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Home Explore Country Strategy Paper V

Country Strategy Paper V

Published by bom, 2015-05-22 13:56:42

Description: Country Strategy Paper V


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FOREWORDIn Vietnam, every family has lost at least one member in the fight against imperialism, expansionism and in protecting the country. This has inspired Vietnam’s faith in peace and development towards a just and democratic society. Vietnam has grown out of painful wounds from war and achieved remarkable success in bringing down the number of people living in poverty from 58% in 1993 to 11.6% in 2010. This is certainly a result of the unconditional investment by the Government before, during and in the decades after the end of the war. It has ensured free education, health care, housing and employment for the people. Through the new developments and being a member of the wider community, Vietnam has started to reform its macro-economic policies and been aligning itself more to an open market economy. This has brought substantive changes to the lives and livelihoods of all people in country, especially impacting the people living in poverty. ActionAid, amongst 800 international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) in Vietnam to date, has contributed by bringing in resources, new approaches to poverty reduction, and most importantly it continues to commit to the equitable and sustainable development of the country. In the last 20 years, AvtionAid has assisted communities in the most difficult areas of the country, mainly in the North-west, Central Highlands and Mekong regions. Changes have been seen in physical infrastructure in irrigation systems, schools, water wells, production models of sustainable agriculture, livestock raising. An increased number of women are taking part in local governance structure, the capacity of girls from ethnic minorities to join higher education is improving and a significant number of women can read, write and plan their own lives after joining AAV’s supported Reflect circles. With this Country Strategy Paper V (CSP V), ActionAid reconfirms its commitments to be in Vietnam, to be a part of the poverty reduction and sustainable development process in country, to bring another Vietnam to the world in the search for solutions and alternatives to neoliberal philosophy of development paradigm. Guided by AAI’s key principles Accountability, Learning and Planning System (ALPS) and being aligned with AAI’s global strategy for 2012-2017, the process of building this Paper has been fully consultative, open and critical to search for solutions and alternatives. AAV staff members and partners, communities and donors, all have contributed to the reviews, discussions and writing of the CSP V. We wish to thank all colleagues from AAV, AAI, partners and donors, particularly members of communities who have spent time sharing with us their views and critiques which have shaped this Paper. With their continued guidance, support and company, it is trusted that expected change results will be achieved. HOANG PHUONG THAO Country Director October 2011 3

COUNTRY STRATEGY PAPER V (2012-2017)CONTENTSFOREWORD ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3CONTENTS .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8CONTEXT ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9OUR VALUES, VISION and MISSION................................................................................................................................................................................. 13OUR IDENTITY AND UNDERSTANDING OF POVERTY AND INJUSTICE .............................................................14WORKING APPROACH............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 15PROGRAM PRIORITIES (PP) .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19PP 1: promote alternative livelihoods and sustainable agriculture ..............................................................................................19PP 2: advance accountability and people-to-people solidarity for social change,increase youth leadership and civil society credibility ................................................................................................................................. 21PP 3: promote equal access to quality education for children ........................................................................................................ 23PP 4: respond to disaster and climate change impacts with people-centered alternatives .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18PP 5: build social and political alternatives for women and girls ................................................................................................... 19ORGANISATIONAL PRIORITIES (OP)............................................................................................................................................................................. 29OP 1: improve aav’s governance to become a full member of aai............................................................................................. 29OP 2: invest in our staff capacity and women’s leadership .................................................................................................................. 30OP 3: improve parnership management and m&e framework .................................................................................................... 31OP 4: stabilize and diversify funding base .................................................................................................................................................................... 32OP 5: transform communication for campaigning .......................................................................................................................................... 33RISK RESIGTER .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34 4

UNITE AND ACT ON JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENTACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONSAAI ActionAid InternationalAAV ActionAid International Vietnam/ActionAid VietnamADB Asian Development BankAFTA ASEAN Free Trade AreaALPS Accountability, Learning and Planning SystemAPF ASEAN Peoples’ ForumASEAN Association of Southeast Asian NationsCBI Capacity Building InitiativeCBO Community-Based OrganizationCC Climate ChangeCP Country ProgrammeCSO Civil Society OrganizationCSP Country Strategy PaperDA/DI Development Area/Development InitiativeEFA Education for AllELBAG Economic Literacy and Budget Accountability for GovernanceFDI Foreign Direct InvestmentGDI Gender Development IndexGDP Gross Domestic ProductGMF Global Monitoring FrameworkHDI Human Development IndexHRBA Human Rights-Based ApproachHROD Human Resources and Organisational DevelopmentINGO International Non-Governmental OrganizationLNGO Local Non-Governmental OrganizationM&E Monitoring and EvaluationMDG Millennium Development GoalsMIC Middle Income CountryODA Official Development AssistancePLWHA People Living with HIV/AIDSPRS Promoting Rights in SchoolsREDD Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest DegradationReflect Regenerated Freirean Literacy through Empowering Community TechniquesSME Small and Middle EnterpriseVHLSS Vietnam Household Living Standard SurveysWSF World Social ForumWTO World Trade Organisation 5



COUNTRY STRATEGY PAPER V (2012-2017)INTRODUCTIONActionAid International Vietnam AAV has gone through four different strategy (AAV) is an organic part of ActionAid phases, each identifying our understanding International (AAI), targeted to be a on the context of Vietnam and directing ourfull member of AAI global federation. AAI actions to eradicate poverty. Country Strategyis present in over 40 countries in Asia and Paper V (CSP V) for the period of 2012-2017Pacific, Africa, Americas, and Europe with has been developed with participation andits head-quarters in Johannesburg, South cooperation of AAV’s different stakeholders,Africa. including communities, partners, academicians, media, policy makers and ActionAid teamActionAid started its programme in Vietnam members. CSP V inherits the results andin 1989 and in 1992 the Representative Office lessons from the last four CSPs. Based onwas registered. Over the two decades, AAV processes of critical reviews and comprehensivehas expanded its presence and programmes consultations CSP V seeks to confirm ourto more than 20 provinces in the poorest solidarity with the poor and marginalized,pockets of the country in the Northwest, our belief in their capacity and agency inCentral Highlands and Mekong regions. changing the power relations and undertakingAAV has been recognized and known alternatives for a life with dignity.well in country for its contribution to thedevelopment of Vietnam. CSP V aims to build solutions and alternatives, open space for AAV to work with youthSince the beginning, the poor and the (the leaders of change), and start buildingexcluded have been at the centre of its collectives of supporters and volunteers,our actions in country. AAV works with who will want to contribute their part indifferent stakeholders in the specific the eradication of poverty and injustice.context of Vietnam and contributes to To further increase its accountability, AAVVietnam’s advancement of people’s rights to commits to invest significantly in refiningdevelopment and dignity. the Monitoring and Evaluation system and procedures to better ensure programmeIt is recognized by Vietnam’s Communist quality and consolidation. It will have aParty XI Congress in January 2011 that the special investment in knowledge buildingcurrent growth model of the country is not and to find and promote alternatives to thesustainable and not promoting equality. current model of unjust and unsustainableAlthough the number of people living development. In this new period, AAV willbelow the poverty line has been reduced also seek to improve its internal governancedrastically in the last 20 years, poverty and with a governing board and be an equaldisparities have reached crisis levels. Poverty member of AAI federation.has come to its core and the rich-poorgap has been extensively widened. New The journey guided by this document is ourdevelopment prospects have heightened aspiration, shared vision and commitmentsthe individual rights and broken the for change to a sustainable, just and equalstrength of collective rights. society.8

UNITE AND ACT ON JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENTCONTEXTThe comprehensive socio-economic of World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2007. Vietnam reforms initiated by the Government In 2010 it joined the club of Middle Income has been of Vietnam (GoV) in the late 1980s have Countries (MIC). Overcoming the painful exemplifiedsignificantly changed Vietnam’s economy. It past, the country now opens its arms to as one ofhas changed from severe stagnation before integration into the wider world. It is believed the greatestthe 1980s to an average annual growth rate that by opening up to economic reforms Millenniumof around 7% during the past two decades. and international trade, Vietnam will benefit DevelopmentAccording to Vietnam Household Living immensely in terms of greater access to the Goal (MDG)Standard Surveys (VHLSS), the poverty world market, more foreign direct investment, successes inincidence decreased from 58% to 11.6% and access to instruments for “protection Asia and thebetween 1993 and 2010. Simultaneously, against protection”. At the same time, gaps world.Vietnam’s progress in human development between the development levels of areas inhas been evident in the improvement of the country, poor class and “new rich group”the human development index (HDI) and have also significantly increased. Integrationgender development index (GDI)1. With these of Vietnam into international institutionsachievements, Vietnam has been exemplified especially free trade areas (FTAs) createsas one of the greatest Millennium Development challenges in domestic economy production,Goal (MDG) successes in Asia and the world. impoverishes thousands of poor people who are at the fragile near-poor level. It may alsoIn the international arena, Vietnam has joined prevent the marginalized from being able tothe Southeast Asia Association of Nations access and control resources and decision(ASEAN) since 1995. It has slowly become making related to their own active member of the ASEAN Free TradeArea (AFTA) and became the 150th member Vietnam is generally considered a rural1 Rating available. Sources: UNDP Development Reports 2005 - 2010 9

COUNTRY STRATEGY PAPER V (2012-2017) economy in transition to industrial society, production conversion of agricultural land where more than 70% of population live and for industrial and commercial use will be earn a living in the rural sector and less than unavoidable. This raises serious concern 30% in urban places, the urban-industrial about the adverse effects on displaced sector accounts for 80% of its GDP in 2006, households in terms of livelihood disruption, while the rural sector contributes only 20%. food insecurity and social and cultural At the beginning of the reforms in 1990s, the dislocation. The massive exploitation of respective numbers are 61% and 39%. limited natural resources has changed the livelihood structure of communities in rural The non-inclusive nature of the current and remote area, making them vulnerable phase of rapid growth has worsened the if there is no effective support for ensuring inequalities as never before. There are different their sustainable development. inequalities. Income inequality has increased There are severe ethnic inequalities. In 1993, ethnic minority groups had a poverty rate of 1.6 times the rest of the population. In the decade till 2010, the ethnic minorities had poverty rates of 5.1 times higher than the rest of Vietnamese society. A statistic by UNDP estimates that the income of 44% of the Vietnamese population is close the poverty line and they may fall into the poverty trap at any time if encountering a shock. Economic between regions, within regions, between Gender based violence puts obstacles on the growth does sectors and amongst the sectors. State access of women and girls to different publicnot necessarily development programmes and projects have services, limiting their participation in the bring wealth helped improve infrastructure and create new political process. This in turn makes them moreor livelihoods. opportunities for economic growth. However, vulnerable to different forms of social, economic, Urbanization, thousands of households have lost their political and cultural discrimination and stigma, land and livelihoods options. Urbanization, affecting their rights to live with dignity. Women pollution, pollution, migration, social unrest, corruption and children are both excluded. migration, are clearly observed. corruption Vietnam is hard hit by the impact of climate are clearly Land and natural resources are vital change and the rise of sea level. If the sea observed. productive assets for the poor. In Vietnam, level rises 1 meter 10% of the population around 70% of poor people depend on will be directly affected and a loss of 10% of agricultural production as their main GDP may happen. If there is not any solution, source of income. Land is relatively evenly by 2100, Vietnam will loose at least 12.2% of distributed in Vietnam, which is a crucial land, which is home to 23% of the country’s factor contributing to the success of Vietnam population. Many places will be flooded in hunger eradication and poverty reduction for months and economic damage may in the past decade. However, in the years to reach USD 17 billion every year. As a country come, with the pressures for urbanization, prone to natural disasters and with climate industrialization and market oriented change tendency, Vietnam will face more natural disasters in the years to come. These will seriously affect the achievements of the 10

UNITE AND ACT ON JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENTpoverty reduction process. Most hard hit issues. The expansion of internet coverage has Climate changewould be the Mekong delta which is home to also played an important role in promoting could impact25 million people and occupies 67% of total a more open society. However, there is a up to 12.2%rice production in the country. wide gap between speed of changes in the of Vietnam’s superstructure and in the infrastructure. The land and 23%Vietnam’s listing as an MIC implies a infrastructure has swiftly improved, under of the country’sdecreasing attention on poverty reduction, the driving forces of economic liberalization, population.but increasing investment on economic especially by the private sector. Whilst thegrowth. The direction of “socialization” of influencing power of the elites, market forcespublic services results in less access of the and interest groups have increased therepoor people to essential public services such are a number of obstacles hindering theas health care and education. MIC status has active participation in the political processesconstricted official development aid (ODA) to for people living in poverty, particularlyVietnam from development grants to loans. women, ethnic minorities, youth and other disadvantages groups. For the first time,In 2010, the total foreign exchange earning alongside with conventional meetings andto the tune of about USD 80 billion, import dialogues within the Party, a free and openof about USD 96 billion. Vietnam’s trade web- based consultation with people acrossbalance has always been in deficits resulting Vietnam on the socioeconomic strategyfrom so high influx of luxury goods, showing development till 2020 by the Party shows thatthe big gaps in income of different groups the space is opening up and people voice isin the society. The trade imbalance has also now more heard through institutional channels.significantly increased the dependence ofVietnam in Dollars as a currency and the Significant efforts by the State were put in aeconomy has been dollarized popularly. thorough reform of the Public AdministrationInflations in the last few years have been and Judicial systems, spearhead the waysrocketing, with the highest in 2008 of 26.7% forward for Vietnam to be a country that rules ofand 2010 of 18%. Labour costs therefore law will prevail. It is commendable also becausebecome much higher and Vietnam is losing Vietnam has shown its actions to ensure thatin the international competition on product people views and voice are an integrated partsale. This shows vulnerabilities of Vietnam’s of the reform processes, through different lawseconomy as it fails to support the vulnerable in and legal policies. Civil society organizations arethe storm of price rocketing, sky-rise inflation the bridge brining the wills of these laws andand scattered social protection system. policies to actions on ground.Together with the shift from a centralized Against this backdrop, one can see this as anplanning and bureaucratic economy to a opportunity to underscore the reality and“market with socialist orientation economy”, bring to the forefront the question and debateVietnam has been changing in a more open of growth, exclusion, inequality, discriminationway in governing the country towards a more and solutions. The CSP V has been developeddemocratized process. Recently it is possible to to explore available spaces, highlightingsee a stronger power of the National Assembly the areas of concerns for the poor andand the critical role of the media in policy marginalized and engaging in policy dialoguesformulation and monitoring. The political influencing and making positive changes.awareness and influence of the middle class It also seeks for alternatives and solutionsand youth has been seen as the driving force for poverty reduction and sustainableof social debates and actions over certain development, to end injustice. 11


UNITE AND ACT ON JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENT OUR VALUES, VISION AND MISSION Our Values: these are the values guiding all of our work to transform ourselves, the society, the community, the culture and to free people from poverty and injustice. • Solidarity with people living in poverty, the powerless and the excluded. • Transparency and Accountability • Independence and neutrality from any religious or party-political affiliation. Our vision: A world without poverty and injustice in which every person enjoys the right to life with dignity. Our mission: To work in solidarity with people living in poverty to eradicate poverty and injustice. 13

COUNTRY STRATEGY PAPER V (2012-2017) OUR IDENTITY AND UNDERSTANDING OF POVERTY AND INJUSTICE AAV is a OUR IDENTITY AAV seeks to continue its commitments and national- confirmation of the approach with refinement,international AAV is a national-international organization so that poverty eradication will be addressedorganization working alongside people in the struggle for from people’s angles that will enhance working a world free of poverty and injustice. environmental friendly solutions for sustainable alongside and equal development.people in the Seeking alternatives to a situation of povertystruggle for a and injustice requires a collective understanding It is our belief that poverty will not endworld free of and actions for change, AAV works together if patriarchy is not challenged and poverty and with different groupings of poor and eradicated. Changing the position of women injustice. marginalized people, communities, knowledge and girls will bring about substantive changes institutions, civil society organizations, and other in the power balance and social justice. stakeholders to make change sustainable. Promotion of women’s rights is an integral part of our position and actions. AAV is rooted with communities to learn from communities on possible alternatives AAV believes that poor and excluded people for progressive social change. AAV commits are at the center and are the primary to be internationalist, independent, feminist agents of change in the development process. partner of all who share the same vision and Poverty and injustice can be eradicated only mission with us. when they are able to take charge of their lives and act to claim and enjoy their rights. In all OUR UNDERSTANDING OF our actions and initiatives we will continue to POVERTY take sides with individuals and groups, more so with women, who are denied to their human To AAV, poverty is a consequence of a rights, dignity and justice. While taking sides historic process of exclusion and injustice. we will not be constrained by the divide Poverty brings more injustice and keeps people between public and private spheres or by any undignified. With the current socio-economic geographical or political boundaries. and political agendas of globalization, poverty and injustice are deepened and furthered. Poverty is human-made and can be changed. It has both national as well as international dimensions to it. AAV has been known in country for pioneering human rights based approach to development, which promotes agency of people living in poverty and injustice for a change to dignify their lives. In this CSP V period, 14

UNITE AND ACT ON JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENTWORKING APPROACHPRIMARY PARTNERS analysis, communication, power and rights, AAV will public service assessment, budget monitoring maintainAAV works with many different partners, will be discussed and improved. These the strategicprimarily including: the poor, the excluded empowerment processes are crucial for presence in theand marginalized people. These can be building effective mobilization and strategic key regionswomen, people from minorities, land-lost & action, supporting grassroots organisations in rural andlandless people, migrants and other groups and strengthening social movements that urban poorsuffering from social discrimination and represent excluded groups and their causes. areas, whilepoverty. Within these groups, we specifically enhance theengage with women, youth and children. Solidarity elements will be further programme strengthened by connecting and organizing qualityWith the experience gained from our initiative people committed to a common cause. consolidation.on youth empowerment and mobilization, Learning from the past, AAV will play anwe recognize that youth are an important active role in enhancing country to countrysocially aware & politically active group. They friendship and solidarity, strengthening ourare powerful drivers of change and in this work on the regional, global forums such asstrategic period, we commit to working more ASEAN Peoples’ Forum (APF), World Socialwith young people and their organizations. Forum (WSF) and similar processes to promoteWe will invest in the capacity of youth to alternatives.find rights-based alternatives, to be theactive group on our mission implementation We will improve our work on campaigningprocess at local and national levels, to organise and influencing to ensure the sustainabilityand to run campaigns. of the change. Advocacy and policy analysis at local and national levels, engaging moreHOW WE WORK meaningfully in policy reforms with our evidence based researches, sensitizing andThe human rights-based approach defines working with the media as well as improvingall our work. Elements of empowerment, our documentation will be at the core.solidarity and campaigning will guide us onprograming. We are committed to asserting Our partnerships and alliances arethe indivisibility and inter-connectedness of important to our approach. We build long-rights, recognizing that for people to enjoy term partnerships with community-basedtheir rights we need to change not only the groups/organisations and their networks.political, socio-economic policies and practices Whilst respecting their autonomy we willbut also our own attitude and behaviour. support to share learning across issues, sectors, movements and geographies to build aEmpowerment elements of the approach formidable movement for change. We alsowill continue. In the empowerment process, work in alliances with many different actors,different skills such as household economic including NGOs, networks, unions, campaigns. 15

COUNTRY STRATEGY PAPER V (2012-2017)With the increasing role of private sectors,consumers in the country, we will consider andmay build alliances with consumers’ unionsand selected & progressive companies.Given the political environment available,we will continue our efforts to explore thepotential for policy influencing and advocacypossibilities through our innovative approachto advance alternatives for change.WHERE WE WORKIn the past strategies, AAV has presented itselfthrough our support development programsin more than 20 provinces from north tosouth, from rural to urban and in the poorestareas of the country. In the coming period wewill improve our work in urban areas whilecontinuing our engagement with rural andmountainous areas. AAV will maintain strategicrepresentation in the poorest areas of thecountry with a clear priority to consolidateprogramme quality. Expansion will beconsidered carefully, taking into accountthe resources available and the potentialopportunity for making change, working onstrategic issues and bringing about pro-people alternatives. 16


UNITE AND ACT ON JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM PRIORITIES (PP) PP 1: PROMOTE ALTERNATIVE LIVELIHOODS AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE Vietnam has gained significant successes in promoting export oriented agriculture production, but this model is now recognised as unsustainable. Peasants have been introduced to advanced farming practices, modern varieties/breed of crops, poultry and livestock. While there are certain groups of people that have benefited from the increased production, export-oriented agriculture production has raised serious concerns regarding the negative impacts on the environment and agriculture ecosystems. Land and natural resources are being depleted. It makes poor peasants become dependent on expensive technologies and certainly puts more burdens on the shoulders of women. Market has been a significantly influential actor in vulnerability of livelihoods and poverty in Vietnam. There has also been initiatives by different actors showing the possibilities of engaging peasants with scientists, distributors and therefore making their access to market easier. One of the main concerns is about sustainability of the production and equity of distribution. Peasants are also exposed to serious loss due to fluctuation of the market resulting from speculation, amongst others.

COUNTRY STRATEGY PAPER V (2012-2017) By 2017, four Advancing alternative: organizations, promoting different forms thousand Working with peasants, women and ethnic of collaboration including cooperatives. minority people, to secure their rights to food, • Support landless and land-lost poor women living AAV will support women and indigenous people to pursue off-farm and non-farm in poverty, groups to strengthen their control over livelihoods in both rural and urban areas. land and natural resources. AAV will collect,peasants in 70 introduce and replicate alternative livelihoods Expected results: communities that have been generated against neoliberal • By 2017, four thousand women living in mechanisms. Through working with unions of and 2,000 farmers, labour, youth, academia, media and poverty will have improved livelihoods landless and networks at all levels farmers collective power with more ecological production practices, will be strengthened. We will support their better control of land and natural landlost demands for policies that support just and resources and resilience to climate change. people will sustainable governance of food systems and • By 2017, peasants in 70 communities willhave improved natural resources. be better organized and have stronger collective power, in order to improve living Interventions: their production efficiency and market conditions • Facilitate, document, replicate and competiveness, resilience to climate by livelihood change alternatives. advocate for models of environmental • By 2017, two thousand landless and land- friendly and low-input production lost people will have improved living as alternatives to commercial over- conditions by pursuing suitable livelihood exploitation of ecosystems for food alternatives. production. • Government and other stakeholders will • Strengthen peasants’ collective pay more attention and investment to power and market competiveness via support alternative livelihoods for the improving value chains, supporting their benefits of peasants, of women and marginalized people. 20

UNITE AND ACT ON JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENTPP 2: ADVANCE ACCOUNTABILITY AND PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLESOLIDARITY FOR SOCIAL CHANGE, INCREASE YOUTH LEADERSHIPAND CIVIL SOCIETY CREDIBILITYDuring the wars, Vietnamese people building among members of civil society is became known for their patriotism. fragmented. After the wars, they have become known for their commitment to peace Vietnam has started working with different and development. Lessons from Vietnam’s countries from the South in Asia, Africa and experience of reconciliation, peace building Latin America, in poverty reduction. Vietnam’s and poverty reduction should be a starting agronomists have been supporting Algeria point for anyone who looks for solutions to to improve its agro-extension systems, development from ground, for reasons to telecommunication technicians have been proceed with socialism and social equality. reaching Haiti to help poor children to access to high speed and quality internet, volunteer People taking part in the process of decision youth have been in Cuba, Brazil for medical making, implementing and monitoring care, teachers in Laos and Cambodia, and processes that impact their lives is not strange millions of migrant workers from Vietnam to the governance of Vietnam. People have been working in Germany, East voice their views generally through mass organizations and people’s councils. In fact, Europe, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, Middle East, there have been a number of progressive contributing their own young and energetic polices ensuring legal frameworks for people lives to the wealth of the countries. to participate in deciding and monitoring policies and public services. The Grass-root Advancing alternative: Democracy Act is one of them. Although AAV works with the most excluded groups to there are achievements, the implementation enhance their capacity and build the agency of the Act and other related policies has of change. Accountability and participatory been impeded by the lack of supportive tools will be extensively promoted and mechanisms, limited awareness, and used. By facilitating and mobilizing direct insufficient information to the people. engagement of women and excluded people in issues of local importance we will It is seen that recently the National Assembly support frontline struggles to secure quality has performed a more significant role in the public services, open up democratic space, political life of the country. Media, especially and confront corrupt practices. AAV will social media has been widely recognized for its power of information and as a tool of mobilization, particularly used by the young and middle class groups. Non-government groups and non-formal institutions at all levels are expected to play a stronger role in the changing context. Inadequate organizational capability, credibility, experience and political perspectives to take forward a process where people’s views and voices are better heard, all obstruct progress. Networking and alliance 21

COUNTRY STRATEGY PAPER V (2012-2017)support and work with youth, middle class, social exclusion. AAV continues to bringpeople’s formal and non-formal organizations/ Vietnam to the world and the world tonetworks to critically engage with the media, Vietnam through its people to peopleacademia and policy makers to promote the solidarity programmes, exchanges andgovernment’s efficiency, transparency and peer learning for social change.accountability. AAV facilitates and supports thefacilitation of people to people exchange for Expected results:solidarity, to mobilize young people for shared- • By 2017, women, youth and minoritylearning across the regions, across countries,and continents. groups in more than 70 communities where AAV works will have critical abilityAAV, in collaboration with related to understand and analyze poverty andorganisations in available networks, conducts political economy, public administrationquality research as an input for campaigning and development issues. They will beand policy advocacy. It holds trainings to empowered to take action holding thestrengthen the capacity for development government accountable for its services tostakeholders. people, influence the legal frameworks on rights to information, to social protectionInternationally, AAV identities key countries and employment.that it wants to focus the investment in • In at least 50 communities where AAVpeople to people exchange in Asia, Europe, works, women, youth and minorityAmerica and Africa. groups will have active participation in the process of monitoring and assessmentInterventions: of public administration and services• Support to build the critical analysis (education, healthcare, extension) and development projects. capability of poor women, minority • From 2014-2017, AAV will have built a groups, middle class, media and youth hub that provides capacity building via awareness raising campaigns, capacity and a networking platform for non- building activities and the operation government groups and informal of local governance groups. Different institutions in Vietnam and other accountability and participatory tools neighboring countries in Southeast Asia. are used to facilitate direct engagement It will increase the capacity, credibility of target groups in local administration and solidarity of these organizations for reform and in the monitoring of different leadership in social change. political and development processes. • By 2014 onwards AAV will have been a• Support to advance the capability of leading organization for the sensitization, youth, non-government institutions mobilization and networking of the and formations by interactions with youth, young-minded and enthusiastic various stakeholders at different levels, people in Vietnam. The people who take strengthening their networking nationally action to help the poor and the excluded and building solidarity with regional and in Vietnam lead a life with dignity. international networks. • People to people exchanges with key• Sensitise and unite youth, young-minded countries identified are supported at least and enthusiastic people to help different two times during the period of 2014-2017. groups of people against poverty and22

UNITE AND ACT ON JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENTPP 3: PROMOTE EQUAL ACCESS TO QUALITY EDUCATION FORCHILDRENEducation is recognized as the right and movements of school management, teachers, By 2017, 90% responsibility of every citizen in Vietnam’s parents and community to reform policies and of girls and Constitution. Despite the Government practices so that we can realize the potential boys in 100 commitments, social recognition and legal of education to promote a more equal and schools in the frameworks available, education remains sustainable world. communities a luxury for many children, women and where we people of minorities. Education and training Interventions: work will facilities are poor or absent for many. It is • Improve the access to compulsory and have enjoyed much more difficult for children not having good quality a birth certificate to access. Education suffers quality education for all by promoting education from a high drop - out rate; geographical a safer and non-discriminatory learning which respects and ethnicity disparities; inadequate roles environment. This focuses on removing their rights, of parents’ and teachers associations and the language barrier for the children and and school community participation in governance and active teaching for the improvement of governance monitoring education. Further key barriers quality education. will have been include language barriers, discrimination • Mobilize participation to school significantly against girls, children with HIV/AIDS or management and governance by improved. disability, lack of quality teachers and an strengthening the roles of communities, appropriate curriculum relevant to the needs teachers-parents associations and of the children. Vietnam may have made monitoring school governance to improve progress towards achieving the six EFA goals accountability in schools. adopted in 2000 but it is a visible risk that the • Support our allies and networks at all 2015 EFA targets may not be universally met. levels (local to international) to develop alternative models of promoting rights Since economic growth has been prioritized, in schools (PRS), teacher training and spending and investing in education have curriculum development. To improve been “socialized”. This implies that private financing for education, so that and social source of funding is promoted for education contributes to wider social, education (and other public services). With economic and ecological justice. this, education and rights to education for all, especially for vulnerable children is not fully Expected results: accessible, affordable or acceptable. • By 2017, 90% of girls and boys in 100 schools Advancing alternative: in the communities where we work will We will work with children, youth, parents have enjoyed good quality education which and school teachers in their core roles to respects their rights, and school governance work with other stakeholders ensuring rights will have been significantly improved. to education for all, especially children. We • By 2017, 3,000 youth will be mobilized and want to ensure appropriate schools for all supported to organize their local activism children and where rights of girls and boys are on equal rights to quality education and respected, and where values of equality and increased public financing for education. justice are nurtured and promoted. We will link • By 2017, 5 initiatives will be piloted and this work to local, national and international replicated in the areas where we work to promote equal access to quality education. 23

COUNTRY STRATEGY PAPER V (2012-2017) PP 4: RESPOND TO DISASTER AND CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS WITH PEOPLE-CENTERED ALTERNATIVES Vietnam is one of the most disaster- methodologies and our focus on climate prone countries in the world, with resilient agriculture and livelihoods, AAV about 70% of the population at will work with the most vulnerable groups. risk of typhoons, torrential storms and Women’s leadership will be encouraged in flooding. The country’s long coast line, the building of local resilience in disaster risk mountainous terrain, large number of reduction, climate change adaptation and rivers and tropical climate all make storms, reduced vulnerability to CC and disaster. AAV heavy rains, flooding, landslides and will also start documenting and replicating typhoons regular and damaging. Mekong good practices and people-centered solutions Delta is one the three most vulnerable to CC and disasters. deltas in the world. Interventions: Annually, disasters cause losses • Promote women leadership to efficiently equivalent to 1.5% country’s GDP. The over-exploitation of natural resources as respond to disasters; develop resilience trade-off to economic growth contributes and preparedness for communities at local to the climate change (CC) impacts on the levels and enhance networking, researches, country and its people. It is expected that especially in the Me Kong River area for Vietnam will face increasing frequency of advocacy campaign and solidarity building disasters and extreme weathers. These at national and international levels. disasters kill people, demolish homes and • Identify, promote and replicate people- destroy farmland, leaving people with no centered alternatives to disaster way to earn a living, pushing them back preparedness and response as well as coping into the poverty trap. strategies by the people to CC impacts through engaging with youth, media, policy 100,000 In the recent years, the GoV has put makers, corporates, academia and donors. people will efforts into responding to disasters join hands to through risk reduction and preparedness Expected result:have identified and by building different scenarios for • By 2017 over 100 villages will have built CC impacts. However no clear progress people- or alternatives has emerged. Political effective disaster risk reduction and centered commitment is clearly strong but there climate change adaptation systems and alternatives are still big gaps in resilience building for capacities. to climate communities and capacity building for • By 2017 at least 100,000 people local authorities. At the same time, a start experiencing disasters will have been change has been made to visualize experiments assisted in ways which respect and impacts. and solutions that people can adopt to strengthen rights, support recovery cope with disasters and adapt to climate of livelihoods, empower women and change impacts. promote solutions for long-term change. • AAV will have identified, documented, Advancing alternative: promoted and replicated at least two Drawing on our disaster risk management concrete people-centered alternatives to CC experience, our participatory impacts with active participation by women, youth, media, policy makers, corporates, academia and donors by end of 2017. 24

UNITE AND ACT ON JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENTPP 5: BUILD SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ALTERNATIVES FORWOMEN AND GIRLSVietnamese girls and women participate against girls and women. Vietnamese actively in poverty reduction and The first GoV’s National Strategy on girls and development of their own families, Gender equality from 2011 to 2020 has womencommunities and country. However, they laid an important foundation for women’s participatecontinue to suffer from discriminations, empowerment and advancement in different actively inviolence, obstacles and gender disparities in spheres. Believing that gender inequality is one povertyaccess to public services, employment and of the critical causes of poverty and injustice, reduction andeconomic opportunities, income, control AAV has been advancing women’s rights with developmentover their body, and most importantly to support from all communities where we work of their ownpolitical share. Most of the time, their work at for many years. Working together to build families,home and at work is unpaid, inappropriately social and political alternatives for women communitiesrecognized and seen as done by women only. and girls will be both a stand-alone and a and country.The model of export oriented production, mainstreamed priority for AAV’s programmedisaster and climate change impacts and the throughout.“race to the bottom” escalates migration bothwithin country and across countries. Women Advancing alternative:migrants may have more opportunities Women and women’s leadership will beto improve their lives through economic supported promoting women’s rights to aindependence but are exposed to an better control over their body; their time andincreased risk of abuse and exploitation at labour. In this process, AAV will work with all,work and at home. Worldwide, Vietnam has especially boys and men who support thethe third highest abortion rate for teenagers. change and seek to educate and improveTraditional norms and practices, social biases the recognition of women’s rights in the community, school teachers, parents, Different stakeholders at all levels will be mobilized and supported for policy advocacy and campaigning on social and political alternatives for women’s rights and gender equality.teenagers and youth on sexual reproductive Interventions: Most of thehealth prevail. Lack of essential life skills and • Strengthen awareness and capacity for time, their workpolitical views against gender inequality at home and atfor teenagers and youth maintains the women and girls so that they can protect work is unpaid,exploitation and sexual abuse and violence themselves from any forms of gender inappropriately based violence and have access to free recognized and of discrimination to health care, social, seen as done by economic, legal services, decent jobs and women only. equal employment. • Build potential women’s capacity on leadership and support them to become women leaders in both social and political spheres. • Strengthen community groups and link them with networks and movements at 25

COUNTRY STRATEGY PAPER V (2012-2017) national, regional and international levels so that they can fight against gender based violence and injustice.• Facilitate campaigns and advocacy focusing on changing stereotyped norms, practices and any forms of discrimination against women. Advocate for an increased budget allocation for the women’s rights agenda.Expected result:• By 2017 over 15,000 women and girls in rural and urban areas will have been organized to challenge and reject all kinds of gender-based violence that would have denied them to control over their bodies, time and labour; discrimination against economic and employment opportunities and active participation at public spaces.• By 2017, 10,000 women and girls will have secured their access to quality health, social, economic and legal services free of discrimination through a progressive social protection mechanism.• By 2017, 1,000 women will have been able to exercise their rights to participate in social and political spheres.• By 2017, people’s institutions in Vietnam will have actively engaged in national and international processes to significantly influence the policies for increased State budget allocation for protecting the rights of women and girls. 26



UNITE AND ACT ON JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATIONAL PRIORITIES (OP) OP 1: IMPROVE AAV’S GOVERNANCE TO BECOME A FULL MEMBER OF AAI AAV began in country in 1989. It is recognized and registered in Vietnam as an INGO. Whilst it is highly recognized by partners for the contribution to poverty reduction in country, being an INGO prevents AAV from having a national identity in policy advocacy or fund raising campaigns locally. At the AAI Federation, AAV has been a country programme (CP) and represented at the AAI federation by AA UK Board and management. This however misses a local and southern view from Vietnam to the decision making processes at AAI global level. Having a Board of Trustees will help AAV to significantly improve its governance and management for better programme quality, more accountability and efficiency. Taking the current legal framework available in Vietnam, AAV will seek for alternatives to improve its governance while maintaining the status of being a national member of an international federation, whose aim is to end poverty and injustice. Advancing alternative: A Board of Trustees will be formed with members who are known for their expertise and leadership in human rights, people’s mobilization, development and people to people solidarity. 29

COUNTRY STRATEGY PAPER V (2012-2017) Interventions: honoured members and enhance internal • Review legal frameworks of Vietnam, governance of AAV and of the Board. compare with AAI governance Expected result: requirements for being a full member By 2017, AAV will be a full member of AA • Disseminate and consult with AAV’s staff, federation with National Board of Trustees, while partners and other stakeholders on the enhancing mutual accountability with support transition of AAV from International Secretariat. • Form the National Board of Trustees with OP 2: INVEST IN OUR STAFF CAPACITY AND WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP Thorough AAV has been well known for its quality of HRBA in development and ensure application team and its commitment to building staff they acquire the necessary attributes for of the highest capacity. Colleagues in AAV are recognized accomplishing our organizational missions. standard of for their state-of-the-art knowledge andaccountability, extensive experience in working with Interventions: transparency, communities and stakeholders at policy • Build an organizational culture that level on issues and pro-people solutions for and development. promotes knowledge building and effectiveness nurtures staff capacity. Develop women’s With CSP V, it is time for AAV to take leadership through incentives, core of the the team to a new level of expertise, training, policies, procedures, strategies organisation consolidation and commitment by applying and programmes the Human rights based approach (HRBA) to • Reinforce the learning practice and sharing is practised development by addressing new scenarios of all policies in staff inductions, promote to poor and of poverty, especially with impacts of secondment, immersion and staff climate change, issues in urban areas, as exchange with other organisations. excluded well as possible contributions to wider • Introduce a “green office” and encourage people, other ActionAid and civil society in the region and staff to practice “green work and life stakeholders internationally. style” as part of practicing organizationaland ourselves. commitments and contributing to Advancing alternative: reducing climate change impacts. AAV will create opportunities for staff to enhance their knowledge in the application Expected result: • By 2013, there will be a comprehensive management system. This will support the sharing of values and culture, through the implementation of policies and procedures and the following up of performance appraisal outcomes. It is to the delivery of our strategy and highlight staff capacity, women leadership and green practices. • Thorough application of the highest standard of accountability, transparency, and effectiveness of the organisation is 30

UNITE AND ACT ON JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENT practised to poor and excluded people, work and life style. 100% of women staff other stakeholders and ourselves. will be provided with leadership training• By 2013, 100% F&F staff and 50% of AAV and at least 1 woman member developed staff will be provided with F&F specific to be a Senior staff or qualified to work skill training. 100% AAV staff will be fully regionally or internationally. conscious of and proactively practise greenOP 3: IMPROVE PARNERSHIP MANAGEMENT AND M&EFRAMEWORKWorking in partnership is a crucial to enhancement of CSOs legitimacy, Participatory approach for AAV in empowerment, accountability and credibility in country. baseline and mobilization, solidarity and Interventions: indicators arecampaigning. During the last two decades, completedAAV has been able to build relations and • Review and improve the current for the M&Ecooperation for poverty reduction with partnership management and monitoring system by thehundreds of partners at all levels. They have policies, procedures and systems. end of 2012.included communities, non-formal local From 2013,institutions, government organizations and • Set up and implement in consultation indicators orauthorities, mass organizations, academia, with all related partners the operation areas of changeelected bodies and representatives, peer principles, responsible staff, indicators, are definedINGOs, networks of like-minded local NGOs, local participatory baseline for the M&E and beingdonors, media and others. A common vision system to measure the change and ensure used in dailyhas been built and changes to eradicate accountabilities managementpoverty delivered. and Expected result: monitoring.In this strategic period, AAV will continue to • By end 2012, Partnership Managementdeepen its work in partnership with newlevels. While continuing to consolidate our and monitoring policies, procedures andrelations and cooperation with current systems in AAV will have been reviewedpartners, AAV will strengthen its assistance and revised for partners in 20 provinces and various bases • Participatory baseline and indicators areof supporters. It is vital for AAV to revitalize completed for the M&E system by the endits well-grounded system of partnership of 2012. From 2013, indicators or areas ofmanagement. This system will help AAV change are defined and being used into design an M&E framework to fulfill the daily management and monitoring.multiple accountabilities of AAV– both upwardand downwards accountability, ensuring thatstakeholders and rights holders are kept wellinformed.Advancing alternative:AAV seeks to develop a partnershipmanagement system and an M&E frameworkto ensure better delivery of our programmesat effective costs while contributing 31

COUNTRY STRATEGY PAPER V (2012-2017) OP 4: STABILIZE AND DIVERSIFY FUNDING BASE By 2017 Vietnam’s recent achievement of MIC will be able to bring to their attention poverty our regular status means that AAV will face fiercer situations, people’s solutions for change and competitions among INGOs to get further its commitments to end poverty and supporter bilateral or multilateral support while greater injustice in Vietnam.base will have portion of aid will either be streamed to Interventions: Government’s stakeholders or to civil society • Build Funding Strategy and Planning increased organizations that have local identities. At to 15,000 the same time, it also means that there will with active participation of AAV’s staffpeople (both be more Vietnamese people being able and and partners to ensure the number of from inside willing to contribute and finance development supporters from existing markets be and outside works. In order to achieve ambitious and maintained and new emerging markets Vietnam) challenging objectives in CSP V, a diversified increased. and sustainable income and supporter’s base • Develop new voluntary and innovative should be in place. AAV aims to raise more fundraising programmes by organizing fund locally, not only to connect but also campaigns and events for specific target to influence people’s views and actions on groups and issues. Income could both poverty and injustice. come from local and international sources. • Maximize the income from institutional and high value donors. • Design and organize specific trainings for AAV staff and partners to stabilize and diversify funding resources Advancing alternatives: Expected result: We will mobilize resources from different • By 2017 AAV will have a diversified and supporters in innovative and compelling ways to ensure sustainable growth of our income sustainable funding base with a gradual with adherence to AA’s fundraising ethical increase of annual income to 4 million GBP. principles and policies. Through partnership • By 2017 our regular supporter base will with different supporters and donors, AAV have increased to 15,000 people (both from inside and outside Vietnam) giving our organization massive potential to improve our resources, influences and mobilization for progressive social change in Vietnam. • At least two innovative fund raising products will be initiated and experimented. 32

UNITE AND ACT ON JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENTOP 5: TRANSFORM COMMUNICATION FOR CAMPAIGNINGIn the last 20 years, with new achievements products. We will work with movements By 2017, there in technology, people to people of people that seek to address structural will have been connection has been brought to a new causes of poverty such as unfair policies or at least two high level. Social media sites and innovative corporate practices. campaigns tools of communications provide ever for the substantial loops of opportunities for AAV to Interventions: mobilization mobilize supporters for social change. Youth • Build internal capacity on social media for social and middle class groups in particular are the change. main audience and agents of changes seen and campaigning skills, strengthen our in many contexts. documentation system so that AAV can actively contribute to telling the story of New means of mass communication change and alternatives, to improving will become a stronger part of our work quality of our campaigning work. everywhere, supporting our efforts to • Develop our social media strategy and empower people to know and exercise communication products to build a well- their rights, and to challenge harmful social grounded supporter base, and enhance attitudes and behaviours in the public at large. our networking and alliance building Our communications and public engagement in order to achieve changes and meet work will be highly responsive to external the needs of our current and potential events, establishing relevance of our voice supporters and partners. with a wider target audience and creating • Establish a volunteer base by setting space for the voices of the communities we up forums for youth, middle class and work with. consumers to contribute and participate in development issues.In the past, AAV has maintained a soft Expected result:branding approach but it is now our priority • By 2017, we will have a well-groundedto build a new profile in order to occupymore public attention and space to secure profile and understanding amongst thechanges in policies, practices, attitudes and staff, partners and supporters on issuesbehaviors. of poverty and AAV’s approaches and positions on them. We will have solutionsAdvancing alternative: and alternatives available on the groundWe will raise our profile and enhance our to address those, as well as on possibilitiescapacity for external communication. that will enable all those who areWe will become a more externally-facing concerned and want to be able to activelyorganization, building support, alliance and contribute to the change.momentum behind our organization, our • By 2017, there will have been at least twopartners and our campaigns in the national, campaigns for the mobilization for socialregional and international level. We will change. These will address the causes andinvest in the campaigning systems, skills, consequences of poverty and organizedpolicy analysis and research, and tools to with the participation of a wide range oflink, organise, and energise our partners stakeholders. These campaigns will beand supporters with successful stories of strong connections with other campaignsour programmes, case studies and digital regionally or internationally by AAI members. 33

COUNTRY STRATEGY PAPER V (2012-2017)RISK RESIGTERIt is expected there could be some main risks for possible solutions depending on the that might affect to our achievement of the contexts at different times. CSP objectives: • HRBA application in the Vietnam context particularly in some sensitive provinces • Economic, financial and environmental may require a very clear process and plan. crises may lead to (i) the number of HRBA will have to be reflective of the local people living in poverty and being culture & context whilst at the same time pushed back to poverty will increase maintaining the core/minimum standards. significantly; (ii) lack of funding due to • It is envisioned that AAV will face with reduction and dropping out of regular fierce competition from peer and similar sponsors and drying up of institutional organizations for its high quality staff support. AAV must prioritize programme team. It is planned to provide staff with consolidation, partnership management, opportunities for career development, to M&E enhancement and reviews carefully have effective feedback systems as well as when it comes to expansion, so that other motivations and incentives. resources will be used wisely. In order to be highly relevant to its • Although possibilities of conflicts resources, capacity and contexts, it is the happening at regional or bordering plan that AAV will conduct a thorough mid- countries are low, these could significantly term review for its projected actions in 2015. affect our work at different levels. This Implications for adjustment, realignment, requires AAV to keep on high alert reduce or expansion will be thoroughly and seek guidance and support from reviewed, discussed and presented in the International Secretariat and partners Mid-term Review of CSP V (2012-2017).CONCLUSIONSCSP V is not a mere document. It is a collective and (v) Solidarity with the people beyondintelligence and commitments and belief of boundaries. At the same time we willthe AAV team. It attempts to visualize our continue our search to improve internalcontribution to a world without poverty. governance, working with children and youth as leaders of change and contributing to theFrom 2012-2017, AAV plans to be an building of a healthy, credible, accountableinteractive part of AAI federation, delivering and representative civil society.our commitments through five programmepriorities enhancing (i) People’s control It is important to note that transformationover resources for life and livelihoods; (ii) required for a more equal, just and democraticPeople’ participation in the decision making society is possible because people areprocesses in society, economy and policies conscientised to act to bring about theat all levels; (iii) Women’s and girls’ rights change. AAV supports such changes togetheras Human rights; (iv) People’s alternatives with communities and partners and bringsin disaster preparedness and responses; people together in this journey.34

All photos copyright 2011, ActionAid International VietnamPublishing Lisence: No 53/QĐ-GTVT Print 500 coppies, size 20,5x27cm, Published at Hoang Minh

ActionAid International VietnamRoom 502A, HEAC building, 14-16 Ham Long, Hanoi, VietnamTel: +84 (4) 39439866Fax: +84 (4) 39439872web:

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