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Home Explore Real Peaceful Rainbow Resistance Revolution

Real Peaceful Rainbow Resistance Revolution

Published by zen, 2017-04-06 03:41:18

Description: Real Peaceful Rainbow Resistance Revolution

Keywords: God,Jesus,Christ,Holy,Ghost,Spirit,Second Coming,proof God exists,seven dimensional space


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37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire ofwomen, nor regard any god. For he shall magnify himself aboveall.38 But in his place he shall honour the God of forces. A god whomhis fathers did not know he shall honour with gold, and silver, andwith precious stones, and pleasant things.39 Thus shall he do in the most strong fortresses with a strangegod, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory; and heshall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land forgain.40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push athim; and the king of the north shall come against him like awhirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships;and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and passover.41 He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countriesshall be over thrown; but these shall escape out of his hand, evenEdom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries; and theland of Egypt shall not escape.43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver,and over all the precious things of Egypt; and the Libyans and theEthiopians shall be at his steps.44 But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall troublehim. Therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, andutterly to make away many.45 And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between theseas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end,and none shall help him. 247

DANIEL CHAPTER TWELVE1 And at that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince whostands for the children of your people, and there shall be a time oftrouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to thatsame time. At that time your people shall be delivered, every onethat shall be found written in the book.2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake,some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlastingcontempt.3 And they that are wise shall shine as the brightness of thefirmament; and they that turn to righteousness as many as thestars for ever and ever.4 But you, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even tothe time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shallbe increased.” 5 Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood other two,the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on thatside of the bank of the river.6 And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon thewaters of the river, “How long shall it be to the end of thesewonders?”7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the watersof the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand toheaven, and swore by him that lives for ever, that “it shall be for atime, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished toscatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall befinished.”8 And I heard, but I did not understand. Then I said, “O my Lord,what shall be the end of these things?”9 And he said, “Go your way, Daniel. For the words are closed upand sealed till the time of the end.”10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but thewicked shall do wickedly, and none of the wicked shall understand;but the wise shall understand.11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away,and the abomination that makes desolate set up, there shall be1290 days.12 Blessed is he that waits, and comes to the 1335 days. 248

13 But you, go your way till the end, for you shall rest, and stand inyour lot at the end of the days. 249

Notes on Daniel Chapters Ten through TwelveThis set of visions is long and detailed, more so than any whichhave come before, so we can stand in amazement at the way thatthey can be seen to have come true. As usual, I take myinterpretation in line with those of conventional biblicalcommentators.Chapter ten gives a vision of a figure we can take to be anArchangel, for he says he is in the middle of a spiritual, celestialbattle with only Michael, who is usually called ‘the special guardianangel of Israel’, to help him.Chapter eleven claims to set out the course of human history indetail. Indeed, it does supply an amazing fulfilment in the historyof the Greek Empire. There were to be three more Persian kings(verse 2 – Cambyses, Gaumata and Darius I), followed by a fourth(Xerxes). Xerxes invaded Greece but was defeated at Salamis in480BC. The power then passed onto Greece (verses 3-4; seecomments earlier on chapter 7).Verse 5 refers to Egypt (‘the king of the south’) and to Ptolemy’sone-time general, Seleucus, who became ‘king of the north’ – thepowerful kingdom of Syria and the east. Fifty years later (verse 6)the daughter of Ptolemy II married Antiochus II of Syria. But shewas divorced and murdered, and her brother avenged her byattacking Syria (verse 7).Verses 9-13 reflect the struggles between the two powers at theend of the 3rd century BC. The Jews then joined forces withAntiochus III of Syria to defeat Egypt (verses 14-15). They gainedtheir freedom from Egypt (verse 16), and Antiochus made amarriage alliance with Ptolemy V (verse 17). Antiochus invadedAsia Minor and Greece but was defeated by the Romans atMagnesia in 190BC (verses 18-19).The ‘exactor of tribute’ (verse 20) was his son Seleuchus IV, whowas shortly succeeded by his brother Antiochus IV, the persecutor 250

of the Jews. Verses 21-24 aptly portray his character and policies.Through the treachery of Ptolemy’s own men, Antiochus brieflygained control of Egypt in 173BC. On his return he attackedJerusalem and slaughtered 80,000 Jews (verses 25-28).The next time he attacked Egypt he was thwarted by the Romanfleet (verses 29-30). He turned on Jerusalem again and desecratedthe temple (verse 31). He was aided and abetted by some Jews,but others refused to compromise their faith, though they died for it(verses 32-33). Judas Maccabaeus instigated a successful revolt,so helping the faithful (verse 34).Daniel Chapter 11 Verses 36 - 45Daniel Chapter 11 verses 36 through 45, jump from 681BC, whenDaniel completed his great Book of Prophecy and Interpretation ofDreams and Visions – yet again to the Reign of the Beast 666roughly 1946 AD–2016 AD. As in the Book of Revelation Chapter13, as we saw back in Part Two of this book.Daniel 12 Verse 1-3Seem to predict with 100% certainty the Second Coming of Jesuswith the new name of ‘Michael’, written on a white stone, as in theBook of Revelation in Part Two of this Book.Daniel 12 Verses 5-10Again reflect the length of time of the ‘Time of the End’ in Danielas well as the Book of Revelation, as being ‘a Time and Time andHalf a Time’ or 70 ‘weeks of years’ earlier in Daniel or between1944 or 1945 to this year of 2016!Daniel Chapter 12 Verses 11-13 251

1290 ‘days’. Daniel finished his book of prophecy in the Bible in681 BC and there was then no number ‘zero’ – so 1290 years from681 BC takes us to 610 AD – predicting the Koran written byMohamed, supposedly dictated in a cave by the Archangel Gabriel!The ‘Abomination that Desolates’ described by Daniel, is absolutelydefinitely NOT nuclear weapons etc – but started with Mohamedand his famous Koran. It is called totally falsely ‘jihad’ or “Holy”War – a total contradiction in terms.Where True Believers in God hurt and even torture and slay, manyother True Believers in the very same True God! This DesolatingAbomination is the very worst nightmare of the Good Lord and HisGood Lady Themselves – and MUST STOP!!!For Jews and Christians are ‘Holy Spirit’ people, favouring timelessemotions and feelings, especially after Jesus expressed theseextremely strongly as words - as Jesus is The Word of God.However, the Muslims were and remain mostly Holy Ghostworshipping people, much more heavily involved in a differentbelief system based on ‘Deeds and Actions for Good’. Especially‘jihad’ or Holy Warfare between Angels (Good Spirits) and ‘jinns’ (orEvil Spirits) – as we saw earlier.So this ‘Abomination that Desolates’ has in fact lasted since 610ADand the writing of the Muslim Koran – as so-called “Holy War”which is in fact nothing of the sort. It is the bloodiest warfarebetween any two sides – between two or more True Believers.Michael AND Gabriel now demand that it ENDS RIGHT NOW!1335 ‘days’.1335 Years not ‘days’ from then, 610 AD, takes us on to 1945 –which as we saw in Revelation 13 in Part Two of this book, was thestart of the Reign of the Beast 666, from 1944 or 1945 till 2016.This end of ’70 weeks of years’ (70 ‘plague’ years 1946-2016) issurprisingly close as nobody really knew it started! 252


A ManyThreaded Tapestry Simon Lee Twenty-two poems written between 1978 and 2000spanning the author’s adultlife in the twentieth centuryAuthor Me UK

Available in paperback and inhardback © 2004 Simon Richard LeeThis book is dedicated tomy lovely daughter JeniCover illustration byAnne-Mari Nagtegaal

ARCHAIC RHYTHMAugust 1978The empty caves mutter and hum theirancient melody in perfect time.Lost within, the minotaur howls,caught on a web of silver.Ariadne smiles as she slips lightly from hismaze.The moss weeps wearily weaving a strangedesign.The stone man bends listening andpoints to the roof of the caves.The floor is stained withthe oozing water of his tears.I stand in the forests of rockand listen tothe water chisel.Chipping away, theclocks of acid dribble and squirm. 1

Underfoot the gravel crunchesand stamps its markon the silence.Arcane secrets hiss but only echoback from the stubborn walls.The torrid blood oflava flows deep below,the heat rising to these heights tomake the darknessfeel so clammy.As I stumble back outsideunder the skythe caves call my name.For a moment I remaininside the bubble –my soul trapped by the minotaur... 2

STATUESAugust 1978Time’s numb fingers, dead with coldslowly cross the page.The crumbling mould grows,but side to side,the pages fade as it writes.The silver filigree is eroded,the wave freezes in its fall.The varnish peels and all is stillas another silent earthquake echoes.The growing statue moansat its maker’s sure touch.The stone hears the call;tries to match, but fails.Two figures in a landscape butonly one knows the secret.As he tells the other so softlyonly the wind catches the words. 3

GRANTCHESTERREFLECTIONSAugust 1978The river yawns as it bends and slursdevouring the landscape but slowly.I lie on my back anddrink it with my toes.Overhead the clouds hustle making shapesto keep the river suitably amused.I don’t laugh.A butterfly passes;its wings marked like cards.With a drowsy buzz and bursts,the grass grows sidewaysamongst the bees.The wooded green flaresdefying the Summer sun. 4

Weaving their dead patternsthe twigs of an elmstick up in defeat.How long have they supportedthese tranquil images?Not long for this world.The dragonfly flits upon his dance of lifeand death so sudden.Very old but now so youngthe landscape moves in unison.The song of the skylark warmth.answers the piper.Behind me the low hill nestlesand waits to trap the sun’sEvening stills her motion.5

SOCIAL ANDSECURITYAugust 1978Have you any recent earningsthe young girl said and Inearly said but I’m a millionairebut resisted the temptation.I couldn’t have disturbed herpoor oppressive boredom.Instead I quoted the relevant listof convenient zeroes ...smiling shyly as we laid bare my cards.Nothing written on themso together we closed the file. 6

THE DOSSERAugust 1978Knotted brows peer outfrom beneath a battered trilby.Weather-beaten cocklesof eyes gaze backthrough leathery slabs.The stubble is caught likea forest of still antsmarching over his jaw.Stooped and aged is heyet somehow not defeated.Sitting on your dried up fountaindown in the old market place,what do you dream ofas you clutch yourcheap and nasty sherry bottle? 7

Old man as you moanin your sackcloth coatand shout at busy shoppers,the shop-keepers only shaketheir heads and count their wares.Filthy fingers clutch at the coatblowing in a hostile wind.Change washes over himbut leaves no mark.The bottle tilts back.Once more the winois drained up into it.He dips his head again,no shame for this one. 8

BLACK HOLE(dedicated to my arch-enemy, Satan)August 1978O Lady, You Whore,Your equations have no compassion.How dare You insistthey are so important!Where is god inYour Mighty Mathematics?Who gave You the rightto ignore the creator?I have no use for elements.Only the wholeness gives warmth.I have no wish to diethe radiation death.Your particles batter and weave.Their patterns led this one astray.In my search for the almighty oneI almost believed You instead. 9

From where I stand nowYour works only crush and maim.Your weapons fill upthis weeping earth.Tyrants like You, I despise.You offer no poetry.Your people do not smile.Your technology merely occupies.I would never swap with Youmy new found dreamsor knowledge of destiny.To You that’s all ‘random’.Besides, some things are herewhich You could never find.The hidden country of the soul.I'll live there always. 10

CAMBRIDGE DAWNAugust 1978The early morning walkerpauses by a scraggy treeand peers at the dull fenfrom his low temporary hillside.Amongst the cornstalksthe birds scatter and flee, shrilly.His morning call to the sunhas usurped dawn’s tranquillity.The sun answers, like agilt anemone stuckin a sea of pale bluegently erasing the night.The clouds lift off likethe ghosts of butterflieshugely floating away intoanother bright dimension. 11

In the plain, the town far offnestles flat and still.The sun remotely loitersabove the chapel of King’s.All around, the spirescluster and coin theiracademic secretsready for morning.Somewhere in this sombrebut now awakening leveethe rivers bend their courses.The wanderer feels this too deeply.Soon he descends the moundand walks casually but wearilyinto the growing sunlighttrying to out-stare the sun.The cornfields stand readyto greet high Summerand in their beds scattered studentsstudy how to resume. 12

For now the traveller feelsno kinship, is a strangerto his second home town.The feeling soon passes.He whistles a love songand smiles greetings atgrimly staring telescopes,eyes on invisible stars.The sky reaches out hertendrils of flimsy cloud.The brooks burble their wayto the river, out to the sea.Near a village churchhe plucks a purple flower,and wears it in pridefor a sad, shy, unknown, Lady. 13

Discarding worn out moccasinshe resorts to mile weary feet,nakedly feeling the earth beneath,willing it along its steady course.Trudging back alongthe gritty main roadthe early eery motor carshardly notice his bare feet.At the borders of returnhe hears soft padding echoesfrom urban paving stonesand surrenders crazy sudden freedom. 14

NIGHT CRYAugust 1979The feeling grows, a tongueof liquid fire in clammy stone.Etched in the face of a tall youth,a touch echoing of the paststill to come, the futurenow far, far behind.I reach out to touch herslender fingers of pure love;a graceful face, a faery formtraced in the mystery of woman,but can grasp only moonbeams,a twist of angels’ hair.The skylight draws me outsideonto the gleaming city terraces;the sirens’ weeping invites meto climb her long staircase,where in the darkness of gloomfigures beckon and point the way. 15

In the far sight I seeof her home-made nether darknessa spectrum glows and quivers;the cobweb trembles astogether we climb aboard.Where are the spiders? 16

GAME FOR FOOLSSeptember 1979The onion peels back another skin; itsvelvet softness makes you cry.Out on the hills of wisdom the ancientKing hears the callbut my rescue comes not from him – I lookWestward instead.My soul stretches and yawns, time foranother glad homecoming.The conjuror beckons; I look inside hisyellow magic box.The queen of hearts plays with me but Ihave the full house.On and on the game continues far intothe night we play.Higher and higher the stakes rise till inthe end we reach zero. 17

The chess board tells the story of ourunfrequented love;the lady looks down, her shame untoldwhile I vainly use my microscope on thestars...In her white gown her pale beauty cutspictures in my soul;I try to trap her with pawns but the blackknight is there.Our game reaches its climax, anotherdrawn finaleand as we give back the pieces themagician notes our despair.The wheel of life and death and love takesanother spin.What shall we play tomorrow, a game orthe real thing? 18

WISE WOMEN WAITSeptember 1979I put my grave and rather sad graffiti onyour wall.Perhaps you didn’t read it then; youdidn’t care at all.In vain I tried so long and hard, to breakyour golden rulebut came at last to look just like a mostdeluded fool.Yet in another distant time, another placewe’ll meet.We’ll not speak of sorry times, butremember glances sweet;shyly make a lasting peace for crazywasted chances.I’ll no more weep and have regrets forstilted ruined dances. 19

If only you had not begun to look at methat way;it really took my breath.... I knew notwhat to say.But then I never would have gained mysecret power of Faith.(You never could say how you felt, andthat’s what kept you safe).Under the weary sun I’ll toil, anotherdusty year.I will not change my leopard’s spots, oralter my strange gear,unless in perfect rhythm, when the worldhas learnt some grace,I’ll spread my eagle’s wings on high, go toa far off place. 20

Please hear my words, in future guardyour lovely roving eye;one gaze from eyes as dark as yours canmake mens’ spirits fly.Besides, such looks are meant, you know,for girls alone to give:wise women wait more patiently, to siftmen in a sieve. 21

SHIP OF THE NIGHT15th February 1984(This all took place between 1am and8am on 10th November 1983).I left the flat, the door closed, I'd left mykeys inside.In despair I turned and fled, andwondered where I'd hide.Into the dank November night, I sniffedthe midnight air,walked on down the darkened streets, themist wet on my hair.The glow of street lights was so eery, themist came down in patches.I pondered all the hard times, the locksand snares and catches.Wondered as I marched, the stars cameout, Orion over West,“Where now, what for, and how, and whatis for the best?” 22

Southbound through Orion, a strangerstar appears,travelling up above me, removing foolishfears.A guardian of the night up high, over myright shoulder.I'd seen some long ago like this, when Ihad tried to hold her.That love is dead now, but memories havenot died,now I'd a weirder companion, to take mefor a ride.I nearly turned but swiftly now, thefriendly light led on.The ship of the night came lower, newlyleading from beyond. 23

As I walked out through old Hook's Cross,I'd never felt so gloomy.Thoughts came crashing through of her,a longing shuddered through me.The empty road, all traffic gone, the nightso still and calm.I turned for Ware at Watton-at-Stone,never seeing past the farms.As I walked on South-East, the star turnedin its tracks –came closer down towards me now, Ithought of all the facts.To glass-less eyes He seemed as a compassneedle,pointing up and downand seemed to say “all right so far - don'truin this and frown”. 24

I took the Wadesmill turning, the starturned further East.As dawn emerged to warm the air, Ididn't feel so pleasedto lose my friendly eye up there, I nowknow Who He was!I kept on, ten miles travelled, to remedyold loss.As dawn broke bright, He rose up, andflew into the sunrisewhere He'd come from, the Morning Star, Ilost Him from my eyes.I grieved a little, passed on South andpassed another cross.Wadesmill, A10, traffic, day, another sanetime lost. 25

MY TREE(right at the End)1st January 1984The Weaver’s in the Web of Life, intendingus to fly.His Tapestry is rich and warm, its coloursmake me cry.I’d love to see you, softly, and hold you inmy arms.You’ll never meet another with suchmystery - and charms!I’d love to show you round their web, ifThey should let Us see.I’d love to take you round one time, andhave you cling to me.I’d never let you from my clasp unless itwere in gearof silver gold and crimson, the absentingof fear! 26

We’ll walk alone a little more, but in theend you’ll seehow my steadfast Love for you, my dear,will bring us to my tree.That’s Simon’s Tree, Jerusalem, the MysticHeart of Zion.(or so they say down Israel way, and Ihave seen the sign!)I’ll dress you in the finest silks and treatyou like a lady.For, after all, it’s not so often one escapesfrom Hades.The shades have fled, the light isbrightening, laughter in my rooms.We’ll live here soon just you and I - butdon’t forget your broom! 27

TEMPLE OF SONGS4th January 1984The Lord of Dances bids me play anothertune.I oblige quite happily and mingle it withrunes,that tell of starlit evenings and nightsbeside the sea,when sea-gods rise with nymphs as well,for all have come to see.You are featured in this song as goddessof the night.Filled with fulsome rhymings from yoursoul in flight.You rise above the sea-gods shining withdelight,come down to us rejoicing of actions of thelight. 28

Incantations soak the deep and wine-filled air.You stand there all-embracing withsnakes wrapped in your hair.Soon I see you gently turn and step downfrom your stone.I’ve removed you from your pedestal, nowyou’re coming HOME.With me you climb the stairs to Heaven’sgate.Sweet perfection calling - oh, but we arelate!Hurry now, or else they’ll never let us in.Happy hunting grounds reward ourconquering of sins. 29

WILLOW TIME4th January 1984Under a weeping-willow tree, we shallfind a spot.I’ll weave yellow buttercups, blue forget-me-nots.You’ll wear them proud and freely in yourhair.We’ll have a lovely, lonely party in the air.Under that tree, under my tree we’ll singa gladsome song.When all that is to do is done, and righthas conquered wrong.We’ll sing a new song by that brook, ofnew and better times,and conjure up Their Majesties withmellow winning rhymes. 30

Down in Their Valley, things go by so slow.We can relax and celebrate, new andnewer flowsthe passing river, sun shines, down in thevalley of tears,once both you and I have rid ourselves offears.I’ll take you down there soon, I do declareI will,if you’ll forget my troubles, help ignore myills.’Tis easy, but a trifle, for one with suchloving charms,with you to ease and help me, I’ll nevercome to harm. 31

HUMAN POLLUTION19th February 1984A thing of beauty passing through, nosound upon the wind.A breath of air in murky times, withdestiny you're twinned.You are a meeting of space and time, ahome to call your own.Your body's your temple to the stars, don'tyou get overthrown!Take care of your life; don't fall by thewayside and drown –the sprint of life, this marathon, is yours ifyou'll take the crown.Let emotions weave their way, keep yourspirit fed.Keep mind and body, spirit driven,between the blues and reds. 32

Balance is the answer, precious little to befoundin a world of people dying of thirst, yetwith weapons drowned.The harsh metallic crunch of feet goesmarching ever on.The earth lies raped and dying, the homewe all live on.She lies like a jewel between the stars,amidstthe ‘death of Outer Space’.Even if we're not alone, this is our onlyplace.Why can't people just be people, forget theirsocial sniping?The pollution of the Earth is man, the restis in Her keeping. 33

One day the power in the sky will fall,down to where we stand.A deadly hush crowds out this death, aswe go hand in hand.Our speck of dust in the galaxy will falland rise again.A presence will descend, and stand soproud,right in the sight of men.I await the coming of this clean-up time,my heart is at my feet,to kick around like a lead balloon, untiltrue lovers meet.The presence sits there waiting now, forSummer's swift return.Maybe when we've killed us all, maybethen we'll learn. 34

THE FORESTOF UNEARTH4th March 1984On a plateau amidst the heavens, lies theforest of living truth.The stars shine down from SeventhHeaven,cast light on the wooded roof.The wood is peaceful, quiet, filled withflowing streams.Their waters are rich and tranquil,reflecting starry dreams.Each tree is free, their freedom calls out tous all.Often in dreams I’ve walked there,through their solemn halls.All about, the branches arch and sway intime.The waters gurgle gently, provide a mossyclime. 35

In the absence of any sickly touch, thetrees grow thick and tall.Never does their strength fail, they cannotever fall.The trees are lords of space and time, theystand up true and strong,put there by a subtle hand, that knows justright, no wrong.Nine muses of space and three of timedwell forever there;known to man throughout history, bynames of loving care.They live in one tree only, at the centre ofthe forest.They control the continuum from within,a movement without rest. 36

All our human strengths grow therestrong all round about;one tree for each, there are twenty-one,opposing earthly doubt.The spirit trees cluster and guard these,all around.With strength and wisdom in such might,a heady air abounds.The forest is known to us all, although bydifferent names.Why don’t we listen to its song, stopplaying deadly games?It sits there forever, dreaming, bidingendless time.It cannot speak to us direct, unless we arein rhyme.Its song abides for ever, beyond our seersand sages.It gives us all the wages of the ages.Yet death cannot meet there, it is castwithout. 37

From the Forest of Unearth emanates nodoubt. 38

MIDSUMMER’SDAY DREAM16th June 1984The wings of Summer swifts go wheeling,round and round they fly,in search of food high in the air, theycriss-cross in the sky.It’s time for another loving, I feel it in mybones.Time to forget my torment in the valley oflost stones.I crept from there so slowly, my heart allwrecked and torn.Those feelings passed when Spring cameround,I don’t feel so forlorn.But who’s the one to fill my cup, makepassion enter in?I need to feel inspired again, embrace herwith a grin! 39

Love’s seasons come and pass so fast whenyou start feeling older.Who’ll come along to stand with me, letme gently hold her?With chances firm I’ll celebrate, gosinging in the sun.I’ll dance and chant a madrigal to mynew number one.Yet in the end it all comes down to whowill fit the bill.Of just one thing I’m certain, thatsurprises often spill.I’ll have to wait and count the time, untilthat Lady deignsto step down from her palfrey horse andhand to me the reins. 40

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