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Home Explore Number Scanner

Number Scanner

Published by useforhome463, 2019-11-19 10:14:25

Description: How To make Scaner to scan Numbers with Turbo C++
Under Working :Sir Irfan Khalid
By:Ihtishma haider 43567

Keywords: CCC,Compiler construction,wocnice,Scanner,number scaner,Sir Irfan Khan,Ihtisham haider,43567,Turbo C++,BS(CS),Computer Program,Compiler


Read the Text Version

Scaner Edited By: IHTISHAM HAIDER +923084938863

Reqiured Files: 1:Install Turbo 2:Open C:\\TURBOC3\\INCLUDE

3:Open GnuWin32\\GnuWin32\\include Copy All and Past into

C:\\TURBOC3\\INCLUDE 4:Open GnuWin32\\GnuWin32\\lib and Copy all and Past into C:\\TURBOC3\\LIB

5:Open GnuWin32\\GnuWin32\\bin And Open New Text Document.txt

Now Click File>Save As Select All (*.*)

Rename “Num1.l” And Click Save 6:Drag and Drop “Num1.l” on “flex.exe”

7:New File Created “lex.yy.c”

Note:if not created new file than your code in “Num1.l” is incorrect. For use iostream.h file sholu to be .cpp , so rename “lex.yy.c” “Num1.cpp Show Extention

Then Rename Click Yes

8:Copy it and past into “C:\\TURBOC3\\BIN”

…………………………………………………………………………… Now Do This Tasks

To Be Continue…

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