ourtemple.org @emanuel.temple . February 2022 Shevat-Adar 5782 (205) 933-8037 The monthly bulletin for Temple Emanu-El Birmingham, Alabama A Special Shabbat Service Honoring our Temple Educator, Lynda Gutcheon Friday, February 25, 5:45 pm ( see article on page 3) Our Mission: Temple Emanu-El is a welcoming Reform Jewish congregation, engaging members in prayer, study, fellowship, and acts of loving kindness for our congregational family and the community at-large.
2 Friday, February 11 Friday, February 18 Our Services Friday, February 4 5:45 p.m. 5:45 p.m. Friday, February 25 Erev Shabbat Erev Shabbat 5:00 p.m. 5:45 p.m. Tot Shabbat Service Service Erev Shabbat with PJ Library Service 5:45 p.m. Honoring Shabbat Family Lynda Gutcheon Service Saturday, February 5 Saturday, February 12 Saturday, February 19 Saturday, February 26 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Torah Study Torah Study Torah Study Torah Study 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Shabbat Hilicha Shabbat Morning Shabbat Morning Shabbat Hiking & Service Service Service Service at Tillman Hamric Red Mountain Park Sam Washko Maisie and Teddy Wright Bar Mitzvah Bar Mitzvah Baby Naming Torah Portion Torah Portion Parshat Tetzaveh Torah Portion Torah Portion Parshat Terumah Exodus 27:20 – 30:10 Parshat Ki Tisa Parshat Vayakhel Exodus 25:1 – 27:19 Exodus 30:11 – 34:35 Exodus 35:1 – 38:20 Haftarah Portion Haftarah Portion Ezekiel 43:10 – 30:10 Haftarah Portion Haftarah Portion I Kings 5:26 -6:13 I Kings 18:1 – 39 II Kings 12:1 - 17 Virtual Tot Shabbat Shabbat Hilicha Torah Study Shabbat Hiking with Robin Berger Every Wednesday 12 p.m. Saturday, February 12 https://zoom.us/j/661751570 Friday, February 4 10:30 a.m. at 5:00 p.m. or (Hike begins at 10:45 a.m.) dial-in at +1 312 626 6799 Join us for a family-friendly Meeting ID: 661 751 570 Shabbat celebration designed One Saturday per month, for children ages 1 through 6 in lieu of a sanctuary service, AND years-old and their grown-ups. we will meet at Red Mountain Park to spend Shabbat morning Every Saturday 9 a.m. We will sing our way into together. Led by our clergy, https://zoom.us/j/731472885 Shabbat before we we will spend one to two hours enjoying Shabbat and nature. or begin our Family Shabbat dial-in at +1 312 626 6799 service for all ages. We meet at Red Mountain Park Meeting ID: 731 472 885 at the Frankfurt Drive entrance: Join us in-person, or tune in password: torah at ourtemple.org/webcast, 2011 Frankfurt Dr, Facebook, and/or YouTube. Birmingham, AL 35211 For more information see page 7 USPS Publication Title: Our Temple Statement of Frequency: Address: Organization: IDENTIFICATION Issue Date: February 2022 Published monthly 2100 Highland Avenue South Temple Emanu-El Issue Number: 149 except for June/July issue Birmingham, AL 35205-4002
Around Our Temple 3 Thank you and farewell... Special February Birthdays It is with joy and gratitude that we bid farewell to Lynda Gutcheon as she begins her retirement journey. Lynda joined Temple Following are members of our Emanu-El almost four years ago as our Interim Director of family celebrating birthdays Education. The plan was for Lynda to stay for one year. Life in years divisible by 5. had other plans and we here at Temple Emanu-El benefited Robert Ascherman from each and every day that Lynda brought her experience, Joan Becker expertise, and love of Jewish education into our synagogue. Blake Buchalter The new curriculum and school structure Philip Cohn that she created for the Gail and Jeffrey Bayer John Cohn Family Religious School has left our children Jake Cooper with a strong foundation that will continue to Corey Cutter enrich them as students and members of the Benjamin Davis Jewish community. Our congregation and school Ella Davis are better because Lynda Gutcheon was here. Jonathan Druxman It is hard to say goodbye to someone who has loved Joel Feinstein our children and strengthened our synagogue but it is time Stephanie Friedman for Lynda and Cantor G. to enjoy a wonderful retirement Ann Goldstein together. We wish them only the best Aleksey Grigoryev that this next chapter has to offer and we Samuel Haver truly hope that they Parker Jacobs will keep in touch and David Landy stop by should their Jerome Lapidus travels ever bring Jerome Leader them through Lisa MacLean Birmingham. Barry Marks Bryna Martinez Shana Watson Robert May Education Committee Randolph Mazer Carlie McMillan T. K. Thorne to visit Temple Emanu-El Herbie Miller Loretta Newfield Thursday, February 3rd at 6 p.m. Richard Pizitz Emily Rousso Award-winning author and former police captain T. K. Cindi Routman Thorne reveals never-told stories from Birmingham’s civil Jerry Seigel rights era in Behind the Magic Curtain. Please RSVP Larry Shulman Tori Siegal by Feb 2 to Monika Singletary at Neil Sigman [email protected] Lauren Sklar Charlotte Sokol Thorne introduces us to those Leon Spector who operated behind the scenes in the civil rights movement in Please note that Anniversary and Birthday lists Alabama, shedding light on the moral complexities of these are gathered from information in the Temple’s participants — some firebrands, some reluctant players, and some predators who worked for their own gain. database. We apologize for any errors or This journalistic exploration of a complicated time in exclusions. Please contact us at Alabama’s social history will sit comfortably on the [email protected] shelf next to histories by Diane McWhorter, regarding any corrections. Glenn Eskew, and Taylor Branch. — Anthony Grooms, author of Bombingham and The Vain Conversation
4 Around Our Temple A Special Thanks to the following Words of Thanks from Paul Mosteller From the celebration evening Saturday, December 11, 2021 who helped make the December 11th event such a wonderful evening to honor Paul: Toda raba! – Thank words, “what once was with what Lester Seigel for orchestrating the you so much! I am may come to be.” Selfishly, I am overwhelmed by looking forward to the increased incredible musical program as MC, songwriter, the outpouring freedom and flexibility of schedule accompanist, and raconteur extraordinaire! of love from this that retirement affords. If there Eight choir singers performed solo parts in congregation. is any success to be celebrated 32 years is a long this evening, it’s because I the evening’s entertainment: Leah Desiderio, time! Lester Seigel hired me as a benefited from the rich traditions Patrick Evans, Roderick George, Kristin chorister during my first year at UAB, of Jewish learning and quality Kenning, Sherrie Lawhon, Stan Nelson, and several years of singing Shabbat music of previous generations. Daniel Seigel, and Cathy Spence. and High Holy Days services gave My introduction to Judaism Patrick Evans wrote the words to “He Is the me the chutzpah to apply for his job came from Lester Seigel’s brief when he joined the music faculty interjections of explanation during Very Model of a Synagogic Organist,” with chorus of Birmingham-Southern College choir rehearsals, and my Jewish comprised of the eight singers previously listed in 1993. education really took off once I plus Zachary Banks, Ginger Goodall, Brian If my decision to retire as Music had a clue of how much more Kittredge, and Bert Pitts. These singers have Director of Temple Emanu-El were I needed to learn. I took Rabbi been in the High Holy Days choir for years. based solely on the relationship Miller’s basic Hebrew reading The evening’s speakers and presenters: between me and this congregation, course, and his ReJewvenation Jane Seigel, Cantor Bernie Gutcheon, Rabbi I would not be able to step down at class went a long way toward a time that I view as ideal. As many welcoming me into synagogue life. Adam Wright, Ginger Held, and Susan Koretzky. of you know, this is where Darla Jane Seigel was serving as your Keyboard entertainment by Amy & Jeff McLelland, and I met. So why do I see NOW as Cantor when I came to Temple the ideal time to retire from Temple Emanu-El, and I will always event photography by Barry Hamric, and Emanu-El? After four years of remember her guidance and slideshow by Mark Robinson. transition, this congregation is patience with me during those blessed with two young and highly- first few years — not to mention The lovely celebratory reception sponsored by qualified clergy to lead you through her beautiful singing. our Temple's Sisterhood, Brotherhood and the next few decades. Regardless The past few years have the Joan & Milton Jacobson Cultural Arts Fund of demographic shifts, evolution of unfolded with signs of Divine worship styles, and unforeseen providence. When Cantor Roskin of our Grafman Endowment Fund. challenges, I believe that Rabbi left us shortly before the 2019 Thanks to Judy and Randy McDonald for Wright and Cantor Wittner have High Holy Days, we were incredibly helping to underwrite some of the expenses the wisdom, vision, and sensitivity fortunate to have an experienced associated with our lovely celebratory reception. to balance, in Cantor Wittner’s Cantor to lead our prayers during Event Planners/ Celebration Committee: Sherron Goldstein and Susan Koretzky, co-chairs Linda Goldstein, Judy McDonald, Darla Mosteller, Candy Meyerson, Lana Royal, and Monika Singletary (Also, a special thank you for the generosity of all the donors who made a contribution to honor Paul — see listing on page 6)
Around Our Temple 5 the Days of Awe and until Cantor Wittner’s the chances that we of these musicians be a blessing: arrival the following summer. Rabbi Wright could attract a highly- Cantor Brian Miller, John Brown, Chris had worked for Lynda Gutcheon when he qualified musician to Griffin, Geraldine Kuhlmann-Behrendt, was a graduate student at Vanderbilt in take on the specialized Mark Lawrence, Rachel Mathes, 2005, and that’s when he met Cantor responsibilities of this Benjamin Middaugh, and Robert Wright. Bernard Gutcheon, Cantor Emeritus of job? Out of the blue, Dr. I mentioned Mark Lawrence, who had The Temple in Nashville. 14 years later, Jeff McLelland, Director a phenomenal voice and a commanding Bernie and I were meeting with Adam of Music and Fine presence as a stage actor. He portrayed and several congregants to prepare for Arts at Independent Jim in a professional national tour of Big the imminent High Holy Days services. Presbyterian Church, River, a musical based on Mark Twain’s What are the chances? Bernie’s ready called and asked me to tell him more about The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. wit and easygoing manner helped an the Music Director position. Long story short, Jim, far more than a runaway slave, is otherwise challenging year run smoothly. Jeff sat in on High Holy Days rehearsals the voice of wisdom in the novel. At one The Cantorial Search Committee and services, decided to apply, and was point, Jim tells Huck that he can look was told that it would be a challenge to the successful candidate. Besides being an forward to a life of “considerable trouble attract candidates because we’re not outstanding organist and choir director, Jeff and considerable joy.” located in the Northeast, or the West is just an all-around great guy, and I think Coast, or the Chicago area; look how you will come to embrace him as you have that turned out! Thanks to the work of embraced Darla and me. What are the chances? the committee led by Robert Levin and I’d like to say a few words about our Amy Kessler, Temple Emanu-El attracted professional choir, some of whom are here applications from a number of highly- this evening. This is a group of colleagues qualified Cantors, and I think we got the and friends, most of whom were music best of the lot! Here we are in Alabama, majors in college, and many of whom are and the placement people at Hebrew professional musicians as choral conductors Union College said that the Temple and voice teachers. When we gather for our profile, created by Robin Berger, was first High Holy Days rehearsal each year, it’s one of the best they had ever seen. more like a family reunion! Over the years, What are the chances? we have also been blessed to have a few Many of you know of the close congregants sing with us, including Adele association between Temple Emanu-El Cohn z”l, Joan Jacobson, and Sherron We have shared times of challenge and Independent Presbyterian Church. Goldstein. Some really close friendships and times of celebration; we have IPC met here in our Sanctuary for their have been formed in our choir family. I look mourned together and rejoiced together. first seven years, and 70 years later back with fond memories of the many singers I am retiring as your music director, but following a disastrous fire. Last May, who have been part of the Temple choir over Darla and I aren’t moving away. We Temple Emanu-El launched a national the past 32 years, and I’d like to mention look forward to worshiping with you search for the next Music Director. This those who have passed away in that time. from time to time. I thank you and is a part-time position, so what were In addition to Adele Cohn, may the memories our Creator for three decades of considerable joy. Shavua tov!
6 Around Our Temple Our Magnificent Maestro: Paul Mosteller honoring 30 years of service at Temple Emanu-El We greatly appreciate the generosity of the following who have honored Paul with a gift to the “Paul Mosteller Director of Music Fund” of the Grafman Endowment Fund. ~ gifts through January 15, 2022~ HIGH C CIRCLE: Roxanne Travelute & Michael Honan Pat & Michael Levine HARMONIC CIRCLE: Hal Abroms RHYTHMIC CIRCLE: Harry H. Bayer The Collat / Goedecke Families Betty Allenberg Goldstein Karen & Joel Piassick Gail & Jeffrey Bayer Nancy & David Denney Richard Harrison Lana & Steve Royal Mary Anne & Michael J. Freeman Faye & Robert Levin Barbara & Jack Aland MELODIC CIRCLE: Alison & Robert Berman Deborah Majeau Chargois Candy & Ed Meyerson Amy Goldstein Chauvin Joan & Allan Morris Kim & Neil Roth Jann & Russ Blitz Cathy & Paul Friedman Glenda & Paul Nagrodzki Wendy & Frank Siegal Jane & Joe Bluestein Sherron & Allan Goldstein Carole & Michael Pizitz Susan & David Silverstein Karen & Kenneth Bluestein Ginger & Jerry Held Susan & Andy Rotenstreich Janet & Leonard Wertheimer Rochelle & Michael Koslin Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich Rachel & Rabbi Adam Wright TONAL CIRCLE: Mary Lynn & Jesse Bates Laurie & Craig Elmets Robin & Hilton Berger and family Lacey & Jason Epstein Susan & Barry Koretzky Amy & Michael Saag Gayle W. Leitman Monika & Ben Singletary Sandra & Alan Berman Mark Friedman Letty & Bob Marcus Steven Brickman Stephanie, Brad, Emily and Judy & Gerson May Stephanie, Steve and Sharon & Edward Bromberg Zoe Friedman Judy & Randy McDonald Jack Steinmetz Cinda & Larry Goldberg Sylvia Wright & Eli Pinhas Sharon & Gary Cutter Rebecca & Adam Gordon George Thompson Dian Diamond Robert M. Pitts, Jr. Ann & Sam Todd James Harry Douglas & Evelyn & Jack Held David Reese Leslie Douglas Thompson Ronne & Donald Hess Kit & Rick Roth Pat Weil Alex & Cantor Robby Wittner Marilynn & Earl Rothstein Ricky Koslin and Lyons Heyman Janet & David Aarons Lori & Stephen Dorsky FRIENDS OF PAUL: Judi Schulman-Miller & Barbara Sokol and Andrea & Kent Haines Louise & Jim Abroms Sallie & Bruce Downs Tillman, Nancy & Barry Hamric Rabbi Jonathan Miller Miram Sokol Judy & Gary Monheit Amanda & Kevin Sokol Karen Allen Judy Edwards Marilyn Haver Elisa & Aaron Nelson Elinor & Michael Staff The Andrews/Cardwell Family Helene Elkus Cissy & Leonard Held Donna & David Askenazi Marian & Ronny Epstein Katie & Brian Held Jamie & Greg Odrezin Julie & Charles Stein Amanda & Layne Held Maureen & Mark Petrofsky Elaine Witt & Peter Bain Alise & Joe Erdberg Lynn Rathmell Michael Snajderman Lisa & Paul Bebenek Chu-Chi & Bobby Fierman Carol & Donald* Herman Joan Becker Barbara & Larry Fine David A. Higgenbottom Jody & Mark Robinson Marilyn & Murray Tanner Jamie & Justin Routman Sam Tenenbaum, Jr. Charles Berk Carolyn & Henry Frohsin Jan & Ron Hirsch Judy & Robert Rutstein Linda Verin Barbara & David Betten Fran & Lee Godchaux Danielle Isen Rosalyn Bloomston Sandy & Bill Goldman Mitchell J. Ives Jack Schniper Lori & Jimmy Weil Linda & Nick Goldstein Kristin Kenning and Brian Viliunas Jane & Lester Seigel Rhonda & Harry Weinberg Roz Caplan Ferne Seigel Karen & Mike Weiner Lois & David Cohen Debra & Joel Goldstein Robin & Bart Kolber Morissa & Mitch Cohen Ann & Richard Goldstein Jen & Brian Kulbersh Susan & Larry Shulman Scott Weisberg and family Rosalyn Siegal Brad Weiss Wanda & Ross Cohen Barbara* & Mark Goldstone Shirley & Jerry Leader Debbie Wiatrak Tracy & Al Cohn Brenda Bell-Guercio & Kim, Steven & Leah Leaf Estelle Silverstein Jake Guercio Carole Simpson Leigh Ann & Bert Young Tamara & Jeff Cusmariu Matthew Levin Anonymous Donors (4) Sarah & Randall Davis Lynda & Denise & Wayne Lewis The Smith Family Judith & Scott Denson Cantor Bernie Gutcheon Mary Virginia & Josh Mandell Dodie Sokol (*) of blessed memory
Around Our Temple 7 Happy Anniversary February Anniversaries Janet & David Aarons Julie & Barry Altmark Karen & Kenneth Bluestein Avie & Ronald Cohen Emily & Joel Feinstein Hilary & Scott Gewant Amy & Adam Kessler Glenda & Paul Nagrodzki Lee & Wendy Taylor Michele & Michael Wilensky The Birmingham Jewish Federation • Birmingham Jewish Foundation • Harold Grinspoon Foundation •Temple Beth-El • CJFS • Chabad of Alabama • N.E. Miles Jewish Day School • Levite Jewish Community Center • Temple Emanu-El PASSING ON OUR BELIEFS AND BLESSINGS Please RSVP to Monika Singletary at TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE [email protected] Starting A Conversation a hands-on session about transmitting Jewish Values MONDAY, MARCH 7, 2022 Luncheon program at Temple Emanu-El 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Please reply to (205) 803-1519 or to [email protected] Registration is kindly requested by Monday, February 28th Box lunches served (when you RSVP, please indicate regular, vegetarian or glatt kosher option) $10 per person at the door is greatly appreciated. There will be no solicitations This community Legacy program is presented as a service by The Birmingham Jewish Foundation and its partner agencies, along with The Temple Beth-El Foundation and Grafman Endowment Fund for Temple Emanu-El
8 Our Youth & Education BAR MITZVAH Come Join the Fun of our Purim Production! Tillman Hamric We need you and your loved ones on March 16. There are many parts to play and songs to sing! Saturday, February 5, 2022 Last year’s Purim spiel was fun, but now that we will be back in Tillman Blake Hamric person, let’s take advantage of it. Join us in a thrilling retelling of will be called to the the Purim story set to the music of Frozen. Torah as a Bar Mitzvah Will Ester achieve her goal and stop the Jewish people on Saturday, February from being vanquished? Will Haman’s evil machinations be 5, 2022.Tillman is a quelled? Help us find out the answers by signing up to 7th grader at The participate in our production! There will be at least two Altamont School and Sunday afternoon rehearsals most likely, but we’ll need to is the son of Barry coordinate schedules based on who is involved. and Nancy Hamric. No experience is necessary. We’re here to have fun. His grandparents are Harold (of blessed To learn more, send an email to Cantor Wittner at memory) and Ruth Lischkoff of Mountain [email protected] or Brook, AL, Dr. Bob and Ava Hamric of call the Temple office at Birmingham, AL and Charles and Betty Ann (205)-933-8037. Self of Chelsea, AL.Tillman was born and raised in Birmingham and has been Explore the Museum of the Southern at Temple Emanu-El since kindergarten. Jewish Experience – VIRTUALLY! Tillman loves traveling with his parents (pre-pandemic), spending time Thursday, March 3 at 7:00 pm with his grandparents, gaming with friends, singing and playing golf.This Spring, Join us as we explore the stories held in the galleries of Tillman is excited to be part of the golf the newly opened Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience (MSJE). Spanning team at The Altamont School. thirteen states and three hundred years, the MSJE's core exhibition explores the For his Bar Mitzvah project, Tillman diverse relationships, experiences, and environments encountered by Jewish was one of the founders of The Tricia Taylor communities in the American South. We’ll discuss artifacts and stories from early Glioblastoma Fund. Tillman made this fund Jewish immigrants as they navigated southern spaces to find and build communities. possible after winning TEE's 1st Annual Temple's Got Talent. He used his donated Learn how southern Jews maintained their identity and became part of the fabric portion of the proceeds to create the fund of southern society. The MSJE team will walk us through the galleries and in honor of his dear family friend, “Aunt have a conversation about this unique yet universal story. Trish” who passed away from Glioblastoma. RSVP to Monika Singletary at [email protected] Subsequently, an annual golf tournament Special thanks to the Barrye & Jay Ziff Cultural Arts Fund of the Grafman Endowment Fund. fundraising event was created.Tillman has spent countless hours raising money and awareness for Glioblastoma, from volunteering at the inaugural Tricia Taylor Memorial Golf Tournament to managing holiday pet photo charity events. Currently this fund has raised over $10,000.The money will be used for research, and also assist those that need help paying for medication, travel and food.This project is ongoing, and Tillman is excited to watch it grow well beyond his Bar Mitzvah. Tillman’s family and friends are so proud and excited to celebrate with him on this joyous occasion.
Our Youth & Education 9 #1!JCAACMOPBISS BAR MITZVAH Sam Washko Saturday, February 19, 2022 100% 98% 96% 99% of our families said of families were of families were of families were they were likely to satisfied with our satisfied with happy with camp recommend Jacobs COVID response communication Camp to friends leadership and protocols from camp and family THBEECSOUTNITNRY THBEECSOUTNITNRY Our Families Love The strong sense The confidence The Jewish joy The healthy, Sam was born in St. Louis but of community and independence and celebration safe and secure then moved to New Orleans, LA and family at of Shabbat that environment that and Charleston, SC before finally Jacobs Camp built at camp happens at camp camp provides settling in Birmingham, AL with his mother, Julie Kanter Washko How Our Families and father, Todd Washko, and Describe Jacobs Camp sister, Meredith Washko. Birmingham is his favorite of Fun Exciting Friendly Good Food all the cities (and the place he Joyful Second Home Welcoming hopes to call home for the long-term). BSCauasrmveedpysoownfidt9ha0toaNvfeorrrot1mh0,AF0mo0u0enrpdicaaartneionJntefwroeirssphJoeOwnvdiesehrnntCisga.hmtps' Sam is in 7th grade at Altamont. jacobscamp.org He gained a love for drawing at a very young age and continues to enjoy sketching, doodling and graphic art. He also loves all things computer and enjoys learning about technology and coming up with his own future inventions. He also loves vacations (especially the beach). He is excited to celebrate with family and to be a Bar Mitzvah.
10 Our Yahrzeits May the beauty of their lives shine forever, and may we always bring honor to their memory. January 30 – February 5 February 6 – February 12 February 13 – February 19 Esther G. Swedlaw February 27 – March 5 Marius Sznajderman Patricia C Bailey Albert Askenazi Sandra R. Apolinsky Louise Levy Temerson Ralph Aland Lillian Muriel Berchuck Mena Kaufman Beck Louis Hyman Berry James Carl Thompson Herbert J. Baum Lillian Van Baalen Blach Harold (Bo) Bowman Blach III Harry Bernow Daniel Betten Regina Flaum Bluttman Razelle Toranto Abraham Bresler Michael Jay Blonder Marlene Bledsoe Bertha K. VanPraag Rose Waxman Bresler Bette Ann Pearl Blumenthal William Bleiweiss Sally Brenner Aubrey Elton Buchalter Morris D. Blumenthal, Sr. Bradley Chesler Richard Waller Mel Bruck Jennie Chiffons Brian Waronker Herbert Cain Robert Carafiol Harry Cohen Do Sup Chung Isaac E. Capilouto Bruce Cassal Marks B. Cooper Norman J. Cohen Moses Weil Judge Marvin Cherner Abraham Cohen Thelma Cuttler Jacob Henry Cohn Sayde Yeargin Mina Louise Coleman Max Copeland Sylvia Cooley Charlotte Elmets Allan Denson Joe Ziff Bessie G. Cooley Florence Elsas Richard Diamond Lea Egli Neliah Einstein Louis S. Elsas David Engel February 20 – February 26 Gladys Epstein Stanley M. Erdreich, Sr. Cora S. Dorn Gladys K. Evans Samuel Estroff James Forrest Fargason David T. Feidelson Floyd Bert Athey Ben F. Ezekiel Alice Ettelson Stella Fetter Herbert R. Biernstein Alex Friedman Charles Fetter Lee Gotthelf Max Goldberg Daniel Greenspan Albert B. Goldsmith Lena Bittner Mort Gilbert Jacob Fies Samuel Grossberg Selma Virginia Goldstone Sam Blitz Mae Goldberg Frances Frohsin Malcolm Gordon Howard Goldstein Sylvia Gandler Marie F. Harrell Morris William Green Albert Brenner Nathan Goldstein Rebecca Slive Gingold A. \"Chief\" Harris Clarence Hagedorn Lillian Cohen Michael Hirsch Dominic Goedecke Janet Cypress Harris Alan Jack Hanan Victor Cohen Jacqueline Jaspan Herman Goldberg Bernard Holzer Bettye Hirsch Minnie B. Cooper Morris Goldstein Rose Jacobson Joseph Seymour Kimerling Isadore M. Davis Jack Kaden Gussie Goldstein Dorothy Koen John Allen Dees Nathan Kraselsky Susie Jaffe Jack Ladinsky Marylyn Dorsky Lena Krentzman Edward Hiller Louis Kaplan Alex Leitman Nathan Epsman Isaac (Ike) Kronenberg Maurice J. Ives Bertha Kern Myrna Landau Levine David Joel Landau Harry O. Kanter Frances G. Levy Lee Forst Suzanne Kirschberg Rosi Klein Marjorie Lichenstein Simon Friedman Anna Levine Isaak Kishinevsky Howard Koch Abe Luria Ed Malcolm Friend Jacob M. Levine, Sr. Beatrice E. Kohn Magda Beckmann Kruse Nathan Meyer Marcuse Sarah Meyerson Goldman Lee Unger Lichter Harvey Korman Sonya Damsker Lefkovits Eva Margolin Victor M. Hanan Itka Kronenberg Louis E. Maring, Sr. Fannie Hanover Abe London Lew Lazarus Bert Levin V. Hugo Marx, Jr. Margie (Smith) Herrington Minnie Weil Loveman Edna Kamenshine Levine Jane Marx Levy Marjorie Abraham Meyer James L. Hirsh Joseph H. Loveman Natalie McFarland Bruce A. Mayer Ferdinand Meyer Nancy Mendelson Paula Michael Donald Glen Monroe Morris Jaffe Ella L. Mack Violeta Neuwirth Harry J. Miller Ella K. Morris Istvan Kertesz Beatrice L. Mazer Bella Perlman Abraham David Oppenheim Marcia Cypress Kramer George Phillips Louis Mohr Barbara Dunham Ream Hennrietta Kraselsky David Mitnick Lincoln Newfield Florence Renaud Abe S. Krawcheck Lucille Oster Morris Piha Louis S. Rosenblum Abraham I. Perley Mike Reisin Mary Patrick Pauline Lewy Rosenfeld Rose Litwin Phillip Pincus Max Rittenbaum Patty Rubenstein Pizitz Helen Rotenstreich David Loveman Sol Rittenbaum Cecile Hiller Rodriguez Mitchel Rubenstein Samuel William Lyon Joseph D. Rosenberger, Sr. Joseph David Rosen Paul R. Rich Irene L Russakoff Herman Needle Pearl Rothman Leon Rosenthal Arnold L Roseman Arnold J. Siegal Dena C. Osband Rick Ruby Rita Routman Dorothy (Dot) Roth Shirley Simmons Paul M. Overall Ben Saag Ben Rutstein Isadore E. Simon Judith Grusin Cawn Rattner Joseph Sachs Marvin Silverstein Albert Schinasi Morris Sirote Joan Rittenbaum Sidney Sigman Carolyn Sloss Molly Shacove Louis Silberman Syd Stanton Beatrice Solomon Will Slate David Rose David Sperling Charles B. Todd Sam Steinberg Barbara Curjel Steiner Paul Rosenthal Harvey D. Spielholz May Clara Weil D. Riley Stuart Dora Landau Roth Max Steinmetz B.J. Winnik Murray Woltag Gertrude W. Stern Louise Ruth Schall Milton Turner Louis Wynne Gabriel Sedlis Edward Wald Hyman Yassem Mosely Shugerman Rosalyn Lurie Weil Estelle Weinberger Oscar Weinstein William J. Wilson Sol Zalmon Ida Tenenbaum Zavelo Goldie Rosen Zinder
Our Tributes 11 We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support our congregation by remembering and honoring their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions. Thank you for the following gifts received through January 11, 2022. GENERAL & UNRESTRICTED FUNDS Donations to our General Temple and Endowment Funds, and the Unrestricted Named Endowment Funds provide the greatest flexibility to respond to our congregation’s changing needs. In Memory Of: Donald Herman by Ferne Seigel Daniel Alloun by Janet & David Aarons by Natalie & Paul Royal by Judith & Scott Denson by Alpina Capital Team by Sandra & Larry Shulman Salomon Alloun by Lindsey Barry by Regina & Neil Sigman by Judith & Scott Denson by Harry Bayer by Carleton & Bruce Sokol Harold Blach, Jr. by Joan Becker by Jack Spiegelman by Janet & David Aarons by Elaine Bercu by Betty Steinmetz by Linda Barstein by Sandra & Alan Berman by Arnold Steiner by Harry Bayer by Candy & Stephen M. Berman by Margaret & Max Stern by Joan Becker by Sally Berry by Merrill & Michael Stern by Sandra & Alan Berman by Jane & Joe Bluestein by Julie, Brian, Rebecca, by Ralph Blach by Marty & Melvin Buck Margaret & Issac Stifel by Cheryl & Charlie Collat, Jr. by Joanna & Charles Collat, Sr. by Beth & Edward Sugarman by Joanna & Charles Collat, Sr. by Wanda & Ross Cohen by Roz Winston by Wanda & Ross Cohen by Robin Feldman & Chuck Edelberg John Coughlin by Nancy & David Denney by Ilene Engel by Cindi & Michael Routman by Barbara & Larry Fine by Chu-Chi & Bobby Fierman Allan Denson by Carolyn & Henry Frohsin by Barbara & Larry Fine by Judith & Scott Denson by Fran & Lee Godchaux by Polly Fraser and Paul Scharff Harold Joseph Denson by Nancy Goedecke by Carolyn & Henry Frohsin by Judith & Scott Denson by Suzy & Bill Goldberg by Beth & John Gerwin Marvin Elkin by Carol Herman by Donna & Howard Goldberg by Mari Lynn & Richard Leeds by Robin & Bart Kolber by Sherron & Allan Goldstein Edith Gerson by Susan & Barry Koretzky by Mitzi Goldstein by Isabel & Alan Siegal by Rochelle & Michael Koslin by Sandra & Mark Greenberg Marshall Goldberg by Shirley & Jerry Leader by Kent, Lisa & Danny Greenspoon by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich by Ashley & Jon Lewis by Billie Guthman Harold Joseph Goldstein by Letty & Bob Marcus by Dixie Hagedorn by Elinor Sue & Michael Staff by Fran Marlow by Ginger & Jerry Held Barbara Goldstone by Judy & Gerson May by Gail & Charles Herman by Susan & Barry Koretzky by Judy & Randy McDonald by Barry Isenberg by Fran Marlow by Herbie Miller by Joel Isenberg and John McGill by Sylvia Wright & Eli Pinhas by Judy & Gary Monheit by Linda Kappel by Amy & Michael Saag by Karen & Joel Piassick by Ricki & Lanny Kline Joyce Helzberg by Sylvia Wright & Eli Pinhas by Julie Koch by Joanna & Charles Collat, Sr. by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich by Robin & Bart Kolber by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich by Amy & Michael Saag by Sandra Koplon Fred Kanter by Sandra & Larry Shulman by Michael Lapides by Shirley & Jerry Leader by Wendy & Frank Siegal by Jerry Lapidus Marilyn Lazarus by Sue & Allan Solomon by Shirley & Jerry Leader by Regina & Neil Sigman by Betty Steinmetz by Ashley & Jon Lewis Heyman Leader by Sam Tenenbaum, Jr. by Clare Liedquist by Shirley & Jerry Leader by Linda Verin & Rick Clay by Letty & Bob Marcus Scott Leader by Joan & Don Weisberg by Rosalind and Danny Markstein by Shirley & Jerry Leader Alice Hewell Brooks, by Judy & Gerson May Caki Collat Mendel, grandmother of Daniel Odrezin by Judy & Randy McDonald daughter of Charles Collat by Fran & Lee Godchaux by Judy & Gary Monheit by Lindsay Levine & Lee Asherman by Susan & Andy Rotenstreich by Jamie & Greg Odrezin by Helen Levine Ned Caheen by Susan & Jack Paller by Karen & Joel Piassick by Harry Bayer by Betsy & Peter Printz Audre Margot Niedenthal by Joan Becker by JoAnn Rau by Ashley & Jon Lewis by Shirley & Jerry Leader by Dianne Ratowsky by Susan & Andy Rotenstreich Phoebe Cotton by Susan & Andy Rotenstreich Erin Rosemore by Betty Steinmetz by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich by Cindy & Clyde Butler (continued on page 12)
12 Our Tributes A LASTING LEGACY Our congregation is most grateful to Mark Goldstone and his wife, Barbara, of blessed memory, who in recent months established the Goldstone Family Family Youth Education Fund within our Grafman Endowment Fund. Reflecting Barbara’s passion and background in teaching, this fund is designed to help provide funding to enrich and support our congregation’s Youth & Education programming. For more information on exploring the many ways to create your own legacy and make a meaningful difference for our congregation and Reform Judaism is Birmingham, please contact Jann Blitz, Executive Director of the Rabbi Grafman Endowment Fund at (205)397-0814 or [email protected]. GENERAL & UNRESTRICTED FUNDS continued from page 11 Frieda Roth, mother of Neil Roth Wishing Good Health To: Special Birthday of by Harry Bayer Harold Ceitlin Charlotte Ives Goldberg by Cheryl & Charlie Collat by Regina & Neil Sigman by Roz Caplan by Nancy Goedecke Jack Held by Fran Marlow by Judy & Gerson May by Ferne Seigel Birth of Charlie Davis, grandson of by Candy & Ed Meyerson Lanny Kline Jeri Berman-Davis and Alan Davis by Sylvia Wright & Eli Pinhas by Regina & Neil Sigman by Karen & Joel Piassick by Susan & Andy Rotenstreich Jerry Lapidus Bat Mitzvah of Monika Singletary by Amy & Michael Saag by Ferne Seigel by Karen & Joel Piassick by Linda Verin & Rick Clay Shirley Leader Retirement of Lynda Gutcheon by Lori & Jimmy Weil by Joan & Don Weisberg by Judy & Bob Rutstein Ida Shugerman Bob Marcus Michael Saag for going by Judith & Scott Denson by Ferne Seigel “above and beyond” Rhonda Siegel by Betty Steinmetz by Wendy & Frank Siegal by Ashley & Jon Lewis Joan Weisberg David Sher for being honored with Geri Stone by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich the Susan J. Goldberg Distinguished by Ashley & Jon Lewis In Honor Of: Volunteer Award by the Birmingham Marlene Waller, mother of Leah Saag Special Anniversary of Jewish Federation/Foundation by Janet & David Aarons Jane & Joe Bluestein by Ashley & Jon Lewis by Jane & Joe Bluestein by Juliet & Michael Bluestein Eric Siegel for being a honored with by Nancy Goedecke by Barbara & Lowell Epstein the N.E. Miles Lifetime Achievement by Ricki & Lanny Kline by Evelyn Needle Award by the Birmingham Jewish by Letty & Bob Marcus by Joan & Don Weisberg Federation/Foundation by Jamie & Greg Odrezin Special Anniversary of by Ashley & Jon Lewis by Betty Steinmetz Chu-Chi & Bobby Fierman Carlie Stein Somerville for being by Pat Weil by Roz Caplan honored with the Joanie Plous Jennifer Ware, daughter of Special Birthday of Hal Abroms Bayer Young Leadership Award Sherron & Allan Goldstein by Joan Becker by the Birmingham Jewish by Robin & Bart Kolber Special Birthday of Charles Collat, Sr. Federation/Foundation by Judy & Gerson May by Barbara & Larry Fine by Ashley & Jon Lewis by Karen & Joel Piassick by Shirley & Jerry Leader by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich by Carleton & Bruce Sokol by Ferne Seigel by Dodie Sokol by Betty Steinmetz by Betty Steinmetz by Pat Weil Eric Wingard by Herbie Miller Your contributions through our “Temple Tributes” help to support Temple Emanu-El’s annual operations and activities, and further build our Grafman Endowment Fund to enrich our congregation…now and forever. To make a Tribute Gift to either a temple or an endowment fund, please contact the Endowment Office at (205) 933-8397 or [email protected]. A list of all our funds is available on our website at www.ourtemple.org.
Our Tributes 13 DESIGNATED ENDOWMENT FUNDS Contributions to these “perpetual” funds help provide permanent sources of income for special programming and enhancements for our temple today, as well as for future generations. ELLEN & JACK ALAND by Allene & Foots Parnell PATSY & CHARLES COLLAT FUND MEMBERSHIP ENGAGEMENT FUND by Suzy & Stewart Perlman FOR DUES ENDOWMENT In Memory Of: by Beth Poundstone In Honor Of: Frieda Roth by Bob Pruitt Special Birthday of Charles Collat, Sr. by Barbara & Jack Aland by Lisa Goren Pritzker by Sherron & Allan Goldstein BLACH FAMILY FUND by Marian Radwin JANIS & PAUL FRIEDMAN FUND FOR DUES ENDOWMENT by Beth & Fred Renneker III FOR DUES ENDOWMENT In Memory Of: by Jack Schniper In Memory Of: Harold Blach, Jr. by Bobby Segall Donald Herman by Lindsay Levine & Lee Asherman by Ferne Seigel by Cathy & Paul Friedman, Jr. by Elaine Bercu by Jennifer, Peter, Ronna & In Honor Of: by Donna & Mark Berman Mandy Selber III Special Birthday of Charlotte Goldberg by Elaine & Richard Berman by Kimberly & Mandy Selber, Jr. by Cathy & Paul Friedman, Jr. by Diane & Barry Blondheim by Southpace Properties, Inc. GOLDSTONE FAMILY by Susan & Larry Blumberg by Sperling Family Foundation YOUTH & EDUCATION FUND by Judith & Michael Broder by Arnold Steiner In Memory Of: by Lucy & Borden Burr by Claudia & John Thomas Barbara Goldstone by Sylvia & Leon Capouano by Elizabeth & Henry Weatherly by Abbott, Livings, Smith & Higgins, P.C. by Frances Capouya by Jan & Amos Weil by Laurie & Jeff Bricker by Tracy & Al Cohn by Brian Wiatrak by Dee & Ann Duncan by Eileen & Robert Cohn by Debbie Wiatrak by Vicki & Howard Dyer-Smith by Tom Cowen by Phillip Zeidman by Beth & John Gerwin by Lori & Stephen Dorsky Donald Herman by Sherron & Allan Goldstein by Barry Dreayer and Sandra Jaffe by Kit & Rick Roth by Neal Grobman by Lee & Rick Dunsmore by Mike Kazanchyan by Chu-Chi & Bobby Fierman GAIL & JEFFREY BAYER FUND by Amy & Michael Saag by Julie & Frank Friedman FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION by Spradling Board Members by Pat & Alan Geldzahler In Honor Of: by Spradling International USA by Cindee & Michael Gold Special Anniversary of by Spradling Group/Proquinal by Cinda & Larry Goldberg Gail & Jeffrey Bayer by Scott Warwick by Nancy Goldberg by Freda & Bob Centor by Rhonda & Harry Weinberg by Sherron & Allan Goldstein SHERRON & ALLAN GOLDSTEIN by Mitzi Goldstein CEMETERY CARE FUND BREAK-THE-FAST FUND by Lauren & Jay Gordon In Memory Of: In Memory Of: by Alison & James Gorrie Harold Blach, Bert Cotton, Jennifer Ware by Frances & Miller Gorrie Barbara Goldstone, and by Ilene & Ken Johnson by Lisa & Charlie Graham Lillian S. Schultz HANNAH & HYMAN GOLDSTEIN by Barbara Handmacher by Maureen & Mark Petrofsky VOLUNTEER FUND by Mary & Victor Hanson In Memory Of: by Mr. & Mrs. Victor Hanson II BETTY ALLENBERG Harold Blach by Ginger & Jerry Held GOLDSTEIN CAMP JACOBS by Debra & Joel Goldstein by Barbara & Henry Helzberg SCHOLARSHIP FUND by Marilyn & Murray Tanner by Michael Henig In Memory Of: Frieda Roth by Rae & Bruce Hirsch Harold Blach and Donald Herman by Debra & Joel Goldstein by Lisa Kianoff by Molly, Evie, Elise & In Honor Of: by Ricki & Lanny Kline Hank Frohsin Special Birthday of Charles Collat, Sr. by Sheri & Jimmy Krell by Marilyn & Murray Tanner by Amy & Neal Labovitz NINA & NORMAN COHEN Marriage of Stephen Goldstein, by Jerry Lapidus NEXT GENERATION FUND son of Debra & Joel Goldstein, by Helen Levine In Memory Of: to Hillary Aronoff by Eve Loeb Cindy Bailey and Barbara Goldstone by Lisa Kianoff by Bari Love by Lois & David Cohen by Anita & Bob May In Honor Of: (continued on page 14) by Brena & Howard Moglovkin Marriage of Emily Capilouto to James by Patricia Wool and Ed Munson Harb and Marriage of Alana Miller, by Carol Ann & William Nicrosi daughter of Judi Shulman-Miller & by Jamie & Greg Odrezin Rabbi Miller, to Ben Gore by Lois & David Cohen
14 Our Tributes DESIGNATED ENDOWMENT FUNDS continued from page 13 MOLLIE & HERMAN GOTLIEB MARGOT & EDGAR MARX FUND BUNNY & JOEL ROTENSTREICH SANCTUARY PRESERVATION FUND FOR DUES ENDOWMENT FUND FOR DUES ENDOWMENT In Memory Of: In Memory Of: In Memory Of: Harold Blach, Robert Fleisher, Marshall Harold Blach, Ned Caheen and Donald Harold Blach Goldberg, Joyce Helzberg and Herman by Ellen & Billy Balsar Donald Herman by Edgar Marx, Sr. Harold Blach and Donald Herman by Marcia Unger PAUL MOSTELLER DIRECTOR by Bunny & Joel Rotenstreich GLORIA GOLDSTEIN HOWTON OF MUSIC FUND KIM & NEIL ROTH FUND BUILDING FUND In Memory Of: FOR DUES ENDOWMENT In Memory Of: Donald Herman In Memory Of: Donald Herman, Suzy Ovson and Jennifer Ware by Carol Herman Frieda Roth by Ann & Richard Goldstein RABBI MORRIS NEWFIED FUND by Wendy & Frank Siegal GINGER & JERRY HELD FUND In Memory Of: LANA & STEVE ROYAL FUND FOR DUES ENDOWMENT Harold Blach and Donald Herman FOR DUES ENDOWMENT In Memory Of: by Carol & B.G. Minisman In Memory Of: Frieda Roth REESE FAMILY FUND Alfred Lee Thomason by Ginger & Jerry Held In Memory Of: by Lana & Steve Royal IVES FAMILY RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND Phyllis Bass and Barbara Goldstone JANET & LEONARD WERTHEIMER In Memory Of: by David Reese FUND FOR DUES ENDOWMENT Harold Blach In Honor Of: In Memory Of: by Jenny & John Ives David Reese for being honored as Harold Blach and Donald Herman In Honor Of: the Volunteer of the Year by the by Janet & Leonard Wertheimer Special Birthday of Charlotte Goldberg Collat Jewish Family Services by Susan & Jon Barry by Amy Reese Did You Know? by Karen & Craig Goldstein DESIGNATED TEMPLE FUNDS MYTH: Gifts to these “immediate use” funds fulfill special needs beyond the scope of Some people believe that what dues and tuition fees are able to provide. our Endowment is one large pot of money that can be used RABBI WRIGHT CANTOR WITTNER for whatever the Temple needs. DISCRETIONARY FUND DISCRETIONARY FUND In Memory Of: In Honor Of: FACT: Judy Abroms Installation of Cantor Wittner by Bunny & Joel Rotenstreich by Elinor & Michael Staff Actually, our Grafman Endowment Donald Herman HINENYNU /CARING Fund is a collection of hundreds by Carol Herman COMMITTEE FUND by Jane & Lester Seigel In Memory Of: of funds set up by generous donors, In Honor Of: Harold Blach like many of you, to provide a Special Birthday of Hal Abroms by Marty Keely steady stream of revenue for our by Harry Bayer Barbara Goldstone congregation. Think of these by Jane & Joe Bluestein by Adrian & Jeff Dyer-Smith by Cathy & Paul Friedman, Jr. In Honor Of: funds like a retirement investment by Mary & David Kimerling Hinenyu Committee account – which only spends the by Candy & Ed Meyerson by Claire Mervis by Bunny & Joel Rotenstreich RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND investment income each year. by Lana & Steve Royal In Honor Of: That way, each and every year, by Amy & Michael Saag Retirement of Lynda Gutcheon our congregation is fortunate by Wendy & Frank Siegal by Adrian & Jeff Dyer-Smith Special Birthday of Charles Collat, Sr. to have a steady stream of by Karen & Joel Piassick enhancement income.
Our Sponsors 15 We'd love to LISA MACLEAN have your ad REALTOR® HAPPY NEW YEAR! HERE 205.276.7676 | LisaMacLean.com | For information on advertising in the bulletin please contact: Temple Emanu-El at (205) 933-8037, ext. 239 or [email protected] Do You Have COPD? if yes, are you: FOR SALE 40-90 years of age One Elmwood Former smoker Cemetery Lot Interested in being in a at a Great Price research study? Compensation for your time Call David Betten at 205-967-5454 Contact Jessica McCreight 205-996-3007 Temple Traditions Gift Shop Gift Ideas for all Jewish Holidays! Check out or selection... we have gelt, dreidels, menorahs, candles, & other decorative Chanukah items... We have jewelry from casual to diamonds... Great gifts for the Mah Jongg lover... Fun Puzzles & Games, Holiday Books, Tallits, Tzedukah boxes... Baby Gifts, Wedding Gifts, Bar/Bat Mitzvah Gifts... Beautiful new Sterling Silver Kiddush cups, candlesticks and more... Don’t see exactly what you’d like? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help you with ideas. Come in the shop, visit us online, email or call Gift Certificates are available in the shop or online. February 2022 Hours open 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. whenever the Temple is open For questions or to schedule an appointment, contact Kim Roth at [email protected] or (205) 914-3545.
Temple Emanu-El NONPROFIT ORG. 2100 Highland Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35205 U.S POSTAGE Postmaster: Time Sensitive Material. PAID Please deliver immediately. Birmingham, AL Address Service Requested Permit No. 1137 Are you moving? Do we have your correct address? Please let us know by e-mail: [email protected] This issue of OurTemple bulletin is made possible through the support of the Rabbi Grafman Endowment Fund. The luncheon following is being partially underwritten by the . Sherron & Allan Goldstein Fund of the Grafman Endowment Fund The monthly bulletin for Temple Emanu-El with sweets lovingly prepared by our Temple’s Sisterhood. 2100 Highland Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35205 (205) 933-8037 | FAX (205) 933-8099 ourtemple.org Founded in 1882 and affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism. Clergy Rabbi Adam Wright Cantor Robert Wittner, Engel Cantorial Chair Rabbi Jonathan Miller, Rabbi Emeritus Senior Team Danielle Barnett, Director of Accounting and Finance Jann Blitz, Endowment Fund Executive Director Lynda Gutcheon, Interim Director of Education Monika Singletary, Director of Engagement and Membership Board of Directors EXECUTIVES Robert Berman, President Charles Collat, Jr., President Elect Barbara Aland, Vice President Dr. Adam Gordon, Vice President Lisa Bebenek, Secretary Joel Piassick, Treasurer Dr. Al Cohn, Immediate Past President Sherron Goldstein, Presidential Appointment Jeffrey Bayer, Presidential Appointment GENERAL BOARD Dr. David Askenazi Fran Godchaux Dr. Brian Kulbersh Ashley Lewis Josh Mandell Ben Smith Amanda Sokol Andy Rotenstreich, Endowment Fund Board President Steven Leaf, Brotherhood President Sylvia Wright, Sisterhood President Remember Temple’s Endowment Fund in your estate plans, and please let us know when you do.
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