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Home Explore State of the Market - Board and Executive Movements January - June 2019

State of the Market - Board and Executive Movements January - June 2019

Published by Blenheim Partners, 2019-07-02 01:47:08

Description: State of the Market - Board and Executive Movements January - June 2019


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BACKGROUND Blenheim Partners specialise in: ▪ Executive Search; ▪ Non-Executive Director Search; ▪ Board Strategy and Structure Consulting; ▪ External Succession Planning; and ▪ Executive Re-Engagement / Transition. Founded in 2012, our team have acted as specialist Psychologists, Coaches and exceptionally adviser to many of the world’s leading experienced Researchers. corporations on Board and Executive performance, capability and succession planning. Blenheim Partners is continually investing in knowledge and understanding as exemplified by Our consultants have worked with clients from all our Thought Leadership “The Challenges of sectors and a broad range of geographies. They Attaining Growth”, Industry Papers and monthly include over 80 of the ASX 100, 10% of the FTSE Market Intelligence reports. 100, Private Equity, Multinational, Private Family and Mutually Owned Companies. Our philosophy is to develop deep and committed relationships with a select number of clients and Our work includes assignments that are both local help them deliver a superior performance by and international in scope. optimising the composition of their Board and Executive team. Our team consists of senior Search Consultants, Human Resource Directors, Our culture is built on pride, professionalism, esprit de corps and client service.

COMMERCIAL SERVICES ALS Ltd: Siddhartha Kadia has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 15 January 2019. Corporate Travel Management Ltd: Ewen Crouch has been appointed as Chairman replacing Tony Bellas, effective 25 March 2019. Neale O’Connell has been appointed as Global Chief Financial Officer, effective 9 July 2019. Slater & Gordon Ltd: Nils Stoesser has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, Mark Dewar has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Smartgroup Corporation Ltd: Carolyn Colley has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 15 March 2019. ENERGY AGL Energy Ltd: Christine Corbett has been appointed as Chief Customer Officer, effective 1 July 2019. Damien Nicks has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer. Patricia McKenzie has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 1 May 2019. APA Group Ltd: James Fazzino has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director effective 21 February 2019, Russell Higgins has retired as a Non-Executive Director. Patricia McKenzie has retired as a Non- Executive Director, effective 8 March 2019. Rob Wheals has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director effective 6 July 2019, Mick McCormack will retire as Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director effective 5 July 2019. AusNet Services Ltd: Adam Newman has resigned as Chief Financial Officer, effective 20 September 2019. Nino Ficca will retire as Managing Director by the end of 2019 and will remain as Managing Director until his successor has commenced. Tony Narvaez has been appointed Managing Director succeeding Nino Ficca effective 1 November 2019. Beach Energy Ltd: Sally-Anne Layman has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 25 February 2019. Chief Executive Officer Matt kay has also been appointed Managing Director, effective 25 February 2019. Caltex Australia Ltd: Matthew Halliday has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, effective 15 April 2019. Richard Pearson has resigned as Executive General Manager Convenience Retail effective March 2019, Lyndall Stoyles has been appointed as Executive General Manager People, Communications and Governance. Central Petroleum Ltd: Duncan Lockhart has been appointed as General Manager Exploration, effective 8 April 2019. Leon Devaney has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, effective 21 February 2019. Damian Galvin has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, effective 12 August 2019. Comet Ridge Ltd: Martin Riley has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, Mike Dart has resigned as a Non-Executive Director. Contact Energy Ltd: Tania Palmer has resigned as Chief People Officer, effective 5 June 2019.

Elk Petroleum Ltd: Brad Lingo has resigned as Managing Director effective 31 March 2019 and will remain with the company as an adviser for six months, Alex Hunter has resigned as Chief Financial Officer effective 15 March 2019. David Evans has been appointed Interim Chief Executive Officer, effective 1 April 2019. Freedom Oil & Gas Ltd: J. Russell Porter has been appointed as President and Chief Executive Officer effective 14 January 2019, Current President and Chief Executive Officer J. Michael Yeager will continue as Non-Executive Chairman. David Casey and Heath Sumrow have been appointed as Directors, Joseph Camuglia has retired from the Board effective 1 April 2019, Michael Yeager will retire as Chairman and Nigel Smith will retire as a Non-Executive Director. Chief Executive Officer and President Russell Porter will assume the additional role of Chairman. Genesis Energy Ltd: Catherine Drayton has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 14 March 2019. Tracey Hickman has been appointed as Executive General Manager Retail Operations, Nigel Clark has been appointed as Executive General Manager Wholesale Operations and Kupe JV, Shaun Goldsbury has been appointed as Executive General Manager Wholesale Markets, James Magill has been appointed as Executive General Manager Retail Markets, Chief Financial Officer Chris Jewel has assumed additional responsibility as Chief Financial Officer and Executive General Manager Strategy, all appointments are effective 1 July 2019. Horizon Oil Ltd: Chris Hodge has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 11 April 2019. Infratil Ltd: Alison Quinn has resigned as Chief Executive Officer of RetireAustralia effective 31 March 2019, Anthony Heald has been appointed as Interim Chief Executive Officer. Brett Robinson has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer of RetireAustralia, effective 27 May 2019. Catherine Savage has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 1 August 2019. Kirsty Mactaggart has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 25 March 2019. Meridian Energy Ltd: Paul Chambers has resigned as Chief Financial Officer, effective 12 April 2019. Mike Roan has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, effective immediately. Julian Smith has resigned as Chief Customer Officer, effective 4 October 2019. Mary Devine has resigned as a Director, effective October 2019. Tania Palmer has been appointed as General Manager Human Resources. Origin Energy Ltd: Greg Lalicker has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 1 March 2019. Paladin Energy Ltd: Anna Sudlow has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, Craig Barnes has resigned as Chief Financial Officer effective 20 September 2019. ReNu Energy Ltd: Damian Galvin has resigned as Chief Financial Officer, effective August 2019. Santos Ltd: Guan Yu has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 3 May 2019. Yujiang (Eugene) Shi has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, effective immediately. Senex Energy Ltd: Andy Zhmurovsky has resigned as a Non-Executive Director. Gary Mallett has resigned as Chief Financial Officer, effective October 2019. Vahid Farzad has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Spark Infrastructure Ltd: Nicholas Schiffer has resigned as Chief Financial Officer.

Stanmore Coal Ltd: Darren Yeates has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 6 May 2019. Sundance Energy Ltd: Judy Buie has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Vimy Resources Ltd: Mal James has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, effective 7 May 2019. Marcel Hilmer has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer. Tony Chamberlain has resigned as Chief Operating Officer and will join the Board as a Non-Executive Director, effective 1 February 2019. Viva Energy REIT Ltd: Margaret Kennedy will step down as Managing Director in 2020, Hadyn Stephens will commence as Chief Executive Officer in 2020. Scott Wyatt has resigned as a Non- Executive Director effective 14 May 2019, Jevan Bouzo will stand for election as a Director. White Energy Company Ltd: Terry Crawford has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, effective 28 February 2019. Whitehaven Coal Ltd: Lindsay Ward has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 15 February 2019. Windlab Ltd: John Cooper has retired as a Director. WorleyParsons Ltd: Juan Jose Suarez Coppel has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director effective 27 May 2019, Catherine Livingstone will retire as a Non-Executive Director at the 2019 Annual General Meeting. Roger Higgins and Sharon Warburton have been appointed as Non- Executive Directors, effective 20 February 2019. Z Energy Ltd: Chris Day has resigned as Chief Financial Officer effective 10 May 2019, Lindis Jones has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer effective 1 April 2019, Julian Hughes has been appointed as General Manager Strategy and Risk effective 1 April 2019. Mandy Simpson has been appointed as Chief Digital Officer, effective 19 February 2019. Zenith Energy Ltd: Stephanie Unwin will step down as a Non-Executive Director. FINANCIAL SERVICES Centrepoint Alliance Ltd: Andrea Slattery has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, effective 31 January 2019. Centuria Capital Group: Jason Huljich has been appointed as joint Chief Executive Officer, effective 21 June 2019, alongside John McBain who remains in a full-time capacity as joint Chief Executive Officer. Challenger Ltd: Ian Saines will retire as Chief Executive Funds Management later in 2019. Collection House Ltd: Kristine May has resigned as Chief Financial Officer effective 30 June 2019, Doug McAlpine has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer effective 1 July 2019. Commonwealth Bank of Australia Ltd: Anna Lenahan will retire as Group General Counsel and Group Executive Group Corporate Affairs, effective 30 June 2019. Priscilla Sims Brown has been appointed as Group Executive Marketing and Corporate Affairs, effective 1 August 2019. Sir David Higgins will retire as a Non-Executive Director, effective 31 December 2019.

Eclipx Group: Garry McLennan will retire as Chief Financial Officer in six months. EQT Holdings Ltd: James Minto has been appointed as Deputy Chair. Evans Dixon Ltd: Alan Dixon has stepped down as Chief Executive Officer. David Crawford has retired as a Non-Executive Director, Peter Anderson has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. FlexiGroup Ltd: Elizabeth Minogue has been appointed as Chief Revenue Officer. John Wylie has been appointed as a Director. Future Generation Investment Company Ltd: Caroline Gurney and Stephanie Lai have been appointed as Non-Executive Directors. IOOF Holdings Ltd: Allan Griffiths has been appointed Chairman effective immediately, Christopher Kelaher has resigned as Managing Director. Renato Mota has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer effective 25 June 2019, Andrew Bloore has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director effective 2 September 2019. Janus Henderson Group Plc: Suzanne Gain has been appointed as Global Head of Distribution, effective 20 May 2019. Mainstream Group Holdings Ltd: Lucienne Layton has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, effective March 2019. Debbie Last has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 1 July 2019. Mortgage Choice Ltd: Steve Jermyn has retired as a Non-Executive Director, effective 19 June 2019. MyState Ltd: Peter Armstrong has retired as a Non-Executive Director. National Australia Bank Ltd: Andrew Thorburn has resigned as Chief Executive Officer effective 28 February 2019, Ken Henry will retire as Chairman when a Chief Executive Officer has been appointed, Philip Chronican has been appointed Acting Chief Executive Officer. Lorraine Murphy has resigned as Chief People Officer, Julie Rynski has been appointed Interim Chief People Officer. Philip Chronican has been appointed Chairman succeeding Ken Henry later in 2019. National Stock Exchange Ltd: Ann Bowering has resigned as Managing Director effective 5 July 2019, Matthew Loughnan has been appointed Interim Chief Executive Officer effective 6 July 2019. OFX Group Ltd: Connie Carnabuci has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 1 April 2019. OneVue Holdings Ltd: Andrew Macpherson has resigned as a Non-Executive Director. Pacific Current Group Ltd: Ashley Killick has been appointed as Interim Chief Financial Officer, effective 20 March 2019. Jeremiah Chafkin has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 10 April 2019. Pioneer Credit Ltd: Lisa Stedman has resigned as Chief Operating Officer, effective 9 July 2019.

Westpac Banking Corporation Ltd: Margie Seale and Steve Harker have been appointed as Non- Executive Directors, effective 1 March 2019. Current Chief Executive Business David Lindberg has been appointed as Chief Executive Consumer, Alastair Welsh has been appointed as Acting Chief Executive Business, George Frazis has resigned as Consumer Bank Chief Executive, Brad Cooper has resigned as Chief Executive Officer BT Financial. Guilherme Lima has been appointed as Chief Executive Business and will join the company later in 2019. Yellow Brick Road Holdings Ltd: Owen Williams has retired as a Non-Executive Director. GAMING Ainsworth Game Technology Ltd: Lawrence Levy has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer, effective 1 July 2019. Ardent Leisure Group Ltd: Don Morris has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, effective 31 May 2019. Donaco International Ltd: David Green has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Joey Lim has resigned as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer but will remain on the Board as a Non-Executive Director, Benjamin Lim has been appointed as Interim Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer. Paul Arbuckle has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer. SKYCITY Entertainment Group Ltd: David Christian has been appointed as General Manager Adelaide Casino effective 8 April 2019, Luke Walker has resigned as General Manager Adelaide Casino effective 4 April 2019. Tabcorp Holdings Ltd: Damien Johnston will retire as Chief Financial Officer in financial year 2020 when a successor is appointed. Adam Newman has been appointed Chief Financial Officer, effective October 2019. INDUSTRIALS/MANUFACTURING Adelaide Brighton Ltd: Raymond Barro has been appointed as Chairman, current Chairman Zlatko Todorcevski will become Deputy Chairman at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting. Theresa Mlikota has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, effective 15 April 2019. Amcor Plc: Paul Brasher will retire as a Non-Executive Director, effective 30 September 2019. Austin Engineering Ltd: Sam Cruickshank has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer. David Singleton has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 15th of April 2019. Boart Longyear Ltd: Eric Waxman has retired as a Non-Executive Director, effective 20 May 2019. Brambles Ltd: Jim Miller has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 15 March 2019. BSA Ltd: David Prescott has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Clean TeQ Holdings Ltd: Li Binghan has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, Shawn Wang has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 6 March 2019.

CSR Ltd: Julie Coates has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, effective 2 September 2019. Fletcher Building Ltd: Hamish McBeath has been appointed Chief Executive Building Products effective 17 June 2019, Adrian Blake has been appointed as General Manager Steel. Michele Kernahan has resigned as Chief Executive Building Products effective July 2019, John Bell will retire as Chief Information Officer in the second half of 2019. GR Engineering Services Ltd: Joe Totaro has resigned as Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary effective 16 April 2019 and will join the Board as a Non-Executive Director effective 1 July 2019, Omesh Motiwalla has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary effective 16 April 2019. GWA Group Ltd: Alison Barrass has been appointed as Non-Executive Director, effective 24 May 2019. Incitec Pivot Ltd: Paul Brasher will retire as Chairman effective 30 June 2019, Brian Kruger has been appointed as Chairman effective 1 July 2019. IPH Ltd: Jingmin Qian has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. James Hardie Industries Plc: Jack Truong has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer effective 31 January 2019 succeeding Louis Gries. Alison Littley and Rudolf van der Meer will retire as Non- Executive Directors, effective 9 August 2019. Lycopodium Ltd: Karl Cicanese has been appointed as Managing Director Lycopodium Minerals succeeding Rod Leonard, Andrew Carnie has been appointed Managing Director Mondium succeeding Bob Osmetti, Rod Leonard and Bob Osmetti have been appointed as Non-Executive Directors. Monadelphous Ltd: Sue Murphy has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 11 June 2019. Orora Ltd: Rob Sindel has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 26 March 2019. Pact Group Holdings Ltd: Sanjay Dayal has been appointed as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, effective 3 April 2019. Pro-Pac Packaging Ltd: Grant Harrod will finish in his role as Chief Executive Officer on 22 February 2019, Rick Rostolis has been appointed as Interim Chief Executive Officer. Jonathan Ling has been appointed as Chairman, Ahmed Fahour has stepped down as Chairman but will remain on the Board as a Non-Executive Director until 30 June 2019. Tim Welsh has been appointed Chief Executive Officer, effective 15 July 2019. Reliance Worldwide Corporation Ltd: Jonathan Munz has announced his intention to retire as Chairman. Stuart Crosby has been appointed as Chairman effective immediately succeeding Jonathan Munz who has retired from the Board. Seven Group Holdings Ltd: Kate Farrar has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director.

Tempo Australia Ltd: Ian Widdecombe has resigned as a Non-Executive Director. Scott Macdonald has resigned as Chief Financial Officer. Ian Lynass has resigned as Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, effective immediately. Chairman, Guido Belgiorno-Nettis, will take on the role as Executive Chairman until a replacement is engaged. Xenith IP Group Ltd: Lesley Kennedy has resigned as Chief Financial Officer. INSURANCE AMP Ltd: Andrea Slattery has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 15 February 2019. Debra Hazelton has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director effective 15 June 2019, Trevor Matthews has retired as a Non-Executive Director. Geoff Roberts has retired as a Non- Executive Director, effective 2 May 2019. John Patrick Moorhead has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, effective 1 June 2019. Gordon Lefevre will retire as Group Chief Financial Officer, following an orderly transition. ASX Ltd: Peter Nash has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 19 June 2019. AUB Group Ltd: Mike Emmett has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director succeeding Mark Searles effective 11 March 2019. Australian Ethical Investment Ltd: Phil Vernon will step down as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer effective 31 August 2019, Steve Gibbs has been appointed Acting Chief Executive Officer following Mr Vernon’s departure. Freedom Insurance Group Ltd: Doug Halley and James Green have been appointed as Non-Executive Directors, effective immediately. Stephen Menzies and Andrew Jensen have retired as Non- Executive Directors, effective immediately. Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltd: Georgette Nicholas has advised the Board of her decision to retire from her role as Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director. Ms Nicholas will continue in her current role until a successor commences. Insurance Australia Group Ltd: Jacki Johnson will retire as Group Executive of People, Performance and Reputation, effective 30 June 2019. George Savvides has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. QBE Insurance Group Ltd: David McMillan has resigned as Group Chief Operations Officer. Suncorp Group Ltd: Michael Cameron has resigned as Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director and will remain with the company in an advisory capacity until 9 August 2019, Group Chief Financial Officer Steve Johnston has been appointed Interim Chief Executive Officer, Deputy Chief Financial Officer Jeremy Robson has been appointed Interim Chief Financial Officer. Tower Ltd: Marcus Nagel has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 14 January 2019. MEDIA Australian Broadcasting Corporation: David Anderson has been appointed Managing Director. Ita Buttrose has been appointed Chair. Ltd: David Wiadrowski has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 23 May 2019. GTN Ltd: Corinna Keller has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 1 March 2019. HT&E Ltd: Belinda Rowe has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 5 February 2019. Nvoi Ltd: Jennifer Maritz, Chief Executive Officer and Michael Bermeister, Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary, have resigned from their roles effective 29 April 2019. Andrew Bursill has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary, effective 29 April 2019. John Winters has been appointed Interim Chief Executive Officer, effective 30 April 2019. oOh!media Ltd: Geoff Wild will retire as a Non-Executive Director, effective 16 May 2019. Timothy Miles has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 16 May 2019. Prime Media Group Ltd: Robbie Sefton has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 8 April 2019. REA Group Ltd: Ryan O’Hara has resigned as a Non-Executive Director effective 8 February 2019, Tracey Fellows will remain on the Board representing News Corp. Janelle Hopkins has been appointed Chief Financial Officer, effective 3rd June 2019. Sky Network Television Ltd: Andrew Dick has been appointed as Interim Chief Financial Officer, effective immediately. John Fellet has retired from the Board. Blair Woodbury has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, effective 19 June 2019. Village Roadshow Ltd: Clark Kirby has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer succeeding Graham Burke effective 1 January 2020. Robert Kirby will step down as Executive Chairman and will become an Executive Director when a new Chair is appointed. Graham Burke will retire as Chief Executive Officer at the end of 2019 and will become a Non-Executive Director. WPP AUNZ Ltd: Jens Monsees has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, effective 1 October 2019. MINING Aguia Resources Ltd: Alec Pismiris, Diane Lai and Brian Moller have resigned as Non-Executive Directors, Paul Pint has resigned as Executive Chairman. Alexium International Group Ltd: Rosheen Garnon has been appointed as Chair, Susan Thomas has retired as Chair effective 31 March 2019. Allegiance Coal Ltd: David Fawcett has retired as Chairman. Alliance Mineral Assets Ltd: Ron Chamberlain has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, effective 18 March 2019. Altura Mining Ltd: Chris Evans has resigned as Chief Operating Officer. Phil Robinson has been appointed as Chief Operating officer. Zhao Tong has resigned as a Non-Executive Director of the company. Alumia Ltd: Grant Dempsey has been appointed Chief Financial Officer, effective 1 July 2019.

Amani Gold Ltd: Yu Qiuming has retired as Chairman but will remain as an Executive Director, Klaus Eckhof has been appointed as Chairman. AngloGold Ashanti Ltd: Maria Ramos has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 1 June 2019. Arafura Resources Ltd: Ian Kowalick has retired as Chairman, Mark Southey has been appointed as Chairman effective immediately. Ausdrill Ltd: Theresa Mlikota has resigned as Chief Financial Officer and will leave the company in the next three months, Peter Bryant has been appointed as Interim Chief Financial Officer. Bassari Resources Ltd: Philip Bruce has resigned as a Director effective 25 June 2019, Ian Riley has been appointed as a casual Director. Battery Minerals Ltd: Jeremy Sinclair has been appointed Managing Director, current Managing Director David Flanagan will transition into Executive Chairman, current Chairman Jeff Dowling has been appointed Lead Independent Director, Brett Smith and Gilbert George will step down from the Board in May 2019. David Flanagan will transition from Executive Chairman to Non-Executive Chairman, effective 1 July 2019. Ivy Chen and Paul Glasson have stepped down as Non-Executive Directors, effective immediately. BCI Minerals Ltd: Tony Chamberlain has been appointed as Project Director, effective end of January 2019. BHP Group Ltd: Geraldine Slattery has been appointed as President Operations Petroleum effective 18 March 2019, Vandita Pant has been appointed as Chief Commercial Officer effective 1 July 2019, Jonathan Price has been appointed as Chief Transformation Officer effective 1 March 2019 and Laura Tyler has been appointed Chief Geologist effective 1 March 2019. Arnoud Balhuzen has resigned as Chief Commercial Officer and Steve Pastor has resigned as President Operations Petroleum. Ian Cockerill and Susan Kilsby have been appointed as Non-Executive Directors, effective 1 April 2019. Birimian Ltd: Alistair Cowden has been appointed Chairman. Eric Hughes has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, effective 26 February 2019. Chris Evans has been appointed as Managing Director. Seydou Semega has been appointed as Mali Country Manager, effective 1 April 2019. On 27 June 2019, following overwhelming shareholder approval, Birimian Ltd became Mali Ltd. Blackham Resources Ltd: Bryan Dixon has resigned as Chief Executive Officer, effective 1 May 2019. Milan Jerkovic, current Executive Chairman, will assume day to day management of the Company on an interim basis until a replacement Chief Executive Officer has been appointed. Richard Boffey has resigned as Chief Operating Officer, effective at the end of May 2019. The Chief Operating Officer position will not be replaced. Guy Simpson, current General Manager at the Wiluna Operations, will move into the new General Manager Operations and Planning position. Neil Meadows has been appointed as General Manager Projects and Business Improvement. Boss Resources Ltd: Grant Davey has resigned as a Non-Executive Director. Mathew O’Hara has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary. Bryn Jones has been appointed as a Technical Director, effective 15 September 2019.

Bounty Mining Ltd: Gary Cochrane has resigned as a Director and an Executive of the Company. Jim Griffin has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer, effective 18 February 2019. Capricorn Metals Ltd: Warren Hallam has resigned as Managing Director and Jonathon Shellabear has resigned as Chief Financial Officer, effective 5 March 2019. Timothy Kestell and Douglas Jendry have been appointed as Non-Executive Directors, Debra Bakker, Geoffrey Rogers and Peter Benjamin have resigned as Non-Executive Directors, effective 5 March 2019. Cardinal Resources Ltd: Trevor Schultz has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Centrex Metals Ltd: Simon Slesarewich has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer. Champion Iron Ltd: David Cataford has been appointed Chief Executive Officer, Michael O’Keeffe will remain in his role as Executive Chairman. Coronado Global Resources Inc: William (Bill) Koeck has been appointed Chairman. Mr Koeck became Acting Chairman on 4 February 2019. CuDeco Ltd: Stephen Yip has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, Benjamin Zhai who was Mr Yip’s alternative Director has rejoined the Board as a Non-Executive Director. Zhaohui Wu has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, Liangfu Lyu has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Explaurum Ltd: Chris Baker and Stephen Stroud have resigned as Non-Executive Directors. Kevin Lines has been appointed as Chairman and Tim Manners has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Finders Resources Ltd: Gordon Galt has resigned as a Non-Executive Director. Cheryl Edwards AM has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, David McAdam will step down from the Board but will remain with the company in an executive leadership role, Shannon Coates will retire as a Director. Galaxy Resources Ltd: Alan Fitzpatrick has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Simon Hay has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer, effective 1 July 2019, Anthony Tse will transition from Chief Executive Officer to an Executive Director. Galena Mining Ltd: Craig Barnes has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer. Gascoyne Resources Ltd: Richard Hay has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer, effective 26 April 2019. Sally-Anne Layman has resigned as Chair, Mark Le Messurier has resigned as a Director. Geopacific Resources Ltd: Ian Clyne has been appointed as Chairman, Milan Jerkovic has retired as Chairman. Grange Resources Ltd: David Woodall has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Hastings Technology Metals Ltd: Mal Randall has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Highfield Resources Ltd: Derek Carter has retired as Chairman, Owen Hegarty has retired as a Non- Executive Director, Richard Crookes has been appointed as Chairman, effective 23 May 2019.

Hillgrove Resources Ltd: Lachlan Wallace has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, effective 27 May 2019. Steve McClare will step down from his role as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, effective 2 May 2019. Lachlan Wallace, General Manager, Kanmantoo has been appointed Chief Executive Officer on an interim basis. Iluka Resources Ltd: Susie Corlett has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 1 June 2019. Indiana Resources Ltd: Bob Adam has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director effective immediately, Bruce McFadzean has resigned as a Non-Executive Director effective immediately. Steven Zaninovich has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 28 February 2019. Kasbah Resources Ltd: Graham Freestone has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, effective 7 March 2019. Phil Baker has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective from 1 May 2019. Russell Clark has resigned as Chief Executive Officer effective 1 April 2019, current Chief Operating Officer Evan Spencer has been appointed Chief Executive Officer effective 1 April 2019. Kidman Resources Ltd: David Southam has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, effective 30 April 2019. Macmahon Holdings Ltd: Jim Walker has resigned as Chairman, Eva Skira has been appointed as Interim Chair, Kim Horne has resigned as a Non-Executive Director. Magnis Energy Technologies Ltd: Leslie Hosking has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Ulrich Bez has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, effective 28 February 2019. Medusa Mining Ltd: David McGowan has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer, effective 1 March 2019. Metro Mining Ltd: Fiona Murdoch has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Lindsay Ward has resigned as a Non-Executive Director. Mincor Resources NL: Dean Will has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer, effective 1 July 2019. Mineral Resources Ltd: Tim Roberts has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, effective 5 June 2019. MMG Ltd: Greg Travers has retired as Executive General Manager Business Support, effective 1 July 2019. MZI Resources Ltd: Chief Financial Officer John Westdorp has been appointed as Interim Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately. Martin Purvis has resigned as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately. Peter Nicholson and Chris Corbett have been nominated to act as Directors, Rod Baxter and Maree Arnason have resigned from the Board, the Board will also formally consider the appointment of Ronnie Beevor as Chairman. New Century Resources Ltd: Mark Chamberlain has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer. Nick Cernotta has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, Bryn Hardcastle has been appointed as an Executive Director, Tolga Kumova and Evan Cranston have moved into Non-Executive roles, Tom Eadie has stepped down from the Board.

Northern Minerals Ltd: Xiaohua Liu has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 20 May 2019. Mary Hackett and Nick Cernotta has been appointed as Non-Executive Directors, effective 1 July 2019. OceanaGold Corporation Ltd: Jim Askew will retire as Chairman effective June 2019, Ian Reid has been appointed as Chairman effective June 2019. Craig Nelson has been appointed as a Non- Executive Director. Orica Ltd: Boon Swan Foo has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 6 May 2019. Ian Cockerill will step down from the Board as a Non-Executive Director. Orinoco Gold Ltd: Adrian Byass has been appointed as Chairman succeeding Joseph Pinto, Nicholas Revell has also resigned from the Board. OZ Minerals Ltd: Marcelo Bastos has retired as a Non-Executive Director, effective 15 April 2019. Panoramic Resources Ltd: Boyd Timler has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer. Peel Mining Ltd: Jim Simpson has been appointed as an Executive Director, effective 1 September 2019. Regis Resources Ltd: Mark Okeby has retired as a Director, effective immediately. Steve Scudamore has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Rex Minerals Ltd: Ian Smith and Ron Douglas have been appointed as Non-Executive Directors. Rimfire Pacific Mining NL: John Kaminsky has retired as Managing Director effective 31 January 2019 and will become a Non-Executive Director, Ramona Enconniere will retire from the Board effective 31 January 2019, Craig Riley has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer. Rio Tinto Ltd: Joanne Farrell has resigned as Group Executive, Health, Safety and Environment and Managing Director, Australia, effective September 2019. Moya Greene has resigned as a Non- Executive Director, effective 27 June 2019. Saracen Mineral Holdings Ltd: Geoff Clifford has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, effective 4 April 2019. John Richards has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 1 May 2019. Silver City Minerals Ltd: Bob Besley has resigned as Chairman effective 23 January 2019 and will remain as a Non-Executive Director for a further four weeks. Darren Wates and Tom Pickett has been appointed as Non-Executive Directors. Sims Metal Management Ltd: Robert Bass has retired as a Non-Executive Director, effective 1 January 2019. South32 Ltd: Karen Wood has been appointed Chair-Elect of the Board. Karen will succeed David Crawford AO, effective 12 April 2019 at which time David will retire as Chairman. Katie Tovich will succeed Brendan Harris as Chief Financial Officer effective 1 May 2019, to ensure a smooth transition Ms Tovich has assumed the role Deputy Chief Financial Officer effective immediately, Brendan Harris has been appointed Chief Marketing Officer taking over from Peter Finnimore effective 1 July 2019.

Stellar Resources Ltd: Gary Fietz has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 7 May 2019. Miguel Lopez has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, effective 3 May 2019. Syrah Resources Ltd: Christina Lampe-Onnerud has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, effective immediately. Sara Watts has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Tiger Resources Ltd: Mark Lynam has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 29 May 2019. Rachel Johnston has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 22 May 2019. TNG Ltd: John Elkington has been appointed as Chairman and as a Non-Executive Director effective 1 February 2019, Rex Turkington has stepped down as Interim Chairman but will remain on the Board as a Non-Executive Director until 31 March 2019. Vector Resources Ltd: Guy-Robert Lukama and Yves Ilunga have been appointed as Non-Executive Directors. Jason Brewer has resigned as a Director of the Board. Yves Ilunga has resigned as a Director, Joas Kabete has been appointed as a Director. Wollongong Coal Ltd: Mitch Jakeman has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer, effective 4 February 2019. Sanjay Kumar Srivastava has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 7 May 2019. PHARMACEUTICALS/HEALTH CARE Actinogen Medical Ltd: Malcolm McComas has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Alchemia Ltd: Darren Book has retired as a Non-Executive Director, Simon Gennari has retired as Chairman, Melanie Leydin and Lynden Polonsky have been appointed as Non-Executive Directors, Cameron Petricevic has been appointed as Chairman effective 4 March 2019. Ansell Ltd: Christine Yingli has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 1 April 2019. Current Chief Financial Officer Neil Salmon has been appointed President of the Industrial GBU effective 30 April 2019, current Senior Vice President of Global Operations Darryl Nazareth has been appointed President of the Healthcare GBU effective 30 April 2019, Zubair Javeed has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer effective 29 April 2019, John Marsden has been appointed as Senior Vice President of Global Operations effective 1 April 2019. Steve Genzer has resigned as President and General Manager Industrial Solutions GBU, Joe Kubicek has resigned as President and General Manager Single Use GBU. Bionomics Ltd: Executive Chairman Errol De Souza has his contract extended until 30 June 2019. CSL Ltd: Paul McKenzie has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer, effective 3 June 2019. EBOS Group Ltd: Stuart McLauchlan has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 1 July 2019. Healthscope Ltd: Gordon Ballantyne has resigned as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, effective 6 June 2019. Japara Healthcare Ltd: Leanne Rowe has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 1 July 2019.

MedAdvisor Ltd: David Chatterton has retired as Chief Technology Officer, Victor Kovalev has been appointed as Chief Technology and Head of product Globally. Mesoblast Ltd: Joseph Swedish has been appointed as Chairman succeeding Brian Jamieson, effective 31 March 2019. MMJ Group Holdings Ltd: Jason Conroy has resigned as Chief Executive Officer, effective 1 March 2019. Monash IVF Group: Michael Knaap has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, effective 15 April 2019. Malik Jainudeen has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary, effective 15 April 2019. Nanosonics Ltd: Renee Salaberry has been appointed as Chief Marketing Officer, Davis Morris has been appointed as Chief Strategy Officer and Regional President Asia Pacific, Rod Lopez has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer effective 4 March 2019. Richard England has retired as a Non- Executive Director. PolyNovo Ltd: Ashok Srinivasan has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer. Kevin Whiteley has been appointed Vice President PolyNovo North America LLC, effective immediately. Ramsay Health Care Ltd: Bruce Soden has resigned as Finance Director and Chief Financial Officer. Regis Healthcare Ltd: Linda Mellors has been appointed as Chief Executive officer and Managing Director effective August 2019, Ross Johnston will step down as Chief Executive officer and Managing Director effective 4 September 2019. Ross Johnston will step down as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, effective 3 September 2019. PROPERTY Abacus Property Group Ltd: Myra Salkinder will succeed John Thame as Chairperson, effective 1 September 2019. Arena REIT Ltd: Bryce Mitchelson has retired as Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Rob de Vos has been appointed Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director effective immediately. Aspen Group Ltd: Joel Cann has resigned as Chief Executive Officer, effective 12 April 2019. AVJennings Ltd: Philip Kearns has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 21 March 2019. CAQ Holdings Ltd: Chen Po Chang has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Downer EDI Ltd: Peter Watson has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 22 May 2019. Goodman Group: Chris Green has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective immediately. Growthpoint Properties Australia Ltd: Jacqueline Jovanovski has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer, General Counsel and Company Secretary.

LionHub Group Ltd: Joseph Bek has resigned as Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately. McGrath Ltd: Glynn Wright has resigned as Chief Financial Officer, effective June 2019. McGrath Ltd: Howard Herman has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, effective 24 June 2019. Propertylink Group Ltd: Andrew Fitzpatrick has resigned as an Executive Director, effective immediately. Philip Pearce has been appointed as an Executive Director. Scentre Group Ltd: Mark Bloom will retire as Chief Financial Officer effective April 2019, Elliott Rusanow has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer on Mark’s retirement. The GPT Group Ltd: Chris Barnett has been appointed as Head of Retail, effective 15 April 2019. Vicinity Centres Ltd: Michael O’Brien has resigned as Chief Financial Officer, Kah Wong has been appointed as Acting Chief Financial Officer. Peter Huddle has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer, effective 1 April 2019. Nicholas Schiffer has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, effective September 2019. Peter Hay will retire as Chairman, effective 14 August 2019. Mr Hay will be succeeded by Peter Kahan. Villa World Ltd: Donna Hardman has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, effective 30 April 2019. RETAIL/CONSUMER Adairs Ltd: Simon West and Kiera Grant have been appointed as Non-Executive Directors, effective 24 January 2019. Mandy Drake has resigned as Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary, effective 6 June 2019. ARB Corporation Ltd: Karen Phin has been appointed as a Director, effective 26 June 2019. Asaleo Care Ltd: Campbell Richards has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, effective 29 April 2019. Australian Agricultural Company Ltd: David Crombie has retired as a Non-Executive Director, effective 30 July 2019. Automotive Holdings Group Ltd: David Blackhall has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Richard England has been appointed as Chairman, effective November 2019. Bega Cheese Ltd: Peter Margin has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, effective 31 January 2019. Blackmores Ltd: Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director Richard Henfrey will step down from his position effective 29 March 2019, Marcus C Blackmore has been appointed as Interim Chief Executive Officer effective 1 April 2019. Christine Holman has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective immediately. David Fenlon has resigned as Managing Director Australia and Zealand. Briscoe Group Ltd: Andrew Scott has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer, effective July 2019. BWX Ltd: David Fenlon has been appointed Global Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director effective 1 July 2019 replacing Myles Anceschi, Stephen Brown has been appointed Sales Director

Asia Pacific effective July 2019, Ted Witt has been appointed Senior Vice President Operations US, John Doherty has been appointed Senior Vice President Sales US and Kathy Oneto has been appointed Senior Vice President Marketing US. City Chic Collective Ltd: Chief Executive Officer Phil Ryan has been appointed Managing Director, effective immediately. Collins Foods Ltd: Drew O’Malley will succeed Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Graham Maxwell, who will retire on 1 July 2020. Newman Manion has been appointed as an Executive Director. Costa Group Holdings Ltd: Kevin Schwartz has resigned as a Non-Executive Director effective 28 February 2019, Jane Wilson has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director effective 1 April 2019. Elixinol Global Ltd: Greg Ellery has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 12 April 2019. Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd: Judith Swales has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer, Global Consumer and Foodservice. Miles Hurrell has been appointed Chief Executive Officer. Funtastic Ltd: Stephen Heath has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, effective 6 February 2019. Steven Leighton has resigned as Chief Executive Officer, effective 31 March 2019. David Jackson has been appointed Chief Executive Officer, effective 2 May 2019. GrainCorp Ltd: Graham Bradley will be appointed as Chairman of MaltCo if the Demerger proceeds, Peter Richards has been appointed as Deputy Chairman of GrainCorp and will assume the role of Chairman if the Demerger proceeds. Mark Palmquist has resigned from the Board, effective 26 April 2019. Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd: John Craven has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 27 March 2019. Inghams Group Ltd: Andrew Reeves has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 14 January 2019. Ian Brannan has resigned as Chief Financial Officer and will leave the company after 6 months. Rob Gordon has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 11 April 2019. Gary Mallett has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer effective October 2019, Tim Singleton has been appointed as Chief Operations Officer replacing Janelle Cashin, Chris Croese has been appointed as Chief Customer Officer, Anne-Marie Mooney has been appointed as Feed Business Director and Quinton Hildebrand has resigned as Chief Commercial Officer. Jayride Ltd: Andrew Coppin has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director effective 14 May 2019, Jamila Gordon has resigned as a Non-Executive Director effective 13 May 2019. JB Hi-Fi Ltd: Cameron Trainer has been re-appointed Managing Director of JB Hi-Fi, Lynda Blakely has been appointed as Group Human Resources Director and Simon Page has been appointed Group Technology Director. Kathmandu Holdings Ltd: Amy Beck has been appointed as President Oboz and Kathmandu North America, effective 1 April 2019. Kathmandu Holdings is splitting the CFO and COO functions; Chris Kinraid has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary effective 14 May 2019, Reuben Casey will continue as Chief Operating Officer. Ltd: Michael Hirschowitz has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Longtable Group Ltd: Tony Robinson will step down as Chairman when a new Chairman has been appointed. Metcash Ltd: Anne Brennan and Fiona Balfour will retire as Non-Executive Directors at the 2019 Annual General Meeting. Michael Hill International Ltd: Andrea Slingsby has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer, effective 9 January 2019. MotorCycle Holdings Ltd: Eddie MacDonald has resigned as Chief Financial Officer effective 21 May 2019, General Manager Business Development and Integration has assumed Interim Chief Financial Officer responsibilities. Murray River Organics Group Ltd: Tony Dynon has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 18 March 2019. Myer Holdings Ltd: Jacquie Naylor has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 27 May 2019. Nick Scali Ltd: Kevin Fine has resigned as Chief Financial Officer effective 6 February 2019, Christopher Malley has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer effective 6 February 2019. Noni B Group Ltd: Jacqueline Frank has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 3 May 2019. Redbubble Ltd: Chris Nunn will retire as Chief Financial Officer effective 30 June 2019, Emma Clark has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer effective 1 June 2019. Hugh Williams has resigned as a Non-Executive Director. Redcape Hotel Group Management Ltd: Tim Fawaz has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, effective 18 February 2019. Ridley Corporation Ltd: Tim Hart has resigned as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, David Lord has been appointed Interim Chief Executive Officer. Ruralco Holdings Ltd: Michael Millner has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, effective 1 February 2019. Super Retail Group Ltd: Anthony Heraghty will succeed Peter Birtles as Managing Director, effective 20 February 2019. Benjamin Ward has been appointed as Managing Director Auto effective 29 July 2019, Chris Wilesmith has resigned as Managing Director Auto effective August 2019. Gary Williams has been appointed as Managing Director of Sports Retailing, effective 8 April 2019. The a2 Milk Company Ltd: Li Xiao has been appointed as Chief Executive Greater China, effective 29 April 2019. Peter Hinton will retire as a Non-Executive Director effective 30 June 2019, Pip Greenwood has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director effective 1 July 2019. The Reject Shop Ltd: Matthew Campbell has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, effective 17 April 2019. Ross Sudano has retired as Chief Executive Officer, Dani Aquilina has been appointed as

Interim Chief Executive Officer, Steven Fisher and Zac Midalia have been appointed as Non-Executive Directors effective 14 June 2019. Trade Me Group Ltd: Anders Skoe has been appointed Chief Executive Officer. The current Chief Executive Officer, Jon Macdonald will continue in the role until Mr Skoe arrives from Norway later in the year. Treasury Wine Estates Ltd: Chief Operating Officer Robert Foye has left the company effective immediately, Deputy Chief Operating Officer Tim Ford has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer. Vita Group Ltd: Paul Mirabelle has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Wellard Ltd: Mauro Balzarini has resigned as Chief Executive Officer. Wesfarmers Ltd: Sharon Warburton has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 1 August 2019. Woolworths Group Ltd: Jennifer Carr-Smith has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. TECHNOLOGY/TELECOMMUNICATIONS Adacel Technologies Ltd: Gary Pearson has resigned as Chief Executive Officer, effective 31 March 2019. Adslot Ltd: Ben Dixon has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer. amaysim Australia Ltd: Chief Executive Officer of Click Energy Dominic Drenen will depart the company on 30 June 2019. Audinate Group Ltd: Aiden Williams will succeed Lee Ellison as Chief Executive Officer, effective 13 September 2019. Brainchip Holdings Ltd: Roger Levinson has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer, Ken Scarince has been appointed as Vice President Finance, Controller, and Julie Stein has resigned as a Director effective 1 April 2019. Stephe Wilks has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director and as Chairman. Catapult Group International Ltd: James Orlando has been appointed Interim Chief Financial Officer, effective 25 March 2019. Joe Powell has resigned as Chief Executive Officer and will leave the company in 6 months. Citadel Group Ltd: Sam Weiss has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 15 May 2019. Class Ltd: Andrew Russell has been appointed as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, effective early May 2019. Rajarshi Ray will retire as a Non-Executive Director, effective 21 October 2019.

CSG Ltd: Mark Bayliss has been appointed Interim Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director and has stepped aside from his role as Chairman, Bernie Campbell has been appointed Chairman, Julie- Ann Kerin has resigned as Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director effective immediately. DigitalX Ltd: Stephen Roberts has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 3 April 2019. DTI Group Ltd: Peter Tazewell has resigned as Chief Executive Officer effective 30 June 2019 Frank Havelka has been appointed Acting Chief Executive Officer. Raj Surendran has tendered his resignation as Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary, effective 4 March 2019. ELMO Software Ltd: Leah Graeve has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 12 June 2019. FirstWave Cloud Technology Ltd: Jason Singh has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer. John Grant has been appointed as an Executive Director and as Chairman, succeeding Sam Saba who will remain on the Board as a Non-Executive Director, Simon Moore will retire as a Non-Executive Director effective August 2019. Hills Ltd: Alan Kinkade has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Integrated Research: John Ruthven has been appointed Chief Executive Officer, commencing in early July 2019. IRESS Ltd: Phil Quin-Conroy has been appointed Managing Director of the United Kingdom business. Mr Quin-Conroy will commence his role on 17 June 2019. Isentia Group Ltd: Abigail Cheadle has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 14 January 2019. Macquarie Telecom Group Ltd: Geoff Richardson has been appointed as Interim Chief Financial Officer for a period of four months. NetComm Wireless Ltd: Ken Sheridan has stepped down as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer but will continue as an Executive Director on the Board, Steve Collins has been appointed Interim Chief Executive Officer. NEXTDC Ltd: Steve Smith has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 1 July 2019. Optus: Kelly Bayer Rosmarin has been appointed Deputy Chief Executive. Pushpay Holdings Ltd: Chris Heaslip has resigned as Chief Executive Officer effective 31 May 2019 and remains a Director of the company, Bruce Gordon has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer effective 1 June 2019, Graham Shaw has been appointed as Chairman. Christopher Huljich has been replaced by Peter Huljich as a Non-Executive Director but has been appointed as an Alternative Director, Dan Steinman will retire as a Director when a replacement has been appointed. Michael Erisman has been appointed as Chief People Officer, effective 25 March 2019. QMS Media Ltd: Mark Fairhurst has been appointed as General Manager Sydney.

Rhipe Ltd: Gary Cox has been appointed as Chair succeeding retiring Chair Mike Hill, effective 26 March 2019. Inese Kingsmill and Olivier Dispas have been appointed as Non-Executive Directors, effective 15 April 2019. RXP Services Ltd: Adrian Fitzpatrick has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 1 July 2019. SEEK Ltd: Ian Narev has been appointed as Group Chief Operating Officer and Asia Pacific and Americas Chief Executive Officer effective 29 April 2019, Michael Ilczynski will step down as Asia Pacific and Americas Chief Executive Officer effective July 2019. Leigh Jasper has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 1 April 2019. Michael Ilczynski will step down as Chief Executive Officer Asia Pacific and Americas, effective July 2019. Skyfii Ltd: James Scott has retired as Chairman and as a Non-Executive Director, Andrew Johnson has been appointed Chairman. Spark New Zealand Ltd: Alison Gerry has resigned as a Director, effective 13 May 2019. Simon Moutter has resigned as Managing Director and Director effective 30 June 2019, Jolie Hodson has been appointed as Chief Executive effective 1 July 2019. Grant McBeath has been appointed as Customer Director. Speedcast International Ltd: Sebastien Lehnherr has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer. TechnologyOne Ltd: Clifford Rosenberg has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Telstra Corporation Ltd: Eelco Blok has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 15 February 2019. Jane Hemstritch has resigned as a Non-Executive Director, effective 15 January 2019. Vicki Brady has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer and Head of Strategy effective 1 July 2019, Michael Ackland has been permanently appointed as Group Executive Consumer and Small Business. The Citadel Group Ltd: Miles Jakeman has resigned as a Director, effective immediately. The Data Exchange Network Ltd: John Baillie has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 23 May 2019. Ltd: David Cronin has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, effective 14 January 2019. Saurabh Jain has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer effective 21 January 2019, Executive Chairman Almero Strauss will return to the Board as a Non-Executive Director and Chairman. Vista Group: Tony Barclay has been appointed Interim Chief Financial Officer, commencing 2 May 2019. Xero Ltd: David Thodey has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, Bill Veghte will retire as a Non-Executive Director effective 15 August 2019.

TRANSPORTATION Air New Zealand Ltd: Jennifer Sepull has been appointed as Chief Digital Officer, effective 1 May 2019. Christopher Luxon has resigned as Chief Executive Officer, effective 25 September 2019. Auckland International Airport Ltd: Jason Delamore has resigned as General Manager Marketing and Technology, effective April 2019. Jonathan Good has been appointed as General Manager Technology and Marketing, effective 27 May 2019. Aurizon Ltd: John Cooper has retired as a Non-Executive Director, effective 29 May 2019. CTI Logistics Ltd: Matthew Watson has been appointed as a member of the executive team assuming responsibility for a number of business operations and administrative functions across the group including OH&S and chain of responsibility, Matthew Watson has resigned as a Non-Executive Director. Lindsay Australia Ltd: Anthony Kelly has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. MMA Offshore Ltd: David Ross has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer effective 1 July 2019, current Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Weber will remain Managing Director and at an appropriate time in the future will transition this role across to David Ross as part of an orderly succession. Qantas Airways Ltd: Alison Webster has resigned as Chief Executive Officer of Qantas International effective 24 April 2019, Narendra Kumar has been appointed as Acting Chief Executive Officer of Qantas International effective immediately. Current Chief Financial Officer, Tino La Spina, will move to become Chief Executive Officer of Qantas International. Vanessa Hudson, currently the Group’s Chief Customer Officer, will move to the role of Chief Financial Officer. These changes will take effect from 1 October 2019. Sydney Airport Ltd: Michael Lee will retire as a Non-Executive Director at the 2019 Annual General Meeting. Virgin Australia Holdings Ltd: Hou Wei has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director. Judith Swales has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director effective 29 May 2019, Sam Mostyn has retired as a Non-Executive Director effective 29 May 2019. Paul Scurrah has been appointed Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director effective 25 March 2019, John Borghetti will step down from his role effective 25 March 2019.

HOW TO SELECT AN EXECUTIVE SEARCH FIRM FOR YOUR NEXT SEARCH ASSIGNMENT One of the most critical questions you will face is how to choose an Executive Search Firm to represent your organisation in the market to acquire key executives that can affect the success or failure of your business. If you choose the right Executive Search Firm then you should get a highly qualified Executive that meets your specific organisational needs who will contribute to the future success of your organisation. If however, you choose the wrong Executive Search Firm your problems will multiply, from the issues of managing the wrong Executive to the consequences of your organisation’s success being compromised versus competitors. To make the right choice is therefore critical, and the following provides some guidance on the factors you should consider in making your decision as to which Executive Search Firm. WILL THEY AND CAN THEY REPRESENT YOU AND YOUR ORGANISATION POSITIVELY IN THE MARKETPLACE? Employer brand is an important consideration in the process of attracting high calibre candidates to your organisation. It is something that is developed and nurtured over many years and the last thing you want is someone representing you who does not understand your brand, your culture and your organisational values. The Executive Search Firm you select will for all intensive purposes be representing your brand in the marketplace. As a consequence, you need to ensure that the firm and those in that firm representing you understand, and are able to pitch your organisation in the best possible light to ensure the attraction of high calibre candidates, especially passive candidates.

WHAT PROCESS DOES THE EXECUTIVE SEARCH FIRM UNDERTAKE IN THE IDENTIFICATION OF CANDIDATES? The role of the Executive Search Firm is to find you the absolute best candidates in the market that match your brief. The process they employ is critical to achieving this outcome. If the process is poor, such as using their database and using job boards, the reality is you will not get the best candidates. You will simply be conducting a recruitment process which is generally reserved for lower level rather than Executive roles. In Executive Search you want the best candidates and that definitely needs to include passive candidates in the market. The only way to identify passive candidates is by research. To assess the research capability of your Executive Search Firm, ask them to explain their process for identifying passive candidates and in your client reference checks specifically ask client references as to the quality and breadth of the identified potential candidates. WHO WILL BE THE LEAD PARTNER AND THE TEAM FOR YOUR EXECUTIVE SEARCH AND HOW STRONG IS THEIR DESIRE AND COMMITMENT TO YOU THE CLIENT? The Lead Partner or Lead Partners (if you are lucky enough) are critical to the success of the Executive Search. You want to ensure that they are absolutely committed to your assignment and have the desire to ‘leave no stone unturned’ in ensuring that you get the very best candidates available in the market for your consideration. WHAT ARE THE “OFF LIMITS”? As a client when you engage an Executive Search Firm you are working on the basis that they are finding you the very best candidates for consideration in the market. You need to test this and ask yourself whether they can put up candidates for your consideration from their other client companies who they have or are working for. This is where the term “Off Limits” comes in. This fact is very important to you because the larger the “Off Limits”, the less of the market an Executive Search Firm is able to cover to access the best candidates. In simple terms, this means they will NOT be able to get you the best candidates in the market. If you think this through, the consequence is significant, because if your Executive Search Firm cannot access the best candidates in the market, but only a subset, you are not getting what you want or are paying for. So why would you engage them in the first place? DOES YOUR EXECUTIVE SEARCH FIRM UNDERSTAND THE ROLE YOU ARE SEEKING AND THE NATURE OF THAT MARKET?

This is fundamental, because if the Executive Search Firm and the Lead Partner in particular does not understand the role or the market, how can they undertake a search to find you the very best candidates? IS YOUR EXECUTIVE SEARCH FIRM AND THE LEAD PARTNER ACTIVE IN THOUGHT LEADERSHIP IN THE MARKET? Thought leadership is the ability to be continually thinking and researching how the market is changing, both in the broader sense and in the specific market in which your organisation operates. The reason this is important is because you want your Lead Partner to be thinking of the role you have today and what it might evolve into tomorrow. By knowing this, or at the very least having some context of the potential changes, your Executive Search Firm and Lead Partner can be pro-active in putting forward to you candidates for consideration that are right for your business of today, and others who may be right for your business of tomorrow. IS THERE AN AT-RISK COMPONENT OF THE FEE THAT ENSURES THE EXECUTIVE SEARCH FIRM HAS SKIN-IN-THE-GAME? There is nothing quite like an alignment between client and service provider needs, to ensure in this case your Executive Search Firm is listening to your needs as the client and going the “extra mile” to deliver against them. While an at-risk or performance component is not common in the Executive Search Industry you should take the opportunity to ask if there is such a component in the fee structure of the Executive Search Firms you are considering. If there is such a component, it can give you some comfort that you and your chosen Executive Search Firm will be aligned in achieving the common objective of the very best candidates in the market for your role. HOW MANY OF THE EXECUTIVE SEARCH FIRM’S CLIENTS ARE REPEAT BUSINESS? The ultimate test for all businesses is the repeat client test. It is the ultimate measure of client satisfaction because if a client keeps coming back for additional services from the Executive Search Firm you are considering, then you can be reasonably assured that the quality of their offerings is high and meeting the client’s needs. WHAT DO CLIENT REFERENCES SAY? At the end of the day, the test of what an Executive Search Firm tells you in their pitch for your work versus the reality of what they are doing is by client references. Ask for and take the time to speak to a number of the Executive Search Firm’s clients, and test their performance against all of the above criteria with the client references they provide. Ultimately, by following the above you will be far more confident in the Executive Search Firm you select being able to deliver to you and your organisation the very best candidates in the market for the role you are seeking for your organisation.

DO YOU REALLY UNDERSTAND “OFF LIMITS” IN EXECUTIVE SEARCH? IF YOU DON’T, MAYBE YOU SHOULD “OFF LIMITS” – WHAT IT MEANS IN EXECUTIVE SEARCH Executive Search firms are professional services firms that undertake the process of Executive Search to find high quality executive candidates for their client companies. As a client when you engage an Executive Search Firm you are working on the basis that they are finding you the very best candidates for consideration in the market. But “are they” or indeed “can they”? By “can they” I mean can they ethically provide you the best candidates when they are working for other clients. That is can they put up candidates for your consideration from their other client companies who they have or are working for. This is where the term “Off Limits” comes in. “Off Limits” is a convention in the Executive Search industry that in simple terms means that an Executive Search firm who has been retained on a contingent basis by a client will place the interests of their client at the forefront, meaning that they: • Will not recruit from the department of a client where they have placed someone; or • Will not recruit from the company of a client where they have placed someone. Conventions vary but in general this period would be for two years following their last placement of a candidate and never the actual candidate. WHY YOU NEED TO CARE This fact is very important to you and you do need to care as a client because the larger the “Off Limits”, the less of the market your Executive Search firm is able to cover to access the

best candidates. In simple terms this means they will NOT be able to get you the best candidates in the market. If you think this through, the consequence is significant, because if your Executive Search firm cannot access the best candidates in the market and only a subset, you are not getting what you want or are paying for. So why would you engage them in the first place? BIG AND GLOBAL FIRMS VS BOUTIQUE FIRMS Thinking through the above it becomes abundantly clear the bigger your Executive Search firm, and further, if it is global, the less of the candidate market you have access to as a client. This may sound counterintuitive as you would normally think the bigger the firm and the greater their global footprint the greater their ability to find you the best candidates in the market. As can be seen from the above however this is not the case and the boutique firm will in most cases be better placed to provide you with the greater market coverage and access to the best candidates as it has less “Off Limits”. HOW BEST TO DEAL WITH “OFF LIMITS”? So how best to deal with the “Off Limits” issue as a current client and a potential client? Firstly, as a client, make sure you ask your Executive Search Firm two key questions: • What is your client list over the past two years and which of these can you not access candidates from for my search? • At the completion of my Executive Search how will “Off-Limits” apply to my company? That is will you now not target any of my staff for the next two years at the completion of my Executive Search? It is important to know this upfront, as clarity at this point will make the road smoother down the track in your dealings with Executive Search firms.

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