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Home Explore WorkGroups_Deck 2020

WorkGroups_Deck 2020

Published by shubhideshwal92, 2021-03-18 05:30:29

Description: WorkGroups_Deck 2020


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Our People Engagement Program 1

CONTENT 2 Page 3 Philosophy – People Engagement Page 4 Objective Page 5 Understanding - Workgroups Page 6 Workgroups- 5 Pillars Page 7 Workgroups Structure & Plan Page 8 Work Group Members Page 9 Work Group Charter

3 We intend to Foster, Inspire, and Sustain higher levels of Engagement, resulting in higher Employee Happiness Index in the Organization To be able to meet this Goal, Work group have been designed that are Of the People, By the People, For the People

WorkGroups Objective 4 Office-Office Transformation Happiness At Work

Workgroup For Us Is 5 • Smaller mixed groups, comprising of members with common interests. • Voluntary participation in a workgroup of your interest & work on driving the objectives of the group. • Each workgroup has a: • Sponsor (management team member) • Work Group Manager • Work Group Track Members (max. 5) • Each workgroups will have one HR Representative • Workgroup will create it’s Workplan & events – Present it to Leadership Team & agreed plans are then executed. • The plans in the current situation should be the ones that can be executed virtually & in person. • Each Workgroup members take charge of his/her responsibility & get accountable for deliverables. • Each workgroup meets at least once in a month to discuss actions & deliverables. • All workgroups meet at least once in a quarter to discuss actions & deliverables & best practices. • Workgroup Managers will be responsible to monitor the progress of the group & present progress to the Leadership Team. • Workgroups compete against each other but work towards only one objective – Happiness at workplace Send in your Nomination to HR for being a member of a workgroup on [email protected]

Work Groups 6 WeCare WinSome Winnovative Winnie WePride Working Remotely Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: The aim is to support society Fun @Work to celebrate while associating with CSR various fun activities, team Ideas you work on can Emotional health skills and Innovative programs and To define effective, activities and supporting bonding initiatives, sports various causes. Going beyond events, festivals celebrations, belong to any sphere – people-embracing cultures approaches that build on outstanding, futuristic business and extends to the family and annual events. implementation of socially Involving employees through Business, Product , Process drive real results or inclusive and diverse processes around Virtual relevant activities for the active and continuous benefit of society at large. communication related to or Technology. Any idea outcomes. The best ideas. Making culture and Working Inspiring our actions as each event. societal change-makers and Engagement activities should which enhances and program design to help us diversity integral to Study best practices contribute to societal needs by mean the difference between applying our skills and engaged, happy employees increases our productivity, cultivate a people- achieve the value of the Seek feedbacks/ Opinion expertise. Its commitment to and people who feel like they being socially responsible with are just a part of the corporate performance or customer embracing workplace culture organization. Develop a from different people in the aim of sustainable machine development of the society. experience is welcome. that empowers our leaders vibrant culturally diverse the organization to create Empower yourself and your and employees to thrive and environment through a conducive & self- teams to co-create, validate to be fully engaged and various initiatives within sustaining way of work in and implement innovative excited to do their best work! the organization. virtual environment. solutions that generate value To create a culture of This all results in both an . for the business. wellness to see happy increase in cultural and personalities at work. diversity index.

WORKGROUP STRUCTURE & PLAN 7 All workgroups will be Structure: Sponsor (management Planning: Every group will be matured at a level to team member) responsible for presenting the operate independently and Work Group Manager quarterly plan for organizing resulting in a happy Work Group Track Members (max. activities for their respective workplace. 5) group. Each workgroups will Each workgroup will have one HR have one initiative per quarter. Communication: Involving Representative employees through active and continuous Outcome: must be communication related to measurable such that it each event. gives data to measure happiness index like surveys, 1:1 and participation reality checks.

8 Our Current Team WorkGroups Sponsors WorkGroup Manager Track Members HR Representative Naman WeCare Anoop Kumar Jyoti Pachauri/Bhavika Khusbhoo, Jasmeet, Priyank Winnie Gautam Winnovate Winsome Shipra Lavania Pranjali Kumar Monika Bhargav Riya, Shweta WePride Akshay Kumar Shubhi Piyush Jain & Mohit Jyotshna, Keshav, Vinay Sharma, Working Remotely Dhawan Manish Bansal Vinay Singh Geeta Arora Pragya, Gunjan, Nitesh, Vishal Ayessha & Shubhi Dinesh & Preeti Ratan & Ekta TBD Poonam Vinay Singh Mohit & Shipra Pranav, Anjali, Manoj, Sourabh, Shubhi Priyanka Gautam, Anand & Preeti Gupta

WORKGROUP CHARTER 9 Constitution of WorkGroups • Voluntary participation in a workgroup of your interest & work on d–riving the objectives of the group. • WorkGroups will constitute to have Sponsor, Work Group Manager, Work Group Track Members (max. 5) and one HR Representative Timelines • WorkGroups started on 24th April • Kick-off meeting initiated by HR • Each workgroup prepared Charter for Q2 in May • Q3 Charters preparation in process • Q3 event planning in process


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