ХАМТДАА УРЛЪЯ VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 NEWSLETTER DATE Х А М ТД А А Бүтээлч багш УРЛЪЯ ХӨТӨЛБӨР 2023.01.20—2023.03.20 Бүтээлч багш уралдааныг хооронд “Бүтээлч багш” зохион байгуулснаар Бүтээлч урлахуйн үйл ажиллагааг 11 багшийн урлан бүтээх ур багш \\ багш 11 ажилтны дунд чадвар нэмэгдэж сургалт сургалтын зохион байгуулж үйл ажиллагааг идэвхтэй, үр хэрэглэгдэ шилдэгүүдээ тодруулан дүнтэй явуулах тогтвортой хүүн\\ шагнаж урамшууллаа. хөгжлийн 4-р зорилго сургалтын хүртээмжтэй Том ном \\ Бүтээлч багш уралдаанаар орчин нөхцлөөр хангах үр хөгжөөн дараах санхүүгйн эх дүнтэй үйл ажиллагаа баясгах үүсвэрийг зарцуулж, болсон ажил\\ тоглоомын төрөл, тоо ширхэгийг нэмэгдүүллэээ Канва \\ цахим Secondary Story Headline хичээл хийцгээе\\ This story can fit 75-125 words. before you write the story. This Opens Near You. way, the headline will help you Your headline is an important keep the story focused. part of the newsletter and should be considered carefully. Examples of possible headlines include Product Wins Industry In a few words, it should accu- Award, New Product Can Save rately represent the contents of You Time!, Membership Drive the story and draw readers into Exceeds Goals, and New Office the story. Develop the headline
PAGE 2 Inside Story Headline Caption describing This story can fit 150-200 A great way to add useful con- used for your Web site. Mi- picture or graphic. words. tent to your newsletter is to crosoft Publisher offers a sim- develop and write your own ple way to convert your news- One benefit of using your articles, or include a calendar letter to a Web publication. newsletter as a promotional of upcoming events or a spe- So, when you’re finished writ- tool is that you can reuse con- cial offer that promotes a new ing your newsletter, convert it tent from other marketing product. to a Web site and post it. materials, such as press releas- es, market studies, and re- You can also research articles ports. or find “filler” articles by ac- cessing the World Wide Web. While your main goal of dis- You can write about a variety tributing a newsletter might be of topics but try to keep your to sell your product or service, articles short. the key to a successful news- letter is making it useful to Much of the content you put in your readers. your newsletter can also be “To catch the Inside Story Headline reader's attention, This story can fit 100-150 If the newsletter is distributed torial. You can also profile new place an words. internally, you might comment employees or top customers interesting upon new procedures or im- or vendors. sentence or quote The subject matter that ap- provements to the business. from the story pears in newsletters is virtually Sales figures or earnings will endless. You can include sto- show how your business is here.” ries that focus on current growing. technologies or innovations in Caption your field. Some newsletters include a describing column that is updated every picture or You may also want to note issue, for instance, an advice business or economic trends, column, a book review, a letter graphic. or make predictions for your from the president, or an edi- customers or clients. Inside Story Headline This story can fit 75- self if the picture supports or tools you can use to draw 125 words. enhances the message you’re shapes and symbols. trying to convey. Avoid select- Selecting pictures or ing images that appear to be Once you have chosen an graphics is an im- out of context. image, place it close to the portant part of adding article. Be sure to place the content to your Microsoft Publisher includes caption of the image near the newsletter. thousands of clip art images image. from which you can choose Think about your and import into your newslet- article and ask your- ter. There are also several ХАМТДАА УРЛЪЯ
VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 PAGE 3 Inside Story Headline ports. You can also research articles or find “filler” articles by accessing the Caption While your main World Wide Web. You can write goal of distributing a about a variety of topics but try to describing newsletter might be keep your articles short. picture or to sell your product graphic. or service, the key Much of the content you put in your newsletter can also be used to a successful news- for your Web site. Microsoft Pub- lisher offers a simple way to con- letter is making it vert your newsletter to a Web publication. So, when you’re fin- useful to your readers. ished writing your newsletter, con- vert it to a Web site and post it. This story can fit 150-200 words. A great way to add useful content “To catch the to your newsletter is to develop reader's One benefit of using your newslet- and write your own articles, or attention, ter as a promotional tool is that include a calendar of upcoming place an you can reuse content from other events or a special offer that pro- interesting marketing materials, such as press motes a new product. sentence or releases, market studies, and re- quote from the story here.” Inside Story Headline This story can fit 100-150 words. If the newsletter is distributed in- new employees or top customers ternally, you might comment upon or vendors. The subject matter that appears in new procedures or improvements newsletters is virtually endless. You to the business. Sales figures or can include stories that focus on earnings will show how your busi- current technologies or innovations ness is growing. in your field. Some newsletters include a column You may also want to note business that is updated every issue, for or economic trends, or make pre- instance, an advice column, a book dictions for your customers or review, a letter from the president, clients. or an editorial. You can also profile Inside Story Headline This story can fit 75-125 words. sands of clip art images from which Caption describing picture or you can choose and import into graphic. Selecting pictures or graphics is an your newsletter. There are also important part of adding content to several tools you can use to draw your newsletter. shapes and symbols. Think about your article and ask Once you have chosen an image, yourself if the picture supports or place it close to the article. Be sure enhances the message you’re trying to place the caption of the image to convey. Avoid selecting images near the image. that appear to be out of context. Microsoft Publisher includes thou-
Organization This would be a good place to insert a short paragraph about your organization. It might Business Name include the purpose of the organization, its mis- sion, founding date, and a brief history. You Primary Business Address could also include a brief list of the types of Address Line 2 products, services, or programs your organiza- Address Line 3 tion offers, the geographic area covered (for Address Line 4 example, western U.S. or European markets), Phone: 555-555-5555 and a profile of the types of customers or Fax: 555-555-5555 members served. Email: [email protected] It would also be useful to include a contact Business Tagline or Motto name for readers who want more information about the organization. We’re on the Web! example.com Back Page Story Headline This story can fit 175-225 words. a listing of those here. You may want charity auction. to refer your readers to any other If your newsletter is folded and forms of communication that you’ve If space is available, this is a good mailed, this story will appear on the created for your organization. place to insert a clip art image or back. So, it’s a good idea to make it You can also use this space to remind some other graphic. easy to read at a glance. readers to mark their calendars for a regular event, such as a breakfast A question and answer session is a meeting for vendors every third good way to quickly capture the at- Tuesday of the month, or a biannual tention of readers. You can either compile questions that you’ve re- Caption describing picture or ceived since the last edition or you graphic. can summarize some generic ques- tions that are frequently asked about your organization. A listing of names and titles of manag- ers in your organization is a good way to give your newsletter a personal touch. If your organization is small, you may want to list the names of all employees. If you have any prices of standard products or services, you can include
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