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Home Explore Vets2Home Client leaflet

Vets2Home Client leaflet

Published by clpets, 2017-10-31 16:49:28

Description: Vets2Home Client leaflet


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Funeral Arrangements for Your Pet Details for the arrangement of the cremation or burial service for your pet through Chestnut Lodge, an independently inspected and approved member of The Association of Private Pet Cemeteries and Crematoria Setting the Standards for the Respectful Cremation and Burial of Companion Animals

Funeral Arrangements for Your Pet A Message from Stephen Mayles, Senior Partner at Chestnut Lodge Pet Crematorium and Pet Cemetery Please accept our sympathy and condolences on your loss. To help you through thenext stage this leaflet is intended to guide you towards a decision on the service youwould like for your pet. Vets2Home are committed to ensuring youreceive the best care possible. You have ourguarantee that your pet’s funeral will be carried outto the highest standards and your pet will behandled with dignity and respect at every stage.Ultimately, I hope you will receive peace of mind inthe knowledge that your pet has been given thefuneral you wanted. An Important Message Firstly I should make it clear that you are notcompelled to use our facilities and you may makeyour own arrangements. Please ensure your mind isclear before making your decision and do not rushinto anything while still in a state of shock anddistress. Having said that, I sincerely hope this information will convince you thatChestnut Lodge will provide the very best service for your pet. Chestnut Lodge is a member of the Association of Private Pet Cemeteries andCrematoria (APPCC) and has been independently inspected and approved under theirstrict Consumer Code and Ethical Code of Practice. We are a complete service in thatwe can fulfil any wishes from individual cremation, formal burial, green burial orcommunal cremation. You may attend the cremation if you wish and take your pet’sashes home the same day or, if you prefer, arrange everything through Vets2Home. With all services we work as if you are standing next to us at all times, whether you are or not. Vets2Home will provide you with our leaflet describing all your choices.

Your Pet ..... Your Service ..... Your Decision You may make arrangements through Vets2Home in which case they will pass yourdetails to us. We may need to contact you to clarify some information as it is importantthat we have your exact wishes. If you have already decided on the type of service you want then your billing will bethrough Vets2Home. If you are unsure of the exact details then Vets2Home will invoiceyou for the simplest option and you may discuss any other arrangements and pay anybalance due with ourselves. Vets2Home will take your pet back to their own office and hold in suitable storageuntil we make a free collection, normally on Tuesdays and Fridays. You may request animmediate collection which will involve an additional fee of £60. You are free to make arrangements directly with us. We can collect from your home or you can bring your pet directly to us. The choice is yours. Please feel free to ask us any questions as it is important to us all that you are getting the service you want for your pet. Whichever cremation or burial service you choose you can be sure your pet will be handled with the care and respect you would want for any member of your family. Stephen Mayles Chestnut Lodge Chestnut Lodge Pet Crematorium and Pet Cemetery Exceptional Care for You and Your Pets Open 7 days a week Chestnut Lodge, Furnace Farm Road Felbridge, East Grinstead RH19 2PU 01342 712976 [email protected] Telephone enquires from 8am daily. Please leave a message if we are unable to pick up.

Pet Cremation and Burial Services : (from the Association ofPrivate Pet Cemeteries and Crematoria Code of Practice)Individual Burial: Pets will be buried in a caring, respectful and dignifiedmanner in a designated plot at a pet cemetery. Plots must be marked in some form andclients must be made aware of their pet’s final resting place and be granted access to it.Individual Cremation: Pets are cremated alone within an enclosed chamberwith all ashes being scrupulously collected prior to any other cremations taking place.Communal Cremation: Two or more pets are cremated together with noseparation of ashes. All the ashes are buried or scattered in authorised memorial gardens,or natural areas. Clients must be made aware of – and be able to visit – their pet’s finalresting place. Note: the APPCC definition for communal cremation should not be confused withoutside parties’ use of the term which may result in animals being handled in anundignified manner and ashes being taken to landfill sites. Even if the ashes are buried inthe grounds of a pet cemetery, the service should still be described as a disposal, if there isno guarantee of respectful and dignified handling of pets. Brighton 01273 842115 Haywards Heath 01444 420070 Worthing 01903 550220 Eastbourne 01323 660220 Crawley 01293 230221 Horsham 01403 390121 Redhill 01737 390121 Tunbridge Wells 01892 440191

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