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Home Explore FCAWA Summer Newsletter

FCAWA Summer Newsletter

Published by Foster Care Association WA, 2021-02-02 07:52:35

Description: FCAWA Summer Newsletter


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FCAWA FCAWA Board Staff Members Director Chairperson Fay Alford Larrissa Whiskin Vice Chair Team Leader | Senior Social Worker Ann Hawke Advocacy & Support Officer Board Member Rachel Jones Sue House Board Member Senior Social Worker Natasha Rainbow Advocacy &Support Officer Board Member Rebecca Mann Beth Harris Board Member Senior Social Worker John Leone Advocacy & Support Officer Board Member Cassie Walton Heidi Bentink Board Member Carer & Family Support Worker Dion Gliddon Kim Lee Carer & Family Support Worker Leah Atkinson Carer & Family Support Worker Natalee Payne Office Manager Helen Dale Marketing & Communications Consultant Freddie Povey 2

Covid UpdateMem- As no doubt you are aware, our 10-month We would like you to know that the Foster coronavirus-free streak has ended with a Care Association will continue to provide hotel quarantine security guard in Perth services to our foster families. Our priority testing positive to COVID-19, sending much is the safety and wellbeing of everyone, of our state into lockdown. As such, Western including our staff, carers, families and Australians in Perth, the Peel region, and the vulnerable children they support. We will South West region are now under a five-day continue to promote and protect the health lockdown. and wellbeing of everyone we support To recap on what this means for us, everyone while adhering to Government restrictions in these regions are required to stay home, and will do our best to keep you informed except for the following four reasons: of the steps we are taking and what it 1. Shopping for essentials like groceries, means for you. Please note, that during this time we are medicine and necessary supplies. not able to provide face to face contact but 2. Medical or health care needs including are available via phone and email. We advise that all carers seek direction from compassionate requirements and looking their district regarding individual cases and after the vulnerable. encourage you to promote ongoing family 3. Exercise, within their neighbourhood, but contact and connection by other means only with one other person and only for (ie: phone, FaceTime, Skype) where it is one hour per day. deemed to be safe, appropriate and in 4. Work, where you cannot work from home line with current contact arrangements and or remotely. reunification plans. In addition to this stay at home rule, if you Please be assured that the Foster Care do leave home for one of those four reasons, Association is here for you during this you will be required to wear a mask. challenging time. While we may have to Masks must be worn at all times outside of do things a little differently to adhere to your place of residence, including at work, government restrictions, our Association while exercising, on public transport and in remains open and you can continue to your private vehicle when other passengers contact us by the normal channels: are in the vehicle. (08) 9242 4222 or 1800 497 101 or at Masks are not mandatory for children under [email protected]. 12 years of age or a person who has a We are so grateful and appreciative of the physical or mental illness, condition or wonderful work you do and the disability. immeasurable contribution you make to the lives of our country’s most vulnerable children and youth. 3

Business As Usual Farewell 2020 and HELLO 2021!! I have FCA’s farewell to 2020 included hosting an heard a lot of sentiments like “good October interagency catch up with FinWA riddance” attached to farewelling 2020. & CREATE. Staff from all three The year that was 2020 was far from non-government single service agencies ideal, unlike many around the world, I was shared their visions, supported joint goals blessed not to lose a loved one nor my job. to achieve best outcomes for families and Being gracious for what we have especially young people of WA and together in stressful and uncertain times takes focus explored ideas of ways to collaborate to and energy. Never has this been more reach those shared goals. FCA are invested relevant as Feb 2021 saw us head back into in continuing this journey with all like a COVID-19 lockdown. These uncertainties minded agencies. and disruptions to our daily routine are now Closing 2020 also gave FCA reason to a reality for a world living with COVID-19. celebrate with the confirmed renewal of The often bruised yet steady resilience our funding of the 3 Carer & Family Sup- of the family and foster carer community port Worker (CFSW) positions for another and the love and security they provide to 12 months, thanks to Communities. We the most vulnerable young people in our could not be prouder with the support state, is a great place to find inspiration and work the CFSW’s achieved in connecting grace. with carers throughout 2020, nor more 4

pleased with the continued opportunity to options which evolved into our grand expand on FCA’s capacity to reach even announcement in January of the FCA 2021 more family and foster carers in 2021. Foster & Kinship Care Conference 11th & In November we collaborated with 12th March, coinciding with Carers Week Communities to review the current and Covering placement issues including: alternate options to best meet the Culture & Identity, the Birth Parents therapeutic support needs of family and Experience, Creating Harmony in the foster carers in WA. We are delighted this home, Self-Care, FASD, NDIS and more! resulted in carer access to a new support Let us start 2021 by being kind to ourselves service developed by Australian Childhood each day and by staying positive with the Foundation (ACF) called OurSPACE. view to joining FCA in celebrating family OurSPACE now provides therapeutic and foster carers in representing our support and counselling to foster and collective carer community needs at our family carers across WA. Carers can self- Conference in March! Looking forward to refer on 1300 381 581 or be referred by seeing you all there! their carer agency. FCA are enjoying the Together we care. professionalism and expertise experienced Rachel Jones in partnering with ACF in this much needed Team Leader-Advocacy & Support area of carer support. November 2020 was also the month we commenced exploring carer training celebrations. FREE, FUN, INFORMATIVE! 5

Information Country Travel Sessions 2021 FCA will be holding Fostering Information FCA staff and cultural consultant, Ann Sessions in 2021 throughout the Hawke will be heading to the Goldfields metro area. These will be in addition (Kalgoorlie) on the 22nd February 2021 (if to the information sessions held by permitted given the current Covid-19 the Department of Communities and situation). Community Sector Organisations. We are We are looking forward to this opportunity committed to the recruitment of foster and hope to meet with as many carers as carers throughout Western Australia and possible. Further arrangements for country hope, that with your help, we will we will travel will be made throughout 2021. be successful in doing so. Dates are to be confirmed and will be announced on the Events page of our website. Morning Teas This year we will be hosting a series of morning teas for our fabulous carers. These will be held in various locations right across the metro area with specific dates and locations to be advised very soon. Please check in to the Events page of our Website to see details of these Morning Teas. Yo u c a n s t a y u p -t o -d a t e w it h a ll F C A W A events an d h ap p en in g s th ro u g h o u r F a c e b o o k p a g e . If y o u h a v e n ’t a lre a d y, p le ase re q u e st to jo in . 6

Foster & Kinship Care Conference 2021 Together Towards Tomorrow The Foster Care Association WA invites you to attend the 2021 National Foster and Kinship Care Conference to be held in Scarborough at the Rendezvous Hotel, from the 11th to 12th March 2021. The conference is a great opportunity to hear about current research and practice impacting children and is designed to equip and empower carers to enhance their ability to respond to the challenges of fostering. Carers will be provided with the opportunity to explore their current thinking and identify new strategies for care, while at the same time, have the opportunity to mix with likeminded people from all walks of child protection and out of home care. The Conference is free for all foster and kinship carers to attend however, places are strictly limited. Please visit the Events page of our website to register to attent. When: Thursday & Friday, 11-12th March 2021 From: 9:00am to 5:00pm (both days) Where: Grand Ballroom, Rendezvous Hotel 148 The Esplanade, Scarborough 77

Members Only Family Movie Night The Foster Care Association WA invites you to attend our first time ever, members only Family Movie Night at Burswood Outdoor Cinema. Attendance is free for all FCAWA members, their biological children and the children in their care. Carers are asked to BYO family picnic and seating (picnic rugs, camper chairs or bean bag lounges). Hop is a 2011 American 3D live-action/ computer-animated fantasy comedy film produced by Illumination Entertainment and released by Universal Pictures, directed by Tim Hill and produced by Chris Meledandri and Michele Imperato Stabile. The film stars Russell Brand as E.B., the Easter Bunny (Hugh Laurie)’s son who would rather drum in a band than succeed his father as the Easter Bunny; James Marsden as Fred O’Hare, a human who is out of work and wishes to become the next Easter Bunny himself; and Hank Azaria as Carlos, an evil chick who plots to take over the Easter organisation. Details about this event, including how to register will be emailed shortly to all members but for now please save the date. When: Sunday, 28th March 2021 From: 5:30pm to 9:00pm Where: Telethon Community Cinemas Burswood Parklands, Resort Drive, Burswood 8

OurSPACE WA The Australian Childhood Foundation (ACF) has been funded by the State Recovery Plan to provide a State-wide therapeutic consultation and support service, OurSPACE, for Department of Communities foster and family carers. OurSPACE provides support to any placement under stress and/or at risk of breaking down. The program provides culturally responsive, trauma informed support to empower carers to understand and meet the needs of the children in their care. The sessions are provided by specialised therapeutic counsellors, including an Aboriginal practitioner. ACF has Foster and Family care support information and resources on their website, visit: png 9



OurSPACE WA Below is a diagram, created by OurSPACE WA, to assist Foster Carers in easing their child’s back-to-school anxieties. In following the 5 easy steps shown below, this may improve your Foster child’s abilitiy to clear their minds and get comfortable with the idea of starting the new school year. For more information on other child services and recourses offered by OurSpace WA (Australain Childhood Foundation), please visit their website at: 12

Training Opportunities Please note that enrolment is required for all training sessions. Email: [email protected] Phone: Foster Carer Learning (08) 9218-5500 We encourage all of our members to take part in these training sessions as they will greatly assist in caring for foster children. They provide advice from real foster andf family carers, as well as professionals in the area of child psychology. Learning and Development – Foster Carer Learning 2021 DATES Disruptions to a child’s attachment and experiences of trauma have detrimental and global effects on the developing child. It changes the way the child views themselves, adults and the world around them. This series of workshops scaffolds your learning and understanding of how disrupted attachment and trauma affects the child and their developing brain and their consequent challenges with behaviour and relationships. We will also explore and practice strategies to support your child, including the development of a personalised plan to help you help your child. FACE TO FACE WORKSHOP – Must attend all sessions to complete Presenter: Isabell Georgiou 9.30pm – 4.00pm Venue: East Perth 9.30am – 4.00pm Date / Time: Saturday 8th May Saturday 22nd May Venue: Date / Time: Beechboro *child minding available* Thursday 9th September 9.30pm – 2.00pm Thursday 16th September 9.30am – 2.00pm Thursday 23rd September 9.30am – 2.00pm To enrol please contact the Foster Carer Learning team on 08 9218 5500 or email [email protected] This workshop will be video conferenced, check if your local District Office is linking in. Learning and Development 000070 Level 6, 8 Bennett St, East Perth WA 6003 13

Training Opportunities Please note that enrolment is required for all training sessions. Email: [email protected] Phone: Foster Carer Learning (08) 9218-5500 Learning and Development – Foster Carer Learning 2021 DATES How do you teach children to be wary of potential harm, without teaching them to fear, wrap them in cotton wool, or give them so much information that their innocence and wonder is in jeopardy? Protective Behaviours Education is a proactive, holistic, whole community approach to teaching life skills to children. Participants will learn: • How to teach children the language and principles of Protective Behaviour. • How to help children identify unsafe situations and have the tools to seek appropriate assistance, or protect themselves. Venue: East Perth 6.30pm – 9.30pm Date / Time: Tuesday 20th April Venue: Midland 10.00am – 1.00pm Date / Time: Thursday 21st October ❖ Morning tea or light evening refreshments will be provided. ❖ Child-minding is available for day workshops. Please advise when enrolling if you require this service. To enrol please contact the Foster Carer Learning team on 08 9218 5500 or email [email protected] Learning and Development 000085 Level 6, 8 Bennett St, East Perth WA 6003 14

Training Opportunities Please note that enrolment is required for all training sessions. Email: [email protected] Phone: Foster Carer Learning (08) 9218-5500 Learning and Development – Foster Carer Learning DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP What skills, knowledge and abilities do you need to care for Aboriginal children? This workshop will explore the why and how of developing cultural plans and the carers role in this process. Presenter: Renee Ronan Venue: Armadale District Office 151 Jull St, Armadale Date / Time: Thursday 29th April 10.00am-1.00pm ❖ Morning tea is provided. ❖ Child-minding is available. Please advise when enrolling if you require this service. To enrol please contact the Foster Carer Learning team on 08 9218-5500 or email [email protected] Learning and Development 000671 Level 6, 8 Bennett St, East Perth WA 6003 15

Training Opportunities Please note that enrolment is required for all training sessions. Email: [email protected] Phone: Foster Carer Learning (08) 9218-5500 Learning and Development – Foster Carer Learning DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is an umbrella term for the diagnosed conditions resulting from prenatal alcohol exposure. This workshop aims to develop an understanding of FASD, its effects on children, and strategies for management of children experiencing FASD. Participants will learn: • About FASD and the effects on the foetus. • What are the behavioural challenges for children and families. • What are prevention and intervention strategies for parents and carers. Presenter: Telethon Institute Venue: Perth CPFS Office 190 Stirling Street, Perth Date / Time: Wednesday 30th June 10.00am – 1.00pm ❖ Morning tea is provided. ❖ Child-minding is available. Please advise when enrolling if you require this service. To enrol please contact the Foster Carer Learning team on 08 9218 5500 or email [email protected] Learning and Development 000079 Level 6, 8 Bennett St, East Perth WA 6003 16

Training Opportunities Please note that enrolment is required for all training sessions. Email: [email protected] Phone: Foster Carer Learning (08) 9218-5500 Learningand Development – Foster Carer Learning 2021 Dates Do you have questions you wish you could ask the young people you care for, but aren’t sure how to? Do you want some tips for building stronger relationships? Maybe you want to be able to support young people better around contact? If you answered YES to any of these questions, then this workshop is for you. Presenter: CREATE Foundation Venue: Perth 10.00am to 1.00pm Date / Time: Wednesday 5th May Venue: WEBINAR 10.00am to 11.30am Date / Time: Tuesday 21st September ❖ Morning Tea will be provided. ❖ Child-minding is available. Please advise when enrolling if you require this service. To enrol please contact the Foster Carer Learning team on 08 9218 5500 or email [email protected] Learning and Development 001200 Level 6, 8 Bennett St, East Perth WA 6003 17

Julie & Keith’s Story By Kim Lee, Carer Family Support Worker Julie’s Story: Julie and Keith wanted to care for the children who needed it most. Fast We were going through our database and forward to September 2020, Julie and her calling FCAWA members to introduce husband have two children in their care. our role as Carer Family Support Workers, Both children are transitioning – one is which is an added layer of support for reunifying, the other is going to a carers developed in response to the long-term family placement. Refresh Initiative. In making one such call, Julie has a good relationship with both I spoke to a country carer who had an children’s families and her District Office. uplifting story. She is happy for all involved and very supportive of their long-term wellbeing. Julie, a childcare worker and exchange Julie shared that she would miss the student host, was informed by a friend that children very much but acknowledges the there was a great need for foster carers in bigger picture of their lives. She says that the community and was told that she would Child 1’s mother has worked really hard for be very good at it. This planted a little seed the child’s benefit – she is excited for both which took hold and grew over the next 20 mother and child that reunification was on years. With her children all grown up, Julie track to take place. Child 2’s transition to retired from childcare and together with her an Auntie was also underway. Julie and husband, became foster carers. Auntie have built a good relationship and are united in wanting the best outcome possible. Julie hopes to be a respite carer for this placement in the future, which would allow her to continue being a part of the child’s life. This story of care and goodwill to others is very inspiring. Children reunified with family. A carer who is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of vulnerable children, supportive of reunification and who has a good relationship with family and her District Office. It doesn’t always happen like this, all at once, all at the same time. I feel priviledged to have heard it. Thankyou Julie, country Carer, for telling me your story and allowing me to share it. 18

Keith’s Story: I met Keith on a home visit, which is part of the Carer Family Support Worker role at FCAWA. Keith’s story was very moving. Keith said “I feel like I was put on the earth to do this”. He first met vulnerable children when working as a gymnastics and boxing coach in country WA, in a program for asthmatic boys. Keith met his wife, started his own family and began fostering too. Keith and Julie fostered 360 children over a 40 years period until Julie passed away a year ago. Caring for vulnerable children had been their lifelong wish with many highlights along the way. This included a surprise interview with Channel 9, who were tipped off by Keith’s biological daughter and came to the house in recognition and celebration of their commitment to fostering. Keith has many memorable moments, immersed in the connections he and his wife “Mum” created with the children they have cared for and included in their sense of family. Sometimes the children they have cared for comeback as adults, introducing their girlfriends, inviting them to their weddings, bringing around their own young families. Nowadays, Keith has one child, a boy in his care long term. Their already strong bond has increased in this last year as they enjoy each other’s company and continue their fostering journey together. Keith, I wish you and your boy all the best as you continue to create more memorable moments, made possible in the safe and loving home you provide for children in need. 19

FCAWA Family Christmas Party On Sunday, 22nd November 2020 the Foster Care Association held their annual Christmas party for its foster family members. Due to COVID-19 things were a little different this year but it was a huge success and lots of fun was had by everyone. The event was organised and managed by FCA’s Marketing Co-ordinator, Freddie Povey with the help and support of FCA staff. The children were entertained with waterslides, bouncy castles, face painting, emergency services, ice cream truck and photos with Santa. With what has been a challenging year it was wonderful to see so many foster families come together, enjoy the sunshine and each others company. We look forward to seeing you all at our Family Christmas Party in 2021. 20


FCAWA Family Christmas Party 22

23 Foster Care Association WA Level 1/20 Gibberd Road Balcatta WA 6021 Ph: 08 9242 4222 | 1 800 497 101 [email protected] 24

25 Foster Care Association WA Level 1/20 Gibberd Road Balcatta WA 6021 Ph: 08 9242 4222 | 1 800 497 101 [email protected] 26

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