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Home Explore Elul Handout

Elul Handout

Published by monika, 2020-08-27 15:23:52

Description: Elul Handout


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CHESHBON HANEFESH How might I have made the world a little less kind or just today? A DAILY MORAL INVENTORY Based on the mistakes I made today, if my day were to be reduced to a headline in tomorrow morning’s newspaper, how might it read? Before going to sleep each night, it is traditional to review the moral quality of your day. Your goal is to identify and decide how to correct any mistakes you To whom do I need to say “thank you” tomorrow? may have made or hurt you may have caused, as well as to recognize and cel- ebrate the good you have done. Copy this form and use it each night of the Elul To whom do I need to apologize to tomorrow? Intensive. If there were one thing I could do differently tomorrow to make it a What good did I do today? better day than today, what would that be? How have I made the world a little kinder or more just today? 101 Based on the good I did today, if my day were to be reduced to a headline in tomorrow morning’s newspaper, how might it read? What mistakes did I make today? 100

ABOUT RABBI RAMI SHAPIRO Rami Shapiro is widely regarded as one of the most creative voices in contemporary American Judaism. An award-winning poet and essayist, he has created liturgies that are used in prayer services throughout North America. He has written more than a dozen works of poetry, liturgy, short story, and nonfiction. Rabbi Shapiro is a graduate of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and holds a doctoral degree in religious studies from Union Graduate School. A congregational rabbi for 20 years, Rabbi Shapiro is currently the senior rabbi of Metivta, a center for contemplative Judaism in Los Angeles, California. Rami also directs the Simply Jewish Foundation ( His most recent books are Minyan, 10 Principles for Living Life with Integrity, Wisdom of the Jewish Sages, The Way of Solomon, and The Book of Proverbs . 102 103


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