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Grade 2 Student Edition - Volume II

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Spots forCOREBCUOILTMfoMrtOheNM.A.T.H. 37 + 32 = 69 +2 67 69 +32 +3037Spots for M.A.T.H. ∙ Second Grade Math Book ∙ Student Edition ∙ Volume II Published by Spots Educational Resources, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Spots for M.A.T.H. Second Grade Mathbook Student Edition Volume lICopyright © 2018 by Nechemia & Sarah G. Weiss, Spots Educational Resources. All Rights Reserved. Published in the United States by Spots Educational Resources, Brooklyn, N.Y. Program Authors: Nechemia Weiss, M.S. Ed., SpEd., Childhood Education Teacher, (Grades 1-6), Brooklyn, N.Y. Sarah G. Weiss, Math Specialist, Brooklyn, N.Y. Senior Reviewer:Brenda Strassfeld, Ph.D. Chair of Mathematics Education Program, Graduate School of Education, Touro College, New York, N.Y. Consulting Reviewers:Basi Blumberg, M.S., Ed. Math Curriculum Specialist, Queens ,N.Y.Sara C. Mizrahi, B.A. Teacher Reviewers: Teacher’s Certification, Yavne Teachers’ College, Cleveland, OH. Editorial and Design Services: Summer Street Content, LLC. Westport, CT. Art Design : William McAllisterArt Credits: © Art Explosion® 800,000 Clip Art by Nova Development / Royalty-Free w ShutterstockCommon Core State Standards for Mathematics: © Copyright 2010 National GovernorsAssociation Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.This product is not sponsored or endorsed by the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics initiativeof the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Council of Chief StateSchool Officers (CCSSO).Special thanks to the many teachers, students, parents, principals, writers and work-study students whoparticipated in the Spots for MATH project development over the years.This publication, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form by photographic, electrostatic,mechanical, or any other method, for any use, including information storage and retrieval, without writtenpermission from the publisher.Spots for Mathematical Abilities & Thinking Habits is a registered trademark of Spots Educational Resources.Dot Cards included herein are protected with the following United States Patents. D621,878 S as a Mathemati-cal Educational Set, and D757,175 S as a Educational Set of Cards for Addition and Subtraction.Publisher: Spots Educational Resources 1217 55 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219Phone: (718) 306-9898 w Fax: (718) 350-8876 w Email: [email protected] w www.spotsmath.comISBN: 978-0-98931​68-3-51 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 22 21 20 19 18Printed in the U.S.A

5Chapter Three-Digit Numbers Lesson 1 Exploring One Hundred .................................................................................... 3Lesson 2 Numbers to 200.................................................................................................... 5Lesson 3 The Base-Hundred Numbers.............................................................................. 7 Lesson 4 Place Value in Three-Digit Numbers................................................................. 9 Lesson 5 Practice: Place Value in Three-Digit Numbers..............................................11Lesson 6 Reading and Writing Three-Digit Numbers..................................................13Lesson 7 Expanded Form..................................................................................................15Lesson 8 Comparing Numbers.........................................................................................17Lesson 9 Greatest and Least.............................................................................................19Lesson 10 Counting to 1,000 by Ones...............................................................................21Lesson 11 Practice: Counting to 1,000 .............................................................................23Lesson 12 Counting to the next 100..................................................................................25Lesson 13 Skip-Count by 100s............................................................................................27 Lesson 14 100 More, 100 Less.............................................................................................29 Lesson 15 Skip-Count by Tens............................................................................................31Lesson 16 10 More, 10 Less.................................................................................................33Lesson 17 Skip-Count by Fives...........................................................................................35Lesson 18 End-of-Chapter Review.....................................................................................37Lesson 19 Cumulative Review............................................................................................39 i

6Chapter Addition and Subtraction with Three-Digit Numbers Lesson 1 Addition with Three-Digit Numbers ............................................................. 43Lesson 2 Drawing to Add..................................................................................................45Lesson 3 Three-Digit Addition: Regrouping Ones........................................................47Lesson 4 Adding Tens; Sums Above 100........................................................................49 Lesson 5 Three-Digit Addition: Regrouping Tens.........................................................51Lesson 6 Three-Digit Addition: Regrouping Tens and Ones.......................................53Lesson 7 Practice: Three-Digit Addition.........................................................................55Lesson 8 Adding Four Two-Digit Numbers....................................................................57Lesson 9 Subtraction with Three-Digit Numbers.........................................................59Lesson 10 Drawing to Subtract..........................................................................................61Lesson 11 Three-Digit Subtraction: Regrouping Tens ..................................................63Lesson 12 Subtracting from 100........................................................................................65Lesson 13 Three-Digit Subtraction: Regrouping Hundreds.........................................67Lesson 14 Three-Digit Subtraction: Regrouping Tens and Hundreds........................69Lesson 15 Three-Digit Subtraction: Regrouping Tens and Hundreds with 0 in the Tens Place.................................................................................71Lesson 16 Practice: Three-Digit Subtraction....................................................................73Lesson 17 End-of-Chapter Review.....................................................................................75Lesson 18 Cumulative Review............................................................................................77 ii

Xxx7Chapter Measurement Lesson 1 Measure in Inches ............................................................................................ 81Lesson 2 Estimate in Inches..............................................................................................83Lesson 3 Measure in Feet and Yards................................................................................85Lesson 4 Estimate in Feet..................................................................................................87 Lesson 5 Measure in Two Ways.........................................................................................89Lesson 6 Measure in Centimeters....................................................................................91Lesson 7 Estimate in Centimeters....................................................................................93Lesson 8 Measure in Meters..............................................................................................95Lesson 9 Estimate in Meters.............................................................................................97Lesson 10 Measure in Two Ways.........................................................................................99Lesson 11 Subtracting to Compare ................................................................................101Lesson 12 Subtracting to Compare Mentally................................................................103Lesson 13 Problem Solving: Subtracting to Compare................................................105Lesson 14 End-of-Chapter Review...................................................................................107Lesson 15 Cumulative Review..........................................................................................109 iii

8Chapter Time Lesson 1 O’clock .............................................................................................................. 113Lesson 2 Half Hour............................................................................................................115Lesson 3 30 Minutes: Before and After.........................................................................117Lesson 4 Time to the Five Minutes................................................................................119 Lesson 5 Practice: Time to the Five Minutes................................................................121Lesson 6 Quarter After, Quarter to................................................................................123Lesson 7 AM and PM........................................................................................................125Lesson 8 End-of-Chapter Review...................................................................................127iv

9Chapter Geometry and Fractions Polygons .......................................................................................................... 131Lesson 1 Halves, Thirds, Fourths....................................................................................133Lesson 2 Practice: Equal Parts; Halves, Thirds, Fourths.............................................135Lesson 3 Arrays..................................................................................................................137Lesson 4 Partitioning a Rectangle.................................................................................139Lesson 5 Equal Shares can Look Different...................................................................141Lesson 6 End-of-Chapter Review...................................................................................143Lesson 7 v

10Chapter Data Displays Lesson 1 Line Plots .......................................................................................................... 147Lesson 2 Tally Charts........................................................................................................149Lesson 3 Reading Picture Graphs..................................................................................151Lesson 4 Constructing Picture Graphs..........................................................................153 Lesson 5 Reading Bar Graphs.........................................................................................155Lesson 6 Constructing Bar Graphs................................................................................157Lesson 7 Problem Solving: Using Data Displays.........................................................159Lesson 8 End-of-Chapter Review ..................................................................................161Lesson 9 Cumulative Review I........................................................................................163Lesson 10 Cumulative Review II.......................................................................................165 vi

XxxXxx CHAPTER Three-Digit5 NumbersChapter 5 Lesson CCSS1.0A.1 Xxx. 1


We use: We use: Exploring One HundXrexdx We use:to represent ones. to represent tens. to represent hundreds.We can use 10 smaller models to make 1 larger model.10 ones = 1 ten = 10 10 tens = 1 hundred = 1001. Circle 10 groups of ten to show 1 hundred. tens = hundred =Chapter 5 Lesson 1 2.NBT.1.a 3

1. Circle 10 groups of ten to show 1 hundred. tens = hundred =4

Numbers to 200Write the number shown by the models. Then write the number name. 1. 2. 3.Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens OnesNumber: Number: Number:one hundred one one hundred two one hundred three4. 5. 6.Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens OnesNumber: Number: Number:one hundred four one hundred five one hundred six7. 8. 9.Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens OnesNumber: Number: Number:one hundred seven one hundred eight one hundred nineChapter 5 Lesson 2 2.NBT.1 5

Write the number shown by the models. Then write the number name. 1. 2. 3.Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens OnesNumber: Number: Number:one hundred ten one hundred twenty one hundred thirty4. 5. 6.Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens OnesNumber: Number: Number:one hundred forty one hundred fifty one hundred sixty7. 8. 9.Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens OnesNumber: Number: Number:one hundred seventy one hundred eighty one hundred ninety6

The Base-Hundred NumbersWrite the number shown by the models. Then write the number name. 1. 2. 3.Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens OnesNumber: Number: Number:one hundred two hundred three hundred4. 5.Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens OnesNumber: Number: 7four hundred five hundredChapter 5 Lesson 3 2.NBT.1.b

Write the number shown by the models. Then write the number name. 1. 2.Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens OnesNumber: Number:six hundred seven hundred3. 4.Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens OnesNumber: Number:eight hundred nine hundred8

Place Value in Three-Digit Numbers We write the number name for a three-digit number by naming the hundreds first. Then we name the tens and ones together.For example, the number name for 542 is five hundred forty-two.Write the number shown by the models. Then write the number name. 1. 2.Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens Ones Number:205Number: Number name:Number name: 4.Two hundred five3. Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens OnesNumber: Number: 9Number name: Number name:Chapter 5 Lesson 4 2.NBT.1

Write the number shown by the models. Then write the number name. 1. 2. Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens OnesNumber: Number:Number name: Number name:3. 4. Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens OnesNumber: Number:Number name: Number name:Make a simple math drawing to show the number.5. 125 6. 32510

Practice: Place Value in Three-Digit Numbers 123 213 321The 1 in 123 is in the The 1 in 213 is in the The 1 in 321 is in the hundreds place. tens place. ones place. The value of the 1 The value of the The value of the is one hundred. 1 is ten. 1 is one.Circle the number that shows how many:hundreds tens ones1. 264 6. 523 11. 7242. 457 7. 946 12. 8213. 829 8. 186 13. 6374. 530 9. 342 14. 2495. 618 10. 270 15. 364Circle the value of the digit that is underlined.16. 427 17. 506 18. 368 19. 635 two five eight six twenty fifty eighty sixty two hundred five hundred eight hundred six hundred20. 807 21. 518 22. 290 23. 110seven one nine oneseventy ten ninety tenseven hundred one hundred nine hundred one hundredChapter 5 Lesson 5 2.NBT.6 11

Write how many. 2. 674 1. 529Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens Ones3. 490 4. 807Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens OnesCircle the correct number. 6. 5. 234 243 342 235 325 3527. 8. 405 504 540 341 413 43112

Reading and Writing 3-Digit NumbersCircle the correct number name. Then write the number using digits. 1. 2. four hundred twenty-six two hundred thirty-five four hundred sixty-two three hundred twenty-five six hundred twenty-four three hundred fifty-two The number is The number is3. hundred thirty-four two hundred sixthree hundred fourteen two hundred sixteenthree hundred forty-one two hundred sixty The number is The number isWrite the number using digits. 6. five hundred seventy-four Number: 5. eight hundred nine Number: 8. nine hundred eighty Number: 7. six hundred twelve CCSS2.MD.7 13 Number:Chapter 5 Lesson 6

Circle the correct number name. 2. 9151. 521 nine hundred five nine hundred fifteen one hundred twenty-five nine hundred fifty five hundred twelve five hundred twenty-one3. 607 4. 548six hundred seven five hundred forty-eightsix hundred seventeen five hundred eighty-foursix hundred seventy eight hundred forty-fiveWrite the number name for each number.5. 189 6. 8117. 8. 508 420LET’S WRITE!What is the job of the 0 in the number 106?14

Expanded FormTo write three-digit numbers in expanded form,we write the hundreds plus the tens plus the ones. The expanded form of 358 is 300 + 50 + 8.Write the number in expanded form. 1. 2. 263 = + + 415 = + +3. 4.532 = + + 328 = + +Chapter 5 Lesson 7 CCSS2.NBT.3 15

Write True or False. 2.1. 579 = 500 + 90 + 7236 = 200 + 30 + 6 4.3. 817 = 800 + 10 + 7495 = 500 + 90 + 4 6.5. 132 = 100 + 20 + 3720 = 700 + 20 8.7. 603 = 600 + 3941 = 900 + 10 + 4 10.Complete the expanded form. 806 = 800 +9. + 12. 628 = 600 + = 700 + 40 + 111. + 80 + 14. 483 = 655 = + +13. + 519 = 500 +Write the number in expanded form.15. 16. 254 = 493 =17. 18. 838 = 702 =19. 20. 660 = 317 =16

Comparing NumbersTo compare three-digit numbers, first compare the hundreds.If the hundreds are the same, compare the tens.If the tens are the same, compare the ones.If all three digits are the same, the numbers are equal.279 > 258 258 < 279 279 is greater than 258. 258 is less than 279.Write how much. Compare. Write >, <, or =. 1.2. Circle the correct word. 4. greater than 426 3. greater than 705 479 is l e ss than 932627 is le ss than equal to 17 equal to 6. greater than 5. greater than 822 937 is l eeq ssuathl aton822 is lee qssuathl aton CCSS2.NBT.4 Chapter 5 Lesson 8

Compare. Write >, <, or =.1. 2. 3. 712 372 264 753 847 6824. 5. 6. 287 296 387 375 426 4327. 8. 9. 632 632 936 932 827 846Write the value of each group of coins. Compare. Write >, <, or =.10. ¢¢11. ¢¢Write two ways to compare the numbers. 195 19112. 729 732 greater than . is greater than . is less than . is less than .18

Greatest and LeastCircle the number that is the greatest in each set.1. 268 2. 347 3. 425 4. 692257 251 432 688262 340 427 5955. 546 6. 730 7. 299 8. 966 535 713 302 963 543 731 295 968Circle the number that is the least in each set.9. 467 10. 238 11. 809 12. 645 756458 149 814 752460 135 821 16. 233 12913. 397 14. 586 15. 671 236 403 583 682 392 590 676Chapter 5 Lesson 9 CCSS2.NTB.4 19

Fill in the correct symbol (>, <, or =). Write the number sentence in words.1. 264 2. 437 372 548372 is greater than 2643. 724 4. 542 618 5365. 792 6. 827 784 842Fill in the numbers to make the number sentence true.7. 465 269 8. 348 532 9. 617 725 904 >< >10. 375 357 11. 849 853 12. 940 >< <Write a number to make each number sentence true.13. 14. 15. 684 > > 354 < 473LET’S WRITE!How do you decide which of three numbers is the greatest?20

Counting to 1,000 by OnesWhen we count to 1,000, the digits in the ones place and in the tensplace repeat themselves. Only the digits in the hundreds place change. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 24 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 25 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 26 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 27 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 28 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 29 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 1001. Fill in the missing numbers.2. In the chart below, color in all the numbers that have 0 tens.101 102 103 105 106 107 108 109 110111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120121 122 124 125 126 127 128 129 130131 132 133 134 135 137 138 139 140141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 150151 152 153 154 155 156 157 159 160161 162 163 164 166 167 168 169 170171 172 173 174 175 176 178 179 180181 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200Chapter 5 Lesson 10 CCSS2.NBT.2 21

1. Fill in the missing numbers.2. In the chart below, color all numbers that have 0 ones.501 502 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 512 513 514 515 516 518 519 520521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 530531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540541 542 543 545 546 547 548 549 550 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569571 572 573 574 575 576 577 579 580581 582 583 584 586 587 588 589 590591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 6003. Fill in the missing numbers on the number line. 527 529 5344. Circle the point that shows 549. 560 C 570 540 A 550 BWrite the number that comes just before and just after. 5. 6. 7. 572 539 52022

Practice: Counting to 1,0001. Fill in the missing numbers.2. In the chart below, color all numbers that have 5 ones.901 902 903 905 906 907 908 909 910911 912 913 914 915 916 918 919 920921 923 924 925 926 927 928 929931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 940941 942 944 945 946 947 948 949 950951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 960961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980981 982 983 984 986 987 988 989 990991 992 993 994 995 996 997 999 1,0003. Fill in the missing numbers on the number line. 927 931 9344. Circle the point that shows 940.919 A 929 939 B C 949Write the numbers that come just before and just after. 5. 6. 7. 969 959 920Chapter 5 Lesson 11 2.NBT.2 23

Fill in the missing numbers on the number line. 1.373 375 3782. 674 681 672 3. 415 408 411 280 C 2904. Circle the point that shows 287.260 A 270 B5. Circle the point that shows 523. 500 510 A B 520 C 5306. Circle the point that shows 739.730 A B 740 C 750 760Write the numbers that come just before and just after. 279 7. 8. 9. 450 73724

Complete the table. Counting to the Next Hundred1. 481 482 483 485 486 487 488 489 490491 492 493 495 496 497 498 4992. 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 6993. 967 968 969 970 961 962 963 964 965971 972 973 974 975 977 978 979 980981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 1000Fill in the missing numbers on the number line. 6004. 592 5975. 791 794 7976. 97 101 94Chapter 5 Lesson 12 2.NBT.2 25

Complete the table.1. 371 374 375 376 377 378 379 380381 382 383 386 387 388 389 390391 392 393 394 395 396 399 4002. 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770771 773 774 775 776 777 778781 782 783 785 786 787 788 789 790791 792 793 795 796 797 798 799 8003. 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280281 282 283 284 285 287 288 289 290291 292 294 295 296 297 299 300301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318Fill in the missing numbers on the number line.4. 692 694 6975. 396 502 394 6. 297 301 30526

Skip-Count by 100sCount by hundreds. Write how many. 1. 2.Chapter 5 Lesson 13 2.NBT.2 27

Count by hundreds. Fill in the numbers.1. 336, 436, 536, 636 , 736 , 8362. 247, 347, 447, , ,3. 159, 259, 359, , ,4. 472, 572, 672, , ,5. 93, 193, 293, , ,Count by hundreds. Fill in the numbers. 600 800 725 6. 981 300 C7. 425 225 9538. 681Circle the point that shows 467. 9. 367 A 567 B 767Circle the point that shows 653.10. 353 A 553 B 753 C 28

100 More, 100 Less100 less than 314 is 214. 100 more than 314 is 414. 314 – 100 = 214 314 + 100 = 414Draw to show 100 more. Write the number that is 100 more. 534Complete the number sentence. +100 1. 634100 more than 534 is 634 . 132 +100 2.100 more than 132 is . 3. 458 +1 0 0100 more than 458 is .Chapter 5 Lesson 14 2.NBT.2 29

Cross off to show 100 less. Write the number that is 100 less. 315Complete the number sentence. –100 1.100 less than 315 is . 2. 243100 less than 243 is . –100 3. 516 –100100 less than 516 is .Write the number that is 100 more. 6. 488, 4. 5. , 264 772, 557, 13. 7 9 2Write the number that is 100 less. –1007. 8. 9. ,882 , 659Add or subtract.10. 6 7 5 11. 5 8 9 12. 8 4 3 +100 –100 +10030

Skip-Count by TensCount by tens. Write how many. 2. 1.Chapter 5 Lesson 15 2.NBT.2 31

Count by tens. Fill in the numbers.1. 618, 628, 638, 648 , 658 , 6682. 583, 593, 603, , ,3. 704, 714, 724, , ,4. 366, 376, 386, , ,5. 862, 872, 882, , ,Count by tens. Fill in the number line. 270 290 579 6. 905 2407. 549 5298. 885 895Circle the point that shows 482. 9. 432 A 452 B 472 C 492Circle the point that shows 526.10. 516 A 536 B 556 C 576 32

10 More, 10 Less 10 less than 245 is 235. 10 more than 245 is 255. 245 – 10 = 235 245 + 10 = 255Draw to show 10 more. Write the number that is 10 more. 324Complete the number sentence. + 10 1. 334 10 more than 324 is 334 . 162 2. + 10 10 more than 162 is .3. 458 + 10 10 more than 458 is .Chapter 5 Lesson 16 2.NBT.8 33

Cross off to show 10 less. Write the number that is 10 less. 341Complete the number sentence. – 101. 10 less than 341 is .2. 4 2 2 – 10 10 less than 422 is .3. 252 – 10 10 less than 252 is .Write the number that is 10 more.4. 584, 5. 106, 6. 735,Write the number that is 10 less.7. , 924 8. , 783 9. , 618Add or subtract.10. 4 3 7 11. 1 9 5 12. 7 6 0 13. 9 5 4 + 10 – 10 + 10 – 1034

1. Count by fives. Complete the table. Skip-Count by Fives 105 110Count by fives. Fill in the numbers. 2. 235, 240, 245, 250 , 255 , 2603. 415, 420, 425, , ,4. 205, 210, 215, , ,5. 65, 70, 75, , ,6. 675, 680, 685, , ,Chapter 5 Lesson 17 2.NBT.2 35

Count by fives. Fill in the number line. 350 360 1. 520 710 335 C 3452. 505 4953. 695 6854. Circle the point that shows 325. 315 320 A 330 B5. Circle the point that shows 675. 645 A 655 660 B 670 C6. Circle the point that shows 900.885 A 895 B 905 C 915Let’s Review! +6Fill in the number line. Add. 38 7. 38 + 6 = 36

End-of-Chapter ReviewWrite the number shown by the models. 1. 2. Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens OnesNumber: Number:Number Name: Number Name:Write the number in expanded form.3. 4. + + 546397 = + + 806 =Compare. Write >, <, or =.5. 6. 7. 632 704 831 829 543Circle the number that is the least. Underline the numberthat is the greatest.8. 9. 10. 11. 728 472 670 803 830733 481 665 813731 464 668Chapter 5 Lesson 18 37

1. Fill in the missing numbers on the number line. 393384 388Write the numbers that come just before and just after.2. 3. 4. , 518, , 494, , 710,Count by hundreds. Fill in the numbers.5. 171, 271, 371, , ,6. 485, 585, 685, , ,Write the number that is 100 more and 100 less.7. 8. 9. , 728, , 193, , 802, , 789,Count by tens. Fill in the numbers.10. 809, 819, 829, , ,11. 268, 278, 288, , ,Write the number that is 10 more and 10 less.12. 13. 14. , 180, , 352,Count by fives. Fill in the numbers.15. 735, 740, 745, , ,16. 585, 590, 595, , ,38

Complete the number line. Fill in the sum. Cumulative Review1. 48 + 40 = + 40 482. 48 + 42 = +42 40 483. 48 + 43 = +43 4048Reorder and add to find the sum.4. 34 + 35 + 26Reorder: +++Add to find the value of 3 quarters. ++5. End-of-Chapter Review 39 25¢ + 25¢ + 25¢Chapter 5 Lesson 18

Do we have to regroup? Circle the correct sign.Subtract. Remember to start with the ones.1. 2. 3. 4. P 82 P 69 P 92 P 87 O –2 3 O –2 5 O –4 7 O –5 6Circle to show in which tens the difference will be. 90Complete the number line. Write the difference. –55. 9 0 – 4 = 70s 80s 90s 83Complete the number line. Write the difference.6. 8 3 –5Write the value of each group of coins.Compare. Write >, <, or =.7. ¢¢8. ¢¢ 40

XxxXxx CHAPTER Addition and Subtraction6 with Three-Digit NumbersChapter 5 Lesson CCSS1.0A.1 Xxx. 41


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