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Home Explore USFS 2021

USFS 2021

Published by Joyce Price, 2021-03-20 15:31:29

Description: USFS 2021


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WUhpetroenaSlonvoedosfbleuarryninCg of E First School grows

Welcome to Upton Snodsbury C of E First School Foreword: We have been judged Vision Statement and school Aims Lorraine Barber, Headteacher, says: as an Outstanding We, at Upton Snodsbury C.E.First School aim to develop our children to their fullest potential in a Christian, This brochure is designed to tell School by Ofsted: caring and secure environment through a creative, you about our school, our aims, exciting curriculum our curriculum and the ways in “The school’s stated aim to ensure that which we organise learning and ‘a love of learning grows’ shines out in Our Aims teaching. We hope it will give you a flavour of the enthusiasm of staff and pupils.” the rich learning opportunities we provide for our • Our school to be known as a caring school, where children at Upton Snodsbury Church of England “By the end of Key Stage 1, standards children gain confidence, are positive happy learners First School. We strive to foster independence in reading, writing and mathematics who achieve highly both socially and academically. and an understanding of how we learn in a caring are consistently above average. The and engaging environment. We are confident that school’s work to promote reading, in • Our school will endeavour to ensure all children reach your child will be happy with us and will receive particular, is remarkably successful.” their full potential of excellence and foster an ethos every encouragement and support to achieve their of challenge and high expectations to meet the full potential. “Pupils in all year groups make excellent demands of the 21st century progress because of strong teaching. The teachers and staff in our school work as a Teaching is always enthusiastic, often • Our school will help our children develop skills and team to ensure all children are given the best inspirational and never dull. In all attitudes that will enable them to learn how to learn possible opportunities to be safe and happy in classes, there is a real love of learning.” and will provide experiential and explorative learning their learning here at school, but as you are your opportunities for children to build on and apply what child’s first educator we hope that by working our children already know in partnership we can make their time with us a successful, enjoyable and valuable experience. We • Our school will continue to pursue high standards pride ourselves in our “Outstanding” parent links. through developing a broad and exciting curriculum with an emphasis on independence and creativity, We value opportunities to talk with parents and supporting our children to take responsibility for have an open door policy, so please contact us with their learning, make choices, ask questions and probe your queries, views and suggestions or to arrange a understanding visit into school – I will be glad to show you around so that you can meet and experience our children • Our school will aim to develop children’s Christian whilst they are learning. and moral values enabling them to understand and appreciate our ever changing and diverse world We hope that you will join us in this exciting journey of learning and discovery. • Our school will work in partnership with parents and the local community and will strive to strengthen opportunities for all to become involved in our children’s education in and out of school Our School Christian Values Friendship Respect Thankfulness Forgiveness Responsibility Trust 2 Where a love of learning grows

School day: settling in School hours Uniform Packed lunches, drinks and snacks The school day starts at 8.40am and finishes at We encourage children to take pride in their Children can alternatively bring packed lunches 3.00pm. appearance and to look after their uniform. We to school, including non-fizzy drinks, and are therefore appreciate your support in ensuring supervised throughout the lunchtime. As a Healthy Breakfast club and after-school children wear the correct uniform in a smart way. School we encourage healthy lunchboxes and provision Our colours are navy and emerald green. School try to be waste free. Milk can be purchased for sweatshirts, shirts, ties, PE kits, book bags and break times and children under 5 receive free Early Birds baseball caps bearing our logo can be purchased milk. Children are actively encouraged to drink from the school shop, Evesham. contact 01386 water throughout the day and named bottles are Children may be dropped off at school at 8am or 423512. Alternatively all skirts, shirts, trousers brought from home to facilitate this. Children in 8.15am where they will be supervised and play in and shorts can be purchased at local supermarkets KS1 are also provided with a free piece of fruit at our Early Birds Club until the school day begins. breaktime whilst our older children bring in their School meals and snacks own Monday to Thursday. On Fridays the children Little Owls can bring in their own choice of snack to eat, Free school meals which is always exciting for them. Children can go Our After-School Little Owls Club runs every home for lunch, but teachers must be notified by evening from 3.00pm until 5.45pm. Children can All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are parents if this is to be the case. remain at play in the school environment. Fun entitled to a free school lunch. Older children may activities and games are supervised by our Play also be eligible for free school meals if the family Supervisors. Children are nurtured in activities meets certain criteria. Please ask in confidence at they enjoy, chill out with their friends and even the school office. We provide a hot dinner every day participate in setting up their tea time snack and for Year 3 and 4 pupils at a cost of £2.10 per meal, in washing up!! Our children also contribute to the ordered in advance through our school provider. choices of their Healthy Snack each evening, such as Details will be given out by the school office. fruit, wraps, yogurt etc. and plan menus each term. 3

Curriculum: solid foundation for future learning Quality education each class’s entitlement. Updates on learning are lesson, discussing their shared on our website and newsletter every two successes and sharing points At Upton Snodsbury First School both the weeks to ensure parents can share in their child’s for improvement. All staff Governors and the staff share a vision of the learning. work hard to ensure these quality of education that we wish to offer the learning skills are developed children. At this very important stage of a child’s Independence throughout the curriculum. education we aim to establish the best possible Our whole school Curriculum foundation for future leaning in a friendly, happy We try to foster independence and to nurture a Map is on our website where and caring environment. caring and responsible attitude to each other and you will find the key areas to our surroundings. Our curriculum is to motivate of learning your child will We have created a curriculum that enhances a desire to learn and to develop confidence experience in each year group the experiences of our children, and which aims and social skills. Our Learning Owl encourages in all subjects. to make learning exciting and stimulating for the children to develop the skills of listening, each child. We provide a broad range of learning questioning, being independent, being organised Our curriculum covers: experiences within the school and through a vast and persevering. Each child has a bag of the 5 array of educational visits and visitors. learning leaves to give to the owl. When they have • English. • Phonics. used their learning skills in their lessons over a Thematic Learning term. Children are rewarded for their efforts • Computing. • Mathematics. when they give them their leaves. All classes follow a theme of learning each half • Science. • Art and Design. term. A curriculum letter conveys to parents Developing learning skills and children all the skills they will be developing • Design and Technology. • Geography. over the half term. The skills from the National We encourage our children to reflect on their Curriculum link together across the year to fulfill work and evaluate their learning during each • History. • Music. • Physical Education. • Religious Education. • Sex and Relationships Education. • PSHE and P4C 4 Where a love of learning grows

“I like maths because “I like having my “Forest school is the it is challenging and learning partner best because when I Moovey Groovers to help me.” was in year 2 I could because we can dance.” Joseph put mud on my face. Daisy The Leader is funny and the best.” “I love this school Megan because we have brilliant teachers and “Sport is great at kind children. We are Upton Snodsbury. a lovely family.” I loved it when we Lily had football club.” Ronnie “I love school because you learn and can be “I like the big field, “I like our “I like learning with your friends and the pond and all the role play bus.” about topics and you can have your flowers we have.” Ophelia things outside.” favourite lessons.” Chloe Rosie Rosie 5 “I like going on school trips because we get to learn new things like how cows get milked.” Alfie

Inclusion: a curriculum for all Special educational needs For the vast majority of children, Upton Snodsbury C of E First School will meet all the educational needs of the children. However, some children may require additional help from special educational needs services or agencies external to the school. In addition to the Headteacher and Special Needs Co-ordinator, provision for children with special educational needs is a matter for everyone at Upton Snodsbury First School. Additional support Any child who needs additional support in school has a targeted individual education plan (IEP) which is shared with parents and reviewed regularly each term to ensure progress is carefully tracked to meet their learning needs. There is a named Governor, who has specific oversight of the school arrangements and provision for meeting Special Educational Needs. Children with SEND make good progress at school. We have a strong programme of intervention in school for pupils who need ‘catch up’ support and children with specific social emotional needs. Gifted and talented Pupils who are gifted and talented in a particular subject are provided with an additional challenging curriculum to develop and nurture their talents. 6 Where a love of learning grows

Rewards and sanctions We praise and reward children for good behaviour, resilience and effort. • Staff congratulate children and praise hard work and effort. • Staff give children stickers and raffle tickets for persevering, making improvements and resilience. All classes have the WAGOL, what a good one looks like . Which sets an example of a childs hard work to meet their learning objective. • Staff act as role models and respect all our children and their differing personalities • Staff and children praise each other and respect is shared The school acknowledges all the efforts and achievements of children, both in and out of school. Children are encouraged to share their certificates and achievements out of school with the whole school every week in our celebration Worship. The school also participates in The Childrens’ University where children collect points for participating in outside learning. A mini graduation ceremony at the end of the year at Worcester University celebrates their efforts. Children enjoy house challenges and earn house points and year 3 and 4 enjoy Best Effort Tea Parties for their resilience. Behaviour and self development Valued and respected Working together It is a primary aim of Upton Snodsbury C of E The school promotes good relationships, so First School that every member of the school that people can work together with the common community feels valued and respected, and that purpose of helping everyone to learn. Our each person is treated fairly and well. We are a behaviour policy supports our Christian values and caring community, whose values are built on mutual our school community in aiming to allow everyone trust and respect for all. The school behaviour to work together in an effective and considerate policy is therefore designed to support the way in way. The school has close links to St Kenelm’s which all members of the school can live and work Church where we hold our Nativity, Easter Service together in a supportive way. It aims to promote and Harvest Thanksgiving. an environment where everyone feels happy, safe and secure and one in which children are encouraged to make a positive contribution. 7

Enriched curriculum: trips, visitors… and our fantastic Forest School Wide range Visitors Forest School To further enrich our curriculum, all children are We arrange visits to the school by theatre groups Children have the fantastic opportunity to offered a wide range of visits, both locally and and those with professional expertise such as experience a Forest School in our school further afield. We also have WOW weeks such as authors, theatre groups, visiting artists and grounds. All Reception, Year 1 & 2 children book week and other days and weeks in school to musicians. Parents are also welcome to share their take part in weekly Forest School and Outdoor foster a deeper understanding of key issues and expertise in school and are actively encouraged. Learning sessions every Monday and Thursday topics. These include: afternoon between 1-3pm. They are provided with waterproof clothing in R/1 and all children bring in • Friendship Week their wellie boots. • Royal Wedding Celebration Where love for learning grows • Harvest The aims and ethos of Forest School fits well with the schools’ value of ‘Where love for learning • Warwick Castle grows’ and provides the opportunity for this enthusiasm for learning to extend out of the • Malvern Outdoor Pursuits Residential classroom into the natural environment. • Theatre visits Learning opportunities are linked to the theme of learning in the class with an element of free play • Local hikes integrated into each session. • Science week • Arts Morning • Worcester Hive • E Safety Day 8 Where a love of learning grows

Clubs, sports and music Wide range of clubs Term. Parents and family are always invited to High quality join us on these occasions. Children in year R and We run a wide variety of after-school clubs to 1 learn the ocarina, while children in year 2 begin All children are provided with a balanced appeal to every child. Recent examples are: the recorder. The children in year 3 /4 have programme of movement, which gives the the opportunity to learn a musical instrument experience in the areas of gymnastics, creative • Construction Club through FAME for half a year such as the violin movement (such as dance and drama), games skills or clarinet. FAME enables all children to hire and and swimming. Children have two hours of high- • Moovy Groovers dance club experience learning an instrument at the minimum quality PE activities each week in the Village Hall, expense. All children are encouraged to perform in the playground or on the school field. • Tag Rugby and share their learning. Sport coaches • Choir Extra provision Our outdoor games lesson is taught through • Computer club We are also able to offer other musical instrument sports coaches who also offer after school tuition, e.g., guitar, clarinet, keyboard, and these activities to the children. Our school encourages • Cookery club classes are taken by a qualified Music Teacher who all children to participate to compete actively in visits the school weekly. They incur extra costs to events understanding the concept of losing and • Multi-skills parents for instrument hire and tuition. winning. We take part in inter school tournaments regularly across the year. Children in Year 2 • Mad Science Physical education have the opportunity to go swimming at Pershore Leisure Centre. We try to ensure children can • Gardening Club The aim of PE is to provide each child with a swim 25 m by the time they leave our school. variety of skills at their appropriate level of Music development. The children are encouraged to 9 experience a sense of achievement through Music provides a wonderful opportunity through physical activity and are guided towards co- which all children can express, communicate and operating with each other and learning to win and appreciate feelings and ideas. Throughout the lose. All children have access to a games coach school, children take part in activities which give each week. them the chance to both compose and perform music. This is done through singing, playing a range of percussion instruments and through listening games and activities. The children are also involved in services in the church at Harvest, Christmas, Easter and the end of the Summer

Admissions Arrange a visit Applications Allocation of places We are very proud of our wonderful school and all At Upton Snodsbury we follow the Parents will be advised about the allocation of that it has to offer. We strongly recommended Worcestershire County Council Admissions Policy. places, normally within one month of the closing that you contact us directly to arrange a visit as Full-time education is offered to all children in date for applications. The pupil admission limit for we would love to show you around. the school year following their 4th birthday, our school is 14 children. although part-time education will be available to We have advertised Open Afternoons each term. those children whose parents would prefer this, Contact or parents, in consultation with the school, may wish to defer admission until the term following Worcestershire County Council their child’s 5th birthday. All requests for County Hall admission for the academic year must be made Spetchley Road in the January of the year they will begin school Worcester through the Local Authority. Information on how WR5 2NP to apply can be requested from the school office. Telephone: 01905 763763 school_admissions 10 Where a love of learning grows

Getting involved Volunteering in school Friends of Upton Snodsbury School Governors (FUSS) We value the help and support offered by parents The primary purpose of our school’s Governing in whatever capacity. If you have a skill that you The Friends of Upton Snodsbury School work Body is to ensure the quality of the education would like to share with the children or just want hard to raise funds for extra resources at school. provision. When carrying out their responsibilities, to lend a hand, then please contact any member This enables us to broaden the range of learning our governing body acts in the interests of the of staff. Your help is always greatly appreciated. experiences for all our children and we are children and young people in the school and in the All volunteers have an enhanced DBS check if in immensely grateful for their support. FUSS is not wider community. Our Full Governing Body meet regulated activity in school. solely concerned with raising money though; we termly. Governance Representatives from staff, do like to have fun, with and without the children. parents and the local community are represented Social and fund-raising events are held throughout on our Governing Body and if you are interested the year and these have included Bingo Nights, in becoming a Governor, please watch out for any Christmas Fayres, raffles, Movie Nights and vacancies should they arise, or contact the school. children’s discos. 11 New parents and children are most welcome to come along to these events. All parents are automatically members of the Friends Association. You may wish to become a member of the Committee, or just offer your support and join in with the organisation of events.

Upton Snodsbury Worcester Worcestershire WR7 4NH Tel: 01905 381288 Email: [email protected] Website:

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