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Home Explore Metro Monitor 1st Qtr 2017

Metro Monitor 1st Qtr 2017

Published by itu.dilgncr, 2018-02-07 02:50:44

Description: Metro Monitor 1st Qtr 2017


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Who we are EDITORIAL ILG-NCR is one of the 18 regional offices of the Department of BOARD Dthe Interior and Local Government serving the 17 Local Govern- ment Units (LGUs) of Metro Manila, the Philippines’ seat of gover- nance. Established in 1988, DILG-NCR has a total of 17 field offices, one is situated in every LGU in Metro Manila, while its regional office is Maria Lourdes L. Agustin, CESO IV located in Sugar Regulatory Administration in Diliman, Quezon City. Regional Director Juan Jovian E. Ingeniero, CESO V In fulfillment of its mandate of providing general supervision to local Assistant Regional Director governments, DILG-NCR continues to create venues to respond to the needs of its LGUs, from the City and Municipal level, down to its LGOO V, Kristine Marie V. Torres Editor 1,705 barangays. Von Dorell R. Tingin, PO As a regional office, DILG-NCR aims to strengthen the capabilities Graphic Design / Layout Artist of every LGU in Metro Manila by providing technical assistance on programs, projects and activities relating to effective local governance. DILG-NCR Social Media Team Resonating the DILG brand – Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan, the Field Office region is committed in making LGUs in the country’s capital at par with their international counterparts. LGOO III Patricia Joy Quinatadcan LGOO III Maria Jasmin Diaz LGOO III Louie Hitosis LGOO III Alyza Layson LGOO III Kelvin John Gaen LGOO III Justiniano Rios LGOO V James Christopher Fadrilan LGOO III Ryan Lester Tan LGOO III Carlo Tristan Canta LGOO V Atty. Franie Solejon-Rios About the LGOO III Alvin Almo LGOO III Jean Redi Briones LGOO IV Marlon Clyde Camilon Metro Monitor LGOO V Maricor Dayandante Office of the Regional Director The Metro Monitor is DILG-NCR’s quarterly publication. It LGOO V Abigayle Baligod features stories of good local governance initiatives of the region. LGOO V Benjielyn Yu-Roxas Written by DILG-NCR’s Local Government Operations Officers, LGOO III Marda Alina Dumaoang it aims to provide the public a glimpse of the efforts of the Depart- LGOO III Kristine Fayne Lagatoc ment in providing services to its clientele that is Matino, Mahusay ITO Lennie Yap LGOO V Kristine Torres at Maaasahan. Contents PO Von Dorell Tingin

1 11 •DILG-NCR sets tagets for 2017 •QAT to be introduced in NCR barangays •DILG Manila Field Office gets a facelift •Recycling highlighted in Valenzuela’s Waste Market Day 2 12 • ₱3.4M awarded to Pasay, Pasig and San • Taguig leads modernization of FDP Juan Boards • CBMS Manila in full swing 3 13 • RPRAT-NCR eyes fast tracking of remaining BuB projects • RPOC-NCR holds first meeting 4 14 • Makialam Makilahok, Makiisa: NCR • Policy for community-based rehabilitation Barangays participate in the Barangay tackled in 2nd RPOC meeting Assembly Day • Makati POC undergo Bridging Leadership Program 5 15 • 16 families get new homes in Dubai-BASECO • Makati equips barangays on proper handling of drug cases 6 • QC’s SDECs now open • San Juan begins construction of San Juan 16 Ville • Taguig reinforces BADACs 7 17 • Uniting for Change: DILG-NCR holds Partners’ Call • Culture and Governance: Learning and Exploring Japan 9 19 • Forum on federalism held in San Juan • SANLAKBAY launched in San Juan • Federalism introduced in Valenzuela • DILG Valenzuela holds MASA MASID Contents • Federalism rolled out in Quezon City Orientation and Action Planning Workshop • Caloocan holds forum on federalism for • MASA MASID kicks off in San Juan students

1 2 L-R: ARD Juan Jovian Ingeniero, Budget Officer Miriam Roa, RD Maria Lourdes Agustin and Designated Planning Officer LGOO VI Lilian Madjus during the 2017 Regional Planning and Budgeting workshop last February. DILG-NCR sets targets for 2017 To upscale its performance, DILG-NCR City directors, division chiefs, unit heads projects and activities and corresponding jumpstarted 2017 by bringing together its and the respective planning officers of the targets and budget of the region and field leaders and key personnel, for a regional field offices came together for the activity, offices. planning and budgeting workshop. to map out the direction of the region for 2017. The activity also became a venue to dis- “For 2016, we have placed the region in cuss issues and concerns in improving field the local governance map of the Depart- Assistant Regional Director Juan Jovian operations, which is set to be taken up by ment. For 2017, we aim to do the same Ingeniero steered the discussions of the the regional management. through our remarkable performance as im- targets of the Department, in line with the plementers of the Department’s programs, vision of President Rodrigo Duterte. 2016 has been a notable year for the re- projects and activities. gion as many of its collaborations with the LGOO VI Lilian Madjus, who sits as Central Office are for the key programs of planning officer of the region, presented the the Department among of which are the na- “Through effective planning, we hope that agreements between the regions and the tional launch of the Mamamayang Ayaw Sa we are also able to address the issues and Department’s planning service. Anomalya, Mamamayang Ayaw sa Droga gaps in our 17 field offices, the lifeblood of or MASA MASID program, the Barangay our region. We hope that we can address and Division chiefs, programs managers and Newly-Elected Officials (BNEO) Portal, and respond well to the demands of the Depart- unit heads under the Local Government information dissemination initiatives for ment and at the same time, ensure the well Capability Development Division, Local Federalism. being of our LGOOs, the heart of our oper- Government Monitoring and Evaluation ations,” Regional Director Maria Lourdes Division and Finance and Administration Agustin shared. Division also discussed the programs, DILG Manila Field Office gets a facelift LGOO V Luigi D.C. Pilarta DILG Manila welcomed 2017 with a newly-renovated office at the Manila Barangay Bureau. The renovation is part of DILG-NCR’s undertakings in providing a more suitable workplace for its personnel in the field offices, to ensure operational efficiency. DILG Manila is the biggest field office of DILG- NCR in terms of number of personnel, as it houses a total of 21 Local Government Operations Officers (LGOOs) and administrative staff. With the support of the City Government of Manila, the renovation pushed through in the third quarter of 2016, and now provides ade- quate workspace to DILG Manila personnel. Fr. Paul Medina leads the blessing of DILG Manila’s newly-renovated office located at the Manila Barangay Bureau Building.

1 2 management is keen on providing the same that the day was not only a celebration of To usher in a productive year, the office support to other field offices of DILG-NCR, DILG Manila’s new beginnings, ‘it is also a was blessed last January 13, with Reverend noting that a conducive workplace results in day to honor public servants who have dedi- Father Paul Medina of the Minor Basilica efficient and effective operations. cated their lives in creating better commu- of Black Nazarene officiating the rite. It was nities for their constituents’. DILG extends followed by a ceremonial ribbon cutting Also present in the activity are DILG death benefits for elected barangay officials led by Regional Director Maria Lourdes Makati City Director Atty. Cherry Can- who have passed away during their term. Agustin, Assistant Regional Director Juan da-Melodias, Atty. Racquel Mejia of the Jovian Ingeniero, and City Administrator City Administrator’s Office, Engr. Rogelio DILG Manila started their lease in the Atty. Ericson Alcovendaz Legaspi and Engr. Rogelio Vicente from the newly-renovated office with a team confer- City Department of Engineering and Public ence to discuss pending operational matters, DILG Manila City Director Atty. Rolynne Works, and Ms. Bambi Purisima of the particularly on the lined-up activities and Javier expressed her gratitude for the sup- Office of the City Mayor. status updates on program, projects and port of DILG-NCR’s regional management activities. and the City Government of Manila in cre- The ceremony also served as a venue for ating a suitable workplace for the field office. the awarding of death benefits to the fam- Moreover, Agustin shared that the regional ilies of six barangay officials. Javier noted P3.4M PCF awarded to Pasay, Pasig, and San Juan CH Mercedes Tuico / LGOO V Atty. Franie Solejon-Rios / LGOO V Marlon Clyde Camilon For passing the 2016 Seal of Good Local and essential areas of assessment, making OIC City Director Visitacion Martinez gave Governance (SGLG), the cities of Pasay, them eligible for PCF. Each city received the the PCF check to San Juan City Mayor Guia Pasig, and San Juan were awarded with the amount of P3.4 million. Gomez and members of the City Council. Performance Challenge Fund (PCF). San Juan’s PCF will be used in the estab- The SGLG is the most prestigious award lishment of Bahay Pag-asa / Half-Way House given by the Department to LGUs that (Drop-In Center). The Center will provide exhibited exemplary and innovative local protection, care and rehabilitation to Chil- governance practices. Created in 2014, it dren in Conflict with the Law in a home-like aims to inculcate good local governance environment with an end view of reinte- among LGUs and give recognition for those grating them to their respective families and which consistently strive to upscale services communities. extended to their constituents. Moreover, DILG-NCR Regional Director PCF on the other hand, is an incen- Maria Lourdes Agustin, together with DILG tive given to SGLG awardees to support RD Agustin and DILG Pasay City Director Jay Timbreza Pasig City Director Jay Timbreza, led the LGU-initiated development projects, and awards the PCF check to Pasig City Mayor Robert Eusebio turnover of the P3.4M Performance Chal- encourage the convergence of local develop- and former Mayor Maribel Andaya-Eusebio. lenge Fund (PCF) to the City Government ment initiatives with national development of Pasig. Mayor Robert Eusebio and former agenda and priorities. DILG-NCR Assistant Regional Director Mayor Maribel Andaya-Eusebio received the Juan Jovian Ingeniero, City Director Gloria PCF during the City’s flag raising ceremony For the 2016 SGLG, together with the Aguhar and Local Capability Development last February 27. cities of Caloocan and Mandaluyong, the Division (LGCDD) Division Chief Helen three LGUs successfully fulfilled the SGLG’s Verzosa awarded the PCF check to Pasay stringent criteria, by passing all of its core City Mayor Antonino Calixto and City Administrator Atty. Dennis Bernard Acorda last January 23. Pasay City will be using the fund in enhancing the facilities of the Social Devel- opment Center (SDC), an LGU-run child care facility which was razed by fire in 2012. Through the fund, the SDC will be able to San Juan City Mayor Guia Gomez receives the PCF check return to its full capacity and provide shelter from ARD Ingeniero and DILG San Juan City Director to children in need of protection. Visitacion Martinez. As for San Juan, the PCF check was The incentive fund will be utilized in the turned over during the City’s flag raising Improvement of the Elevated Walkway of ceremony last January 30. Assistant Region- the Pasig City Hall, to improve access for L-R: DILG Pasay City Director Gloria Aguhar, Pasay City al Director Ingeniero, assisted by San Juan persons with disabilities. Mayor Antonino Calixto, City Administator Atty. Dennis Acorda, ARD Ingeniero and LGCDD Chief Helen Verzosa.

3 4 ARD Ingeniero presided the 2017 First Quarter RPRAT- RD Agustin delivers her message to the NCR LPRATs in the NCR meeting. Stakeholders’ Forum. Local Poverty Reduction Action Teams (LPRATs) of the 17 LGUs of the region last RPRAT-NCR eyes fast March 16 and 17. tracking of remaining The LPRAT, which is composed of local BuB projects chief executives, representatives of civil society organizations (CSOs) and LGU offi- cials, is responsible in creating proposals for programs and projects that will be funded LGOO III Kristine Fayne Lagatoc through the BuB, as well as its monitoring and evaluation. To fast track and ensure proper imple- Through the forum, both the RPRAT mentation of remaining Bottom-Up Bud- LPRAT members from the 17 LGUs attended the and the LPRATs of the 17 LGUs were able geting (BuB) projects in NCR, the Regional Stakeholders Forum. to raise their concerns and reach common Poverty Reduction Action Team – National understanding on remaining BuB projects Capital Region (RPRAT-NCR) convened for implementation. Member agencies of last March. DILG-NCR Assistant Regional Director Juan Jovian Ingeniero presided the meeting RPRAT-NCR also presented their respective agencies’ accomplishments throughout the RPRAT-NCR is composed of national which was attended by representatives from BuB process and enlisted the help of the government agencies mandated to im- the Department of Labor and Employ- LGUs in fast-tracking the implementation plement the projects funded through the ment (DOLE-NCR), Department of Trade of remaining BuB projects in their respec- Bottom-Up Budgeting program (BuB), is and Industry (DTI-NCR), Department of tive areas. tasked to make decision on implementation Health (DOH-NCR) and Department of issues raised at the regional level. The team Social Welfare and Development (DSWD- For 2017, the BuB will make way for the is also responsible in providing technical NCR), National Anti-Poverty Commission Assistance to Disadvantaged Municipalities support and guidance to LGUs. (NAPC), Department of Agriculture (DA (ADM), which will focus in the develop- Central Office), Bureau of Fisheries and ment of municipalities. The ADM is seen to Held in Tagaytay City, the activity became Aquatic Resources (BFAR 4A), Technical equitably assist municipalities in the deliv- a venue to discuss issues and concerns Education and Skills Development Au- ery of basic services by providing financial raised in the implementation of the re- thority (TESDA-NCR), and Department of subsidy to towns for the implementation maining BuB projects in NCR to speed up Budget and Management (DBM-NCR). of priority development programs and completion, as well as to present accom- projects. plishments achieved by the team for the first Moreover, DILG-NCR, as chair of the quarter. RPRAT held a Stakeholders Forum for the

3 4 86.00% the advocacy of uents of barangay achievements, especially the Department its financial transactions following DILG Memorandum Circular 2017-31 for the in providing information to the public of the conduct of barangay assembly for the first semester. Barangays also reported their of the 1705 barangays nature of the compliance to different DILG issuances and of NCR were able proposed shift to national laws, which is monitored by field to participate in the a federal govern- officers. March 25 Barangay ment. Assembly Day for the Also highlighted in the barangay as- first semester of 2017. They also de- semblies is the MASA MASID program, livered the mes- which aims to encourage communities to The Regional and sage of Secretary take a proactive stance in the government’s Field Office person- Ismael Sueno to fight against corruption, illegal drugs, and nel of DILG-NCR the barangays, criminality. In NCR, many barangays have proactively monitored which centered created community-based rehabilitation barangay activities. For this year, the first se- on bayanihan programs for drug surrenderees. mester assembly follows the theme: “Sulong and volunteerism. DILG-NCR Regional Barangay Kontra Droga, Krimen, at Kati- Director Maria Lourdes Agustin delivered The Association of Southeast Asian walian: Makialam! Makilahok! Makiisa!” the message in Barangay Sucat, Muntinlu- Nations (ASEAN) was also discussed in the pa City, which was identified as showcase assemblies to help residents understand the DILG-NCR City Directors served as barangay of NCR. importance of the country’s membership to focal persons of showcase barangays in the ASEAN, as the country hosts its 30th the discussion of Federalism, as part of Punong barangays and Sangguniang Ba- Summit this year. rangay Members reported to their constit- MakialaM, Makilahok, Makiisa: NCR Barangays participate in the Barangay Assembly Day Photos taken during the barangay assemblies in NCR. DILG-NCR personnel were assigned to monitor the assemblies held last March 25.

5 6 16 families get new homes Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada reminded beneficiaries to take good care of their new homes during the awarding ceremony last March. in Dubai-BASECO LGOO III Suslijah Gesmundo ew homes await 16 informal settler was awarded for Manila for the Dubai-BA- The Dubai-BASECO housing project Nfamilies (ISFs) at the Dubai-BASECO SECO housing project that will benefit 128 is a result of the People’s Plan crafted by housing project in the City of Manila. families. Kabalikat, with the assistance of the DILG. The people’s plan is a community housing Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada led the Concerted efforts of Manila’s Local Proj- and shelter development plan designed by a awarding of the housing units to the bene- ect Management Team (LPMT) composed people’s organization, in consultation with ficiaries last March 27, together beneficiaries. with DILG Manila City Director Atty. Rolynne Javier and key city During the awarding of new officials. homes to the beneficiaries, May- or Estrada reiterated the City’s The Dubai-BASECO housing appreciation of DILG’s assis- project was funded through tance for its housing program, DILG’s Local Government Unit and encouraged beneficiaries Financial Assistance or LGUFA to take good care of their new under the Oplan LIKAS or homes. “Lumikas para Iwas sa Ka- lamidad at Sakit” program for City Director Javier echoed the relocation of ISFs living in the message of Estrada, and danger zones to safe areas. reminded the beneficiaries to of the City Government of Manila, the peo- appreciate and value the efforts of the orga- LGUFA is utilized in the construction of ple’s organization Kabalikat sa Kaunlaran ng nizations and individuals who worked hard Micro-Medium Rise Buildings (MMRBs) BASECO (Kabalikat) and the DILG ensured for them to have safe and decent abodes. for in-city relocation. In 2015, P36 million smooth implementation of the project, which is now on its fourth phase.

5 6 LGOO V Benjielyn Yu-Roxas heers filled the ground- In her message, Agustin The regional director also Cbreaking ceremony for the recalled the efforts of Mayor acknowledged the preparations San Juan Ville Micro-Medium Gomez in pushing for a MMRB of the San Juan Ville Homeown- Rise Building (MMRB) Project housing project in San Juan, ers Association, the beneficiary in San Juan City last March 6. which eventually was granted of the MMRB, in organizing after the City was identified the housing project’s electricity DILG-NCR, together with to be one of the recipients of plan as well as the adoption of the Local Government of the LGU Financial Assistance prepaid loading for electricity to San Juan City, Local Project (LGUFA) of the DILG. She ensure access to utilities in the Management Team of San Juan noted that San Juan is now the turnover of the h ousing units. MMRB led the groundbreaking model city for in-city socialized of the San Juan Ville located at housing. Gomez expressed her grat- F. Manalo Street in Barangay itude to the DILG for the Kabayanan. LGUFA is sourced from the LGUFA, and the support Department’s OPLAN LIKAS provided by the DILG- Present in the ceremony are Fund allocated for the resettle- NCR to San Juan. The mayor DILG-NCR Regional Director ment of families in dangerous added that she is proud of San Maria Lourdes Agustin, Mayor areas, especially those who are Juan Ville, now regarded as a Guia Gomez, Vice Mayor Janel- dwelling in the waterways. P90 model for LGUs, as well as the la Ejercito Estrada, members million was granted to the City efforts of the City’s Urban Poor RD Agustin and San Juan City Mayor leads the groundbreaking ceremony of San Juan Ville. of the City Council, Punong Government of San Juan for its Affairs Office. She shared that Barangays, City Department MMRB. the City looks forward to its Heads, DILG San Juan Field next in-city housing project. Office led by City Director Visitacion Martinez, and San Construction of MMRBs Juan Ville Homeowners in Manila, Quezon City, and Association members. Parañaque funded under the LGUFA are also underway this year. DILG-NCR and San Juan City key officials together with the San Juan Ville beneficiaries.

7 8 n appreciation of its partners in championing good local Igovernance, DILG-NCR held the 2017 Partners' Call - Re- inforcing Partnerships to Development. Uniting for Change: government agencies, civil society organizations, members The event brought together more than a hundred national of the academe, private organizations and individuals to DILG-NCR holds celebrate fruitful undertakings that have made a mark in local governance. Partners‘ Call City, the event showcased collaborations and alliances forged Held last March 10 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Quezon by the DILG-NCR through the years, as part of its efforts in pushing for urban governance innovations. Among the major undertakings of the DILG-NCR are its partnerships with Manila Water for its Toka-Toka program, the first and only environmental movement in the Philippines for used water management, resettlement governance for informal settler families program with the College of Social Work and Community Development of UP Diliman and College of Development Communication of UP Los Baños, the MASA MASID program with different religious groups under the Ugnayan ng Barangay at Simbahan (UBAS). 2017 PARTNERS’ CALL

7 8 DILG-NCR Regional Director Maria Lourdes Agustin Agustin also presented the 2017 Partnership Agenda shared that through the Partners’ Call, the region hopes to of DILG-NCR, which would define the region's collective express its heartfelt gratitude to its partner agencies and commitment to the public - reviving ecological balance, institutions for their steadfast support that helped the re- promoting ease of doing business, establishment of gion in effectively achieving the goals of the Department’s peaceful and drug-free communities, improving disaster program, projects and activities. preparedness and response capabilities, and rebuilding foundation of development for displaced communities. “It is truly a humbling experience for us to work with organizations with whom we share the same vision of cre- Moreover, the Partners' Call became a venue for the ating world-class LGUs in the region. These partnerships launch of the Resettlement Governance Curriculum for have led to the creation of innovations that have made Practitioners, a project of the DILG-NCR with the Col- NCR a center of excellence in urban governance.\" lege of Social Work and Community Development of the University of the Philippines Diliman (UP CSWCD) and \"Through this activity, we hope to foster stronger con- Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor (PCUP). nections with our partners, and encourage more organiza- tions to link with us, and be a partner for change that we Resettlement governance is a brainchild of DILG-NCR would like our children to see,\" she noted. which aims to safeguard the well-being of relocated informal settler families (ISFs) in their new environs, by ensuring that LGUs sending and receiving relocatees provide sufficient support that will allow ISFs to adjust in their new community. The first of its kind in the country, it is envisioned to guide LGUs in creating people-centered resettlements. DILG-NCR launched the Resettlement Governance Curric- 2017 PARTNERS’ CALL ulum during the Partners’ Call. The curriculum is seen to guide LGUs in creating people-centered resettlements.

9 10 SAN JUAN VALENZUELA FE Forum on federalism held Federalism introduced in in San Juan Valenzuela LGOO V Marlon Clyde Camilon LGOO V Diana Del Mundo Around 180 officials from the 21 barangays of San Juan City attended an activity that aims to raise awareness on Federalism. DILG Valenzuela Field Office, in coordination with the City Government of Valenzuela held a forum to initiate a discussion RA DILG San Juan City Field Office, in partnership with the City and provide information on federalism. Government of San Juan conducted a forum on federalism last February 8. The Department has been tasked by President Ro- Federalism became a buzzword among government officials, drigo Duterte to lead information dissemination on Federalism, after President Duterte expressed his proposal for a shift to which he espouses. federal form of government. In her message, DILG San Juan City Director Visitacion The Forum on Federalism and Constitutional Reform was Martinez noted that as sources of information, the DILG held last January 25 at the Valenzuela City Center for the Per- and barangay officials have a vital role in helping the public forming Arts. The activity aims to help and barangay officials, as understand federalism. She shared that through the activity, it well as members of the civil society to be well-informed on the is hoped that barangay officials will have a better understanding topic. of the concept. Former Senate President Aquilino Pimentel Jr. served as DILG-NCR Federalism Focal Person Jess Marie Acoba guest speaker of the activity, where he discussed and provided served as resource person for the forum, and tackled how fed- information on his proposed version of federalism; how it dif- eralism is connected to the needs of the community. He noted fers on our current system of government and how it can affect that people should also take the time to learn and join discours- development and governance in the country. es about the shift to a federal form of government. Pimentel also entertained questions from the crowd, to “Ang federalismo ay isang usaping pangmasa, as it deals with provide further clarification, especially on how LGUs can be community development. We should also be conscious how our affected in the form of federalism he is advocating. culture and history can be preserved when shifting to a federal Also present in the activity are Valenzuela City Vice Mayor form of government,” he said. DE Lorena Natividad Borja, City Councilors Ramon Encarnacion, The activity also became a venue to discuss how to widen Rovin Andrew Feliciano, Antonio Espiritu, Cecil Mayo and Liga the information dissemination for federalism in the grassroots; ng Mga Barangay President Fernando Francisco. it was recommended that Federalism should be included in the DepEd curricula and to maximize the use social media to create greater awareness especially among the youth.

9 10 QUEZON CITY CALOOCAN LI Federalism rolled out in Caloocan holds forum on Quezon City federalism for students LGOO V Arthur Marc Caras LGOO V Jean Redi Briones In an effort to raise awareness on Federalism among students, With the intention of raising awareness on Federalism, DILG the City Government of Caloocan, in partnership with DILG Quezon City Field Office, together with the Quezon City Gov- Caloocan City Field Office conducted “Sa Federalismo, Tao ang RA ernment and the advocacy group, MRRD-PENAMFED held an Una” forum. orientation on federalism. Almost a thousand college students from the University of The activity aims to provide an avenue to tackle the pros and Caloocan City (UCC) North Campus attended the forum, which cons of federalism, specially its possible impact to the lives of was held last March 24, 2017 at the UCC Congressional Campus Filipinos. Open Grounds. Quezon City Mayor Herbert Bautista expressed his support to In her message, DILG Caloocan City Director Atty. Ana Lyn the endeavor, giving emphasis on the need to study the structur- Baltazar–Cortez encouraged the students to be involved and al and financial aspect of the proposed system of government. educate themselves on how federalism would affect education, He stressed that if the shift to federalism pushes through, it poverty, and employment and other issues in the country. SM needs to root from the country’s history and culture. DILG-NCR Focal Person on Federalism LGOO VI Jess Marie Around 1500 individuals coming from barangays and civil Acoba discussed Good Governance and Federalism, while Mr. society organizations attended the activity. LGU functionaries, Conrado Generoso from the Office of DILG Undersecretary MRRD-PENAMFED Quezon City members and staff from Emily Padilla explained the current situation in the country DILG Quezon City Field Office were also present in the orienta- under the presidential unitary system and the historical and tion. theoretical foundation of federalism. UP Professor Dr. Clarita R. Carlos, a political analyst, served Students were also given the opportunity to raise their queries as key speaker for the activity. She noted the possible impacts on federalism and local governance in the activity. of federalism, especially in the delivery of basic services, labor competition and taxation in a federal form of government. Also present in the event are UCC President Atty. Rene Richard Salazar, UCC Vice President for Administration Prof. Dr. Enerico Sampang and Engr. Danilo Aruzena from the Marilyn de Jesus, DILG Undersecretary for Legislative Liaison DILG Task Team on Federalism, expressed the commitment of and Special Concerns Atty. Emily Padilla, and members of the DILG to go to the grassroots to raise awareness and gather MRRD-PENAMFED. inputs on the matter. DILG-NCR, through its field offices led forums on federalism to help the public understand the proposed shift to a federal form of government.

11 12 ave the Children, in part- The quality assessment during calamities. Assistant Regional Director nership with DILG-NCR, tool (QAT) is a comprehen- Save the Children provided Juan Jovian Ingeniero noted that Swill be introducing an as- sive instrument that aims to an orientation of the tool to Lo- the tool is a user-friendly means sessment tool for Barangay Di- review the responsiveness of cal Disaster Risk Reduction and to ensure that responsive and saster Risk Reduction and Man- BDRRM plans to the needs Management Officers (LDRR- child-centered BDRRM plans agement (BDRRM) of their communities. It uses MOs) of the 17 LGUs of the are present in every community Plans. 12 benchmarks to measure region and DILG-NCR DRRM in the region. the quality of a BDRRM, with focal persons last January 26 in Community-Based DRRM as its Pasig City. NCR is the third region in framework. the country for the pre-testing Features of the tool were of the QAT, which was initially Under the QAT, BDRRM discussed during the activity, as rolled out in Regions 8 and plans will undergo a review and well as the next steps necessary 13. With the launch in NCR, shall help barangays identify for its implementation in the it is hoped that the tool will be gaps and needs that should be grassroots. Issues in the imple- further enhanced to ensure its addressed to make the plan mentation were also tackled to reliability and consistency. appropriate for the risks present allow participants to formulate in the community, especially their own strategies for the tool. Recycling Management Office, shared that City Field Office attended the Program (MBCRP), aims to launch. The field office shall also the City Government intends to gauge the compliance of LGUs highlighted in hold Waste Market Day every assist the SWMO in informa- to environmental laws. Valenzuela’s quarter as part of the solid waste tion dissemination to enjoin management initiatives of the participation of the city’s Waste Market city. A poster-making contest 33 barangays in the next conduct of the Waste is also set to be held on its next Day staging. Market Day. LGOOs III Nithel Kevin Testor / Partner organizations in- A total of 442 ki- Kenken Lagutan cluding the Philippine Plastics lograms of recyclable Industry Association (PPIA), wastes varying from pet Valenzuela City’s Solid Waste Management Office (SWMO), Polystyrene Packaging Council bottles, plastics, carton, in partnership with United Re- of the Philippines (PPCP), Mo- disposed appliances and tolite, TD Sy Industrial Waste gadgets, to flat tires were cyclers Organization of the Phil- 442 kilos of recyclables collected during the Waste ippines (UROP) launched the Hauling Services, Odyssey sold in the first Waste Market Day Valenzuela City Waste Market Foundation Inc., Ang-Hor- Market Day. Day in Barangay Dalandanan. taleza Foundation, and HMR Envirocycle were present in the DILG-NCR, through launch and bought recyclable its regional and field The initiative aims to promote waste segregation in wastes from Barangays Palasan, offices monitors the communities, reduce waste to Parancillo Villa, Tagalag, and undertakings of LGUs on be disposed in sanitary landfill, Wawang Pulo, Marulas Elemen- solid waste management, and provide additional income tary School and Dalandanan with the Environmen- High School. tal Compliance Audit to participating barangays, schools, and individuals. (ECA). ECA, which is In support of the initiative, part of its Manila Bay Local Government Operations Clean-Up Rehabilita- Marietta Antonio, Head of DILG Valenzuela field officers joins Valenzuela SWMO Valenzuela City Solid Waste Officers of DILG Valenzuela tion and Preservation officials and representatives partner agencies during the launch of the Waste Market Day.

11 12 he City Government of first local government units TTaguig, through the lead- (LGUs) in the National Capital ership of Mayor Lani Cayetano, Region to adopt a fully digital is on its way towards mod- ernizing its Full Disclosure all of its three designated Taguig leads modernization Policy (FDP) Boards in conspicuous places. Taguig City Administrator FDP Board when it Atty. Joel Montales shared that opened a Satellite of FDP Boards the idea came during one of the Office at the SM LGOO V David Alegre III travels abroad of Mayor Cayeta- Aura Tower in Bon- posting. To maximize no, and was brought about by ifacio Global City, Taguig City. the use of these modern her desire to constantly look for In 2016, the FDP Boards at the touchscreen monitors, the the most effective and efficient Taguig City Hall have also been City Government of Taguig way of doing things. upgraded and plans are under- also included its Citizen’s Char- way to do the same for the FDP ter, City Hall Directory, maps, One of the e-FDP boards that can The requirement for each Board at the Taguig Satellite among others. be found in Taguig City Hall . LGU to have FDP Boards Office-Area 2 in Lower Bicutan. is in accordance with DILG Once completed, Taguig City Apart from Taguig, Las Piñas, (FDP) Memorandum Circular No. will be the first LGU in NCR Marikina and Mandaluyong Pro- 2013-14, which mandates every to have all of its FDP Boards in have also made use of digital gram for provincial, city, and municipal digital format. FDP Boards. the first government to post a total of quarter of 14 financial documents, five of The common issues with DILG-NCR FDP Focal 2016. which are annual documents traditional FDP Boards like the Persons in the regional and field while nine are posted quarterly, thick, dusty financial docu- offices are responsible for the in at least three publicly acces- ments, and torn and missing monitoring of compliance of sible and conspicuous places in pages are now a thing of the LGUs to the policy. Recently, the LGU and in the Full Disclo- past. Taguig City has now DILG Central Office - Bureau of sure Policy Portal. gone paperless by making use Local Government Supervision large touchscreen monitors commended DILG-NCR for In 2014, the City Govern- containing soft copies of all achieving 100% compliance rate ment of Taguig was one of the the required documents for on the Full Disclosure Policy he Community-Based DILG Manila Field Office, in core indicators which include TMonitoring System (CBMS) coordination with the Manila health, nutrition, housing, Manila is now on its full imple- City Planning and Develop- water and sanitation, education, mentation. ment Office, was responsible in income, employment and peace the screening and assessment of and order. Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada those who applied to be part of signed the employment contract the CBMS. CBMS is implemented by of Manileños that will be serv- the DILG in partnership with ing as CBMS Manila enumer- Grouped into five batch- the De La Salle University ators, field coordinators and es, CBMS Manila personnel -Angelo King Insti- supervisors last January 26. received week-long training in tute. data gathering, the use of tablets Present during the contract installed with the CBMS appli- signing are Assistant Regional cation, as well as the use of the Director Juan Jovian Ingeniero, data processed in development DILG Manila City Director Office Chief Arch. Danilo Lacu- CBMS Manila Atty. Rolynne Javier, Manila City Planning and Development na and Ms. Eloisa Maminta, one of the CBMS Manila coordina- tors. plan- ning in full swing CBMS personnel were of the City and its immediately deployed to their 896 barangays. assignments a day after the contract signing. Enumerators, Focused on poverty, the L-R: DILG Manila City Director Atty. Rolynne Javier, field coordinators and supervi- CBMS is a detailed local level ARD Ingeniero and Manila City Mayor Joseph Estrada sors were oriented and trained data gathering for the creation during the contract signing for CBMS. by DILG-NCR CBMS program of responsive local plans and managers and focal persons. programs. The system has 14

13 14 RPOC-NCR holds first meeting Members of the RPOC-NCR, during its first meeting last February. ocal chief executives and cardo Cruz, representing Mayor who are fit to undergo commu- Mamayang Ayaw Sa Anomalya, Lrepresentatives of govern- Laarni Cayetano. nity-based rehabilitation. Mamamayang Ayaw sa Iligal ment agencies in the region na Droga o MASA MASID, the came together for the first Other local chief executives The Council is also set to undertaking of the Department regular meeting of the Region- were represented by their expand its membership, as it against illegal drugs, as well al Peace and Order Council respective city administrators. was suggested that other gov- as in the revitalization of local (RPOC). Representatives of member ernment agencies such as the anti-drug abuse councils. national government agencies The Council, composed of 35 were also present; DILG-NCR members, is responsible for the City Directors also joined the creation of initiatives as well as meeting. addressing issues and concerns in maintaining peace and order Among the topics discussed in the National Capital Region. are concerns on illegal drugs, particularly on the availability Currently, Quezon City May- of rehabilitation centers in the or Herbert Bautista sits as chair LGUs. It was noted that given of the RPOC-NCR, with PNP the limited space in Metro Ma- L-R: RPOC-NCR Vice-Chair PNP NCRPO Chief Osca Albayalde, RPOC-NCR Chair NCRPO PDir. Oscar Abayalde nila, finding a site for LGUs for Quezon City Mayor Herbert Bautista, DILG Undersecretary for Peace and Order Catali- as Vice Chair. Moreover, DILG- a rehabilitation center remains a no Cuy, RPOC-NCR Secretariat Head DILG-NCR Regional Director Maria Lourdes NCR serves as Secretariat of the challenge. Moreover, the RPOC- Agustin and DILG-NCR Assistant Regional Director Juan Jovian Ingeniero. Council, with Regional Director NCR, through its Secretariat, Maria Lourdes Agustin as its is also set to compile LGU best Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), head. practices in anti-illegal drug Bureau of Jail Management Cuy also expressed that the advocacies for replication in the and Penology (BJMP), PNP Department fully supports The meeting, held in Taguig region. Highway Patrol Group (HPG), efforts of the RPOC, and also City, was attended by Las Piñas Dangerous Drugs Board and informed the council that the City Mayor Imelda Aguilar, It was also discussed that in other stakeholders be part of the mega rehabilitation center Malabon City Mayor Antolina consultation with the Depart- council. located in Nueva Ecija is now Oreta III, Makati City Mayor ment of Health and the Danger- DILG Undersecretary for functional. Abigail Binay, Muntinlupa City ous Drugs Board, a procedure Peace and Order Catalino Cuy The next meeting of the Mayor Jaime Fresnedi, Pasig for the community-based also joined the meeting, and RPOC-NCR is set on April. City Mayor Robert Eusebio, Pa- rehabilitation program be estab- discussed policy direction of the teros Mayor Miguel Ponce, San lished for the LGUs to ensure national government’s thrust on Juan City Mayor Guia Gomez, that processes are on-track and peace and order. Cuy enjoined and Taguig City Vice Mayor Ri- responsive to needs of those the members to support the

13 14 Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB), meeting is the People's Law Philippine Drug Enforcement Enforcement Board (PLEBs) Agency (PDEA) and other Audit, conducted by the DILG- member agencies involved in NCR, which serves as the Sec- rehabilitation of drug users. retariat of the Council, headed by Regional Director Maria The TWG was formed during Lourdes Agustin. the first RPOC-NCR meeting, RPOC-NCR Chair following the proposal of the PLEB is a mechanism where Quezon City Mayor Herbert Council to come up with a citizens can lodge their com- Bautista. standard for community-based plaints against erring policemen rehabilitation to ensure that at the local level. The audit surrenderers will receive holistic conducted by the DILG-NCR, services for their full recovery. through its Local Government Monitoring and Evaluation Dr. Laila Celino of Depart- Policy for NCR led the meeting held in ment of Health-NCR (DOH- Division (LGMED) aims to check the functionality as well Valenzuela City, which was community-based attended by Valenzuela City NCR) led the presentation as the facilities of the PLEBs in of the draft policy created the region. rehabilitation Mayor Rex Gatchalian, Navotas by the TWG, which include City Mayor John Rey Tiangco, As for the peace and order tackled in 2nd and Pateros Municipal Mayor the guiding principles of situation in Metro Manila, community-based rehabilita- Miguel Ponce III. RPOC meeting tion, pre-requisites for CBRP PSSupt Alexander Santos, Chief, Other local chief executives implementation, as well as Operations Division of the As part of the intensified were represented by their city aftercare or livelihood programs NCRPO provided an update efforts of NCR LGUs against administrators. Heads and rep- for surrenderers, following the to the Council, including the illegal drugs, a draft policy for resentatives of member national National Anti-Drug Action Plan Project Double Barrel Reloaded community-based rehabilitation government agencies were also (NADPA). for illegal drugs. programs (CBRPs) was dis- present; DILG-NCR City Direc- cussed in the second Regional tors also joined the meeting. A writeshop has been sched- The third RPOC-NCR meet- Peace and Order Council-NCR uled for the CBRP policy for ing is set on June. (RPOC-NCR) meeting. The policy for CBRP was its finalization, following the crafted by a technical work- suggestions and comments of Quezon City Mayor Herbert ing group (TWG) led by the the members of the Council. Bautista, chair of the RPOC- Department of Health (DOH), Also discussed during the Makati POC expose the council to the best For their outputs, practices of neighboring coun- undergo tries in international security. participants will be Bridging Leader- The program runs for two required to prepare their respective ship Program weeks and includes both project proposals for In-Campus Academic Instruc- inclusion in the 2018 tion and International Field POPS Plan. LGOO III Maria Jasmin D. Diaz Exposure. This is the first Members of the Makati The In-Campus Academic time that Makati City City Peace and Order Council Instruction cover discussions is conducting such (MCPOC) are undertaking an on leadership in a Volatile undertaking, which executive leadership program Uncertain, Complex (VUCA) the city believes to enhance their capabilities World; systems thinking; and would greatly help in and broaden their knowledge in co-creating a collective response formulating appropri- keeping Makati safe and secure. to issues faced by the Council. ate interventions and Rapid Area Assessment (RAA) effective policies in In partnership with the Asian in five select areas in Makati is addressing the POC Institute of Management (AIM), also part of the course. concerns. 30 MCPOC members were enrolled in the Bridging Leader- On the other hand, the In- The creation and ship Program; a customized ver- ternational Field Exposure will implementation sion of AIM’s Executive Leader- be conducted on March 11- 22, of the program is ship Program designed to build with site visits to Singapore, based on the Peace competencies of the Council, as Taiwan and Thailand to study and Order and Public Members of the Makati POC during the in-campus academic the responsible body in creating programs and practices on Safety (POPS) Plan of instruction of the Bridging Leadership Program at AIM. and implementing policies that three priority areas: Terrorism, the City, crafted with will foster peace and order in Human Trafficking and Illegal the guidance of DILG Makati Makati. The program will also Drugs. Field Office.

15 16 Makati equips barangays on proper handling of drug cases LGOO III Maria Jasmin D. Diaz A capacity building for barangays in By increasing the competence of the ative to harness the skills of the barangays Makati is currently being conducted as part barangay officials and barangay tanods on as force multipliers of the police in keeping of the city’s strengthened efforts in combat- proper handling of drug cases, the MCPOC with their mandate to maintain peace and ting illegal drugs. envisions to meet its goal of increasing order in their areas of responsibilities. the conviction rate of illegal drug cases in The Makati City Peace and Order Council Makati City. To help participants understand and (MCPOC), in partnership with the DILG appreciate the topics to be discussed, the ac- Makati Field Office and the Office of the Moreover, the program is also aimed at tivity will include lectures on relevant laws, City Prosecutor led the conduct of capability tapping and fully maximizing the capacities affidavit-making, simulation exercises on building activities for the city’s 33 barangays, of the barangays in helping the city’s police warrantless arrests and case presentation. particularly of its barangay officials and force in realizing the vision of a drug-free barangay tanods on the salient provisions community. The capacity building activity for Makati’s of RA 9165, Warrantless Arrest, Evidence barangay started last March 6, which will Handling, Court Testimonies and other Currently, Makati only has 10 Police run until April 7, utilizing a clustered competencies as force multipliers. Community Precincts and Sub-Station approach to ensure focused discussions with Commands; the MCPOC deems it imper- barangay officials. Makati’s barangay officials participated in the capability buidling activity for the proper handling of drug cases. our Special Drug Edu- Field Office is a member. as well as recreational services. Fcation Centers (SDECs) The SDECs are supervised by were inaugurated in Quezon It is in compliance to Dan- physicians, psychologists and City in March, as part of gerous Drugs Board (DDB) social workers accredited by QC’s SDECs against illegal drugs. the establishment of SDECs, services are free of charge for Board Regulation No. 1 on the Department of Health. Said the City’s intensified efforts Quezon City residents. which is seen to help the city in SDECs aim to provide community-based programs for The City’s SDECs is set to the youth a venue that will achieving its goal of promoting focus on minors that are drug now open challenges of adolescence, tation. offenders and experimenters. help them cope with the drug prevention and rehabili- It will also host surenderees in making better choices for Services available in the a future free from drugs and rehabilitation in their respective substance abuse. SDECs include self-enrichment undergoing community based service, interventions for the barangays. LGOO V Jean Redi T. Briones The establishment of prevention of drug abuse and SDECs is a result of the other health-related issues and Currently, Barangay Batasan proposal of the Quezon City concerns, capability building Hills in District 2, Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Advisory services, skills training and Milagrosa in District 3, Baran- Council (QCADAAC), in livelihood services, literacy gay Greater Lagro in District which DILG Quezon City programs, family counselling, 5, and Barangay Tandang

15 16 Sora in and District 6 have Belmonte noted that Quezon operational SDECs. Key city City is compliant to DDB and officials led by Quezon City DILG directive to put up a cen- Vice Mayor Joy Belmonte, who ter for street children and Out- chairs the QCDAAC, together Of-School-Youth (OSY) who with officials from national are victims of illegal drugs and government agencies including for those who are at high risk on DILG-NCR Assistant Regional the illegal drug use. During the Director Juan Jovian Ingeniero, launch, Ingeniero expressed the Dangerous Drugs Board Chair support of the Department of Benjamin Reyes, Department of the city’s initiatives in sup- Information and Communica- porting the fight against illegal tion Technology Undersecretary drugs. Monchito Ibrahim, and PNP QCPD Director Gen. Guillermo Lorenzo Eleazar. Key officials from the Quezon City Government and partner agencies during the press conference for the inauguration of SDECs. Taguig reinforces the need to revitalize BADACs and their roles as first line BADACs of defense against the spread of illegal drug. Under the MC, the LGOO V Maricor Dayandante Department, through its regional and field offices, is tasked to provide technical as- sistance and monitor activities of the council. Barangay officials and functionaries, Taguig City Anti-Drug Abuse Council (TADAC) members, Participants creating their action plans during workshop. and representatives from PNP Taguig actively participated and collaborated in the activity held in Bonifacio Global City. Organized by the City Gov- DILG Taguiug Cluster Head Alona ernment together with DILG Raymundo led the discussion during the training Taguig City Field Office headed by OIC City Director Gemma The City Government of Dancil, the activity became a Taguig, in support to the fight venue for the discussion of per- against illegal drugs, strength- tinent measures and initiatives ened its 28 barangays against illegal drugs. LGOO V through a citywide Barangay Maricor Dayandante led the Anti-Illegal Drug Abuse Coun- discussion of DILG MC No. cils (BADACs) Revitaliza- 2015-63, and the Mamamayang tion and Planning Workshop. Ayaw sa Anomalya, Mama- DILG Taguig OIC City Director Gemma Dancil explaining the role and importance of mayang Ayaw sa Iligal na Droga anti-drug abuse councils in the community. BADAC is one of the councils or the MASA MASID program, in the city was undertaken by of The 2017 BADAC Plans present in barangays, which is which is set to be launched in PNP Taguig PCI Arnel Amador, formulated during the activity tasked to address the spread of the city. which was incorporated in the were reviewed and redevel- illegal drugs in the planning workshop, as facili- oped to meet deliverables and grassroots level, guided by a MASA MASID is DILG's tated by Cluster Head Alona for proper budget allocation. well-crafted plan for main program against illegal Raymundo. The 2018 Plans were initially anti-illegal drug initiatives. The drugs. It aims to mobilize and crafted to ensure the continuous council is composed of key synergize efforts among the lo- Mayor Lani Cayetano and SP implementation of programs, barangays officials led by the cal government, individuals and Chair of Committee on Peace projects, and activities. Follow Punong Barangay, and repre- different groups in barangays and Order Councilor Yasser through activities will also be sentatives from different sectors against substance abuse, which Pangandaman graced the event, held to monitor and evaluate in the community. complements the BADACs. and expressed their unwavering the 28 barangays' BADACs support in scaling-up of efforts functionality and plan imple- DILG Memorandum Circular On the other hand, the cur- to make Taguig City a drug-free mentation. (MC) No. 2015-63 emphasizes rent status of drug affectation probinsyudad.

17 18 Culture and Governance: Learning and Exploring Japan his article is an excerpt from the post evaluation essay of Marianne Ance- no, DILG-Quezon City’s TCluster Head LGOO VI who represented the country on the Japan In- ternational Cooperation Agency (JICA)- sponsored course entitled “Enhancement of Local Government Administration and Public Services through Participatory Local Development” in Kyoto Japan from June 27-2016 to August 6, 2016. “Learning in Japan is truly one for the books which I will treasure and try to relive by pushing for innovations in my home region” LGOO VI Marianne Anceno

17 18 Fifth time’s a charm. Paraphrasing a popular adage, this is how I would de- Culture and Governance: scribe my foreign scholarship grant from the Japan International Cooperative Agency or JICA. I would like to think, that my failed attempts and wait was a preparation for me in imbibing the Japanese culture, which speaks strongly of perseverance and hard work. Learning and ture with 16 other delegates from 14 different countries for the Enhancement For more than a month, I had the privilege to be part of a scholarly adven- of Local Government Administration and Public Services through Participa- tory Local Development course in the Ryukoku University in Kyoto. Exploring Japan gave me an opportunity of immersing myself in an environment and culture that is pleasantly different, one that I would like my children to live in - safe, clean, progressive, technologically advanced, but remains deeply rooted to tradition, values, and culture. Japan As a Local Government Operations Officer, I was awe-inspired of the exemplary practices of Kobe and Kyoto for participatory local development, particularly the Safe City and Carbon Minus Project in Kameoka City, revi- talizing shopping street and road safety along Honmachi Road in Fukakusa Area, green tea industry and traditional landscape preservation in Uji City, revitalization of central urban area, Community and University Alliance for regeneration of Northern Kyoto Area (CUANKA) in Fukuchiyama City and University Consortium in Kyoto City. These success stories were con- ceptualized, implemented, sustained and evaluated out of collectivism and multi-stakeholder partnerships. Cluster Head Marianne Anceno receives her certificate of completion from Mr. Yasunori Onishi, Director General of the JICA Kansai International Center. As part of the Department pushing for people empowerment, experienc- ing and interacting with key players provided me with first-hand information on the different approaches that could possibly add value to current initiatives in the Philippines. I could not help but to be reminded of our civil society assemblies, as I see a similar spirit among people of Japan and our local organizations in pushing for what is best for the community. Apart from participatory governance, Project Cycle Management (PCM) was also among the topics that captured my interest. As a government agency, the DILG is deeply involved in various development assistance projects, making knowledge in PCM a great tool in ensuring well-conceptualized and suitably designed projects. It is my hope that the PCM will help me in guiding the LGU that I serve, and pass the knowledge to my col- leagues as well. Despite the intensive learning sessions in the course, time was also allotted for learning about Japanese culture. Basic Japanese was part of the course; we were encouraged to mingle with Japanese students, try au- thentic Japanese cuisine and tour around Kobe. The picture-perfect Shinto shrines, Buddhist tem- ples, palaces, samurai houses, shopping districts and beautiful gardens sprung into life before my eyes. I managed to squeeze in time to explore the cityscape of Tokyo, ride a Shinkansen (bullet train), don a Yukata (summer kimono) while going around Kyoto Station, witness the famous Gion Festival parade and dance the Class picture: Anceno (2nd row, 2nd from right) with fellow delegates. Bon Odori during the Obon festival. Learning in Japan is truly one for the books which I will treasure and try to relive by pushing for innovations in my home region, that would get us closer to the status of a progressive country like Japan. It would remain a reminder for me, of not only the rich culture of our fellow Asians, but our role as individuals in partaking in efforts for making better communities, a goal of the country which rests on the shoulders of LGOOs. Domo arigatou gozaimashita to everyone who made it happen.

19 20 Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle leads the eucharistic celebration during the launch of SANLAKBAY. The launch was attended by key local officials of San Juan City, the DILG and surrenderers. Inset photo: Archbishop Tagle, DILG San Juan City Director Visitacion Martinez and DILG Undersecretary for Operations John Castriciones. SANLAKBAY ernment units, particularly with following the administration’s advocacy against illegal drugs. war on illegal drugs. He commended the faith-based the barangays in facilitating the launched in San operation of the rehabilitation approach program which is in “In time with the lent season, Juan process. change is opportune. Huwag consonance to the commu- nity-based approach LGOO V Marlon Clyde Cami- SANLAKBAY echoes DILG’s nating iwan ang mga taong han- of the govern- lon Mamamayang Ayaw sa Anoma- dang magbago”, Cardinal Tagle ment. lya, Mamamayang Ayaw sa Iligal conveyed during his sermon. A church-led program na Droga Program or MASA towards healing, restoration & MASID, which encourages Present in the ceremony are rehabilitation of surrenderers members of the community to DILG Undersecretary John was launched in San Juan City. have a proactive stance against Castriciones, San Juan City illegal drugs, and rehabilitation Mayor Guia Gomez, Vice Mayor SANLAKBAY sa Pagbabago of surrenderees seeking a drug- Janella Marie Estrada, DILG San ng Buhay or SANLAKBAY is a free life. Juan City Director Visitacion drug prevention and rehabilita- Martinez, and San Juan PNP tion program of the Restorative Manila Archbishop Luis Chief William Segun. Around Justice Ministry of Caritas Antonio Cardinal Tagle led 500 drug surrenderees of Manila, as part of the efforts of the eucharistic celebration for San Juan also attended the the Catholic Church in helping the launch of SANLAKBAY at launch. drug surrenderers. St. John the Baptist Parish last March 17. He shared that the Usec. Castriciones The program brings together program is the response and expressed the Deparment’s the resources of the parochial the contribution of the Catholic gratitude in the involvement community, and establishes Church to the rising concern for of the Catholic Church and its connection with the local gov- the welfare of drug surrenderers support to the administration’s DILG Valenzu- the role of communities in on good governance and com- combatting against corruption, munity development, MASA ela holds MASA criminality and illegal drugs. MASID stresses the importance Valenzu- ela City MASID Orienta- Taking off from the Ug- of multi-sectoral linkages in Social Hall, communities in combatting the tion and Action nayan ng Barangay at Simba- spread of illegal drugs, as well as the activity brought together Ugnayan ng corruption and criminality. han (UBAS), which brought Planning Work- together barangay officials and Held last February 8 at Barangay at Simbahan (UBAS) Expanded Technical Work- religious groups for programs shop ing Groups (TWGs), Punong Barangays, Barangay Kaga- LGOO V Diana Del Mundo wads who chairs Peace and Order Committee, Valenzuela An orientation and action Anti-Drug Abuse Council planning workshop for the (VADAC) Barangay Coordina- implementation of the Mam- tors and MASA MASID Teams amayang Ayaw sa Anomalya, (MMTs). Mamamayang Ayaw sa Droga Also present in the activ- or MASA MASID has been con- ity are DILG-NCR Assistant ducted in Valenzuela City. Regional Director Juan Jovian Ingeniero, DILG-Project Man- MASA MASID is the Depart- agement Office (PMO) MASA ment’s flagship program against MASID Chief Project Officer illegal drugs which highlights for Valenzuela Pastor Rodolfo Key city and barangay officials of Valenzuela attend the Orientation and Action Plan- ning workshop for the MASA MASID.

19 20 Bautista Jr., key city functionar- The orientation also became Pangilinan informed the partic- to participants. ies led by Liga ng Mga Barangay a venue for the discussion and ipants of the PNP’s Anti-Drug President Fernando Francisco, presentation of updates on Abuse efforts, and presented the Assistant Regional Direc- and PNP Valenzuela officials. anti-drug abuse efforts of the watch list statistics from July tor Ingeniero, in his message, PNP Valenzuela and Valenzuela 2016 to February 2017. enjoined barangay officials DILG Valenzuela City City’s Community Wellness to support and spearhead the Director Mary Jane Nacario Program or the VC Cares Plus. For the workshop, barangay implementation of the MASA led the orientation with an in- officials were grouped with their MASID Program in their re- depth discussion of the MASA VC Cares Plus Project Man- respective PCP station com- spective communities. More- MASID, its legal bases, frame- ager Camille Kristine Dionisio manders to craft their Barangay over, Bautista of DILG-PMO, work, composition, roles and tackled the VC Cares Plus, and Anti-Drug Abuse Council (BA- stressed out that the malasakit responsibilities of MMTs, and updates on its implementa- DAC) Plans. An open forum of the residents plays a vital role its implementation strategies. tion. On the other hand, PNP was also part of the orientation in anti-illegal drug efforts. Valenzuela Chief Inspector Rico to provide further clarification Mr. Erwin dela Cruz of the Sanctuario de Sto. Cristo Parish DILG San Juan Cluster Head Leah Peralta during the launch of discusses the SANLAKBAY program with participants. MASA MASID in San Juan. MASA MASID kicks off in San DILG San Juan led the MASA MASID launch. Key local officials participated in the event. Juan mayang Ayaw sa Iligal na Droga role of the barangays and how program which aims to bring to engage the community in the together resources in the parish or MASA MASID last February LGOO V Marlon Clyde Camilon 8. fight against illegal drugs and community to assist the drug corruption. On the other hand, surrenderers and their families In support to the campaign of The program aims to height- PNP San Juan PSSupt. William in the journey towards a new the national government against en community involvement by Segun led the discussion of the life. illegal drugs, criminality and mobilizing the support of stake- city’s drug situation. corruption, a citywide launch holders, especially the commu- DILG San Juan City Director of the MASA MASID program nity and the faith-based organi- The activity also became the Visitacion Martinez enjoined was held in San Juan. zations on creating peaceful and venue for the presentation of the Punong Barangays to support drug-free barangays. “Sanlakbay Para sa Pagbabago the MASA MASID, as well as DILG San Juan Field Office, Program”, as shared by Mr. Er- community-based rehabilitation in partnership with the City DILG-NCR MASA MA- win dela Cruz of the Sanctuario programs such as the Sanlakbay. Government of San Juan SID Focal Person LGOO VI de Sto. Cristo Parish. She stressed that their role as through its Liga ng mga Baran- Raymond De Asis served as community leaders is vital in gay launched the Mamamayang resource person during the Sanlakbay is a parish com- making San Juan peaceful and Ayaw sa Anomalya, Mama- activity. He underscored the munity-based rehabilitation drug-cleared.

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