Project is financed by the European Unionand is co-financed and implemented by UNDPCommunity Based Approach Issue#1 | 2015to Local Development Project News DigestWith CBA support a family with helped to evacuate. On the way 12 morespecial needs found shelter in people joined Oleksandr and his motherDonbas center for rehabilitation and together family went to Kramatorsk.of disabled people At first Oleksandr and Olga Ivanivna were settled in volunteers center, where theyOleksandr is a blind lawyer from Debalt- Oleksandr’s mother – Olga Ivanivna – received humanitarian aid and food. Forseve, together with his ill mother Olga has problems with her spine. the first time in 2 weeks they had a hotIvanivna lived for about 200 days on the Since July 2014 their native city was in meal and tea.line of armed conflict. Family lived in the area of armed conflict. After the New Having disabilities Oleksandr and hisconstant anxiety and waiting, without Year the situation got worth. On the mother were later settled in Donbaselectricity, water, heating, and food. Now Holliday of the Baptism of Christ there interregional center for rehabilitationthanks to EU/UNDP Project “Community was a bombarding, and one of the rock- of people with disabilities, where jointBased Approach to Local Development” ets struck the house where Oleksandr EU/UNDP CBA Project creates conditions(CBA) Oleksandr and Olga Ivanivna and his mother lived, just three win- for internally displaced people. Currentlyfound a shelter in Kramatorsk, in Don- dows away from their apartment. From in this premise goes the reconstruction ofbas center for rehabilitation of disabled the end of January 2015 there was no hot water supply system, of some rooms,people. Together they are getting used electricity, heating, and fuel in the city. bathrooms, and porch, also the eleva-to hot food, warm and normal calm life. Food delivery was very limited, so it was tor will be installed. Finally family foundBy education Oleksandr is a jurist and impossible to cook at all. People turned there comfortable living conditions.he was quit a well-known lawyer in to be on the edge of living. «We want to thank for help and for shel-Debaltseve. Ten years ago the man had Oleksandr and Olga Ivanivna had ter», said Oleksandr. «We would like toto quit civil service due to the disability some water which they managed to stay in the center as long as things stand– he had problems with his eyesight. save. Later they got some bread from now and we also want peace and to comeHe started his private lawyer practice. humanitarian aid. Two weeks the family back to our home to continue to work!». lived on sunflower oil, bread and honey. As for now Oleksandr implements his When the food was over they lived even professional skills in the center. There he without hot tea. Shops didn’t work in provides juridical consultations to people Debaltseve. The city nearly died off and with special needs. it was very dangerous to go out. The Implementation of the first phase of CBA temperature in Oleksandr’s apartment Project commenced in Donetsk region during was about 8 degrees above zero. There March 2009. First phase was succeeded by a was no heating or electricity at all. second phase in July 2011. Over these two When the living conditions became phases 135450 of men, women and children beyond all bearings Oleksandr called of the region have benefitted from improve- volunteers. At the beginning of February ment in 78 schools/kindergartens, 15 health- 2015 volunteer Oleg came to them and posts, 8 water supply, 8 street-lightning and so on. This happened through joint effort of the citizens, oblast/rayon/local level governments, CBA Project and the private sponsors. CBA News Digest | March 2015
EU/UNDP CBA Project supports SUPPORT TO IDPsrepairing buildings for IDPs accommodationBecause of unsafe situation in conflict zone, a lot of aggrieved internally displaced persons (IDPs) are looking for refuge in neighboringoblasts. Every day number of these people constantly increases. EU/UNDP Project “Community Based Approach to Local Develop-ment” (CBA) supports a number of micro projects in the regions that accept IDPs from the East to help them.Reconstruction works have already been completed in 4 places located in Kharkivska, Odeska and Zaporizka oblasts.Kharkivska oblast special needs (disabled people and disabled people in wheelchairs). In the house for elderly people new windows and doors will be installed, halls and additional bathrooms will be equipped accord- ingly, special handrails for the people with special needs will be installed in the corridors, halls, elevators, rampant will be constructed, also bathrooms will be equipped with stairlifts. After reconstruction 96 people will find shelter there. Zaporizka oblastChildren from eastern Ukraine were given the honor to cut the In Zaporizka oblast reconstruction works have been completedribbon officially opening the shelter in Kharkivska oblast located on 2 objects – in Novovasylivka of Pryazovsky rayon, and inin a newly renovated youth sports school in a sleepy town of Davydivka of Yakymivsky rayon. In Pryazovsky rayon a local clin-Balaklia. Around 60 IDP’s families with children will soon move into ic was partially reconstructed to provide shelter for internallythe rooms on the first floor where old windows and doors were displaced persons. A heating system was renovated, old doorsreplaced, the modern heating system was installed, bathrooms were replaced, and the water supply system was installed.and a rooms renovated. The first stage of the reconstruction was In village Davydivka were renovated premises of the territorialdone with a support of joint EU/UNDP Project“Community Based center for social services. Windows and doors were replaced.Approach to Local Development” and local authorities. The total It is expected that Novovasylivsky healthpost will host 58 IDPs,budget of the microproject is more than 450 thousand Hryvnya. and Davydivka will host more than 140 IDPs.Beside the reconstruction of youth sport school in Balaklia, EU/UNDPProject implements one more project in Kharkivska oblast – in village Odeska oblastKhorosheve of Kharkiv rayon for internally displaced people with With support of joint EU/UNDP Project “Com- munity Based Approach” and local authorities re- furbished boarding school premises for the needs of IDPs in Karolino-Bugaz, Odesa region, were officially opened. After all works are done this place will be a shelter for 128 people. CBA News Digest | March 2015
SUPPORT TO IDPsThanks to capital refurbishment of the boarding school in CBA Project together with local authorities creates all necessary conditions toKarolino-Bugaz, Ovidiopolskiy rayon, internally displaced support the most needy IDPs: mothers with children, people of old age andpersons will live in normal living conditions. Now the prem- disabled people. Reconstruction works now take place in Dnipropetrovska,ise has new doors and windows in the academic building, in Kharkivska, Poltavska, Zaporizka, Odeska, Donetska and Luhanskahostel and dining room. The total cost of the microproject is oblasts – CBA Project supports two micro projects in each with totalmore than UAH 1 million. cost of around half a million dollars (more than UAH 12 mln).Neal Walker, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDPResident Representative in Ukraine visited objectsfor IDPs in Donetsk and in Kharkiv oblasts ‘Today it is very important for us to cooperate with new partners and organizations that will be able to develop Ukraine in this hard time. Providing different types of support to Ukraine to make it stable and developed country is among the most important priori- ties for the UN. Now we have to react quickly to all processes and events, especially in Donbass region, to look for new ways provid- ing humanitarian aid as soon as possible. Also communities play a very important role in solving these kinds of problems’, highlighted Mr. Walker during his visit.During the visit to Donbas interregional center of professionalrehabilitation of disabled people Mr. Neal Walker, UN ResidentCoordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Ukraine, sawhow the project for IDPs accommodation is being implemented.He talked personally to IDPs living in the Center, and even tried People, who live in the Center, thanked UNDP for the help andbackings cooked by dwellers of the Center specially for him. stressed that such support is very important for them, and they hope that after reconstruction works their life will change for better. During his meeting with IDPs in Balakliya, Mr. Neal Walker also highlighted importance of cooperation between donors, local authority and local communities in these hard times. People, who found shelter in Balaklia thanked UN for moral and financial support, and for a chance to have normal living conditions. CBA News Digest | March 2015
Larysa together with children OPEN COLLAR MEETINGfound shelter in Balaklia Two bombs exploded in the garden justYoung woman Larysa is a mother «Nobody from my family expected that these in front of the house. When massiveof two children of 5 and 4 years old. things would happened», recalls Larysa. «In bomb attacks started in her native townDuring official opening of the school July 2014 shootings started in our village. Pervomaisk in Luhansk oblast, Larysain Balaklia, which was reconstructed For ten days I was hiding with children in the was evacuated together with childrenwith support of CBA Project and local cellar without electricity, water or gas, until by militaries. Volunteers supported theauthorities, the woman received keys children caught a cold». family. Leaving her home, work andfrom one of the rooms. Now she feels Larysa’s husband went to the shop to household Larysa finally found shel-secured about health and safety of buy some bread and didn’t come back. ter in Kharkivska oblast in Balakliyskyher children. rayon. Local people helped the family with food, clothes and kind words. Now Larysa temporary lives in a recon- structed premise of the sport school in Balaklia. There are all necessary living conditions for her and children. It is warm in the building thanks to new windows and heating system. There are equipped bathrooms and kitchen where people can cook food. «I want to thank EU/UNDP CBA Project for the support which is very important for us. We hope that our life will finally change for better», says Larysa. In her heart the woman sincerely wishes not to stay in the sport school room for a long time. She wants to go home with children, but it is still unsafe to return. Since 2008, the CBA project has been working in all regions of Ukraine. Improvement of social infrastructure provides benefits to 2.6 million people in over 2, 000 villages and communities.Now Ukrainian students learn about KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENTcommunities through business games communities and authorities, strategic Now Ukrainian students learn about planning and community organisa- communities and their cooperation with tion registration. During the practical authorities through business games. In part of the training students simulated partnership with universities EU/UNDP Local development forum. In form of Project “Community Based Approach” game students practiced in establish- initiated trainings for youth at Com- ing dialogue between communities and munity resource centers for sustainable authorities. development. Students and postgradu- Thanks to such trainings students learn ates of Zaporizky National University how to communicate with communi- were the first to cope with tasks during ties and also to motivate people and game training“registration of community authorities to address common issues. organisation”. Based on real examples of CBA part- CBA News Digest | March 2015 ner communities participants of the training learned about cooperation of
KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENTAnnual meeting of CBA partner Universities Network took placeAn annual Meeting for summarizing 20 universities to summarize the results sustainable development course andand planning of the Network of CBA of their work in 2014 and to develop a community field visits into their curricu-partner Universities took place in Rivne plan of activities for the year 2015. lum. Traditional activities like Students’oblast. In 2015 the event took place at During 2014 six universities opened debates, Summer school, Contest forNationalUniversity“OstrohAcademy”and resource centers, 13 universities included students’ research papers were alsogathered representatives of more than successfully held. In 2015 new partners joined the Net- work – National University “Odessa Law Academy”, Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Zhytomyr State Technological University and Sumy Institute of Banking of National Bank of Ukraine. Participants developed a plan of activities for 2015 and elected new Coordinator of the Network - Mrs. Inna Dudareva, lector of Zaporizky National University, PhD in Philosophy, associated professor of sociological department.CBA Project continues to cooperate with national associationsIn 2015 EU/UNDP Project “Community Based Approach” developed partnership with 2 more Ukrainian associations. Since now Projectwill implement joint initiatives with All Ukrainian Association of Village and Settlement Councils and with All Ukrainian CommunityOrganization “The Agricultural Service Cooperatives Union of Ukraine”.All Ukrainian Association All Ukrainian Community Ukrainian Association ofof Village and Settlement Organization “The Agricul- District and Rayon CouncilsCouncils tural Service Cooperatives (UADRC) Union of Ukraine”All Ukrainian Association of Village and Together with its steady partner - Ukrai-Settlement Councils (UAVSC) together EU/UNDP Project “Community Based nian Association of District and Rayonwith the Project will raise public aware- Approach” together with All Ukrainian Councils (UADRC) EU/UNDP Projectness about methodology and key results Community Organization “The Agri- “Community Based Approach” will tra-of CBA. It will also improve partnership cultural Service Cooperatives Union ditionally continue to implement jointwith heads of village and settlement of Ukraine” will raise public awareness activities.councils, and will help to protect rights about development of cooperative In 2015 the web-portal “Knowledgeand interests of communities. UAVSC movement and the role of agricultural Management Hub” will be further pro-will establish a special online distant service cooperatives in Ukraine. moted.learning training system for representa- Together with the Association an elec-tives of local self-governance. Jointly partners will support economic tronic Digest will be issued, and the development of rural territories in role of social media will be used exten-Together with UAVSC a special web- Ukraine. sively for promotion of UADRC and CBAplatform will be developed – Knowl- cooperation.edge Portal for local governance witha community based approach. UAVSC CBA News Digest | March 2015will also use a web-portal for discussionsand opinion collection to develop policyrecommendations accordingly.
CBA Project successfully launched URBAN DEVELOPMENTurban development component Success of the urban developmentStarting from this year joint EU/UNDP Project will promote best practices of component depends on the profes-Project “Community Based Approach” multi-apartment housing management. sional level of Project staff. In Novo-(CBA) will also address local develop- CBA will support the most proactive grad-Volynsky of Zhytomyrska oblast,ment issues in cities. Citizens of small associations of co-owners of multiapart- staff members of CBA Project’s Urbantowns will jointly implement modern ment building (ACMBs) to do the full Development Unit participated in aapproaches of urban governance based reconstruction of multi apartment build- professional training-seminar that wason the partnership of local commu- ings, raise their energy efficiency, use organized to improve the personnelnity organisations with self-governance resources effectively, implement innova- professional skills and qualification.bodies and CBA. Such partnership will tive technologies and raise public aware- CBA Project announced a call for ap-promote implementation of best practices ness about these aspects. plications from cities with a populationof sustainable local development. CBA 10-150 thousands of people which took place on 16-27 February 2015. Kyivska, Chernihivska, Zhytomyrska, Rivnenska, Poltavska, Dnipropetrovska, Kharkivska, Zakarpatska, Ivano-Frankivska, Lvivska, Donetska, and Luhanska oblasts submit- ted their applications for participation in the Project during 2015 – 2017. In total 75 cities submitted their applications to par- ticipate in CBA. The results of the contest will be announced soon. More than 2500 local development initiatives were carried. This happened through joint effort of the citizens, oblast/rayon/local level governments, CBA Project and the private sponsors.CBA latest publications CBA PUBLICATIONS КОНОМІЧНИЙ РОЗВИТОК Rural economic Communication and ЯК РОЗРОБИТИ БІЗНЕС-ПЛАН How to develop aСІЛЬСЬКИХ ТЕРИТОРІЙ УКРАЇНИ development Visibility Manual БАГАТОФУНКЦІОНАЛЬНОГО business plan for in Ukraine СІЛЬСЬКОГОСПОДАРСЬКОГО Agricultural Ser- Посібник із впровадження проекту The guidelines are ОБСЛУГОВУЮЧОГО vice Cooperative. designed to ensure КООПЕРАТИВУ that actions of the This manual pro- CBA Project incor- Посібник It is a guideline for vides guideline porate information для регіональних підрозділів and communication activities that will raise awareness of its target or general із впровадження проектів audiences in the regions and reflect im- та місцевих партнерів МРГ – pact of the EU-UNDP cooperation on life of the target population. функціональних груп та керівництва СОК Для регіональних підрозділів how to establish communities, who із впровадження проектів, an agricultural ser- want to create aоб’єднань громадян, кооперативів та місцевих партнерів МРГ Лютий 2015, видання третєvice cooperative according to Ukraini- multifunctional agricultural servicean legislation. cooperative, how to develop a busi- ness plan and stay effective.Electronic version can be found at CBAwebsite: CBA News Digest has been produced in the framework of the Community Based ApproachCommunity-Based Approach to Local Development (CBA) Project, to Local Development Projectwhich is financed by the European Union and co-financed and imple-mented by UNDP. The contents of the digest are the sole responsibility 20 Esplanadna Str., office 704-708, Kyiv 01601of CBA staff and cannot be taken to reflect the views of the European Tel: +38 (044) 253 59 75, Fax: +38 (044) 253 59 73Union or UNDP., CBA News Digest | March 2015
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