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Home Explore State of the Market - Board and Executive Movements May 2022

State of the Market - Board and Executive Movements May 2022

Published by Blenheim Partners, 2022-06-01 00:37:08

Description: State of the Market - Board and Executive Movements May 2022


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CONSUMER & RETAIL Australian Agricultural Company Ltd: Nigel Simonsz has resigned as Chief Financial Officer, remaining in the role until 28 July 2022. Beston Global Food Company Ltd: Cameron Woods has been appointed as Director, Food and Beverages Business Unit. Booktopia Group Ltd: Chief Executive Officer Tony Nash has informed of his intention to step aside from the role. Tony will continue as a full-time senior executive and Director with the Company. Breville Group Ltd: Tim Baxter has been appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director effective 1 June 2022. Endeavour Group Ltd: Alex Freudmann has resigned as Managing Director, Dan Murphy’s. Helloworld Travel Ltd: Michael Smith has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer. IDP Education Ltd: Andrew Barkla has stepped down as Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director effective September 2022. Joyce Corporation Ltd: Bedshed General Manager Gavin Culmsee has been promoted to the newly created position of Chief Operating Officer. KMD Brands Ltd: Non-Executive Director John Harvey has deferred his retirement date, which was previously announced as effective 31 May 2022. Marley Spoon AG: Interim Chief Executive Officer, United States Michael Hester has been appointed permanently as Chief Executive Officer, United States. Pro-Pac Packaging Ltd: Non-Executive Director Darren Brown has been appointed as Interim Chief Financial Officer, replacing Iona MacPherson who has resigned. Seafarms Group Ltd: Chief Projects Officer Rod Dyer has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer and to the Board. Commercial Director Ian Leijer has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, replacing Ian Brannan who has stepped down. Harley Whitcombe has been appointed to the Board. Non-Executive Director Ian Trahar has been appointed as Non-Executive Chairman, replacing Mick McMahon who has stepped down as Chief Executive Officer and Executive Chairman. Terutaka Kuraishi has replaced Naoto Sato as Alternate Director for Hisami Sakai. Select Harvests Ltd: Non-Executive Director Travis Dillon has been appointed as Chairman, succeeding Michael Iwaniw who has retired as Chairman, and will retire as a Non-Executive Director effective 30 June 2022. Shriro Holdings Ltd: John Murphy has been appointed as a Director. Kim Slater has resigned as an Independent Non-Executive Director. The a2 Milk Company Ltd: David Muscat has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, replacing Race Strauss who has resigned, effective October 2022. The Star Entertainment Group Ltd: Chief Financial Officer Harry Theodore, Chief Casino Officer New South Wales Greg Hawkins and Chief Legal and Risk Officer and Company Secretary Paula Martin have resigned. Executive Chairman John O’Neill AO has tendered his resignation and will also step down from the Board with a departure date to be agreed. Following the resignation of John O’Neill AO as Executive Chairman, Ben Heap has assumed the role of Interim Chairman effective 1 June 2022. Chief Casino Officer Queensland Geoff Hogg was appointed as Chief Casino Officer for New South Wales and Queensland and assumed the role of Acting Chief Executive Officer effective 1 June 2022. Group Executive Gaming Christina Katsibouba has been appointed as Interim Chief Financial Officer. Non-Executive Director Sally Pitkin indicated her intention to step down from the Board by the end of the current financial year. Non-Executive Director Gerard Bradley has indicated his intention to step down from the Board in the coming months.

ENERGY Aura Energy Ltd: Patrick Mutz has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Beach Energy Ltd: Acting Chief Executive Officer Morné Engelbrecht has been appointed permanently as Chief Executive Officer. Buru Energy Ltd: Thomas Nador has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer, replacing Executive Chairman Eric Streitberg who will transition to the role of Non-Executive Chair, effective no later than 1 September 2022. Deep Yellow Ltd: Justin Reid has resigned as a Director. GTN Ltd: Alexi Baker has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director effective 1 June 2022. Infratil Ltd: Independent Non-Executive Director Alison Gerry has been appointed as Chair, succeeding Mark Tume who has retired. Mark will remain on the Board as a Director until the end of 2022. Lithium Australia Ltd: Managing Director Adrian Griffin has retired to take on a newly created role as technical advisor to the Company effective 1 June 2022. Peninsula Energy Ltd: Brian Booth has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. FINANCIAL SERVICES Auctus Investment Group Ltd: Non-Executive Director Bradley C. Harrison has resigned. Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd: Jeff Smith has been appointed as a Non- Executive Director effective 1 August 2022. Australian Finance Group Ltd: Chief Financial Officer Ben Jenkins has announced his intention to pursue a career opportunity with another ASX listed company in the tech sector. Ben will remain with the Company into Q1 2023 to ensure a smooth transition of key responsibilities. Challenger Ltd: Chief Financial Officer, Life and Appointed Actuary Anton Kapel has been promoted to the role of Chief Executive, Life and Solutions, replacing Chief Executive Angela Murphy who will leave the business, effective 1 June 2022. CountPlus Ltd: Hugh Humphrey has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer effective 1 July 2022. Chief Financial Officer Laurent Toussaint has additionally been appointed as Chief Operating Officer. E&P Financial Group Ltd: Executive Chairman David Evans will transition to Non-Executive Chairman effective 1 July 2022. Future Generation Investment Company Ltd: Mike Baird will assume the role of Chair, succeeding Jonathan Trollip effective 31 July 2022. Heartland Group Holdings Ltd: Leanne Lazarus has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer of Heartland Bank effective 1 August 2022, replacing Chris Flood who will transition to the role of Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer of Heartland Group effective 1 November 2022. Magellan Financial Group Ltd: David George has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, commencing 8 August 2022, replacing Kirsten Morton who has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer whilst maintaining her current role as Chief Financial Officer. Regal Investment Fund: Equity Trustees Ltd Head of Corporate Development Mary O’Connor has been appointed as a Director of Equity Trustees Ltd, the responsible entity of NB Global Corporate Income Trust.

INDUSTRIALS Big River Industries Ltd: Chief Financial Officer Steve Parks has announced his intention to leave the Company, effective at the end of the 2022 Financial Year. Black Cat Syndicate Ltd: Michael Bourke has been appointed as General Manager – Projects. Fletcher Building Ltd: General Manager Phillip Boylen has been appointed as Chief Executive of Fletcher Construction Company Ltd, replacing Peter Reidy who has resigned. GWA Group Ltd: Non-Executive Director Peter Birtles has retired effective 30 June 2022. Kleos Space S.A: Dawn Harms has been nominated as an Independent Non-Executive Director. Non-Executive Director Padraig McCarthy has assumed an operational role as Senior Advisor to the Board. LaserBond Ltd: Ian Neal has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. QANTM Intellectual Property Ltd: Kathy Gramp has been appointed as an Independent Non- Executive Director. SECOS Group Ltd: Colin Lai has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary effective 14 June 2022. MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT Tabcorp Holdings Ltd: Following the implementation of the demerger of The Lottery Corporation Ltd by Tabcorp on 1 June 2022, Non-Executive Director Bruce Akhurst has assumed the role of Chairman, replacing Steven Gregg who has retired from Tabcorp and assumed the position of Chairman and Non-Executive Director of The Lottery Corporation. Harry Boon and Anne Brennan have retired from the Tabcorp Board and have assumed their positions as Non- Executive Directors of The Lottery Corporation. Adam Rytenskild has been appointed as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, replacing David Attenborough who has retired. Daniel Renshaw has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, replacing Adam Newman who has retired from Tabcorp and assumed the role of Chief Financial Officer of The Lottery Corporation. Patrick McGlinchey has ceased in his role as Chief Legal and Risk Officer and Co- Company Secretary of Tabcorp and has assumed the role of Chief Legal and Risk Officer and Co-Company Secretary of The Lottery Corporation. Brett Chenoweth, Raelene Murphy and Karen Stocks have been appointed to the Tabcorp Board as Non-Executive Directors. The Lottery Corporation Ltd: Sue van der Merwe has been appointed as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer. MINING Allegiance Coal Ltd: Non-Executive Chairman designate Paul Vining has been appointed as Non-Executive Chairman, replacing Mark Gray who has stepped down as Chairman and Managing Director while remaining on the Board as an Executive Director. Australian Mines Ltd: Non-Executive Director Les Guthrie has been appointed as Interim Chief Executive Officer, replacing Managing Director Benjamin Bell who has resigned. AuTECO Minerals Ltd: Nicholas Katris has resigned as Chief Financial Officer. Base Resources Ltd: Janine Herzig has resigned as a Non-Executive Director. Blackstone Minerals Ltd: Mitchell Thomas has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer commencing in July 2022. BlueScope Steel Ltd: Non-Executive Director Mark Hutchinson has resigned from the Board. Breaker Resources NL: Sam Smith has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer effective 1 June 2022.

Calidus Resources Ltd: Keith Coughlan has resigned as a Non-Executive Director. Catalyst Metals Ltd: John Arbuckle has resigned as Chief Financial Officer. Dacian Gold Ltd: Sue-Ann Higgins has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Falcon Metals Ltd: Pradeep Subramaniam has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, replacing Andrea Betti who has resigned but will remain as Company Secretary. Firefinch Ltd: Liz Wall and Naomi Scott have been appointed as Non-Executive Directors. Non- Executive Director Brendan Borg has resigned. Fortescue Metals Group Ltd: Non-Executive Chairman Andrew Forrest AO has been appointed Executive Chairman of Fortescue Group, replacing Elizabeth Gaines who will transition to a Non- Executive Director role and become Global Brand Ambassador for Fortescue Future Industries, effective August 2022. Mark Hutchinson has been appointed as Fortescue Future Industries’ Director of Projects effective July 2022 and will assume the role of Chief Executive Officer of Fortescue Future Industries by the end of 2022. Genesis Energy Ltd: Chief Executive Officer Marc England has informed that he intends to leave the Company towards the end of 2022. Geopacific Resources Ltd: Sir Charles Lepani has retired from the Board. Global Lithium Resources Ltd: Executive Director – Markets and Growth Ron Mitchell has been appointed as Managing Director. Hawsons Iron Ltd: David Woodall has been appointed as Non-Executive Chairman, replacing Executive Chairman Bryan Granzien who will transition to the role of Managing Director and focus on the delivery of Hawsons Iron Project’s BFS. Image Resources NL: Non-Executive Director Huang Cheng Li has resigned. KGL Resources Ltd: Non-Executive Director Denis Wood will assume the role of Executive Chairman, replacing Simon Finnis who has resigned as Managing Director. Jeff Gerard has been appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director. Peter Hay and Denis Gately have ceased their terms as Directors. Liontown Resources Ltd: Shane McLeay has been appointed as an Independent Non- Executive Director. Magnetite Mines Ltd: Ian Kirkham has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer. Magnum Mining and Exploration Ltd: Anoosh Manzoori has been appointed as Non-Executive Chairman. Athan Lekkas has been appointed as Non-Executive Director. Don Carroll has resigned as Non-Executive Chairman, Managing Director Dano Chan has resigned from the Board and will consult to the Company until a replacement Chief Executive Officer is appointed. John Dinan has resigned from the Board. Medusa Mining Ltd: Non-Executive Chairman Jeffrey McGlinn has been appointed as Executive Chairman. Aaron Treyvaud has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. He has also been appointed as Chair of the Nomination Committee. Meeka Gold Ltd: Paul Chapman has been appointed as Non-Executive Chairman, succeeding Tim Moore who has stepped down as a Director and Chairman. Chief Executive Officer Tim Davidson has been appointed as Managing Director. Mineral Resources Ltd: Zimi Meka has been appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director. Minrex Resources Ltd: Richard O’Shannassy has been appointed as Non-Executive Chairman effective 1 June 2022. Exploration Manager Ian Shackleton has been appointed as Non- Executive Director. Nova Minerals Ltd: Rodrigo Pasqua has been appointed to the Board.

Om Holdings Ltd: Thomas Teo Liang Huat has retired as an Independent Non-Executive Director. Red Dirt Metals Ltd: Jiahe “Gower” has been appointed as Executive Director of Corporate Development effective 20 June 2022. REX Minerals Ltd: Jason Schell has been appointed as Executive General Manager, South Australia. South HARZ Potash Ltd: Chairman Ian Farmer has been appointed as Acting Executive Chairman, replacing Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Chris Gilchrist, who has departed from the business. Tigers Realm Coal Ltd: Owen Leigh Hegarty has resigned as a Non-Executive Director. Westgold Resources Ltd: Executive Director Wayne Bramwell has been appointed as Managing Director, replacing Debbie Fullarton who has resigned as Chief Executive Officer. Wiluna Mining Corporation Ltd: Lisa Mitchell has resigned as a Non-Executive Director. Xantippe Resources Ltd: Director Imants Kins has been appointed as Non-Executive Chairman. Phillip Jackson has resigned as a Director. Yancoal Australia Ltd: Yaomeng Xiao has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, replacing Cunliang Lai who has retired. Zenith Minerals Ltd: David Ledger has been appointed as Executive Chairman. Emma Scotney has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. PHARMACEUTICALS & HEALTHCARE 4DMEDICAL Ltd: Director John Livingston has been appointed as Senior Strategist and Executive Director. Clarity Pharmaceuticals Ltd: Dr Neal Shore has been appointed to Clarity’s Clinical Advisory Board. Cochlear Ltd: Karen Penrose has been appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director effective 1 July 2022. Ecofibre Ltd: Non-Executive Director Kristi Woolrych has resigned from the Board. Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corporation Ltd: Cather Simpson has been appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director effective 1 June 2022. Tracey Barron has been appointed as a Future Director, replacing Toni Moyes who has completed her term, effective 1 June 2022. Genetic Signatures Ltd: Caroline Waldron has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Medical Developments International Ltd: Anita James has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, succeeding Mark Edwards who has resigned. Microba Life Sciences Ltd: Patrick Moelk has been appointed as Vice President Sales - North America. Nanosonics Ltd: Lead Independent Non-Executive Director and Deputy Chairman Steve Sargent has been appointed as Independent Chairman effective 1 July 2022, succeeding Maurie Stang who will retire from the Board on 18 November 2022. Next Science Ltd: Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Judith Mitchell has announced her intention to retire as Chief Executive Officer before 30 June 2023. Paradigm Biopharmaceuticals Ltd: Marco Polizzi has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer, replacing Interim Chief Executive Officer Donna Skerrett who will continue in her role as Chief Medical Officer, effective 1 July 2022.

ResMed Inc: President and Chief Operating Officer Robert (‘Rob’) Douglas has been appointed as Interim President – Sleep and Respiratory Care. Sigma Healthcare Ltd: Nigel Simonsz has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer commencing 29 August 2022. REAL ESTATE Goodman Group: Vanessa Liu has been appointed as an Independent Director effective 1 June 2022. Homeco Daily Needs REIT: Following the successful integration of Aventus and HomeCo Daily Needs, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Darren Holland has announced his intention to retire from the Company. Chief Operating Officer Sid Sharma has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer-designate. Pexa Group Ltd: Helen Silver AO has been appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director. Servcorp Ltd: David Hunt has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer. Vicinity Centres: Non-Executive Director Karen Penrose has announced her intention to resign from the Board effective 15 September 2022. SOFTWARE SERVICES & TELECOMMUNICATIONS Chrysos Corporation Ltd: Gock Loung Leong Mar has resigned as a Non-Executive Director. Credit Clear Ltd: Michael Doery has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Non- Executive Director Gerd Schenkel has stepped down from the Board. Family Zone Cyber Safety Ltd: Ben Jenkins has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, replacing Todd Morcombe who will leave the company, effective August 2022. Novonix Ltd: Non-Executive Director Trevor St Baker has retired from the Board. Chris Hay’s appointment as an Alternate Director for Trevor St Baker has also ended. OpenLearning Ltd: Non-Executive Director David Buckingham has resigned. Sensen Networks Ltd: Roberto Mariani has been appointed as Chief Technology Officer. Smartpay Holdings Ltd: Geoff Carrick has been appointed as an Independent Director effective 1 June 2022. Non-Executive Director Bill Pulver has resigned effective 1 June 2022. Telstra Corporation Ltd: Group Executive, Consumer and Small Business Michael Ackland has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer and Group Executive Strategy and Finance, effective 1 September 2022.


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