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Home Explore State of the Market - Board and Executive Movements March 2018

State of the Market - Board and Executive Movements March 2018

Published by Blenheim Partners, 2018-05-01 01:30:21

Description: State of the Market - Board and Executive Movements March 2018


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BACKGROUNDBlenheim Partners specialise in:▪ Executive Search;▪ Non-Executive Director Search;▪ Board Strategy and Structure Consulting;▪ External Succession Planning; and▪ Executive Re-Engagement / Transition.Founded in 2012, our team have acted as specialist Psychologists, Coaches and exceptionallyadviser to many of the world’s leading experienced Researchers.corporations on Board and Executive performance,capability and succession planning. Blenheim Partners is continually investing in knowledge and understanding as exemplified byOur consultants have worked with clients from all our Thought Leadership “The Challenges ofsectors and a broad range of geographies. They Attaining Growth”, Industry Papers and monthlyinclude over 80 of the ASX 100, 10% of the FTSE Market Intelligence reports.100, Private Equity, Multinational, Private Familyand Mutually Owned Companies. Our philosophy is to develop deep and committed relationships with a select number of clients andOur work includes assignments that are both local help them deliver a superior performance byand international in scope. optimising the composition of their Board and Executive team.Our team consists of senior SearchConsultants, Human Resource Directors, Our culture is built on pride, professionalism, esprit de corps and client service.

DIVERSITY STATISTICS FOR ASX 300 AS OF 31 MARCH 2018Diversity and Tenure of Current ASX300 Chief Executive Officers: • Female: There are 15 female CEOs out of 300, which is 5% of the CEO population. • Non-Caucasian: There are 10 Non-Caucasian CEOs out of 300, which is 3% of the CEO population. • Over 5-year tenure: There are 114 CEOs with a tenure of more than 5 years, which is 38% of the CEO population. Diversity and Tenure of Current ASX 300 Chief Executive Officers (%)100806040200 Female Non-Caucasian Over 5-year TenureDiversity and Tenure of Current ASX300 Chief Financial Officers: • Female: There are 38 female CFOs out of 300, which is 13% of the CFO population. • Non-Caucasian: There are 13 Non-Caucasian CFOs out 300, which is 4% of the CFO population. • Over 5-year tenure: There are 105 CFOs with tenure of over 5 years, which is 35% of the CFO population. Diversity and Tenure of Current ASX 300 Chief Financial Officers (%)100806040200 Female Non-Caucasian Over 5-year Tenure

Diversity and Tenure of Current ASX300 Chief Information Officers: • Female: There are 25 female CIOs out of 289, which is 9% of the CIO population. • Non-Caucasian: There are 18 Non-Caucasian CIOs out of 289, which is 6% of the CIO population. • Over 5-year tenure: There are 58 CIOs with tenure over 5 years, which is 20% of the CIO population. Diversity and Tenure of Current ASX 300 Chief Information Officers (%)100806040200 Female Non-Caucasian Over 5-year TenureDiversity and Tenure of Current ASX300 Chairs: • Female: There are 15 female Chairs out of 300, which is 5% of the Chair population. • Non-Caucasian: There are 3 Non-Caucasian Chairs out of 300, which is 1% of the Chair population. • Over 5-year tenure: There are 122 Chairs with a tenure of over 5 years, which is 41% of the Chair population. • 33 chairs hold two Chair positions in the ASX300 (11%). Diversity and Tenure of Current ASX 300 Chairs (%) 100 Female Non-Caucasian Over 5-year Tenure Two Chair Positions 80 60 40 20 04

Diversity and Tenure of Current ASX300 Chief Human Resource Officers: • Female: There are 205 female CHROs out of 292, which is 70% of the CHRO population. • Non-Caucasian: There are 14 Non-Caucasian CHROs out of 292, which is 5% of the CHRO population. • Over 5-year tenure: There are 70 CHROs with tenure over 5 years, which is 24% of the CHRO population. Diversity and Tenure of Current ASX 300 Chief Human Resource Officers (%)100806040200 Female Non-Caucasian Over 5-year Tenure

COMMERCIAL SERVICESNavitas Ltd: Philip Mirams has been appointed Chief Financial Officer, effective June 2018.SEEK Ltd: Colin Carter has retired from the Board as Non-Executive Director, effective 22 March2018.ENERGYCaltex Australia Ltd: Mark Chellew has been appointed Non-Executive Director, effective 2 April2018.Oil Search Ltd: Gerea Aopi has resigned from the Board, effective 16 March 2018, he will also resignas an Executive at the end of May. Susan Cunningham and Bakheet Al Katheeri have been appointedNon-Executive Directors, effective 26 March 2018.Yancoal Australia Ltd: Gregory Fletcher has been appointed Co-Vice Chair, effective 1 March 2018.FINANCIAL SERVICESAurora Funds Management Ltd: Tony Hartnell has been appointed Chairman.Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Ltd: Marnie Baker has been appointed Managing Director, effective 2July 2018. Mike Hirst will step down from his role as Managing Director, effective 2 July 2018.BT Investment Management Ltd: Meredith Brooks will retire from the Board as Non-ExecutiveDirector, effective 30 April 2018.ClearView Wealth Ltd: Andrew Sneddon has resigned as Director, and Michael Alscher has resignedas Director but has been appointed Alternative Director to Nathanial Thomson. Therefore, MichaelLukin’s appointment as Alternative Director to Michael Alscher has been revoked.Commonwealth Bank of Australia Ltd: Anne Templeman-Jones has been appointed Non-ExecutiveDirector, effective immediately. Also, Brian Long and Andrew Mofl will retire from the Board,effective at the conclusion of the 2018 Annual General Meeting. Melanie Laing has resigned asGroup Executive Human Resources, Kelly Bayer Rosmarin has resigned as Group ExecutiveInstitutional Banking and Markets, and David Whiteing has resigned as Group Executive EnterpriseServices and Chief Information Officer.Contango Asset Management Ltd: Marty Switzer has been appointed Chief Executive Officer.Eclipx Group Ltd: Greg Ruddock will retire from the Board as Non-Executive Director, effective 31March 2018.Mirrabooka Investments Ltd: Graeme Sinclair has retired as Non-Executive Director, effective 29March 2018.Morphic Ethical Equities Fund Ltd: Chad Slater has been appointed Alternative Director for JackLowenstein, effective immediately.

Mortgage Choice Ltd: Sarah Brennan and Andrew Gale have been appointed Non-ExecutiveDirectors. Deborah Ralston has resigned as Non-Executive Director, effective 21 March 2018.National Stock Exchange Ltd: Michelle Coco has been appointed Head of Compliance andRegulation, effective 19 March 2018.OFX Group Ltd: Lisa Frazier has been appointed Non-Executive Director, effective 1 April 2018.Platinum Asset Management Ltd: Brigitte Smith has been appointed Non-Executive Director,effective 31 March 2018.Platinum Capital Ltd: Bruce Coleman will retire from the Board as Non-Executive Director andChairman, effective 31 March 2018. Margaret Towers has been appointed Non-Executive Directorand Chair of the Board, effective 31 March 2018.WAM Active Ltd: John Abernethy has resigned as Non-Executive Director, and Emma Rugge-Pricehas been appointed Non-Executive Director.GAMINGAristocrat Leisure Ltd: David Banks will retire from the Board as Non-Executive Director, effective 31March 2018.Crown Resorts Ltd: James Packer has resigned as Non-Executive Director.INDUSTRIALS/MANUFACTURINGArowana International Ltd: Eduardo Fernandez has been appointed Non-Executive Director,effective 2 April 2018. John Moore will retire from the Board, effective 30 June 2018.CSR Ltd: John Gillam has been appointed Chairman, effective 31 May 2018. Jeremy Sutcliffe willretire from the board as Chairman, effective 31 May 2018.Metro Performance Glass Ltd: Rhys Jones has been appointed Non-Executive Director, effective 1April 2018.Redflow Ltd: Tim Harris has been appointed Chief Executive Officer, Richard Aird will return to therole of Chief Operating Officer.Tempo Australia Ltd: Ian Lynass has been appointed Chief Executive Officer, succeeding MaxBergomi, effective 19 March 2018. Guido Belgiorno-Nettis has also been appointed DeputyChairman, effective immediately.INSURANCEAMP Ltd: Craig Meller has resigned Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately.Insurance Australia Group Ltd: Michelle Tredenick and Shelia McGregor have been appointed Non-Executive Directors.

Tower Ltd: Wendy Thorpe has been appointed Non-Executive Director, effective 1 March 2018.MEDIAAdcorp Australia Ltd: Alex Parsons has been appointed Chief Executive Officer and ManagingDirector, effective 13 March 2018. Outgoing Chief Executive Officer David Morrison will remain onthe company’s Board.New Zealand Media and Entertainment Ltd: Michael Moran has resigned as Chief Financial Officer,Sarah Judkins has been appointed Interim Chief Financial Officer.Sky Network Television Ltd: John Fellet will retire from Chief Executive Officer at the end of 2018.WPP AUNZ Ltd: Paul Heath has resigned as Non-Executive Director effective 27 March 2018.MININGAurora Minerals Ltd: Martin Pyle has resigned as Managing Director, and Geoffrey Laing has beenappointed Chief Executive Officer, with the intention of him being appointed Managing Director.Carbine Resources Ltd: Tony James has resigned as Managing Director. John Fitzgerald and GrahamBrock have resigned as Directors, effective immediately. Oonagh Malone has been appointed as aDirector, effective immediately. Evan Cranston has been appointed Non-Executive Chairman,effective immediately.Chalice Gold Mines Ltd: Tim Goyder has been appointed Executive Chairman, Alex Dorsch has beenappointed Chief Executive Officer and Anthony Kiernan will step down as Chairman but will remain aNon-Executive Director on the Board.CuDeco Ltd: Bruno Bamonte has been appointed Company Secretary and interim Chief FinancialOfficer.Hastings Technology Metals Ltd: Aris Stamoulis has resigned has resigned as Executive Director,effective 15 March 2018.Macmahon Holdings Ltd: Kim Horne has been appointed Non-Executive Director.MZI Resources Ltd: Yuzi (Albert) Zhou has been appointed Non-Executive Director.Nusantara Resources Ltd: Greg Foulis has been appointed Chairman of the Board, Martin Pyle willstand down as Chairman and will continue as a Non-Executive Director.OceanaGold Corporation Ltd: Nora Scheinkestel has been appointed Non-Executive Director,effective 1 April 2018.

PHARMACEUTICALS/HEALTH CAREPacific Smiles Group Ltd: Grant Bourke has resigned as Non-Executive Director.EBOS Group Ltd: Shaun Hughes has been appointed Chief Financial Officer, effective 31 March 2018.John Cullity current Chief Financial Officer will commence as Chief Executive Officer 31 March 2018.Invion Ltd: Warren Brown has retired from the Board as Non-Executive Director therefore ceasingthe appointment of Gregory Brown as his Alternative Director, effective 22 March 2018.PROPERTYGateway Lifestyle Group Ltd: Sally Evans has been appointed Non-Executive Director, effective 29March 2018.LionHub Group Ltd: Joseph Bek has been appointed Interim Chief Executive Officer, Charles Lim hasstepped down from Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately.Stockland Corporation Ltd: Nora Scheinkestel has resigned from the board, effective 20 March 2018.Robyn Elliott has been appointed Chief Technology and Innovation Officer. John Schroder GroupChief Executive Officer Commercial Property will step down from his position, effective 2 July 2018.Louise Mason has been appointed Group Chief Executive Officer Commercial Property.RETAIL/CONSUMERAutomotive Holdings Group Ltd: Phil Mirams has resigned as Chief Financial Officer, effective June2018.Broo Ltd: Matthew Newberry has been appointed Non-Executive Director.Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd: Theo Spierings will step down as Chief Executive Officer late 2018.Godfreys Group Ltd: Cat Parker has been appointed Chief Customer Officer, and Mari Ruiz has beenappointed Chief People and Culture Officer, both roles commence 13 March 2018.iSelect Ltd: Nadine Lennie has been appointed Chief Financial Officer, effective 2 July 2018. VickiPafumi will continue as interim Chief Financial Officer until Nadine Lennie commences.Metcash Ltd: Scott Marshall has been appointed Chief Executive of Supermarkets and Convenience.Steven Cain has resigned as Chief Executive of Supermarkets and Convenience. Rod Pritchard hasalso been appointed Interim Chief Executive Liquor.Premier Investments Ltd: Sylvia Falzon has been appointed Non-Executive Director, effective 16March 2018.TasFoods Ltd: Alexander Beard has been appointed Non-Executive Director. Tony Robinson hasresigned from the Board.

Tassal Group Ltd: Raelene Murphy has retired from the Board as Non-Executive Director. JohnWatson has been appointed Non-Executive Director.Wesfarmers Ltd: Steven Cain has been appointed Managing Director of Coles Ltd. John Durkan willstep down as Managing Director Coles Ltd at the end of 2018. Leah Weckert has been appointedChief Financial Officer Coles Ltd, effective 19 March 2018.TECHNOLOGY/TELECOMMUNICATIONSAfterpay Touch Group Ltd: Luke Bortoli has been appointed Chief Financial Officer, effective May2018. Nadine Lennie has resigned as Chief Financial Officer.Kyckr Ltd: Benny Higgins has been appointed Executive Chairman for a period of up to six months.Link Administration Holdings Ltd: Andrew Green has been appointed Non-Executive Director.Nearmap Ltd: Sue Klose has been appointed interim Chief Marketing Officer, effective 5 March2018.Vocus Group Ltd: Bob Mansfield has been appointed Chairman, effective immediately. VaughanBowen has resigned as Chairman, and Craig Farrow has resigned as Non-Executive Director.Xero Ltd: Steve Vamos has been appointed Chief Executive Officer to succeed Rod Drury who willstep into the role of Non-Executive Director, these changes will be effective from 1 April 2018.

HOW TO SELECT AN EXECUTIVE SEARCH FIRM FOR YOUR NEXT SEARCHASSIGNMENTOne of the most critical questions you will face is how to choose an Executive Search Firm torepresent your organisation in the market to acquire key executives that can affect thesuccess or failure of your business. If you choose the right Executive Search Firm then youshould get a highly qualified Executive that meets your specific organisational needs whowill contribute to the future success of your organisation. If however, you choose the wrongExecutive Search Firm your problems will multiply, from the issues of managing the wrongExecutive to the consequences of your organisation’s success being compromised versuscompetitors.To make the right choice is therefore critical, and the following provides some guidance onthe factors you should consider in making your decision as to which Executive Search Firm.WILL THEY AND CAN THEY REPRESENT YOU AND YOUR ORGANISATIONPOSITIVELY IN THE MARKETPLACE?Employer brand is an important consideration in the process of attracting high calibrecandidates to your organisation. It is something that is developed and nurtured over manyyears and the last thing you want is someone representing you who does not understandyour brand, your culture and your organisational values.The Executive Search Firm you select will for all intensive purposes be representing yourbrand in the marketplace. As a consequence, you need to ensure that the firm and those inthat firm representing you understand, and are able to pitch your organisation in the bestpossible light to ensure the attraction of high calibre candidates, especially passivecandidates.

WHAT PROCESS DOES THE EXECUTIVE SEARCH FIRM UNDERTAKE IN THEIDENTIFICATION OF CANDIDATES?The role of the Executive Search Firm is to find you the absolute best candidates in themarket that match your brief. The process they employ is critical to achieving this outcome.If the process is poor, such as using their database and using job boards, the reality is youwill not get the best candidates. You will simply be conducting a recruitment process whichis generally reserved for lower level rather than Executive roles.In Executive Search you want the best candidates and that definitely needs to includepassive candidates in the market. The only way to identify passive candidates is by research.To assess the research capability of your Executive Search Firm, ask them to explain theirprocess for identifying passive candidates and in your client reference checks specifically askclient references as to the quality and breadth of the identified potential candidates.WHO WILL BE THE LEAD PARTNER AND THE TEAM FOR YOUR EXECUTIVESEARCH AND HOW STRONG IS THEIR DESIRE AND COMMITMENT TO YOU THECLIENT?The Lead Partner or Lead Partners (if you are lucky enough) are critical to the success of theExecutive Search. You want to ensure that they are absolutely committed to yourassignment and have the desire to ‘leave no stone unturned’ in ensuring that you get thevery best candidates available in the market for your consideration.WHAT ARE THE “OFF LIMITS”?As a client when you engage an Executive Search Firm you are working on the basis thatthey are finding you the very best candidates for consideration in the market. You need totest this and ask yourself whether they can put up candidates for your consideration fromtheir other client companies who they have or are working for. This is where the term “OffLimits” comes in.This fact is very important to you because the larger the “Off Limits”, the less of the marketan Executive Search Firm is able to cover to access the best candidates. In simple terms, thismeans they will NOT be able to get you the best candidates in the market.If you think this through, the consequence is significant, because if your Executive SearchFirm cannot access the best candidates in the market, but only a subset, you are not gettingwhat you want or are paying for. So why would you engage them in the first place?

DOES YOUR EXECUTIVE SEARCH FIRM UNDERSTAND THE ROLE YOU ARESEEKING AND THE NATURE OF THAT MARKET?This is fundamental, because if the Executive Search Firm and the Lead Partner in particulardoes not understand the role or the market, how can they undertake a search to find youthe very best candidates?IS YOUR EXECUTIVE SEARCH FIRM AND THE LEAD PARTNER ACTIVE IN THOUGHTLEADERSHIP IN THE MARKET?Thought leadership is the ability to be continually thinking and researching how the marketis changing, both in the broader sense and in the specific market in which your organisationoperates. The reason this is important is because you want your Lead Partner to be thinkingof the role you have today and what it might evolve into tomorrow. By knowing this, or atthe very least having some context of the potential changes, your Executive Search Firm andLead Partner can be pro-active in putting forward to you candidates for consideration thatare right for your business of today, and others who may be right for your business oftomorrow.IS THERE AN AT-RISK COMPONENT OF THE FEE THAT ENSURES THE EXECUTIVESEARCH FIRM HAS SKIN-IN-THE-GAME?There is nothing quite like an alignment between client and service provider needs, toensure in this case your Executive Search Firm is listening to your needs as the client andgoing the “extra mile” to deliver against them. While an at-risk or performance componentis not common in the Executive Search Industry you should take the opportunity to ask ifthere is such a component in the fee structure of the Executive Search Firms you areconsidering. If there is such a component, it can give you some comfort that you and yourchosen Executive Search Firm will be aligned in achieving the common objective of the verybest candidates in the market for your role.HOW MANY OF THE EXECUTIVE SEARCH FIRM’S CLIENTS ARE REPEAT BUSINESS?The ultimate test for all businesses is the repeat client test. It is the ultimate measure ofclient satisfaction because if a client keeps coming back for additional services from theExecutive Search Firm you are considering, then you can be reasonably assured that thequality of their offerings is high and meeting the client’s needs.WHAT DO CLIENT REFERENCES SAY?At the end of the day, the test of what an Executive Search Firm tells you in their pitch foryour work versus the reality of what they are doing is by client references. Ask for and takethe time to speak to a number of the Executive Search Firm’s clients, and test theirperformance against all of the above criteria with the client references they provide.

Ultimately, by following the above you will be far more confident in the Executive SearchFirm you select being able to deliver to you and your organisation the very best candidatesin the market for the role you are seeking for your organisation.

DO YOU REALLY UNDERSTAND “OFF LIMITS” IN EXECUTIVE SEARCH?IF YOU DON’T, MAYBE YOU SHOULD“OFF LIMITS” – WHAT IT MEANS IN EXECUTIVE SEARCHExecutive Search firms are professional services firms that undertake the process ofExecutive Search to find high quality executive candidates for their client companies. As aclient when you engage an Executive Search Firm you are working on the basis that they arefinding you the very best candidates for consideration in the market.But “are they” or indeed “can they”?By “can they” I mean can they ethically provide you the best candidates when they areworking for other clients. That is can they put up candidates for your consideration fromtheir other client companies who they have or are working for. This is where the term “OffLimits” comes in. “Off Limits” is a convention in the Executive Search industry that in simpleterms means that an Executive Search firm who has been retained on a contingent basis bya client will place the interests of their client at the forefront, meaning that they: • Will not recruit from the department of a client where they have placed someone; or • Will not recruit from the company of a client where they have placed someone.Conventions vary but in general this period would be for two years following their lastplacement of a candidate and never the actual candidate.WHY YOU NEED TO CAREThis fact is very important to you and you do need to care as a client because the larger the“Off Limits”, the less of the market your Executive Search firm is able to cover to access the

best candidates. In simple terms this means they will NOT be able to get you the bestcandidates in the market.If you think this through, the consequence is significant, because if your Executive Searchfirm cannot access the best candidates in the market and only a subset, you are not gettingwhat you want or are paying for. So why would you engage them in the first place?BIG AND GLOBAL FIRMS VS BOUTIQUE FIRMSThinking through the above it becomes abundantly clear the bigger your Executive Searchfirm, and further, if it is global, the less of the candidate market you have access to as aclient. This may sound counterintuitive as you would normally think the bigger the firm andthe greater their global footprint the greater their ability to find you the best candidates inthe market. As can be seen from the above however this is not the case and the boutiquefirm will in most cases be better placed to provide you with the greater market coverageand access to the best candidates as it has less “Off Limits”.HOW BEST TO DEAL WITH “OFF LIMITS”?So how best to deal with the “Off Limits” issue as a current client and a potential client?Firstly, as a client, make sure you ask your Executive Search Firm two key questions: • What is your client list over the past two years and which of these can you not access candidates from for my search? • At the completion of my Executive Search how will “Off-Limits” apply to my company? That is will you now not target any of my staff for the next two years at the completion of my Executive Search?It is important to know this upfront, as clarity at this point will make the road smootherdown the track in your dealings with Executive Search firms.

KEY MEMBERS OF OUR GLOBAL TEAMGregory W. Robinson Deborah ThomasFounder & Managing Partner, Search & Advisory Partner, Search & AdvisoryMr. Robinson has been specialising in senior Ms Thomas has over 30 years’ experience in media,international executive appointments for over entertainment, marketing and retail sales across19 years. Sector experience is broad and includes Australia and the United States. Prior to joiningconsumer retail, natural resources, infrastructure, Blenheim Partners, Ms Thomas was one of only aindustrial, manufacturing, telecommunications, handful of Australian women to have run an ASX 200technology, financial services, health and sport. He listed company. As a former Chief Executive Officerhas acted as an adviser to many of Australia’s leading and Non-Executive Director, Ms Thomas brings to thecorporations on board performance, capability partnership a keen working knowledge of executiveand succession. Mr. Robinson has been involved in management, C-suite and boardroom competencies,Board Advisory and C-Level appointments in three succession planning, leadership and corporatecontinents and was a Director of Australian Business governance. Prior to her role as Managing Directorin Europe whilst in London. Mr. Robinson holds of Ardent Leisure Group, Ms Thomas edited anda BComm with Merit and was awarded with the managed some of Australia’s most popular women’scoveted Green Beret when in the Australian military. magazine brands including The Australian Women’sHe is a member of Blenheim Partners’ Board, CEO & Weekly for almost a decade. Highlights of her boardCFO Practices. career include three years as Deputy Chair of the National Library of Australia and Executive Director ofIan Smith the Bangkok Post / ACP joint venture in Thailand.Partner, Search & Advisory Ms Thomas is a strong advocate for diversity, with a robust track record of supporting and mentoringMr. Smith has over 26 years’ experience working with women and a member of Chief Executive media, marketing and technology companiesin Australia, the US, Europe and Asia and is heavily Brett Wrightinvolved with Blenheim Partners’ Board, CEO, TMT Partner, Search & Advisory& Private Equity Practices. Prior to joining BlenheimPartners, he was Managing Partner of Heidrick & Dr. Wright has advised many of Australia’s premierStruggles Australasia and member of the Board, CEO, organisations on board and executive structure,Media, Entertainment, and Private Equity practices. performance and assessment, competitor analysisBefore his career in executive search, Mr. Smith was and succession planning. Prior to Executive SearchChief Executive Officer of Yahoo!7, one of Australia’s he had a range of line management, academic andleading online portals and Chairman of Yahoo!Xtra, consulting roles which include nine years as thea joint venture with Telecom New Zealand. He has Group Executive Human Resources in St Georgealso held Chief Executive Officer and senior executive Bank. Dr. Wright was responsible for all aspects of theroles in global media, marketing communications people strategy for over 9,000 employees. He wasand advertising companies, including APAC regional a key driver behind many of the Group’s initiativesChief Executive Officer for Bates, and international including flexible working arrangements. Morepresident of Bates Worldwide based in New York. He recently Dr. Wright was Executive Director Peoplewas also a director of Cordiant PLC based in London. for Ashurst, reporting to the Managing Partner. Dr.He has also served as a Trustee of the State Library Wright has a PhD in Organisational Behaviour andof New South Wales and a Director of the Garvan has been the Adjunct Professor to the UniversityInstitute of Medical Research Foundation. Mr. Smith of Western Australia. He also holds a BE(Hons),holds a Bachelor degree in Sociology and Psychology MEngSc, an MBA from the University of Sydney andfrom La Trobe University in Melbourne. is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors(FAICD). He is a key member of the Board, CEO, and HR Practices. He also leads the Leadership Advisory and Re-Engagement Practices.ASIA PACIFIC • EUROPE • LATIN AMERICA • MIDDLE EAST • AFRICA • NORTH AMERICA

KEY MEMBERS OF OUR GLOBAL TEAMJoseph Marsella Anna PapahristosPartner, Search & Advisory Partner, Elite PerformanceMr. Marsella leads the Technology Markets Practice. Ms. Papahristos is a leading organisationalHe is responsible for Blenheim Partners talent Psychologist and has been consulting Chiefsolutions for the technology sector which includes Executives in the ASX 300, Senior Executives inChief Information Officer, Chief Digital Officer, Chief Government agencies, and members specialisedTechnology Officer, Chief Information Security and units of the Emergency services and Armed ForcesHeads of Analytics, Infrastructure, Applications for 10 years.and, Project Management. Mr. Marsella also assistsBoards with the appointments of IT Non-Executive Luke McKennaDirectors. Mr. Marsella has an extensive background Senior Associate, Research & Succession Planningin global business and leading Information andTechnology divisions with experience across a broad Mr. McKenna is a member of the Research Practicerange of industries including Consumer, Health and has managed Board and C-Level ExecutiveCare, Banking and Financial Services and Education. Searches across all sectors. Mr. McKenna is also thePrior to Executive Search, Mr. Marsella was the Chief author of various Blenheim Partners Publications andInformation Officer, Asia Pacific for Kimberly-Clark, a is a member of the Thought Leadership that manufactures and markets some of the Mr. McKenna is responsible for collection,world’s most recognised brands. He also held senior maintenance, dissemination and management oftechnology roles with AMP Financial Services and corporate intelligence and the knowledge centre.Westpac Banking Corporation and was a Lecturer Prior to working in search Mr. McKenna pursuedat Sydney Institute of Technology. Mr. Marsella, as a career in retail. Mr. McKenna has a Bachelor ofa former Chief Information Officer, brings deep Business, majoring in Accounting and Employmentexperience and understanding of business, strategic Relations.planning, change management, optimisation oforganisation composition and delivery of initiatives Brooke Lanewith current technology insight. Mr. Marsella holds a Senior Associate, Research & Succession PlanningB.Science. Ms. Lane is a member of the Research Practice. Ms.Sarah Morgan Lane works across the range of Executive and Non-Consultant, United Kingdom & International Executive Director appointments and is a member of the Thought Leadership and Gender DiversityMs. Morgan is a member of the Board and CEO Practices. Ms. Lane has previous experience inPractice and works across the northern hemisphere. contract administration for immigration services.She manages the coverage of the United Kingdom, Ms. Lane is currently undertaking a GraduateEuropean and US markets supported by a network Certificate in Management.of Senior researchers/consultants. Ms. Morganis an independent consultant and has worked Robert Hitchingswith Blenheim Partners since 2015 focusing on Senior Associate, Research & Succession PlanningExecutive and Board appointments. She has over 16years’ search experience specialising in Chairmen, Mr. Hitchings is a member of the Research PracticeNon-Executive Director, Advisory and Executive and executes searches at Board and Executive levelsappointments. Previously she spent seven years with across all sectors. Before joining Blenheim Partners,Russell Reynolds in their board practice. Based in Mr. Hitchings worked for Global Executive SearchLondon she worked internationally and coordinated Firm, Odgers Berndtson, in London. He executedthe European board practice. Prior to this Ms. Morgan searches at C-suite and Board Level for FTSE 100,worked for two years with Hanson Green, a non- FTSE 250 and Private Equity companies. Mr. Hitchingsexecutive boutique. Ms. Morgan began her career started his career at Pemberton Stewart, a boutiquewith Heidrick & Struggles, in their board practice. search firm, working across both the European andShe has worked across all sectors covering FTSE 100, Asian markets. Mr. Hitchings has a BA majoring inFTSE 250, Private Equity and Not for Profit Boards. Politics.She is a graduate in Geography from the University ofNottingham.ASIA PACIFIC • EUROPE • LATIN AMERICA • MIDDLE EAST • AFRICA • NORTH AMERICA

KEY MEMBERS OF OUR GLOBAL TEAM (continued)Eunice Liu Melissa HuangSenior Associate, Research & Succession Planning Associate, Research & Succession PlanningMs. Liu is a member of the Research Practice Jessica Kitcherand brings extensive experience in both Human Associate, Research & Succession PlanningResources and Executive Search.Before joining Blenheim Partners, Ms. Liu was with Matthew WrightFortune 500 multinational, Novartis Group, in senior Associate, Research & Succession PlanningHuman Resource roles in China. This included HRBPfor Novartis Oncology and HR Project Manager for Brandon NeedhamCoE (C&B, Talent Management and Organisation Associate, Research & Succession PlanningDevelopment and Talent Acquisition). Prior toNovartis, Ms. Liu worked with Korn/Ferry for four Laurence Villetteyears based in Beijing where she worked on local Project and Office Managerand international assignments in the Technology,Healthcare and Financial Services sectors. Jeremy LowMs. Liu holds a MBA and a Bachelor of Law majoring Partner, Asiain International Relations and Diplomacy. Mr. Low is a member of the Board, CEO, FinancialBill Filippopoulos Services, Legal and Digital Practices.Associate, Research & Succession Planning Darrell ShamMr. Filippopoulos is a member of the Research Partner, AsiaPractice and works across the range of Executiveand Non-Executive Director appointments. Mr. Mr. Sham is a member of the Board, CEO, CFO andFilippopoulos is a member of the Thought Leadership Consumer Practices.and Data Integrity team. Prior to working in searchMr. Filippopoulos pursued a career in retail. Matthew MorrisMr. Filippopoulos has a Bachelor of Business, Partner, United Kingdom, Europe & USAmajoring in Management and Marketing. Mr. Morris is a member of the Board, CEO andCharlotte Cappin Financial Services Practices.Consultant, United Kingdom & International Andrew ShestopalCharlotte has over twenty years experience within Partner, United Kingdom, Europe & USAexecutive search. During her career in search she hasdelivered a variety of assignments across a range Mr. Shestopal is a member of the Board, CEO andof sectors at board level, executive management Property/ Real Estate Practices.and cross functional roles. She graduated fromSouthampton University with a BA Simon Keatingin History. Partner, United Kingdom, Europe & USA Mr. Keating is a member of the Board, CEO and Financial Services Practices.ASIA PACIFIC • EUROPE • LATIN AMERICA • MIDDLE EAST • AFRICA • NORTH AMERICA

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