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Blenheim Partners Anthology July 2018

Published by Blenheim Partners, 2018-09-06 03:33:39

Description: Blenheim Partners Anthology July 2018


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John F. KennedyBlenheim Partners’ Anthology

FATHER OF A NATION: ATATÜRK Mustafa Kemal AtaturkMustafa Kemal Atatürk, born 19th May 1881, known simply as Atatürk was a Turkish armyOfficer, Revolutionary, and founder of the Republic of Turkey, serving as its first Presidentfrom 1923 until his death in 1938. His name Atatürk which means, father of the Turks, wasgranted to him by the Government. He was born in a town called Salonika which in the1800’s was a part of the Ottoman Empire but is today's Thessaloniki, Greece.At the age of twelve, he began his military training and in 1911 served in Libya fightingagainst the Italians who were invading. During World War 1 Mustafa Kemal was entrustedwith the responsibility of commanding and organising the 19th division at the Battle ofGallipoli. He anticipated the position where the Allies would attack, and as a result, he waspromoted to a front-line commander. Until the year 1916, he served at Edirne. In 1917, hewas promoted to an overall commanding officer of the second army after he declined toestablish a new army.In 1919, Atatürk led a nationalist revolution that took place in Anatolia. The revolution wasorganised to resist settlement by the allies coming from the fallout of World War 1 who nowintended to seize Smyrna. In response, Atatürk secured an amendment in which he was ableto strengthen his country and thus established a Provisional Government in the aftermath.In 1922, the Ottoman Empire was abolished. In 1923, Turkey became a republic and Atatürkbecame its first President. He created a regime which was free from conflict and asPresident established a political and social reorganisation of his nation.The skills which Atatürk possessed allowed Turkey, a nation on the brink of collapse to re-establish itself as an independent, strong nation which retained its dignity and prestige.As the President of the new formed Turkish republic, Atatürk began a rigorous program ofpolitical, economic, and cultural reforms with the ultimate aim of building a modern,progressive and secular nation-state. Atatürk made primary education compulsory and free

and opened thousands of new schools over the country. He introduced the Latin-basedTurkish alphabet, replacing the old Ottoman Turkish alphabet. Turkish women receivedequal civil and political rights during his presidency, way ahead of many Western countries.In Particular, women were given voting rights in local elections and just a few years laterwere granted full universal suffrage, earlier than most other countries in the world.Broad thinkerAtatürk was a skilful military and a political leader. This is evident from some of hisaccomplishments in the military, for example anticipating the position where his enemieswould attack. He was also entrusted with challenging assignments where he performed welland received a promotion as a result. Being the first President of Turkey when the Republicwas being transformed required him to be a critical leader. In 1919, he launched arevolutionary defensive war against antagonistic empires even though the Ottoman Sultanopposed it.Open-Minded LearnerAtatürk believed that acquiring knowledge was the main recipe for survival. His pastinfluenced his thinking. He invested a lot in knowledge, as he had to remedy the shortage ofskills and information in his country at the time. He valued civilisation a great deal and theonly way Turkey could survive its transition into a new modern nation-state was throughacquiring knowledge. Atatürk could acquire merchants and professionals who were able torun the republic as it slowly found its way to modernisation. He also believed thatcivilisation would drive away what he referred to as a “dark cloud of general ignorance.”Transformational leaderAtatürk believed in change. He reorganised the Arabic alphabet to Latin in Turkey. Thisforced the people to learn a new language. He also declared that the state was to beseparate from the Muslim Religion; he closed Islamic institutions, allowed alcohol andgranted prayer to be in the Turkish language instead of Arabic. Also, he allowed women towear dresses or jeans and permitted them to have easy access to education, which prior tohis presidency was not available to women. By changing a remnant of The Ottoman Empireto a secular Republic, he led Turkey out of a conservative ditch and into the modern era byallowing ideas of liberalism and freedom to populate the minds of the people and allow fora drastic change in the identity of Turkey.Consistent PerformerAtatürk’s steady nature is seen from his endless energy in his career. He consistently foughtagainst political forces that led to the crumbling of the empire. He also worked tirelessly inall assignments entrusted to him. As a result, Atatürk served successfully in every chain ofcommand, operation and defensive battle assigned to him. Winston Churchill also referredto him as “a man of Destiny.”

LoyaltyAtatürk was a man who trusted and respected his friends and associates. His close friendsadmired him and were outright loyal to him in every significant step of his life. Some ofthem included Fevzi Cakmak, who was the Chief of Staff, Ismet Inonu who was the PrimeMinister, and Karim Ozalp who was the Defence Minister. These friends supported hisleadership ideologies, while Atatürk supported them and carried out universal ideals so thatthey could realise their potential. For every leader in a business or a political forum tosucceed, it is imperative for them to have close associates who support them in theirendeavours.Altruistic GoalsThroughout his presidency, Atatürk worked for the good of the country and its people. Heworked tirelessly and unselfishly to promote the ideals which he knew would help Turkeybecome a stronger nation. By changing Arabic alphabets to Latin letters, he enabled thepeople to become literate more quickly. As a result, more people became well educatedduring his presidency. He also made a profound impact by implementing westernised legalsystems like commerce codes, civil codes and new legislation.Peace-MakerAtatürk adopted a policy in which be believed peace should be the ultimate aim of hiscountry and others countries. During his presidency, he established relations with theneighbouring nations to ensure there was harmony amongst them. More so, he had anenemy, Eleftherios Venizelos, a Greek statesman, who later became his ally and nominatedhim for the Nobel Peace award. He was rational in his decisions and did not take sides at anygiven moment. He clearly stated that he did not have a religion.Strict MoralsEvery decision made by Mustafa Kemal was not for his own personal gain but for the sake ofTurkey. He was also strict and loyal to his virtues. Some of the ideas that motivated himinclude developing a national power, transforming Turkey into a westernised country,achieving a standard of living and movement to liberal political and economic status. Moreso, he was not distracted by the lost provinces of The Ottoman Empire in Asia and Europe aswell as provinces of The Russian Empire that had fallen when he was fighting forindependence. He understood that imperialism was steadily becoming a thing of the pastand a continuation of imperialistic ideas would lead to the downfall of his country.Enlightened FlexibilityAtatürk’s flexibility could be observed when he tried to consult his fellow leaders on somereforms. He did not assume a despot kind of leadership, but a diplomatic attitude with anopen mind towards the notions provided by evident resistance. As the Turkish war ofindependence was fought, Atatürk supported his troops and encouraged them to win. He

also promoted a way of modernisation in his country that called for everyone to leave theirold ways and be more flexible.The legacy Atatürk left behind is one of a tireless, selfless leader who loved his country andwanted only the best for his people. He was respected by all, even those who were once hisenemy. In 1981, the centennial of Atatürk's birth, his memory was honoured by the UnitedNations and UNESCO, which declared it ‘The Atatürk Year’ in the World. As a testament tohis character, the countries in which he fought against at Gallipoli, the ANZACS, establishedmemorials dedicated to him, with the Atatürk Memorial in Wellington, New Zealand (whichalso serves as a memorial to the ANZAC troops who died at Gallipoli) and the AtatürkMemorial in the place of honour on Anzac Parade in Canberra, Australia.

AN INSPIRATIONAL WOMAN – JOAN OF ARC Joan of ArcBorn in 1412, Jeanne d’Arc (or in English, Joan of Arc), a peasant girl living in medievalFrance, believed that God had chosen her to lead France to victory in its long-running warwith England. With no military training, Joan convinced the embattled crown prince Charlesof Valois to allow her to lead a French army to the besieged city of Orléans, where itachieved a momentous victory over the English and their French allies, the Burgundians.After seeing the prince crowned King Charles VII, Joan was captured by Anglo-Burgundianforces, tried for witchcraft and heresy and burned at the stake in 1431, at the age of 19. Bythe time she was officially canonized in 1920, the Maid of Orléans (as she was known) hadlong been considered one of history’s greatest saints, and an enduring symbol of Frenchunity and nationalism.Joan of Arc introduced an unorthodox approach to the conduct of war during the 15thCentury by emphasizing nationalism and patriotism. With her contributions to the war, Joanof Arc helped turned the tide of the hundred year’s war in France’s favour eventuallyresulting in victory and along with it the expulsion of the English from continental Europe.Joan of Arc used her charismatic leadership to help build the nation state of France. The firstimportant leadership trait she had was to have a ‘strong sense of mission.’ Joan of Arc wason a mission, that may have not been something she proposed on her own, but rather it washer calling from a higher power. Despite the risks she took throughout her life, it did notstop her from wanting to remove English rule over her native land. Her strong faith in God,made her a passionate Catholic, which was essential to her: “confidence in the rightness andgoodness of the aims that he proclaims for the movement.” The charismatic leader in Joanof Arc’s times was often considered to have a gift from God, whether or not this is truethere is no debate that through the strength of her character Joan of Arc empowered others

to find the strength within themselves to help take part in a movement which was to shapethe future of the world.At the age of 13 Joan begun to have visions of Archangel Michael, Saint Margaret, and SaintCatherine of Alexandria instructing her to support Charles and that she would be God’sinstrument in setting France free. Her voices told her to go to the Governor of Vaucouleurswho would provide her with an escort of men-at-arms and send her to the Dauphin, whowas the uncrowned heir to the throne. In leaving her village home Joan said, “I am enlisted.God helping me, I will not turn back until the British grip is loosened from the throat ofFrance.” When the governor had heard her message he said, “What nonsense is this? Youare but a child.” But Joan said, “Nevertheless, I am appointed by the King of Heaven to leadthe armies of France to raise the British siege of Orleans and crown the Dauphin at Rheims.”Joan won the confidence of the Dauphin and the court with her sweetness, simplicity,sincerity, and unconscious eloquence. The best and the most capable among themrecognised that she was formed on a grander plan and moved on a loftier plane than theordinary mass of mankind. Finally Joan was given her command.With an almost impossible objective ahead, Joan said to one of her generals, “I will lead themen over the wall.” The general replied, “Not a man will follow you.” Joan said, “I will notlook back to see whether anyone is following or not. “ But the soldiers of France did followJoan of Arc. With her sacred sword, her consecrated banner, and her belief in her mission,she swept all before her. She sent a thrill of courage and enthusiasm through the Frencharmy such as neither king nor generals could produce. Then on May the 8th, 1430, by sheerstrategy and force, she broke the siege at Orleans. This anniversary is still celebrated inFrance as “Joan of Arc Day.” It is the day that she drove out the British and saved France.Then at the head of her troops she marched to Rheims and crowned the Dauphin King.With her mission accomplished, Joan planned to return to her family in Domremy, but shewas treacherously betrayed and sold to the British. Then her long trial of over a year began.For many weary months she was kept in chains. She was threatened and abused. TheEnglish believed that Joan had conspired not with God but the Devil and tried relentlessly todiscredit her. She was promised freedom if she would deny the visions and mission she wasgiven. However Joan was immovable, and after a year of imprisonment she was burned atthe stake on charges of heresy, at the age of 19.Joan of Arc was looked upon by her fellow French Soldiers as a gift from God whose merepresence on the battlefield stirred the hearts of a French Army who had suffered regularoccurring defeats for years by the hands of the English and Burgundians. She had dauntlesscourage when hope had perished in the hearts of her countrymen. She was spotlessly purein mind and body when most of society was foul in both. She was, perhaps, the only entirelyunselfish person whose name has held a high place in profane history. No vestige orsuggestion of self-seeking can be found in any word or deed of hers.

LEADERSHIP LESSONS FROM MAHATMA GANDHIRevered the world over for his philosophy of passive resistance, Mohandas KaramchandGandhi was known to his followers as Mahatma, or “great-souled one”. He began hisactivism as an Indian Immigrant in South Africa in 1893 and following World War Onebecame the leading figure in India’s struggle to gain independence from Great Britain.Known for his austere lifestyle and devout Hindu faith, Gandhi was imprisoned several timesin pursuit of non-cooperation. He undertook a number of hunger strikes to protest theoppression of India’s poorest classes. After the partition in 1947, Gandhi continued to worktowards tolerance between Hindus and Muslims. In January 1948, at the age of 78, Gandhiwas shot dead by a Hindu Fundamentalist.Even after his assassination, Gandhi’s commitment to nonviolence and his belief in simpleliving have been a beacon of hope for oppressed and marginalised people throughout theworld. His actions inspired future human rights movements and his teachings remainrelevant today.Some of his lessons are below. 1. A Master CommunicatorTo appreciate Gandhi as a communicator, it is necessary to bear in mind the diversity of hisaudience, compromising various religions and castes, who often perceived their interests tobe mutually conflicting. Gandhi eschewed rhetoric in favour of clarity and directness. It wasthis directness that makes his expression forceful. He also made use of rhetorical questionseffectively. His language was polite, shunning harshness. He switched between Gujarati,Hindi and English, depending on who he was addressing. Gandhi appreciated that heneeded to get his message to as wide an audience as possible. Gandhi ensured his messagereached the mass population, through regional language newspapers. This meant mostfamilies were aware of what he was doing, as there was always someone of proximity whocould read.

2. “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”Gandhi recognised that the actions he took to achieve his goal, needed to stand out to havean impact. The Salt Act stopped Indians from collecting and selling salt, instead of having tobuy it from the British at a significantly higher price. In protest, Gandhi decided to Marchfrom Ahmedabad to the Arabian Sea, 240 miles away. Along the way, he and 60,000 peoplewere arrested. However, the “Salt March” grabbed the world’s attention, putting thespotlight on India’s struggle for independence from Britain. 3. “You can chain me, you can torture me, you can destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.”A significant factor in Gandhi success was due to his extraordinary persistence once he hadarticulated his vision. His dogged persistence in following a policy of non-cooperationinspired an entire country. His determination in following through on what he preached wasoften at a cost to his well-being and may have ultimately cost him his life. 4. “I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles, but today it means getting along with people.”When Gandhi arrived on the political scene in India in 1915, his non-violent and pluralisticapproach to religion and politics brought him into direct conflict with the issues ofcommunalism and religious fanaticism. Gandhi believed the power of the nation was vestedwith the people, rather than religion. His equal respect for all cultures and religions impliedthe idea of mutual learning and inter-faith dialogue. Gandhi said that “I do not want myhouse to be walled on all sides and my windows be stuffed. I want the cultures of all landsto be blown about my house as freely as possible.” Gandhi knew that the efforts of Hindusalone would not realize India's independence. He, therefore, involved the Indian Muslims inthe struggle. This approach helped him to effectively spread his message to the broadestgroups within Indian society. 5. “A ‘No’ uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a ‘Yes’ merely uttered to please, or worse, avoid trouble.”As leader of the Indian National Congress Party from 1921, he refused to participate insporadic violence conducted by its members. As this violence went against his convictions,he announced the end of the movement. He continued to lead according to his ownstringent beliefs despite opposition from a growing frustrated minority. 6. “If I had no sense of humour, I would long ago have committed suicide”.Although he was known as a strict disciplinarian, Gandhi also possessed an infectious senseof humour, a quality that helped him withstand the rigour of the arduous journey of India’sstruggle for independence. A good leader appreciates that for people to reach their goalstheir needs to be some laughter from time to time. Gandhi used humour as a tool to lift hisfollowers in times of hardship. It made him more relatable, quashing the notion he was adeity-like figure.

7. “To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest”Gandhi held integrity in such high regard that he would not advise anyone anything he didnot do himself. A mother once brought her child to him, asking him to tell the boy not to eatsugar. Gandhi replied, \"I cannot tell him that. But you may bring him back in a month.\". Onemonth later she returned, not knowing what to expect. Gandhi told the boy \"do not eatsugar, my child. It is not good for you.\" Then he embraced him and returned the boy to hismother. The mother, grateful but perplexed, queried, \"Why didn't you say that a monthago?\" \"Well,\" said Gandhi, \"a month ago, I was still eating sugar.\" How can business leadersbe successful in their values are not at the forefront of their minds? Integrity is thefoundation of trust, and what followers most value in a leader.

WAS SHACKLETON THE GREATEST LEADER IN THE LAST 200 YEARS?How do we define great leadership?There has been endless debate as to the defining qualities that encompass great leadership.Trying to whittle it down to a small number of characteristics is difficult, as leadership is anart. Everyone has their own leadership style. Some start off better leaders than others,while others evolve into leaders over time. However, there are a number of key themes ofleadership no matter the style or individual. 1. Shared Vision: The leader and the group must be working on a mutually agreed upon goal. This is the opposite of a dictatorship, which forces others to work towards a goal they may or may not support. 2. Mobilising and Empowering Others: Effective Leaders must enable others to do things, as well as get them to do it. However, what is most critical is that followers are both able and willing. Leader’s inspire people to want to act, rather than being forced to do so. 3. Resilience: An effective leader can withstand disruptive shocks, manage complexity and recover from tough times. 4. Morale: It is important to remember that an effective leader is not just responsible for a group completing the task, but also responsible for the team’s enjoyment and their feelings towards others on the team and the work they are undertaking.What is important to note is these leadership qualities are not defined by a person’sposition in the group, Ernest Shackleton appreciated that it was his actions, rather than histitle, which were most important in gaining the respect of his men.

Who was Ernest Shackleton?Ernest Shackleton was born on 15th February 1874 in County Kildare, Ireland, to Anglo-Irishparents. He grew up in London, where his family moved when he was a young boy. Despitethe urging of his father to follow in his footsteps and go to medical school, Shackleton joinedthe merchant navy. In 1901, he joined British Naval Officer and explorer Robert Falcon Scotton a trek to the South Pole that placed them closer to the pole than anyone else hadpreviously achieved. The trip for Shackleton was cut short, as he fell seriously ill andreturned home.In 1908, he returned to the Antarctic as the leader of his own expedition, on the ship‘Nimrod’. During the expedition, his team climbed Mount Erebus, made many scientificdiscoveries and set a record for coming closer to the South Pole than any expedition hadbefore. In 1914, Shackleton made his third trip to the Antartic with the ship ‘Endurance’,named after his family motto, “Fortitudine Vincimus – by endurance we conquer”, planningto cross Antarctica via the South Pole. Early in 1915, Endurance became trapped in the ice,ultimately forcing Shackleton and his 27-man crew to vacate the ship and set up camp onthe floating ice. After the ship sank later that year, he and his crew crowded into three smallboats and made their way to Elephant Island. However, there was little hope of rescue, asthe Island was uninhabited. Taking five crew members, Shackleton went to find help. Theyspent sixteen days crossing 1,300 km of ocean to reach South Georgia. Shackleton and twoof the crew then trekked across the island to reach the whaling station. The remaining menfrom the Endurance were rescued in August 1916. No one from the expedition died.Shackleton’s fourth expedition aimed to circumnavigate the Antarctic continent but, on the5th January 1922, Shackleton died of a heart attack off South Georgia. He was buried on theisland at the request of his wife.Why does his story still resonate today?Ernest Shackleton was not the first person to reach the South Pole, that honour belongs toRoald Amundsen, who beat the British explorer Robert Scott in 1911. Shackleton’s aim wasgreater, he wanted to transverse Antarctica, but ultimately, he failed to achieve his aim.However, Shackleton’s thrilling story still captivates us, and his legend has endured. It is astory of optimism in the face of death and ingenuity in the face of scarcity. His honest andself-sacrificing leadership and his consideration for the well-being of his crew means his lifecontinues to be of relevance today.What makes Shackleton’s story stand out compared to other great leaders in history is theintimacy of the various accounts that we now have of the Endurance expedition, from notonly Shackleton himself, but various members of his crew. All accounts focus on his people-centred style of leadership. Although his initial legacy was outshone by Robert Scott,Shackleton gradually overtook him in the public’s esteem. Away from his expeditions,Shackleton’s life was restless and unfulfilled. He launched business ventures that failed toprosper, and he died heavily in debt. However, as an explorer, he became an exemplar forbringing order from chaos and the archetype of a non-anxious leader. He was a man ofaction, not oratory and is the epitome of leading by example.

Shared VisionShackleton understood the importance of a common goal and the importance of havingpeople within his team who had the right attitude. Shackleton was clear in his vision fromthe start and only wanted those who shared it to join him on his expeditions. To attract theright people for the difficult journey that awaited him on his ship, the Endurance, he postedan advert which read “Men wanted for a hazardous journey. Small wages. Bitter cold. Longmonths of complete darkness. Constant danger. Safe return doubtful. Honour andrecognition in case of success.” The men he attracted to carry out this mission were allvolunteers, who shared a common, nationalistic vision. He was authentic in his proposal ashe only wanted like-minded individuals who a shared a common purpose; personalfulfilment from extreme hardship. Shackleton was hiring for attitude!His recruiting techniques were highly subjective, practically intuitive and eccentric.Shackleton could appraise a man by his interpersonal skills. Shackleton intuitively knew thatpersonality was more critical than skill, saying “their science or their seamanship weighslittle with me against the kind of chaps they are”. He hired biologist Leonard Hussey becausehe “looked funny” and played the banjo. Shackleton was equally shrewd when it came tochoosing his official photographer. His chosen man proved courageous and hard as nails.“Frank Hurley is a warrior with his camera and would go anywhere or do anything to get apicture,” said First Officer Lionel Greenstreet.Mobilising and Empowering OthersShackleton understood that putting the needs of his team before himself, was not simply foraltruistic purposes, as his constant selfless actions had the effect of forging the deepestloyalty. When Shackleton prepared to leave on the voyage to South Georgia, he gathered hismen and asked for those who were willing to accompany him to step forward. FrankWorsley, the ship’s captain, recalled the scene, “the moment he ceased speaking every manvolunteered…On the island was still safety for some weeks. The boat journey promised evenworse hardships than those through which we had but recently passed. Yet so strong wasthe men’s affection for Shackleton, so great was their loyalty to him, that they responded asthough they had not undergone any of the experiences that so often destroy thosesentiments. They were as eager to accompany him as they had been in August 1914, the dayupon which we had sailed nearly two years before.”The crew responded positively to Shackleton’s informal leadership style; he treated seniorofficers and seaman as equals, pitching in on all the menial tasks and prioritizing his men’scomfort above his own. When Hurley lost his mittens when the endurance sunk, Shackletongave him his own and suffered frostbite as a consequence. Shackleton genuinely cared forhis men and they responded in kind.ResilienceShackleton exemplified resilient leadership. Shackleton would face hardships that wouldalmost defy belief, and it was his iron-clad resilience that allowed him to keep going. The

moment the Endeavour sunk, taking its relative safety, shelter and stores with it, themission of Shackleton’s expedition changed. He announced a new goal “Ship and storeshave gone … so now we’ll go home.” Shackleton and his men spent six months camped onthe ice.When the ice had melted enough they set sail for Elephant Island, 60 miles away. It tookthem seven days in small rowing boats battling the elements. When the men finally arrived,they danced along the beach and let the pebbles dribble through their hands. They believedthey would be able to spend the winter on the island and be picked up by whalers in thespring. However, Shackleton realised there would not be enough food on the island to lastthat long; instead travelling 1300km to the whaling stations of South Georgia. Shackletonchose five men to accompany him and takes off to their last hope of salvation. It took themsixteen days to make it to South Georgia. However their journey was far from over. Thewhaling stations were on the other side of the island, and it required an overland journey toreach them.Wearing threadbare clothing, with wood screws from the lifeboat fastened to their bootsoles for traction, Shackleton, Worsley and Second Officer Tom Crean set out to marchacross South Georgia. For 36 sleepless hours, the men marched in search of whalingstations, stopping only for meals. On the morning of May 20th, 1916, they heard the whistleof the whaling station. Shackleton recalled “Never had any one of us heard sweeter music. Itwas the first sound created by outside human agency that had come to our ears since weleft Stromness Bay in December 1914. That whistle told us that men were living near, thatships were ready, and that within a few hours we should be on our way back to ElephantIsland to the rescue of the men.”He made three attempts to sail back to Elephant Island, but each time was forced to turnback because ice blocks the way. It took a fourth ship and four months until Shackletonmakes it back to Elephant Island, but he was greeted with the most rewarding sight of all: all22 of the men he had left behind, alive, waving from the beach. Shackleton never crossedAntarctica, he never even reached the Antarctic continent, but his resilience allowed him toachieve his new aim, to deliver his men safely home.MoraleWhile the Endurance was trapped in ice, Frank Worsley said, “Shackleton’s spirits werewonderfully irrepressible considering the heart-breaking reverses he has had to put up withand the frustration….one would think he had never a care on his mind and he is the life andsoul of half the sky larking and fooling in the ship.” No matter what befell him, Shackletonalways found reasons to laugh. The worse things got, the cooler, and more collectedShackleton became. Worsley remembered that Shackleton could sometimes be irritablewhen the going was good, and he could afford it, “but never when things were going badly,and we were up against it.” Shackleton was obsessed with the well-being of his men. Heunderstood that idleness would lead to depression, so he kept his crew as active as possible,sending them out for games of football and hockey while the Endurance was trapped in ice.On the way to South Georgia, he assured that the crew got regular meals and drinks of hot

milk every four hours; the routine gave the group stability and something to look forwardto.The Greatest Leader?There are a number of reasons why Shackleton’s story stands out compared to the othergreat leaders of recent times. The hardships he and his crew faced were so extreme it wasessentially a fight against nature. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. Leaders sooften make decisions from afar, on the sidelines, whereas Shackleton’s every decision andmovement could have cost his team their lives. What Shackleton exemplified, it could beargued, more than other well-known leaders was an understanding of the basic needs of hisfellow human beings. Shackleton possessed ample social intelligence, understanding whatmade his crew members tick as individuals, and how important this was for them to stayalive. Shackleton’s Endurance expedition failed, but his leadership meant his entire crewsurvived, a feat that appeared impossible. It is what makes him stand out from the rest andwhy his story continues to resonate today.

11 LEADERSHIP LESSONS FROM JULIUS CAESARIf there ever was a most characteristic military leader in history, that was Julius Caesar.Beyond his indisputable ability for strategy, the Roman General stood apart due to hisprowess in leadership and his ability to transmit his wisdom and vision to the troops he wascommanding who in turn gave Caesar their trust and loyalty.Caesar was born into a patrician family, the gens Julia, which claimed descent from Iulus,son of the legendary Trojan Prince Aeneas. Due to instability in Rome and because of Sullasproscriptions, Caesar the age of 19 Caesar joined the army and served with distinction at theSiege of Mytilene earning the Civic crown. After hearing of Sulla’s death, Caesar thought itsafe to return to Rome although Pirates captured him and although eventually released heswore he would hunt them down and kill them, an act he successfully completed. Caesarclimbed up the political ladder throughout his life eventually becoming Proconsul ofCisalpine Gaul and Illyricum.Caesar went on to become the greatest General and statesman of his era in which heattained ultimate power and received the title ‘Dictator for life’. However, the underlyingpolitical conflicts had not been resolved and on the Ides of March, 44 BC, Caesar wasassassinated by a group of rebellious senators led by Gaius Cassius Longinus, Marcus JuniusBrutus and Decimus Junius Brutus.Caesar thought differently than his contemporaries and to help us to understand why hestood out as arguably the Greatest Roman who ever lived. Here are some lessons that abright dead personality could teach us were they alive today, Gaius Julius Caesar – a man sosuccessful in his time that his last name became synonymous with “Emperor”.

1. People want to be led, not controlled.When Julius Caesar led his legions, he did so not with the standard cold, formal jargon thatone would expect to hear in an army but he treated his soldiers as equals, when headdressed his troops he referred to them as ‘Comrades’, never ‘men’ or ‘soldiers’. Caesarunderstood that to gain a man’s trust and loyalty he must be different to that of the norm.He trained alongside his men with the same physical intensity they did and that he knew allof his centurion’s names, building with them an intimate rapport. Caesar knew that in doingso he would retain their trust and admiration and gave his troops the mentality that theywere fighting alongside Caesar, not just for him. 2. “I came, I saw, I conquered.”Everyone loves a winner. The ingredients of leadership may be a brew of courage, vision andintelligence, but its flavour and appeal are the wins. Being a leader isn’t always enough, itmust be proven again and again that and in doing so cements an individual as someone allshould look up to. Throughout his life, Caesar’s actions showed that he had what it takes towin and win again. His personnel brew of leadership qualities allowed him to become theconqueror of Gaul, Imperator and Dictator for life. 3. “Experience is the teacher of all things.”Caesar understood that the subtleties of experience trump the best theoretical education inthe world and that reading about former great generals such as Scipio Africanis and hisCarthaginian rival Hannibal was one thing, but to roll up your sleeves and learn the hard wayis best. Julius Caesar learned to soldier with the rank and file of the Roman legions. Hefought on the front lines, shoulder to shoulder with Legionnaires. He slept with them, atewith them, drank with them, marched with them and bled with them. Had he not spentyears in the trenches doing the work himself, he would not have been the military leader hebecame. “Experience is the teacher of all things.” 4. “Cowards die many times before their actual deaths.”Be bold. Takes chances. Don’t hide. Every time you don’t speak up in a meeting, every timeyou hold back due to fear you are missing out on opportunities which can potentially changeyour life. All successful businessmen and woman have all gone through a rollercoaster ofsuccess and failure, and every single one of them will tell you that failure taught them morethan their successes.Speak your mind, even if what you have to say may earn you a few frowns. It is easy to feelpressured by others to keep your mouth shut or not speak against the grain. Don’t letyourself be intimidated. Your opinion is as valuable as theirs, and your point of view just asworthy of expression. Better to know who your friends and enemies are than to live in fearof retaliation. Speak your mind. Find strength in courage. 5. “I had rather be first in a village than second at Rome. “Some people are happy to be second. Others are okay with being in the top 5. Leaders don’tfit into any of these categories, they want to win, and they want to be number one. WhenCaesar crossed the Rubicon River and uttered the famous words “Alea iacta est “, “the die iscast” he did so with the belief that he was to be the one man lead the Roman Republic. He

did not do it because he wanted to go back to following as others have, he did so becausehe felt that he was the one to lead. 6. Ask everything of your people, but reward them like kings.The troops who served with Julius Caesar’s and survived to the end retired as wealthy men.His troops, who were often born into poverty would have never forgotten to who they owetheir fortunes to. Julius Caesar was without a doubt one of the most successful andinfluential men that has ever lived. But he did not do it alone. Caesar understood that hissuccesses came from the ordinary men, the men who fought his battles, built his camps anddied for his cause. Caesar understood that everyone who contributed to his successdeserves more reward that he could afford. 7. “The die is cast.”Make decisions. Live with those decisions. Once you’ve committed yourself and yourbusiness to a course of action, to a play, to a tactical path, you’re committed. The time fordoubt or indecision is gone. Stay the course and brave the storm. During the final battle ofthe Gallic war, Caesar was facing a larger force in a terrain mostly unfamiliar with him, yethe stuck to his decision, dealt with the irregularities and overcame any obstacles thrown athim. He followed his instincts to the end, and in doing so, subdued the Gaul’s andincorporated the province of Gaul (France) into the Roman Republic. 8. Always Choose Notoriety Over-Fitting InEven when he was just starting out and had no power, Julius Caesar found ways to standout. He was one of the noted fashionistas of his era, always dressing better and moreuniquely than the other men around him. Caesar dressed so that he at first seemed as if hewas a member of the Senatorial family, but the same time marked himself out as not quitethe same as his peers. 9. “It is better to create than to learn! Creating is the essence of life.”It is better to be a pioneer than a student. Go where no one has gone. Until Julius Caesarmarched into Gaul and made it a Roman province, it was a mostly an unknown land thatRome feared for centuries. He had a vision of what could be, and he made that vision areality. Julius Caesar like most great men looked outside the box, Caesar looked at whatothers thought to be impossible, and he made it a reality. Leaders today such as Bill Gates,Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, Walt Disney, every brand of note has focused noton learning but creating and building. 10. Keep Your Power Base As Broad As PossibleAs a member of the political party the Populārēs, meaning ‘favouring the people’ Caesar’spopularity came from the plebeians (the commoners). Caesar was loved by the lowerclasses of society, yet looked at with contempt by the more conservative, traditionallyRepublican senators who felt his ever growing power was destroying the republican valuesRome had held so dear. As dictator, Julius Caesar enacted a legislative programme thataddressed all segments of society. In his youth, he lived in a neighbourhood that wasn’texactly prestigious, but it did allow him to converse with the poorer classes that Romansenators would pay no note to. To give it a modern analogy, Julius Caesar didn’t live in a

bubble. He knew senators, equestrians, and the poor. He even championed the residents inthe provinces abroad, such as those in Cisalpine Gaul who hadn’t been given citizenship butwanted it. 11. “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.”Caesar understood that Rome was in need of drastic change. He knew that without changeRome could once again plunge into civil war as it had done in the past with the wars of Sullaand Gaius Marius and himself and Pompey Magnus which had drained the Republic of bothresources and funds. Caesar laid plans for economic improvements across the empire.Marshes south of Rome were drained, business districts of various cities were improved,and new theatres and temples were built. He proposed construction projects for improvingtrade by sea and for improving harbours. He laid plans for a new canal for the city ofCorinth. Caesar began enlisting men of talent into public service, and he saw the need forimprovement in the organisation of municipal governments throughout Italy. He startedstandardising and streamlining cumbersome local governmental operations. He sought tobind citizens in the provinces closer to Rome by doing away with laws that made distinctionsbetween them and the citizens of Rome. He gave Roman citizenship to Gauls who hadfought alongside him when he was governor there. He renewed old laws long ignoredagainst extravagance. He upheld property rights and took steps toward the restoration ofRome's system of finances and the creation of economic stability. To prevent the kind ofprofiteering that had taken place under Sulla and to ease the burden of debt, he putrestrictions on lending and borrowing. He gave Romans temporary relief from rents andbegan a programme of improving housing for the poor. He began welfare reform, reducingthe number of those who were impoverished in Rome from 320,000 to 150,000.Julius Caesar was a man who changed the course of the world. Through his achievements hedramatically changed the political landscape of Rome, then the foremost military andpolitical power in the world and even today his teachings, words and name are held inaccordance with those who succeed in the highest degree.

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