Springboard Biodiesel, LLC. Mission StatementSpringboard Biodiesel,LLC., incorporated in 2008, is a biodiesel equipment manufacturer thatis leading the way in developing a vibrant, small-scale biodiesel production industry. Thecompany has been enabling institutions, businesses, municipalities, farmers, cooperatives, andanyone who has access to vegetable or animal oils to convert that oil, 50 to 100 gallons at atime, into premium-grade biodiesel for an average cost of 95 cents per gallon(!) Currently,Springboard has a network of active customers that extends through 14 countries and intoall 50 states. The heart of this network is a patented device called The BioPro™. If you canoperate a washing machine, you can operate a BioPro™.
Finance Biodiesel Processors and Biodiesel Production EquipmentSpringboard Biodiesel, LLC is happy to provide our small business customers with competitive financingpackages, thereby making it easier and quicker to purchase and make a clean profit with a BioPro™biodiesel processor.In addition, we are proud to announce that we gaurantee financing for any accredited educationalinstitution or any municipality in the United States. This means, no money down. Pay by the month. Withthe ROI as positive as it is, a school or municipality would only need to make three batches per month in aBioPro™ 190 to easily account for that monthly payment in fuel savings earned.We understand the value of a well-structured, well-priced capital finance program. Therefore, inpartnership with Full Circle Finance, Inc., a premier provider of equipment financing in the United States,we're offering a variety of monthly payment plans.
BioPro™ Success Stories - Testimonials from BioPro™ OwnersSince 2008, Springboard Biodiesel has been enabling businesses to convert vegetable and animal oils intoASTM-grade biodiesel fuel. Notable customers include:• The FL. National Guard at Camp Blanding: Operates a BioPro™ 190<,/li>• Sara Lee Corporation: Operates a BioPro™ 190• Toyota, Inc. Manufacturing facility in Huntsville, AL works with AL. A&M’s BioPro™ 190• Honda Car Company works with the AL. Insitute of Deaf and Blind’s BioPro™ 380 and SpringPro™ T76• Federal Bureau of Prisons, MD, IL, and IN. Using BioPro™ 190, 380EX x 2 and a T76• The Brookfields Restaurants of Sacramento operate a BioPro™ 190• The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture: Using two (2) BioPro™ 380s• Petroleum Corp. of Jamaica operates a BioPro™ 190EX• Cotton, Inc. tests cottonseed oils in their BioPro™ 190• Alachua County, FL Using a BioPro™ 190 for Muni fleet• Daphne Alabama Utilities: BioPro 190• Sierra Nevada Brewery: Operates a BioPro™ 190• Petro Pontiac Using a BioPro™380EX to make and sell B-100• Burrough of Norwood, NJ: Using a BioPro™ 190 & SpringPro™ T76• Bentley Biofuels Using a BioPro™ 190EX• 72 US colleges and universities currently operating at least one BioPro™
Henry Smith, board member of Farm Fuels Inc.stands with FFI's BioPro™ 190EX. Farm Fuels is smallbusiness located in Watsonville, CA. that was startedby organic farmers. They are currently convertingmustard seed into biodiesel fuel and are looking toexpand their operation with the purchse of four moremustard seed presses. Check out their Indigogoproject.Dr. Ernst Cebert (left) and students from AlabamaA&M's Department of Biological and EnvironmentalServices have been working closely with the Toyotamanufacturing plant of Huntsville, AL. to make fuelfrom Toyota's cafeterias into ASTM grade biodieselwhich is then used in plant vehicles. Toyota's NorthAmerica 2013 Environmental report states, \"TheHuntsville plant delivers between 55 and 100 gallonsper month of used cooking oil to Alabama A&MUniversity, where the waste oil is converted tobiodiesel using a Springboard Biodiesel BioProTM 190unit. The unit is designed to produce ASTM-qualityfuel, and is about the size of a stand-up arcadegame.\" Watch this recent video on Toyota's \"closedloop biodiesel program\".
Contact Springboard Biodiesel Springboard Biodiesel, LLC 341 Huss Drive Chico, CA 95928 Phone: (530) 894-1793 Fax: (530) 894-1048Email: [email protected] http://www.springboardbiodiesel.com
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