to communicate with us at [email protected] or visit our ejournal at https://ejournal.um.edu.my/index.php/KATHA. Submission of manuscript can be made directly at https://ejournal.um.edu.my/index.php/KATHA. 25 F E B 2 0 1 8 - J U L 2 0 1 8 UMCCD BULLETIN
ANNOUNCEMENT UNDANGAN MENGHANTAR MAKALAH! JURNAL PERADABAN JURNAL PERADABAN Pusat Dialog Peradaban (PDP), Universiti Malaya, dengan berbesar hatinya ingin mengumumkan penerbitan Jurnal Peradaban telah memasuki tahun kesebelas. Jurnal Peradaban merupakan jurnal interdisiplin yang diwasit dengan pembaca merangkumi bidang kemanusiaan, sains sosial dan sains tabii. Ia menyediakan pelantar kepada sarjana, pakar, penyelidik, pengamal dan pelajar siswazah menerbitkan hasil penyelidikan asli, makalah ulasan dan kritikan ilmu. Kami mengalu- alukan manuskrip dalam bahasa Melayu Malayonesia (termasuk Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei dan Singapura). Jurnal Peradaban kini menerima penyumbangan makalah untuk diterbitkan bagi Jilid 11 tahun 2018. Makalah berbentuk penyelidikan atau ulasan buku yang menyentuh mana-mana aspek dalam bidang berkaitan antara-peradaban/ antara tamadun atau wacana antarabudaya tentang agama, falsafah, bahasa, ilmu kemnusiaan dan kemasyarakatan, ilmu pengetahuan atau sains dan teknologi sangat dialu-alukan. Jurnal ini hanya menerima manuskrip yang belum diterbitkan atau bukan sedang dalam proses penilaian untuk penerbitan oleh jurnal lain. Apabila manuskrip dihantar, penulis dianggap bersetuju bahawa hak cipta manuskrip tersebut telah bertukar kepada penerbita jika diterima untuk penerbitannya. For further information on the guidelines of submission, please do not hesitate to communicate with us at [email protected] or visit our ejournal at https://ejournal.um.edu.my/index.php/KATHA. Submission of manuscript can be made directly at https://ejournal.um.edu.my/index.php/KATHA. 26 FEB 2018 - JUL 2018 UMCCD BULLETIN
ANNOUNCEMENT UMUC IS CALLING FOR MEMBERS! The University of Malaya UNLEASH YOUR CREATIVITY! UNESCO Club (UMUC) membership drive is PROPOSE AND DEVELOP YOUR OWN back! We want YOU to ACTIVITY join us in upcoming fun- filled activities! We are looking for: Fun-loving, awesome GROW TOGETHER! individuals with a love for volunteering! BUILD PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL NETWORK Interest in culture, education and science, or anything in between! Responsible and have that GIVE BACK TO SOCIETY! willingness to realise your dream activities/events! BUILD PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL NETWORK Register Now! GETS MERIT! BE A UNESCO CLUB MEMBER THROUGH GET REWARDS FOR YOUR HARD WORK WITHMERITS HTTPS://GOO.GL/F ORMS/PK6Y5NKY1PP AND CERTIFICATES! AYICO2 27 F E B 2 0 1 8 - J U L 2 0 1 8 UMCCD BULLETIN
CENTER FOR CIVILISATIONAL DIALOGUE LEVEL 2&6 RESEARCH MANAGEMENT AND INNOVATION COMPLEX UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA 50603 KUALA LUMPUR TEL O3-7967 5697/5719/5653/5522 EMAIL [email protected] WEB dialog.um.edu.my FACEBOOK Pusat Dialog Peradaban UM/Centre for Civilisational Dialogue INSTAGRAM umdialogue
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