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Home Explore A Truly Holy Book Of Truth - For This 21st Century

A Truly Holy Book Of Truth - For This 21st Century

Published by zen, 2016-10-15 02:52:57

Description: A Truly Holy Book Of Truth - For This 21st Century

Keywords: secret of life,proof everything God,proof everyhing Jesus,proof everything Christ,proof everything Holy Ghost,proof everything Holy Spirit,proof everything science,proof everything faith,proof everything religion,proof everything multi faith


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The Main Life SciencesBiologyBotanyZoologyGeneticsBiochemistryMedicinal SciencesVeterinary Science and MedicineIn the above ‘conventional’ set of sciences, ‘life’ is strictly definedas ‘biological life’, in a very old, matter-based, mechanistic, andabove all quantitative rather than qualitative way, more or less asfollows: -“Life appears to exist in sufficiently large and complex enough, andsufficiently highly ordered structures or set of structures of atomsand molecules, etc, to: - • Exhibit autonomous and intelligent actions and behaviours • Reproduce other similar systems by division into them • Sustain both the above, merely as a result of absorbing or ‘digesting’ the right chemical ‘nutrients’ from the outside world or ‘environment’. ”The smallest such ‘units of biological life’ are usually regarded asanimal or plant cells – see the diagrams over the page – althoughsome ‘organelles’ or components of such cells are sometimesregarded as ‘alive’ in this same way, such as ‘mitochondria’.Many cells make up one plant, fish, bird or animal – forming asentient creature – which usually contains major limbs and organs– hence the phrase ‘organism’. 45

Section 10Sentient Life, the summit of the Seven Days of Creation - starting by briefly looking at plant and animal cells Animal and Plant Cells The basic Building Blocks of all Intelligent Life as in Sentient Creatures and OrganismsThe two diagrams on the next page, show just how very complexare even plant and animal cells – just the basic building blocks ofplants and animals.One-cell plants are well known, but in general, plants and animalsare composed of very many such cells, always all uniquely differentwithin any such plant or animal.Within living ‘organisms’, many cells form organs and brains, limbs,eyes, and other massively complex and intricate structures in thebody. 46


Are some people right to claim ‘Science has replaced God’?Darwin’s ‘Theory of Natural Selection’ completely collapseshere, by his own admission. Much of genetic science is alsodisproven here, as its numbers totally fail to add up!Charles Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection was published in thelate 19th Century, in his (in?)famous book ‘The Origin of Species’.His Theory proposes a mechanism called ‘Natural Selection’ toexplain how biochemical factors called ‘genes’, of any creature, aresaid to determine every single physical (and indeed mental)characteristic it has. These are seen to modify over time or ‘evolve’in each generation of any plant, bird, fish or animal.Darwin claimed that as all the pairs of creatures in any onegeneration produced offspring, and so another generation, thegenes of one or other parent would be passed on to their childrenon a ‘survival of the fittest’ basis. This was his new ‘Principle ofNatural Selection’.Over enough time, this would be the driving force to make allspecies ‘evolve’. In particular, as they respond to changes tonatural environment, especially food, water supply, livingconditions, and enemies especially predators and disease.To the horror of many religious people, when this ‘Theory of NaturalSelection’ first appeared in the 19th Century, it seemed to push Godthe Creator to one side completely! 48

Charles Darwin foresaw a massive stumbling block to hisvery own ‘Theory of Natural Selection’ - and now this hasindeed made his Theory totally collapse, as he predicted!Even Charles Darwin himself saw a massive stumbling block for hisown ‘Theory of Natural Selection’. For, by itself alone, it could notexplain the origin of the very first members of any species. Inparticular, it could not explain the origin of the very first cell of thefirst member of any species.The only way that Charles Darwin, or indeed any other scientistever since, could offer as the origin of any complete, obviouslyhighly complex, such first cell of a new species, could only ever be: “The random chance of a massively complex cell, being produced by an extremely large, complex and highly ordered set of chemical reactions, from just the right set of chemical constituents’.However, in the last few years a completely opposing ‘Principle ofIrreducible Complexity’ has been produced. This proves extremelyeasily indeed, and above all totally conclusively, just with verysimple, so obviously correct equations, that such a ‘first cell of anew species’ can never be produced by random chance.For, while science claims that our Universe is about 14 billion yearsold, this new Principle shows clearly that it would take vastly manymore times longer than that, for any ‘first cell of a species’ to beproduced as above – by just random chance!Charles Darwin even said that ‘if science cannot show that cellswere originally produced by random chance, my “Theory of NaturalSelection” will definitely be proven to be false’! So Charles Darwinactually completely foresaw, what has now happened: -Charles Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection is provenTOTALLY FALSE. This is by Charles Darwin’s very ownadmission, in his original book, ‘The Origin of Species’! 49

Genetic Science always seems to have gotits figures on the complexity of DNA andRNA, hopelessly and utterly wrong, byfactors near to billions of times out!The recently created Genetic Science shows that ‘genes’ ofheredity, as above, as cited by Darwin’s theory, are in fact usuallyfound in the nucleus of cells, in a macromolecule we saw a pictureof earlier, called DNA.DNA operates with other related macromolecules, mostly RNA, andother smaller molecules in the cell nucleus.DNA contains smaller structures all down its famous ‘double helix’length called ‘bases’. In cells, when they reproduce, RNA and othersystems of molecules ‘read off’ and ‘decode’ these bases in a strictsequence.They build proteins in a sequence ‘read off’ the DNA molecule.Proteins are the major constructors of new generations of cells froma given cell, so in turn building a whole organism, at the top level.Again, a material view! There is a big ‘BUT’ to all this, as forDarwin’s Theory of Natural Selection!Each cell in a normal healthy human body has 46 chromosomes in23 pairs, in total containing in all their DNA, enough ‘bases’ toencode, so as to produce about just 44,000 proteins.However, and it is an enormously huge ‘however’, there are about amassive 100,000,000,000 uniquely different cells in an adulthuman body!Hence there is a huge gap indeed, between these two quantities!There is, quite obviously, such a totally massive number of cells,above all each completely different or ‘variegated’, that they cannotpossibly be manufactured by just 44,000 proteins! 50

Either: - • DNA is not the Genetic ‘Chemical of Life’ after allOr: - • As this entire long paper has now led up to, the sequence of ‘bases’ in DNA can only be seen as an important, yet only very small part indeed, of the true overall picture of reproduction of living creatures.We can only conclude, yet again: - • The vast majority of the information in DNA, which serves to reproduce cells, so living, sentient creatures, must in fact be invisible, and above all Spiritual information! • Creatures cannot possibly reproduce, using just the mere, yet basic, physical sequence of ‘bases’ from the famous ‘genetic code’. As we just saw, the ‘numbers are billions of times out’! • A simply vast, extra supply of Spiritual Instructions must be associated with the DNA and its ‘bases’, in a way that science is challenged to elucidate! 51

A truly anti-materialistic view of the vast numberand variety, of species on Planet Earth (and quitelikely other planets) based on the above discussionsThe theories of Charles Darwin, and others around his time, were ascientific attempt to explain the ever-changing kaleidoscope,constantly seen in all species in nature, of species changing or‘evolving’ in time, over generations, and adapting as conditionsaround them change.Seen in fossil remains over millions of years, and over more recentperiods of time, they said that they found a ‘Tree of Life’, a namecoined from the Bible. They said that this showed that manyspecies do indeed ‘evolve’ into new species, over long periods oftime, as others, like the dinosaurs, have been seen to completelydie out, or become extinct.However, there were dramatic scientific discoveries concerningdinosaurs, in fossil remains found a few years ago in China.Dinosaurs are thought to have been wiped out in the ‘pre-CambrianPeriod’ about 160 million years ago – perhaps by a meteor.Birds are known to have replaced dinosaurs very quickly at thattime, seemingly far better adapted to global conditions afterwhatever really wiped out all the dinosaurs.The scientists in China were astonished to discover fossils ofdinosaurs indeed becoming extinct, according to the age of therocks being about that old. However, the thing that amazed them,was that fossils appeared from the same rocks, clearly showing thatthe dinosaurs ‘evolved’ into completely new bird speciesthen – inside just two or three generations!Fossils normally seem to change or evolve instead, over very manygenerations indeed! So here they saw what seemed to be clearly,an Act of “Emergency Creation”, by God?We just gave devastating arguments, disproving Charles Darwin’s‘Theory of Natural Selection’, and discrediting ‘Genetic Science’. 52

The endless variety in size, intelligenceand physical forms, of the billions ofspecies of living creatures on Planet EarthLiving creatures are obviously very different to the Divine Spiritswhich we have discussed so far. Above all, living creatures aremade of flesh and blood, and are therefore totally visible andphysical, whereas Divine Spirits are both invisible and ethereal.All living creatures in the Wild have one prime concern, ofSurvival, in getting enough food, water, shelter, warmth, andprotection from their natural enemies, or other predators. Mostwild animals, as a direct result, have most of their faculties,especially their intelligence, largely targeted at sheer surviving.Most living creatures, as you know, have this intelligence mostlyconcentrated in their brains in their head. This is assisted by anintegrated and complex nervous system, picking up sensationsfrom around the body, and muscles controlled by the same nervoussystem, directing their bodies to function.As a result of this absolute top priority of animals in the savagewilds of most parts of the Earth to survive, very few animals areknown to develop much reflective capacity, or thinking usingmore than basic mechanical ‘subconscious’ control of their bodies,just to live and above all survive.Those creatures that find survival easiest, as they can simply flyaway from trouble, are birds of the air. As we just saw, birdsappear to have evolved extremely rapidly from dinosaurs, about150 million years ago. Was this in fact an “Emergency Act ofCreation”, by God, after some kind of global disaster at that time?Most people do not appreciate that the amazingly intricate song ofbirds completely indicates a high level of intelligence. Also theymust have souls, too, for their music has been shown to becompletely original, in time, temp, and melody perfect, but veryfast. 53

Other animals are clearly so very affectionate, humorous, artistic,musical or just expressive – that they too simply must have souls!Every living creature, with or without a soul, is built with suchamazing complexity, that it has complete free will. This conceptof free will is common to most sciences, and nearly all faiths andreligions, notably Christianity, the most popular faith in the world.Finally, we hold a brief, yet rather unusual, debateabout the true age of modern humanity, according toscience, and also many world faiths.According to science, the first modern humans appeared around10,000BC, or about 12,000 years ago, after the last Ice Age.The flooding that followed is known to have ended or made extinct,many species then, such as woolly mammoths and sabre-toothedtigers, as well as many kinds of man-like creatures.That left our own apparently new homo sapiens as the onlyhuman-like creatures in the world in the 12,000 years since.The Bible and other Holy Books, however, are often interpretedvery literally, to say that modern humanity was first created byGod, about 6,000 years ago.The Great Flood is described in the Bible, with similar accounts inmany other traditions, with dates for that Flood, from science andthe Bible, differing by quite a small factor, of just 50%.We end this very short, but pithy and fascinatingbook, with quite a tantalising and provocative ‘openquestion’ to think about...Was the Great Flood, as described in the Bible, the very samehistorical event as the End of the Last Ice Age? 54

SOME MASSIVE - PURE EVIL - “STINGS IN THE TAIL”Below is a summary of the original forms taken by the mainEnemies of God – the forty-two components or ‘Evil Spirits’of ‘the Cloak of Darkness of the Devil’.These oppose the forty-two ‘fruits’ of the Holy Ghost and theHoly Spirit, twenty-one each, as we saw earlier. They arethe very opposite of the ‘Spiritual Light of God’The diagram overleaf gives the ‘Original Order of Evil Spirits’. Asprophesied precisely in AD90 in Chapter 13 in the Book ofRevelation in the Christian Bible, this Dark Formation of Evildramatically shape-shifted and re-grouped, from 1946, till now,2016, after the Second World War. • This ‘Darkness’ contains a large number of 42 Evil Spirits, which parody, mock, and are complete Polar Opposites to the ‘Good’, totally ‘constructive’ and ‘creative’, Seven Sevenfold Spirits of God, that we just very fully discussed. • However ‘Evil Spirits’ are totally ‘Evil’ in that they are completely ‘self-contradictory’ - and totally selfish, and totally destructive in their nature. • Unlike the ‘Threefold Nature’ of all the ‘Good Spirits’ that we have seen earlier, ‘Evil Spirits’ all contain two Polar Opposites in conflict. This conflict causes various forms of pure EVIL – pure destruction or destructiveness. The simple basis of the two polar opposites in conflict, of any ‘Evil Spirit’, is easy to show, like two trains approaching head on: - 55

• Very strongly, we can say that any Divine Spiritual Light is, in bvmodern language, ‘wave-like’ or ‘analogue’. Whereas Evil Spirits are DIGITAL (binary) and come from DIGITALIS(M)!• However, it is soon easy to realise that any one Evil Spirit, as in the above sketch, is totally unstable – indeed, it seems certain that the recent work in Astronomy on black holes tells us they are in fact totally ‘evil’ – and contain only Evil Spirits or ‘monopoles’ after they break up – indeed, black holes are made of ‘total destruction’.• To start to get around this enormous problem for them, Evil Spirits actually have only one logical, possible solution. They form themselves into just one very precise shape, in threes, triangles with all three angles precisely 60 degrees each – ‘Infernal Equilateral Triangles’: -• That simple fact is precisely why The Devil has Three Heads. All three serving an Outer Ring of Power of Money or Mammon i.e. Evil. These Three Heads of The Devil are known as Satan, Lucifer and Be’elzebub.• This is also why witches’ hats are triangular, and witchcraft also features tripods, and crucibles with three feet. Finally it is why Chinese Triad gangsters and gangs take that name. 56

• The Bible consistently calls such ‘Infernal Triangles of Evil Spirits’, especially when on various ‘beasts’ seen in biblical prophetic visions, ‘horns’, for obvious reasons.• The diagram over the page, of ‘The Cloak or Ring of Darkness of Money of The Devil’ – the very opposite of the Spiritual Light of God - shows a possible 42 main Evil Spirits.• The Three Heads of the Devil – Satan, Lucifer and Be’elzebub - each head a Coven of Thirteen – the strongest in witchcraft. Which, when taken in four groups of three Coven Members, makes the less powerful Coven Number of just Five, including its Head. 57

The Ring of Power of MONEY ofThe Cloak of Darkness of Pure Evil CASH – MAMMON ‘The Root of All Evil’THE THREE HEADS OF THE DEVILSATAN BE’ELZEBUB‘True’ Evil False ‘Religions’ LUCIFER ‘Free Money’Death & Violence Inflation Lies & DeceitFear & Paranoia Interest HypocrisyHatred & Warfare Profiteering Deluded Thoughts(Violent?) Crimes Taxation Political CorruptionCruelty & Torture Most Banking Empty OpinionsPain & Disease Stock Markets Rumours & HearsayAccusing Drug companies LazinesssPrejudice & Racism Gambling Dens ComplacencyEnviousness Drug Dealing IncompetenceIdol Worship Theft & Blackmail ArroganceSexual ImmoralityTreachery Freemasons Selfishness Most self-styled Ignorance “Professionals” – Doctors, Vets, Dentists, Lawyers, Etc.ALL THREE WERE LIARS FROM THE VERY BEGINNING: -‘I am God’ ‘I do not exist’ ‘God cannot exist’‘I do not exist’ ‘I cannot exist’ ‘I do not exist’ 58


A Truly Holy Book of Truth – For This 21st CenturyThe TRUE scientific basis – the TRUE SCIENCE - of the Opening of theBook of Genesis at the Start of the Bible.The basis of the TRUE Structure of the CREATION of GOD…Simon Richard Lee Guided by & by His And Our LadyArchangel Gabriel of the Triune Goddess – the Holy SpiritBoth share the Same Spiritual Name ‘Hear in the Name of the LORD’- Open Scholar 1967 - 1975, at St Albans School, Hertfordshire, England (sameschool, and science teachers, as famous Cosmology Professor Stephen Hawking... ButSi did far better overall than Stephen Hawking, and has an even larger IQ, partly as aresult, partly from his deep untrained Zen Enlightenment, than Hawking’s ‘180 IQ’!)- Open Scholar, BA, MA 1975-1983 in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Cell Biology,and Computer Science, at King’s College, Cambridge University, England- Chartered Senior Computer Systems Design Engineer and Manager/Consultant- With these letters after his name, NEVER ‘Doctor-er’ (Dr.) in front, thank God! : -CEng, MIEE, MIET, MinstMCZen Buddha Allah === JHWH God === ALpha&OmegAH! 60

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