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Home Explore Temple Beth El: Connections Winter 2016

Temple Beth El: Connections Winter 2016

Published by Temple Beth El, 2016-11-01 10:09:43

Description: Temple Beth El of Hollywood's Quarterly Magazine


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CONNECTIONSConnecting With Your Temple Beth El Family WINTER 2016-17 AV 5777 ___________________________________1____|__C__O___N___N__E__C__T__I_O___N___S__W____I_N__T__E__R___2__0__1__6____________________________________

TABLE OF CONTENTS 10 PRESCHOOL 11 JLC/ADULT EDUCATION 3 A VIEW FROM THE BIMAH 12 SIMCHAS 4 CANTOR’S NOTES 13 MAZEL MOMENTS 5 JLC LATKE SALE 14 FUNDS & DONATIONS 6 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 7 MEMBERSHIP 8 SCHMOOZEOur Preschoolers Sukkot Celebrations love Sukkot! CHAI LIGHTS SthhaebBbeaat cohn TBE Open House___________________________________2____|__C__O___N___N__E__C__T__I_O___N___S__W____I_N__T__E__R___2__0__1__6____________________________________

A VIEW FROM THE BIMAH A CONNOISSEUR OF A DIFFERENT KIND If someone tells you he loves God and does not love people, know that he is lying. -BAAL SHEM TOV Some people are connoisseurs of fine wines, others connoisseurs of gourmet food. Our tradition encourages us to be connoisseurs of an entirely different kind as illustrated by the following Chassidic story, translated by my colleague Rabbi Rami Shapiro. Reb Money Monissohn, a wealthy diamond merchant, went to visit his Rebbe, Reb Shalom Ber of Lubavitch. Reb Monye was eager to show the Rebbe some diamonds he had recently purchased in hopes of getting a blessing for the success of his business. The Rebbe seemed more interested in extolling the praises of certain common laborers whom Reb Monye had criticized for their lack of learning. “Rebbe,” the merchant said at last, “I just do not see what you see in these people. They are illiterate boors.” “In fact , Reb Monye,” the Rebbe replied, “each of them has many honorable traits.” “Maybe so, Rebbe, but I for one cannot see them.” The Rebbe sat silently for a few moments. “Nu, Reb Monye, show me your new diamonds.” Reb Monye eagerly untied a velvet sack and spread a glittering pool of diamonds on the Rebbe’s desk. Lifting one in particular to the light streaming in from a window, he said, “This one is especially fine, Rebbe.” “I see nothing special in it,” Reb Shalom Ber said. “I would not expect you to, Rebbe. One must be a connoisseur of gems to see what makes each one worthy of such praise.” “Every person is also a gem, my dear Reb Monye,” the Rebbe said. “And just as with your diamonds, you must be a connoisseur to see them truly.” The sages of old taught, “Who is honored? He who honors his fellow beings. Who is wise? She who learns from all people.” In our better moments we are connoisseurs of people, seeing the unique value of every human being. RABBI ALLAN TUFFS EMAIL: [email protected] ___________________________________3____|__C__O___N___N__E__C__T__I_O___N___S__W____I_N__T__E__R___2__0__1__6____________________________________

CANTOR’S NOTESWhen is a person officially “old?” push herself to new heights. As her University, has studied the JewishAt age 50, 60, 70, or 80? 80th birthday approached, she decided perspective of aging. to become a Bat Mitzvah, a rite ofIn our Jewish tradition, you are old when passage that had passed her by when She says: “Older adult spirituality has ayou stop learning! she was a young girl. unique place in Jewish tradition. Older ears may be distinctly able to hear andBy that measure, Arlyne Frankel is So she studied with me for one year to follow the commandment to continuevery young even though she recently be able to read from the Torah. Along going forth. We must be wise enough tocelebrated her 80th birthday. In fact, she the way, we became great friends, reach a good old age by traveling newis one of the youngest people I know! learning lots of things from each other paths for ourselves and for those who will ... and always looking forward to our follow us.”Arlyne is always looking at the world Thursday afternoon sessions.through fresh eyes, eager to grow and “In the Torah, there are no accidents. It Arlyne is a tremendous role model for is no accident that the first to follow the me and for everyone at Temple Beth El! commanding voice is Abraham, an elder. Our first elder does not live in retirement, Besides learning Hebrew and studying but rather begins a journey and continues Torah with me, she is enrolled in to grow, learn, and achieve.” computer classes...and plans to enroll in college. Her senior citizen quest for There is a great quote attributed to Reb greater knowledge and fulfillment is very Nachman of Breslov, a Chassidic master much in keeping with Jewish tradition. who lived 200 years ago in the Ukraine. Did you know that Abraham was 75 when He said: “Jews are forbidden to feel old.” he heard the call of God and journeyed to the Land of Israel...and Moses was 80 In other words, while God has blessed when he led the Jews out of Egypt? you with the gift of life, keep evolving and becoming all that you can be! Jacquelyn Dwoskin, a professor of Gerontology at Nova Southeastern Just like my friend Arlyne.CANTOR MANNY SILVERTemple Beth El Friday | 7 pm Presents November 11, 2016 Make it a soulful Shabbat by rocking out with Cantor Manny & the TBE Band!N’ SOULSHABBATENJOY A SISTERHOOD SHABBAT DINNER* BEFORE EACH ROCK N’ SOUL SHABBAT *More information on page 9 ___________________________________4____|__C__O___N___N__E__C__T__I_O___N___S__W____I_N__T__E__R___2__0__1__6____________________________________

JLC LATKE SALE!10 for $10Sale runs November 13-December 4.ALL ORDERS MUST BE IN BY DECEMBER 4.ter.2016 TEMPLE BETH EL LATKE ORDER FORMName _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Phone Number__________________________________________________________________________________________________Email _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________I would like to purchase _________orders at $10 each. (There are 10 latkes in each order.)Total Amount Due:_________________Cash ____Check (payable to Temple Beth El) ____Credit Card Card # _____________________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date_______________ CVV#________________ Date:_______________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________________ For more information, please contact the Temple office at 954-920-8225. Orders will be available for pickup on December 18 and can be frozen until Chanukah! Just heat and serve. Anyone that will be away on December 18, can make other arrangements for pickup. Please make a note here: ____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please mail this form to: Temple Beth El, 1351 S. 14th Avenue, Hollywood, Florida This is a fundraiser to benefit the Jewish Learning Center. Or place your order online at ___________________________________5____|__C__O___N___N__E__C__T__I_O___N___S__W____I_N__T__E__R___2__0__1__6____________________________________

ONE GOODDEED GOESA LONG WAYBullying is a common importance of kindness? SHABBAT LITEoccurrence in this country anda major problem.  Over the Just recently I was introduced End your busy week with the fastest Shabbatyears, many well-known artists to the global movement known service in Hollywood at Temple Beth El!and leaders have spoken their as “Good Deeds Day,” whichminds about bullying: unites people from over 75 At 6:00 p.m., Temple Beth El is introducing countries to do good deeds Shabbat Lite, an 18-minute Friday night “One’s dignity may be for the benefit of others and service for you and your family. assaulted, vandalized and the planet. For one day, all cruelly mocked, but it can over the world, hundreds of Enjoy a touch of Shabbat! never be taken away unless it is thousands choose to volunteer surrendered.” just to help others. Why? SISTERHOOD’S -Michael J. Fox, Actor Because the Good Deeds Day movement believes that JUDAICA “I would rather be a little every single person can do GIFT SHOP nobody, then to be an evil something good, be it large or somebody.” small, to improve the lives of Your One Stop -Abraham Lincoln, 16th others and positively change Chanukah Shop! President of the United States the world. “Knowing what’s right doesn’t This year, Temple Beth El is mean much unless you do going to do what’s right and what’s right.” participate in Good Deeds Day -Theodore Roosevelt, 26th on Sunday, April 2, 2017. Good President of the United States Deeds Day was founded by a South Florida native, currentAccording to Israeli resident and youngerin 2013, about 28% of U.S. sister of Miami Heat ownerstudents in grades 6–12 Micky Arinson, Shari, who putexperienced bullying. it best when she said, “I believeFurthermore, students who that if people will think good,experience bullying are at an speak good and do good, theincreased risk for poor school circles of goodness will grow inadjustment, sleep difficulties, the world.”anxiety, and depression. Thisgot me thinking, how can we I look forward to spreadingas a community infuse more and doing good with you onGOOD in this world? What April 2. More details to follow.can I do as Temple President toteach the next generation the LYNN Whether you’re looking for ChanukahSTRAUSS candles, a menorah or any other gift... We are your Chanukah store! TEMPLE BETH EL PRESIDENT Open Friday evenings after Shabbat services or call the Temple office to arrange a visit. ALL PROFITS HELP OUR TEMPLE___________________________________6____|__C__O___N___N__E__C__T__I_O___N___S__W____I_N__T__E__R___2__0__1__6____________________________________

SO MANY SAVE THE DATE!ACTIVITIES! Annual GalaTemple Beth El is an all- Our ever popular Progressive Saturday, March 4encompassing community Dinner will be held on Saturday, 7 pmwith many facets. There January 28th. This event isis Worship, Prayer and Torah always a sellout. It is a wonderful Honoring our Temple President,study. There is Social Action, way to meet Temple members Lynn Strauss andSisterhood and Men’s Club, and mingle with friends. Women’s Spirituality Group,   Cantor Manny SilverPreschool, Bar and Bat Mitzvah The main event this year will beStudies, the Jewish Learning The Gala on Saturday, March Enjoy an evening of Cocktails,Center, Adult Education, Youth 4th. Cantor Manny Silver and Dinner and DancingGroup and so much more.  President Lynn Strauss will be  honored for their dedication, FORMAL INVITATION TO FOLLOWIn addition, we have many fun devotion and hard work. and exciting activities and   BRING IN THE FIRSTfundraisers planned for this Bingo Night should not be NIGHT OF CHANUKAHcoming year. I am hoping you missed as it is a guaranteed AT TBE!will join your community and evening of fun, prizes, andattend these wonderful events. laughs.   What do Jews eat on the first night ofNot only are they fun but they   Chanukah? Latkes! What do Jews eatare a great way to socialize, If you did not attend any events on Christmas Eve? Chinese food!network and be a part of a last year, I ask that you attend at The perfect pairing!beautiful community.   least one this year. Temple Beth El needs YOU to be  a part of the Saturday, December 24Our first event will be a community in order to prosper 6:30 PMKaraoke/Silent Auction held on and grow. If you would like toSaturday, December 10th.  We join a committee, please call the Community Havdallah & Candlelightinghave members calling the office office and leave me a message. on the lawn with sufganiyotto reserve their tables already!So, save the date and register B’shalom! 7 PM Chinese Dinner & Movieearly.  Keeping the Faith JODI MOST Members: $15 | Non-members: $18 Children 13 & under: $5 VICE PRESIDENT, Children under 5: FREE MEMBERSHIP & PROGRAMMINGWELCOME NEW MEMBERS! David Bakalar Phyllis Handler Maya Bat-Ami Nela LivakRichard Bernstein James Colen Stephen Sicker Marilyn Gruder Jacob Woloshin___________________________________7____|__C__O___N___N__E__C__T__I_O___N___S__W____I_N__T__E__R___2__0__1__6____________________________________

SCHMOOZEBET YOUTHShabbanukahSleepover & CampOutFriday, December 166:00pm - OvernightSaturday, December 1711:00am (Pick-up)KULAM (3rd-5th grade) and CLUB BET (6thgrade) Youth will be celebrating the magic ofShabbat and miracles of Chanukah with a camp-out at Temple Beth El! Wewill be outside under the stars and sleeping in camping tents. It will be a timeto connect with BET Youth friends and build memories. Activities include:Shabbat under the Stars | Maccabee Music FpoleramseorceonintfaocrtmOartliyoSntaenindattooRrSlyV@PtbbyehNoollvyewmoboedr.c1o8m, .Storytelling | Build A Menorah |Design Dynamite DreidelsGelt guessing & sufganiyot stuffing WE NEED DONATIONS!To make this a free event, parents and/or sponsors please send the following supplies: camping tents, gelt, sufganiyot , flashlights, dinner, breakfast, etc. Please contact Orly regarding donations.Book ClubTEMPLE BETH EL BOOK CLUB Meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:30 am. All Temple members are welcome to join the discussion. DECEMBER 2016 The Lost Sisterhood NOVEMBER 2016 You Will Know Me by Ann Fortier by Megan Abbot From the author of the New York Times bestseller Juliet, comes a mesmerizing The audacious new novel about novel about a young scholar who family and ambition from “one of risks her reputation—and her life—on the best living mystery writers” a thrilling journey to prove that the (Grantland) and bestselling, legendary warrior women known as the award-winning author of The Amazons actually existed. Fever, Megan Abbott.___________________________________8____|__C__O___N___N__E__C__T__I_O___N___S__W____I_N__T__E__R___2__0__1__6____________________________________

SNHSoiAvsteBemrBhbAoeTord1D1FIa,N2m0Nil1yE6R SISTERHOOD 5:30 pm Our meetings are the second Thursday of the month from 10:30 am to noon and all Before Rock N’ Soul! are encouraged to come and see what the Sisterhood is all about. Sisterhood welcomes MNCtCohoehinmitlldhR-dbMrerSeeeVeTrnnmeAP43mbdb–&eupy1rlUlt2TeAsnud Odeuefsl rtfdis ca ey,aNt o9v5$$$eF4121rm.89e20eb2e0r.88225. every level of participation and believes you will reap the rewards of helping the Temple. We also have a lot of fun and togetherness. Upcoming events, such as dinners and outings will be posted in TBE weekly emails and in the office. We look forward to getting to know you!WOMEN’S SPIRITUALITY MEETINGS BEGIN PROMPTLY AT 7:00 PM AND ARE HELD AT TEMPLE BETH EL. Monday, November 14 A special evening with educator Stephanie King as she guides us in a “mindful listening session” that will take us to a new level of consciousness. Monday, December 12 This evening will be our annual collection of new or unused toiletries for “Women in Distress.” Micki Mallinson will be facilitating the group as we pack goods for those in need. Please save your samples of soap, shampoo, etc. and bring them with you! If you are unable to attend, drop off your toiletries at the Temple and we will be happy to pack them. Monday, January 9 A delightful night with Sheryl Shaw as she guides us in a “show and tell” adventure.___________________________________9____|__C__O___N___N__E__C__T__I_O___N___S__W____I_N__T__E__R___2__0__1__6____________________________________

NANCY SCHUSSLER LEARNING LIMITS PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOROur school year has taken break our learning will We offer something for to a good start now continue as we celebrate From Preschool to Adult Educationthat our preschoolers a special man in ourhave acclimated to their lives with a breakfastnew fun-but-structured and handmade gifts andenvironment. With new prepare for Tu B’Shevat.and old friends by theirsides, the children will We encourage parentscontinue to discover to ask their children totheir world with curious discuss what they’veeyes and encouragement learned each day, whetherfrom our teachers. We it’s a social skill likewill explore different sharing, a cognitive skillthematic topics over the like recognizing a letter, ornext few months that a gross or fine motor skillinclude animals, shapes, like hopping on one leg.colors, and weather—all as Our Nifty News Lettersthey relate to Noah’s Ark, provide you with highThanksgiving, Chanukah level questions to ask yourand winter. In December, children each week. Thisthe children will shop simple practice will notfor their friends and only reinforce learning thatfamilies at our Holiday has already taken place,Bazaar. They will also but encourage childrendazzle their parents with to make connections toa special Chanukah show their world outside of theon December 23rd. After preschool.we return from our holidayPRESCHOOL datesNovember 18 Family Shabbat You are never too old to learn something new. That’s whyNovember 24 -25 Thanksgiving Temple Beth El of Hollywood Preschool closed offers a variety of lifelongDecember 12-16 Holiday Bazaar elexaprannindgycoluasrskenso. Jwoliendug se!and December 23 Chanukah ShowDec 26 - Jan 6 Winter Break Preschool closedJanuary 9 First day backJanuary 16 Preschool closedJanuary 18 PreK /VPK Parent MeetingJanuary 20 Family ShabbatJanuary 26 Man in my Life Breakfast __________________________________1__0____|__C__O___N___N__E__C__T__I_O___N___S__W____I_N__T__E__R___2__0__1__6___________________________________

WITHOUT JOY SCHANDLER JLC DIRECTOR We LOVE Chanukah at the Jewish Jewish life was threatened and our Learning Center! Our children and ancestors had to make a choice- join teens are delving into Chanukah the Greeks and leave Judaism behind, through all of their senses.  Some are or stand up for what they believed in.  designing original chanukiot (the name for the menorah used on Chanukah); As we know, Judah Maccabee led the others will be making latkes from group of zealous Jews who would scratch or helping sell frozen latkes not succumb to the Greek way of life for our JLC Latke sale to help benefit and fought to regain their land, their our school (see page 5).  Everyone lives and their values.  They made a will learn the correct technique for choice- Judaism was a significant part lighting the candles and the temple of their lives. They found meaning halls will be filled with the sounds of in Jewish tradition and behavior.  children practicing the three blessings. They liberated Jerusalem and the Furthermore, our students will learn Temple, and rededicated the Temple the story of Judah Maccabee and the and themselves to Jewish life and fight for the Jewish way of life. expression. They loved being Jewish so much that they were willing to fight for Chanukah is a profound narrative their ideals.  about making choices that impact who we are.  Way back when Alexander the So in this Chanukah season, here are Great conquered and entered Judea, some questions to ponder: our homeland, he brought with him gifts of Greek culture:  mathematics, • Who would you have been in science, philosophy, and a myriad of this holiday narrative? leisure time activities such as athletics, theater and the baths.  • Who are you today? As time went on, and Antiochus • In what ways is Judaism a became the new Greek emperor, Jews precious gift that you want to were forced to give up all they knew.  pass it on to your children? No longer were they able to study Torah, worship at the Temple, eat Discuss amongst yourselves! Happy kosher food, and circumcise their sons.  Chanukah. ADULT EducationAfternoon December 7 Learn With The Institute forSeries: “A Journey Begins With Cantor Manny Silver Soulful Living A Single Step…”Wednesdays Introduction to Judaism Tuesdays1-3 pm Class By Belle Jurkowitz, Begins Wednesday, October 26 November 1 7:30-8:15 pm November 8November 9 Brandeis Speaker November 15Ask Rabbi Anything! Conversational Hebrew November 22 Begins Thursday, October 27 12-1:30 pmNovember 16 Second Semester Classes 7:30-8:15 pm Beginning In January Join Us For Six Weeks Of JewishHow To Walk Your Talk... Study And Spiritual Practice WithWhat Would You Do! Rabbi Allan Tuffs And Educator Stephanie King. __________________________________1__1____|__C__O___N___N__E__C__T__I_O___N___S__W____I_N__T__E__R___2__0__1__6___________________________________

ADULT BIRTHDAYS SimchasNOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES1 | Sheryl Shaw 1 | Angelica Shir 1 | John Newburger2 | Susan Lazarus 4 | Barbara Blumenfeld 2 | Sary Fox NOVEMBER JANUARY2 | Dr. David Mandel 4 | Jennifer Cristal 2 | Simone Williams 2 | Kenneth & Susan Budowsky 6 | Steve & Kim Shechtman2 | Kevin Novorro 7 | Cindy Cossin 4 | Daniel Mukamal 4 | Joel & Linda Levine 9 | Courtney Krasnor4 | Audrey Efros 7 | Stephen Weiss 5 | Joel Levine 4 | Marc & Barbara Schultz & Simone Williams6 | Mariana Bahamonde 10 | Carole Rubenstein 5 | Micki Mallinson 6 | Jacob & Lindsey Woloshin 11 | Lori Macaulay9 | Michal Kitai 10 | Kathryn Von Mat- 5 | Dr. Michael Saffan 15 | Howard Marmorstein 14 | Michael & Jami Landen10 | George Freshman thiessen 6 | Madelyn Rappaport & Paula Steinberg 15 | Jeff & Melissa Cooperman10 | Susan Jacobs 12 | Barbara Miller 6 | Candace Sheitelman 17 | Charles & Jeri Rowars 16 | Jeremy & Jennifer Jackson11 | Dr.LorenaBejarMukamal 14 | Ellen Schinder 7 | David Marans 17 | Jimmy & Barbie Stern 19 | Eric & Beth Van der Vlugt12 | Dr. Yoav Barnavon 14 | Evan Wilkes 7 | Beth Van der Vlugt 20 | Scott & Michele Singer 23 | Michael Schleifer12 | Marilynn Drescher 15 | Jaclyn Smith 10 | Frances Bernstein 22 | Gregory & Kelly Dell & Carole Rubenstein12 | Marc Schultz 15 | Lisbeth Wrubel 10 | Lisa Colen 24 | Eric & Helena Fordin 24 | Aaron & Shiela Margolis14 | Nela Livak 17 | Charlotte Garfield 10 | Dr. Jami Landen 24 | Rudy & Ruthie Schwartz 24 | Steven & Bonny Oppenheim16 | Frances Housman 18 | Meredith Chassen 11 | Stuart Kallman 24 | Paul & Andrea Silitsky 26 | Lee & Ellie Bernstein19 | Gary Turner 18 | Ingrid Goodman 11 | Renelle Kuntz 28 | Cindy Cossin20 | Rachel Mazor 20 | Elise Egozi 12 | Alex Kashton 28 | Michael & Carol Franz20 | Wendi Norris 21 | Kelly Dell 14 | Aaron Margolis 28 | Tal & Rachel Mazor20 | Brent Spechler 21 | Constance Glazer 16 | Ann Aboulafia21 | Linda Levine 22 | Lucy Lichtblau 17 | Dr. Roy Ans23 | Allan Gordon 22 | Charlotte Sperber 17 | Rebecca Freedman26 | Judith Lebensburger 23 | Judge Miette Burnstein 17 | Faye Redlich26 | Arlene Rosenstock 24 | Howard Gross 18 | Todd Scher27 | Rick Meyerson 24 | Jacquelyn Needelman 19 | Jaime Cuesta28 | Mark Hubscher 24 | Matthew Willner 20 | Marilyn Faber29 | Milton Jacobs 25 | Barbara Samuels 20 | Linda Pravder29 | Darren Wrubel 26 | Jodi Most 21 | Dr. Abraham Fischler 27 | Dr. Stanley Kessel 21 | Avi Witz 28 | Trudy Lechner 21 | Kathleen Wynn 28 | Joel Lefkowitz 22 | Gerry Dubman 29 | Sylvia Kalin 22 | Bonny Oppenheim 29 | Delphine Rechtman 24 | David Bakalar 29 | Dr. Linda Scharf 24 | Sondra Grussgott 29 | Kurt Shaw 26 | Maria Keylikhes 31 | Matthew Cohen 26 | Judge Lisa Porter 31 | Bela Deutsch 27 | Michael Sheitelman 31 | Manny Silver 28 | Dr. Barbara Drabkin 31 | Scott Singer 29 | Felice Lindenbaum 31 | Francine Tobin 31 | Tavin PortmanCHILDREN’S BIRTHDAYS DECEMBER 3 | Tavin & Drina PortmanNOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY 3 | Manny & Ginger Silver1 | Lauren Robbins 4 | Dominique Bahamonde 7 | Michael Colen 5 | Leonard & Faye Redlich1 | Sabrina Yagman 4 | Emma Robbins 9 | Gillian Hansen Kaufman 6 | Stephen & Karmen Weiss5 | Sabrina Portman 10 | Alejandro Schwarz 10 | Jake Van der Vlugt 6 | Avi Witz & Jennifer Cristal8 | Connor Norris 11 | JaclynHansenKaufman 10 | Olivia Van der Vlugt 8 | David Silverstone & Linda Scharf9 | Samantha Cossin 13 | Randy Puretz 14 | Rowan Huffman 12 | Matthew & Nancy Willner9 | Alina Macaulay 15 | Aiyanna Aulov 20 | Selene Weiss 14 | Gary & Stephanie Corr12 | Gillian Mallinson 15 | Mark Aulov 25 | Sofia Mukamal 16 | Herbert & Francine Tobin16 | Hannah Dubow 15 | Logan Mazor 17 | Richard & Michelle Wolfe20 | Lily Garvis 16 | Cindy Chamides 18 | Noah & Elise Egozi20 | Chyenne Mallinson 19 | Zachary Van der Vlugt 19 | Robert & Debra Holtzman21 | Aaron Henshaw 20 | Sofia Meyerson 21 | Donald & Wendy Forman22 | Jacob Kushnir 20 | Ryan Miller 23 | Mark & Ellen Axinn25 | Jordan Xavier Liotta 21 | Jordan Margolis 24 | Michael & Frances Housman26 | Jewell Segal 22 | Jesse Ibanez 24 | BruceIsaacs&JulieSpielerIsaacs27 | Sydney Mazor 26 | Jesse Silverstone 25 | Kerry & Judi Lebensburger30 | Jake Sheitelman 29 | Ethan Dell 26 | Kevin & Jill Novorro30 | Benjamin Wilkes 30 | Tobi Margolis 26 | Joseph & Rochelle Sher 28 | Mike & Miette Burnstein 28 | Craig & Meredith Chassen __________________________________1__2____|__C__O___N___N__E__C__T__I_O___N___S__W____I_N__T__E__R___2__0__1__6___________________________________

Lauren Rachel Robbins Matthew SilitskyBAT MITZVAH Lauren will be called to the Torah for her Matthew will BAR MITZVAH Bat Mitzvah on November 12, 2016 at Temple Beth El. Lauren is the daughter of celebrate his Bar Shari and Edward Robbins of Hollywood and the granddaughter of Dr. & Jerome Mitzvah on Saturday, Bergheim of Fort Lauderdale and Joyce Robbins of Hollywood. Lauren is named November 5 with his after her maternal great grandmother, Laura Rosenfield, and her paternal parents Andrea & Paul grandfather Richard Robbins. Silitsky, sister Alli and grandmas Audrey Lubell and Helen Silitsky. Matthew is a 7th grade student atIn prior years, Lauren attended Temple Beth El Preschool, and The Beachside MontessoriBen Gamla Charter School in Hollywood. Lauren is currently a7th grader at the Ben Gamla Preparatory Academy in Hollywood Village where he is awhere she is an excellent student. Lauren enjoys many activitiesincluding dancing and she competes on a Hip Hop team at Dance member of the National Junior Honor Society andExplosion in Davie. She also takes weekly classes in other formsof dance. Lauren has also competed in gymnastics and is an avid the school basketball team. Matt enjoys basketball,reader. baseball, bike riding and his dogs. Matthew started his Mitzvah project, raising money for Smile Train to help disadvantaged children get cleft repair surgery when he was only nine years old. He is proud toLauren has studied Hebrew since kindergarten at Ben Gamla have financed surgery for six children. TBE has beenand is a student at the Jewish Learning Center. She is very muchlooking forward to celebrating her Bat Mitzvah with her friends an integral part of Matthew’s life since birth. Heand family in November. attended TBE pre-school and religious school.Alexis McMurray Jake Michael & Olivia Leigh van der VlugtAlexis will be a BAT MITZVAH B’NAI MITZVAH Jake & Olivia, son and daughter of Eric andBat Mitzvah on Beth and siblings of Zachary van der Vlugt,November 19, 2016. will be celebrating their B’nai Mitzvah withAlexis attended friends and family on January 14, 2017.preschool at Temple Jake and Olivia are 7th graders at SummitBeth El. Currently, Questa Montessori School. Jake enjoysshe is an honor playing Lego’s and Minecraft. For his Mitzvahroll student at Ben project, Jake is donating Lego’s to a localGamla Charter Jewish foster home for the holidays. OliviaSchool where she enjoys reading and listening to music. Forhas been attending her Mitzvah project, Olivia is participatingsince 2014. Her in a therapeutic horseback riding programcurriculum consists of all Advanced Placement for mentally and physically challengedCourses. Alexis has a passion for fashion and individuals. Both of them love swimming,her other interests consist of tennis, sewing, skiing and playing on the computer.reading and camping with the girl scouts. She MMaozmelentsjust completed her mitzvah project, which wasreading and providing books to students withspecial needs and critical health issues. Alexislives in Hollywood with her mother, brotherand grandparents. WE WANT TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR MAZEL MOMENTS!If you have any feel-good news to share and photos, send it our way, we would love tofeature it in our next issue of Connections! Please email [email protected] with your upcoming news. __________________________________1__3____|__C__O___N___N__E__C__T__I_O___N___S__W____I_N__T__E__R___2__0__1__6___________________________________

FUNDS & DONATIONS*CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND KIRSNER FUNDHarriet Lonschein, in memory of her father, Isador Zimmerman Bernie Schinder, in memory of his mother, Eva SchinderHarriet Lonschein, in memory of her sister, Doris Zuckerman Ellie & Bernie Schinder and Marilyn & Burton Black:Lynn Strauss, to Cantor, a Thank You for the fun baseball game! In memory of Eva & Harry Schinder, Rose Black, George Black,Lynn Strauss, to Gisele & Brent Spechler, a Thank You for the fun baseball Sara &Myer Kirsner, and Steven Londongame! ONEG/KIDDISHFLOWERS Arnie Feinerman, in honor of Elaine RudnerArnie Feinerman, in honor of Elaine Rudner Arnie Feinerman, in honor of his birthdayArnie Feinerman, in honor of Linda & Frank Pravder Steve Prince, in honor of his Birthday Francine & Damon Solomon, in memory of Doris SolomonGENERAL FUNDJewish Community Foundation, a grant from the Louis & Estelle Chechick RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUNDSpecial Purpose Fund Marcia & Jessica LawrenceCombined Jewish Philanthropies, a grant from the Andre & Marilyn Danesh Melvin Saslow, in memory of his brother-in-law, Alexander WolfFund Melvin Saslow, in memory of his father-in-law, Bernhard WolfMarilyn & Mordechai Adani, in memory of Sheila Cincinatas’ sister, Charlotte Andrea & Paul Silitsky, in gratitude to Rabbi Tuffs for his helpMarilyn & Mordechai Adani, in memory of Sidney BrecherHarriet Bial, in memory of friend, Abe Genick RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUNDBeth & Jason Dubow, in memory of Sue Gordon’s father, Herbert Liberman Sandy & Joel Lefkowitz, in memory of Denise PakulaBeth & Jason Dubow, in celebration of Sue & Steve Gordon’s son, Alex’smarriage to Lauren Critelli SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE FUNDDiana Kramer, in honor of her great-nephew, Leo Fine Segal Dodie Weinstein & Bob Goldberg, in memory of Nancy BrizelLarry Most, to say Mi Sheibarach for Linda BurnsSelma Nichols, in honor of Murray Kitner’s Birthday TORAH RESTORATION FUNDRochelle & Joseph Sher, in memory of Dr. Wesley Jones Marcia & Jessica Lawrence Lynn & Ray Strauss, in honor of Arnie Feinerman’s BirthdayGUNZBURGER L’DOR V’DOR FUND Lynn & Ray Straus, in honor of Jessica Lawrence’s BirthdayAllen Zack, in memory of his mother, Florence Zack TZEDAKAH FUNDJAYNE ESACK BOTANICAL FUND Diana & Jack Kahn, in honor of Arlyne Frankel’s Bat MitzvahDavid Esack, in memory of Myriam Morenis FarjiLIVE STREAMING MADE POSSIBLE BY A GENEROUS DONATION FROM THE LEBENSBURGER FAMILYTEMPLE BETH EL APPRECIATES ALL CONTRIBUTIONS/DONATIONS MAY BE MADE TO A VARIETY OF FUNDS:Adult Education Fund General Fund Preschool FundCamp Scholarship Fund Gunzburger L’Dor V’Dor Fund Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund assists Temple Confirmands to attend theCantor’s Discretionary Fund March of the Living or similar programs Rachlin Scholarship Fund Hannah & Al LiptonCapital Campaign Fund Early Childhood Education Scholarship Fund Religious School FundDavid and Lillian “Lu” Kaplan Children’s Education Jayne Esack Botanical Fund Sisterhood Floral FundFund Kirsner Fund Sisterhood Service to the Blind FundDodie Weinstein & Bob Goldberg assists families to pay for Religious School educationAdult Education Endowment Fund Library Fund Tavlin Family Scholarship Fund to assist Students’ participating inEmas Family Rabbinic Live Streaming Jewish programs and activitiesCommunity Development Endowment Fund Torah Restoration Fundto further religious, spiritual, and educational Memorial Plaques/Tree of Lifeendeavors Tzedakah Fundof the Temple in the community Mitzvah Fund Yahrzeit Memorial FundEndowment Fund Oneg/Kiddish FundFred Lippman Family Cantorial High Holiday Fund Prayer Book FundFriday Nite Live Fund__________________________________1__4____|__C__O___N___N__E__C__T__I_O___N___S__W____I_N__T__E__R___2__0__1__6___________________________________

FUNDS & DONATIONS* CONT’DYAHRZEIT MEMORIAL FUNDEva Abramczyk, in memory of her husband, Rudolf AbramczykEllen Axinn, in memory of her father, Arthur Dorfman Progressive DinnerYOU ARE INVITED TO OUR ANNUALMaria Bollt, in memory of her mother-in-law, Lena MorrisKaren Budowsky, in memory of her father, Philip SchlisselKaren Budowsky, in memory of her aunt, Helen GoldsteinWalter Coleman, in memory of his mother, Sarah ColemanCindy Cossin, in memory of her grandmother, Fannie Frank SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 2017Cindy Cossin, in memory of her brother, Barry HilsenrothMichele Cowan, in memory of her sister, Selma Hirsch 6:30 PM Cocktails & Hors d'oeuvresMichele Cowan, in memory of her sister, Libby Myers 8:00 PM Main Course | 10:00 PM DessertGayle Devin, in memory of Lillian PinchcofskyMarilynn Drescher, in memory of her brother, Larry TrainGerry Dubman, in memory of her daughter, Leslie DubmanGerry Dubman, in memory of her son, Jeffrey Dubman You won’t want to miss this evening ofAudrey Efros, in memory of her mother-in-law, Kittie EfrosJanet Emas, in memory of her father, Paul Stark food & fun with old and new friends!Phyllis Finger, in memory of her son, Howard GilbertShirley Fischler, in memory of her mother, Rose Balter ADULT MEMBERS $50Janet Gable, in memory of her husband, David GableRenee Goldsmith, in memory of her father, Ira Goldsmith To RSVP, please call the Temple office at 954-920-8225Bonnie Goner, in memory of her mother, Betty Schwarz and make payment by January 16, 2017.Bonnie Goner, in memory of her friend, Jerry BreslowAllan Gordon, in memory of his mother, Thelma Gordon (please advise us of any dietary restrictions)Myrna Greenberg, in memory of her husband, Irving GreenbergMarilyn Gruder, in memory of her sister, Francine Gruder *THIS EVENT IS FOR TEMPLE MEMBERS ONLYSam Grussgott, in memory of his father, Pinkas GrussgottRuth Halpern, in memory of her husband, David HalpernDora Hansen-Kaufman, in memory of her mother, Pauline KaufmanMilton Jacobs, in memory of his mother-in-law, Jeannette MunterMilton Jacobs, in memory of his father, Samuel JacobsMorton Kalin, in memory of his father, Samuel KalinSylvia Kalin, in memory of her father, Joseph BergerJanet Krop, in memory of her mother, Sarah AtlasHerbert Lieberman, in memory of his parents, Madia & Alfred LiebermanHannah Lipton, in memory of her daughter, Ferne Sandra FriedmanJudith London, in memory of her mother, Eva SchinderAudrey Lubell, in memory of her mother, Anna Kaufman Pre-needMaxine Luft, in memory of her mother, Hannah BlaekerMaxine Luft, in memory of her husband, Julian Luft arrangements withShiela Margolis, in memory of her father, Morris Haffner interest-freeSelma Nichols, in memory of her sister, Dina Lewinter payments available.Steven Oppenheim, in memory of his father, Herman OppenheimFaye & Leonard Redlich, in memory of his father, Milton RedlichFaye & Leonard Redlich, in memory of her mother, Ida SamuelsLeonard Redlich, in memory of his mother, Fannie RedlichMarlene Rose, in memory of her father, Joseph BluestoneMichael Saffan, in memory of his father, Samuel SaffanTEMPLE BETHTEELMMPEML EORBIEALTGHAERLDENSSara Scheinman, in memory of her father, Samuel SaffanSara Scheinman, in memory of her mother, Helen SaffanLillian Schoenfeld, in memory of her Brother-in-law, Paul SchoenfeldHONORMINEMGOYROIAUL RGAFRADMENISLYSariSchulman,inmemoryofherhusband,LouisSchulmanJoseph Sher, in memory of his father, Morris Sher 4900 GRIFFIN RD, DAVIE, FLEsther Shrago, in memory of her husband, Sandy SilvermanEllen Silvers, in memory of her mother, Sally Silvers For more information, please contact DTeamwplne BMeth. ElHinda Smith, in memory of her mother, Gertrude Pottash Zasloff, Cemetery Administrator, at 954.5wM8ae4sm.e7osr1tiaa5bl Gl1isa.hreddeninsDamon Solomon, in memory of his mother, Doris SolomonEstelle Spiewak, in memory of her husband, Robert Spiewak 1967. It incorporatesKaren Spindel, in memory of her husband, Lawrence Spindel MEMORIAL GARDENS the most modernAlan Spritz, in memory of his father, Irving Spritz features of cemetery planning and landscape designFrancine Tobin, in memory of her father, Murray Griss VETERANS DAY SERVICEto ensure enduring beauty throughout the ages.Louise Weinthal, in memory of her husband, Joseph Weinthal The Gardens encompass ten acres and is the onlyLawrence Winton, in memory of his mother, Bess Winton Friday, Novemindbepeernd6en|t t1em0plae mowned and managed JewishFrances Winfrey, in memory of her father, Sidney Lipman cemetery in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties.Gloria Winton, in memory of her sister, Janet Cooper The cemetery offers in-ground grave sites with flat*As of October 1, 2016 __________________________________1__5____|__C__O___N___N__E__C__T__I_O___N___S__W____I_N__T__E__R___2__0__1__6___________b_r_o__n__z_e___a__n_d___g__r_a__n__it_e markers, mausoleum crypts or niches, a newly developed monument area featuring

NON PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID FT. LAUDERDALE, FL PERMIT NO. 1091351 S 14th AveHollywood, FL 33020 CURRENT RESIDENT ORKaraoke Night TEMPLE BETH EL KARAOKE NIGHT ORDER FORMCompete for the title of Karaoke King & Queen by Name(s) __________________________________________________singing your favorite tunes with your friends at TBE! ___________________________________________________________A fun night with prizes, food and drinks. Cellphone_______________________________________________ Email ___________________________________________________Saturday, December 10 Level of participation7 PM ___ General ___Silver ___Gold Payment ___ Check ___Credit Card General Admission $36 pp includes dinner & Karaoke Amount $_________________ $40 pp after 12/1 includes dinner & Karaoke Card # ___________________________________________________ Silver Sponsor $100 per Couple/$50 Single Exp. Date__________________ CVV# ______________________ Date:_______________________ Gincol ulddesSdpinonners&orKa$$ra12o25kCRe50, rEUSepciSeonRgrIgnRDCilteioEoEnuNNaptlTeTeveOnt R Signature: ________________________________________________ includes dinner & Karaoke, 2 tickets to 3 song choices with artist name: Progressive Dinner, recognition at event ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________+ Babysitting for Preschool ____________________________________________________________+ Best Performances Prizes ____________________________________________________________Come Support Who would you like to sit with? (Tables of 10)Our Temple! ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Please send this form to:__________________________________1__6____|__C__O___N___N__E__C__T__I_O___N___S__W____I_N__T__E__R___2__0__1_T_6_e_m___p__l_e__B__e__t_h___E__l_,_1__3__5_1___S__1__4_th Ave, Hollywood, FL 33020

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