KP FORM # 1: NOTICE TO CONSTITUTE THE LUPON Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________ OFFICE OF THE PUNONG BARANGAY _________, 20__ NOTICE TO CONSTITUTE THE LUPONTo All Barangay Members and All Other Persons Concerned:In compliance with Section 1(a), Chapter 7, Title One, Book III, LocalGovernment Code of 1991 (Republic Act No. 7160), of theKatarungang Pambarangay Law, notice is hereby given to constitutethe Lupong Tagapamayapa of this Barangay. The persons I amconsidering for appointment are the following:1. _________________ 13. _________________2. _________________ 14. _________________3. _________________ 15. _________________4. _________________ 16. _________________5. _________________ 17. _________________6. _________________ 18. _________________7. _________________ 19. _________________8. _________________ 20. _________________9. _________________ 21. _________________10. _________________ 22. _________________11. _________________ 23. _________________12. _________________ 24. _________________25. _________________They have been chosen on the basis of their suitability for the task ofconciliation considering their integrity, impartiality, independence ofmind, sense of fairness and reputation for probity in view of their age,social standing in the community, tact, patience, resourcefulness,flexibility, open mindedness and other relevant factors. The lawprovides that only those actually residing or working in the barangaywho are not expressly disqualified by law are qualified to be appointedas Lupon members.All persons are hereby enjoined to immediately inform me and of theiropposition to or endorsement of any or all the proposed members orKATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAY 83
recommend to me other persons not included in the list but not laterthan the ________ day of _______, 20__ (the last day for posting thisnotice)._________________ Punong BarangayIMPORTANT: This notice is required to be posted in three (3)conspicuous places in the barangay for at least three (3) weeksWARNING: Tearing or defacing this notice shall be subject topunishment according to law.KP FORM # 2: APPOINTMENT LETTER Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________ OFFICE OF THE PUNONG BARANGAY _________, 20 ____ (Date) APPOINTMENTTO: ___________Pursuant to Chapter 7, Title One, Book III, Local Government Code of1991 (Republic Act No. 7160), you are hereby appointed MEMBER ofthe Lupong Tagapamayapa of this Barangay effective upon taking youroath of office and until a new Lupon is constituted on the third yearfollowing your appointment.__________________Punong BarangayATTESTED:__________________Barangay Secretary84 A H A N D B O O K
KP FORM # 3: NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________ OFFICE OF THE PUNONG BARANGAY _________, 20 ____ (Date) NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT___________________________________________________Sir/Madam:Please be informed that you have been appointed by the PunongBarangay as a MEMBER OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA,effective upon taking your oath of office, and until a new Lupon isconstituted on the third year following your appointment. You maytake your oath of office before the Punong Barangay on ________.Very truly yours,________________Barangay SecretaryKATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAY 85
KP FORM # 4: LIST OF APPOINTED LUPON MEMBERS Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________ OFFICE OF THE PUNONG BARANGAY _________, 20 ____ (Date) LIST OF APPOINTED LUPON MEMBERSListed hereunder are the duly appointed members of the LupongTagapamayapa in this Barangay who shall serve as such upon takingtheir oath of office and until a new Lupon is constituted on the thirdyear following their appointment.1. _________________ 11. _________________2. _________________ 12. _________________3. _________________ 13. _________________4. _________________ 14. _________________5. _________________ 15. _________________6. _________________ 16. _________________7. _________________ 17. _________________8. _________________ 18. _________________9. _________________ 19. _________________10. _________________ 20. ________________________________Punong BarangayATTESTED:______________________Barangay/Lupon SecretaryIMPORTANT: The list shall be posted in three (3) conspicuous placesin the barangay for the duration of the terms of office of those namedabove.WARNING: Tearing or defacing this notice shall be subject topunishment according to law.86 A H A N D B O O K
KP FORM # 5: LUPON MEMBER OATH STATEMENT Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________ OFFICE OF THE PUNONG BARANGAY OATH OF OFFICEPursuant to Chapter 7, Title One, Book II, Local Government Code of1991 (Republic Act No. 7160), I _______________, being dulyqualified and having been duly appointed MEMBER of the LupongTagapamayapa of this Barangay, do hereby solemnly swear (or affirm)that I will faithfully and conscientiously discharge to the best of myability, my duties and functions as such member and as member of thePangkat ng Tagapagkasundo in which I may be chosen to serve; that Iwill bear true faith and allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines;that I will support and defend its Constitution and obey the laws, legalorders and decrees promulgated by its duly constituted authorities; andthat I voluntarily impose upon myself this obligation without anymental reservation or purpose of evasion.SO HELP ME GOD. (In case of affirmation the last sentence will beomitted.)_____________MemberSUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to (or AFFIRMED) before me this_____ day of __________, 20____. __________________ Punong BarangayKATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAY 87
KP FORM # 6: WITHDRAWAL OF APPOINTMENT Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA _________, 20 ____ (Date)WITHDRAWAL OF APPOINTMENTTO: _______________After due hearing and with the concurrence of a majority of all theLupong Tagapamayapa members of this Barangay, your appointmentas member thereof is hereby withdrawn effective upon receipt hereof,on the following ground/s:[ ] incapacity to discharge the duties of your office as shown by _______________________________[ ] unsuitability by reason of _______________________________ (Check whichever is applicable and detail or specify the act/s or omission/s constituting the ground/s for withdrawal.)____________________________Punong Barangay/Lupon ChairmanCONFORME (Signatures):1. _________________ 7. _________________2. _________________ 8. _________________3. _________________ 9. _________________4. _________________ 10. ________________5. _________________ 11. ________________6. _________________Received this __________ day of _____________, 19____.__________________Signature88 A H A N D B O O K
NOTE:The members of the Lupon conforming to the withdrawal mustpersonally affix their signatures or thumb marks on the pertinent spacesabove. The withdrawal must be conformed to by more than one-half ofthe total number of members of the Lupon including the PunongBarangay and the member concerned.KP FORM # 7: COMPLAINANT’S FORM Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________ OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA___________________ Barangay Case No. _____________________________ For: ______________________ Complainant/s ________________________ __________________________ — against —____________________________________ Respondent/s COMPLAINTI/WE hereby complain against above named respondent/s for violatingmy/our rights and interests in the following manner:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________THEREFORE, I/WE pray that the following relief/s be granted to me/us in accordance with law and/or equity:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________KATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAY 89
Made this _______ day of ___________, 19____.________________Complainant/sReceived and filed this ________ day of __________, 19____.___________________________Punong Barangay/Lupon ChairmanKP FORM # 8: NOTICE OF HEARING Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________ OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA NOTICE OF HEARING (MEDIATION PROCEEDINGS)TO: ________________ ________________ Complainant/sYou are hereby required to appear before me on the ______ day of_______, 19___ at ________ o’clock in the morning/afternoon for thehearing of your complaint.This ________ day of ____________, 19____.____________________________Punong Barangay/Lupon ChairmanNotified this ________ day of __________, 19____.Complainant/s______________________________90 A H A N D B O O K
KP FORM # 9: SUMMON FOR THE RESPONDENT Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA___________________ Barangay Case No. _____________________________ For: ______________________ Complainant/s _________________________ __________________________— against —____________________________________ Respondent/s SUMMONSTO: ____________________ _________________________ ____________________ _________________________ RespondentsYou are hereby summoned to appear before me in person, togetherwith your witnesses, on the _______ day of _________, 19___ at____________ o’clock in the morning/afternoon, then and there toanswer to a complaint made before me, copy of which is attachedhereto, for mediation/conciliation of your dispute with complainant/s.You are hereby warned that if you refuse or willfully fail to appear inobedience to this summons, you may be barred from filing anycounterclaim arising from said complaint.FAIL NOT or else face punishment as for contempt of court.This _______ day of ____________, 19___._____________________________Punong Barangay/Pangkat ChairmanKATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAY 91
Back page OFFICER’S RETURNI served this summons upon respondent _________________________on the ______ day of ______________, 19____, and upon respondent___________________________ on the day of ________________,19____, by:(Write name/s of respondent/s before mode by which he/they was/wereserved.) Respondent/s__________________________ 1. handing to him/them said summons in person, or__________________________ 2. handing to him/them said summons and he/they refused to receive it, or__________________________ 3. leaving said summons at his/ their dwelling with __________ (name) a person of suitable age and discretion residing therein, or__________________________ 4. leaving said summons at his/ their office/place of business with ________, ( name) a competent person in charge thereof._____________OfficerReceived by Respondent/s representative/s:___________________ __________________ Signature Date___________________ __________________ Signature Date92 A H A N D B O O K
KP FORM # 10: NOTICE FOR CONSTITUTION OF PANGKAT Republic of the Philippines Province of __________CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________ OFFICE OF THE PUNONG BARANGAYNOTICE FOR CONSTITUTION OF PANGKATTO: __________________ ______________________________________ ____________________Complainant/s Respondent/sYou are hereby required to appear before me on the ______ day of_________, 19____, at ________ o’clock in the morning/afternoon forthe constitution of the Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo which shallconciliate your dispute. Should you fail to agree on the Pangkatmembership or to appear on the aforesaid date for the constitution ofthe Pangkat, I shall determine the membership thereof by drawing lots.This ________ day of ____________, 19_____.____________________Punong BarangayNotified this _________ day of _________, 19_____.TO: __________________ _____________________________________ ____________________Complainant/s Respondent/sKATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAY 93
KP FORM # 11: NOTICE TO CHOSEN PANGKAT MEMBER Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA___________________ Barangay Case No. _____________________________ For: ______________________ Complainant/s _________________________ __________________________— against —____________________________________ Respondent/s NOTICE TO CHOSEN PANGKAT MEMBER (Date)TO: ________________Notice is hereby given that you have been chosen member of thePangkat ng Tagapagkasundo amicably conciliate the dispute betweenthe par in the above-entitled case.____________________________Punong Barangay/Lupon SecretaryReceived this ________ day of __________, 19_____.______________Pangkat Member94 A H A N D B O O K
KP FORM # 12: NOTICE OF HEARING (CONCILIATION PROCEEDINGS) Republic of the Philippines Province of __________CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________ OFFICE OF THE PUNONG BARANGAYTO: __________________ _____________________________________ ____________________Complainant/s Respondent/s NOTICE OF HEARING (CONCILIATION PROCEEDINGS)You are hereby required to appear before the Pangkat on the ________day of _____________, 20____, at _________ o’clock for a hearing ofthe above-entitled case.This ________ day of ___________, 20____.___________________Pangkat ChairmanNotified this _____ day of __________, 19____.Complainant/s Respondent/s___________________ _____________________________________ __________________KATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAY 95
KP FORM # 13: SUBPOENA LETTER Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA___________________ Barangay Case No. _____________________________ For: ______________________ Complainant/s _________________________ __________________________— against —____________________________________ Respondent/s SUBPOENATO: ____________________ _________________________ ____________________ _________________________ WitnessesYou are hereby commanded to appear before me on the ______ day of_________, 19___, at ___________ o’clock, then and there to testifyin the hearing of the above-captioned case.This ______ day of _________, 19____._______________________________Punong Barangay/Pangkat Chairman(Cross out whichever one is not applicable.)96 A H A N D B O O K
KP FORM # 14: AGREEMENT FOR ARBITRATION Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA___________________ Barangay Case No. _____________________________ For: ______________________ Complainant/s _________________________ __________________________— against —____________________________________ Respondent/s AGREEMENT FOR ARBITRATIONWe hereby agree to submit our dispute for arbitration to the PunongBarangay/Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo (Please cross out whichever isnot applicable) and bind ourselves to comply with the award that maybe rendered thereon. We have made this agreement freely with a fullunderstanding of its nature and consequences.Entered into this _____ day of _________, 19____.Complainant/s Respondent/s___________________ _____________________________________ __________________ATTESTATIONI hereby certify that the foregoing Agreement for Arbitration wasentered into by the parties freely and voluntarily, after I had explainedto them the nature and the consequences of such agreement._______________________________Punong Barangay/Pangkat Chairman(Cross out whichever one is not applicable.)KATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAY 97
KP FORM # 15: ARBITRATION AWARD Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA___________________ Barangay Case No. _____________________________ For: ______________________ Complainant/s _________________________ __________________________— against —____________________________________ Respondent/s ARBITRATION AWARDAfter hearing the testimonies given and careful examination of theevidence presented in this case, award is hereby made as follows: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________Made this _____ day of _____________, 19____ at ______________.______________________________Punong Barangay/Pangkat Chairman *__________________Member__________________MemberATTESTED:___________________________Punong Barangay/Lupon Secretary *** To be signed by either, whoever made the arbitration award.** To be signed by the Punong Barangay if the award is made by thePangkat Chairman, and by the Lupon Secretary if the award is made bythe Punong Barangay.98 A H A N D B O O K
KP FORM # 16: AMICABLE SETTLEMENT Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA___________________ Barangay Case No. _____________________________ For: ______________________ Complainant/s _________________________ __________________________— against —____________________________________ Respondent/s AMICABLE SETTLEMENTWe, complainant/s and respondent/s in the above-captioned case, dohereby agree to settle our dispute as follows: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________and bind ourselves to comply honestly and faithfully with the aboveterms of settlement.Entered into this ______ day of __________, 19_______.Complainant/s Respondent/s___________________ _____________________________________ __________________ATTESTATIONI hereby certify that the foregoing amicable settlement was entered intoby the parties freely and voluntarily, after I had explained to them thenature and consequence of such settlement.______________________________Punong Barangay/Pangkat ChairmanKATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAY 99
KP FORM # 17: REPUDIATION Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________ OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA___________________ Barangay Case No. _____________________________ For: ______________________ Complainant/s _________________________ __________________________ — against —____________________________________ Respondent/s REPUDIATIONI/WE hereby repudiate the settlement/agreement for arbitration on theground that my/our consent was vitiated by:(Check out whichever is applicable)[ ] Fraud. (State details) _______________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________[ ] Violence. (State details)______________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________[ ] Intimidation. (State details) ___________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________This ________ day of _____________, 19____.Complainant/s Respondent/s___________________ _____________________________________ __________________SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this ________ day of__________, 19____ at _____________.100 A HANDBOOK
_____________________________________Punong Barangay/Pangkat Chairman/MemberReceived and filed * this ______ day of ______________, 19_____.____________________Punong Barangay* Failure to repudiate the settlement or the arbitration agreement withinthe time limits respectively set (ten [10] days from the date ofsettlement and five[5] days from the date of arbitration agreement)shall be deemed a waiver of the right to challenge on said grounds.KATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAY 101
KP FORM # 18: NOTICE OF HEARING FOR COMPLAINANT Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________ OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA___________________ Barangay Case No. _____________________________ For: ______________________ Complainant/s _________________________ __________________________ — against —____________________________________ Respondent/s NOTICE OF HEARING (RE: FAILURE TO APPEAR)TO: _______________ _______________ Complainant/sYou are hereby required to appear before me/the Pangkat on the______ day of _________, 19____, at ________ o’clock in themorning/afternoon to explain why you failed to appear for mediation/conciliation scheduled on _____________, 19____ and why yourcomplaint should not be dismissed, a certificate to bar the filing of youraction on court/government office should not be issued, and contemptproceedings should not be initiated in court for willful failure or refusalto appear before the Punong Barangay/Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo.This ________ day of ___________, 19____._____________________________Punong Barangay/Pangkat Chairman(Cross out whichever is not applicable.)Notified this _________ day of ________, 19_____.102 A HANDBOOK
Complainant/s____________________________________Respondent/s____________________________________KATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAY 103
KP FORM # 19: NOTICE OF HEARING FOR RESPONDENT Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________ OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA___________________ Barangay Case No. _____________________________ For: ______________________ Complainant/s _________________________ __________________________ — against —____________________________________ Respondent/s NOTICE OF HEARING (RE: FAILURE TO APPEAR)TO: _______________ _______________ Respondent/sYou are hereby required to appear me/the Pangkat on the _______ dayof ____________, 19____, at __________ o’clock in the morning/afternoon to explain why you failed to appear for mediation/conciliation scheduled on ____________, 19___ and why yourcounterclaim (if any) arising from the complaint should not bedismissed, a certificate to bar the filing of said counterclaim in court/government office should not be issued, and contempt proceedingsshould not be initiated in court for willful failure or refusal to appearbefore the Punong Barangay/Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo.This ________ day of _________, 19_____._____________________________Punong Barangay/Pangkat Chairman(Cross out whichever is not applicable.)Notified this ________ day of _____________, 19____.104 A HANDBOOK
Respondent/s: Complainant/s:____________________ __________________________________________ ______________________KP FORM # 20: CERTIFICATION TO FILE ACTION (FROM LUPONSECRETARY) Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________ OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA___________________ Barangay Case No. _____________________________ For: ______________________ Complainant/s _________________________ __________________________— against —____________________________________ Respondent/s CERTIFICATION TO FILE ACTIONThis is to certify that:1. There has been a personal confrontation between the parties beforethe Punong Barangay/Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo;2. A settlement was reached;3. The settlement has been repudiated in a statement sworn to beforethe Punong Barangay by ______________ on ground of______________; and4. Therefore, the corresponding complaint for the dispute may now befiled in court/government office.This _________ day of __________, 19____.___________________Lupon SecretaryAttested:__________________Lupon ChairmanKATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAY 105
KP FORM # 21: CERTIFICATION TO FILE ACTION (FROM PANGKATSECRETARY) Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________ OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA___________________ Barangay Case No. _____________________________ For: ______________________ Complainant/s _________________________ __________________________ — against —____________________________________ Respondent/s CERTIFICATION TO FILE ACTIONThis is to certify that:1. There has been a personal confrontation between the parties beforethe Punong Barangay but mediation failed;2. The Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo was constituted but the personalconfrontation before the Pangkat likewise did not result into asettlement; and3. Therefore, the corresponding complaint for the dispute may now befiled in court/government office.This _________ day of _________, 19_____._________________Pangkat SecretaryAttested by:_________________Pangkat Chairman106 A HANDBOOK
KP FORM # 22: CERTIFICATION TO FILE ACTION Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA___________________ Barangay Case No. _____________________________ For: ______________________ Complainant/s _________________________ __________________________— against —____________________________________ Respondent/s CERTIFICATION TO FILE ACTIONThis is to certify that:1. There was a personal confrontation between the parties before thePunong Barangay but mediation failed;2. The Punong Barangay set the meeting of the parties for theconstitution of the Pangkat;3. The respondent willfully failed or refused to appear withoutjustifiable reason at the conciliation proceedings before the Pangkat;and4. Therefore, the corresponding complaint for the dispute may now befiled in court/government office._________________Pangkat SecretaryAttested by:_________________Pangkat ChairmanKATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAY 107
KP FORM # 23: CERTIFICATION TO BAR ACTION Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________ OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA___________________ Barangay Case No. _____________________________ For: ______________________ Complainant/s _________________________ __________________________ — against —____________________________________ Respondent/s CERTIFICATION TO BAR ACTIONThis is to certify that the above-captioned case was dismissed pursuantto the Order dated ______________, for complainant/s_______________ (name) and ______________ (name) willful failureor refusal to appear for hearing before the Punong Barangay/Pangkatng Tagapagkasundo and therefore complainant/s is/are barred fromfiling an action in court/government office.This ________ day of ______________, 19____._____________________________Lupon Secretary/Pangkat SecretaryAttested:________________________________Lupon Chairman/Pangkat ChairmanIMPORTANT: If Lupon Secretary makes the certification, the LuponChairman attests. If the Pangkat Secretary makes the certification, thePangkat Chairman attests.108 A HANDBOOK
KP FORM # 24: CERTIFICATION TO BAR COUNTERCLAIM Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA___________________ Barangay Case No. _____________________________ For: ______________________ Complainant/s _________________________ __________________________— against —____________________________________ Respondent/s CERTIFICATION TO BAR COUNTERCLAIMThis is to certify that after prior notice and hearing, the respondent/s__________________ (name) and _________________ (name) havebeen found to have willfully failed or refused to appear withoutjustifiable reason before the Punong Barangay/Pangkat ngTagapagkasundo and therefore respondent/s is/are barred from filinghis/their counterclaim (if any) arising from the complaint in court/government office.This ____________ day of _________, 19___.______________________________Lupon Secretary/Pangkat SecretaryAttested:____________________________Lupon Chairman/Pangkat ChairmanIMPORTANT: If Lupon Secretary makes the certification, the LuponChairman attests. If the Pangkat Secretary makes the certification, thePangkat Chairman attests.KATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAY 109
KP FORM # 25: MOTION FOR EXECUTION Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________ OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA___________________ Barangay Case No. _____________________________ For: ______________________ Complainant/s _________________________ __________________________ — against —____________________________________ Respondent/s MOTION FOR EXECUTIONComplainant/s/Respondent/s state as follows:1. On _____________ (Date) the parties in this case signed anamicable settlement/received the arbitration award rendered by theLupon/Chairman/Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo;2. The period of ten (10) days from the above-stated date has expiredwithout any of the parties filing a sworn statement of repudiation of thesettlement before the Lupon Chairman a petition for nullification of thearbitration award in court; and3. The amicable settlement/arbitration award is now final andexecutory.WHEREFORE, Complainant/s/Respondent/s request that thecorresponding writ of execution be issued by the Lupon Chairman inthis case._______________ (Date)_______________________Complainant/s/Respondent/s110 A HANDBOOK
KP FORM # 26: NOTICE OF HEARING (RE: MOTION FOR EXECUTION) Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA___________________ Barangay Case No. _____________________________ For: ______________________ Complainant/s _________________________ __________________________— against —____________________________________ Respondent/s NOTICE OF HEARING (RE: MOTION FOR EXECUTION)TO: _____________________ _____________________________________________ ________________________Complainant/s Respondent/sYou are hereby required to appear before me on _________ day of_________ 19____ at _________ o’clock in the morning/afternoon/evening for the hearing of the motion for execution, copy of which isattached hereto, filed by ____________ (Name of complainant/s/respondent/s)________________ (Date)___________________________Punong Barangay/Lupon ChairmanNotified this ________ day of ___________, 19____._____________________ ____________________(Signature) (Signature)Complainant/s Respondent/sKATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAY 111
KP FORM # 27: NOTICE OF EXECUTION Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________ OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA___________________ Barangay Case No. _____________________________ For: ______________________ Complainant/s _________________________ __________________________ — against —____________________________________ Respondent/s NOTICE OF EXECUTIONWHEREAS, on ______________(date), an amicable settlement wassigned by the parties in the above-entitled case [or an arbitration awardwas rendered by the Punong Barangay/Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo];WHEREAS, the terms and conditions of the settlement, the dispositiveportion of the award. read:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The said settlement/award is now final and executory;WHEREAS, the party obliged ________________ (name) has notcomplied voluntarily with the aforestated amicable settlement/arbitration award, within the period of five (5) days from the date ofhearing on the motion for execution;NOW, THEREFORE, in behalf of the Lupong Tagapamayapa and byvirtue of the powers vested in me and the Lupon by the KatarungangPambarangay Law and Rules, I shall cause to be realized from thegoods and personal property of __________________ (name of partyobliged) the sum of _________________ (state amount of settlementor award) upon in the said amicable settlement [or adjudged in the saidarbitration award], unless voluntary compliance of said settlement oraward shall have been made upon receipt hereof.112 A HANDBOOK
Signed this _________ day of ___________, 19____.___________________Punong BarangayCopy furnished:____________________ _______________________________________ ___________________Complainant/s Respondent/sKATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAY 113
KP FORM # 28: MONTHLY TRANSMITTAL OF FINAL REPORTS Republic of the Philippines Province of __________ CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF ______________ Barangay _________________ OFFICE OF THE LUPONG TAGAPAMAYAPA OFFICE OF THE BARANGAY CAPTAIN ____________________, 20____ Date MONTHLY TRANSMITTAL OF FINAL REPORTSTo: City/Municipal Judge______________________ (City/Municipality)Enclosed herewith are the final reports of settlement of disputes andarbitration awards made by the Barangay Captain/ PangkatTagapagkasundo in the following cases: Barangay Case No. TITLE (Complainant, et al vs. Respondent, et al) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ____________________________ (Clerk of Court)IMPORTANT: Lupon/Pangkat Secretary shall transmit not later thanthe first five days of each month the final reports for preceding month.114 A HANDBOOK
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