CONTENTS Index/Irish Interest ......................... 2 Sport ............................................... 5 The Irish Civil War in Days in the Life Non Fiction ..................................... 6 Fiction ............................................ 8 Colour Anne Dolan & William DK ................................................. 12 O’Byrne & Barry Murphy 9780717195862 €24.99 9781802050035 €20.00 Here is the story of Ireland’s From 1918 to 1922 Michael Civil War in colour - a Collins kept working diaries defining moment in Irish of his busy revolutionary life. history brought to life for the In this book, Michael Collins’s first time in hand-coloured biographers, Anne Dolan and photographs. This richly William Murphy, capture the illustrated book gives a nature of this new Collins fresh perspective to the source. conflict. Food ............................................. 14 Inspirational .................................. 15 The Guardians In Our Day Gift .............................................. 16 Children’s ...................................... 18 Stephen Moore Kevin Kearns Annuals ......................................... 21 9781788493390 €29.99 9780717195596 €24.99 Richly illustrated with In Our Day is the culmination historical and contemporary of a life’s work by Kevin photographs, this is the Kearns - a treasure trove official book of An Garda bursting with whispers from Síochána in its centenary the past - 450 vignettes, year. memories and recollections gathered to present an evocative, poignant portrait of a forgotten Dublin. Books of the Year ......................... 22 All prices quoted in our Christmas selection are correct at the time of printing but may be subject to change. Produced and designed by Three Castles Burning Abandoned Ireland Argosy Books, Unit 12, North Park, Donal Fallon Rebecca Brownlie North Road, Finglas, Dublin 11. 9781848408722 €15.95 9781785374326 €27.95 Tel 01 823 9500 Fax 01 823 9599 A companion to the popular Abandoned Ireland travels Three Castles Burning the length and breadth of the Cover image from Fox & Son Tailers by Paddy Donnelly, podcast, wander through island of Ireland visiting and used with permission of The O’Brien Press. some of Dublin’s less obvious documenting our forgotten See pg 17 but more interesting streets buildings, highlighting with local historian Donal their social importance and Fallon. bringing their stories back to life through the medium of photography. 22 All prices in our Christmas selection are correct at the time of printing but may be subject to change
Irish Women’s Speeches The Nana When I Was Your Age Solace The Art of Wild IRISH INTEREST Swimming Vol II Alice Taylor Valerie Cox Catherine Drea Anna Decon & Vicky Allen Sonja Tiernan 9781788493864 €22.99 9781399712279 €17.99 9781788492973 €19.99 9781785304170 €17.99 9781910820841 €25.00 The Irish nana is a repository Grandmother and chronicler On her soulful journey, Full of up-to-date local of family history, memory and of times past Valerie Cox writer and photographer knowledge, invigorating Irish Women’s Speeches (Vol. lore. Alice celebrates her own talks to fellow grandparents, Catherine Drea reflects on stories and quirky tips, The II): A Rich Chorus of Voices nanas, part of the generation creating an unforgettable childhood and adult loss, the Art of Wild Swimming is a follows on from the ground- born after the Great Famine. trip down memory lane. Full healing power of family and brilliant, practical guide to breaking, Voices that Rocked She explores the old and of tender and surprising community and ageing. wild swimming in Ireland the System. The speeches the new, the ‘then’ and reminiscences from across which will help you make the chosen identify how women ‘now’, with her characteristic Ireland, along with revelations most of your wild swims. have shaped and continue to empathy and love. on what truly matters in life. shape Irish culture, language, literature, theatre and art at home and abroad. The Great Lighthouses Ireland’s Guiding Lights The Granite Coast My Perfect Place In All the Things Left Ireland of Ireland Horgan & Butler Peter Pearson Róisín Ingle Unsaid David Hare 9781786051813 €24.99 9781788493543 €35.00 9781785304309 €23.99 Michael Harding 9780717195251 €29.99 A beautiful book capturing Explore Dún Laoghaire and Accompanied by stunning 9781529379181 €17.99 some of Ireland’s magnificent its coastal surroundings with photography and Róisin The Great Lighthouses lighthouses with aerial local painter, historian and Ingle’s brilliant words, My For almost fifty years, Michael of Ireland is a collection photographs by Dennis writer Peter Pearson as he Perfect Place in Ireland Harding has been crafting of striking images and Horgan. reveals the story behind its is a unique and beautiful words in a bid to express fascinating stories about the transformation from rocky collection of stories and himself and to explore truths lighthouses around Ireland’s granite shoreline to grand images of Ireland which will about the human condition. coast and the extraordinary Victorian ‘watering place’. captivate the reader. He wrote letters, with an men and women who lived intimacy not previously and worked in them. risked. Letters that would never be posted but that appear now in All the Things Left Unsaid. The Book of the Skelligs Wild and Wonderful Courting Listen to the Land Speak An Irish Atlantic John Crowley & John Rainforest Sheehan Éanna Ní Lamhna Liadán Hynes Manchán Magan Eoghan Daltun 9781782055396 €49.00 9781788493581 €16.99 9781848408203 €16.95 9780717192595 €22.99 9781399705271 €19.99 Courting: Tractor Dates, This book explores the Éanna explores the wonders Macra Babies and Swiping In this illuminating new Powerfully descriptive, Skelligs, Ireland’s most of our wild world, from a Right in Rural Ireland tells book, Manchán Magan sets lovingly told, An Irish dramatic and beautiful safari in Tanzania to the a variety of honest and out on a journey, through Atlantic Rainforest presents Atlantic islands, and focuses cloud forests of Costa Rica, touching stories of trying bogs, across rivers and over an enduring picture of the particularly on Skellig from rat-hunting in Canada to meet The One in a rural mountains, to trace our regenerative force of nature, Michael, a famous UNESCO to whale watching in New setting. ancestor’s footsteps. He and how one Irishman let it World Heritage Site. Zealand. uncovers the ancient myths happen. that have shaped our national identity and are embedded in the strata of land that have endured through millennia. All prices in our Christmas selection are correct at the time of printing but may be subject to change 3
IRISH INTEREST On Every Tide One Good Day Ireland’s Call Making Sense of a Gaffs United Ireland Sean Connolly David Donoghue Stephen Collins Brendan O’Leary Rory Hearne 9781408709504 €17.99 9780717195572 €24.99 9781786051769 €19.99 9781844886050 €24.50 9780008529581 €17.99 On Every Tide plays directly One Good Day offers an Ireland’s Call is essential Will Ireland really reunite? In Gaffs, housing expert Rory into wider, contemporary absorbing perspective on the reading for all those looking Making Sense of a United Hearne urges us to think debates about migration, drama of the Good Friday to understand the Brexit Ireland is a landmark about the people behind as well as offering a unique negotiations from someone process so far and seeking to exploration of this most the statistics and shows us and distinctive view of two who was right at the centre understand where it will go contentious of issues. that there is a way towards hundred years of Irish history. of the action, alongside in the future. a future where everyone has all the key players such as access to a home. Martin McGuinness, Gerry Adams and many more. Time and Tide Climb with Charlie Lessons from the Bench Quinn The Killing of Father Charlie Bird with Ray Niall Molloy Burke Charlie Bird Gillian Hussey Trevor Birney Maresa Fagan 9780008546755 €18.99 9781785373688 €14.95 9780717192687 €22.99 9781785373992 €19.95 9781915306005 €15.99 A poignant and introspective Climb with Charlie is a This fascinating insight into This is the gripping inside Separating fact from fiction, memoir from Irish journalist joyous record of that the career of a trailblazing story of Ireland’s bankrupt Anatomy of an Injustice - The and broadcaster Charlie unforgettable, emotional day woman reveals the inner billionaire, Sean Quinn, who Killing of Fr Niall Molloy Bird. Here, Charlie reflects on 2 April 2022 when Charlie workings of Ireland’s criminal went from rags to riches re-examines the astonishing on his life and phenomenal completed the momentous courts, explores the changes before gambling it all on circumstances surrounding broadcast career through the challenge and climbed in Irish society and shares Anglo-Irish Bank shares the death of a 52-year-old lens of his diagnosis. Croagh Patrick. some timeless truths learned and became the world’s priest almost forty years ago. from almost 20 years on the biggest personal loser of the bench. economic collapse of 2008. The Yank The Road to Riverdance A History of the GAA in Irish Sporting Lives After the Storm Terry Clavin & Turlough John Crawley Bill Whelan 100 Objects O’Riordan Damian Lawlor 9781785374234 €16.95 9781843518525 €25.00 Siobhán Doyle 9781911479857 €19.95 9781785304118 €19.99 The Road to Riverdance In this powerful and brutally by Bill Whelan is a skilfully 9781785374258 €24.95 Through a selection of sixty This is the incredible story of honest memoir of his attuned record of one of lives from the Dictionary of how the GAA and its people extraordinary experiences, Ireland’s most famous and A History of the GAA in 100 Irish Biography, this book managed to weather the John Crawley details the influential composers. Objects acts as a signpost celebrates the diversity of coronavirus pandemic and gruelling challenges of his to significant moments in Irish sporting history. re-emerge to fight another Marine Corps training and GAA history, offers fresh day. how, not long after his perspectives on a previously discharge, he joined the IRA. overlooked area of enquiry, and presents new ideas not available elsewhere. 4 All prices in our Christmas selection are correct at the time of printing but may be subject to change
All On the Line 100 Great GAA Life Begins in Leitrim Grassroots Vol 2 Point to Point SPORT Padraic Maher Controversies Zak Moradi PJ Cunningham Healy Racing 9781399713276 €19.50 John Scally 9780717194667 €22.99 9781916086395 €19.99 9781788493444 €24.99 In early 2022, Padraic Maher 9781785304156 €17.99 In this brave, touching and Grassroots Vol 2 The Healy Racing photography was forced to retire due to uplifting memoir, Zak Moradi Second Half is a follow-up and Richard Pugh share injury. Here in his memoir, 100 Great GAA reflects on his first 20 years in to last year’s collection of their passion and knowledge he looks at the affect the Controversies is a collection Ireland: the culture shock of stories from the heart of the of Ireland’s unique injury and the decision to of fascinating accounts from landing in small-town Ireland, GAA. It’s a treasure trove point-to-point horse racing end his hurling career had on the field with appearances the plight of refugees of memories, tales and scene. him and in doing so, takes from some famous and worldwide and the skills he incidents spanning over 150 us back through his life and infamous personalities. learned through sport and years. playing career. Including epic tales from the role it plays. Gaelic football, women’s football, camogie and hurling. The Autobiography The People’s Game The Game Intensity On Days Like These Jordan Henderson Gary Neville Micah Richards Pep Lijnders Martin O’Neill 9780241623862 €17.99 9781529395983 €17.99 9780008552893 €19.99 9781914197550 €19.99 9781035008469 €22.00 In his first autobiography, Beneath the glamorous Full of Micah’s signature Liverpool’s blistering brand Martin O’Neill is one of Jordan reveals how an early sheen of the Premier League, cheeky wit, this intimate, of football has revived a the most fascinating and love for the game as a kid is a game that’s rusting and unmissable memoir goes sleeping giant, energised its respected figures in football. became an all-consuming rotten. The People’s Game behind the scenes of the vast army of fans, entertained On Days Like These tells passion. Full of heartache, is Gary’s vision for a brighter beautiful game and a crowds at home and all over the story of his remarkable excitement and triumph, this future. remarkable life and career. the world and redefined career. is a candid insight into the coaching excellence. Now life of a top-flight footballer Pep tells the inside story of as you’ve never read before. a season which, even by LFC standards, has been truly sensational. Away Days Second Sight The Ref’s Call Cold-Water Eden Chased by Pandas Gareth Maher Ian McKinley with Owen Doyle Richie Fitzgerald Dan Martin 9781848408692 €17.95 Gerry Thornley 9781529396058 €19.50 9780008550561 €17.99 9781529427592 €17.99 Celebrating three decades 9781914197499 €19.99 Owen Doyle is an Irish Times An immersive memoir This is Dan Martin’s of Premier League Football. columnist and former Irish about a groundbreaking long-awaited autobiography. Away Days uncovers the In Second Sight McKinley rugby test match referee. surfing career and a It is the celebration of a good, the bad and the ugly tells an astounding sporting Here in his frank, revealing stunning portrait of Ireland true cyclist’s career, which of a league that has been story like no other - and and often humorous memoir, as one of the world’s most will appeal to anyone who’s home to almost two hundred a tale that deserves to The Ref’s Call, he gives a captivating big-wave surfing embraced the weekend Irish players. be heard and applauded, behind-the-scenes glimpse destinations. ride whilst dreaming of the around the globe. There has into the high-pressured mountains. never been a rugby player world of international rugby. quite as remarkable, quite as jaw-droppingly brave, as Ian McKinley. All prices in our Christmas selection are correct at the time of printing but may be subject to change 5
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