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Home Explore v-Express Magazine 2020

v-Express Magazine 2020

Published by Khuzaima Pishori, 2020-09-24 06:25:37

Description: vExpress2020


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1. Foreword 8 9 1.2 From the Principal’sdesk          1.3 From the Convener’s Desk 13   16 2. Editor’s Word 17  18   3. Lifestyle 19    20        3.1 Art of Being Yourself 21             3.2 Love Yourself 22           3.3 Where there is a Will, There is a Way 24        3.4 Whether this or whether that?   3.5 Change brings Betterment 26        3.6 Journey of an Entrepreneur 30        3.7 I woke up at 5.30am for a Year         3.8 Life could be made even better   36 38 4. Reviews 40 4.1 All about Aesthetics 4.2 Oscar Odyssey   5. Technology        5.1 Retro Delight        5.2 Technium: The 7th Kingdom        5.3 The Programmer’s Snake: Python

6. Travel & Tourism 42        6.1 Sikkim: A Heaven on Earth 46   46 47 7. Poetry 47 48 7.1 Society 49 7.2 Warmth 50 7.3 Existence 50 7.4 We Are 51 7.5 The Town 51 7.6 Incredible India 7.7 Dealing with Adolescent Life 54 7.8 You 54  7.9 Life goes on 55 7.10 Stars within Her 55 56 8. Devanagari 56 57       8.1 वषा 57    8.2 सफ़र 8.3 ज़ दगी   8.4 तो 8.5 रा 60 8.6 कै सी भी रात हो 8.7 कसली परपं रा   8.8 भदे 64   77 9. Games   10. Photography 11. VIT Student Council (19-20)

Foreword                                                     2 7                 | 8 FROM THE PRINCIPAL'S DESK On the occasion of release of this year’s edition of V-Express, I would first like to reiterate  VIT’s continual efforts in making the process of education a wholesome one backed with a holistic exercise so as to give a whole new meaning to the word ‘education’. With this notion of a sense of belonging to one family—the VIT family, I take this opportunity to remind all readers of this magazine with three firm beliefs that would aid the all-round development of personality.   Firstly,  the three stages of knowledge - Shravan, Manan, and Nidhidhyasan should always be borne in mind. Shravan is a stage where every learner should listen to the Guru, a person who has detailed knowledge and command on the subject. It is the Guru who elevates the level of learner by customized path and practices. Manan is a stage where the learner re-thinks over the concept again and again to understand it well. Nidhidhyasan is the stage of implementation of the concept in real-world.   The second  modern model to classify educational learning objectives into levels of complexity and specificity that should be borne in mind is the Bloom's taxonomy. It covers the learning objectives in all cognitive, effective and sensory domains. Off late, the cognitive domain has been the primary focus of most traditional education and is frequently used to structure curriculum learning objectives, assessments and activities. As per the Bloom’s taxonomy, the various levels are remembering, understanding, application, analysis, evaluation and creation. Hence, the growth of knowledge is not limited merely to the resources, but the efforts by learners.   Lastly, the highest echelon of today’s learning and understanding is love and peace. To reach the highest level, one requires the wisdom. Remember, knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. Wisdom is gained by experience whilst for gaining this experience, one need to develop a sense of awareness and start seeing things around them to develop a liking for the same as one cannot fall in love with mere words. Teachings are of little use and appear to be devoid of feelings like hardness, softness, colours, corners, smell, or taste if one is unable to associate the words with the surroundings. Once this association is established, there will hardly be any other hurdle in the process of quest for peace, salvation and virtue.   With these words, I would like to conclude by congratulating the editorial team for their determined efforts in bringing out this magazine and wish everybody a pleasant reading. -Dr. Sunil A. Patekar, Principal

Foreword                                                     2 7                 | 9 FROM THE CONVENER'S DESK (LITERARY COUNCIL CONVENER) Since the year of its inception in 1999, VIT has come a long way in helping humanity address the changes and challenges by making discoveries, educating the youth and developing innovations that benefit society. It was on account of these efforts that the institute was accredited with an A+ grade (3 . 41) by NAAC in First Cycle in the year 2019. The extension of NBA accreditation for Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering and Biomedical Engineering during this year can be accounted to VIT’s support towards an atmosphere and culture that embraces innovative thinking. The institute’s acknowledgement and appreciation of every newcomer’s unique approach to the problems and their solutions is no different this year also. Using this magazine as a platform, we would like to reinstate our continual efforts to the mission of achieving enduring excellence in research and education in engineering for the benefit of our society. While we do so, we also need to ensure the shrinkage of time and distance between fundamental discovery and societal benefit. This in turn will provide the student fraternity of our institute with the knowledge and experiences that shall equip for the future roles as successful professionals in the corporate world. While we cannot envision all the challenges ahead, our firm belief is that, today VIT can contribute by focusing our research around engineering novel solutions and leading the data revolution. I am thankful to the efforts put in by all the faculty members and student community towards the development of this magazine in a way that it entertains and ignites the reader’s mind. I hope this magazine shall contribute to our society’s demand for ignited minds -in however small way it can as also advocated by Mother Teresa’s famous words –“even if our work is just a drop in the ocean, without it, the ocean will be one drop lesser” - Prof. Micky Barua

Editor's Word                                               27                 | 13 EDITOR'S WORD We’re glad to present to you the 2020 edition of Vidyalankar Institute of Technology's official annual college magazine, ‘V-Express'. Here, we aim to put up a collection of stories, write-ups, poetries, art and photography by students of VIT, hence, giving everyone a platform to articulate and be seen. For what would be the first time in the history of past editions, we have come up with an edition of V-Express that does not follow a particular theme, giving the students a liberty to contribute their best works without the restrictions of a conventional theme; encouraging them to think out of the box and express their thoughts. Along with widening the range and variety of content, we have also introduced novel sections which enables every student of the college to gain an enriching and fun experience while going through the magazine. We seek to provide a platform for all the visionaries so as to inspire everyone and themselves to keep looking towards a bright and developed future. We as engineers and leaders of today should be able to think along wider perspectives and think out of the box to come up with innovative solutions for the future. — Heramb Gupta - Literary Secretary — Richa Bhujbal - Joint Literary Secretary

Lifestyle                                                       2 7                 | 16 ART OF BEING YOURSELF I n the midst of making others happy, This directs our mind to things we like living the kind of so-called “settled life” and focus on how to achieve them that the society so readily embraces and successfully, along with peace of mind. following sets of norms, aren’t we So next time you feel low, depressed or somewhere losing our own dreams and frustrated bearing pressures, what mind stability? Isn’t this affecting health, measures would you take? especially of the youths’? Yes, by being one-self and attaining Just sit back and relax for a while. Life peace of mind as “Being original is far isn’t really a rat race as it appears. more worth than being a copy”. Well, so a definite question arises as to -Shruti Mahishi, SE INFT A how one tackles this ‘gap' between our mind and body. Right? Answer to this question lies in one term ‘By Art of Being yourself’. So how can we achieve that? Taking a break for while and staying in tune with nature can definitely bring mind-body stability. Mind exercises, along with investing some time for meditation keeps our soul happy and develops a positive subconscious and conscious relation.  I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I ANS: Letter E surround every place. What am I?

Lifestyle                                                       2 7                 | 17 LOVE YOURSELF maybe we are not at that level of understanding as that particular D o you even remember the last time you did not have person or maybe they may just use to lie about the way you feel ? The answer is no you us and leave us alone forever. It don't and it is the same for everyone, even me. We live in becomes difficult to cope with this a world covered with fake smiles and flashy lights where but you have to try, try one step at everyone is having fun and enjoying their life but the a time and in this process don't truth is it is not actually what you see. Every person on stop loving yourself; please don't this planet is struggling and finding it hard to cope up be harsh on yourself, LOVE with life and their expectations. What we see in this YOURSELF TO THE FULLEST. So small electronic device is just like watching a blockbuster try spending time with your loved movie in a theatre; amazing and satisfying from outside ones, your friends, your family or but what goes behind the scenes is something that whoever you feel special with by people never know. We start comparing our life with this going for walks with them or by unrealistic life so much that we start losing interest in our just sitting beside them and having own life, rather we get much engrossed in other people's a talk or whatever that makes you happening life. We don't understand who is real and who feel good and happy. Express is fake and thus we often fail to express our genuine everything that's in your mind that feelings, emotions and love for others as we think that hurts you or which feels like a burden. Trust me it helps a lot. You will understand who are those real gems in your life and make more real and genuine friends and feel much more lighter. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone learns from it, everyone grows, everyone heals, and eventually everyone tries to be a better person. Because it's just the little things that count in your life that you cherish for. -Anagha, SE BIOM

Lifestyle                                                       2 7                 | 18 WHERE Implementation to bring our action to service. THERE IS A WILL, And then…… ohh, I got to sacrifice a little bit of my sleep to complete daily work, I need to travel THERE IS A WAY! through the traffic to reach on time…I need to overcome my nervousness and open up in front F inding our passion, hitting up the of colleagues to work effectively with team…. targets, driving confidently through sometimes I might have to work late night…. I obstacles and believing in our own self will have to put great efforts to achieve my proves to be a simple one-line mantra goals. Isn’t this quite challenging? for success. Ask me, how? Yes of course, if it would have been easy, Well, we often incline ourselves to everyone would have done it with ease. things that interest us, don’t we? And This difficulty of things is what makes it furthermore, we tend to explore that interesting and fun-filling to celebrate the field of matter as to what really skill the moment once achieved. requirements. After this comes the main This requires a strong focus and dedication to part. Guess what? do the things consistently apart from all the odds and rocky pathway along the journey. This Only one color, but not one size, determines our success in life. Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies. Should I simplify a bit? Present in sun, but not in rain, Well, keeping the motto as WHERE THERE IS A Doing no harm, and WILL, THERE IS WAY is what helps us to turn feeling no pain. our dreams into reality. What s it? -Shruti Mahishi, SE INFT A ANS: SHADOW

Lifestyle                                                       2 7                 | 19 WHETHER THIS For example, Netflix scuttled plan OR to split itself into two, which was abandoned after Analysts WHETHER THAT? collectively went after the company’s leadership. What is Decision Making? Is it something we are not So no matter how hard you try, able to do between a Red and a Black top? Is it there is no way any human has something we did after school while choosing between not made a poor decision, it has, Commerce and Science? Decision is just what it sounds it is and it will happen, cause life like, the process of making a decision. Be it logical, is all about falling and getting up, emotional, irrational and confusing choices. So the it’s natural, you fail, you learn question is why we make poor choices? from the failure, and you For a long time, researchers and many economists overcome the failure. believed that humans made logical, well-considered So never be afraid of taking bad decisions. In the recent decades, however, researchers decisions, you might end up doing have uncovered a wide range of mental errors which none of it. The question that affects on the thinking process. These mental errors lead arises in your mind does not have to poor choices, poor decisions. For example, assume we to be, “Should I do this or should I have a chef at our house, who will ask you what to cook not do this?” it has to be, for lunch and dinner. “Whether this or whether that?” The common reply to this question is something which we can have both the times. But, when its dinner time, -Khuzaima S. Pishori, SE CMPN B you look at the same food and think, if only we had made the correct decision, given it a little more time, we would have been enjoying the dinner. So here Thinking Process was derailed due to lack of efforts. It has been said since ages now, that ‘Haste makes Waste’ so never make hasty decisions, the outcome is never too good. Overconfidence is one of the biggest reasons to poor decision making. Although being confident entails a reward-like component, but it can lead to overconfidence, which is associated with lesser “thinking about thinking” (Meta cognitive) ability and can turn undermine decision making. The fact is bad decisions are simply part of life, though some weigh much more heavily than others, in terms of consequences. The above example was on a smaller scale, if we take on a larger scale, then the business world is a huge public stage and we are the audience.

Lifestyle                                                       2 7                 | 20 CHANGE BRINGS So, what is that which brings you BETTERMENT closer to your dreams?? YES, it’s one simple word, CHANGE! “If you do what you have always How can we bring about a change? done, you’ll get what you have Having our aims crystal clear in our always gotten” mind, our brains help to innovate We often get perturbed when different ideas and ways to reach out things don’t work out well even if to it. This involves bringing a change in after toiling day in and out, striving our workings and developing a new to achieve it hard. This ends up in perspective of looking at the things, depression and brings down our which further sharpens our nerves and self-esteem. But have you ever gathers courage to proceed ahead thought about it deeply to correct confidently. yourself and make things possible? So, from next time, you feel low or Well, if you minutely observe and worn out over things you have been process your thoughts, you will trying for long, what would you do?? realize the way and your progress Yes, grab a cup of coffee, revise your path will become clear. ways and modulate thoughts to reach to things with patience and positivity in the environment. -Shruti Mahishi, SE INFT A I have keys, but no locks and space, and no rooms. You can enter, but you can’t go outside. What am I? ANS: KEYBOARD

Lifestyle                                                       27                 | 21 JOURNEY OF AN ENTREPRENEUR Entrepreneurship has been a very life Shifting from an employee to being a boss was a very life changing experience for changing experience for me, since I began me. It taught me how to manage working as a Product Manager during my expenses, convince clients to migrate to 11th & 12th standard at a startup, I learnt our product, manage interns & employees many things which were completely and scale the product up. This has shaped unknown to me earlier. my personality to a great extent and taught me a lot of things which may not It taught me leadership, man be taught in a classroom generally. management, and other qualities. Not only has entrepreneurship taught me new -Shubh Jagaste, SE ETRX B things, it has also given me a lot of opportunities at a very young age, at the same startup in 11th standard, I met the then Minister of Heavy Industries of Government of Karnataka and gave a presentation to him regarding our company and that too without my boss being there. During my stint there I managed nearly 20 interns who helped us scale the company. After 1 & ½ year there I left to start my new venture into ed-tech sector and help transform the coaching class industry. I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I? ANS: A MAP

Lifestyle                                                       27                 | 22 I WOKE UP AT 5:30 AM FOR A YEAR Why? Like everyone else, I did not follow through. It was too much. I worked till late. Waking up at 5:30 meant four hours of sleep — it just was not It has numerous for me. benefits. Jocko Willink wakes up It’s April 2018, I was following through on my other resolutions. I’ll at 4:30 am and wake up early, I said. I googled “Tips on waking up early”, which is recommends it, I probably what you did when you came across this article. So, should do it too. congrats!  You’ve taken the first step Waking up early meant I had to In 2018, like sleep early. “But when will I get the work done?” everyone else, I I realized I was using this as an excuse. Waking up early has had resolutions.  tremendous benefits, I cannot let them go. So, I slept, and I woke up One of them early —and I felt exhausted. Why am I putting myself through this? Ah being waking up early. First day I went running at a nearby park. Poof. All the tiredness was gone. I felt good. Endorphins were pumping. It was like a high I had never experienced before. Next day. Woke up. Felt exhausted. Ran. Felt good. Repeat. This is normal. You will feel like not wanting to wake up. Your brain will make excuses — “Not today” “Well yesterday was pretty rough “You aren’t a Navy Seal- go back to sleep” The brain seeks comfort. It is human nature. But you need to work this muscle. This not wanting to wake up is like the soreness you feel after your first gym session. It sucks but it is necessary if you want to have a good physique. You need to face it. When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving? ANS: DICTIONARY

Lifestyle                                                       2 7                 | 23 How? You’re ready to conquer work. It’s just the first 10 seconds after Your head is held high the rest of your alarm rings, and I know I the day. You are like a soldier who sound like Mel Robbins here but won a micro-battle against hear me out. When your eyes first yourself in the morning. You’re open, your brain has come to proud of yourself. This feeling consciousness after a long period manifests in the work that you do. of rest. More rest, brain says. You “Oh, this problem is too difficult” just have to force yourself to wake “What if she says no\" up in this 10 second interval. “Starting a side hustle is hard” Wake up and sit on your bed. Get You know what else is difficult? moving. Gets easier the longer You know what else you you do it. absolutely did not want to do? Waking up at 5:30. And you did it. So, you can convince the boss too. You can start a business too. You can ask her out. You can get your article published in The Mission. Waking up early inculcates a sense of discipline in you. You conquer the first hour of the day — you conquer the rest of the day. -Yash Chavan, BE INFT B I am not alive, but I grow; I don't have lungs, but I need air; I don't ANS: FIRE have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?

Lifestyle                                                       2 7                 | 24 LIFE COULD BE MADE Next rule is to learn to analyze. Belonging EVEN BETTER to Technical background provides me a unique way to look at circumstances. Life has many ups and downs, Better analyze the situation first because Loving smiles and also frowns, what seems right to us may not be so and Good events and some awful moments, vice-versa. May be analyzing may also Some happy emotions and awkward notions, provide us with a different perspective to Yes, it can be a bumpy ride, deal with society or a person or towards How you can handle it, is all you decide. a situation. It's correctly said that \"Happiest people are those who Third and the most important rule is to make the best of everything they have.\" Humans tend learn to act accordingly. Aptly it's said to gain emotional support, care, good social standing that \"Actions speak louder than words.\" and rightful say in the society since advent of their life Nowadays people waste a lot of their on this Earth. Unless they never obtain a feeling of productive time and vital energy in verbal security. But always we cannot expect our lives to be abuse and neglect that there is free from hurdles and hardships. There can be certain something called as maintaining dignity stressful moments where we may feel low, deprived of of communication. If things happen in a every kind of confidence and emotional stability. And calm manner, when both the opposite this then leads to stress, depression and anxiety as groups of society, two people of different well. These lifestyle diseases have always affected mindsets understand each other’s people in some or the other manner. But there needs to perspective towards an issue and get be an antidote to this. Today there are a number of over a solution which shall protect the clinical psychologists to help out people. But along interests of both the parties, can just with this there needs to be some personal awakening make a situation easier to be dealt with. and tactics to fight these invisible evils of human body. Only thing required is a good level of I follow a three-step rule to deal with society and hard understanding. It's not that having higher situations. First rule is to learn to hear what people say education produces such abilities, it's or observe what situation takes place. Rightfully said, high human intellect that can produce people may throw stones at you, but don't throw them understanding and acting smartly. I read back. Instead collect them and build your own Empire. a very good quote one day- \"Don’t act Situations may tend to impact us suddenly and compel like the world is against you, let others be us to act hastily but how we can maintain our a part of your world! “This can redefine composure decides our way of dealing with these two the meaning of Inclusiveness. In a society facets. inclusiveness is the key to bind every human to happy life. If that doesn't happen, as a responsible person take hold of that situation and try to make a change. May be that shall provide some inner happiness of doing something fruitful in our life. Life is never going to be easier. Subconsciously we all know that, so we've decided to give it a try. If now we're into the boats, row it to the very end...! It's all about how we Hustle!   -Priyankar S. Kulkarni, FE EXTC A

Reviews                                                      2 7                 | 26 ALL 2. ALL THE IRANI CAFES! ABOUT Okay, I know technically Café Mondegar is also an Irani  café,  but I am writing the article, not AESTHETIC you so let’s just enjoy the bun  maska  and tea, shall we?   Mumbai equals rush. It does not wait for you. You When everything vintage became, quite travel by  trains;  you know what I am talking ironically, the new trend, all us hipsters about. (Those lucky ones who live in Vadala itself, developed a new sense of appreciation for you have no idea how much I envy you). This city anything with retro vibes. And while most of is an illusionist; with a  slight  of hands it makes South Bombay is alive with that old aesthetic, your time go faster. So for the times when you nothing has preserved the old-timey feels  like want to break out of its spell, for the times when the Irani Cafes. A step inside takes you back in you want the hours to slow down and just.. stop, time. Britannia &  Co., SodaBottleOpenerWala, for the times when you want to experience each Koolars &Co., Bun Maska at Yazdaani Bakery passing moment with no haste as if you were a and Restaurant, Irani chai and lemonade by rich entrepreneur living in  SoBo  and not the kid- Pallonji at Café Irani and of-course, Mava cake who-has-to-take-the-crowded-local-back-home, and chai at Merwan Bakery are worth  your here are some pretty, aesthetic places to chill out. time! 1.CAFE MONDEGAR This  pretty  place has been a gem to Mumbai since 1932. The reason for its  popularity and attraction is  quite unique:  In the 1990s, Rusi Yazdegardi (owner asked Mario Miranda to draw murals on two opposite walls. Both walls have different themes. Whilst one wall is dedicated  to  Life in Mumbai, the other wall is dedicated to atmosphere in the Café. The murals went up on the wall with the  help  of students from Sir J. J. Institute of Applied Arts.  The place is also located near the legendary Leopold Café, do visit that too! The more you take away, the more I become. What am I ANS: PIT

Reviews                                                       2 7                 | 27 3. THE PANTRY T his pretty place is located at Kala Ghoda. If the gorgeous pastel interiors aren’t inviting enough for you, their food will. Even the simplest of dishes is very well-presented and appealing. Their menu has something for everyone- non-vegetarians, vegans and even gluten-free people! Do not forget to try their pancakes while visiting, you’ll regret it almost as much as not studying for JEE in your 12th.  4. THE NUTCRACKER Hidden in the lanes near Kala Ghoda, this place is  worth  the visit. Especially in the evening, with all the fairy lights outside and empty streets give a magical feel. The cozy  mahogany-themed interiors with quirky décor (they have stools on walls!) appeals to the sucker-for- aesthetics in you.  Like most SoBo eateries, this place serves a variety of western food. The most recommended item on the menu is, again, Pancakes. Fluffy pancakes with Belgian chocolate... BRB, gotta wipe the drool off my keypad. They have not flesh, nor feathers, nor scales, nor bone. Yet they have fingers and thumbs of their own. What are they? ANS: GLOVES

Reviews                                                       2 7                 | 28 6. BAKEHOUSE CAFÉ The first time I saw the décor for this place, even if it was just from outside, I was stunned. The archaic, Victorian styled entrance coupled with cozy, English vibe on the inside are a  treat to the eyes. They serve mostly Italian, Continental etc. type of food. You can have all the deliciousness of modern cafes with the Victorian sophistication of British  teahouses.  A quirky décor choice: The back of their chairs has  pictures of famous pop culture personalities. This  was just a warning to not come off creepy for staring at Charlie Chaplin’s or Audrey Hepburn’s face on someone else’s chair. 5. POETRY BY LOVE & CHEESECAKE Hmm, what could this place be  famous for? Correct again! (Savor these moments, God knows you barely ever have the right answers in class anyway). They do offer a variety of food, but the desserts.....Oh the desserts!  Cheesecakes of all kinds of  flavour, Hot Chocolate, Tiramisu  are highly in demand here. Take your sweet- toothed self and friends  to this place for a heavenly experience. I have no feet, no hands, no wings, but I climb to the sky. What am I? ANS: SMOKE

Reviews                                                       2 7                 | 29 5. MILLENNIAL 8. CAFE 792 By now you must’ve caught on with the T his place is hidden gem of Dadar. theme, we are going through  aesthetically hat’s right, in Dadar!  In  fact, it's right pleasing  places with good food. Any near  Khodadad  circle. (Fun Fact: The cats guesses what this place is like? Correct! Ten at  Khodadad  Circle are  so  so  so  loving, if points for  Gryffindor! This  pastel  color- you can please do take some food for them themed place oozes  quiet, aesthetic vibes sometime. Yes, I am a cat person).  This (am I using that word too much?). The place place will take you to a place away from the serves delicious Italian, Continental and rushed, crowded life of Dadar.  This American food.    Fridays also feature a is  actually a  Parsi café/Bakery  (I am sorry, Bollywood DJ night, so gather your friends they are just really cute). and pay a visit to this place in Fort. Along with burgers, fries, sandwiches, their desserts, such as Croissant, Burgers, Eclair, Hot Chocolate, are highly recommended. Everything about this place screams cute & cozy. So, after college, if you don’t have to rush to catch a train, do visit this place and sit in peace with a book and a very good cold coffee and croissant. - Jinal Pawar, SE ETRX B What English word has three consecutive double letters? ANS: BOOKKEEPER

Reviews                                                    2 7                 | 30 OSCAR ODYSSEY OSCARS: A HISTORY The  Academy Awards, more popularly known as the  ‘Oscars’, are the oldest, best known, most (A collage of some movies nominated for influential, most prestigious, and famous of all film Best Picture at the 92nd Academy Awards awards. The awards (and gold-plated statuettes) Row 1: Parasite, Little Women; have been presented annually (the first awards Row 2: Ford VS Ferrari, 1917, Joker; ceremony was held in May of 1929) by a non- Row 3: Once Upon a Time In Hollywood, profit professional organization - the Academy of Marriage Story) Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), based in Beverly Hills, California, and founded in 1927. The formation of the academy was a collaborative effort of 36 most prominent individual of the motion picture industry. Except for the early years of the institution, the award honored films were made during the previous 12-month calendar year. [At first, to be eligible for an award, a film had to open in Los Angeles during the twelve months ending on July 31 of the preceding year. To allow each ceremony to cover films for a single calendar year - matching the eligibility period, the 1932/33 awards  were based on a 17-month qualifying period. Ever since then, beginning with the 1934 awards ceremony, all awards have been based on openings in the previous calendar year. Films also had to be over 40 minutes long to qualify as feature-length.] What goes up but never comes down? ANS: AGE

Reviews                                                    2 7                 | 31 The first Oscar for Best Actor was bagged by THE 92ND German tragedian Emil Jannings (for 'The Last ACADEMY AWARDS Command' and 'The Way of All Flesh'). The actor had to return to Europe before the The Dolby Theatre of Hollywood, ceremony, so he requested the Academy to Los Angeles, California, dazzled with give him the award early. His request was stars as they walked the Red Carpet accepted, making his statuette the very first prior to the awardceremony. The Academy Award to be ever presented. The 92nd Academy Awards ‘OSCARS’ award for Best Actress went to Janet Gaynor, was held on the 9th of February, for 'Seventh Heaven', 'Street Angel' and 2020. This year, the final voting 'Sunrise'. There were two awards in Direction, began on the 30th of January. The for Dramatic Picture and Comedic Picture, won Academy awards, commonly by Frank Borzage and Lewis Milestone, referred to as the Oscars, are the respectively. most prestigious awards that Since its origin, Oscar ceremony has been anyone in the filmmaking career can publicly broadcast. Till 1953, radio broadcast achieve. used to take place and thereafter, the ceremony was broadcast on TV. During the first decade, the results of the award ceremony were given to newspapers for publication at 11 p.m., at the night of the awards. However, the system was ruined by Los Angeles Times, when it announced the winners even before beginning of the ceremony. It was since then only that a sealed envelope is used to reveal the name of the winners. It was in 1966 that the broadcasting of Academy Awards ceremony took place in color. A man rode out of town on Sunday, he stayed a whole night at a hotel and ANS: His horse's name is 'SUNDAY' rode back to town the next day on Sunday. How is this possible?

Reviews                                                    2 7                 | 32 A RECAP OF THE YEAR 2019 IN FILMS This year many records were shattered, Avengers Endgame became the highest grossing movie and JOKER went on to become the first R rated movie to cross the 1 Billion $ mark. Disney became the first Studio to Gross 10 Billion $ in a year. 1917 JOKER 1917 an epic War movie directed by Joker was another movie of 2019 which Sam Mendes received 10 nominations in made the audience go crazy in the different categories. The film gives out Cinema Halls, Directed by Todd Philips an effect as a one shot movie which has 11 nominations in different was achieved my shooting multiple long categories. The movie showed us what takes and then editing it to the finest a cruel society can do to a man. bits. Importance of Mental health was also The film won the 77th Golden Globe brought into the limelight due to this award for the best Motion picture and film. best director to Sam Mendes. Joaquin Phoenix played the role of Coming to the movie, it’s a cinematic Arthur Fleck who due mental marvel as the director was able to make depression and cruelty of the society the movie one shot as it transcends the becomes the JOKER. Joaquin Phoenix audience into the movie and takes them has given his career best performance to the horror of the first world war. in this film and truly enough, took home Dean Charles Chapman who played the award for Best Actor. Tommen Baratheon in Game of Thrones has given a brilliant performance. Overall the movie is one of the strongest contenders to win the Academy award for the best movie. My life can be measured in hours, I serve by being devoured. Thin, I am quick. ANS: CANDLE Fat, I am slow. Wind is my foe. What am I?

Reviews                                                    2 7                 | 33 LITTLE A look at some of the nominees … WOMEN 1. PARASITE The Greta Gerwig adaptation of the Louisa May Alcott “PARASITE” is a most daring classic, Little Women, did examination of the structural inequity that remarkable for a movie having has come to define the world. It is a tonal already three well-known juggling act that first feels like a satire—a movie adaptations before this comedy of manners that bounces a group current one. of lovable con artists off a very healthy The movie consists of a cast family of awkward eccentrics. And then ensemble of Saoirse Ronan, Bong takes a hard right turn that asks us Timothee Chalamet, Meryl what we’re watching and sends us Streep, Emma Watson, Laura hurtling to Bloodshed. Dern, Florence Pugh and Eliza Scanlen. Parasite is about a wealthy Korean family in a modern-day On Rotten Tomatoes, the film Downton Abbey upstairs-downstairs situation, one far more consists of an approval rating unstable than the patrician caste realises. The film could perhaps of 95% and received six be a bit more lean and mean, and deliver its jeopardy and payoff Academy Award nominations with more despatch. But it is an enjoyable, elegant, scabrous this year with Jacqueline movie about a mix of servitude and trickery that is an interesting Durran winning for Best theme in Korean cinema. Costume Design. Saoirse Ronan earned her Kim Ki-woo (Choi Woo-sik) and his family live on the edge of fourth Oscar nomination at poverty. They fold pizza boxes for a delivery company to make just 25 for her portrayal of the some cash, steal wi-fi from the coffee shop nearby, and leave the iconic Jo March in this movie, windows open when the neighborhood is being fumigated to deal with critics lauding her with their own infestation. Kim Ki-woo’s life changes when a performance. friend offers to recommend him as English tutor for a girl he’s been working with as the friend has to go out of the country for a while. The friend is in love with the young girl and doesn’t want another tutor “slavering” over her. Why he trusts Kim Ki-woo given what we knowand learn about him is a valid question. The young man changes his name to Kevin and begins tutoring Park Da-hye (Jung Ziso), who immediately falls for him, of course. Kevin has a much deeper plan. He’s going to get his whole family into this house. He quickly convinces the mother Yeon-kyo, the excellent Jo Yeo-jeong, that the son of the house needs an art tutor, which allows Kevin’s sister “Jessica” (Park So-dam) to enter the picture. Before long, mom and dad are in the Park house too, and it seems like everything is going perfectly for the Kim family. The Parks seem to be happy too. And then everything changes. The social commentary of \"Parasite\" leads to  chaos, but it never feels like a instructive /preachy message movie. It’s a conversation starter in ways we only get a few times a year, and further reminder that Bong Joon-ho is one of the best filmmakers working today.

Reviews                                                   2 7                 | 34 Once Upon a time… Wet-eyed with self-pity after a straight-talking in Hollywood producer lays out a road map for his irrelevance, Rick hides behind the sunglasses of his confidant “Once upon a time in Hollywood” is and former stuntman Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt). Their perhaps the most “Tarantino-esque” of all friendship is a constant in an uncertain world. Their Quentin Tarantino’s movies to date, is a fates are linked: “More than a buddy, less than a love letter to Hollywood. But if it’s a love wife,” is how the film’s narration puts it. That fear of letter, it’s the kind tinged with the no longer being current, no longer getting the calls grasping anguish and stab of bitterness is something that infects everyone who works in the that comes from knowing that the object movie industry to some degree or another. And you of affection is almost certainly eyeing up a suspect that Tarantino himself is not immune to it. new favourite. Actor Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) A scene in which an awestruck child whispers to knows this, but that doesn’t make it any Rick: “That was the best acting I have ever seen” is easier to swallow. Formerly the lead in a milked for manly tears. Meanwhile, young people Wild West vigilante TV series, by 1969 with a less reverent approach to their elders are Rick has already started the slow slide dealt with swiftly and efficiently, with the kind of into bad guy bit-parts and bourbon bloat. sound design that emphasizes the crunch of As a guest on new shows, he allows righteous fist into puny, snickering hippy jaws. himself to be bested each episode by the actors who are positioned as his DiCaprio proves to be a perfect choice for Dalton replacements. that one can’t really imagine anyone else in the part. He’s always had classic Hollywood charisma, but he instills Dalton with that poignant mix of longing and fading optimism  that often comes with aging. It’s one of his best performances, although he’s arguably topped by a fantastic Pitt, who gets a part from his “Inglorious Basterds” director that reminds viewers how wonderful he can be in the right material. The bulk of Tarantino’s film is designed to be a dreamy snapshot of the movie business and life in Hollywood in the late ‘60s. This is a film set in a stunningly evoked Hollywood past. It can also be read as a commentary on Hollywood present. But, equally, there is much here that represents a film-maker at the top of his game. The delight he takes in the details that anchor the story in time and place. It’s a film that could only have been made by one man. -Mohak Sisodiya & Sujot Shetty, SE ETRX B What is seen in the middle of March and April that can’t be seen at the beginning or end of either month? ANS: Letter R

Technology                                             2 7                 | 36 RETRO DELIGHT It was Saturday, an usual weekend. I was OnePlus: See, you two can’t beat me in following my routine (routine here means performance and stability plus I am cheap as nothing productive but getting maximum compared to you two. rest and reading books), while my mom Pixel : Maybe you are in a delusion, let’s have a was cooking breakfast and dad was test when he’ll play his high end games on me. reading his newspaper. My grandpa, on his Also we are flagships from two big companies. lounge chair, was asking dad to teach him OnePlus: I’m a flagship too and we develop new operate the Smart T.V. so he can watch his technologies not just deliver the same product evergreen song videos but as usual, he accompanied by minimal changes. didn’t pay attention to him. I was too eased iPhone : Wait there, you guys seriously think you up on a couch, reading a book. can beat the phone who has the best cpu, gpu, Well, this well-known Author Rick Riordan camera, and design. Check out the benchmarks. keeps you excessively occupied by his Pixel: Ever heard about Astrophotography? My content so it’s hardly to get distracted; but camera has that mode. suddenly I heard some bizarre voices. At Now that’s a smart feature. (silence for a while; first, I ignored, by assuming them as just Pixel keeps blabbering about himself although he voices. After a while, those delusive voices seems douche to the other two ) again hit my ears. Being keen to know I (Suddenly iPhone looks up to the switch board started hunting those voices. At the very where a basic cell phone is kept with dust instant my gaze went towards the desk accumulated like an old mansion; where no one beside the couch. There were lying three has visited for years) mobile phones; one was mine and the rest iPhone: That  idle, slothful, and worthless phone is two were my parents’. Then again when I still there. Why don’t our owners sell it? It’s of no focused on those phones ; it was use now. Every person is now on Whatsapp, implausible to believe. How can three Facebook,  Instagram, etc. Nobody messages by phones talk among themselves and why am tapping each button three times(laughs). I able to hear them? I thought this is due to OnePlus: You can’t taunt him like that; we are an my complete engrossment in reading Rick’s evolution of him. So his presence means a lot to book, as it contains characters which are me. basically demigods full of superpowers. Am Pixel: iPhone is right. The whole world is using us I a son of Pheme, (the Greek god who now as their primary device. I too think now that eavesdrops), no just kidding. should be sold as its good for nothing. As I went near them, they were literally (They continued having a debate over the so called having a chat among themselves. At this basic cell phone. At an abrupt instant all three point, I was a bit frightened and had many stopped their fancy yackety-yak debate) questions. Now I was eavesdropping, their talk was concoction of each and every topic. The very intermittent conversation was:

Technology                                                2 7                 | 37 I was having a nice leisure time, but now There it hit me, dreams they weren’t talking, not a single notification beeped from them. iPhone was are always destined to completely drained out of battery, I didn’t know why that happened; How can a warn, help, or think phone be battery dead just lying idle. Same was with Pixel. some positive or While OnePlus was still alive; I was already distracted from my reading and now wasn’t negative aspects in the mood for turning pages. So I picked up my phone and started scrolling respective of the Instagram. After few minutes only 10% was remaining. I docked it for charging and situation around. The was using it at the same time. Unexpectedly there was a blackout in the old phone was my whole surrounding colonies and now I cant charge my phone too. Strolling around for grandpa. We were some time, my parents trotted around their ignoring him since he phones and came to know that their phone came to live with us. batteries were dead. So was my phone too. Immediately I helped They had to call a person for some urgent him and advised Dad to work related issue. Grandpa was watching do the same. the whole chaos we three were having amongst each other. So he stood up and Now-a-days, senior citizens are admitted to old age gave his phone; which was having its old homes as their children dont like their interference. keypad type layout and small screen. This They are usually not treated well and aren't included phone was priced at some 1000 rs, and the in some family discussions. So the solution they find phones whose battery drained out were in is to send them to old age homes. thousands of rupees. That day the basic Instead of that imbecile move can't we try to cell phone proved itself to be very helpful and so was Grandpa. My parents did understand them? They are the ones who have complete their work only due to that nurtured us when our parents were at work. They phone; and the dream ended. bring vegetables and other things for the house I woke with a start; realized this was a whenever possible and consider as their little work. dream. Of course how can any phone talk Some of them do household chores too, but never on its own! I assumed that after a hefty raise any voice against their children. Senior citizens week it was a dream occupied with many play an important role in the society. They provide random things in my mind. I got up from the bed and went straight towards the basic solutions which millenials cant think of. In dining table where I was supposed to have India, the number of senior citizens in old age is my breakfast. It was a usual Saturday. Mom increasing day by day. Although I know some elder was occupied with kitchen work, dad was people prefer the old age homes, due to improper reading newspaper and grandpa on his behavior faced at home or some other problems. But lounge chair. Again, grandpa asked dad for it's better to decrease the number of people living in some gadget help; but dad ignored. those homes. Having a Grandpa and Grandma at home is always good. We should include them in every family decision and normal discussions. Even a small try to make them happy would make them feel better. They deserve a proper family to take care of them. Why do people say about any senior person that they live with their children? At our childhood they taught us each and everything , provide us with better things according to their limit. Wouldn't it be a better saying: \"Our parents dont live with us,  we live with them.\"   -Pranav Ekbote, SE EXTC A

Technology                                              2 7                 | 38 TECHNIUM: THE 7TH KINGDOM Technology is the collection of techniques, If we look at the flowchart of skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the development, it is like this:- a big accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. Well, that came computer came -then a improvised when I googled the word, ”technology”. When I read it carefully, I observed that the computer which you can setup at word itself says the development of mankind in its own ways. It includes various any place-the portable computers- techniques to improve the current methods for making any type of device which is mobile. phones. Also, mobile phones making our work easier. What if it was like the time-span we had in our ancient days are having a collaboration with the with no stuff that we have today? Would it be very difficult to survive? It is because we smart watches. AH! The smart are so much dependent on devices that we sometimes forget what is happening around watches are a trend now-a-days. us. If we look carefully, there are still some regions which are not technologically Today we are available with developed. But on the other hand I also accept that they do not have proper access gadgets like mobile phones,laptops, to education to understand the importance of such devices in their life. Let us take an gaming consoles, smart watches, example of personal computers - they were a great invention of human beings. A PC can streaming sticks, wireless do so much things like making presentations, documents, coding, mailing headphones, even a self driving and for gaming too! Slowly our mobile phones are getting like computers. bus!!. With all this the world is more easier,right?? But ever thought of the future scenario?? I come from a mine and get surrounded by wood always. Everyone ANS: FOOTSTEPS uses me. What am I?

Technology                                           2 7                 | 39 Talking about the future scenario in That is now giving us a clue about the what sense….Okay, lets take an easier extinction of human beings. DAN way to get that. Consider the world as BROWN in the ORIGIN stated the an rectangle consisting of one big blue PRAYER FOR THE FUTURE which is as circle and a black dot particle. The big follows,”May our philosophies keep circle is humanity and the dot particle is pace with our technologies. May our technology. This is the scenario of 1950. compassion keep pace with Now lets go to 1975 the technology our powers. And may love, not fear, be which was a dot particle is now a whole the engine of change”. Indeed true, black circle. It is increasing day by day, which should be worshipped. in accordance with the humanitarian So, we should develop technologies to circle. the best but not that extreme as if our If we see the present day diagram, its humanity and existence vanishes shocking to see that the the black circle forever. We need that developed world has half occupied the blue circle. As we but operated according to our brains proceed towards the future,in 2075 that not by the CPU of some machine. black circle has occupied the whole At the end I would say,”The dark black circle and the blue circle is no religions have departed and sweet more circle,its an invisible dot, just like science reigns again”. dissolved salt particles. The humanity has vanished forever and -Pranav Ekbote SE EXTC A the present scenario is very strange to see. As people are no more like human beings they are almost robots. The human ear is a Bluetooth headphone which is connected to the cellphone,hand has an extender for an easy way to pick things which are at large distance, eyes upgraded to the feature of magnifying lens and analyser, and many more things. Now in this robot race, thinking of such improved technology there arises the new kingdom called as TECHNIUM. The 7th kingdom for the mankind consisting the earth to a technologically bound in all ways of living. Insuch a developed world there's a threat to human beings as our brains at that time will be operated by machines. What disappears as soon as you say its name? ANS: SILENCE

Technology                                                2 7                 | 40 THE PROGRAMMERS SNAKE: PYTHON A snake of the software world,  Python is a high-level programming language,  Seems weird when you first heard!  Users, in common programming tasks don't As toddlers we were only aware of snake engage,  xenzia the game,  Allows users to focus on core functionality,  As budding programmers, amongst us No one dare doubt python's ability!  Python hyped its fame!      Instagram, Survey Monkey, Spotify, Amazon, A philanthropic snake of the software Facebook,  Enclosed within a computer's hardware,  Many others used python for their Responsibility of building applications it does programming recipes to cook,  bear,  Other languages left behind, Python has Programmer and python code in a pair!  overtaken,    In the software world, everyone at it with Python lets us work quickly, honour look!  It integrates systems effectively,  Python accomplishments appear in heaps,  Vaguely does it resemble C++ and C,  To code with its knowledge in it is required How advanced than the rest it is, you see!  deep,    Short of words to describe its contribution,  The reptile python swallows its prey as an To assist so much in this software nation!  object,    But our programmer python gives birth to a -Aishwarya R. Rele, TE INFT B new object, Scintillatingly it possesses its own standard library,  Providing tools suited to many tasks on arbitrary.  What belongs to you, but other people use it more than you? ANS: Your NAME

Travel & Tourism                                         2 7                 | 42 SIKKIM: A HEAVEN ON EARTH A nything that can give you a getaway from The main shopping area, the Mahatma Gandhi the daily hustle and bustle of life is travel. Marg, is out of bounds for vehicular traffic and Travelling to Sikkim: A Heaven on Earth, will give can be visited only on foot. When this idea was you the best refreshment such that it can even originally suggested, the traders resisted the change your views on life and bring positivity in move thinking that it would adversely affect you. Most famously known as the land of mighty their businesses. But, in fact, it had an opposite mountains, it is hard to believe that Sikkim effect and their businesses flourished. All in all, exists. The land of mountain terrains and tea Gangtok, with its mountain tops and valleys, its plantations, Sikkim has monasteries and religious shrines including the famous Gonjang landscape which is yet the most unspoiled state monastery, its multi-cultural ethos, its tourist of India. It might surprise you that Sikkim has the attractions, its gardens and rare flowers, is a world’s third highest peak- Kanchenjunga. So we must visit for every tourist. It felt awesome in VITians went to this marvelous place by a tour that chilled 5 Degree Celsius. Well that’s what which would bring memories to last an eternity. my mobile showed me. Its fascinating cultural The journey started from LTT railway station and traditions, rich heritage and the diversity of a 2 day overnight train travelling became one of population add to the natural beauty of the my most cherished moments. We landed up at place. Dominating over the landscape is the NJP station and then headed on to one of the majestic Kanchenjunga peak, the third highest most beautiful cities on earth, Gangtok. One mountain peak in the world. We were not lucky thing I loved and was amazed about Gangtok enough to see it clearly because of the mist that was, everything was well organized and it lay over the mountains during the five days that looked like a planned city. First thing that we spent in Sikkim. amazed me as soon as I entered Gangtok was the Footpath and Footbridges. I was amazed to see that everyone was walking along the footpath and using footbridges to cross the road. Gangtok is a bustling town spread over several mountain ranges. It is notable for its neat and clean streets, and generally orderly traffic. All the main roads had walkways running alongside for the benefit of pedestrians.

Travel & Tourism                                         2 7                 | 43 Without doubt, the highlight of our visit to On our way back, we stopped briefly at the Sikkim was the trip to Nathu la. Nathu la Tsomgo Lake, a sacred lake where no fishing pass, the last Indian point on the border is allowed. There are many legends with China, is only 55 km from Gangtok. surrounding the lake. The army is present But the drive through some of the everywhere and ensures that the sanctity of craggiest mountain ranges in the world, the lake is maintained. We followed the with very steep slopes, is scary. Teesta River back to NJP station. Our idyllic The road in most places is perilous, hewn holiday had come to an end. out of these sheer slopes. Portions of the road are always under construction From my adorable trip I realized that nature because of incessant rain and landslides. teaches a lot of things. As seasons change, In view of the fact that the Nathu la route we are guided to learn acceptance and non- has now been opened up for pilgrimage to resistance. A green leaf doesn’t resist Kailash-Manasarovar, the Border Roads turning red when autumn approaches. Trees Organization had unleashed a frenzy of don’t resist leaves falling when winter activity to repair and improve the road for arrives. They stand deeply rooted in the the pilgrims. You still need to be brave to ground while the gorgeous Himalayan travel on this road. But, what was most ranges; Stand firm, poised and majestic like satisfying for my eyes was the well - a mountain. Regardless of the external appointed, shining building on our side of situations life will bring you, remain strong the border as compared to the rather old, like the mountains do when faced with unkempt building on the Chinese side. avalanches, rain storms, and water erosion. Our troops were also more smartly turned Your emotional guidance system should be out than their Chinese counterparts. tough like a rooted mountain, immune to the Considering that China likes to make a actions and reactions of others. political statement with impressive infrastructure on its border with its -Kshitij Patil, SE INFT A neighbors, this was indeed a refreshing change.

Poetry                                          2 7                 | 46 SOCIETY WARMTH The backyard's full of ants I just met you and I stand there dying ready with their experienced rants your poignant eyes are still trying about how to behave in clarity I've started writing stories about your face clarity is not what is to be achieved Do you ever wanna just leave and go to the rarity of populous thoughts is what we space? seek Where no-one can ever touch your soul click click and click away And hurt you again. from the utopia at hand   to the dystopia which will make you sway They are swimming away from you further from your happy self I know, Its a catastrophe. Selfish but you need a little bit of run away from the stars Sensitive, when you fall to pieces with your heart fallen apart I'll take you to see, the brightest of dream the bag's full of cherry, wine and cake   the only thing now is to make We will see the stars at night and the first move out the door dream of dreaming romantic wake up from the deep snore I'll be your shelter in this storm and believe get down on your knees and please while you discover your enigmatic mind don't shout out your dreams     -Sachin Yadav SE EXTC A -Sachin Yadav SE EXTC A

Poetry                                          2 7                 | 47 EXISTENCE Thinking about existence is very rare working for someone small living life in this snare and dying unaware of what it truly means to be alive. dive into your phone, dive into the snow feels so different but we all are stuck in this barely open box. punch down the boy who is trying to get out of the grey to merge with all the same hay the boy is you among the other few we all trying to find what's good live and dream, you should   -Sachin Yadav SE EXTC A WE ARE We are flowers, We are the entire ocean in a drop Consequences of our own doing We are wanderers of someone’s trails We are thorns, too created to accompany beauty We are numb, drunk on feelings at the same time We are the harsh realities, We are full of wisdom still foolish in love the subtle moments, We are the darkness with the light inside burnin’ the joy, Being the blessing and the curse, the sorrows, We are the empty books destined to be filled the lessons to be learnt, With Poems and Prosess We are the breeze, destined to go with the flow. - Anjali Singh, SE ETRX B What has many keys, but can't even open a single door? ANS: A PIANO

Poetry                                          2 7                 | 48 THE TOWN The mother, though burdened, though defeated, kept a smile A town so ugly pass by, For akin to the baby she too longed to see her Words cannot express where its faults lie. face Dotted by shame, envy and hatred Its beauty seems dull and faded. To move away from the world’s guile Bent down by its misfortunes and away from its unhealthy pace There are no two people singing common tunes. And wrap her arms around her innocence. Caress her soft head, kiss her cheeks A melancholic wave lies over it. Wipe away the sorrow and hold on to her for Looming over the town with its omnipresence weeks With each breath stealing its very essence.   Burdening the people with worry In the end as the sun blushed with a hint of red And robbing them of the wholeness of their The ugliness crumbled as it was not to be fed souls by the rising hope that burned within as the town rose from its ashes like a phoenix Lively the people here are not to be and soon there was nothing left for anyone to A woman walks, weighed down, ahead fix. Her face telling how miserable is she And life went on as it always was, albeit, A baby is waiting for her to be fed A bit more cheerful, a bit more hopeful and a to hide in her embrace and bask in her warmth lot more beautiful. but the woman selfishly trots on   cursing her luck of which she has no dearth -Siddharth Shukla, SE INFT A But unbeknownst to many the hideous shell nurtures a glorious beauty that no one can tell for no matter how sad the people here might be a white cloth dwindled around that no one could see but that did not faze them as to it they held looking forward to a brighter day, a brighter future

Poetry                                          27                 | 49 INCREDIBLE INDIA The land of beautiful nature  Diversified with traditional culture Strong forts surrounded by mystery Our nation has an amazing history   Several holy rivers across the land flow Oh! The melody of birds in the woods so mellow Golden deserts, meandering rivers, dense forests and blue streams so shallow The monsoon winds on our land will always blow   Snow clad mountains and sun washed beaches  Values are what this country teaches People adorned with colourful attire  Whose prayers rise with the smoke of the holy fire   Wide range of dishes so delicious  Various folk dances and classical music so precious  The gift of mathematics and medicine from us the world received  Our progress in all the fields will always increase   We all in every situation will always be united  And celebrate different festivals with joy and happiness We salute all our freedom fighters and soldiers  Who work selflessly day and night at the borders for our safety   Everything in our lovely nation  Is nothing else but Lord's creation Heaven on earth is this place My Incredible India you are the best!   -Anushka Tuse, FE BIOM What is more useful when it is broken? ANS: An EGG

Poetry                                          2 7                 | 50 DEALING WITH How many times have I sat silently ADOLESCENT LIFE Alone in a faraway place My mind not really thinking straight It's away in my own space!   Trying to figure this life out It's meaning purpose as such You sometime need to take a time out Whenever life just gets too much. Far away from the maddening crowd  Far away from baggage you hold Far away from the endless nine to five Where most of your life is sold!   Just to sit in peace for a while Just time to think things through To work out how to make changes And what you need to do!   Some where you can look inside yourself To that person you want to be To shake of all your problems Where no one else can see!   -Aishwarya Rele, TE INFT B YOU You have been kind, You have been a pain too. You have judged me, put me down too. You have been with me, Practically raised me, too. You with the way you are, have me locked away, too. I just might be the black sheep among the many known, or a disgrace to you. But know that I belong to myself much more than I belong to you -Anjali Singh, SE ETRX B What has six faces, but does not wear makeup, has twenty-one eyes, but cannot see? What is it? ANS: A DICE

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