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Published by purchase, 2017-09-22 20:01:16

NO. 1608


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TASK & FUNCTIONAL BO-2077TB-BS BO-2077TB-DB BO-2077SWFL-BS BO-2077SWFL-DBUPC Item No. Description Finish Wattage Switch Ht. Base Socket Reach/Depth Shade BO-2077SWFL-BS Andros Metal Swing Brushed 150W 3-Way 60” 10” Medium 20” SH-1248 Arm Floor Lamp Steel Base 18” 10” x 14” x 10” 20” BO-2077TB-BS Andros Metal Swing Brushed 150W 3-Way 28” 71/2” Medium 18” SH-1247 Arm Table Lamp Steel Base 9” x 13” x 91/2” BO-2077SWFL-DB Andros Metal Swing Dark 150W 3-Way 60” 10” Medium SH-1368 Arm Floor Lamp Bronze Base 10” x 14” x 10” BO-2077TB-DB Andros Metal Swing Dark 150W 3-Way 28” 71/2” Medium SH-1367 Arm Table Lamp Bronze Base 9” x 13” x 91/2” 251

SMART SAVING DEALS3 Uni-Pack 2PCS Table Lamps 1PC Floor Lamp BO-2049/3UPC Item No. Description Finish Wattage Switch Ht. Base Socket Reach/Depth ShadeBO-2049/3 3 PCS Uni-Pack: Dark 150W 3-Way 60 1/2” 10” Medium 14” 7” x 14” x 101/2” 1 PC Floor Lamp Bronze 29 1/2” 6” Base 2 PCS Table Lamp 271

KIDS BO-5667 BO-5685 BO-5666 UPC Item No. Description Finish Wattage Switch Ht. Base Socket Reach/Depth Shade Boom Crane Truck Lamp 272 BO-5685 with 7W Night Light 60W + 7W 3-Way Medium + 12” 5” x 12” x 9” BO-5667 Bulldozer Lamp with 21” 10” x 61/2” Candelabra 12” 6” x 12” x 81/2” BO-5666 7W Night Light 60W + 7W 3-Way 12” 6” x 12” x 81/2” Fire Truck Lamp with 60W + 7W 3-Way Base 7W Night Light Medium + 21” 101/2” x 7” Candelabra Base Medium + 21” 101/2” x 7” Candelabra Base

KIDS BO-5653BO-5665 BO-5681UPC Item No. Description Finish Wattage Switch Ht. Base Socket Reach/Depth ShadeBO-5665 Cement Lamp with 60W + 7W 3-Way Medium + 12” 6” x 12” x 81/2” 7W Night Light 21” 101/2” x 7” Candelabra BaseBO-5653 Sailboat Lamp 60W On/Off 21” 5” x 73/4” Medium 91/2” 5” x 91/2” x 91/2” BaseBO-5681 Skateboard Lamp 60W On/Off 21” 8” x 8” Medium 12” 5” x 12” x 9” Base 273

KIDS BO-374 BO-5683 BO-5673 UPC Item No. Description Finish Wattage Switch Ht. Base Socket Reach/Depth Shade Baseball Lamp 274 BO-5683 Baseball Lamp 60W On/Off 21” 7” Medium 12” 5” x 12” x 9” BO-374 Golf Lamp Base BO-5673 60W On/Off 15” 7 1/2” Medium 9” 4” x 9” x 61/2” Base 60W On/Off 20” 9” x 41/2” Medium 12” 6” x 12” x 81/2” Base

KIDS BO-5700 BO-5616 BO-5702UPC Item No. Description Finish Wattage Switch Ht. Base Socket Reach/Depth Shade BO-5616 Tyrannosaurus 60W On/Off 15” 7” Medium 101/2” 31/2”x 101/2”x 63/4” Dinosaur Lamp Base BO-5700 Lion Family Lamp 60W On/Off 21” 9” Medium 13” 31/4” x 13” x 8” Base BO-5702 Polar Bear Family Lamp 60W On/Off 21” 11” x 81/4” Medium 13” 31/4” x 13” x 8” Base 275

KIDS BO-373 BO-372 BO-5671 UPC Item No. Description Finish Wattage Switch Ht. Base Socket Reach/Depth Shade Airplane Lamp 276 BO-372 60W On/Off 15” 53/4” Medium 9” 4” x 9” x 61/2” Base BO-373 Choo-Choo Train Lamp 60W On/Off 21” 73/4” x 5” Medium 9” 4” x 9” x 61/2” Base 12” 6” x 12” x 81/2” BO-5671 Bomber Phone Lamp with 60W + 7W 3-Way Medium + 7W Night Light 20” 101/4” x 7” Candelabra Base

KIDS BO-5631 BO-5678 BO-5633UPC Item No. Description Finish Wattage Switch Ht. Base Socket Reach/Depth Shade BO-5631 Treasure Island Lamp 60W On/Off 141/4” 61/2” Medium 81/2” 4” x 81/2” x 61/2” BO-5633 Carnival Lamp Base 60W On/Off 141/2” 51/2” Medium 81/2” 4” x 81/2” x 61/2” Base BO-5678 Green Butterfly Lamp 60W On/Off 191/2” 61/4” Medium 131/2” 53/4” x 131/2” x 9” Base 277

KIDS BO-5692 BO-5688 BO-5689 UPC Item No. Description Finish Wattage Switch Ht. Base Socket Reach/Depth Shade Maid Lamp 4” 278 BO-5689 Dove Lamp 60W On/Off 21” 43/4” Medium 12” 5” x 12” x 9” BO-5692 Apron Lamp 4” Base 12” 5” x 12” x 9” BO-5688 60W On/Off 21” 12” 5” x 12” x 9” Medium 60W On/Off 21” Base Medium Base

KIDS BO-5660 BO-5690UPC Item No. Description Finish Wattage Switch Ht. Base Socket Reach/Depth ShadeBO-5690 Doll Skirt Lamp 60W On/Off 21” 51/2” Medium 12” 5” x 12” x 9” BaseBO-5660 Purse Lamp with Mirror 60W On/Off 21” 5” Medium 121/2” 6” x 121/2” x 91/2” Purse can be opened for storage Base 279

ACCESSORIES WA-941WP BO-821FPT TA-519ST TA-679PF TA-947/3C UPC Item No. Description Finish Ht. Base Antique Silver 18” 15” BO-821FPT Beads and Leaf Serving Plate 24” 61/2” WA-941WP El Captain Wall Art Bistro 24” 31/2” x 3” (L) 4” x 2” TA-679PF Wild Duck Picture Frame Aged Bronze 101/2” (M) 4” x 2” (S) 4” x 2” TA-519ST Eagle Figurine Antique Bronze 83/4” TA-947/3C Hammered Metal Candle Holders Argent (L) 173/4” (Candles Included) (M) 153/4” 0 20193 03744 7 (S) 13” 280

ACCESSORIESTA-605LC TA-587/3C TA-600LC BO-821SCUPC Item No. Description Finish Ht. Base 53/4” x 41/2”TA-605LC Bass Candle Holder Antique Bronze 101/2” (L) 5” x 7” Antique Bronze (L) 16” (M) 5” x 61/4”TA-587/3C Traditional Resin Candle Holders (M) 111/2” (S) 43/4” x 53/4” with Reverse Painted Glass (S) 91/2” 13” x 41/2” (Candles Included)TA-600LC Golden Retriever Candle Holder Dark Bronze 6”BO-821SC Beads and Leaf Candle Holder Antique Silver 131/4” 51/2” (Candle Included) 281

ACCESSORIES TA-2125LC TA-587PF TA-103L BO-882LC TA-103S BO-882SC UPC Item No. Description Finish Ht. Base Chrome/ 19” 9” x 5” 282 TA-2125LC Cecina Metal Candle Holder Metallic Bronze 5” TA-587PF Picture Frame Antique Bronze Dia: 91/2” 5” 43/4” BO-882LC Bamboo Candle Holder Mahogany 113/4” 41/4” BO-882SC (Candle Included) Mahogany 81/4” TA-103S Bamboo Candle Holder 14” (Candle Included) Reddish 153/4” Merced Ceramic Vase (Small) Reddish TA-103L Merced Ceramic Vase (Large)

ACCESSORIESTA-943/3C TA-777ML TA-777MSTA-777XL TA-777XS TA-777XMUPC Item No. Description Finish Ht. Base EggshellTA-943/3C Seahorse Candle Holders Mahogany (L)17” (L) 5” (M) 143/4” (M) 41/2” (S) 113/4” (S) 4”TA-777ML Roseville Ceramic Vase 30” 71/2” x 41/4”TA-777MS Roseville Ceramic Vase Mahogany 181/2” 71/2” x 41/4”TA-777XL Roseville Ceramic Vase Mahogany 223/4” 9” x 51/2”TA-777XM Roseville Ceramic Vase Mahogany 171/4” 113/4” x 53/4”TA-777XS Roseville Ceramic Flowerpot Mahogany 51/2” 91/2” x 41/2” 283

ACCESSORIES TA-934PF TA-971L TA-971S TA-934BX TA-934/3C TA-941/3C UPC Item No. Description Finish Ht. Base Seashell Photo Frame Carapace 81/4” 71/2” 284 TA-934PF TA-934BX Seashell Box Carapace 143/4” 81/4” TA-971L Genuine Seashell Vase (Large) Creamy 181/2” 6” x 31/4” TA-971S Genuine Seashell Vase (Small) Creamy 16” 43/4” Carapace TA-934/3C Seashell Candle Holders (L) 17” (L) 5” Bistro (M) 141/2” (M) 41/2” TA-941/3C El Captain Candle Holders (S) 113/4” (S) 4” (L) 18” (L) 41/2” x 3” (M) 153/4” (M) 4” x 21/2” (S) 121/2” (S) 4” x 21/2”

FA-5018A FA-5021A FA-5066A FA-5026AWolf Eagle Metal Cast Finial Bass FinialResin Finial Resin Finial H: 23/8”, B: 2” H: 23/4”, B: 3/4”H: 11/2”, B: 7/8” H: 23/4”, B: 11/4”FA-5032A FA-5035A FA-5030A FA-5038A FINIALSCock Resin Finial Camel ElephantResin Finial H: 3”, B: 3/4” Resin Finial Resin FinialH: 2”, B: 3/4” FA-5001B H: 17/8”, B: 5/8” H: 21/4”, B: 7/8”FA-5001A Resin Finial FA-5002A FA-5002CResin Finial H: 21/2”, B: 7/8” Resin Finial Resin FinialH: 21/2”, B: 7/8” H: 23/4”, B: 1” H: 23/4”, B: 1”FA-5003A FA-5006C FA-5008B FA-5009BResin Finial Resin Finial Resin Finial Resin FinialH: 21/2”, B: 7/8” H: 21/2”, B: 7/8” H: 21/2”, B: 7/8” H: 11/2”, B: 7/8”FA-5009C FA-5010B FA-5011A FA-5011CResin Finial Resin Finial Resin Finial Resin FinialH: 11/2”, B: 7/8” H: 21/8”, B: 1” H: 27/8”, B: 7/8” H: 27/8”, B: 7/8”FA-5013A FA-5013B FA-5013C FA-5015CResin Finial Resin Finial Resin Finial Resin FinialH: 37/8”, B: 3/4” H: 37/8”, B: 3/4” H: 37/8”, B: 3/4” H: 3”, B: 11/8”FA-5016A FA-5016B FA-5016C FA-5017AResin Finial Resin Finial Resin Finial Resin FinialH: 3”, B: 1” H: 3”, B: 1” H: 3”, B: 1” H: 2”, B: 3/4” 285

FA-5040A FA-5042A FA-5065B FA-5050A Resin Finial Resin Finial Metal Metal H: 23/4”, B: 1” H: 11/8”, B: 13/8” Cast Finial Cast Finial H: 3”, B: 11/2” H: 15/8”, B: 5/8”FINIALS FA-5052C FA-5053B FA-5053D FA-5054D White Metal Metal Metal Metal Cast Finial Cast Finial Cast Finial Cast Finial H: 13/8”, B: 5/8” H: 31/4”, B: 3/4” H: 31/4”, B: 3/4” H: 13/8”, B: 5/8” FA-5065A FA-5057A FA-5057B FA-5058A Metal Metal Metal Metal Cast Finial Cast Finial Cast Finial Cast Finial H: 3”, B: 11/2” H: 23/8”, B: 13/4” H: 23/8”, B: 13/4” H: 21/2”, B: 13/4” FA-5058B FA-5059A FA-5060A FA-5060B Metal Metal Metal Metal Cast Finial Cast Finial Cast Finial Cast Finial H: 21/2”, B: 13/4” H: 31/2”, B: 13/8” H: 21/2”, B: 11/8” H: 21/2”, B: 11/8” FA-5062B FA-5063B FA-5064B Metal Metal Metal Cast Finial Cast Finial Cast Finial H: 3”, B: 11/2” H: 23/8”, B: 11/2” H: 21/8”, B: 13/4” 286

MIRRORS WA-2171MIR WA-2128MIR WA-2154MIRUPC Item No. Description Finish Ht. Width Metallic/ 32” 25” WA-2128MIR Argenta Rectangular Metal Mirror with Beveled Glass Dark Bronze 48” 36” 33” 33” WA-2171MIR Clovis Rectangular Polyurethane Beveled Mirror Teak Coppery WA-2154MIR Tivoli Round Pu Frame Mirror with Beveled Glass 287

MIRRORS WA-2155MIR WA-2167MIR WA-2166MIR UPC Item No. Description Finish Ht. Width WA-2155MIR Formia Hexagon Pu Frame Mirror Argent 29” 29” 288 Dark Bronze/ 48” 37” WA-2167MIR Ormond Rectangular Polyurethane Beveled Mirror Silver 45” 45” Goldish/Silver WA-2166MIR Sunburst Round Polyurethane Beveled Mirror

MIRRORSWA-2156MIR WA-2174MIR WA-2172MIRUPC Item No. Description Finish Ht. WidthWA-2156MIR Popoli Rectangular Pu Frame Mirror with Beveled Glass Argent 36” 25”WA-2174MIR Channing Rectangular Polyurethane Beveled Mirror Walnut 48” 31”WA-2172MIR Cheyenne Rectangular Polyurethane Beveled Mirror Dark Bronze 48” 36” 289

MIRRORS WA-2158MIR WA-2159MIR WA-2151MIR UPC Item No. Description Finish Ht. Width WA-2159MIR Slano Round Pu Frame Mirror with Beveled Glass Argent 281/2” 281/2” 290 Argent 40” 30” WA-2158MIR Capri Rectangular Pu Frame Mirror with Beveled Glass Argent 33” 24” WA-2151MIR Sartene Oval Pu Frame Mirror with Beveled Glass

MIRRORS WA-2142MIRWA-2141MIR WA-2081MIRUPC Item No. Description Finish Ht. Width Dark Bronze 34” 25”WA-2142MIR Pavia Metal Mirror with Beveled Glass Metallic/Dark 25” 25” 383/4” 383/4”WA-2141MIR Lorca Metal Mirror with Beveled Glass Bronze MirrorWA-2081MIR Lonia Mirror 291

LED LIGHTED MIRRORS 1-1/2” w UPC Item No. Description Wattage Kelvin LUMEN WxH 292 LEM4-2436 LED Lighted Mirror with Easy 20W 3000K 2000LM 24”W x 36” H LEM4-3624 Hook on Interfaced Frame LEM4-3636 LED Lighted Mirror with Easy 20W 3000K 2000LM 36”W x 24” H LEM4-4836 Hook on Interfaced Frame LED Lighted Mirror with Easy 25W 3000K 2500LM 36”W x 36” H Hook on Interfaced Frame LED Lighted Mirror with Easy 30W 3000K 3000LM 48”W x 36” H Hook on Interfaced Frame

FROSTED SHADE DIFFUSERS AVAILABLE TO ORDER SHADE DIFFUSERSOur quality acrylic diffusers will allow consumers to filter those bright light coming from top of theshades which sometimes can be intrusive to your eyes. Offered in 4 different sizes to accommodateaverage size shades.DF-686-9 DF-686-11 DF-686-13 DF-686-159” Diffuser 11” Diffuser 13” Diffuser 15” Diffuser 293

SHADES Vertical Piped Junior Floor Lamp Shade (Champagne Color) Vertical Piped Junior Floor Lamp Shade (Egg Shell Color) UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM HEIGHT DROP UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM HEIGHT DROP SH-8102/20-CM 13” 20” 103/4” 1/2” SH-8102/20-EG 13” 20” 103/4” 1/2” Vertical Piped Junior Floor Lamp Shade (White Color) Vertical Piped Swing Arm Shade (Champagne Color) UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM HEIGHT DROP UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM HEIGHT DROP SH-8102/20-WH 13” 20” 103/4” 1/2” SH-8103/14-CM 9” 14” 81/4” 1/2” SH-8103/16-CM 10” 16” 81/4” 1/2” SH-8103/18-CM 11” 18” 93/4” 1/2” Vertical Piped Swing Arm Shade (Egg Shell Color) Vertical Piped Swing Arm Shade (White Color) UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM HEIGHT DROP UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM HEIGHT DROP SH-8103/14-EG 9” 14” 81/4” 1/2” SH-8103/14-WH 9” 14” 81/4” 1/2” SH-8103/16-EG 10” 16” 81/4” 1/2” SH-8103/16-WH 10” 16” 81/4” 1/2” SH-8103/18-EG 11” 18” 93/4” 1/2” SH-8103/18-WH 11” 18” 93/4” 1/2” 294

SHADESVertical Piped Basic Bell Shade (Champagne Color) Vertical Piped Basic Bell Shade (Egg Shell Color)UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM HEIGHT DROP UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM HEIGHT DROP SH-8104/12-CM 6” 12” 9” 1/2” SH-8104/12-EG 6” 12” 9” 1/2” SH-8104/14-CM 71/2” 14” 101/2” 1/2” SH-8104/14-EG 71/2” 14” 101/2” 1/2” SH-8104/16-CM 81/2” 16” 111/2” 1/2” SH-8104/16-EG 81/2” 16” 111/2” 1/2” SH-8104/18-CM 91/2” 18” 121/2” 1/2” SH-8104/18-EG 91/2” 18” 121/2” 1/2” Vertical Piped Basic Bell Shade (White Color) Vertical Piped Scallop Bell Shade (Champagne Color)UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM HEIGHT DROP UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM HEIGHT DROP SH-8104/12-WH 6” 12” 9” 1/2” SH-8105/12-CM 6” 12” 91/2” 1/2” SH-8104/14-WH 71/2” 14” 101/2” 1/2” SH-8105/14-CM 6” 14” 111/2” 1/2” SH-8104/16-WH 81/2” 16” 111/2” 1/2” SH-8105/16-CM 71/2” 16” 123/4” 1” SH-8104/18-WH 91/2” 18” 121/2” 1/2” SH-8105/18-CM 81/2” 18” 14” 2” 295

SHADES Vertical Piped Scallop Bell Shade (Egg Shell Color) Vertical Piped Scallop Bell Shade (White Color) UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM HEIGHT DROP UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM HEIGHT DROP SH-8105/12-EG 6” 12” 91/2” 1/2” SH-8105/12-WH 6” 12” 91/2” 1/2” SH-8105/14-EG 6” 14” 111/2” 1/2” SH-8105/14-WH 6” 14” 111/2” 1/2” SH-8105/16-EG 71/2” 16” 123/4” 1” SH-8105/16-WH 71/2” 16” 123/4” 1” SH-8105/18-EG 81/2” 18” 14” 2” SH-8105/18-WH 81/2” 18” 14” 2” Vertical Piped Deep Empire Shade (Egg Shell Color) Vertical Piped Deep Empire Shade (White Color) UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM SIDE (Slanted) UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM SIDE (Slanted) SH-8107/16-EG 10” 16” 14” SH-8107/16-WH 10” 16” 14” SH-8107/18-EG 11” 18” 15” SH-8107/18-WH 11” 18” 15” 296

Vertical Piped Basic Empire Shade (Champagne Color) Vertical Piped Basic Empire Shade (Egg Shell Color) SHADESUPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM HEIGHT DROP UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM HEIGHT DROP SH-8106/12-CM 6” 12” 91/2” 1/2” SH-8106/12-EG 6” 12” 91/2” 1/2” SH-8106/14-CM 7” 14” 11” 1/2” SH-8106/14-EG 7” 14” 11” 1/2” SH-8106/16-EG 8” 16” 12” 1/2” SH-8106/16-CM 8” 16” 12” 1/2” SH-8106/18-CM 9” 18” 13” 1” SH-8106/18-EG 9” 18” 13” 1” SH-8106/20-CM 10” 20” 14” 2” SH-8106/20-EG 10” 20” 14” 2”Vertical Piped Basic Empire Shade (White Color) Vertical Piped Deep Empire Shade (Champagne Color)UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM HEIGHT DROP UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM SIDE (Slanted) SH-8106/12-WH 6” 12” 91/2” 1/2” SH-8107/16-CM 10” 16” 14” SH-8106/14-WH 7” 14” 11” 1/2” SH-8107/18-CM 11” 18” 15” SH-8106/16-WH 8” 16” 12” 1/2” SH-8106/18-WH 9” 18” 13” 1” SH-8106/20-WH 10” 20” 14” 2” 297

SHADES Vertical Piped Basic Coolie Shade (Champagne Color) Vertical Piped Basic Coolie Shade (Egg Shell Color) UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM HEIGHT DROP UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM HEIGHT DROP SH-8101/15-CM 5” 15” 10” 1/2” SH-8101/15-EG 5” 15” 10” 1/2” SH-8101/17-CM 6” 17” 11” 1/2” SH-8101/17-EG 6” 17” 11” 1/2” SH-8101/19-CM 61/2” 19” 12” 1/2” SH-8101/19-EG 61/2” 19” 12” 1/2” SH-8101/21-CM 7” 21” 13” 1” SH-8101/21-EG 7” 21” 13” 1” Vertical Piped Basic Coolie Shade (White Color) Vertical Basic Coolie Linen Hardback Shade UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM HEIGHT DROP UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM SIDE (Slanted) SH-8101/15-WH 5” 15” 10” 1/2” SH-8108/15-OW 5” 15” 10” SH-8108/17-OW 6” 17” 11” SH-8101/17-WH 6” 17” 11” 1/2” SH-8108/21-OW 7” 21” 13” SH-8101/19-WH 61/2” 19” 12” 1/2” SH-8101/21-WH 7” 21” 13” 1” Vertical Basic Coolie Kraft Paper Hardback Shade UPC MODEL NO. TOP BOTTOM SIDE (Slanted) SH-8109/15-KF 5” 15” 10” SH-8109/17-KF 6” 17” 11” SH-8109/21-KF 7” 21” 13” 298

SHADESHardback Fabric Shade Side Pleated Linen Shade Mushroom Pleated ShadeModel No. Top Bottom Side (Slanted) Model No. Top Bottom Side (Slanted) Model No. Top Bottom Side (Slanted)SH-1002-OW 6” 19” SH-1003-OW 6” 19” 12” SH-1020 12” 4” 12” 8”Hardback Fabric Shade Round Paper Shade Rice Paper ShadeModel No. Top Bottom Side (Slanted) Model No. Top Bottom Side (Slanted) Model No. Top Bottom Side (Slanted)SH-1022 SH-1024-OW SH-1025 4” 12” 8” 5” 12” 9” 5” 16” 101/2” Round Paper Shade Round Hardback Fabric Shade Round Linen ShadeModel No. Top Bottom Side (Slanted) Model No. Top Bottom Side (Slanted) Model No. Top Bottom Side (Slanted)SH-1026-OW 5” 16” SH-1029 SH-1036 101/2” 6” 11” 9” 7” 18” 12” 299

SHADES Bell Stretch Faux Silk Shade Hand Painted Shade Hand Painted Shade Model No. Top Bottom Side (Slanted) Model No. Top Bottom Side (Slanted) Model No. Top Bottom Side (Slanted) SH-1068 6” 12” 9” SH-1070 6” 16” 11” SH-1071 6” 19” 12” Kraft Paper Shade Stretched Bell Fabric Shade Round Linen Shade Model No. Top Bottom Side (Slanted) Model No. Top Bottom Side (Slanted) Model No. Top Bottom Side (Slanted) SH-1074 61/2” 14” 91/4” SH-1094 4” 11” 81/2” SH-1101 81/4” 171/4” 11” Square Stretched Fabric Shade Square Hardback Fabric Shade Square Hardback Fabric Shade Model No. Top Bottom Side (Slanted) Model No. Top Bottom Side (Slanted) Model No. Top Bottom Side (Slanted) SH-1104 7” x 7” 15” x 15” 121/2” SH-1134 51/2” x 51/2” 16” x 16” 11” SH-1135 41/2” x 6” 11” x 17” 101/2” 300

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