Stress Management in the WorkplaceSimple, practical approaches to dealing with everyday stressAt One Day Spa Stress Management in the Workplace Page 1
Why have we written this book?We work in a city centre day spa and wellness centre where we focus primarily on helping the employees of the local corporate businesses de-stressand sort out the problems they have that arise from stressful working environments. Those problems include: Back, neck & shoulder pain Insomnia Problem skin Headaches & migraines Stomach problems Anxiety & depression.We know that the treatments we carry out - from massage to holistic touch therapies to facials - help our clients to manage these concerns, but wealso want to help them avoid getting into that state in the first place, or at least offer some guidance they can use alongside our treatments.And so, if you are suffering from these or any other stress related conditions, or you’re just feeling stressed, this book is for you. It explains why andhow we get stressed, what the long-term implications can be and then offers some simple practical stress management techniques and practicesyou can introduce into your day to day life. None of them are onerous or take long to do. If you are stress-rich but time-poor, they are designedwith you in mind!Please be aware that we are not physicians or physiotherapists and if you have significant problems you should seek advice from your GP We hopeyou find the book useful and appreciate any feedback you may have to help us improve the content.Many thanksBeth Davies and the Team from At One Health & Beauty LtdAt One Health and Beauty Ltd, At One Day Spa, 10 Great Western Arcade, Birmingham B2 5HUTel: 0121 233 0600 Web: Email: [email protected] One Day Spa Stress Management in the Workplace Page 2
Do you get stressed?Stress is an everyday occurrence and workplace stress is becoming a massive issue. In 2014/15 9.9 million working days were lost in theUK due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety. That’s 35% of all work-related ill health cases and 43% of all working days lost dueto ill health.The incidence amongst professionals in large businesses is significantly higher than amongst trades people or those in SMEs. Stress is alsono respecter of age or gender. The main factors cited are workload pressures, including tight deadlines and too much responsibility and alack of managerial support.The following are indicators that you may be getting stressed: Getting easily upset - even by quite trivial things. Having a dry mouth Perspiring or noticing your heart rate, even though you’re not doing anything physical. Having difficulty breathing. Over-reacting to situations. Feeling shaky or faint. Feeling impatient when you are delayed or kept waiting. Feeling scared, nervous or panicky without a good reason. Feeling irritable. Finding it difficult to calm down after something has upset you. Being intolerant of others. Finding it difficult to sleep at night.At One Day Spa Stress Management in the Workplace Page 3
What is Stress?Stress is not necessarily a “bad” thing. Stress is caused by the physical response to the body thinking it’s under attack. It switches to “fight orflight” mode which helps us stay alert to, and deal with, potential dangers.Imagine you’re a caveman, standing outside your cave, and a sabre-tooth tiger comes round the corner. Your body automatically releases acomplex mix of hormones and chemicals such as adrenaline and cortisol to prepare the body for physical action. The rush of energy you feelfocuses your attention, allowing you to assess the situation, react quickly and either fight or flee. It’s the same kind of reaction you get whensomeone slams on the brakes of the car in front of you unexpectedly.In practical terms, the rush of adrenaline and cortisol: Diverts your blood from the day to day stuff (like digesting food and running the less “critical” parts of your brain) straight to your muscles. Floods your body with glucose and inhibits the production of insulin. Narrows your arteries, increases your blood pressure and increases the heart rate.Unfortunately, the system works so well, that if you’re faced with a problem or situation in work that makes you feel consciously orsubconsciously “under attack”, your body will flood with these hormones. And if you are in a position where you are constantly stressed, thehormones will keep pumping through your system and your body will be in a continual state of preparation for fight or flight.Even when there is actually nothing to fight or flee from.At One Day Spa Stress Management in the Workplace Page 4
What are the long term problems caused by stressWhen your body is constantly producing cortisol and adrenalin, you put yourself at risk of some significant health conditions including: High blood pressure. Diabetes. Gastro-intestinal conditions such as IBS or stomach ulcers. The inability to “think straight” and organise your thoughts. Depression and anxiety disorders. Heart disease. Skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Supressed immune system making you more vulnerable to infection, allergies and auto-immune diseases. Infertility. Pain caused by the constant stimulation of muscles.If you think about how cortisol and adrenalin affect your body, these conditions make sense. But the upshot is that the “minor” side-effects ofstress you may feel today - like headaches or stomach ache - could later become chronic medical problems if left unchecked.The good news is that there are some relatively simple steps that you can take immediately to help to manage your stress levels, giving youbenefits now and in the future. If you want to find out on…This booklet contains three practical and very quick stress management techniques along with suggestions for helpful free apps and othersimple approaches you can use to help take control of your stress.At One Day Spa Stress Management in the Workplace Page 5
How? Where? What? And When?How? One of the biggest problems with managing stress in theworking environment is how to get a few minutes space and time tocarry out a stress management technique without someone in yourear! Some people can just close their eyes at their desk and zoneout, but most of us need to practice a bit to get to that stage. If youpractice you’ll find that you can employee the techniques in thisbook more and more easily until they become automatic.Where? My usual suggestions for places to hide out in work are: thewater cooler, the stairwell, the first aid room, or (if you can) gooutside and walk round the building. All of these spaces tend to bemore private and less “work-oriented” so you’re less likely to bedisturbed. If all else fails, lock yourself in a toilet cubicle. Even the most tenacious pest will usually grant you a two minute comfort break!What? Try the techniques in this book and look at the free apps we’ve recommended. The techniques we outline are designed to need littleor no equipment, making them easy and versatile to use wherever and whenever. The technique you use to get your stress back undercontrol really depends on what you find works for you. There are a number of very quick and easy suggestions in this booklet - try the onesthat appeal to you. You may find one thing that works really well, or you may prefer to vary them. Or you can use them as a basis todevelop your own techniques. Explore the apps on your phone too - there are numerous stress management tools out there.When? You need to be able to employ your stress management tools as and when you need them. For that reason we strongly recommendthat you practice the techniques when you’re NOT in a stressful situation. Like everything, they will come more naturally when you arefamiliar with them. If you commute to work by public transport, that can be a good time to practice. Alternatively, try just before you go tobed as they can also be great for clearing the mind in preparation for sleep.At One Day Spa Stress Management in the Workplace Page 6
Technique 1: The 30 Second Speedy De-StressorStress and tension builds up in our muscles which can lead to musculoskeletal pain and headaches. Often we are holding stress in our mus-cles without even realising it. So relaxing the muscles can be a great way to release stress very quickly. Think about how your shoulders,neck, hands and jaw are right now. If your shoulders feel up by your ears, your hands are gripping tightly or your jaw is clenched, try thisquick 30 second de-stressor.1. Stand up, sit down or otherwise change positions.2. Roll your shoulders forward... and now roll your shoulders back.3. Clench your hands into fists... hold... and release.4. Stretch your arms out and stretch your hands wide open, reaching up above your head. Spread your fingers wide. Reach your arms high.5. Now relax your hands and lower your arms.6. Lower your shoulders, away from your ears. Ease your shoulders back slightly. Let your shoulders relax.7. Relax your jaw by dropping the lower jaw slightly. Make sure your teeth aren't touching.8. Now count silently as you breathe:9. Inhale... two, three, four...10. pause...two, three....11. exhale...two, three, four five....12. [Repeat until 28 seconds have passed.]13. Change positions one more time, and then get back to your day!At One Day Spa Stress Management in the Workplace Page 7
Technique 2: Mindful BreathingDeep breathing not only helps to cure anxiety and stress, it also triggers relaxation. Breathing is fundamental to survival. When we are stressedor anxious, our breathing changes in an attempt to allow the body to engage in intense physical activity for survival. Breathing becomes morerapid, but unfortunately, it also gets shallow. We begin to breathe short, quick, shallow breaths.Ever feel like you can't catch your breath? It isn't that you are not able to catch your breath, it's that you are not exhaling. Short gasps of airinward are followed by very small exhalations. The feeling of not catching one's breath leads to even more inhalations.... but still no completeexhale. The lungs are so full of old, stale air, new good air cannot enter. We sense the need for oxygen, and in panic, attempt to inhale evenmore. The solution to this problem is clear: exhale!Proper breathing is an excellent way to manage stress because it stops this negative cycle and calms the body. Deep breathing not only helpsto cure anxiety and stress, it also triggers relaxation. Breathing too fast and deep causes lightheadedness and numbness or tingling of theextremities. Here is a way to slow down your breathing while keeping it deep and exhaling fully. 1. Inhale slowly to the count of four (count slowly; to the pace of one-one- thousand, two-one-thousand....). Pause to the count of three. 2. Exhale slowly to the count of five. 3. The breathing process goes like this: 4. Inhale... two, three, four...pause...two, three....exhale...two, three, four five.... 5. Inhale... two, three, four...pause...two, three....exhale...two, three, four five.... 6. Repeat for a minute or two.At One Day Spa Stress Management in the Workplace Page 8
Technique 3: Mindful ObservationMindfulness is one of the latest stress management buzzwords. What it means is “focusing in the here and now” instead of obsessing aboutwhat has been or may come.This exercise is a simple but incredibly powerful mindfulness technique. It is designed to connect you back with the world around you,something that is easily missed when we are rushing around or under stress.Choose an object from your pocket or bag, or something that is around you. If there is nothing else around, you can use your finger!Don’t do anything except notice the thing you are looking at. Simply relax and observe for as long as your concentration allows. Look at it as ifyou are seeing it for the first time. Visually explore every aspect of its formation. Allow yourself to be consumed by its presence. If your mindwanders, just bring it back to focusing on the object again. Sit and do this for two minutes.You can also use this as a great exercise when eating. Try practising with a raisin and spend tenminutes doing the following: Hold it in your hand and look at the texture, size, shape and detail of the physical raisin. Put it in your mouth and hold it there, noticing how it feels. Roll it around your tongue just being fully aware of it. Bite into it and focus on the taste, texture and experience as you eat it.At One Day Spa Stress Management in the Workplace Page 9
Stress Management AppsSmart phones are a great source of stress management tools, check out the following free apps available on both Android and iPhone. Headspace: This “gym membership for your mind” features meditation and mindfulness techniques to help manage stress and anxiety, improve well-being, and become happier overall. A series of guided meditations will train your brain in just 10 minutes a day. Self Help for Anxiety Management: With its holistic view of anxiety treatment, this app includes an anxiety tracking tool, relaxation instruction, anxiety treatment guidance, and a community to interact with. There are also interactive relaxation features you can use to learn how to better manage your emotions and physical reactions to them. What’s Up: This app uses cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques to help you identify negative thinking patterns and the sources of your anxiety, then to manage your anxiety by helping you rationally approach your fear and worry with a clear head. It features breathing techniques, habit and anxiety trackers, positive quotes, forums, and even a game. Sleep Time: A good night’s sleep can mean the difference between having a good day or a bad day. This is especially true for peo- ple who suffer from anxiety disorders. Sleep Time lets you fall asleep to ambient, relaxing sounds and wake to the same. It also tracks your sleep patterns and provides feedback on the quality and quantity of shut-eye you’re getting. Relax Melodies: This app features 32 musical and white noise sounds, like river, wind, piano and birds, which you can combine to suit your mood and needs. The enhanced version includes binaural beats and guided meditations for a variety of concerns includ- ing banishing negativity and shutting out distractions.At One Day Spa Stress Management in the Workplace Page 10
What Else Can You Do?There are a number of easy things that you can do to help create a less stressful environment and lifestyle. The following ideas are relativelyeasy to put in place: Sleep Routine: If possible try and get a sleep pattern routine going that doesn’t involve passing out drunk every night. You should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night - although specific needs vary from person to person. If you put in place a pattern before bed that helps to calm and relax you (e.g. a bath, music, aromatherapy, etc) try to maintain those elements even when you’re away from home. There are some great apps, like Sleep Time, available to help manage insomnia and sleep problems. Work Space: Add some colour and personality to your workspace: a cherished photo or memento, a plant or some splashes of your favourite colour, can help to remind you of the good things in life and lift your spirits. You could also have some stress management tools to hand - a small bottle of stress-relieving aromatherapy oils (lavender, chamomile, frankin- cense, rose or vanilla all work well); a piece of material with a texture you find comforting (think “comfort blanket” but smaller!); or try squeezing the life out of a stress ball! Nutrition: On stressful days make sure you eat little and often. This will help to stabilise your blood sugar levels so that fluctuations do not contribute to or trigger your fight or flight sensations. Vitamins B and C are great for energy and supporting the adrenal gland, and magnesium can help to relax the muscles. So leafy green vegetables, fruit, wholegrains and lean meat and fish will all help. Keep caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, sugar and other stimulants to a minimum. You can also try herbal teas such as chamomile for stress and valerian for insomnia (check they don’t interact with any medication you are on first). Exercise: Virtually any kind of exercise can help you to manage stress on three levels. Firstly it boosts your brain’s feel-good endorphins to help counter-balance the release of adrenalin and cortisone. Secondly it can be a kind of meditation in motion - focusing on a ball or counting laps in a pool. And finally it relaxes you and can help with sleep. Even if you can only take 10 minutes to walk round the block, the exercise plus exposure to daylight will have significant benefits.At One Day Spa Stress Management in the Workplace Page 11
How We Can HelpAt One Day Spa offers a range of treatments and home-use solutions to help to alleviate the stress associated with busy working lives.Express TreatmentsDeep Acupressure Massage 10 Minutes - £15 20 Minutes - £30Express De-stress 20 Minutes - £30Head in the Clouds 20 Minutes - £30Relaxing TreatmentsTranquillity Massage Back, neck and shoulder- £35 Full body - £50 With Hot Stones add on £10 With Aromatherapy add on £5 Indulgence Spa Massage £75 £45 Reflexology £55Indian Head Massage £35 / £50 Signature Healing Therapy £65Reiki from £30Just Be £50Prescription FacialSpecialist ConsultationsLife Coaching Mindfulness Nutrition Stress ManagementAt One Day Spa Stress Management in the Workplace Page 12
Our Corporate Wellbeing ServicesAt One Health and Beauty Ltd is an independent, Birmingham-based company with its own Wellness Clinic and Day Spa (\"At One Day Spa\") close toColmore Business District.The business is owned and run by Beth Davies, a former management consultant turned personal trainer and sports therapist, with an MBA from Cranfieldand over 20 years in management and directorship roles. Beth has a unique understanding of the pressures of corporate life and the need to deliver valuefor money. She also cares passionately about the wellbeing of others, and has built a like-minded team around her.This team provides services that are not just high-quality but also extremely relevant to today's office workers. An extensive business network also enablesthe business to source excellent speakers and experts on a range of health, wellbeing and stress-management subjects. We have worked with a number ofbusinesses including Ernst & Young, Pinsent Masons, KPMG, Gowling and Barclays.Whether your business is large or small, we can support your employee wellbeing offering in a way that suits your needs. We offer an initial WellbeingConsultation which allows us to assess your wellbeing needs and develop proposals to introduce or enhance the wellbeing offering within your business.We can offer a range of bespoke services including: Developing complete Wellbeing Programmes. Running Wellbeing Events and Workshops such as: Practical Stress Management Effective Nutrition for Daily Health Sleep Hygiene Tackling Workplace Posture. Carrying out on-site preventative and remedial massage at offices, conferences or events. Developing executive benefit schemes or client/staff reward schemes.For more information please contact Beth Davies on 0121 233 0600 or [email protected], or visit our website One Day Spa Stress Management in the Workplace Page 13
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