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Home Explore Learning Without Tears Product & Training Catalog Fall 2017

Learning Without Tears Product & Training Catalog Fall 2017

Published by leah, 2017-09-12 15:52:55

Description: Learning Without Tears Product & Training Catalog Fall 2017

Keywords: handwriting,cursive,print


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Product & Training CatalogFall 2017 New! N a m e, Website, Resources Same Trusted Brands!PEEK INSIDE FOR BACK-TO-SCHOOL FAVORITESNew! Upload your purchase order at YOUR SCHOOL YEAR:

Table of Contents3K–5 Keyboarding Curruculum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Try Our Free Interactive Demo!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Keyboarding for Grades K–5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Workbooks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1010K–5 Handwriting Curriculum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Cursive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Grades 5+ Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Teacher’s Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Paper & Journals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1820Pre-K & K+ Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hands-On Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The Wet-Dry-Try Way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Tools for Your Classroom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2427Pre-K Curriculum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pre-K Readiness & Writing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Pre-K Language & Literacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Pre-K Numbers & Math. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3436Professional Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pre-K Readiness & Writing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Pre-K Literacy & Math . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 K–5 Handwriting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 K–5 Keyboarding & Digital Citizenship. . . . . . . 46 Handwriting Assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 FLIP OVER to get started!Dear Friends,We’ve been working hard to bring you our brand new name: Learning Without Tears.Our new name reflects our comprehensive, cross-curricular learning options forbuilding confident communicators. And don’t worry, our name is new, but we’re stilloffering all of your favorite back-to-school products to begin the new school year withall the multisensory, developmentally appropriate tools and strategies to keep students(and you!) having fun all year-long.In this catalog, you’ll also discover new Learning Without Tears features and productsthat will help you build confident communicators in your classroom.Best,

BUILD CONFIDENT COMMUNICATORS IN YOUR CLASSROOMThis year, find all the resources you need to buildconfidence in Pre-K readiness, handwriting andkeyboarding. Our curricula gives children theconfidence to excel in test taking, note taking,and general communication skills.Our multisensory, developmentally appropriateproducts and strategies build the messaging skillsto make your students confident communicatorsin just 15 minutes a day!

See What’s New! Visit With our new name, we’ve also added brand new features to our website.• Customizeable resource section gets you quickly to your options by grade, subject, format and audience• My Products Portal – one home for all your digital products and resources• New professional development offerings including on demand webinars and a virtual Keyboarding Without Tears workshop

Back To School Checklist!Are you ready for the new school year?Make sure you use our checklist:CHECKLIST Sign up for one of our Professional Development workshops _ Keyboarding Without Tears virtual options available! Teacher downloads _ letters for home, formation charts, additional practice New keyboarding features _ expanded reporting, administrator co-educator views, assessments Notes: Get everything you need at

The ONLY keyboarding program withan ISTE Seal of Alignment!K–5 KeyboardingCurriculumKeyboarding Without Tears* makes it easy to teach the keyboarding andpre-keyboarding skills students need to succeed:• Fun, game-based curriculum• Prepares students for computer-based testing• Building typing fluency and speed• Advanced reporting with new visibility by role• Easy set-up and roster management• Web-based HTML5 technology, with PCs/Macs, Chromebooks, iPads, and tablets*patent pending

Keyboarding Without Tears®Award-Winning Keyboarding Curriculum H E R S’ C H O I C E SM A WARD LE TEAC NE FOR THEWhole Curriculum Mind-Building Award of Best Instructional CLASSROOMInnovation Excellence Excellence Solution 2017 A R N I N G® M A G A Z I Award for the ClassroomChoose Keyboarding Without Tears!HERE’S WHY:For students: For educators:• Developmental progression of skills • Flexible, ready-to-teach lessons• Grade-level lessons with • Only 30 minutes per week • Grade-level keyboarding expectations cross-curricular themes• Foundational keyboarding practice for students • Real-time progress reporting at the for all skill levels• Engaging, game-based activities classroom, school, and district levels• Self-directed lessons • Robust lessons for digital citizenship skills• Pre- and post-assessments to support • Classroom and roster management tools individualized learning plans for easy setup and planning See ISTE’s Technology Standards for Students at Web-based, compatible with PCs/Macs, Chromebooks, iPads, and tablets 4 Keyboarding Without Tears

Award Winning K–5 Keyboarding Curriculum Explore the Free Demo Try it. Share it! What’s in the FREE Demo? 48 sample 36-week +Live Insights®, Student student curriculum your educator’s progress lessons overview reports dashboard | 888.952.4968 5

Keyboarding Curriculum: Grades K–5PRODUCTS BY GRADEHow to choose: Select licenses that match your students’ current grade level.Each license includes foundation skills and the ability to skip ahead.KINDERGARTEN: Keys For Me• Develop fine motor skills• Learn keyboard and mouse functions• Build pre-keyboarding skillsCode: KEYKGRADE 1: My Keying Board• Strengthen drag-and-drop skills• Develop finger-key association• Practice typing letters and wordsCode: KEY1GRADE 2: Key Power• Build typing muscle memory• Learn the entire keyboard• Practice common letters, words, and sentencesCode: KEY2NEW! i Warning: Choking hazardBuild a Keyboardactivity board Small parts; not for children under 3 yrs.GRADES: K–2Children learn how to locate, match,and identify letter, number, and action keyson an 11\" x 17\" magnetic board.Code: BK 6 Keyboarding Without Tears

Keyboarding Curriculum: Grades K–5GRADE 3: Keyboarding• Learn number and action keys• Format and type paragraphs• Increase typing accuracyCode: KEY3GRADE 4: Keyboarding Success• Reinforce typing speed and fluency• Strengthen muscle memory• Enhance language arts and creative writing abilitiesCode: KEY4GRADE 5: Can-Do Keyboarding• Master typing accuracy and speed for any setting• Handle standards and testing in higher grades• Practice typing paragraphs on interesting subjectsCode: KEY5PRICING & LICENSING PriceNumber of Licenses 1–29 $10.00 30–99 100+ $5.80 Contact Us for a Custom Quote We have volume, multi-year, and site pricing to fit your school and district needs. Contact your sales representative at [email protected] or 888.952.4968 | 888.952.4968 7

K–5 Keyboarding Curriculum+LIVE INSIGHTS®: Your classroom and license managementdashboard for Keyboarding Without Tears® Kindergarten Access FREE Grade-Level Teacher’s Guides Keyboarding Teacher’s Guide • Easy to teach so you can be ready to teach Guide to Teacher-Led Lessons in Digital Citizenship, Literacy & Activities • Digital citizenship and computer readiness activities included • Lesson previews and teaching guidelines for by Jan Z. Olsen, OTR and Emily F. Knapton, M.Ed., OTR/L effective planning Set Up Students and Manage Classrooms • Distribute licenses throughout your school/district • Assign and manage student licenses • Assign co-educators Assess Progress Easily and Effectively • 36 weeks of theme-based activities • Typing speed and accuracy spot checks built in • By student, class, grade school, or district o Assessments you can manage on demand o View and print progress charts and reportsConfigures to various roster management and SSO solutions. 8 Keyboarding Without Tears

DISTINGGrade 1: Printing ProgramVEMENTK–5 Handwriting CurriculumThe award-winning Handwriting Without Tears curriculum features multisensoryactivities for printing and cursive that make handwriting easy to teach andeasy to learn. More than 3 million students of diverse learning styles succeedevery year with our hands-on materials and workbooks.• Engaging, fun activities that form good handwriting habits from the start• Grade-level lessons with interesting, cross-curricular connections• Developmental teaching order and strategies aligned to learning standards WINNER aep UISHED ACHIE WINNER! | 888.952.4968 9

WORKBOOKSOur workbooks are designed to be developmentallyappropriate and keep children engaged. Whether yourlearner needs to build school readiness, print, or cursiveskills, here are some ways our workbooks make learningfun, easy, and effective.• Consistent child-friendly language• Large step-by-step models to finger trace• Double lines promote easy letter placement• Simple black & white illustrations to encourage personalization• Students self-check 10 Handwriting Without Tears

GradeK2in:dPerringtainrtgen&: PCruinrstiivneg PPrrooggrraammLetters and Numbers for Me B E STWorkbook SELLERGRADE: KKindergarten students, or those working at thatlevel, learn capitals, lowercase letters, andnumbers. Features large step-by-step modelsfor finger tracing, good spacing, andlefty-friendly pages!Code: LN swim up around and over bump dive down pCheckStart on the dot. Copy p. p• • p• • p•Pap[ p• • • • P is for puppies. POEM A Spider 62 Letters and Numbers for Me Oh dear!LNFM_TEXT_02.12.12.indd 62 © 2013 Handwriting Without Tears® 6/27/13 10:54 AM Spider near, O ut of here! © 2013 Handwriting Without Tears® 81Letters and Numbers for MeSavings Tip! 112 for 1!Bundle keyboarding licenses andhandwriting workbooks at one lower price.Learn more at | 888.952.4968

Grade 1: Printing ProgramMy Printing Book WorkbookGRADE: 1First grade students, or those working at thatlevel, practice the correct use of lowercaseletters in words and sentences. Features cross-curricular language arts lessons with practicepages for writing on different styles of lines.Code: MPB Copy capital D. B E ST SELLER 2 3 D D D +4 d +5 Copy lowercase d. 7 dd Copy the sentences. adds dots. T odd I add dots too.COMPOUND WORDS book + case = Fill in the blanks to make compound words. Check Sentence bc © 2013 Handwriting Withot Tears® Check sentence. Teachers: Help children their sentence for correct Capitalization, Word Spacing, and Ending Punctuation. My Printing Book 25 hd fb hot + dog = rb lb foot + ball = © 2013 Handwriting Withot Tears® rain + bow = +lady bug = 76 My Printing BookEducator Tip!It’s easy to be lefty-friendly!Tilt their paper to their right! If left-handedstudents hook their wrists, have them copyunder a word, place the word in the middleof a page, or give them a separate worksheetto copy from. Follow Handwriting Without Tears® on Pinterest for more tips and ideas! 12 Handwriting Without Tears

Grade 2: Printing ProgramPrinting Power WorkbookGRADE: 2Second grade students, or those workingat that level, master printing with advancedparagraphs, poems, and language artsactivities. Features practice pages foradvanced printing on a single line.Code: PP PARAGRAPH St. Mary’s River NEBRASKA Perdido River FLORDA Orlando Sea of Japan Missouri River Gulf of Mexico APAN Atlantic Pacific Ocean Ocean Lake Okeechobee East China Philippine Sea Sea Look at borders. Rivers, lakes, and oceans make crooked borders. PARAGRAPH Straight lines mean dry borders. T he equator is like a belt © 2013 Handwriting Without Tears® Printing Power 61 around the middle of the Earth. It’s not a real line. It’s a latitude line that divides North from South. 68 Printing Power © 2013 Handwriting Without Tears®Printing Power Plus CursiveWorkbook SetGRADE: 2 TCitulersiPvaegWe arm-ups TcitpleagPaegePower up your students’ printing mastery c is c Hi! ’m the Magic C Bunny. ’ll help you start cursive.with the Printing Power workbook, then startwith cursive lessons in Kick Start Cursive. Magic c travel on the line come back c bump the line slide up and over make a newChildren begin with cursive lowercase letters, c cStart on the dot. Copy . c cconnections, and capitals. cc Copy cc. cc ccCode: P3 cc cc cc Kick Start Cursive 5 © 2013 Handwriting Without Tears® | 888.952.4968 13

Grade 3: Cursive ProgramCursive HandwritingWorkbookGRADE: 3Third grade students, or those working atthat level, easily transition from printing tocursive with Cursive Warm-Ups. Activity pagesfeature paragraphs, poems, compositions, andlanguage arts activities.Code: CHReview & Mastery: Cursive to Cursive POEM You’re or Your? a bc d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u vwx y zWait for the teacher to play The Freeze Game. kid - rid Do you wonder which to use? Here’s a pem to help you chose,she - her If you’re (you are) ging fr a run, You’re, the contraction, is the one,pair - fair pick - trick But, if you hae lst your shes, Possessie your is what to use.just - rust ace - acesrake - take paid - raid44 Cursive Handwriting See – Teacher’s Guide page 90. © 2013 Handwriting Without Tears® © 2013 Handwriting Without Tears® Cursive Handwriting 83 11/16/12 4:09 PM CH_TEXT_11.16.12.indd 83CH_TEXT_11.16.12.indd 44 11/16/12 4:10 PMEducator Tip! HScarnedewnerritoinfg Proficiency Individual Student ReportFREE tool to assess handwriting! School Name: XYZ Elementary School TDeastteDoafteB:ir0t9h:/0024//0192/03• Measure printing and cursive skills in 10–15 minutes Grade: First Grade• Score online and receive individual and class reports• Share information with other educators or families TTTTiihmomemtmaeyyxlpissCceobclareteelsoddswr7sco3eoox%rpemeinfcotShraachtinoaodnrnwediw:rnitrhiintaignn.gdwartittihneg.beginning of First Grade is 77%.Learn more at % Timmy’s Handwriting Results 100 96 90 90 80 70 80 60 73 50 40 30 20 26 10 0 Memory Orientation Placement Sentence Total Expectation Placement Summary: Timmy is abteloorwabexopveecetxaptieocntaintioPnlaicnemMeenmt.ory, Timmy is Orientation and Sentence Skills. 14 Handwriting Without Tears

Grade 4: Cursive ProgramThird grader transitions from printing to cursive Student uses the Cursive Success workbookwith the Cursive Handwriting workbook. to practice her cursive fluency.Cursive Success WorkbookGRADE: 4Fourth grade students, or those working atthat level, develop cursive fluency with lessonsfeaturing more advanced language arts activities.Code: CS e is e Name that letter! t’s . bump travel turn down then up stay on your side bump eCopy . e ee travel away each ee tepee eCheck “Handwriting remediation page has become so easy for eachCopy the words. etc. Check etc. me to effectively assess tepee and implement throughout page 15Cursive Success the year.” etc. 10/15/2012 5:28:36 PM EDo you remember capital ? Trace and copy. E is E c in the air c again © 2013 Handwriting Without Tears® CS_TEXT_09.18.12.indd 15 | 888.952.4968 15

Grades 5+: Printing & Cursive ProgramsCan-Do Cursive WorkbookGRADES: 5+Students in fifth grade or older review and mastercursive with an emphasis on difficult connections.Practice pages include cross-curricular connectionsto write paragraphs, poetry, and thank you notes.Code: DC No teacher’s guide needed! There’s MORE! Can-Do Print student workbook is available for students who prefer printing to cursive, but still need practice. Code: DPSpanish, French & Hebrew WorkbooksGet your students ready with our Spanish-languageTransition to Kindergarten Activity Book SetStudent workbooks are available in Spanish (grades Pre-K–4),French (grades K–4), and Hebrew script. Perfect for dual-languageclassrooms, independent study, or English language learners.Get more product details at 16 Handwriting Without Tears

Grades K–5: Printing & Cursive Teacher’s GuidesTEACHER’S GUIDES FOR THE BUSY EDUCATOROur teacher’s guides give you the latest resources and strategies for teachinghandwriting in only 15 minutes a day. Available in print or electronic formats.Kindergarten Teacher’s Guide 3rd Grade Cursive Teacher’s GuideTeacher’s Guide: TGK Teacher’s Guide: TG3RDe-Teacher’s Guide e-Teacher’s Guide 1-Year License: ETGK 1-Year License: ETG3RD1st Grade Printing Teacher’s Guide 4th Grade Cursive Teacher’s GuideTeacher’s Guide: TG1ST Teacher’s Guide: TG4THe-Teacher’s Guide e-Teacher’s Guide 1-Year License: ETG1ST 1-Year License: ETG4TH2nd Grade Printing Teacher’s Guide 5-year licenses available on LWTears.comTeacher’s Guide: TG2NDe-Teacher’s Guide 1-Year License: ETG2ND3 Reasons to Go Digital with our Teacher’s Guides!1 Free Handwriting Without Tears® Music Resources.2 Record audio, write notes, and highlight text.3 Access a library of Handwriting Without Tears videos, downloads, and other resources with a simple click of your mouse. | 888.952.4968 17

Grades K–5: Printing & Cursive ProgramsPAPER & JOURNALS B E STDouble Line Notebook Paper SELLERSEliminate line confusion and make it easy for children tocontrol size and placement. See neatness improve immediately! Wide Notebook Paper GRADES: K–1 Lines are spaced 5/16\" apart. Code: W100 (100 sheets) Code: WIDE (500 sheets) • Wide • Regular Notebook Paper• GRADES: 2–3 Lines are spaced 3/16\" apart. • Code: R100 (100 sheets)• Code: REG (500 sheets)• Regular Narrow Notebook Paper GRADES: 4+ Lines are spaced 2/16\" apart. Code: N100 (100 sheets) Code: NAR (500 sheets) NarrowGray Block Paper (8\" x 11\") GRAY BLOCK PAPERGRADES: K–1 3 Types of Practice Sheets – 35 Pages of EachHelp children write capitals and numbers.Includes alphabet and word /drawing pages. Aa\ Ba[ aC\ Da[ aE[ aF[ Ga\ Ha[105 sheets in three different styles. Code: GB Starting Corner Starting Corner Capitals F E D P B R N M H K L U V W X Y Z Starting Corner Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a\ a[ a\ a[ a[ a[ a\ a[Big Sheet Draw andWrite Paper (11\" x 17\") a[ a[ a[ a[ a[ a[ a[ a[ aaI[ \ Ja\ aK[ La[ aM[ aN[ aO\ Pa[ Qa\GRADES: K–1 a[ a[ a[ a[ a[ a[ a[ a[ aa[ \ a\ a[ a[ a[ a[ a\ a[ a\Perfect for writing and drawing, includingbuilding your own 8.5\" x 11\" journal. a[ a[ a[ a[ a[ a[ a[ a[ aRa[ [ aS\ aT\ Ua[ aV[ Wa[ aX[ Ya[ aZ[Includes 100 double-sided sheets. a[ a[ a[ a[ a[ a[ a[ a[ aa[ [ a\ a\ a[ a[ a[ a[ a[ a[Code: BSP Center StartingCenter Starting Capitals = C O Q G S A I T J Center Starting Numbers = 8 0 1a[ a2[ 3a[ 4a[ a5[ 6a[ a7[ a8\ a9] a\ a\ a\ a\ a\ a\ a\ a\ aa\ [ a[ a[ a[ a[ a[ a[ a\ a] Gray Block Paper © 2015 Handwriting Without Tears® a\ a\ a\ a\ a\ a\ a\ a\ a\ Gray Block Paper © 2015 Handwriting Without Tears® Gray Block Paper © 2015 Handwriting Without Tears® Educator | 301.263.2700 | FAVOR ITE!Printed in the U.S.A. | HWT2791 09.2015 18 © 2005 Jan Z. Olsen Handwriting Without Tears

Grades K–5: Printing & Cursive ProgramsWriting JournalsWith line spacing that matches the Double Line Notebook Paper, all three journalshave 48 pages. Draw and Write Notebook and Writing Notebook have space forstudent pictures and writing. My Journal has lines covering the entire page.Draw and Write Writing Notebook My JournalNotebook GRADES: 2–3 GRADES: 4+GRADES: K–1 Code: WN Code: JNLCode: DAWDouble Line Sentence Strips © 2006 Handwriting Without Tears® © 2006 Handwriting Without Tears®GRADES: K–4+Model sentences and words using double lines.Great for bulletin boards and word walls.Each set contains 100 strips (24\" x 3\").Code: DSSDouble Line Chart TabletGRADES: K–4+Designed for use with a classroom easel.Includes set of 2 tablets with 30 sheetsper tablet.Code: TAB Double Line WriterGRADES: K–4+Draw lines on chalkboards or dry erase boardsfor letter, word, and sentence practice.Code: DBLW | 888.952.4968 19

Pre-K & K+ MaterialsHANDS-ON MATERIALSRoll-A-Dough Letters®GRADE: Pre-KRoll and cut gluten-free dough snakes to makecapitals and numbers using the blue tray forguidance. Set also includes 18 double-sidedcapital and number cards.Code: RADStamp & See Screen® i Warning: Choking HazardGRADE: Pre-K Small parts; not for children under 3 yrs.Build capitals and numbers on a 4\" x 6\"magnetic screen using 4 “Wood Piece”stamps:­Big Line, Little Line, Big Curve,Little Curve. Magnetic, chalk-like writingtool helps develop grip.Code: SASSlate Chalkboard (4\" x 6\")GRADES: Pre-K–2Teach and remediate capitals and numbers.The Slate Chalkboard reinforces top-to-bottom,left-to-right directionality and prevents andeliminates reversals.Code: SLTEducator Tip! l APPLE 2Use Capital Letter Cards to teach childrenletter recognition. Which letter do their names 3start with? Have children build the first letter oftheir name on the Capital Letter Card. Letter Cards_COLOR_2.19.16.indd 1 © 2016 Handwriting Without Tears® 3/1/2016 12:07:18 PMUse Wood Pieces to tap out syllables!How many syllables are in each child’s name?See opposite page for products! 20 Handwriting Without Tears & Get Set for School

Pre–K Readiness aPnred-KW&ritKin+gMParotegrriaamlsShow Me Magnetic Piecesfor Capitals™GRADE: KDemonstrate proper letter formation aschildren watch you build capitals.Code: SMMWood Pieces Set forCapital Letters (26 pieces)GRADES: Pre-K & KChildren learn capital formations throughimitation. Use the set for teaching size,shape, and position words and concepts!Set includes: 8 Big Lines, 6 Big Curves,6 Little Lines, and 6 Little Curves.Code: WP l2 DUC KHelp your children look at the first example. Then find the one that matches in each row. NEW FEATURES!Letter Cards_COLOR_2.19.16.indd 7 l2 DUCK Capital Letter Cards for Wood Pieces l CAT DUCK l2 GRADES: Pre-K & K Now in bright colors with new activities! l2 ELEPHANT Ideal for children who are just starting out with capital letters. Set includes 26 double-sided 3 8.5\" x 11\" cards featuring a letter recognition matching lesson. © 2002 Jan Z. Olsen Code: LAM (laminated) © 2016 Handwriting Without Tears® © 2016 Handwriting Without Tears®  © 2016 Handwriting Without Tears® © 2016 Handwriting Without Tears® DUCK DUCK DIAMOND DOG D d© 2016 Handwriting Without Tears® D d Letter Cards_COLOR_2.19.16.indd 8 3/1/2016 12:10:54 PM © 2016 Handwriting Without Tears® 3/1/2016 12:11:09 PMMat for Wood Pieces (8\" x 11\")GRADES: Pre-K & KChildren who’ve mastered guided letterformation with Capital Letter Cardsprogress to building letters on the Mat.The smiley face on the top left corner remindsthem where to start.Code: MAT | 888.952.4968 21

Pre-K & K+ MaterialsTHE WET-DRY-TRY WAYPrevent and eliminate reversals in a multisensory way! Children learn goodletter and number formation habits with Wet-Dry-Try! Wet-Dry-Try® Classroom Edition GRADES: Pre-K–2 • Practice formations based on our proven methodology • Receive audio cues and feedback from a personal handwriting coach • View a snapshot of student progress in app • Personalize with avatars and lefty-friendly options! Code: CLNAPP Includes +Live Insights®, the digital dashboard for classroom management and reportsWet-Dry-Try on the Slate Chalkboard• Develops proper grip using Little Chalk Bits and Little Sponge Cubes (see p. 23)• Provides tactile feedback to engage memory and cognitive functions• Gives clear physical and visual cues—frame and smiley face—that prevent reversals BUY A KIT AND SAVEKindergarten Hands-OnClassroom Kit!For a classroom of 25GRADE: KCode: KHCKSee a full product list at 22 Handwriting Without Tears & Get Set for School

Pre–K Readiness aPnred-KW&ritKin+gMParotegrriaamlsSlate Chalkboard (4\" x 6\")GRADES: Pre-K–2Teach and remediate capitals and numbers.The Slate Chalkboard reinforces top-to-bottom,left-to-right directionality and prevents andeliminates reversals.Code: SLT Little Chalk Bits GRADES: Pre-K–4+ Develop pincer grip and make writing easy for little hands. Includes 200 (1\") soft chalk pieces. Code: LCB Little Sponge Cubes GRADES: Pre-K–4+ These sponges fit little hands when doing Wet-Dry-Try on the Slate Chalkboard or Blackboard. Includes 100 (0.5\") square cubes per bag. Code: SC Blackboard with Double Lines (10\" x 17\") GRADES: Pre-K–4+ Teach students how to make and place all letters on double lines in both printing and cursive using the Wet-Dry-Try method. Code: BBPencils for Little Hands 23GRADES: K–1A perfect tool for little hands!Each box contains 144 pencils.Code: PEN | 888.952.4968

Pre-K & K+ Classroom ToolsTOOLS FOR YOUR CLASSROOMPrint Letter & Number Poster © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009(34\" x 24\") CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 2 3/10/09 11:43:37 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 3 3/10/09 11:43:46 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 4 3/10/09 11:43:55 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 5 3/10/09 11:44:03 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 6 3/10/09 11:44:11 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 7 3/10/09 11:44:20 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 8 3/10/09 11:44:27 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 9 3/10/09 11:44:36 AMGRADES: K–2 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009Hang up this poster in your classroom for anup close letter/number model. CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 10 3/10/09 11:44:53 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 11 3/10/09 11:45:01 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 12 3/10/09 11:45:10 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 13 3/10/09 11:45:19 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 14 3/10/09 11:45:26 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 15 3/10/09 11:45:36 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 16 3/10/09 11:45:44 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 17 3/10/09 11:45:57 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 18 3/10/09 11:46:11 AMCode: PLNP r © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 19 3/10/09 11:46:16 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 20 3/10/09 11:46:22 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 21 3/10/09 11:46:32 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 22 3/10/09 11:46:42 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 23 3/10/09 11:46:50 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 24 3/10/09 11:46:59 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 25 3/10/09 11:47:06 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 26 3/10/09 11:47:18 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 27 3/10/09 11:47:32 AM 1 23 45 6 7 8 9 10 one two t hree four five six seven eight nine ten CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 28 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 © 2009 3/10/09 11:47:33 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 29 3/10/09 11:47:35 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 30 3/10/09 11:47:38 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 31 3/10/09 11:47:44 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 32 3/10/09 11:47:46 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 33 3/10/09 11:47:47 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 34 3/10/09 11:47:50 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 35 3/10/09 11:47:52 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 36 3/10/09 11:47:56 AM CPWC_Revisions_03.10.09.indd 37 3/10/09 11:47:58 AM | Printed in the U.S.A. HWT1623 CP_N_Poster_FINAL_10_26_11.indd 1 10/27/11 2:03 PMColor Print & Number 2Wall Cards (8.5\" x 11\") twoGRADES: K–2Includes 36 eye-catching letter and number PDC_COLOR_022409.indd 1 © 2009 © 2009 PDC_COLOR_022409.indd 28 © 2009cards that promote correct formations. 2/24/2009 3:09:59 PM 2/24/2009 3:14:33 PMCode: CPWC PDC_COLOR_022409.indd 2 2/24/2009 3:10:06 PMCursive Wall Cards A BbC D©2008JanZ.Olsen © 2008 Jan Z. Olsen(11\" x 8.5\") CDC_040708.indd 1 4/7/2008 10:02:51 AM CDC_040708.indd 2GRADES: 3–5Includes 17 black and white letter cards to 4/7/2008 10:02:52 AMpromote correct cursive letter formations.Code: CDC Color Name Plates (11\" x 3.5\") GRADES: K–2 Set of 30. Terrific visual aids to help teach children how to write their names. Code: COLNP 24 Alphabet Desk Strips (10.5\" x 2\") GRADES: K–5 Includes four strips per sheet to use as a visual cue for letter formation. Code: PAS (Print Alphabet Desk Strips) Code: CAS (Cursive Alphabet Desk Strips) Handwriting Without Tears & Get Set for School

Pre–K Readiness and Writing Program B E ST MEET MAT MAN® SELLER Bring your classroom to life with everyone’s favorite hero, Mat Man! Build Mat Man in Your Classroom Use the Wood Pieces and Mat to build Mat Man and teach important readiness skills to young learners. This multisensory approach builds body awareness, counting, drawing, and social skills.Explore Mat Man WorldTake your students on an exciting journey ofsinging, drawing, and building Mat Man!Discover books, songs, online games, and more.Visit study found that children outperform theirpeers in readiness skills after just a few weeks ofbuilding and drawing Mat Man. Read the fullstudy at the Mat Man Book SetGRADES: Pre-K & KChildren learn readiness and language artsskills with this four-book boxed set, includingMat Man Shapes, Mat Man Hats, Mat ManOn the Go, and Mat Man Opposites.Includes free Mat Man poster.Code: MMBS BUY A KIT AND SAVE Build Mat Man Kit GRADES: Pre-K & K Get everything you need to build Mat Man in one handy kit. Code: BMM Full product details at | 888.952.4968 25

NEW! A NEW WAY TO MANAGE PRODUCTS Introducing… My Products Your digital product • Access your digital purchases • Manage your licenses • Explore new resources 26 Handwriting Without Tears

DISTING Pre–K Readiness and Writing ProgramVEMENTPre-K CurriculumThe award-winning Get Set for School curriculum features hands-on movement,interactive play, lively music, and child-friendly teaching strategies to helpyoung learners get ready for kindergarten.• Easy-to-teach, easy-to-learn lessons• Developmental progression that builds on what children already know• Multisensory approach that addresses diverse learning styles WINNER aep UISHED ACHIE WINNER! getsetforscho3o0l.1c.o2m63.|2780808 .983.8409 27

PPrree–-KKRReeaaddinineessss&anWd rWitinrigtinPgroPgrroagmramTeach pre-writing and school readiness skills with multisensory and developmentallyappropriate activities. Children will learn:• Letter and number recognition and formation• Fine and gross motor skills, such as grip, drawing, and building• Key social-emotional and readiness skills, including sharing, taking turns, and listeningMy First School BookActivity BookGRADE: Pre-KChildren of different abilities learn joyfully withmultisensory readiness and social-emotionalactivities. Color, number, and shape lessonshelp develop grip, and crucial readiness andpre-writing skills.Also available in Spanish! See p.16 for details.Code: MFSB BIG LINE + LITTLE LINE 1 lIZARD Award-Winning Pre-K Activity Book 12 LITTLE LINE + LITTLE LINE + BIG LINE © 2012 Get Set for School™ My First School Book 23 FOUR ANImAlS © 2012 Get Set for School™ My First School Book 81 28 See pp. 20–26 for more Pre-K Readiness & Writing materials! Get Set for School

PPrree–-KK RReeaaddiinneessss aanndd WWrriittiinngg PPrrooggrraammTransition toKindergartenActivity Book SetGRADE: Pre-KBoost readiness and pre-writingskills with My First School Book.Then help introduce childrento lowercase letters withKick Start Kindergarten!Also available in Spanish!See p.16 for details.Code: TTK 2  F f Q2 q 32 Perfect for transitional up kindergarten, senior kindergarten, 4/5 Pre-K bump classrooms, or those working at that level. down cross Magic c up like a back bump the line down Start on the dot. Trace Q q. U-turn Start on the dot. Trace F f. • • • for q• uilt. Qa is Falags f ly. Copy f. •• •• •• Copy q. q• • q• • q• • • •• f f f Qaq• Faf 26 Kick Start Kindergarten © 2015 Get Set for School © 2015 Get Set for School Kick Start Kindergarten 27Readiness & Writing Pre-K Teacher’s GuideGRADE: Pre-KLessons address general readiness, alphabet knowledge, letter and number recognitionand formation, counting, drawing, shapes, and colors. Includes free downloads forschool-to-home connections.Code: TGRW Shape – Cross BIG LINE + LITTLE LINE Letter L 1 BIG LINE + LITTLE LINE lIZARD 22 My First School Book © 2012 Get Set for School® © 2012 Get Set for School® My First School Book 23 Three-year-olds can make a circle before they can make a cross. For four-year-olds, we use the cross Activity to prepare them to write letters with vertical and horizontal strokes. Teach the vertical from top to This is the L page. L is a letter. Do you know: L words? L names? L sounds? Have you ever bottom and the cross from left to right. seen a lizard? Activity Look and Learn This is a shape page. This shape is a cross. Let’s find Ls on this page. Look. There’s a lizard. Lizard starts with L. Is a lizard an animal or a person? Where do lizards live? What do lizards have? Look and Learn Look at the pictures and name them together: cross, window, scarecrow, kite, cross. Then say Color and Draw together: This is a cross. The window has a cross; the scarecrow has a cross, etc. This strategy Let’s color the lizard. Show pictures. Lizards can be any color. They can have spots or stripes. helps children learn words and left-to-right reading. The window has something else—a lizard. Draw rocks or grass for the lizard too. Demonstrate. The lizard needs a tongue! Trace, Color, and Draw Crosses Trace and Write L Demonstrate how to draw a cross: Little line down, little line across. Trace the first cross together. Finger trace the L at the top of the page. (Say directions.) Children put their crayons on the arrow, little line down, little line across. Children trace, color, and Let’s write L. Put the crayon on the . Big line down. Little line across. draw as they like. ✔ Check ✔ Check Check for those who need help with crayon grip. Notice handedness and use of the helping hand. Check for who need help with crayon grip. Notice handedness and use of helping hand. Support/ELL More To Learn Support/ELL More To Learn Children who are not ready for crayon tracing can finger Show children pictures of scarecrows and crows. Scarecrow Help children make a sharp corner on L. Make the big line Look for lizards in reptile books. Find other animals in the trace over each cross. is a big word, a compound word. It is made with two go straight down to a full stop, and then make the little line. reptile family. little words: scare, crow. Put them together. Look What We’re Learning Writing Vocabulary Look What We’re Learning Writing Vocabulary • Hold a crayon with proper grip to write • Hold a crayon with proper grip to write Foundation Skills • Use helping hand to stabilize objects and papers cross Foundation Skills • Use helping hand to stabilize objects and papers lizard • Recognize familiar two-dimensional shapes window • U se correct top-to-bottom, left-to-right directionality • Trace capital letters spots • Draw simple shapes Sensory Motor scarecrow stripes • Use correct top-to-bottom, left-to-right directionality • Use same hand consistently to hold crayons kite for letters Sensory Motor • Use fingers to hold crayons • Sequencing • Use same hand consistently to hold crayons for symbols • Use fingers to hold crayons Oral Language Oral Language • Respond to simple questions • Learn words linked to content being taught • Learn words linked to content being taught 118 Readiness & Writing Pre-K Teacher’s Guide: Writing © 2012 Get Set for School® © 2012 Get Set for School® Readiness & Writing Pre-K Teacher’s Guide: Writing 119 | 888.952.4968 29

Pre-K Readiness & Writing ProgramTOOLS FOR YOUR PRE-K CLASSROOMPre-K Color Wall Cards © 2011 Get Set for School™GRADE: Pre-K © 2011 Get Set for School™Use these cards as a letter or number ofthe week activity. Includes 36 (8.5\" x 8.5\") E L LA © 2011 Get Set For Schoolcolor cards that are perfect above the E llachalkboard, on bulletin boards,or during circle time.Code: WCCPKPre-K Name PlatesGRADE: Pre-KTeach children how to write their names incapitals and title case with these greatvisual aids. Includes 30 (11\" x 3.5\") nameplates for use on tables, lockers, or cubbies.Code: NPFLIP Crayons® FLIP Crayon shown actual size.GRADES: Pre-K & KPromote proper grip and fine motor skillsby flipping our unique FLIP Crayons.There are 10 colors in all—2 colors and2 points per crayon.Code: FC(Tub of 206 crayons)Code: FGS20(Gift Set of 20 mini packs) Magic C Bunny Puppet GRADES: Pre-K–3 This fun puppet friend helps you teach the C stroke to begin capitals C, O, G, and Q, and lowercase letters a, d, g, o, and q. Code: BUN 30 Get Set for School

PreP–rKe-RKeRaedaindeinssesasn&d WWrriittiinngg PPrrooggrraammLEARNING WITH MUSICMusic plays an important role in our Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer / Photo Credit: Sarah CoatsGet Set for School® curriculum. It boostsmemory, fosters body awareness, andbuilds motor skills in young children.Our CDs include original, lively songsby Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer,back-to-back Grammy® Award winnersfor Best Children’s Album.Sing, Sound & Get Set for School: Rock, Rap, TapCount With Me CD Sing Along CD & Learn CDGRADE: Pre-K GRADE: Pre-K GRADES: K–2Reinforce language and Children sing, tap, and Students develop self-esteemnumber concepts with your dance along to 25 songs and body awareness as theychildren as they move and to develop important social, rock along to 25 to 29 upbeat songs. cognitive, and physical skills. Code: ROCKCode: COUNT Code: SINGPreview all three CDs: NEW OUR CDS NOW AVAILABLE ON ITUNES! BUY A KIT AND SAVEReadiness & Writing Classroom Kit!For a classroom of 20GRADE: Pre-KCode: RWKITSee full product list | 888.952.4968 31

PPrree-–KKLRaenagduiangeess&anLidteWrarciytinPgroPgrroagmramProvide real-life connections to help children learn. Children will:• Explore words, syllables, and letter sounds• Link words to concepts and recognize new words in spoken language• Respond to simple questions, have discussions, and share ideas• Develop emergent literacy skillsLanguage & Literacy Pre-K Teacher’s GuideGRADE: Pre-KIncludes unique lessons with step-by-step instructions to help students easily master new concepts.Skills are taught explicitly and sequenced for developmental progression and differentiatedinstruction, including support for struggling students and English language learners.Code: TGLL Make Predictions Recognize Beginning, Middle, and End Find the Main Character Beginning, Middle, and End Beginning, Middle, and End Materials/Setup: Objective • Line It Up Bar Children identify the beginning, middle, and end of a story. Recognize Beginning, Middle, and End When children can identify the sequence of beginning, middle, and end, they can better comprehend • Line It Up Story Cards Activity the story and make sense of what they have heard or read. This understanding enables them to “Ready for Robins” Try to remember what happens in the beginning, middle, and organize their memories and retell stories. end of our story. Grouping: ™™ ™ Small group; Whole class 1. Read “Ready for Robins.” English Language 2. Have children pretend to be young robins. I will be your robin Learners: parent. Here is our nice warm nest. Pretend you are my Help children understand small blue eggs. Roll into a small egg. You can’t see. You beginning, middle, and end. don’t have feathers. You are very hungry. Now, break out of Have three children line up. your shell. Here are some yummy worms. Open wide! You Point out who is at the get stronger. You can see and grow feathers. Now, try your beginning, middle, and end. wings out and fly. Beautiful! You can also line up other classroom items and point 3. Place Story Cards in the Line It Up Bar out of order. Re-read words out the beginning, middle, for the first card. Show me what happens first. Please put it up. and end of each line. 4. Re-read the words for the second card. Show me the picture of what happens next. Please put it next to the first card. 5. Re-read the words for the third card. Show me the picture of what happens last. Please put it next to the second card. 6. Now we know the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Check for Understanding Observe as children retell the story. Can they identify the beginning, middle and end? Can they sequence the story? Support: Show a real banana. I am going to share this banana. What should I do first? (Peel.) And next? (Slice, share, and eat.) And next? (Throw away the peel.) Look What We're Learning Vocabulary More to Learn Comprehension • Retell story or event with pictures beginning Draw & Act It Out “Ballet Dancing Truck Driver” • Identify the beginning, middle, and end • Re-enact a story or event middle Read a book to your children. As a class, help children draw Play “Ballet Dancing Truck Driver,” track 29 on the end three pictures that represent the beginning, middle, and end. Sing, Sound & Count With Me CD. Have children try to of a story first Have three groups of 3–4 children act out the beginning, remember the jobs in order. Take pictures of the children • Order the events of a story correctly next middle, or end of the book. Let the groups present their parts wearing a hat to go with a job in the song. Have fun last in sequence. Hold up the appropriate drawing while acting. ordering the pictures while playing the song. using pictures • Listen to gain and share information © 2011 Get Set for School™ • Listen to learn what happened in a story 5/16/11 11:24 AM 108 Comprehension © 2011 Get Set for School™ 109Beginning, Middle, and End LTG_CH4_C_103-130.indd 108 LTG_CH4_C_103-130.indd 109 5/20/11 9:16 AMWord Time™GRADE: Pre-KDevelop oral language, thinking, andvocabulary with multisensory lessons.Squawker, the parrot puppet, and 295laminated word cards engage children andboost their letter, social, and language skills.Code: WTMy Book Activity Booklet BYGRADE: Pre-K © 2011 Get Set for SchoolChildren learn about books through 12/27/10 3:32 PMdrawing, storytelling, and personalizingtheir own storybook. My Book.indd 1Code: CMBK(Classroom set for 10 students)Code: IMBK(Individual book) 32 Get Set for School

PreP–rKe-RKeLaadningeusasgaen&d LWiterirtaincgy PPrrooggrraamm ™™™ ™™™ • Tell stories with a beginning, middle, and end • Build vocabulary and comprehension skills A™ ™ Line It Up™ GRADE: Pre-K Teach letter and sound connections, correct orientation and position of letters with narrative sequencing, and other early literacy skills. LIU_LC_010511.indd 1 © 2011 Get Set for School 1/13/11 2:32 PM Code: LIU ABC ABC A-B-C Touch & Flip® Cards ® Cards GRADE: Pre-K Children flip for these tactile, double-sided ® ® cards. The raised letters provide a multisensory learning experience as children recognize andCardsCards Cards ® trace letters, match letters and sounds, and Cards learn sequencing. Code: ABCTFC ® NamesCards ABC ® 9/23/10 3:06 PM ALC_2-Sided_9.23.2010.indd 10 ALC_A-H_9.23.2010.indd 12 9/23/10 3:07 PM Sound Around Box™ GRADE: Pre-K The most versatile way to teach language concepts and social skills! • Combines multisensory play with games and activities that build letter and number recognition • Lessons and tiles develop rhyming and syllable skills, as well as listening and cooperation Code: SBOX BUY A KIT AND SAVE B E ST Language & Literacy Classroom Kit SELLER For a classroom of 20 33 GRADE: Pre-K Code: LLKIT See full product list at | 888.952.4968

Pre-K Numbers & Math ProgramMake early math concepts meaningful and fun for children! They will:• Count, sequence, and match objects• Compare, build patterns, and sort• Understand spatial concepts and solve problemsNumbers & Math Label Sets Combine SetsPre-K Teacher’s Guide Take Away ObjectsGRADE: Pre-KIncludes lessons for geometry, counting, Count Them Allmath vocabulary, measurement, time, andproblem-solving. Integrated assessments Combine Setscheck student learning after each lesson. TWhehyendocnh’itldrreeanliczaenthcaotunthtisobpjreocctessisnias set, they put mcloarreifyobthjeecsttseipnst,obtuhteitrhseeptsroacnedsscoisunnat taugraali.n.Code: TGNM addition. We Look What We're Learning Vocabulary counting on Number & Operations Social-Emotional how many • Combine sets • Cooperate with other children in all by counting to learn how many in all • Take turns with peers • Work with others to solve problems © 2011 Get Set for School™ • Connect numerals to quantities they represent 5/12/11 11:45 AM Problem Solving • Use manipulatives to find a solution 60 Number & Operations MTG_CH1_NAO_025-068.indd 60 4 Squares More Squares® GRADE: Pre-K Children sort, sequence, slide, turn, and flip shapes to fit puzzle pieces on 24 different patterns. Perfect for problem-solving and developing spatial awareness. © 2011 Get Set for School Code: 4SMS 9/13/10 1:19 PMMP 42:1 01/31/9 1 ddni.3draoBnrettaP_serauqSeroMserauqS4 4SquaresMoreSquares_PatternBoard1.indd 1I Know My NumbersActivity Book SetGRADE: Pre-KChildren develop skills with finger plays,songs, and rhymes. Fun, engaging illustrationsinvite personalization and coloring.Code: CKMN (Classroom set for 10 students)Code: IKMN (Individual set) BUY A KIT AND SAVENumbers & Math Classroom Kit!For a classroom of 20GRADE: Pre-KCode: NMKITSee full products list 34 Get Set for School

Pre-K Numbers & Math Program Preschooler develps spacial awareness by using Students learn number sense and pattern 4 Squares More Squares. recognition with Tag Bags. B Tag Bags® GRADE: Pre-K Children develop fine motor skills and learn number sense and recognition through matching, sorting, measuring, and making patterns. Code: TB i Warning: Choking hazard Small parts; not for children under 3 yrs. Mix & Make Shapes™ GRADE: Pre-K Children identify, sort, trace, and move shapes, as well as build patterns and learn to measure. Code: MIX i Warning: Choking hazard Small parts; not for children under 3 yrs. ABC ® Cards ® 1-2-3 Touch & Flip® Cards Cards GRADE: Pre-K ABC Children learn letter recognition by tracing raised letters with their fingers and matching ® letters with their sounds. The “Flip” feature promotes self-checking and they learn ® sequencing with the puzzle side of the cards. Cards Cards Code: 123TFCCards ® 123_Touch-Flip_Animals 1-10.indd 7 9/23/10 2:57 PM ABC | 888.952.4968 35Cards ®

Brush Up on Your Skills!Whether you’re looking for live, instructor-led professionaldevelopment or an on-demand webinar, Learning WithoutTears offers flexible options for enriching your skillsets andfurthering your teaching strategies. In person or at yourfingertips: we make it convenient for teachers, OTs, parentsand administrators to stay current with classroom trends!Choose a format that works for you: Live, open-registration, instructor-led workshops School or district sponsored professional development WebinarsFor more information visit, email [email protected]. 36 Professional Development

5 WAYS To Benefitfrom Learning Without TearsProfessional Development1. Enhance your teaching with interactive exchanges with professionals2. Learn to use developmentally appropriate strategies to promote success3. Explore teaching ideas for school readiness, handwriting, and keyboarding4. Get interactive lessons and activities for immediate implementation5. Network with other professionals in your field

PPrreo-fKesPsrioonfeaslsDioenvaelloDpemveelnotpmentPRE-K READINESS & WRITINGHalf Day, Morning Session | 3.5 Contact HoursWorkshop ObjectivesAt the end of the workshop, you will be able to:• Plan your instruction based on developmental stages WINNERDISTINGVEMENT for writing readiness aep• Model activities that develop important social-emotional skills, including body awareness, taking turns, and sharing UISHED ACHIE• Practice using Wood Piece Play to teach size, shape, and position Winner! concepts for pre-writing and sensory motor skills Reading &• Identify how music and hands-on play can boost capital and Language Arts lowercase letter recognition Curriculum• Experience our step-by-step approach to effectively teach coloring skills• Use Hands-On Letter Play to build beginning habits for letter and number formations• Use My First School Book to help children progress from tracing their letters and numbers to writing their names FREEPRODUCTS: A $125 Value! 38 Professional Development

Professional Development Only $215 when you register early! Workshop Schedule 8:00 a.m. Registration: Coffee and pastries 8:30 a.m. Get Set for School®: The importance of a hands-on, multisensory readiness curriculum to prepare children for school success Pre-K Readiness: Social skills and the developmental stages of writing, hand skills, and crayon grip Drawing: Mat Man®, shapes, music, and demonstration Break Alphabet Knowledge: Hands-on materials, My First School Book, capital and lowercase letter recognition C olors and Coloring: Crayon skills, developmental progression from scribbling to coloring and drawing P re-Writing: Wood Piece Play for capitals, multisensory activities for capitals W riting: Developmental teaching order, trace capitals, write names, number skills, and formation Review and Resources: Review what you have learned, check readiness, additional resources for continued learning 12:00 p.m. Adjourn: Certificate of Attendance for 3.5 Contact Hours  Download and share workshop schedules and objectives at “The workshop was excellent. 39 Finally, specific and practical strategies that my students actually LOVE learning!” | 888.952.4968

Pre-K Professional DevelopmentPRE-K LITERACY & MATHHalf Day, Afternoon Session | 3.5 Contact HoursWorkshop ObjectivesAt the end of the workshop, you will be able to:• Demonstrate developmentally appropriate activities for early number, shape, pattern, and math awareness• Demonstrate developmentally appropriate activities for beginning sound, language, letter, word, and literacy skills• Recognize ways to incorporate multisensory, hands-on materials, discovery play, and explicit child-friendly teaching in the Pre-K environment• Locate implementation strategies for differentiated instruction, including adaptations for English language learners and advanced learners• Identify how sensory motor and social-emotional activities are embedded within our math and literacy programsDISTING WINNERVEMENT FREE PRODUCTS: aep Winner! Pre-K Language & Literacy Program A $100 Value! UISHED ACHIEDISTIN FINALIST EMENT Finalist! Pre-K Numbers & Math Program aep GUISHED ACHIEV 40 Professional Development

Only $215 when you register early! Workshop Schedule 1:00 p.m. Registration 1:30 p.m. P re-K Discovery: The importance of self-directed discovery and explicit instruction and how they apply to playful learning Developmental Scope and Sequence of Pre-K Math and Literacy: Developmental way of teaching to address different learning styles P re-K Number and Math Skills: Multisensory activities and materials to teach children number concepts, geometry, patterns/algebra, numbers and operations, data representation, problem solving, and measurement Break: Snack and beverage served P re-K Language and Literacy Skills: Multisensory activities and materials that teach children alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, comprehension, writing, and concepts about print Check Readiness Apply What You’ve Learned: How to implement materials and strategies in your Pre-K environment 5:00 p.m. Adjourn: Certificate of Attendance for 3.5 Contact Hours Download and share workshop schedules and objectives at “Never thought math could be so fun! My students are noticeably more engaged and interested with the new activities and materials I am now implementing in my classroom.” | 888.952.4968 41

K–5 Professional DevelopmentK–5 HANDWRITINGFull Day | 6.5 Contact HoursWorkshop Objectives DISTING WINNERVEMENTAt the end of the workshop, you will be able to: aep• Identify the importance of incorporating the handwriting process, UISHED ACHIE the stages of learning, and active teaching into a handwriting lesson Winner!• Model essential foundation skills prior to paper and pencil, including Teaching readiness, directionality, positional concepts, and correct pencil grip Resources &• Discuss how effective handwriting lessons include developmental Learning Aids and multisensory teaching strategies• Distinguish between our two handwriting assessments, the Screener of Handwriting Proficiency and The Print Tool, to evaluate students’ handwriting abilities• Describe common handwriting problems and apply simple, effective remediation techniques• Review the importance of teaching handwriting using current research, the Common Core State Standards, and other standards FREE PRODUCTS: A $175 Value! 42 Professional Development

Only $270 when you register early! Workshop Schedule 8:00 a.m. Registration: Coffee and pastries 8:30 a.m. Getting Started: Handwriting in today’s world, handwriting and the Common Core State Standards, Handwriting Without Tears® philosophies and principles F oundation Skills: Posture, paper and pencil skills, size, shape and position concepts, preparing for handwriting B reak Printing Capitals and Numbers: Preventing and correcting reversals, teaching strategies, looking out for lefties Multisensory Learning: Music and movement, Wet-Dry-Try, Mystery Letters, Door Tracing, Digital Teaching Tools 12:00 p.m. Lunch on Your Own 1:00 p.m. Printing Lowercase Letters: Teaching method and sequence, line generalization, word and sentence skills, promoting speed and fluency Break: Snack and beverage served Cursive Writing: Cursive style, understanding connections, multisensory lessons, building fluency with Review & Mastery Resources: Using the teaching guidelines, Handwriting All Year, online resources, remediation Extra: Special needs, assessment, handwriting standards, Q&A 4:30 p.m. Adjourn: Certificate of Attendance for 6.5 Contact Hours Download and share workshop schedules and objectives at “I implemented a new reversal activity I learned that same week. A student who struggled with letters b and d told me, ‘That was easy! Why didn’t you teach me this before?’ I was ecstatic.” | 888.952.4968 43

Professional DevelopmentPre-K & K–5 Handwriting Workshops ScheduleView a complete list of cities and dates available at Readiness & Writing (Day 1, Half Day, Morning)Early Bird Price: $215 | 3.5 Continuing Ed Contact HoursPre-K Literacy & Math (Day 1, Half Day, Afternoon)Early Bird Price: $215 | 3.5 Continuing Ed Contact HoursK–5 Handwriting Workshop (Day 2, Full Day)Early Bird Price: $270 | 6.5 Continuing Ed Contact HoursALABAMA FLORIDA MAINEMobile Jacksonville Portland April 6-7 November 10–11 September 29–30 Miami April 13–14ARIZONA September 22–23Little Rock March 23–24 MARYLAND February 2–3 Orlando BaltimorePhoenix August 11–12 November 17–18 October 20–21 January 26–27 March 2–3 MASSACHUSETTS GEORGIA BostonCALIFORNIA Atlanta September 15–16Anaheim September 8–9 November 12–13* August 11–12 November 17–18 February 16–17 October 13–14 March 9–10 February 23–24 MICHIGANLos Angeles IDAHO Detroit December 1–2 Boise February 23–24 April 6–7 September 29–30 Grand RapidsOakland October 6–7 ILLINOIS October 20–21San Diego Chicago March 23–24 September 29–30 MINNESOTASan Francisco December 1–2 Minneapolis January 26–27 March 9–10 September 8–9San Jose November 17–18 April 27–28 INDIANA March 23–24 IndianapolisCOLORADO September 22–23 MISSOURIDenver April 6–7 Kansas City September 15–16 October 27–28 November 17–18 IOWA April 13–14 February 9–10 Des Moines St. Louis October 6–7 January 26–27DISTRICT OFCOLUMBIA KANSAS NEW JERSEYWashington Wichita Princeton September 22–23 September 15–16 October 13–14 April 6–7 April 27–28 LOUISIANA New Orleans October 13–14 March 23–24 44 Professional Development

Professional DevelopmentNEW YORK TENNESSEE CANADALong Island Memphis Calgary November 3– 4 August 18–19 April 20– 21New York City March 2–3 Edmonton August 25–26 Nashville October 20–21 October 8–9* October 27–28 February 2– 3 December 3–4* Toronto March 2–3 TEXAS October 27–28 Austin February 16–17NORTH CAROLINA October 13–14 VancouverCharlotte February 9–10 April 20–21 November 3– 4 Dallas/Fort Worth Winnipeg April 20–21 November 3–4 September 29 –30Raleigh February 23–24 March 9 –10 February 2–3 Houston September 8–9 *Mid- week workshopOHIO November 10–11Cleveland April 13–14 See page 47 November 3– 4 San Antonio for workshop April 27–28 September 22–23 locations and datesColumbus April 27–28 for our K–5 September 8–9 February 9–10 WASHINGTON Keyboarding Seattle Workshop!OKLAHOMA September 15–16Oklahoma City November 10–11 October 20–21 March 9–10 SpokaneTulsa October 6–7 February 16–17 WISCONSINOREGON MadisonPortland October 6–7 October 27–28 Milwaukee March 2–3 April 13–14PENNSYLVANIAPhiladelphia/King of Prussia October 20–21 February 23–24Pittsburgh April 20–214 Ways to Save!1. Save an extra $20 when you register online with promo code FALL17.2. S ign up 30+ days in advance for early bird pricing.3. Receive group discounts with 5+ registrations.4. Attend more than one workshop in the same weekend for MORE discounts!Register and save at | 888.952.4968 45

K–5 Professional DevelopmentK–5 KEYBOARDING & DIGITAL CITIZENSHIPThis is an interactive Bring Your Own Laptop (BYOL) workshop!Half Day | 4.5 Contact HoursWorkshop ObjectivesAt the end of the workshop, you will be able to:• Learn the developmental progression of keyboarding skills to ensure Best elementary student success Instructional Solution• Review student lessons and learn how to add them into your teaching and computer-based testing prep• Maximize educator resources to foster success: lesson previews, reports, and digital citizenship lessons• Use student progress reports to help students meet grade-level benchmarks• Understand and share research and standards to support keyboarding and academic successRegister for the next workshop at FREE PRODUCTS: A $120 Value!Includes 12 Keyboarding Without Tears® licenses (2 licenses per grade, K–5) 46 Professional Development

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