External Collaboration Functions of CRMAn aspect of Customer Relationship Managementthat isextremely important is the external functions.Thismight include vendors, distributors, andsuppliers.These relationships and processes support thecustomer experience in many ways.When a company has a good relationship with adesired
supplier then they are able to offer the customercertain items. If a business does not have a goodrelationship with a supplier then the customercansuffer if that is the only supplier that offersaparticular item. This will force a customer to gotoanother business who can give them what they want.The relationship with vendors and suppliers alsocontributes to the prices a company might offerfor acertain item.If a company can only purchase certainmerchandisefrom a supplier at a 5% discount then they may noteven shelf the item.This is because they donot stand to make much ofa
profit once the item sells and it is a bigger losstothem if the item doesnot sell and they have to markitdown as a clearance item.If there is a good relationship with thedistributorand the company gets a 40% discount on everythingtheypurchase from them then they can offer the itemsat acheaper rate because they will make more of aprofitfrom the sale.The external collaboration functions impact thecustomer directly when they want to purchase acertainitem that is not offered or when they are offeredanitem at one business significantly cheaper than
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